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April Highlights

27, Adventures in Poetry for Young Children, 10-11am. Learning enrichment experience that focuses on child-guided, organic play with words, art and nature. Ages 8-10. Each child should bring a small, easy-to-hand-carry notebook with hard covers, colored pencils provided. Free, Candelaria Nature Preserve, 2901 Candelaria NW, 240-460-0946.

27-29, Gathering of the Nations PowWow and Miss Indian World Pageant. A family friendly event with Native American Powwow dancing, songs, Indian Trader’s Market, native foods, a horse & rider parade and Native American music performances plus entertainment on Stage 49. $15-$45, Tingley Coliseum, 300 San Pedro NE, 8362810, gatheringofnations.com.


29, Craft Supply Swap, 10am-5pm. Pick up free crafting supplies or donate some you no longer need. Ribbon, yarn, fabric, beads, paper and other supplies welcome; all ages. Free, South Broadway Library, 1025 Broadway SE, 764-1742, abqlibrary.org.

29, Explora Family Science Night, 10am-2pm, Join Explora in Rio Rancho for a day of hands-on activities exploring science, technology, engineering, arts and math; registration required. Free, Loma Colorado Library, 755 Loma Colorado NE, RR, 891-5013, rrnm.gov/library/calendar.

May Arts & Crafts

May 6, 13, 20, 27, Family Art Workshops, 1-2:30pm. All ages can enjoy projects with a variety of art mediums, all materials supplied; child and grown-up friendly. Included with admission, ABQ Museum, 2000 Mountain NW, 243-7255, cabq.gov.

May 9, Army of the Unraveled: Lost Sock Memorial Day Program, 4:305:30pm. All those socks lost in the dryer have come back for revenge and formed an army. Create fabulous frenzied footwear puppets; materials provided; all ges. Free, Central & Unser Library, 8081 Central NW 768-4320, abqlibrary.org.

May 12, “Paint by Sticker” Social, 23pm. Create art with “Paint by Sticker,” just like “Paint by Numbers” but less mess, all ages. Free, Alamosa Library, 6900 Gonzales SW, 836-0684, abqlibrary.org.

May 13, Mother’s Day Card Event, 10:30-11:30am. Make a card to show a loved one appreciation with two card options: one for adults and one for kids; all ages. South Broadway Library, 1025 Broadway SE, 764-1742, abqlibrary.org.

May 17, CD Sun Catchers for Kids, 3:30-4:30pm. Make sun catchers out of old CDs and decorate them with shiny items. Hang where the sun shines. All materials provided; ages 6+, please register. Free, Juan Tabo Library, 3407 Juan Tabo NE, 291-6260, abqlibrary.org.

Classes & Workshops

May 7, 14, 21, 28 , Meditation for Kids, 10-11:30am. In this fun class, children build inner strength and confidence by developing good qualities with a short meditation, teaching and activities to increase patience, respect, giving and kindness; ages 4-10, masks required. By donation, Kadampa Meditation Center NM, 142 Monroe NE, 292-5293, meditationinnewmexico.org/calendar.

Cultural Centers & Museums

May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Toddler Time, 910am. Explora opens an hour early for caregivers and toddlers to enjoy early childhood exhibit areas, story time and a music jam. Included with admission/free for members & under age 1, Explora, 1701 Mountain NW, 600-6072, explora.us.

May 13, Sensory Friendly Time, 910am. A low-sensory hour with special adaptations for quieter visits including limited attendance, noise & light reduction and calming spaces for breaks. Included with admission/free for members & under age 1 Explora, 1701 Mountain NW, 600-6072, explora.us.

May 18, 3rd Thursday: Salsa, 58:30pm. Listen to a unique blend of Cumbia, Salsa and Reggae from Micky Cruz. Create a work of art based on the Museum exhibitions, take a gallery tour and do yoga in the galleries. Free, ABQ Museum, 2000 Mountain NW, 243-7255, cabq.gov/artsculture/albuquerque-museum/events/3rd-thursday-salsa.

NM Dept of Cultural Affairs has information about NM museums, historic sites and other institutions. Find info about free admission days for kids, and adults on certain days, newmexicoculture.org.

Tinkertown Museum is open MonsFris, 10am-4pm. More than 50,000 glass bottles form this 22-room museum with eccentric collections of Americana. $3 ages 4-16/$6 adults (last ticket sold at 3:30pm), 121 Sandia Crest, 281-5233, tinkertown.com.


