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Santa Fe Kids! Calendar Calendar Calendar July
Arts & Crafts
2, 5, 12, 19, 26, Family Art Making, 10am-noon. Art making in the Courtyard will be free and adults can pay admission to explore galleries with their children before or after, light snacks. Free 16 and under, NM Museum of Art, 107 W Palace, 476-5072, nmartmuseum.org.
7, Create Station, 9am-5pm. This dropin activity station provides art-making materials plus guided activities; all ages. Free, NM Museum of Art, 107 W Palace, 476-5072, nmartmuseum.org.
7, First Friday at Georgia O’Keeffe Museum: Poetry Reading, 5-7pm. A family friendly art-filled evening with “Say What?!?” poetry performances by SF Youth Poet Laureate finalists. Free to NM residents, Georgia O’Keefe Museum, 217 Johnson, 946-1000, okeeffemuseum.org.
7, 14, 21, 28, Fine Art Fridays, 2-4pm. Exploration of the arts with guest facilitators and hands-on activities. Included with admission, SF Children’s Museum, 1050 Old Pecos Trail, 989-8359, santafechildrensmuseum.org.
9, Family Fun Day: Picture Perfect!, 11am-3pm. Explore the art of photography through hands-on art making activities and story time in the garden. Participating families receive pass for free admission to the museum. Free, Georgia O’Keefe Museum, 217 Johnson, 946-1000, okeeffemuseum.org.
13, Hands-on Art with the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, 3:30pm. An open art workshop, participants will use provided supplies to create foam landscapes. Free, La Farge Library, 1730 Llano, 955-4862, santafelibrary.org.
20, Hands-on Art with the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, 3:30pm. An open art workshop, participants will use provided supplies to create foam landscapes. Free, Southside Library, 6599 Jaguar, 955-2820, santafelibrary.org.
Classes & Workshops
4, Arts Alive!: Plant Art, 10am-2pm. Hands-on workshop, children must be accompanied by adult. Museum is free during workshop hours (call or email to guarantee). Groups of 6 or more contact Christie Collins, 471-9103, ext 5, christie@santafebotanicalgarden.org.
Free, SF Botanical Garden, 715 Camino Lejo, 471-9103, santafebotanicalgarden.org.
9, An Interactive Japanese “Uchiwa” Fan-making Workshop for Kids, 2-3pm. A workshop to make “uchiwa” fans, typically made from bamboo and paper and used to cool off. Free, SITE Santa Fe, 1606 Paseo De Peralta, folkartmarket.org.
12, 19, 26, Arts Alive!: Japanese Masks, Papier Maché, Dolls, 10am2pm. Hands-on workshop, children must be accompanied by adult. Museum is free during workshop hours (call or email to guarantee). Groups of 6 or more contact Patricia Sigala, 476-1212, patricia.sigala@dca.nm.gov. Free, Museum of International Folk Art, 706 Camino Lejo, On Museum Hill, 476-1200, internationalfolkart.org.
24-31, Summer High School Photography Workshop, 10am-noon. Whether using professional DSLRs or cell phone cameras, all welcome. Learn in the studio and out and explore digital editing tools and concepts; explore photos in the museum. Limited to 12, registration required, chris.nail@dca.nm.gov. Free, NM Museum of Art, 107 W Palace, 476-5072, nmartmuseum.org.
Cultural Centers & Museums
4, Community Day at the Garden, 9am-5pm. Free NM residents & students, SF Botanical Garden, 715 Camino Lejo, 471-9103, santafebotanicalgarden.org.
5, 12, 19, 26, Wee Wednesdays, 10:30am. Parents and toddlers enjoy discovery with story time and play. Included with admission, SF Children’s Museum, 1050 Old Pecos Trail, 989-8359, santafechildrensmuseum.org.
6, 13, 20, 27 , Thursdays Are Yours, 4-6pm. Visitors can enjoy immersive exhibits for free, SF Children’s Museum, 1050 Old Pecos Trail, 989-8359, santafechildrensmuseum.org.
Fairs and Festivals
4, Pancakes on the Plaza, 7am-5pm. Art, music, cars and fireworks as well as breakfast treats. $12, SF Plaza, 63 Lincoln, 470-0534, pancakesontheplaza.com.
5, International Folk Art Market Community Celebration, 7-9pm. Artist procession, food, live music by Super Verza. Free, Railyard Water Tower, 332 Read, folkartmarket.org.
7-9, International Folk Art Market, 11am-6pm. 168 artists from 52 countries are invited to exhibit their art. Free 16 & under/$25 adult, ($15 on July 9, Community Day) Railyard Park, 740 Cerrillos, folkartmarket.org.
7-18, Los Alamos ScienceFest 2023. Activities for all ages celebrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math topics under the theme, “Energy.” Discovery Day is July 8, 9am-2pm, Ashley Pond Park in downtown Los Alamos. See website for full schedule, losalamossciencefest.com.
Library Events
1, 15, Parent and Tot Creative Movement, 10am. Preschool-age children use fun, music and stories to exercise minds and bodies with an adult. Free, Main Library, 145 Washington, 955-2820, santafelibrary.org.
5, 12, 19, 26, Youth Chess Club, 5:45pm. School-age youth can improve critical thinking skills while playing the game with other youth and new techniques, strategies and tricks are introduced. For all ages who know the basics and can play without aid. Free, Main
Library, 145 Washington, 955-6837, santafelibrary.org.
