New Mexico In Depth 2022 Legislative Special Edition

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New Mexico In Depth • 2022 Legislative special edition


Common Cause New Mexico goes back to basics for 2022 session


commission is asking for the web for all to see. Yet often the 021 has been a long a total of $1.27 million for reports are inconsistent, incomplete year. Starting with FY 22-23 and we strongly or inaccessible, making enforcethe Jan. 6 insurrecsupport it. The comtion at the U.S. Capitol, it ment difficult. We support fundextended through attempts mission suffered a cut in ing for an additional FTE to audit made by several state leglast year’s budget, which reports more regularly and report reduced its staff to five, in discrepancies. The SOS is requestislatures to erect barriers By Mario Jimenez spite of statutorily reto voting and take back ing $66,500 for this purpose. Seems the authority to determine quired additional respon- like a modest proposal. We hope election results themselves the budget will accommodate that sibilities. This year—in rather than basing it on the tabula- cooperation with the Legislative request. This year we are also supporting tions of election officials—and votes Council Service—it selected three a constitutional amendment to cast by citizens. Here in New Mex- members of the Citizen Redistrictamend Article 7, Section 5 of the ico we are fortunate to have robust ing Commission and staffed its constitution to allow local governelection administration at the state meetings, which were praised for and local levels, with secure, accupublic outreach and participation. ments to modify their own election Transparency is the first line of processes. This year marked the rate and accessible elections open to defense against conflict of interfirst election under the consolidatall qualified voters. But that does not mean we need est and the violation of state laws. ed local elections plan passed by to rest on our laurels. This session, Nowhere is this truer than in the the Legislature in 2018. As hoped, Common Cause will focus on area of lobbying and campaign turnout in smaller elections for strengthening some of the basic finance. We have worked hard to water conservation districts, school safeguards to democracy at the require public officials, candidates boards and other lesser known local local and state level. Our priorities and lobbyists to file regular reports authorities increased dramatically. may not elicit much razzle dazwith the Secretary of State’s office, However, there were some unexwhich must, by law, be posted on zle, but we believe in adequately pected consequences. Without a funding some of the protections we already have established in the new Ethics Commission and in the Secretary of State’s Office. We are Here in New Mexico we are fortunate to have robust also supporting a constitutional amendment that will protect local election administration at the state and local levels, elections from capture by small with secure, accurate and accessible elections open to minorities. With no shortage of corruption all qualified voters. But that does not mean we need to in New Mexico, we need to give the state Ethics Commission the rest on our laurels. This session, Common Cause will resources to hire two more lawyers focus on strengthening some of the basic safeguards to and support staff to investigate and adjudicate claims, handle civil democracy at the local and state level. litigation and special projects. The

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provision for run-off elections in school board races, for example, many candidates in multi-candidate fields won with far less than a majority of the vote. Albuquerque and other municipalities rectified this problem with run-offs years ago. In Las Cruces and Santa Fe, these run-offs occur automatically on election night, thus sparing the taxpayers another election. Local governments should have the ability to set their own election terms, but a constitutional amendment is needed for this common-sense reform. We expect this short session of the Legislature to be crowded with the budget issues made urgent by COVID. Important decisions must be made on how to spend the surplus. That’s why this year we’re sticking to the basics—for the sake of democracy. Mario Jimenez is Campaign Director for Common Cause New Mexico. Common Cause is a non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to upholding the core values of American democracy. It works to create an open, honest and accountable government that serves the public interest; to promote equal rights, opportunity, and representation for all; and to empower all people to make their voices heard as equals in the political process. The views in this column are the author’s alone and do not reflect the views or opinions of New Mexico In Depth.

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