शीत संलयन, टे +ला, शु.क ऊजा2 = छ4म 6व8ान ? भू राजनी<तक और आ?थ2क Aभाव के साथ Bयावसा<यक बेचा ऊजा2 Aौ4यो?गकH पर नए A<तमान
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA, Updated May21, 2017 www.linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm
एक पृष्ठ सारांश : प्रस्तुित के बाकी अंग्रेजी मेंहै
LENR- शीत संल यन व*त त ु ः, म . ु यधारा 2व3ान के 6वारा *वीकार 7कया गया है ,और वत<म ान म= 2व>भ@न मीAडया के Cसार का D>मक संD मण चरण म= ; पिIचमी "7कनारा" मीAडया, 2वJनमा<ण उ6योग, और कु छ गैर -पिIचमी म . ु यधारा के मीAडया. इसके अलावा 2013 म= असी>मत ऊजा< के >लए थमT@य िू Vलयर संल यन कW CयोगाXमक सफलता।. कोई आ%धका(रक म , ु यधारा .व0ान का समथ4न 5कया commercialized LENR 6डवाइस जनवर: 2016 के <प म> मौज द ू है , ले5कन 1MW Eबजल: जनरे ट र "ECAT" HनिJचत समझौते के तहत, औOयो%गक बाजार के Qलए बेच Sदया जाता है . इसके अलावा, LENR [यावसायीकरण पहल\ बार के >लए कु छ ^_गर हो सकता है ; Jन: श ` ु क ऊजा< दावb कW पहल\ प ण ू < 2व3ान जांच का संच ालन करने के >लए, अ@वेष कb 6वारा बनाई गई उन आवतf दावb वत<म ान पर gयान नह\ं ^दया और उपहास कर रहे हh। , ले7कन वे Jनजी तौर पर बहु त छोटे पैम ाने पर इ*तेम ाल 7कया जाता है , यहाँ कु छ आम तंl कW: 1- पmरवेश / द\िnतमान ऊजा< का शोषण, और oबजल\ के >लए इसे बदलने. 2- mरवस< वो`टे ज पीढ़\ और शिVत है 7क फसल कटाई. बजाय अJतmरVत ऊजा< का उपयोग करके उस शिVत को र6द करने कW(वापस इलेV _ोमो^टव बल मोटर). 3- दोलन / qया>मJत उXCेmरत तेज ी HHO गैस - तेज ी से अपने उXसज<न म= कटौती करते हु ए भी हाइrोकाब<न ऊजा< उXपादन म= व 6 ु च ंब ु कWय प`स या भंव र राqय, ृ tध कर सकते हh. 4- nलाqमा के Jनमा<ण , 2व6य त पानी / गैस के भीतर. 5- संप ीAड़त हवा, गमf का आदान Cदान, और सvा म= धमा<@ तmरत 7क तंl शीशा. 6- द रू से परे 20% H2O के >मwण से पानी पायस xधन, 7- कटाई पानी के नीचे हवा उछाल बल और ग ुy Xवाकष<ण दोनb, 8- z[यगJतकW ग ु^हकायन ह\टर, 9Betz सीमा का उ`लंघ न करने के Cदश<न हाइrो / पवन टरबाइन, 10- एकल जंV शन सौर सेल Shockley-Queisser सीमा म= द|ता आ^द कW त ल ु ना म= बेह तर Cदश<न , आ^द. TौOयो%गकU यांEWकU Oवारा चलाने के Qलए लगता है & साइड इफे Yट के साथ वत4म ान भौHतक .व0ान कU [या,या नह:ं कर सकता के ,(ले5कन <सी मरोड़ भौHतकU और प व ू 4 Heaviside मैY सवेल के समीकरण, समझाया) कम लागत इं} ा, और इसके अलावा, वे अ@य "गैर मानक भौJतकW" Cौ6योtगकW करने के >लए क@वट< करने के >लए संभ व हो रहे हh, और वे मौज द ू ा वाले से भी बेह तर Cभाव है , और इस>लए वे Cणोदन के बहु मत को CJत*था2पत कर सकते हh, tच7कXसा, परमाण ु कचरे को Jनि~Dय करने, साथ ह\ महXवप ण ू < खनन-औ6योtगक-खेत ी C7Dयाओं कW छोट\ सं. या कW जगह कर सकते हh-अगर, प ण ू < वै3 ाJनक सहकमf कW समी|ा के माgयम से पीछा 7कया है यह अभी भी अंत र-बंद कर ^दया पिIचमी मीAडया स=स र म . ु य है , ले7कन ग ुnत Jनजी ठे के दारb के साथ कु छ सरकार\ / एयरो*पेस / सै@ य / ख 7ु फया एज=स ी म= 2व>भ@न "ख ल ु े अंत छ6म 2व3ान" अन स ु ंध ान एवं 2वकास पर बढ़ती द*तावेज / गवाह\ कर रहे हh, यह रा~_\य स रु |ा गोपनीयता के तहत संर Ç|त है , यानी काले बजट काय<D म, जो ऊपर कहा गया है संग ठन के अ%धका(रयb के Qलए ख द ु को अYसर करने के Qलए पहुँच नह:ं है । . इस 2वशेष काय<D म "मरा अंत सड़क जनता के उपभोग से 2व3ान", प रू \ तरह से अलग है , 7कसे "2व3ान लॉ" पर नज़र रखता है और CJतबंtधत करती; उदाहरण के >लए; पर एक उ@नत रा~_, यहां तक 7क सरकार\ mरकॉड< को इंtगत करता है , Cौ6योtगकW आ2व~कार 1000+ पया<व रण, ऊजा<, Cणोदन, िजनम= से कई पेट= ट हh, कW फW`ड म= वगfकृ त कर रहे हh गोपनीयता कान न ू के माgयम से. इस सब के बावज द ू ,बh7कं ग, सै@ य, औ6योtगक अ>भजात वग< के बहु मत से धीरे -धीरे नई असी>मत "ओपन >स*टम" श Ö ु करने कW है , कई स Ü ू म ले7कन साम ^ू हक Öप से *प~ट कर रहे हh 7क संके त कर रहे हh. तेल और गैस को कोयला आधाmरत औ6योtगक C7Dया और वैक ि`पक ऊजा<, नवीनता के साथ रह सकते हh, ले5कन म Y ु त ऊजा4 [यावसायीकरण से ह: अHनवाय4 है और यह अभी भी सामािजक .वघटन जोgखम, इस>लए जनता बातचीत पर चचा< करने कW जÖरत है , Yया गHत से तय करने के >लए सभी संब ंtधत Cौ6योtगकW और जानकार\ का ख ल ु ासा करने के >लए.
ABSTRACT: LENR-Cold Fusion is virtually accepted by mainstream(MS): While MS rejects "E-cat" claims on already selling 1MW electricity LENR generator, now energy can be produced with basically free “fuel”. Thermodynamic closed system based over-unity or Persistent Current/mo=on is officially observed in: quantum nano circuit, beyond Shockley-Queisser limit solar cell, non-linear opNc/laser/spintronics, Nme crystal, & magnetocaloric effects. Academic taboo of vacuum photon extracNon/electron fluctuaNon, Maxwell's demon, Quantum ratchet, Casimir force harvesNng micro electronic device, & 2nd law violaNon are now on MS science journals. Low cost magnet /resonance based major emission reducers with 10%+ extra efficiency, Thermo Electric/Thermo Photo Voltaics heat-to-energy systems, & high efficiency Waste-To-Fuel/Energy systems with, Catalys=c, SuperCri=cal water, Cold or Steam Plasma are starNng to be deployed. Above might foreshadow first FULL science review of hyper energy efficiency installaNon claims: e.g. 1-ExtracNng nano oscillaNon/radiant energy as electricity, 2-HarvesNng DC reverse voltage power(Counter EMF), 3-Resonance catalyzed HHO/Oxy-hydrogen gas, 4-Cold plasma standing wave creaNon of light/water/inert gas in cavity, 5-Compressed air & COP>1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6Catalyzed emulsion fuel with far beyond 50% H2O, 7-Hydrocarbon increased by photo-catalyzed O2 Nanobubble water & fuel emulsion, when infused with CO2 in room temperature/pressure. 8-Combined air-in-water floaNng & gravity force, 9-Propellantless drive, 10-Hydro cavitaNon heater, 11-Betz limit excess hydro/wind turbine, etc. They oSen seem to run on mechanics with common side effects official physics cannot explain & are low cost, converNble to superior new techs that can foster mind/body based nonlocal human capabiliNes, & also can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, remediaNon, Nme dilaNon, algorithm, key mining-industrial-farming processes-If officially full peer reviewed by MS science. Recent paradigm shif might allow invesNgaNons on increasing tesNmonials about such “non-closed system pseudo science” R&Ds by groups across Gov’t/Military /Aerospace /Intel agencies & private contractors, ofen hidden under secrecy law, to which above organizaNons’ execuNves ofen have no access i.e "unacknowledged" projects(eg 1000+ classified invenNons in Enviro-EnergyPropulsion-Medical exist amongst NATO allies). Yet there are efforts to par$ally disclose unlimited energy & related tech as Nny-minority-controlled highly exclusive modality while same final effects can be created by wide range of unexclusive rela$vely simple tech or mind/emo$on based methods if a fracNon of budget is spent to develop. Such paradigm can totally liberate mass from "dead-end public consumpNon science" & educaNon restricted by “centrally controlled science law”. From current vantage point, there is some possibility of world dividing into roughly two different camps at both elites & general populaNon: First group is already more focused on exclusive patent or machine/DNA controlled surveillance or physical effect creaNon to enable world influence by a fracNon of populaNon. Emerging second group will likely to be more focused on low cost simple unexclusive tech or holisNc mind/emoNon/biologically driven effect creaNon. Overall, MS commercializaNon by mulNples of unlimited energy producNon methods is inevitable, yet not only its economic impact but also who is going to be in control of technological dominance & individual lives would likely become a(covert) central issue in the coming yrs.
Contents: *mark shows most controversial/questionable issues • p06 Science accepted high efficiency generators & free energy harvesters • p75 Solar, Wind, & Hydro power efficiency beyond official science limit p99 SAll under-uAlized vast Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, & Hydrocarbons • p148 Ten categories of inventors' seeming “over-unity” claims • p183 CommercializaAon aPempts • p194 Law of Thermodynamics interpretaAons, “Dissident” scienAsts • p197 Scalar energy, Standing wave resonance, Torsion field p242 BioenergeAc Torsion Field?: Remote View, MarAal Art, Mentalists, Qigong.. • p287 "Copy & Paste" by Torsion/Scalar, Terahertz, & FIR waves, Photo Catalysis, p304 Highly anomalous ORMUS • p321 LENR/Cold Fusion update, Losers & Gainers by its success • p336 Reduced suppressions, energy paradigm smooth transiAon models • p346 Radical impact of accepAng inventor tech: Medical, Industrial, Gravity.. • p387 *Tech disclosure impact on mainstream credibility on other issues • p407 *ZPE related outrageous claims & controversial tech lobby accusaAons • p488 Free Energy Summary/RecommendaAons sAll thought as far-fetched linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Qualification of information
• This presenta-on primarily focuses on less known but latest science consensus forming technologies on strict effect basis, while a bulk of highest efficiency low cost techs & a majority of "outrageous" or controversial claims category contradict predominant view, especially of Wikipedia & Western media/NGOs. Hence aHendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data individually. • Regarding Controversial But Future Cri-cal Technologies Discussed: ■ Term “Free energy” or “Over-unity” in this presenta-on is defined as seeming as if: -1 Drawing more energy than exis-ng or con-nuous mo-on with no energy input. 2 “Work is done” by other than Thermodynamic Free Energy: open system symptom. -3 Using free material generally not considered as fuel. ■ Inventors-scien-sts-witnesses: their claims might involve higher likelihood of: -4 Fabrica-on, reliability exaggera-on, or sta-s-cal error chance of observed effect. -5 Significant quality gap between inven-ons, yet -6 At least collec-ve majority seems to consistently produces claimed effects. • More detailed reference list will be produced & published separately. The research is updated based on reviewing academic papers & journals, books, presenta-ons, speeches, patents, lab/product tes-monies/complaints, publica-ons & public records of research ins-tutes/think tanks/military/space & gov't agencies/industry associa-ons/NGOs/media. Most effects quoted have accumula-ve-consistent evidence from unrelated era & source, but mechanics & categoriza-on are hypothe-cal. Commercialized company/products are shown in Boldface Dark Blue. Due to space constraints, referenced individuals names are given only last name or part of first name unless web search iden:fica:on becomes difficult(ocen non-Western names are given in full or in their na-ve language), company names are also listed in a way that is findable by internet search.
• If there is difficulty viewing the presentation, you may visit the following presentation sites for the improved image. • At ISSUU: • https://issuu.com/newnatureparadigm/docs/energy_2017july11 • Or SCRIBD: http://www.scribd.com/doc/227644705/2016-UPDATE-Cold-fusionTesla-Scalar-wave-Torsion-field-Free-energy-Over-unity-Really-AllPseudo-Science-A-New-Paradigm-Energy-Trigger-b • Or CALAMEO: • http://en.calameo.com/read/0048384130fe2dc3ff3dd •
Thank you. Ben Rusuisiak.