6, 13, 20, 27, Yoga and Movement for Kids, 10:3oam. Join for children’s yoga, joyful movement and kinesthetic creativity; all ages have fun getting bodies moving. Children must be accompanied by adult, mats provided but if you have one, bring it. Free, La Farge Library, 1730 Llano, 955-4862, santafelibrary.org.
8, Survival Stories Book Club, 11:30am. Talk about favorite adventure/ survival reads from the summer; for upper elementary school readers. There will be some survival skill training in the mix. Free, Southside Library, 6599 Jaguar, 955-2820, santafelibrary.org.
11, 18, 25, Wags and Words, 6-7pm. Children can practice reading skills by sharing a story with a furry friend; for early school-age children; call or email to sign up: mkatencio@santafenm.gov. Dogs are from SF Animal Shelter Pet Outreach Program. Free, Main Library, 145 Washington, 955-6837, santafelibrary.org.
13, Bright Star Children’s Theatre Company, 2pm. From North Carolina, the Theatre performs “Captain Friendship.” The Bully Bandit is causing trouble and it’s up to Capt. Friendship to help solve the problem with kindness. Free, La Farge, 1730 Llano, 955-4862, santafelibrary.org.
13, Bright Star Children’s Theatre Company Singalong, 6pm. Bring little ones to the “Old MacDonald’s Singalong Farm,” an interactive sing-along with animal friends who help teach about sharing, caring and coming together. Free, Southside Library, 6599 Jaguar, 955-2820, santafelibrary.org.
29, All Together for Shakespeare!, 6:30-8pm. The Upstart Crows of Santa Fe (a youth Shakespeare troupe) will present scenes from “Twelfth Night” and teach stage fight craft. Free, Vista Grande Public Library, 14 Avenida Torreon, 4667323, vglibrary.org.
7, Opera Makes Sense Concert for Kids, 1pm. The SF Opera presents their Young Voices Performers and fun lessons about opera; a program for the whole family. Free, La Farge Library, 1730 Llano, 955-4867, santafelibrary.org.
7, 14, 21, 28, Summer Concert Series, 7-10pm. Enjoy live music: bring chairs and grab a bite from a food truck. Free, North Railyard, 332 Read, railyardsantafe.com.
24, Festival Family Day Summer Youth Concert, 10am. A concert with the Miami String Quartet plus art activities. A meet-and-greet with the musicians, guided tours of the museum, and art activities immediately following the concert; for up to age 16. Free, St. Francis Auditorium of the NM Museum of Art, 107 W. Palace, 983-2075 ext. 113, santafechambermusic.org/education.
Science & Nature
1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Saturday Morning Guided Birding, 8:30am. Learn about local birds. Binoculars are available if needed, dress appropriately for weather: slow walk/standing outdoors; all welcome. Free/by donation, Randall Davey Audubon Center, 1800 Upper Canyon, randalldavey.audubon.org/events/saturday-morning-guided-birding-41.
1, 8, 22, 29, Science Saturday, 2-4pm. Science fun for all ages with experiments and activities. Included w/admission, SF Children’s Museum, 1050 Old Pecos Trail, 989-8359, santafechildrensmuseum.org.
6, 13, 20, 27, Animal Meet & Greet, 12:30-1pm. Learn about the museum pets and see them eat their lunch; sometimes they come out to play. Say “hi” to Cornelius (Corn snake), Bisquick (Tortoise), Fafnir (Lizard) and Loki (Mexican Black Kingsnake). Included with admission, Santa Fe Children’s Museum, 1050 Old Pecos Trail, 989-8359, santafechildrensmuseum.org.
6, 13, 20, 27, Seeds & Sprouts, 10:3011:30am. Kids explore nature from fun in the backyard to in-house programming and learn about seasonal growing cycles and other gardening-related practices. Included with admission, SF Children’s Museum, 1050 Old Pecos Trail, 989-8359, santafechildrensmuseum.org.
21, Bumble Bees of New Mexico, 11am-noon. Learn about the unique lives of bumble bees and get involved protecting them. Free up to age 6/$6 ages 7-17/$8 members/$12 adults, SF Botanical Garden, 715 Camino Lejo, 471-9103, santafebotanicalgarden.org.
21, Nighttime Mothing, 8:30-9:30pm. Investigate the moths that help pollinate the plants; lights will be provided; registration required. Free up to age 6/$6 ages 7-17/$8 members/$12 adults, Santa Fe Botanical Garden, 715 Camino Lejo, 4719103, santafebotanicalgarden.org.
3-7, 10-14, 17-21, Disney, “The Little Mermaid,” 9am-1pm. Rebellious 16year-old mermaid Ariel is fascinated with life on land and makes a dangerous deal with Ursula to become human for three days. El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe, 555 Camino de la Familia, 982-3327, pandemoniumprod.org/current-production.
19, SF Opera Family Night: “Pelléas et Mélisande.” Designated performance evenings that make attending the opera a more accessible experience for all. $15 ages 6-22/$30 first 2 adults/$50 additional adults, Santa Fe Opera, 301 Opera, 986-5900, santafeopera.org/community/family-nights.
6, Fun with Firefighters, 1-2pm. The Museum partners with the SF Fire Department to bring a story time where firefighters read some of their favorite books and everyone can go outside to see the firetruck. Included with admission, SF Children’s Museum, 1050 Old Pecos Trail, 989-8359, santafechildrensmuseum.org.
6, Pajama Story Time/Hora del Cuento En Pijama, 6:30pm. A social