Pharmacy Magazine Teaser - April 2020

Page 13


vaccination / EDUCATION

Pneumococcal vaccination critical in HIV HIV positive or immune-compromised patients are at a high risk of contracting a potentially fatal pneumococcal disease


neumococcal disease (or pneumonia), is

Guidelines vary, but most

an infection caused by the Streptococcus

recommend conjugate vaccine to be

pneumoniae (pneumococcus) bacteria.

used in those who are HIV-infected. You could

In 2009, SA became the first African

follow with the polysaccharide vaccine about

country – and the first nation in the world with a high

8 weeks later. This would protect against a

HIV prevalence – to introduce the pneumococcal

broader range of serotypes.

vaccine into its routine immunisation programme.

The issue with vaccines for adults is that it isn’t covered by the state, as is the case in infants.


“In an ideal world, we would advocate the

According to Prof Sipho Dlamini, Associate Professor,

conjugate vaccine first followed by the polysaccharide

Division of Infectious Diseases & HIV Medicine –

vaccine. This is the approach that the US has taken.”

Groote Schuur Hospital, UCT, “In patients with HIV,

He emphasised that if we use the polysaccharide

the risk of pneumococcal disease is almost 100 times

vaccine only, most guidelines say this should only

greater compared to those who do not have HIV. Even

be used in HIV patients with a CD4 count of greater

on antiretroviral therapy (ART), that risk goes down to

than 200. The conjugate vaccine can be used

about 35-40-fold greater than in those without HIV.

irrespective of CD4 count.

ART doesn’t necessarily reduce the risk,” he said.

“It is important that HIV-positive patients have a discussion about getting vaccinated. Which one to use will be determined by local guidelines and

This is where vaccination comes in. The risk of

affordability,” he concluded.

pneumococcal disease in HIV is not only greater – the mortality and morbidity is high in this group of people. Globally, 1.6m people die of pneumococcal disease annually. This is a huge burden. In those not HIV infected, the greatest risk is in people younger than 2 and over 55. HIV mostly affects young adults. This population group (young adults with HIV) is now greatly at risk and vaccination is important for them. “People who are HIV infected should be vaccinated for pneumococcal disease to be protected from The vaccines available are PCV 13, a conjugate vaccine and the polysaccharide vaccine and

In patients with HIV, the risk of pneumococcal disease is almost 100 times greater compared to those who do not have HIV


suffering consequences of a severe disease.”




PPV-23 the polysaccharide vaccine. The difference between the two is the serotypes covered. However, the conjugate vaccine is more immunogenic, and works better for weaker immune systems.

Pharmacy Magazine APRIL 2020 |


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