Quest for “Free Energy”: 1 CLAIMS STARTED well before 1800S • Main academia/media in mid-late 1800s forecasted commercialized free energy by early 1900s, 1- Free Ground Earth Battery regularly demonstrated self charging or inducing electricity capacity in low moisture, also power generation efficiently of two-points-voltage gap depends on location(Snow, Lockwood, Wilkins, Dieckmann, Strong, Bain, Edard, Haworth, Bear, Mellon,Hicks, Cerpaux, Garratt, Lamont +); invention rush for telegraph use, Along with strong claims of pre-dated telephony & wireless(Meucci, Stubblefield, Tesla+), 2- Low cost Vaccumized Air/Compressed Air engine/residential-industrial system, Trompe/Water Pumps also widely used in France etc(Rix, Mekarski, Hardie, Hoadley, C Hodges+) • Non earth battery free energy claims mixed: General lack of information to tell degree of actual physical effects from fabrication, some can be valid, Involved mainstream scientists till early 1900s, yet no widely known commercialization • Science legal 1&2 disappeared from schooling/research while other types of free energy & repeated side effects in combination didn’t fit with “science package” then & now; gradually became irrelevant/pseudo science along with other more natural & less exclusive technologies(non-allopathic or electro medicine, hemp, hydrogen/electric car etc) which matched major business-financial lobby interest then. 6 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Quest for “Free Energy” 2: Towards Modern Era • Same mechanics & side effects were repeated by unrelated inventors, but actual linear progress was o:en limited to recent Western academia(LENR, CavitaBon), Also RussiaSoviet had development(CavitaBon, Torsion, Ion heater, Ultrasonic, EM pulse). • Boiled down to 10 or so base mechanics(p148-182) with similar tendency: a➢ O:en energy is ”triggered in” by rapid change in pressure-voltage-spin, pulse, plasma-magne5c field, cavita5on, transmuta5on, anomalous electron movement causing/caused by standing wave resonance, or an0oxidant prone "field effect", link to quantum coherence, b➢ Manifest as anomalous cooling/heat, water hammer, vibra5on coupling, electrical breakdown, spike, surge, implosion, spontaneous corona discharge, ball lightning, vortex, harmonics, similar to Electron Avalanche, Field Emission effect etc, treated as short circuit etc., c➢ Seemingly influenced by cosmo-geophysical factors, but avoided by using extra energy, d➢ "StaBc Electricity" is more like high voltage, can flow, & useable for industrial electricity, e➢ Mainstream insistence on defending clear flaws in ElectromagneBc InducBon law • i.e. not closed system?; device efficiency fluctuates, by Bme-locaBon, orientaBon, alBtude etc; similar to ground-earth ba5ery, In rare cases emoBon seems to affect(Dan Davidson, O Carr, J Keely, Ra Ring, Th Ludwig, Vogel, Seelhofer, R Schild, Adam Trombly+) • Occasional scienBfic ri::1- Mainstream Western scienBst & Western Media/NGOs vs 2- Inventor, sidelined & Non-Western scienBst(Russia, China+), Some mainstream scholars in West as excepBon(Austria, Italy, France+) 7
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” Microcurrent Harvesting • FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasingly ac#vely commercialized (indicated by dark blue color le5ers), MICRO CURRENT ENERGY HARVESTERS(technically dated turbine based smart water meter water flow harvester[also gas meter], or across the board full mainstream use wind & solar type micro current generator is not covered in this presentaOon(eg indoor use calculator). • Generally negligible as industrial power. Most of them are commercialized aSer yr 2000. Used for switches, sensors, meters(structural integrity monitor, industrial, logisOcs, transportaOon, equipment), IoT(Internet of Things), remote monitoring segment use etc: Perpetually Powered Systems. OSen auto Wireless Transmission funcOon is built in as one of key benefits. • This is currently one of most rapid progress energy generaOon efficiency & use in commercializaOon along with industrial use solid state electrical generator from heat, electronics manufacturing, solar power, & energy saving waste water/desalinaOon process.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 2 Microcurrent Harvesting II • -->>con&nued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasing ac-vely commercialized excep-ons: Micro Current Energy Harvesters: • Focus in this applica.on is to have sufficient power genera.on for the device and not necessarily high efficiency. Devices only produce very small power but there are relevancies & rela8ons to other much larger macro scale "energy harves8ng" mechanics covered in presenta8on. Some mechanics with rela8vely easy industrial electrical genera8on poten8al in this segment are marked as # • O>en use of metamaterials(engineered structure to increase wave-vibra.on resonance amplifying for harves8ng etc), even MEMS(MicroElectroMechanical System) now works in very low freq. of under 30hz with S shaped can8lever etc(Huicong Liu +), or increase wide band recep.on compared to resonance devices with only small number of limited frequencies are harvested. • O>en ROI comes at first 8me replacement of baOery or fizzled wire for sensors especially in remote or difficult to reach loca8ons. -->>cont: linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 3 Low Temp Micro ThermoElectric • -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasing actively commercialized exceptions, Micro Current Energy Harvesters: • Often ROI comes at equivalent of when first time replacement of battery or fizzled wire for sensors is required, especially in remote or difficult to reach locations. Many devices combine multiple mechanics to maintain required electrical supply level. Free energy harvesting micro devices are generally not frequently reported in newspapers or energy saving publications due to micro electrical nature, but products are available for very wide range of sensoring/actuating applications. Some cases there is no differentiator to long lasting battery system(eg self charging tire sensor for non-commercial vehicle). Many companies sell "Evaluation Kit" to test out. Following 1-14 main methods are listed as general representative energy scavenging methods. 1 # Low temperature dif.(1-20°C) Thermoelectric device(industrial type generator version at p50-53): easily made as garage project with high performance Seebeck effect parts(A Makosinski+) & commercialized for consumer market prior to current industrial use micropower in 1990s and withdrawn(Citizen Eco-Drive Thermo, Seiko Thermic), more recent consumable types(Fujitsu, Yamaha had test products, Vodaphone: PowerPocket+), Latest consumer watch market debut (Matrix Industries+). Can be woven into fabric(KAIST South Korea+)(Gr Moriarty+), mass produceable by easy printing(AIST Japan+).
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 4 Thermoelectric, Piezoelectric • -->>con&nued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasing ac-vely commercialized excep-ons, Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 1 ThermoElectric: • Rela%vely significant penetra%on for mainstream industrial monitoring use last several yrs(Micropelt, EnOcean, Laired Technologies, Marlow Industries, Perpetua Power Source+),fair number of bio sensor focus companies(MC10 inc+), thin micro device for wearables(Thermogen Technologies+), but super high density harvester by combo with solar in wristwatch format is shelved? (EnergyBionics Carbon: Ebersold+). Low cost printed super thin material that is capable of micro current to industrial size electricity conversion from heat(Otego GmbH+). Overall this sector is filled with many players exis%ng in West. 2 # Piezoelectricity/Acoustoelectric effect(material directly produces electricity when deformed, most widely commercialized in microcurrent generator types), OMen use Barium Titanate (BaTiO3) or Zinc Oxide (ZnO), PZT: Lead zirconate %tanate. Following elements are oMen relevant to majority of microcurrent genera%on by ambient scavenging(other than piezo methods). ->>cont: 11
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 5 Piezoelectric ii Micro & Macro
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 2 Piezoelectricity: • ●Usually takes cantilever of bimorph or unimorph(one electricity producing piezo layer) generator with magnetic tip to interact with fixed two magnets of above & below. To maximize resonance tuning of wide range or many frequencies(to amplify energy harvesting), multimorph/multilayer or cantilever array located side by side row is arranged. • ●But for non-linear frequency harvesting(non-repetitive vibration) focus, resonance might be avoided: Stochastic Bi-stable or Multi stable, cantilever with magnetic tip to interact with one magnet at fixed position that is same "height" as extension of cantilever. Also might use buckled beam with with both ends clamped with middle. • Parametric resonance(not set to narrow frequency resonance emphasis but incorporating non-linear movements: non periodic one time only unique arbitrary motion is ok) type non linear inductance-capacitance of piezo vibration: eg Velocity Damped Resonant Generator(VDRG) by EM damping, Coulomb Damped Resonant Generators(CDRGs) by electrostatic damping. Can be combined with other methods such as electromagnetic induction.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 6 Piezoelectric III Commercialized e.g. • -->>con&nued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Piezoelectricity:
Micro Current Energy Harvesters:
• ◆ Generally wide range of vibra1on is harvested as energy(ReVibe Energy, Mide Volture, Arveni fr+), ◆Ba:ery combo emphasis(Linear Technology+), ◆Switch focus(Algra Group+), ◆ Automobile distance warning(Ceratec Engineering CorporaDon+), ◆Automa1c parking space broadcaster (ParkHere GmbH), ◆High power density(MicroGen Systems MSM, AdapDvEnergy RLP, 8power+), ◆Footsteps use for surveillance device (Pavegen+), ◆AAA ba:ery self charging ba:ery or 10sec shaking 3mins ligh1ng LED flashlight was taken out of market quickly( ) • ◆Large industrial power is possible: 200kw+/km produc1on at busy hwy became possible with mul1-stacked structure(Edery-Azulay/InnowaMech), Polyvinylidene Fluoride(PVDF) based flexible Piezoelectric FerroElectric(electrically polarized material) polymer woven fabric + photovoltaic coa1ng(El Siores /FibrLec). ◆Others: Wearables(Flexous BV Kinergizer+), Tire sensor for transport or mining trucks (Transense, SilentSensors+), Spray paint on surface to make it a generator (www.munekata.jp/eh/), 13
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 7 Piezoelectric IV Variations • -->>con&nued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 2 Piezoelectricity: Others: • PVDF based /pyroelectric/thermoelectric & Piezoelectric func8oning so: thin polymer film (Kureha Kagaku), Self charging by human mo8on Small flashlight( +) Pacemaker sensor from heartbeat(KAIST, smart-MEMPHIS Silex [enhanced harves8ng by MEMS PZT: Lead zirconate 8tanate]+), People movement surveillance by step-in maRress tracking( ), • SOME OF OTHER PIEZO, PIEZO LIKE MECHANICS, or SYNERGIZED COMBO: i -ElectroStric?ve Polymer(change shape or lengthen under electric field or vice versa, significant degree of actua8on occurs by electricity applied & used for ar8ficial muscle) for much increased efficiency(Mcknight & Mcginnis+) even if electric field needs to be generated for power harves8ng(eg electret perpetually emits E field), likely already in military use for much higher macro level power genera8on. • Ii -Simiar to above "i" but very so: super stretchable Dielectric Elastomer is low cost material and useable for wave/hydro energy(So5gen Univ Auckland+): 1w per human step range. 0.1mm thick elas8c rubber paper like "power genera8ng rubber" with 2 to 10 8mes higher efficiency than conven8onal piezo material(Ricoh),
Science-Accepted 8 Piezoelectric V EM Induc7on • -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 2 Piezoelectricity: OTHER PIEZO, PIEZO LIKE MECHANICS or combo: • iii -Radio Frequency harvesting by piezo system with cantilever system(Mahmoud Al Ahmad+), iv-In a way the same thing but what is fully categorized Acoustic Metamaterial can maximize piezo electricity production by impedance matching surface, or coiling up structure of labyrinthine units (Shuibao Qi+), or membrane types(Junfei Li+), & can range 15-20%+ efficiency(Guancong Ma+), while also can function as effective sound absorber/insulator simultaneously. • v-Far more minute level vibration sensitive Nanostructure or NanoWire/NEMS(NanoElectroMechanical Systems) can be much more efficient than conventional piezoelectric (KAIST: Keon Jae Lee+), • vi-Other mechanical combination are explored and deemed to have advantages: Shape Memory Alloy(SMA, by temperature change)(p73,74), Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy(MSMA)(AdaptaMat Oy: MSMA without piezo combo), vii-Coupling of Helmholz cavities in addition to regular cantilever beams to amplify resonance(frequency matching)(D Ezhilarasi+), Or with duel cantilever(Ping Li+), Or paired cavities to further augment an order of magnitude larger energy harvest and 4times higher voltage(Xiao Peng+) than already increased power by a cavity itself. 15
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 9 EM Induction • -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 3 ElectroMagnetic Induction from vibration or motion: magnet oscillates on cantilever/spring with coil wrapping it around to generate electricity from ambient sound or vibration (Perpetuum, Adamant jp, Star Micronics, MicroStrain +), using oscillating move/EM field of outside of device using rotating or vertical motion(Joulefusion+), Focus on low end 5hz frequency recovery for spotting personnel & harvesting energy in office/factory(Monowireless+): eg walking sound on carpet. Random directional motion into rotational energy to drive generator, similar to gyro mechanics(Witt Energy+): this company aims for industrial size generator. Human motion based battery charger for phones(AMPY Live Charged), 4 # Ambient & purpose-broadcasted RF wave frequency Harvester & Rectenna: Harvests electromagntic wave usually Radio Frequency range & convert to DC electricity(This section deals up to 10Ghz. As for 10-30,000Ghz range Rectenna[Terahertz & Far InfraRed], see p68 •j for industrial sized electricity generation). Some can only Harvest from purpose intended directed broadcaster-receiver set, as well as inadvertent 10m range 3rd party strong signal(Cymbet EnerChip, ZF Switches & Sensors, Nowi Energy+). 16
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 10 RF rectenna
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 4 # Ambient & purpose-broadcasted RF wave frequency Harvester & Rectenna: • But actually far away ambient radio wave(from WiFi, wireless phone, power line, lightning or RF range electric motor noise etc) harvester did exist from yr2000s(RCA Airpower, withdrawn twice after media debunking, probably consumer directed marketing exaggerated debunker reaction as happens often for disruptive energy tech), and now available again(Drayson Freevolt, PowerCast Corp, Nikola Labs+), Much more robust battery charger for dual mode low frequency EM field & high frequency WiFi wave(DennisSiegel.de). • Resonance based amplified industrial level electricity harvesting is approved by Philippine' gov't(Ismael Aviso) but western media level pseudoscience. Multiple invention "free energy" engineers often includes this method(Moray, Tesla+). Note higher freq Thz/FIR level industrial power harvesting is officially science ratified(p68). • There are wide range of RF scavenging methods available but technology is really simple especially for non micro sized system(eg see next page Crystal radio): Generally lab recovery efficiency to electricity as of 2016 is at least 70%+ and some are reaching unity level: "Full absorption" idea or 90+% recovery already at single Ghz range frequency and continues up to Thz/FIR(Almoneef & Ramahi, Emr Karakaya, Fur Dincer+),(but media level pseudoscientization of this 17 claim occurs). -->>cont:
