11 minute read
Changing the yoghurt game with these new cultures
IFF announced the global launch of four new cultures under its Yo-Mix Prime series destined for yoghurt manufacturers. The new cultures join Yo-Mix Prime 800 and 900 in helping dairy manufacturers to solve a range of major production challenges, enabling them to offer a diverse range of highquality products to consumers.
IFF DEVELOPED THE first Yo-Mix Prime series to offer full acidity control, delivering products with premium texture, stable pH and consistent quality through shelf-life. The new Yo-Mix Prime 801 and 802 cultures in the freezedried format as well as Yo-Mix Prime 830 and 840 cultures in frozen format offer consumers the ultimate mild taste experience. They are also available as part of the texture modulation toolbox, providing manufacturers the flexibility to offer a wide variety of texture to consumers.
Consumers will be able to enjoy affordable and healthier products, due to the cultures’ ability to control acidity and enhance the sweetness perception, allowing manufacturers to formulate yoghurts with less added sugar.
With this launch, IFF now offers a total of six highly phage-robust cultures under the game-changing Yo-Mix Prime umbrella. “After the successful launch of Yo-Mix Prime 800 and 900, we knew we wanted to deliver even more flexibility for manufacturers to offer a wide variety of texture experiences to consumers,” said Charlotte Debare, global product line manager for Yo-Mix. “These new cultures deliver the same benefits as the original series, but the new texture modulation toolbox will offer producers a flexible and easy way to experiment with different textures based on what their customers prefer,” she added. •
IFF - www.iff.com

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Keeping up with the top chocolate trends for 2022
Over the last two years, the pandemic has changed what consumers want and need, even when it comes to the type of chocolate products that they enjoy. Chocolate manufacturers have had to keep up with these changes and adapt their products accordingly. Barry Callebaut’s Bensdorp range of cocoa powders and ingredients, distributed locally by Savannah Fine Chemicals, are the perfect ingredients to help manufacturers adapt to the ever-changing needs of the industry.

SINCE THE PANDEMIC began, health has jumped to the top of the global priority list. Consumers are constantly searching for food that has added health benefits, and this extends to all food categories, including chocolates. According to the Barry Callebaut Top Chocolate Trends report for 2022, 83% of global consumers agree that chocolate needs to be tasty and good for me. Therefore, chocolate consumers are not only looking for chocolate products that taste great, but that are also low in sugar and fat, and have other unique health benefits.
Bensdorp offers a range of high-quality cocoa powders and ingredients for creating delectable chocolate products. These are just a few of the ingredients that they have on offer: DARK CHOCOLATE POWDER Bensdorp’s Dark Chocolate Powder is made with no addition of dairy. However, it allows you to claim chocolate on the pack and show real pieces of chocolate on the packaging. These powders have a round chocolate flavour with caramel and milky notes. This chocolate powder has a fat content of just 32% and only 2% sugar content, which is three times less powder needed (vs chocolate) for an equivalent cocoa content, delivering both a sugar and cost reduction. There is also a new organic version that is available to manufacturers. Thanks to the powder texture, this powder is particularly suited to drinks’ applications, and ideal for desserts, mousses and ice creams made with dairy alternatives.

DEFATTED COCOA POWDER The Defatted Cocoa Powder contains less than 1% of fat and has a reduced risk of fat blooming because
it has a very low cocoa butter content. This powder is ideal for aerated bakery applications. It is particularly suited for recipes in which a low fat content is key to obtain the right aerated texture (e.g. macarons, meringues). It provides increased volume of batter (~+20%) and has better baking stability. This powder has a classic balanced cocoa and dark chocolate flavour with a brown colour. It can be used in recipes that require whipped egg whites, such as meringues, macarons, sponge cakes and marshmallows. It can also be used for low calorie applications (e.g. sports and diet products).
EBONY BLACK COCOA POWDER This cocoa powder is a fat-reduced highly dutched cocoa powder with a distinctive intense black colour. It is one of the blackest cocoa powders on the market and has a strong roasted cocoa flavour with a slightly bitter after-taste. It is perfect for dark biscuits, cakes, fillings and desserts to obtain a unique, dark colour.
CROQUOA Another finding in the Barry Callebaut Top Chocolate Trends report was that 75% of the global population wants to try new and exciting chocolate experiences. Adding new chocolate ingredients, such as Croquoa to products is just one way to create new delectable chocolate innovations. Add Croquoa to your mixture for a delicious multi-textured chewy stracciatella. These crunchy inclusions have a light, aerated texture and a delicious dark chocolate flavour. They show an excellent behaviour at high temperatures (up to 200°C) where ordinary chocolate drops just can’t go. The best part is that they are made of cocoa and sugar only.
While food trends might change over the years, chocolate remains a firm favourite for consumers all over the world. So, make sure you choose the right ingredients partner to help you create the healthiest and most delicious chocolate products that consumers will love for generations to come. •

Savannah Fine Chemicals – www.savannah.co.za Barry Callebut Bensdorp - https://www.barry-callebaut.com/en-ZA/ manufacturers/bensdorp


