Worldwide Community of the
New Message from God
WHAT WE HOLD TO BE TRUE GOD: God is the Creator of all intelligent life in the universe(s) and the source of Knowledge in all sentient beings. GREATER COMMUNITY: We live in a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe for which humanity must prepare. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge is the core reality within us, a deeper mind beyond the intellect, and is our direct connection to God. Knowledge represents the part of us that has never left God. PURPOSE AND DESTINY: Each of us has been sent into the world for a greater purpose, waiting to be discovered. This greater purpose resides beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect, in Knowledge that lives deep within us. RELATIONSHIPS OF HIGHER PURPOSE: Each of us has a destiny with certain people to accomplish certain things in accordance with our greater purpose and the needs of the world that we are here to serve. GREAT WAVES OF CHANGE: We stand at the threshold of Great Waves of environmental, economic and political upheaval and change which will alter the face of Earth. Humanity must unite to prevent collapse from within and subjugation from without. MENTAL ENVIRONMENT: We live in both a mental and physical environment. The mental environment contains forces that affect our thinking and emotions and that can dominate us until we become strong with Knowledge. GREATER DARKNESS: An Intervention is underway by certain races from the Greater Community, who are here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity as it faces the Great Waves of change. As the native peoples of this world, we are called upon to oppose this Intervention and to alert and educate others.
THE ALLIES OF HUMANITY: Knowing that humanity is facing an Intervention, God has called upon those free races within our region of space to send their wisdom and guidance to enable humanity to offset the Intervention and prepare for our future and destiny as a free race in the Greater Community. This wisdom and guidance has been provided to the Messenger, who has come into the world to bring Greater Community awareness, wisdom and spirituality to humanity. THE NEW MESSAGE FROM GOD: God has sent a new Revelation, Teaching and Pathway to rekindle humanity’s relationship to the Creator as we face living in a declining world. The New Message comes with the will and power of God to unite the world’s religions, end our ceaseless conflicts and call forth the greater gifts that each person has brought into the world. The New Message is the largest Revelation of its kind ever to be given to humanity. THE MESSENGER: God has sent a Messenger into the world to receive The New Message from God and with it the revelation about Greater Community spirituality and wisdom. He is the first of God’s messengers ever to reveal the reality of the Greater Community. He is alive in the world today and needs our support.
WHAT WE PRACTICE Steps Steps to Knowledge is a journey of 365 steps and is the core text of New Message practices. Meditation Going beneath the surface of the mind for extended periods to experience the presence and will of Knowledge within us. Stillness We practice stilling the mind in all situations, wherever we are in the world, to be able to see clearly and recognize the truth within us and others. Inner Listening We practice listening deep within to discern the direction that Knowledge is providing.
Hourlies We stop on the hour to rest our mind, recognize where we are and what we are doing and to see if there is anything we need to know. Seeing We practice looking beyond the barriers and constraints of the mind to recognize honesty, truth and reality in our interactions with others. Contemplation We take time to consider the meaning and merit of our own impulses and actions and the actions of others. This enables us to penetrate the seeming appearance of things. Discernment and Discretion We take great care to discern the reality of what is before us and what we are seeing in others. With discretion, we are able to know what to communicate and when. In this way, we maintain our inner connection while engaging with the world. Decision Making We bring the questions of our lives to Knowledge so that it may guide our actions and communicate through us. The decisions we make will shape our lives. 4 Pillars Our lives and purpose are built upon Four Pillars: Work and Providership, Health, Relationships, Spiritual Development. Strong Pillars enable us to be a vital part of the foundation for the New Message from God in the world. We recognize we cannot “bypass� the development of each of these Four Pillars, even if in service to the New Message. The Watchtower We cultivate a wise understanding of the past and a keen vision of our future. We actively think and look ahead so that we may see what is coming over the
horizon and prepare for the eventualities, opportunities and difficulties of our lives. This will enable us to be wise forerunners for the New Message. Self-Knowledge We cultivate a high degree of honesty and awareness about our states of mind and life condition. We seek always to know the content and state of our mind and the condition of our body so that we can be capable and ready to participate in the world.
HOW WE LIVE We endeavor to learn and live the New
Message in every aspect of our lives. We build certainty, stability and a network of
purposeful relationships. We live simply and in a sustainable manner to
help ensure the survival of the human family. We learn to follow Knowledge as the
source of our strength, wisdom and fulfillment. We support the growing gathering of
people who are called to the New Message. We do this to establish a community of Knowledge and the New Message in the world. We seek to be conduits for Knowledge
and to embody its wisdom. We share the New Message with others in
order to fulfill God’s intention for bringing it here. We recognize and speak for the reality of the
Messenger and support his essential work in the world. In this way, we stand by him.
WHAT CONNECTS US The power and presence of Knowledge
The New Message from God its writings, revelations and power in our lives.
Our relationship to the Messenger.
Our collective support for The Society as it endeavors to meet the needs of the New Message.
The fellowship, purpose and vital work of the New Message worldwide community.
Our eternal connection to the Mystery which holds our future and fulfillment.