Science Valid “Free Energy” 11 Power Line Syphoning • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY;
Micro Energy Harvesters:
4 RF Wave Harvester:
• Crystal radio set up(one popular type is antenna coil and inductive tuning coil[no antenna is also possible], speaker is usable without outside power) has wide band harvesting capability & many home made large device can have much higher than micro device harvesting capability. • Some focus on increasing power by Ultra-broadband EM induction or PiezoElectromagnetic or multiple vibration mode EM induction, etc(EnerBee+) • HIGH VOLTAGE POWER LINE scavenging: Near field high power line's EM field flux directly or, Additionally generating vibration with interaction of device magnet with EM field to harvest extra energy from piezoelectric effect(Hosseinimehr & Tabesh+) etc, for self powered electric current transmission monitoring purpose: mostly Wireless Powerline Sensor(Sentient Energy IBOLT, USi Power Donut+), low power amp working(Aclara Tollgrade LightHouse), or advanced monitoring(INCON GridSense Line IQ, Lindsey Transmission Line Monitor+): This application is full mainstream use in some regions/industry power monitoring segments while almost none in others -->cont: 18
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 12 High Voltage Line, Earth Magnetic Field • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 4 RF Wave Harvester: HIGH VOLTAGE POWER LINE scavenging: • Underwater submerged power line harvesting(Dyden Corporation+): this company also makes usually minute current limited ElectroStatic Induction harvester boosting with resonance(frequency matching) use for 6-12V max 6W workable constant harvesting(from 500kv, 6.5m away AC line). House level voltage line monitoring(Panoramic Power+). Harvesting from high power line is also easiest method as capacitive coupling as well as RF crystal radio reception method, some seem to do illegally "steal or burrow power" from semi far field(10-50m) away with home made device. Same induction can be made from near radio station transmitter, • Also this induction of fluxing/changing magnetic field enables Power Factor Correction device that can reduce not only Apparent Power billed industrial electricity, but even Actual Power billed residential electricity cost(p150), but latter effect is still pseudoscience in Western mainstream. YET, basically same mechanics based super high efficiency induction power harvester from Florescent light inverter, to operate surveillance camera & video transmission both is quietly commercialized in Japan for last 10yrs(Nippon Denki - NEC), -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 13 Earth Mag Field, Large power • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 4 RF Wave Harvester: Geo Magnetic Field: • EARTH MAGNETIC FIELD(Geo Magnetic field:GMF) or RELATED AMBIENT LOW FREQUENCY RESONANCE(7-50hz) use as base mechanics: can be very large dimension(1-1000m long) Electrodynamic Tether can generate significant industrial electricity by fast moving conductive long wire against earth magnetic field(Tether Unlimited+), But this mainstream explanation might not be main reason for its workability: less to do with GMF but generally more to do with voltage gradient in troposphere, & solar windcosmic ray is fluctuating GMF & existence of highly charged air particles with extreme temperatures at thermosphere(where tether is mostly used)? • Tire equipped coil generates micropower as car is driven & tire rotates(Infineon Technologies AG). One manufacturer commercialized self charging LED flashlight claiming by GMF interaction but seemingly over promising fast chargeability to cause low ratio customer satisfaction(ADGEX ELFE): harvesting method is not explained clearly, and static GMF advertising might be more of a gimmick, and bulk might come from tapping RF waves or even ambient vibration. -->>cont: 20
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 14 Earth Mag Field, Micro Power • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 4 RF Wave Rectenna: Geo Magnetic Field:(GMF): GMF energy harvester type of products are well within easy commercialization by using mainstream science accepted or tacitly non-debunked GMF energy harvesting mechanics in multiplication. Some such examples are given in following a-f: • a-Medical sensor energy harvester(Ferro Solutions Inc: Jiankang Huang, O'Handley et al), b-Amplification of general ambient electric field time variance harvesting: Alternating conductive and dielectric layer film coupled by capacitor of resonance RLC circuit (Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor)(Tao & Owhadi): similar mechanics as "Orgone energy accumulator" layering(p372) • c-Even conservative mainstream science group admits solely GMF based static electrical generation is possible by use of electro-conducting cylindrical shell of manganese zinc ferite(Chyba & Hand+), d- Schumann freq level resonance focus amplifying, using Casimir oscillation amplification type capability: Quantum Oscillator(see next page "f"), e-Actually most of self charging Flashlight type device energy scavenging can come from non earth resonance: high power line(50-60hz etc), or radio wave(0.5-30mhz)/wifi(2-4ghz) induction etc, or completely different harvesting methods can be combined. -->>cont: 21
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 15 Casimir Force & Nano Oscillation • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 4 RF Wave Rectenna: Earth Magnetic Field/Geo Magnetic Field:(GMF): • f-1 This might be deemed as side information but minute oscillations like even Casimir force(vacuum fluctuation, Zeropoint energy relation) is measurerable by microcantilever(Mohideen+), Successful Casimir force driven device since 2001 is completely ignored even by scientific media(Fed Capasso: Lucent Technologies/Bell Lab+): basically Casimir force is consistently harvestable as energy by MEMS/NEMS (NanoElectroMechanical Systems)(Dum Caruntu+), While Casimir and van der Waals forces are agreed to be main reason for stiction failure of MEMS cantilever(Mic Serry+), • Needs proper consideration for its major role in nano-generator design(Raf Ardito+): e.g. when membranes work in vacuum without capillary forces (Jian-Ning Ding+). But Casimir force itself is reversible by using NEMS(D Lopez[ANL]+) etc(neg refractive index material), & even can cause nano levitation(Ulf Leonhardt, Fed Capasso+), actual electrical generation by causing amplified vibration based on non linear pairing of casimiar force oscillation(Mead & Nachamkin+) -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 16 Casimir Force & Power Harvesting • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 4 RF Wave Harvester: Earth Magnetic Field/Geo Magnetic Field:(GMF): • f-2 Progressive end of mainstream academics get patent on MEMS or nano polymer used Casimir force extraction KWh level electrical generator with some mainstream funding(Jovion Corp: Moddel & Haisch). Similarly, Casimir cavity's energy gap between inside & outside should be able to be used for energy extraction as well as gravity control?(Calloni & Di Fiore et al+) • f-3 "Nano" Oscillation based Brownian Ratchet or Ambient Thermal noise harvesting are all workable: Minority conservative end of mainstream academic stance or media level science asserts still such nano level oscillation is impossible to harvest as ratchet rotation even if oscillation exists(R Feynman+), but it is actually extracted as energy by rectification(Astumian+). Now experimental results on various quantum fluctuation is finally accepted in academic papers as “true"(p347)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 17 Magnetostrictive/Electrostatic • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 5 # MagnetoStrictive Material(MsM) creates magnetic field when changes its shape, hence causes time varied magnetic field with vibration, & this is picked up as electricity by coil around it(Ferro Solutions Inc, Moritex Corporation, Shonanmetaltec+), Dielectric epoxy covered high impact useable generator(Tohoku Steel+), Batteryless wireless mouse by thermoelectric harvesting combo(Seiko Instruments+) • Galfenol based(alloy of iron and gallium) or Terfenol's latest version is order of magnitude more efficient vibration energy harvester(20-30% range as a result) than conventional piezoelectric material & material lasts much longer due to no degradation or becoming brittle due to piezo vibration(Tos Ueno+). • Similar Ferrofluid based energy harvester is also deemed highly effective: while effectively absorbing vibration, 6 Electrostatic Induction from vibration: Generally power is produced by conversion of oscillation to changed positioning or distance between electrodes: varying capacitance. Some involve electret(dielectric material with semi permanent electron polarization state). Can be very low cost with no magnets or piezo material(Omron - THHINK Wireless Technologies - Konishiyasu+), Walking motion sensor by unique rotating generator by use of electret(Hokuriku Electric Industry) -->>cont: 24
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 18 Triboelectric TENG - Intro • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 7 # TriboElectric NanoGenerator(TENG): TriboElectricity/Contact Electrification is utilized as newly announced tech in 2011(Zhong Lin Wang). Harvest energy effectively in wide bandwidth from both minute contact electrification & electrostatic induction, Invention increased usable efficiencies from less than 1% to max 50-60+% in few yrs from both regular & irregular motions, with near future industrial power application unless blocked by other groups or research goes classified: • Unique mechanics: for example, leading devices often have multiple power generation modes: • i-two different material based electrodes surface-touching & detaching, iisliding, iii-direct skin contact, rain drop or air flow etc on device surface(single electrode mode), iv- "Free standing layer": Pair of symmetric electrodes is located below a dielectric layer, and the size of the electrodes and the gap distance between them are of same order as size of the moving layer, & when this layer approaches or distances electricity flows between electrodes. -->>cont: 25
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 19 Tribo TENG II Commercialization • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 7 TriboElectric (TENG): Initially there was a major technical challenge: power could not be used as is for micro device since power is generated as AC(alternative current) and intermittent, hence required a battery/capacitor. But due to TENG's high voltage with low amp(i.e. high impedance), there was problem to connect effectively with capacitor(low impedance, hence lose most of power without storing). • This impedance mismatch problem was solved by two capacitor system to run micro device from non linear motions like intermittent human tapping, also deployed with other tribo mechanics: Hybridizing with EM induction or piezo polymer etc( +), 30x30cm walk-on people traffic pad that costs $20, generates up to 10W by each step(Touchlight Innovations: Swa Pujari), Shifting business focus into tribo from piezo type product line( +), • Wide range of tribo mechanics & functions has been successful at least experimentally: Water inside pencil size TENG for human motion type non-linear stimulation(Dong Sung Kim et al), Enclosed vibration harvester functionable under water or in snow, Cylindrical rotating types, Transparent version to generate power from rain drops to complement solar cell to maintain electricity generation during rain day & night(Li Zheng et al). Some organizations focus on trying out new applications in commercialized environment including low maintenance air filter(Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy & Nanosystems: Zhong Lin Wang ). -->>cont: 26
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 20 Tribo Teng III Varied Mechanics • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 7 TriboElectric (TENG): • Triboelectric-Pyroelectric-Piezoelectric hybrid cell nano generator(Yunlong Zi+), TENG is low cost & also suitable to harvests air-water flow/wave(Yuanjie Su+), Wind recovery FluHer-Driven Triboelectric Generator(Jihyun Bae[SAIT:Samsung Advanced InsQtute of Technology]+). PrevenQng metal corrosion while generate energy at water-metal contact area(Xiaoyi Li+)(see p29 on how ionic movement within s-ll water inside of device generates power instead of kineQc moQon) or as human clothing (Sang-Woo Kim+) etc • LIGHTNING POWER HARVESTING(though this is macro scale and TENG unrelated): Not only thunderstorm but snow/sand storm should be also linked to triboelectricity effect(RJ Latham, EY Tkachenko+): Triple layered structure to increase recovery of lightning power to 20+% and with baHery to work as a energy system from lab test(Jeong Min Baik: UNIST), Inventor's small lab test results(Steve Leroy+), Field tested small scale device(Mohd Farriz Basar[UTeM]+) etc, this is western media debunked. Also there seems to be some similar element to Orgone effect: p372. -->>cont: 27
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 21 Tribo Teng IV Future Potential • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY; Micro Current Energy: 7 TriboElectric (TENG): • TriboElectric electricity generation is done in more flexible way in higher efficiency than most other methods with easy scalability to mega size - even to the extent to become significant enough world wide electrical source along with conventional ElectroMagnetic Induction Generator(EMIG), also will be suitable for Self powered desalination, Self hydrogen production etc(Zhong Lin Wang, Guang Zhu+) • 1m2 of Electrical Double Layer(EDL: two parallel layers of electrons formulate between water and solid matter) mechanics can sustainably produce 0.46kw/ of power(Jinsung Chun et al), Modulation of EDL to generate power(Jong Kyun Moon, YoungJun Yang+) or 1m2 of best single layer material can produce up to 1.2kw. • Unique Western mainstream treatment on TENG is that this tech hasn't been debunked from day 1 by media despite other similar degree of economically paradigm shifting performances are usually discredited or ignored(most disruptive element of TENG industrial power generation is deemphasized) hence poses more growth potential than other equally high efficiency mechanics such as Magnetothermal, ElectroMagnetic wave heat harvesting(FIR/THZ), or ReverseElectroWetting generator in this micro generator segment. Significant backing of Chinese State and a university in US(Georgia Tech) -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 22 Thermal Ionic Movement • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 8 # Small water flow or even Thermal Ionic fluctua3on ONLY in s3ll water can be harvested as electricity by Graphene/CarbonNanotube etc(or TriboElectricity-II, cross over with Triboelectric TENG but with mechanics more focused on Ionic movement(also see p33 ■10 Ambient thermionic movement). Not commercialized and less cohesive development. This effect has been discussed amongst academics since 2001. Various experimental devices with Ionic Liquid or deionized water used generators both with basically same results. Most common type are 8a and 8b: • 8a-Pure water movement on graphene etc generates power by charge separaSon: when water droplet moves on flat surface/micro channels droplet is posiSvely charged and maTer surface is negaSvely charged causes electron to flow(Siowling Soh, Soon-Hyung Kwon, VI Petrik+), Single wall graphene has much higher power than double/triple etc(Sha Ghosh+), Water-ethanol mix in graphene form(Wenbin Huang et al+). -->cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 23 Thermal Ionic Move, Ionic Liquid • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Harvesters: Ionic fluctuation ONLY in STILL ROOM TEMP WATER:
8 Thermal
• Slightly different but Water evaporation driven ElectroScavenging effect generator by charge separation & power harvesting(Rub Borno+): this also relates to advanced non cloud seeding weather modification(for more details go to this link [four levels of..]and search "ElectroScavenging"), • 8b-Salt/Ionic liquid(conductive, includes water) on graphene etc mechanics is only slightly different from deionized water; friction is generated between water flow and ions(Nik Koratkar+), ionic liquid is conductive but graphene conducts electricity faster than electrolyte(ionic liquid) so electricity still flows through prepared circuit with asymmetric electrodes etc.(Sta Skafidas, Weijie Kong+), Can also work as varying capacitance based electrostatic generator, -->cont: 30
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 24 Thermal Ionic II, Reverse-ElectroWetting • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY; Micro Harvesters: 8 Thermal Ionic harvest: • Thermal Ionic movement only(in water etc), no kinetic or vibration power used: 50-80°C "hair electrodes" cause proton hopping(Bri Tulachan+), or Electricity at room temperature by thermal motion of ions in STILL LIQUID instead of by FLOW of the solutions by Monolayer Graphene(Graphene Battery): • Electron is emitted by interaction of graphene & cation, then it flows along graphene to electrode(Zihan Xu, Guoan Tai+). This particular theme, participated by state backed Chinese TENG research groups is practically free energy tech, & was not debunked in West but quietly discontinued on official level. This room temperature Thermal Ionic movement energy harvesting/generation is not taken up by inventor type groups. • *Also Note TriboElectric related effects has mainstream disputes amongst what causes/how electron transfer occurs. 9 # Reverse Electrowetting power harvester: Reverse ElectroWetting On Dielectric(REWOD), Related to ElectroWetting process which can transport liquid with electricity by modifying the surface tension of liquid especially on hydrophobic surface(film, dielectric etc), This differs from similar looking effect causeable by ElectroMigration which gives force to move water. 31
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted 25: Reverse Electrowetting II
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY; Micro Harvesters: 9 Reverse ElectroWetting(REWOD): REWOD is listed in micro power segment here like TriboElectricity process, but its research is more focused for high density power production with large input(e.g. human kinetic power) for more of flashlight or higher power use level(e.g. 10w produced with battery set per shoe for human walking). Far more efficient than conventional piezoelectricity, Most efficient energy harvesting method at this time for human steps or car traffic type power generation(along with tribo effect TENG device). • New mechanics are invented with recent mainstream backing: Use of Atomic Layer Deposition(ALD), Capillary Microfluidic device achieves 65% electric generation efficiency(Jak Kedzierski et al), Bubbler type(Instep Nanopower: Krupenkin & Taylor et al), Coating surface film with Al2O3 to increase capacitance etc. • PERPETUAL MICROSEISM/MICROBAROM HARVESTING: in very high density(TsungHsing Hsu+) by this mechanics. This harvests sub 1hz level super slow oscillation as energy(takes more than 1 second per cycle: earth hum, weather or ocean wave triggered "perpetual tremor"). Tribo TENG has similar capability. Much lower density(efficiency) harvesting is possible with piezo etc. Naturally not officially pursued given high economical disruptiveness along with industrial electricity harvester from 1-Casimir force, 2-Room temp thermal ionic movement only, 3-Earth Magnetic Field - Schumann resonance, or 4-Tall antenna based voltage gradient tether. But now 5-FIR/THZ frequency thermal radiation is in process of commercialization by mainstream embracement! (p68)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 26
Ambient Thermionic
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;
Micro Harvesters:
10 # Ambient temperature & magne/c field driven Thermionic device:(GN Hatsopolous, Xinyong Fu & Zi Tao Fu[“magne/c demon”]+): use of 90° cross wise laid magne*c field to cause Hull Cut Off type threshold to control electron movement from one electrode to the other in one direc*on to generate cooling effect in a vacuum tube to cause thermionic emission, hence indirect use of ambient temperature with originally magnet triggered energy supply to generate minute electricity. • Despite s/ll majority's mainstream academic denial, this maxwell's demon type effect should be valid based on various science valid combo effects(Cyril Smith+): (NoUngham cooling effect related), Also this is possible in known system like Aquaporin(Liangsuo Shu, Yingjie Li+), Linked to ■8 Thermal Ionic movement electricity harves9ng: both seem to be too disrup*ve complete "free energy" type to get official research going. 33
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 27
Spin Current, Conductive Kite - voltage gradient
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;
Micro Harvesters
11 # Carrying electrical current by Spin Current related methods, or by frac8onally charged quasi-par8cle in quantum hall effect regime(as opposed to conven8onal charge current), seem to strongly imply overunity(Cyril Smith+): 1-Spin rec8fica8on at Larmor precession freq to control spin to produce DC current(YS Gui+), and Larmor precession is caused by electron mo8on in sta'c magne'c field, 2-Spin BaGery: EMF (Electromo8ve force) of spin origin generated by sta'c magne'c field in magne8c tunnel junc8on(S Maekawa+), 3-Spin current related Reverse Seebeck effect is much higher thermoelectric harves8ng from heat than conven8onal solid state generators. Also see "Orgone"/"Orgonite" p372. 4-Spin wave tech rela8on to Torsion field applica8on(GJ Bugh+), & gravity tech(Frolov+) •
12 # Properly grounded electricity conduc8ve kite or rod extracts atmospheric electricity(Beccaria, G Richmann, Dalibard, De Romas+), Use of "sta'c electricity": actual flowing of unbalanced electric charge. Effect itself is easily replicated by amateurs, can easily lead to macro power generator, currently almost en8rely ignored by recent mainstream for commercializa8on or research(IonPowerGroup.com+),
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 28 Kinetic, Ground - Tree power harvester • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Harvesters: 13 # Kinetic Power Harvester: Mostly by human or car/train traffic. Human motion(nPower PEG+), Military focus(Bionic Power+): to charge battery etc., 1hr walking range to charge phone by hydraulics(Walking Charger - Energy Harvesters LLC+),1minute hand crank generates 1123mins of useable LED light(Envirofit Empower Duo+). Automobile slow down zone power harvested by magnetic induction(Underground Power SRL+), or by scalable Hydraulic liquid, piston, & pressure accumulator units fed to electric generator for power production to beyond 100kw+ range(KinergyPower+), Also piezo effects are used but as of 2016 cost is higher than conventional methods for industrial power. 14 Ground/Tree/plant Electricity harvester(Barbosa, Bryan, Karavas: Voltree, Helder: Plant-e+), WiFi/Wireless system to transmit plant info to computer is workable only for short distance currently(Seiko Instruments, Ritsumeikan Univ Electronic & Computer Engineering dpt+). Photosynthesis based pot plant smartphone charger & WiFi system(Bioo Arkyne Technologies+), Bioo claims to be competitive against solar panels with house use level power with 1/3> its costing. 35
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 29 Non-Harves;ng Self Micro Electricity Generators • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; SELF GENERATING(non harvesting) MICROCURRENT DEVICES i Tourmaline electrode self-driven permanent electrolysis(Kubo effect), or ■ ii Self micro electricity generating minerals: Acos Terahertz Face Roller(Kun Sasaki+). • ■ iii Persistent Current(perpetual current, usually low temp) in Nano Ring: Mesoscopic quantum phenomena, Quietly mainstream established but energy generator development research avoided. Observed in nano ring structure metals in still state is up to 1-2 orders of magnitude larger(over-unity, in addition to perpetual current itself!)(KB Efetov+) than any wishful mainstream theory allows to be(Pri Mohanty+) & it demonstrates unknown time dependent fluctuations, deemed phase coupling/phase coherence to be critical factor(Mar Büttiker+). Instantly commercializable Macroscopic Persistent Current is almost entirely ignored but virtually science approved(C van der Wal, Hir Koizumi+), Violation of 2nd law?(Čápek, Dan Sheehan+) -->>cont: 36
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 30 Self Micro Generators: Contention of Zamboni Pile • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; DEVICES:
• iV also Zamboni Pile/Duluc Dry Pile(Battery) of certain set up(eg Oxford Electric Bell) or what is called Orgone also self-generates ElectroMotive Force or "self-flows" unlimited microcurrent when layers of different electric potential matters are pressed together wedged by dielectric material(electrically neutral/blocks electron flow, but allows electrostatic/polarize to develop dipole moment) in addition to chemical type reaction(limited), but perpetual current effect of "iv" is often pseudoscientized even above i - iii effects are mainstream recognized as "science legal", also similar "erroneous" over-unity claims were made by top physicists back when battery was invented(Volta+), Solar Chimney: Initial high cost, mainstream selectively quoting high LCOE(Levelized Cost Of Electricity), less electricity produced at night, many side benefits: Hyperion Energy, Enviromission+, Claims of more efficient, far less land use versions from pilot tests, Salinity Gradient Solar Pond: Ormat+, suitable only with low cost land near salt water, tech & maintenance unstandardized,
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 31 Emulsion Fuel • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; WATER MIXTURE TYPES: a Water-Oil emulsion fuel: Massive gap in fuel saving ability, also depends on type of boiler/engine used for: 1-25%(beyond this % is "science illegal": see p174-176), Cuts emission(PM 10-80%, NOx/SOx 1050%), There is significance as one of few official mainstream instantly large scale useable "partial free energy tech" & commercialization exist world wide but remains low key in most nations: rarely referred even by cleantech media, minimum public funding for research in West. Groups of Western Mainstream (WM) business establishment promoted Emulsion Fuel under "excuse" of emission decrease(with no reference to fuel saving) in 2001-2003. Some are still offered(Lubrizol PuriNOx, Pirelli Gecam, Total Aquazole +), while others withdrew(Shell, BP, Chevron). At mainstream exposure discussion, hygroscopic fuel's(diesel, biofuel) water mix problem solution is offered by water dispersant/water emulsifying additives(Rolling Big Power RBP-80001, Hot Shot’s Secret, FPPF, Central Illinois Manufacturing HydroBurn, XDP Diesel Power Plus+) that include increased fuel efficiency of 310% range, but they are lobbied against by united mainstream groups(car & engine manufacturers) as bad for engine etc, while existence of larger magnitude of full emulsion fuel cost saving remains entirely avoided topic. ->>continues as fuel saving purpose emulsion next page:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted: 32: Emulsion Fuel II • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Water mixture: a Water-Oil emulsion fuel: • A few companies serving world wide mainly for diesel but some also gasoline market: ◆Europe (Eco Energy Holding AS, IncBio, E•Fuel SA, Toeps innovation+), ◆ North America(Nonox, Fierce Fuel Systems, Next Alternative Inc+), ◆Japan (AIT Emulsion, NanoFuel co+), • ◆ Operations in Russia openly serve mainstream(ТеплоэнергоремонтМосква, Vodmazut Раптех, «Энергосберегающие технологии» «ЭСТ» est-m.ru, МЕССКА - messka.ru+), ◆ Middle East(4C Technologies+), ◆ India(Creatnet Technology Pvt +), ◆South Korea is unique amongst Western allies to openly focus at government level(CoxOil kr, Green Hitech kr, Sampower kr+), ◆Other Asia (Solar Emulsi PT Pertamina, Singapore Emulsion Fuel+), ◆China is mainly served by own state company inhouse & Taiwanese companies(Comaxima Eco-Green Technology, Shine Bond +), • Sector Base: Finally mainstream maritime industry open debut by European back up: Quadrise MSAR, in Asia: Monohakobi. Tech Variations: Biofuel Emulsion(Gruppo Forini+), Works down to -30°C storage(SulNOx Fuel Fusions), ->>cont: 39
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 33 Coal-Water Slurry, History • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; emulsion fuel:
Water mixture types: a Water-Oil
• Equipment can be expensive & actual cost saving is often from "on par" to "much less" compared to best performing magnetic flowing fuel treatment device, or high Far InfraRed or Torsion Wave emitting device wrapped around fuel line with 5-15% saving range(this is intensely pseudoscientized at media level & superficial science level),(p154,155) b Coal-Water Slurry(CWS): 30-50% H2O(also note regular coal itself may contain high water content), Historically competed against oil seriously then "lost" along with plant alcohol fuels(US Prohibition), electric cars/hydrogen cars(all 1880s-1930s), Has most significant short term potential as partial “free energy” tech. At boiler/gasification, thermal efficiency is coal+20% while fuel vol itself increases, storage & transferability made easier as liquid fuel, Lower emission(CO2, NOx, SOx) than Diesel fuel boiler, Can utilize unrecovered fine coal, or coal sludge/tailing, to turn environmental hazard into revenue fuel product. 40