May 5-6, NM Ballet Company: NMBC School Spring Recital, 7pm, Fri; 2pm, Sat. NMBC School presents its Spring 2023 Recital featuring original choreography by NMBC faculty. Performances showcase the talent, dedication and growth of the students. $17 kids 12 & under/$22 ages 13+, ABQ Journal Theatre, National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th SW, 7244771, nhccnm.org.

3-12/$8 seniors/$10 adults, NM Museum of Natural History & Science, 1801 Mountain NW, 841-2800, nmnaturalhistory.org/ events/first-friday-fractals.

May 5, Fractals Rock!, 8 & 9pm. A fulldome planetarium show that takes viewers on a tour of the fractals in nature with less talk and more rock. Included are more 3D fractal zooms (which can make some people motion sick) and very little explanation; ages 3+. $5 ages 3-12/$8 seniors/$10 adults, NM Museum of Natural History & Science, 1801 Mountain NW, 841-2800, nmnaturalhistory.org/events/ first-friday-fractals.

May 7, Opening Day: Focus on Youth, 2pm. A celebration of the annual exhibition of youth photography and film produced in partnership with APS Fine Arts Dept; awards ceremony is at 2pm. Free, ABQ Museum, 2000 Mountain NW, 243-7255, cabq.gov.

Fairs and Festivals

May 6, Multicultural Arts Festival, Colors of the World, 10am-2pm. Art representing diverse cultures of the world. Free, Singing Arrow Community Center, 13200 Wenonah SE, 768-4760, cabq.gov/family/crei/2023-multiculturalarts-festival.

May 6, Turkish Food & Culture Fair, 11am-7pm. Turkish-Mediterranean cuisine, cultural exhibits, folk dances, live music, children’s area and arts & crafts. Free, Raindrop Foundation Turkish Cultural Center, 7901 Mountain NE, 859-3751, visitalbuquerque.org/event/turkish-food%26-culture-fair/52854.

May 6-7, NM Ballet Company: RESILIENCE, 7pm Sat; 2pm, Sun. Classic and new and original works by the resident choreographer, artistic director and artists of NMBC. $15/$25/$35/discounts for 12 & under, ABQ Journal Theatre, National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th SW, 724-4771, nhccnm.org.

May 6-7 13-14, 20-21, 27-28, Cultural Dance Program, 11am & 2pm, Sats & Suns. Pueblo communities celebrate seasonal cycles through prayer, song and dance that connect ancestors, community and traditions while honoring gifts from the Creator. Included with admission, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, 2401 12th NW, 843-7270, indianpueblo.org.


May 1-14, “Nuestros Niños, Su Arte y Sus Libros: Our Children, Their Art and Their Books.” An exhibit created by the students of Placitas Elementary School: art projects reflecting the culture, history and landscape of NM. Free, Collin Meeting Room, Placitas Community Library, 453 HWY 165, Placitas, placitaslibrary.com.

May 5, First Friday Fractals, 6 & 7pm. A full-dome planetarium show that takes viewers on a tour of the fractals in nature and zooms through complex mathematical fractals; for ages 3+. $5 ages

May 6-7, Bernalillo Indian Arts Festival, 9am-5pm. An annual Indian Art Market and festival featuring jewelry, sculptures, pottery, paintings and other traditional products; features 200 juried artists. Free, Loretto Park, 237 S. Camino Del Pueblo, Bernalillo, 867-9667, bernalilloindianfestival.com.

May 6-7, Rio Grande Valley Celtic Festival and Highland Games, 9am5pm. Celtic dance, athletics, games, music, arts, history and oral tradition to promote Celtic Heritage in NM. Entertainers, food, vendors and children’s activities. Free-$15, Balloon Fiesta Park, 453-0053, celtfestabq.com.

May 7, Cinco de Mayo Folk Art Fest, 10am-4pm. Live music, fresh food by Farm & Table, more than 40 local artists and vendors, a kids’ craft table from 10am-4pm, plus a piñata decorating workshop from 2-4pm; all ages. Free, La Parada/Farm & Table, 8917 4th NW, 8978203, shoplaparada.com/cinco-de-mayofolk-art-fest.

May 7, 14, 21, 28, Sunday Cruise Watch, 6:30pm. Food, drink and live music on the patio while you enjoy classic NM low riders passing by. Free, 505 Central Food Hall, 505 Central NW, 5038777, 505central.com.

May 13, Heritage Day, 10am-4pm. Celebrate local heritage, with live music. Learn about heritage crafts from traditional NM artists. Explore the museum’s collection of rare artifacts, visit with a local blacksmith, try traditional horno baked bread, participate in dancing with

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