With its proven solutions and deep process knowledge, Tetra Pak is ideally positioned to offer local ice cream manufacturing the latest in global trends. As much as 50% of the world’s ice cream is produced using Tetra Pak equipment and lines, a system and technology to be brought to South Africa by the company. Exposure to a majority of the global market allows Tetra Pak, one of the world’s largest food processing and packaging businesses, an advantage point when it comes to identifying the latest ice cream trends.
TORBEN VILSGAARD, Ice Cream Academy manager at Tetra Pak says that the company possesses the expertise to assist South African companies to optimise their operations and grow their ice cream business by incorporating the trends it has identified internationally. “With decades of ice cream experience in our international operations, we have the equipment and know how to drive success in this food sector,” says Vilsgaard.
The South African ice cream market is in a rapid growth phase due to accelerating urbanisation and shifting consumer lifestyles. According to Market Research.com, the local market has enjoyed a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4% between 2015 and 2019, culminating in total revenues exceeding R5.5 billion (US$375 million) in 2019. This represents a total of 60.4 million kg consumed in 2019.
This growth rate is more than double the forecast global average of 4.5% for 2019 to 2022, making the local market an attractive new one for Tetra Pak. The global ice cream market is expected to hit US$75 billion by 2024. Tetra Pak believes its expertise can further accelerate the CAGR not only in South Africa, but Southern Africa, by assisting brands to innovate new recipes and flavours, while also responding to changing consumer demands prompted by challenges of Covid-19 and climate change.

Hervé Saini, processing director, Tetra Pak Southern Africa, said, “By working closely with our local customers, we can experiment on their behalf with new flavours and ingredients, thereby creating new ice cream concepts. For this explosion of new ingredients, the key is trials and testing to find the optimal solutions.”
He lists some of the trends to have emerged in recent years. Vegan and flexitarian diets are rising in popularity. This is for health reasons on the one part, but on the other because

many consumers in South Africa are increasingly aware of the environmental footprint of the food they eat. There is a fastgrowing interest in trying alternative ingredients with health benefits to which ice cream makers are duly responding. “Globally plant-based ice creams have doubled their share of the market over the last five years – a trend we fully expect to see replicated in South Africa. Tetra Pak is helping brands experiment with these new ingredients at its product development centres, enabling them to test and pilot interesting new products. “There is a wealth of other trends we wish to bring to the South African market ranging from nostalgia - turning consumers and makers towards traditional flavours such as potentially melktert - to quirky innovative VISIT US AT PROPAK KENYA 10 -12 MAY 2022 launches such as rooibos flavoured ice cream,” says Saini. •

AC004-4.pdf 1 2022/02/18 12:13 Tetra Pak - www.tetrapak.com

Combining PET bottle blowing
and pulsed light decontamination
The dairy packaging specialist combines PET bottle blowing and pulsed light decontamination in a single machine: the ESL Combox. This machine has already won over several local dairies by enabling them to emphasise their commitment to sustainability while offering consumers a longer shelf-life.
A REDUCTION UP TO 3-LOGS WITHOUT CHEMICALS By combining the blowing of bottles in a controlled environment just before filling and pulsed light treatment of necks and caps, it is possible to achieve a 3-log decontamination on containers. This level of decontamination can be enough for several applications to significantly extend the shelf-life. For example, Serac’s ESL Combox is used for fresh white milk with a 30-day shelf-life or for drinking yoghurts with a 60-day shelf-life in Asia.
Pulsed light is a fast and efficient decontamination method. It destroys the cell membrane of microorganisms and degrades their DNA in less than a millisecond. Using neither water nor chemicals, pulsed light allows dairies to guarantee the absence of treatment residues in the packaging and to better manage water resources, both in terms of consumption and effluents.
A LIGHTER CARBON FOOTPRINT Short supply chains are increasingly appealing to consumers who are sensitive to the carbon footprint of the products they buy. From this point of view, PET bottles have arguments to put forward, especially in comparison with glass. Their manufacturing requires much less energy and their lightness has a direct impact on the transportation part of GHG emissions. This impact is reinforced when bottles are blown just before filling, since the preforms are five times smaller.
Moreover, with the development of the rPET value stream, these bottles can be recycled in a circular system. At this last stage, the PET bottle will still make the difference with glass in terms of energy consumed.

ALL THIS IN A COMPACT AND VERY FLEXIBLE MACHINE The ESL Combox combines the blowing, filling and capping functions in a single unit with a footprint up to 25% smaller than that of a conventional filling line.
It is capable of blowing round, rectangular, oval or complex shaped bottles, ranging from 250ml to 2l. Its patented positive neck transfer system allows different shapes and sizes of bottles to be filled on the same machine, with very short changeover times. Designed for low to medium output, it is ideal for local production units.
With this new version of its Combox, Serac provides a packaging solution adapted to the changes in consumer behaviour, more attracted by ethical and sustainable products. •
Serac SAS – www.serac-group.com