New Mexico In Depth 2022 Legislative Special Edition

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New Mexico In Depth • 2022 Legislative special edition



A fair and equitable recovery starts with supporting women of color


But the COVID recesall of our children and their mothew Mexicans share a belief sion went way beyond ers have access to the same opporthat all of us – no wage differences. In New tunities. matter where we live, Mexico, women comprise Fortunately, policymakers pushed how we look, or what we 47% of the workforce through some big wins for families believe – deserve access and 64% of the frontline during the 2021 legislative session, to the same opportunities workers. But, across the in part by increasing and expandBy Amber Wallin that help us achieve our nation, women’s rate ing two tax credits for those earnunique potential. These of participation in the ing low incomes. The federal inopportunities – receiving workforce is the lowest it crease in the Child Tax Credit was a quality education, and having has been since 1988. In September another life line for many families. access to affordable health care, 2021, men gained 220,000 jobs but And the state’s expansion of child jobs that pay family-sustaining women lost 26,000 jobs. care assistance for working parents wages, and safe and affordable Being a mother has increased helped rebuild infrastructure that housing – are often referred to as this inequity. More mothers than is as critical to our economy as to social determinants of health and fathers have lost wages, decreased our parents. But there is more to be they impact everything from the their work hours, and exited the done. conditions surrounding our births labor force entirely. Mothers with In the upcoming legislative to the length of our lives. young children have reduced their session, New Mexico Voices for The COVID-19 pandemic made work hours four to five times more Children will be asking lawmakers it apparent that these opportunities than fathers have. to put families with children first in are not universally available and That women of color have been policymaking. High on the list of their lack has led to lower-qualhurt the most by the recession policies that will help ensure a just ity social determinants of health should be of great concern in a recovery and equitable opportunifor some communities. Clearly, state where 75% of our kids are ties for all families are enacting a communities of color and those children of color. If we want them state-level CTC, with families facearning low incomes were hardest to succeed, we need to ensure that ing the biggest economic challenghit by the pandemic as well as the economic aftermath. But another aspect that hasn’t gotten as much Equality of opportunity is not something notice is how the pandemic and recession have hurt women more that just happens. It is a product of policies than men, with women of color and programs that work together to create being hurt the most. This should not be surprising, a foundation so all of New Mexico’s kids, since women still earn lower families, and communities have an equal incomes than do men in the same chance to strive for success. professions, and that the gap is even greater for women of color.

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es seeing the biggest benefits. We will also be pushing for the state to make the changes in child care assistance permanent. Other policies to improve family economic security include providing cash assistance to families left out of federal relief and giving one-time economic assistance to frontline essential workers. Both of these groups will spend that relief quickly and locally, hastening our state’s economic recovery as well. Ending predatory lending, which can trap families in an endless cycle of debt, would also ensure families have better opportunities to thrive. Equality of opportunity is not something that just happens. It is a product of policies and programs that work together to create a foundation so all of New Mexico’s kids, families, and communities have an equal chance to strive for success. Listening to women, families, and communities of color, and enacting bold, systemic policy change that prioritizes those who have too long been left behind – that’s how we build back better and cement a just future for all. Amber Wallin, MPA, is the executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children. The views in this column are the author’s alone and do not reflect the views or opinions of New Mexico In Depth.

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