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Take control of patient tissue blocks with Epredia’s unique system
Epredia’s Arcos Block management system and Arcos SL slide management offer a unique way in which tissue management is handled and organised. The system is designed to minimise any errors, increase productivity and keep the lab resources focused on more important matters than hand sorting or finding lost tissue blocks – thus saving thousands of man-hours per year. The range is exclusive to Labotec locally.
Some of the main features of the Arcos Block Management System:
• File and store 240 blocks in just two minutes
• Easy retrieval of old blocks
• No more misplacements or misfiling.
It’s very easy to operate - simply place your blocks in the Arcos tray right at the microtome. At the end of the day, push the tray into the scanner. In about two minutes, the system will scan, photograph and record the position of every block in the tray. Simply enter the location where you will store the tray and your database is immediately updated. Redundant protection: your database is automatically updated on Flash. The unit can be configured to automatically archive your database to your choice of secure storage – hard drive, external network- or cloud-based. Set control individual user database access and modification permissions can be programmed.
To retrieve the blocks quickly and easily, select the block you need with the Arcos system, and it will find the location of the tray and the position of the block within the tray. If you need to return the block to storage, simply place it in the next tray to be scanned, and the Arcos system will update your database to reflect the new position.
The Arcos SL slide management system is designed to give laboratories a simple way to archive slide specimens while providing a highly secure chain of custody. Simply place slides in the Arcos SL slide tray and slide it into the scanner.
The scanner will read each slide’s barcode and keep track of exactly where each slide is located in storage.

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