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 34 Coal-Water Slurry, History: Low Cost & Too Much Of It • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■ Water mixture types: ■b Coal-Water Slurry(CWS): • With its mainstream approved status, this almost forgotten low tech can exert enormous influence on shorter term energy market, climate change carbon reduction targeting & geo-econo-political situation: largely dormant massive coal reserve evenly distributed world wide can be made into diesel equivalent with 1/2-1/4 of cost to destroy “fossil fuel” supply shortage, liquid fuel market price, & existing crude oil refining/sorting system. Potential to replace entire diesel/heavy oil supply exists if modified special engine type(no nozzle wearing etc) is introduced(eg Micronised Refined Carbons(MRC) consuming DICE: Direct Injection Carbon Engine: US gov't backed program(also GE, GM etc participation) between 1970s-2000s, recently Australia [CSIRO & many Australian coal companies]) US: Unsuccessful gov't participated movement to promote CWS to replace majority of higher priced imported oil in 1980s. Also clean coal burning IGCC(Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) power plants in US are using coal water slurry for boiler feeding (wet feed gasification to produce extra H2)(CB&I E-Gas, Texaco-GE) though almost never publicly reported. Regular fuel use US CWS system installer:(ecoTECH Energy, AuraSource Inc+) 41
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 35 Coal-Water Slurry II, China • -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Water mixture types: b Coal-Water Slurry(CWS): China: is tech leader & CWS is high profile tech nationwide led by state companies: ( - China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp, Shangdong Energy Group, Yuankuang Group Slurry Gasification and Coal Chemical Engineering Research, - Zjxianchuang, GCPMC, jf NAIC+), Low grade coal focus: High moisture content lignite slurry( : Yulin Western Coal Technology Research Centre+), Low grade fine ground coal mix for emission reduction focus( cctegce+), Taiwan (Neofuel tw). Also China leads to Hydrothermal combustion of coal(SuperCritical water). Russia & ex-Soviet: Relatively active use(Амальтеа-Сервис vodougol, КОТЭС Cotes-Group+): Rather surprising US controlled Ukraine gov't has declared CWS as national energy priority with Chinese financial back up(Ukrheat+). 42
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 36 Coal-Water Slurry III, Bacteria, Atmos Clock etc • -->>cont: Coal Water Slurry: Rest of world: CWS is overall even lower profile commercialization than emulsion fuel with very small # of players considering its science legal status(EET CWS, JGC, Kawasaki Heavy, Cynergi Holding SA+), Often small oneman show type operation or main business is other engineering(Advanced Coal Water Slurry Technologies, LeMar LLC, KEM-jp.com+). Its very disruptive nature of abundant energy, scientifically admitted status can be one of the reasons why CWS and Emulsion fuel are both not highlighted by major Western environmental NGOs & mainstream entities. Atmos clock+(C Drebbel+), use of self oscillating Torsion pendulum - Electromechanical transducer, ambience change, can combine with Foucalt pendulum element, Bacteria generator; Self-Charge Electrochemical Bio-capacitor (Pankratov+), Microbial Fuel Cell(MFC)(Cambrian Innovation, Emefcy EBR +) or its “overunity” electrolysis (Microbial Electrolysis Cell - MEC), 1-2$ range material based DIY self producing no running water "moist soil based" MFC for 3rd world villages(Aiden Lab), Magnetotactic Bacteria based types etc., ”Levitron”type, or ”Drinking Bird” generator, 43
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Free Energy” 37 Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Blue Energy, Nano device Hydrodynamic heater(TEKMASH, CT Systems+), (also see p167: G Ivanenko, Bespalko+), inconsistent “Self running” ability but happens often, valid mainstream science until it becomes overunity, Temperature based volume changing ultra sensitive Phase Change Material (PCM) driven Hydraulic Motor: SOLO-TREC(J Jones & Y Chao), Atomic/Nanogenerators, 24hr Infrared Solar(Hong Liu, Dale Cotter+): (SSR: sprit ring resonator like structure), Particulates(Da Yurth+), Atomic Hydrogen Welding(Langmuir), Negative electrical resistance carbon fibre(De Chung+), Blue Energy Some “free energy tech” usually costs more than existing system such as Blue Energy: Reversed electrodialysis, Pressure Retarded Osmosis(PRO)/Osmotic power, Hydrocratic ocean energy. Exception eg: Combined low pressure high flow desalination with additionally electricity generated by removing ions from seawater with Molybdenum Disulfide(MoS2) nanofilter(Nar Aluru+):30-50+% electricity cost saving. • But further efficient if osmotic pressure is used(Moh Heiranian+) : can become efficient free energy generator while making drinking water from ocean(not officially demonstrated). Also pure power generation-wise, Capacitive (mix) energy extraction by Double Layer Expansion(CDLE)(Br Logan+), or by Donnan Potential(CDP), and Two stage PRO(Wei He+) might become super low cost in future
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 1: Engine • SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: i.e. beyond grid parity if commercialized as electricity generation, often same treatment as inventors' ”free energy”(p148182); many stopped researches, stay microscale, suddenly retracted without explanation, some suspected internal only corporate use, • Selective, under-exaggerated, outdated data for efficiency & cost performance in mainstream reporting contradicts manufacturer or academic/field-lab data(particularly in fast advancing tech like Wind/Ocean energy or semiconductor related Solar cell & solid state devices as well as MEMS, etc, But again now emerging commercialized exceptions exist, Non UV H2 Photolysis from water by Sn3O4(H Abe+), many other “artificial photosynthesis”s, 50-200%+ increased efficiency engines(Myers, Ogle, Covey, Pogue, Castellini, Brandt, La Force, Hatton, Caggiano, Belland, Purushottam Pipaliya, Holland, Ch Brown, Fish+) by cam timing, spark plug, carburetor, vaporized gas etc: all reported repeatedly on local papers till 1990s). Specific angled screen in carburetor “accidentally” improved 50% mileage in 1960s(Ford), but model was soon “recalled to correct it back” to factory spec(Pantone+). -->>cont: 45
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 2: Engine • —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES(& Grid Parity): increased efficiency engines:
• Pneumatic engine(“science illegal” version, p166-170): Peugeot 208 Hybrid Air(40km/litre, 94mpg), Tata & MDI-lu(Negre), both being shelved, Some non electric Japanese cars mostly sold only in Japan(35km+/l), Volkswagen XL1(100km/l, 250 test units only) & discontinued Lupo(35km/l). In1920s mainstream predicted 80mpg norm with test cars performing 100mpg+(Byron Wine, Al Wallace, Bru McBurney+). Electric car as of 2016 is already close to one-third of gas mileage cost of equiv smaller vehicles in most locations, and likely to decline further relatively rapidly(eg: use of super low cost solar etc) & at military level large electric transport trucks are only slightly lower mileage cost but much faster acceleration and low noise. Now available 95% efficient Shinsei Electrostatic Motor, Regenerative Shock Absorber normally brings negligible 5% range car mileage efficiency(eg ClearMotion, hydraulic motor runs to generate power) but in certain specific electrical energy needs application it could bring substantial saving. 46
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 3: ED Tether, PCM â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x201D;>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES(& Grid Parity): ElectroDynamic Tether/Asymmetrical Electrostatic: It is free energy, but mainstream sanctioned idea as only limited use in space environment as lowest cost tech(long conducting wire[mainly 500m plus for large power but works from 1m] moves along earth magnetic field etc to generate electricity), Can be used to replace fuel with free electricity for low orbit satellites and even ultra high elevation flight if air craft propulsion re-configuration is made(plasma, ion thrust etc) with high elevation cruising(BE Gilchrist, Jam McCanney+)/(Boeing Tether Unlimited). But actually generates full time "free energy" on earth surface: by likely triggering imbalanced static electricity to flow, Works at onground still-earth vertical environment with graphene/nanocarbon use(IonPowerGroup.com+), or Use of Electret's Asymmetrical Electrostatic Force to generate perpetual small electricity(Katsuo Sakai+) Super efficient Phase Change Material(PCM) for housing: to release or absorb heat at preset temperature: BioPCM, DuPont Energain, PCM injected wood: Enertia Home, Combine PCM with Vacuum Insulation Panels(VIP) to provide certain packages/boxes perpetual free cooling or heating depends on outside temperature transition: va-Q-tec AG+, Also see PCM water electrical generator(p64: e), 47
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 4: NanoCavity LED, Ammonia from air & water, H2O2 etc â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x201D;>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES : In a way "Increase light" of LED by NanoCavity structure(Lamda LUX Metamaterial Technologies Inc+), this is applicable to solar also, Micro-Nano Porous antibacterial, anticorrosion high adhesion Paint with significant heat insulating water based paint can induce game changing overall cost saving (Nansulate - Industrial Nanotech - INI World Wide+): but some of this company type is apparently holding back from adding further disruptive thermoelectric paint capability? Portable ammonia maker from H2O+air by compression cycle etc for engines(J Fleming), Super high concentration (H2O2)Hydrogen Peroxide: low cost sustainable clean fuel for commercial planes, can be made/separated/accumulated by water electrolysis/plasma discharge/photocatalysis etc from natural water and air (General Kinetics+), but had met massive selective distorted danger info & storage impossibility exaggeration from mainstream groups (N2H4)Hydrazine Fuel Cell: small, no precious metal, easy high power fuel(Daihatsu co), Aluminium Air Battery:1700km+ run range 100kg weight for electric cars(Phinergy), Graphene Battery: 600km range battery charged in 10mins(Fisker - Nanotech Energy Inc), Flow Battery: 1000km range(NanoFlowcell AG: La Vecchia): but is there a possibility their use of ionic liquid is a euphemism for regular Salt water?
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Past Grid Parity Tech 5: Galvanic Water Cell, Thorium + • —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES : Galvanic Reac+on Salt Water Cell: (Hydra Light+)Very slow reac0on design, Currently for small phone charge type power level, about 1/30-50th cost of regular 2A baGery, with consistent voltage and current, Thorium Reactor:US in 70s, Uranium took over, nuclear plant use, far less radia0on, re-star+ng (India, Russia, China, US, Norway, Israel+), portable(Dratch+), Biofuel(Ethanol) from cellulose only(inedible plant, grass straw, tree branches, broken trees etc), Some produce with <1/2 cost of retail petrol of high fuel price na0on(Kawasaki Heavy - within 2weeks of intending commercializa0on, key board members + CEO fired, and project shelved), others also announced tech success without commercializa0on inten0on since 2006(Taisei Kensetsu & Sapporo Beer, Honda+), as o\en happens in Japan, small sector limited domes0c only or 3rd world use inten0on seems allowed?(Kita-Akita city forestry coop, Sumitomo Forestry, Mitsui Zosen+): But stagnant commercializa0on situa0on started to change world wide since around 2014(see Biomass: p106-108) 49
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 6: Coal to fuel, DCFC, Geothermal etc â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x201D;>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES : Coal based Gas/Oil/Direct power: Natural gas like CENfuel(Lloyd & Turner ) & Low Temp Coal Carbonization: LTC, Rexco(Karrick), Improved Bergius method, Micro active at Sasol+, Similar Lurgi process active in China(70+ plants), EM wave/Ultrasonic use(M Kawabata+), Low fume DCFC (Direct Carbon Fuel Cell, DEHPL+) mechanics avail since 1890s(W Jacques+), A few of IGCC (Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle, usually said to be more expensive than regular coal combustion, but high efficiency low cost data can be hidden by high startup cost etc): more on gasification, Super high density Enzymatic fuel cell(YH Percival Zhang) Certain customized Geothermal heating: Heat Pump, Gradient Energy Harvesting etc: e.g. Discarded oil well-mine EGS(Sologen), Downhole heat exchanger use, 300m deep closed loop in high heat area useable even without heat pump cost etc, Also much lower cost Hydrothermal Spallation drilling, but quickly "went out of business"(Potter Drilling): 50
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Past Grid Parity Tech 7: OTEC, Hydrothermal Vent + • —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES : Cooling use OTEC(Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) near some water areas(Sea Water Air Conditioning)(Makai, Bluerise nl+), In some super high cost power small island OTEC becomes lowest energy cost by improved Kalina Cycle(Xenesys), PCM used OTEC engine, Betavoltaics types: Tritium Light or Battery(P Brown+), Zinc sulfide or Radium Paint + Solar Cell, Optoelectric Nuclear Battery(Kurcharov Inst+), Radioisotope Generator(NASA+): mininuclear heat converted to electricity by thermoelectric device. Hydrothermal vent power extraction: large scale indicated by test success, Orimulsion: Water(30%) emulsified bitumen by Venezuelan state corp: broke "taboo" of not making bitumen emulsion for road pavement/sealant use Exotic configurations: Limited to pilot success; Advanced Compressed air energy storage by additional full recovery of both Heat compressed & Cold air released, Pneumatic engine(Negre+, “illegal” version: p166-170), Magnetic Energy Recovery Switch (Shimada+): “legal back EMF(electromotive force)”, Water-carbon rod low powered electric arc gas: AquaFuel(H Eldridge, W Richardson, Rug Santilli), 51
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 8: Perpetual Hydrogen • —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES : Aluminium based Hydrogen Production methods :Aluminium based metal alloy & water “Hydrogen fuel cell” lab results as all similar mechanics but mostly uncommercialized. Physics wise undeniable natural effects- eg: • i Slow oxidizing low cost focused alloy pellets(B Froats), ii Rapid shock cooling-heating as catalyst to “crack” oxidized film of nano aluminium particles to reactivate(Dynamix-Muroran univ: Mas Watanabe+)+, • iii Use of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) as catalyst(not consumed) to prevent/delay aluminium oxidation (Hy-Energy: Erl Andersen)+, iv Undisclosed catalyst accelerates pitting of aluminum powder surface to prevent/delay passivation(AlumiFuel: Jas Anand+), v Chloride ion use pitting to dissolve oxidized film(Hydergy India: AVK Reddy+), • vi Aluminium alloy with gallium/lithium etc which prevents/slows oxidized layer from fully covering aluminum(HydroAlumina: Ge Woodall, Chemalloy: Freedman+), vii CatalyticCarbon and aluminum in 80°C hot water + DC pulse(not electrolysis) to prevent almost all aluminium oxidation, this on-board generator makes 110L/minute of H2, low quality-dirty-sea water ok(Phillips Company 4T: Haw Phillips) 52
