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Vinyl flooring cost-effective options for healthy working environments
from Workplace
Floors are probably the largest single
surface in any workplace and as such have a major influence on both the aesthetics and productivity of the space.
From a design perspective, flooring can be used not only to achieve an overall look but can also be used to demarcate areas or to highlight activity zones. Todays “Rigid Core” and Glued Down Luxury Vinyl flooring offers everything from a natural timber look to stone and masonry tiles and even solid colours and abstracts. You could, for example, have a professional looking office space with a lively red, yellow and blue pause area or canteen.
From a practical point of view, floors can make a huge contribution to the health and productivity of staff. The newest technologies used in interlocking LVT flooring have seen significant reduction in both sound transfer and airborne sound. The Marriott Hotel group has, for example, done tests showing that the floor to floor sound transfer results for the IsoCore type of LVT are actually better than carpet. There is a move now towards measuring the Indoor Environmental Quality in work spaces. Noise levels together with air quality and lighting levels have far reaching effects on the health and productivity of occupants and therefore on the bottom line. As reported in a local flooring journal, the Green Building Council is looking to recognise this and award Green Star points for compliant buildings.
The light weight and rigidity of the new Rigid Core LVTs also offer a leap forward in terms of
renovating spaces. Existing tiled areas can, as an example, be upgraded without the inconvenience and disruption of removing the existing surface. You can lay directly over the existing tiles and quite literally be back in business the following day.
Any of the Traviata LVT options will give you great looks, a healthy environment and a floor which is simple and cost effective to maintain for years to come.