3 minute read

Setting up your business for successful harvesting

GERRIE VAN DER MERWE Lecturer, School of Financial Planning, Milpark Education

Founders of South African Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) often struggle to put realistic exit strategies in place. In this article, three building blocks of setting a business up for harvesting (selling) are introduced.

The first building block is to set up a process system for every action that takes place in the business. You have to document every process and standardise the way each business action is performed. The simpler this system is, the better; and it can be done with any tool – from a basic Word document to a digital enterprise management system with dashboards. The systems should focus on achieving uniform service delivery, regardless of which employee the client deals with.

There are numerous benefits to creating such a process system: it can improve client satisfaction, free up time for the owner, make the business more attractive for prospective purchasers, and create certainty and confidence among personnel. In the context of setting a business up for harvesting, it facilitates the operational transfer from the founder to a new purchase.

The second block is to identify potential partners from the current employee pool that can eventually take over the business from the founder. This will not be relevant to every business exit strategy, and in some cases the only available purchaser will be an outsider. Still, it is one of the easiest ways of selling a business, particularly as the phased approach, which is outlined below, overcomes the challenge of sourcing funding for the sale of a business.

According to the phased approach, the founder should search for competent individuals that share the values of the founder and are interested in running their own business. The founder makes small portions of ownership (shares, member interest or other) available for purchase to the prospective partners. The purchase can be structured with a loan account, and new partners can repay the loan by using profit distributions that they now receive as owners.

The third building block is a buy and sell agreement. In financial planning circles, buy and sell agreements are often considered synonymous with the life and disability policies that fund a buy-out in the case of the untimely death or disability of one of the partners. The policies are an important risk-mitigating measure to ensure business continuity, but the agreement itself should also consider aspects such as repayment conditions on loans, the envisaged timeline for sale of ownership, and methods of determining the value of the business. It creates an orderly transition of ownership, which enables partners to realise the value of the effort that has gone into growing the business.

The founder can use these three building blocks to structure the business in a way that facilitates harvesting. Some may be reluctant to embrace these concepts. However, once they start working on their exit strategy, they should find that the new challenge of enterprise building invigorates them and creates excitement for the next phase of their lives.

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