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 9: Perpetual Hydrogen II, Heat Recovery • —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES : Hydrogen Produc1on: Non aluminium based Hydrogen: i Cavita6on(Cavita5on Energy Systems), ii Electrohydraulic effect(H2 Energy Renaissance): electrohydraulics/shockwave/cavita6on methods are rarely looked by academic level but effect is undeniable(Sop Burjanadze, Tak Sato & Mas Oizumi+), iii Nanopar6cle coated H2O electrolysis (Dopp+), iv Ultrasonic H2 genera6on from water with non-oxidizing nanocrystal: ZnO fibers + BaTiO3 dendrites (Xiaochun Li), v Various metal catalyst: eg Molecular Molybdenum Persulfide catalyst H2 dissocia6on from water(JR long+), vi PhotoCataly6c(Dav Milstein+), vii 84% efficiency pure water Electrolysis by Cathode 35Mpa high pressure Solid Polymer Electrolyte use, fluctua6ng power input workable like wind power(Honda R&D), HEAT RECOVERY: unless otherwise stated generally 100-1000°C temp difference is used - oeen which power genera6on is propor6onal to. Also leads to emission reduc6on: part of mainstream focus in many - par5cularly Western na5ons, while almost ignored in some others: • ▀▀1. Kine&c Power Generators based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: OAen as industrial CHP(Combined Heat & Power), or Combined Cycle at power generator: common installa6on in at least as new system in Chemical, Pulp & Paper, Wood, Petroleum Refining, Metal, Gas turbine/Nuclear power genera6on 53 industries, use of Regular •a-d :
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 10: Heat Recovery(H.R.) HRSG • —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER TYPES: HEAT RECOVERY: ▀▀1. Kinetic Power Generators based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: • •a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)(Nooter/Eriksen, Alstom, GE +) most large mainstream industrial conglomerate types offer as first round of heat recovery as Combined Cycle with 10-20% range additional electrical recovery(of original electrical conversion % ratio). • Once Through Steam Generator(OTSG): obviates drum to increase efficiency & control(Innovative Steam Technologies+). Also low grade heat primary or secondary recovery process of HRSG "left over" heat by conventional Organic Rankine Cycle(ORC- use of low boiling temp stronger turbine power organic compound medium instead of water) generally used from 80°C+ (INTEK GMK GmbH, Turboden, Triogen BV+). • But there are significant differentiation in suitability and performance gap for this mature tech. With (further) 2-10%+ electrical gain, or 70-95C previously discarded water or hot spring water can produce power by 20-70kw potential module(Ishikawajima Harima, Electratherm+): optimization focus(Granite Power Granex+), on board ocean freight power generator from diesel engine heat(Opcon Energy System+), -->>cont: 54
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 11: H.R. II More Than Organic Rankine Cycle % • —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER TYPES: ▀▀1. Kinetic Power Generators based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG): • But some specialists(2G Energy AG+) might improve/replace ORC/steam RC process with less often used Radial Flow Organic Rankine(Exergy SpA, Cryostar SAS +), Axial & radial mix turbine(Aqylon+). • Often, not always, substantial yield improvement is made by following: Kalina Cycle(ammonia & water mix medium)(Kalina Power - Enhanced Systems Technologies - Global Geothermal), or more specialized use customizable its 2nd generation(Kalex Systems), or similar OTEC purpose Uehara Cycle(Xenesys ), • Others: ORC with Rotary Heat Engine works from 25 vs 40°C temp difference (Davinci-mode jp), Trilateral Flash Cycle(TFC)(Ian Smith+), CO2 SuperCritical Brayton(no phase change)(Net Power LLC, Sandia NL+) or CO2 SuperCritical Rankine Cycle(phase change at 31°C)(Echogen Power Systems+) etc. Possible to generate DC electricity when closed CO2 flow is placed near certain dielectric(?) material from triboelectric effect(Infinity Turbine): similar to already known but not commercialized ORC + Liquid Metal MHD effect. -->>cont: 55
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 12: Heat Recovery III Stirling etc • —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER TYPES: ▀▀1. Kinetic Power Generators based HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: • •b Stirling Engine(Qnergy - Ricor Cryogenic, Microgen Engine+) heat recovery efficiency significantly differs depends on company from 1030%(Free Piston type is higher), remote equipment operation(Stirling Technology Inc RemoteGen+), also efficient cooling(Twinbird jp, Sunpower Inc+). Can be offered as residential fuel cell type set up by feeding gas/oil: Micro CHP, •c Deluge Engine(Hageman) runs from 30°C diff, •d Others: thermo-responsive material and Osmotic power use Osmoblue(E Dahan+)works from 30°C temp difference, • ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device: & similar Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity, lower cost than gas turbine/combustion engines or steam generators(J Fairbanks+) in certain situations, device efficiency indicated in following "•a-l" is deemed highest possible figure unless otherwise stated. In some cases general operating rate can be much lower: -->>cont: 56
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 13: H.R. IV Thermo-Electric • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device :based industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: • •a Thermoelectric/Seebeck-Pelletier effect: Thermoelectric heat pump using n & p type semi conductors, it uses temperature gap between one end to the other to generate power. Used in Soviets since 1940s, in West for military/space after '60s, western mainstream use of conventional models. Actually 5kw range generator was claimed with operating efficiency of 10% for commercialization before yr2000 but retracted(Jade Mountain), Often on lower temperature range 50-600°C, some are max 300°C level use. • But much higher performance seems to exist by use of carbon nanotube or nano structure etc though unclear if those super efficient models are openly marketed: Evident Thermo, [acquired GMZ tech which claimed max 43% efficiency], Komatsu/KELK’s 40% rating, Japanese peers Likely slightly lower(Yamaha, Toshiba+), max 20% possible at 300°C range(AEInnova+), suspected similar level(Oflexx+). Alkali-Metal Thermal-to-Electric Converter (AMTEC)by C-TEC Nano Conversion at least 20% range, 15% range(Je Snyder+), Reverse Spin Hall - Spin Seebeck Effect use: wrappable plastic like spin current generator at least 10times conventional efficiency with much lower production cost(Nippon Denki+), -->>cont: 57
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Past Grid Parity Tech 14: H.R. V Thermo-Electric 2 • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Thermoelectric (TE): • Though other solid state devices are generally 20%+ as std model, including sterling engine, TE's ease of use and super compactness is often advantage. And even supposedly conventional 2-8+% operating efficiency device can generate at least up to 1KW range in many cases and space saving energy recovery with success track record. • Often specific efficiency is not disclosed, some might have much higher rate. Large # of companies offer TE devices(Romny Scientific, Melcor, TECTEG, Gentherm, Экоген Ecogen, RGS Development Thermagy+), Some are High temperature(600°C+) capability focus for generally higher efficiency aim, Run high power requirement meters & switches(НПП Квант+), • Steam heat use(Kryotherm+), 1KWh range generation from large truck diesel engine exhaust is possible(Hi-Z Technology+), Flue exhaust or flare heat from chimney(Alphabet Energy+), Electricity from heated tire(Goodyear BH03). Yet there are same 2%+ efficiency range thermoelectric paint available for a long time that has been ignored by mainstream till quite recently(UNIST Korea, Ashutosh Tiwari+) -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 15: H.R. VI Thermo-Electric 3: Efficient Coolers • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Thermoelectric (TE): • 50-150°C workable wrap-around style sheet of carbon nanotube + plastic(Sekisui Chemical+), Low temp 60-100°C hot spring water flow placed next to 5-15°C cold spring water wedging thermoelectric sheet to generate power for >0.5kwh use per 34 pairs of water pipe with cold-hot reverse flow(water pipe is 5-10cm diameter, with latest commercially avail technology): a few dozen of projects exists in Japan. 5 x 20 x15cm size heatpipe used forked device emit 15w with 70-80C difference if device recovers with 3-5% efficiency(Yos Takefuji: Ai-Cynap). • Cost effective cooling(Aisin - Toyota, Z-max jp+), 2-3 times more efficient than conventional Thermoelectric cooler(Phononic), or 10times(NanoFreeze Technologies Lund AB): Some have potential to replace majority of existing type refrigerators by much lower cost. • Note Pelletier cooling has also precise temp control, no maintenance & far longer lasting, soundless operation compared to conventional compression refrigeration. Engine heat recovery to save air conditioning etc of 5% fuel mileage saving overall(VolksWagen+) Also space commercialization etc of Radio Isotope Thermoelectric generation exists but generally has beyond harmful level radioactivity emitted in near field, 59
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 16: H.R. VII Thermo-Electric 4: Stove Top Air Convector • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Thermoelectric (TE): • Self generating electricity from heat to fan the woodstove chamber to save 3050% of regular wood cooking fuel and eliminate most of smoke in 3rd world use(Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV: van der Sluis), or additionally it charges battery for portable small cooker(BioLite Energy+). • Free standing type woodstove fan is widely available: If 2 or more combined use of high power low temp activation types in certain room shape or air flow configuration it can save 15-30% heating cost but most come with low Curie temperature(loses effect of thermoelectric) at 300°C range(SmartFan ie, Valiant Accessories+). • Generally more powerful sterling engine type fan(some also directionally rotates) saves more though starting temperature is high(Valcan Stove Fan, Warpfive Stove Fan), Campfire cook stove phone charging(JikoPower+)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 17: H.R. VIII Thermo-Galvanic etc. • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial HEAT RECOVERY • •b ThermoGalvanic Cell/ThermoElectric Cell/ThermoCell(DIFFERENT FROM Solid State ThermoElectric device): This is not semiconductor but made of electrodes and liquid electrolyte(redox ion) to function as enclosed thermoelectric device by temperature dif between electrodes within cell, also there is time lag in effects to use as battery without no heat input for short time. • Basically works permanently as long as there is temp difference. Low key image & mostly forgotten since 1980s but now some seem to show similar significant effectiveness as best performing Solid Thermoelectric cell at 50-200°C low temp range(ATC - Australian Research Council[Ted Abraham], Tsukuba Univ[Kobayashi & Moritomo et al]), New much thinner flat Carbon Nanotube CNT use(Renchong Hu+), CNT & Aerogel-Based ThermoElectrochemical Cell(Yong Hyup Kim +) -->>cont: 61
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 18: H.R. IX Thermo-Magnetic etc. • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: • •c "MagnetoThermoElectric", Thermo Magnetic Motor, Curie Engine etc: At least two of following three combined energy generation mechanics are used: • @1 Ferromagnetic material(become magnet when gets close to it and retain magnet state somewhat even after removed[hysteresis]) "motor" is placed between heated magnetic and cold heat sink, and it oscillates back and forth by thermal demagnetization at Curie temperature on heated magnetic side and re-magnetization inducing cold sink side: this vibration between heating and cooling states are recovered as electricity via piezo effect or/and electromagnetic induction for micro devices. @2 Losing and gaining magnetic field in time-variant oscillating manner is used to generate electricity. • Also for rotating motor type: @3 Kinetic rotation motion is converted to power. 62
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 19: H.R. X Thermo Magnetic, Thermionic, • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •c "MagnetoThermoElectric", Thermo Magnetic Motor: • Despite some mainstream media and "science blog" debunking, recent academic documents and other witnesses indicate this is also one of highest efficiency amongst mainstream confirmed heat recovery tech, also can be good combo with solar energy for heat recovery(Prime Photonics+). Water based 20°C temp difference workable system(Swiss Blue Energy AG), • Opportunity to synergize further for even higher efficiency with Pyroelectric effect(produce electricity from rapid temperature change oscillation), and Shape Memory Alloy/Polymer(heat or magnetic): applicable to micro and industrial size power generation both. • •d Thermionic device(electron discharged from one electrode to other as collector across vacuum when there is temp difference between them), super high temp use, NASA used 12% efficient device in 1976, 25% range at 1500°C in 1960s in Soviet block(Orlinov & Stafanov et al), then disappeared from civilian market. -->>cont: 63
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 20: H.R. XI Thermionic, ThermoDielectric • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •d Thermionic device: • But now Carnot limit(max heat energy engine conversion limit: about 37%) far exceeding(lately this is not necessarily auto pseudo-scientization treatment) MicroPower Global device exists: ex-ENECO inc, Sevastyanenko, Kucherov,& Hagelstein: LENR researchers) 40% range? at 250-600°C: Beyond Carnot Limit should be explainable by current science(Joh Roßnagel+), Single Layer Graphene use would boost 40%+ at below 700°C(Shi-Jun Liang+), • •e ThermoDielelectric(Workman-Reynolds) Effect(da Costa Rebeiro, GW Gross+) usually mild salt dissolved water or liquid matter's phase change generates charge separation/capacitor function/electricity generation): Not even close for commercialization.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 21: H.R. XII ThermoDielectric, PyroElectric • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •e ThermoDielelectric(Workman-Reynolds) Effect: • One of most ignored mainstream accepted electricity harvesting potential tech(since 1980s) with more society disruptive potentials like: major power harvesting from freezing and melting of water & other liquids, or further backing up charge based weather effect(rather than heat convention or CO2) combined with electroscavenging + triboelectric effects, & debunked but commercialized air/vapour ionization based stronger low cost weather control. For details see water tech presentation[Four Levels of Water Techno...] & look up "Rain Related Weather Modification”. • •f Pyro-electric(oscillating temperature to generate electricity), also nanogenerator for micro device exists(PENG): PyroElectric generator often requires temperature alternating device to cause rapid temperature oscillation to activate effect. New mechanics are improving effectiveness: Self heat-cool alternating polymeric PyroElectric Nanogenerator by water vapor, without any energy using heat alternating device(Fengxian Gao et al), 65
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 22: H.R. XIII Thermo-Acoustic, Unconventional Heat Pump • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: f Pyro-electric: • 30% efficient by MEMS use(Sc Hunter/ORNL+), Nanowire use(Wenxi Guo et. al+) can be hybridized with piezoelectric generator(Ju-Hyuck Lee+), Heatpipe use for rapid temperature change transfer to increase efficiency(Dan Zebek+), • •g ThermoAcoustic(heat is recovered to cause air molecule massive excitation type standing wave effect in confined space, then create temperature difference & electricity generation), 300°C max. 20%+ efficiency electricity conversion(Etalim, Aster Thermoacoustic+), Gas combustion use instead of existing heat recovery but still comes far ahead of conventional system cost(Nirvana-es.com), High performance cooling from heat(SoundEnergy BV, Cool Sound Industries+). • •h High performance unconventional heat pump: 30% extra energy saver for various heat movement generally not achievable by other systems: Fisonic Cavitation(Fisenko). CO2 Heat Pump "EcoCute" for hot water generation: part of industry or residential standard in some nations/regions(eg Japan) somewhat less to much less installation in other nations for its 10-20+% more saving in some situations compared to regular heat pump(Denso, Sanden+), -->>cont: 66
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 23: H.R. XIV Unconv. Heat Pump, Thermo PhotoVoltaic • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •h High performance unconventional heat pump: • Claims of COP >8(Mayekawa+): defacto 800+% efficiency. This is one of several state backed energy related tech promoted in Japan: Some tech prospered like this while others suddenly disappeared till recently(eg SuperCritical water). Non toxic CO2(R744) can be also used in similar way for refrigeration with less restrictions by environmental laws. Pure cooling without heating combo has been deemed no cost saving over conventional medium system, but some industrial sized systems are actually emerging as energy saving TransCritical CO2 Refrigeration Cycle by unique combination of elements(Carnot Refrigeration+), • •i Micron-gap ThermoPhotoVoltaics: MTPV corp(DiMatteo+); generally ignored Near Field TPVs efficiency is upto a magnitude ahead of mainstream Far Field TPVs, Jx Crystals TPV: Jx Crystals (Fraas) already measured 35% efficiency in 1989,
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 24: H.R. XV Thz-FIR Rectenna etc • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: • •j Ambient EHF(Extreme High Frequency), Thz(Terahertz), FIR(Far InfraRed) Rectenna (0.1-30Thz) by nano material use: Likely most disruptive science accepted under-explored heat recovery as EHF-FIR-Thz range EM radiation of heat harvesting by Frequency Selective Surface(FSS) nanostructures & resonance amplifying(Redwave Energy, Univ Manchester+): usually focused on industrial heat <300°C, for industrial size electricity generation with much higher efficiency than other solid state devices. Also EM overall density is much higher in this range than lower RF waves, in addition to easier high % harvesting quality. • Metamaterial(manmade specific geometric pattern) or SRR(Split Ring Resonator enabled broader band reception should significantly improve efficiency especially at Extremely High Frequency range harvesting up from 0.001-1Thz range(Parc Xerox+), But generally 70-80+% conversion range should be possible & without heat-cooling maintenance concern like thermoelectric In addition, FIR Rectenna(FIR absorbing Optical Rectenna) technically allows microcurrent harvesting perpetually 24hrs since everything emits FIR wave at above 0K(-273C). -->>cont: 68
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 25: H.R. XVI Fuel Cell, Paintable Heat Recovery • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: • •k Some high heat generating Fuel Cells can build in CHP to boost efficiency past 90%+(heat included) level: ■PAFC(Phosphoric acid): Fuji Electric+, ■MCFC(Molten Carbonate): FuelCell Energy+, ■SOFC(Solid Oxide)Bloom Energy, Ene Farm/Kyocera - Osaka Gas - Toyota, Sunfire GmbH+, Ene Farm is for house based unit, its SOFC is at 52% electrical efficiency & produces lower cost power than retail price and can be sold to grid(Japan only), ■PEMFC(Proton Exchange Membrane): Ene Farm/Panasonic+, • •l Paintable heat recovery system can significantly benefit: Thermo Diode Coating(Ne Chernoff) or Spin Seebeck - Reverse Spin Hall Effect Paint: Surface plasmon effect use dielectric material's spin current generator, & use of magnon + phonon resonance would further improve efficiency(Ei Saito), Ultrasonic spray coating hetrojunction Perovskite solar cell of 11% efficiency(AT Barrows+), Also ferroelectric Perovskite's multi-energy response ability hasn't been explored(Solar-PyroElectric-PiezoElectric): eg KBNNO. ->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 26: H.R. XVII MHD, Condensing Scrubber • —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: • •m MHD & Faraday effect application: Electrical generation increases if high temp electro-conductive waste heat exhaust or hot molten salt like flow is passed by MHD device prior to existing system extraction. Self powered Magnetic Flow Meter by opposing magnets separate charges in conductive water & picked up by opposed electrodes to cause electron flow(OMEGA Engineering+), but this industrial level potential energy harvesting tech is mostly ignored by mainstream. • ▀▀3. Heat Recovery as HEAT, can save indicated % of entire related heating system: •a Condensing Scrubber: Direct contact heat of exhaust fume to water with possible 5-15% range extra saving(while cleaning air) compared to conventional heat recovery from the same source. Savings can exceed 30%+ compared to no action at all(Babcock & Wilcox, Bionomic Industries QSense, Valmet+). Use of heat pump amplifies saving(Condens Heat Recovery Oy, Caligo Industries+), most significant consistent mainstream use in some Nordic nations. ->>cont: linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada70
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 27: H.R. XVIII Turbine Inlet Air Cooling, Steam Trap • —>> cont: ▀▀3. Heat Recovery as HEAT, can save indicated % of entire related heating system: • •b Turbine Inlet Air Cooling(TIAC) by very fine Air Fogging etc: Increasing density of air: torque to drive turbine(Gas generator, HVAC fan etc) by cooling the inlet air temperature by water and evaporation chilling(Johnson Controls, Araner Cooling+). In some high temp situation makes 10%+ energy difference even for large generators. Still this basic system is not installed in many situations. • •c Venturi-Orifice steam trap: Loss in steam system is often taken for granted at boiler or industrial systems. But they can save 5-25% of energy, while additionally eliminating costs for related maintenance or mechanical systems with fast payback of 0.5-3yrs(Enetrap jp, Thermal Energy International, Delta Steam Systems, Ingrid Wernicke Industrieservice+). Similar less degree of saving is possible with commonly available steam eductor/ejector or venturi auto feeder/mixer. linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada71
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 28: H.R. XIX CHP, Heat Pipe • ▀▀3. Heat Recovery as HEAT, can save indicated % of entire related heating system: • •d CHP: Combined Heat & Power/Cogeneration can more than double efficiency even with conventional heat recovery tech use, well established in some nations(Denmark, Finland, Russia, Netherlands+), many ex-soviet & its allies+, while surprisingly low use in others(Japan, France, Sweden+). Often as centralized District Heating System, this set up allows all types of new heat recovery like Solar thermal, biomass to incorporate later on): Also further efficient Combined Cooling, Heat & Power (CCHP, Trigeneration, use of absorption chiller) when there is also cooling need, • •e Heat Pipe application: Low or no maintenance heat pipe(capillary driven liquidvapor phase change circulation system with inner side and outer side within a sealed vessel) is often still underutilized super efficient heat conductor for various industrial/residential heat energy saving applications (5-1000times of copper)(Aavid Thermacore, , +) that enables transfer of heat in recoverable shapes(eg Vapor Chamber to make it possible to use conventional flat thermoelectric device otherwise unrecoverable, or Heat Pipe to rapidly transfer heat & coolness to maximize thermoelectric power generation. They are hard to quantify as % recovery improvement) 72
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 29: H.R. XX Heat Pipe 2, Shape Metal Alloy - Nitinol • ▀▀3. Heat Recovery as HEAT, can save indicated % of entire related heating system: •e Heat Pipe application: • Heatpipe is also able to do its secondary recovery heat use etc to save energy up to 40% or more in surprising # of cases if fully exploited from conventional system: eg HVAC air conditioning, particularly dehumidification(wrap around cooling coil on cooling and passive reheating) on any scale(Heat Pipe Technology inc, Advanced Cooling Technologies+). Yet it is notable this is defacto mandatory application in non energy industries like electronics, specific manufacturing-chemical process, aerospace etc for effective cooling and heating. Some of more advanced application like no fan required cooling outperforms fan used cooling in electronics with no electricity use(eg Calyos SA, Nofan Computer, Compulab Airtop, Sparton Rugged Electronics+) is not utilized for energy sector • ▀▀4. Heat Recovery as TORQUE, Shape Memory Alloy(SMA): Nitinol engine(Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloy, expands when cooled): “Negative fatigue” temperature shapeshift metal with significant torque, Order of magnitude increased durability to steel springs, US Navy link(Rid Banks, Sandoval, Ginell, McNichols, Hochstein, A Johnson+), 73
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 30: H.R XXI Shape Metal Alloy - Nitinol2 • ▀▀4. Heat Recovery as TORQUE, Shape Memory Alloy(SMA): Nitinol engine: • Due to cooling needs, Nitinol engine is more suitable for small unit based system. Active movement to commercialize in 1970s but disappeared after. As happens for some disruptive energy use, Shape Memory Alloy(SMA) is widely used & encouraged for other non energy applications such as medical, dental, aerospace, robotics, structural integration etc. Also there is some energy saving element at various automatic actuation at set temperature etc. • Can be made simple system to produce energy with much lower cost than existing heat recovery tech. Less disruptive format mainstream Nitinol based generator debut(Exergyn), Some private type trials with solar air heating/desorption chamber for 24hr "perpetual free energy system" demonstrations made(Kimton Gravity Engine, Kellogg's Research Labs, Actment jp+), General Motors(GM) got US gov't grant in 2009 with Dynalloy & HRL Laboratories along with patent for car exhaust heat recovery but news disappeared. • Tech effect for power generation suitability is scientifically mainstream recognized but occasional main media level pseudoscientization effort exists. Shape Memory Polymer tried for some micro energy harvesting, eg ElectroActive Polymer by wind or oscillation(TU Delft, Bayer AG+). Also it is notable Nitinol is activatable in much wider temperature now with -200 to +150C range: eg Fe-Ni-Co-Ti(Daido Univ- Daido Steel +). • SMA can be also almost no electricity use cooling by heat absorbing state under certain 74 conditions(Seelecke & Schütze +)
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” (Grid Parity) Solar <3cents/KWh • ■ SOLAR: Rapid cost dropping(most competitive LCOE[Levelized Cost Of Electricity] is on par with std Wind: <3-6cents/KWh), as of 2017, certain solar electricity generation techs in even in non dessert regions indicate past grid parity: lowest cost at LIMITED direct sun avail remote areas, individual house, high cost nations(eg Europe), high day time cost(eg Japan), or remote islands(eg Vanuatu, Hawaii). • Already far below grid parity cost in certain dessert regions(<3cents/KWh, in some cases allegedly approaching 1cent) (based on bidding price). Fastest advancing major energy tech due to direct link with microelectronics, computer, semiconductor/PCB(Printed Circuit Board) manufacturing(metal crystallization control), spectroscopy, laser-optics, photonics, nanotech, space: many are linked to inventor “free energy”
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” (Grid Parity) Solar 2 Beyond Shockley-Queisser Equivalent • Open discussion & active pursuing of how to “violate” Shockley-Queisser limit(S-Q limit) & quantum efficiency COP>1, by theoretical/experimental level at mainstream academic with corporate/NGO/Gov’t sponsored. Although academic & socioeconomical ramification is much bigger, in comparison this is a sharp contrasted attitude towards wind[Betz Limit], nuclear remediation(p367,368) or thermodynamics[2nd law, p194-196], • And this mainstream handling method of S-Q limit can be applied/simulated to the way of embracing inventor tech classic level over-unity electricity/energy extraction, as LENR-Cold Fusion gets officially accepted, but this requires powerful Western interlocked mainstream sponsor back up which is fractured support at best currently: excess S-Q is far less disruptive for business structure. • But Direct Solar Heat(solar thermal) application is universally lower cost in most of the world up to high latitude Southern Scandinavia or Middle of Western Canada. 76
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 3 Beyond S-Q Mainstream Treatment • Following solar pages list up potential cost reduction ideas, also some techs are installable as lowest cost energy in some areas (*Note: due to photovoltaic’s high tech nature, production process, choice of material & how it is used affect costing much more than most other energy tech but this report doesn’t cover these elements) • ■1. Over S-Q limit Single Junction(SJ) Photovoltaic Solar Cell(SC): Significant number of SJ cell Shockley-Queisser Limit 33% exceeding efficiency at lab level experimental claims or strong indications/theoretical ideas discussed at conference without criticism/risking loss of academic or engineer job, articles pass mainstream journal editorials, and embraced by influential business/NGO/Gov’t lobbies & funders, Examples: • i Light concentrating property Standing Nanowire/NanoPillar/NanoCone etc (Krogstrup, Fontcuberta i Morral+), ii Solar Thermo-PhotoVoltaic(STPV, thermal upconversion: absorb heat and re-emit it as extra photon for capture; Boriskina+)(also see p67 •i) with specific geometric emitterabsorber combo(Rephaeli+), —>> continue 77
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 4 Exciton • —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell: S-Q limit Single Junction: iii Multiple Exciton Generation(MEG) by Quantum Dot Solar Cell:(Nozik, Oc Semonin, Ra Ellingson+): Electron avalanche effect triggering(Br Parkinson, W Tisdale+), Beyond thermodynamic efficiency limit Electron Carrier Multiplication?: Tuneable Quantum Dot(also does instant photon capture before disappears) to make photon disappear into vacuum, then reappear(p347) with Electron/exciton multiplying effect: singlet fission effect, “7 excitons at cost of 1”/ Quantum efficiency COP=7(& indication on over-unity like actual electricity yield?), linked to Population Inversion - Self Powering Laser(VI Klimov, RD Schaller+ : US Gov’t at Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics [CASP]), Similar replication at NREL(H Brody), Outside US(BL Oksengendler+), • iv Plasmon types: Surface Plasmon Solar Cell(use collective oscillationresonance of electron) to trap light & increase absorption(Mi Burns+), Plasmonic Photonic Enhanced Solar Cells(Microcontinuum) Plasmonic enhancement of Dye Sensitized SC: DSSC)(Co Andrei+), Even combine DSSCs + collection of high capacity Triboelectric Nanogenerators(TENG) for human random motion harvesting + supercapacitors(F-SC) in all fibre shaped mode in clothing(Zhong Lin Wang), Plasmonic nanostructure with upconverter-doped dielectric core(A Atre+), —>> continue 78
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 5 Exciton 2 • —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell : v Infrared/Teraherz wave Capture(also see next page Metamaterial based solar cell): Note this tech is already working in other applications but not much applied to solar energy use due to disruptiveness? 24hr solar(Solterra Solar : Squires & Jabbour+), Lead selenide nanocrystals to convert Infrared ray to visible photons for increased capture(Bardeen+), Trap infrared photon to directly generate electricity(Fr Meseguer+), Infrared capturing nano solar rectenna(optical rectenna) arrays made by atomic layer deposition(Br Willis), Upright nano antenna maximally tuned to specific sun light infrared frequency(Bar Cola), Similar mechanics(Microcontinuum, CoolCAD Electronics+) • vi Others: vi-a Down conversion(split 2x too high energy photons for band-gap into two lower energy photons to recover both), vi-b Hot Carrier Solar Cell(Le Bris+): keep low heat transfer from electron to phonon, vi-c Intermediate Band Solar Cell(Yo Okada+) with “photon ratchet” for extra light recovery, • vi-d Single Junction Tandem Solar cell(Wl Walukiewicz+), Perovskite oxides photo-ferroelectric material to function like Multi-Junction cell(An Rappe+), vi-e Piezo-phototronics(3way coupling: piezoelectric-semiconductorphotoexcitation effects) used for beyond thermodynamics limit?(Zhong Lin Wang+), —>> continue 79
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 6 “Overunity” • —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell : • vi-f Metamaterial Based Solar Cell: controlling/engineering light or electromagnetic wave absorption characteristic(refractive Index) to cause resonance state/maximize plasmon for high efficiency, also InfraRed wave can be absorbed as 24hr solar(Lamda Solar - Metamaterial Technologies Inc, Dubna Nuclear Institute JINR[ОА Займидорога, ВН Самойлов]): latter's product has Super high dielectric constant/permittivity capacitor built in & claims star signal can be adjusted to recover small power with this Heterogeneous Metamaterial("hetroelectrical capacitor"). • vi-g If cost is low, high performance Solid State Device(scattered in p5668) can replace photovoltaics to generate electricity up to 50 times more than photovoltaics per same area(Ka Matsubara+), vi-h 60-70% level efficiency Solar MHD lab success by superconducting type magnet(Concentrating Solar Power Utility Inc+),
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 7 “Overunity” • —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell : • vi-i "Larger than unity” thermodynamic light efficiencies, when cooling involved (cold electricity link?[supercurrent “plus”]: p151-153): Part of mainstream in Soviet-Russia/Ukraine since 1930s(SI Vavilov, YP Chukova, Yu Slyusarenko+); related to “over unity” anti-stokes excitation from lattice energy(Letokhov+), laser cooling+, Converting lattice vibrations into infrared photons(Raj Ram+), Solar cell illuminated by circularly polarized light generates charge/spin currents far more than spin polarization of carrier density(I Žutić, Ja Fabian+), also link to various photon related time dilation effect, and torsion field. • vi-j Quantum efficiency COP >1, Singlet Exciton Fission cell(Congreve, Ma Böhm+), • vi-k Infrared & Heat absorbing Iron oxide based Charge Ordering RFeO4 solar cell(Green Ferrite: Na Ikeda) in which electric dipole depends on electron correlations(not covalency, ie controllable by spin?), 24hr power generation, and COP>1 indication, seemed commercial ready but shelved? 81
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 8 Infrared/BEC • —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell : vii Heavier on theory: Fill factor(FF, Available power at the maximum point) modelling shows higher limit for Organic Solar Cell(VA Trukhanov+), Nanostructured cell limit doesn’t apply(Yunlu Xu+), Combine Upconversion & MEG(Shpaisman+), Application of Photonic Bose-Einstein condensates(BEC) to concentrate, amplify, store light etc. Some algae-bacteria’s photon-to-charge conversion ratio is close to 100%(FH Alharbi+), Solar cell SuperAbsorption of light(KDB Higgins+), But S-Q limit seems to come from non-empirical data(& new data after 1960s excluded) & mostly based on 2nd law of thermo-dynamics' theoretical discourse without substantial data back up(Bolin Liao+), which has (ignored) contradictions (p194-196) and considered as more of conditional reference by many even in mainstream level, at least privately. • ■2. Under S-Q limit? Photovoltaic Solar Cell: but still significant cost reduction methods, commercialized or prototype lowest cost products, some redundant: i 25% field efficiency SJ silicon cell(Solvoltaics+), ii Optical Rectification nonsemiconductor cell(Ste Rand+), iii Consolidated solar cell(M Baldo), iv Low cost thin film/organic solar cell by light trapping: classical limit 15x exceeding nanophotonic type: by resonance for full absorption (Shanhui Fan+), or by Fullerene C60(Sunpower C60)/Coherent Population Trapping(CPT), Electromagnetically Induced Transparency(EIT) link, 82
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 9 Thin Film/DSSC • -->> continued- ■2.Under S-Q limit? Solar Cell: • v Titanium based spray DSSC solar cell is 10% efficiency but cost is <1/5 of others(Showa Titan, seems shelved), vi Holographic solar cell:(Solar Bankers, Bifacial added Prism solar cell[G Rosenberg]), vii Nanostructured solar cell: Increase surface area to trap more light, less recombination- Solar Brush by Bloo Solar, viii Low cost thin film/DSSC with High outside light low efficiency but low indoor light high efficiency(20%+): 3G Solar, ix Enhance light harvesting by trapping, quantum dot relation etc by use of Cavity QuantumElectrodynamics (Mi Calic+), x Would solar cell application of Circular Photogalvanic Effect(circularly polarized light) & Spin Galvanic Effect(spin polarization) have significant efficiency potential(eg at Gyroscopic Quantum well+)? • ■3. Concentrated ThermoPhotoVoltaics, Cost uncompetitiveness challenge: But some might have significant low cost potential: eg Morgan Solar(J-P Morgan), SolarCube(Gr Watson), REhnu(Ro Angel), Other cost lowering elements eg: Micro-Optic Solar Concentrator(Ja Karp+), Stretched Lens ArraySLA light concentrator(M O’Neill)+ --cont ->> 83
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 10 TP Voltaic • —>> continued-■3. Concentrated ThermoPhotoVoltaics: For efficiency only: Mainstream ignored aerospace targeting Boeing-Spectrolab’s Multi Junction solar cell CDO-100-C3MJ/C4MJ is average efficiency 38.5/40 % in 2009/10 for terrestrial market, and sells to civilian companies(OEM?), SolAeroEmcore was 37% in 2007, Hybrid concentrated PV & thermo-acoustic engine(Northrop Grumman), MicroLink’s specialized dual-junction solar cell works at 400°C, PhotoElectrowetting/Optofluidics sun tracker by Teledyne, etc. Due to their space industry sales, there might be classified more robust products. Civilian market focused companies’ R&D lab efficiency is 45% level in 2016 (Spectrolab linked Amonix-Arzon Solar, Lattice-Matched solar cell by Solar Junction +), What happens if Optical Vortex Soliton & Self-Focusing element is applied? • ■4. Non Std Concentrated Solar Power(CSP), 30%+ field efficiency Dish Stirling(parabolic), (CSPs drop performance as much as 85-90% at rain or cloudy weather), lowest cost available solar in sunny area: Rippaso Stirling Hybrid, Cleanergy, United Sun Systems -all linked to Sweden, Schlaich Bergermann & Partner -Germany, US Majors participated in 1980s-90s but withdrawn(McDonnell Douglas, Cummins), No water use, Much less land needs(2.5ha/mw) with Module based 10-50kw installation, <5cents/KWh range cost is on par with lowest cost by non mega hydro. ii Solid State Energy Harvesting device: or high efficiency combined cycle can lower cost than Stirling: eg Photon enhanced thermionic 84 emission(Melosh), Others(p56-68)
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 11 CSP • —>> continued ■ SOLAR: ■ 5. Standard CSP: can be currently <6/KWh, Molten Salt storage type can supply power almost 24hrs with significantly increased cost(Calcium & SuperCritical Fluid experimentally lower cost), Ongoing further cost reduction, eg: i Skyfuel’s Heliostats by low cost film instead of mirror, ii UltimateTrough collector by Flabeg Solar, etc, • ■ 6. Unique niche specific installation solar cell: low efficiency(5-10%) but attachable/wearable/textile Organic PhotoVoltaics(Samsung, Mitsubishi+) for convenience, by low cost material/manufacturing: from Hetrojunction, Dye Sensitized(DSSC) to Perovskite use, Thermoelectric/fibreoptic textile with 3-5% level(NASA+), Polymer coating on hardsurface to make it a solar generator(ZeoFRET - Optiacal Additives+), Super high efficiency(beyond SQ?) transparent liquid coating on glass or smooth surface material with less than 1yr ROI(SolarWindow Technologies): also makes flexible solar cell glassSolar panel charging fan driven wood cooking stove to save 40-60% of wood & eliminate most of smoke for 3rd world user's comfort(African Clean Energy+), ->>cont: 85
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 12 Solar Thermal, Portable Camper • —>> continued ■ SOLAR: ■ 6. Unique niche specific installation solar cell: • Hand portable set of solar panel with battery pack for large TV, laptop(SolarWay+), even powerdrill, microwave oven useable(Ecoboxx SolSave+): becomes by far the lowest cost power in many parts of low developing nations. This would be disruptive if openly endorsed for recreational market in advanced nations. 10-80hr solar based LED light small device with one day charging (Solarbuddy, Waka Waka Light, SunFire Solutions+) • ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat: Disruptively low cost, often forgotten, instantly applicable with 50%+ efficiency with existing tech use, For residential, commercial, industrial(Industrial Heat Process, at least 60% of electricity is used to generate) application as co-heat source: • i Solar Air Heating-cooling, Very scalable, Can be combined with Solar Thermal Collector: SolarWall(J Hollick)+, Low tech dessert area heating and cooling by Trombe Wall(M Dabaieh+), Mainstream participation of air conditioning-cooling by use of heatpump(Lennox SunSource, Tokyo Gas+), Commercial scale refrigerator(Coolar+), 86
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 13 Thermal/CHP • -->> continued ■ SOLAR: ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat: • ii Solar water cooling: Ammonia-water absorption based Ice maker(ISAAC Solar Icemaker+), Solar driven Lithium Bromide absorption based water refrigerant system ( Yazaki Group+), • iii Solar thermal by hot water collecting: Enerworks +, Extensive District Heating system incorporation & heat storage in Denmark(Marstal), Brædsrup+), • iv Rare but most efficient(70%+) combined PV & Solar thermal unit type by hot water recovery while cooled temperature improves PV cell performance: eg Technique Solar(D Thoroughgood), Solar Angel etc . Concentrated thermal at 80% efficiency(IBM), Similar concept with housing construction element added more energy produced than used home idea can be cost competitive depends on solar panel costing(Sonnenschiff-PlusEnergy-Heliotrope[R Disch], Övolution, “Sousle-Soleil”, ArchiBlox+) -->>cont 87
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 14 2 • —>> continued ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat: v Solar Heat for Industrial Process(SHIP): suitable for low/mid temp needs, v-a Cooking: Scheffler reflector etc use, pasteurizing, cooking(Tss-India+), advanced parabolic or vacuum tube use(SunFire Solutions+), solar tracking system with heat storage tank movable to chosen location of cooking(SUREST International), • v-b Various Industrial: washing desalinating, drying, cooling, bleaching(Megawatt Solutions, Clique Solar ARUN, Trivelli Energi+), higher efficiency Linear Fresnels used Chromasun Micro-Concentrator, v-c Utility: Gas-steam turbine augmenting or reduce start up time, Integrated Solar Combined Cycle(ISCC): Yazd Solar Energy +, v-d Solar Thermal EOR(Enhanced Oil Recovery): Novatec Solar, GlassPoint+, • Solar thermal is applicable in std model device to most industries except MetalSmelting(high temp system must be custom made) types, Cost justifiable even when heat storage is needed, Different temp types: Basic Standard Flat Plate Collector(<80°C)(Apricus+), or Evacuated tube (<100°C), But simple external nontracking reflector added 200°C performance is possible(Artic Solar), Often heat pipe is used for effective/efficient rapid heat transfer, Mid temp system: Parabolic Trough or Linear Fresnel Collector(<400°C), -->>cont: 88
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 15 3 • —>> continued: ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat: CSP(<600-800°C), Up to 3500°C system exists but non commercial: Le Four Solaire d’Odeillo PROMES, produced H2 by non catalyst pure heat from water, Or Большая солнечная печь in Uzbekistan(lasting 45+yrs; Some CSP system might last much longer than std rating of 25yrs, also some Photovoltaic cell would last 50yrs+ with 25% less initial capacity: i.e. Cost of certain device can be much lower than publicly discussed). • Instead of mirror, Solar Pumped Laser with Fresnel lens using Chromium doped Nd:YAG (Yttrium aluminium garnet) crystals or variations to increase light absorption efficiency by a few fold(PD Reusswig+), and using its heat for super efficient solar hydrogen making (Kaz Imasaki+), added efficiency if seawater's magnesium generates heat(Tak Yabe+) • ■ 8. Other fundamentally different mechanics type, Practically untouched by mainstream, but national labs/space agencies seem to involve, some indication of “over-unity” solar under right conditions: i Maglev Vertical Axis Mendocino Motor: V3Solar(C LaDue), Array of AC current producing multiple spinning solar cones with “mutual counter rotating amplifying effect”?, ii Solar Liquid Power(D Linman), iii Diffused light workable Superconducting paint(C Bolaños), similar 85% efficiency steam generating carbon foam(Ha Ghasemi), or Nanosized Quantum Dots based Photovoltaic Paint(Sus Thon, Ted Sargent+) 89
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Wind 1 • —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES (Grid parity or less): ■ WIND ENERGY, Wide range of under deployed different mechanics/tech available, extensively tested by labs & smaller scale models to back up claims, even mini turbines more efficient than larger conventional, but often way past grid parity: lower cost than all conventional energy tech, only in specific locality and not universally, but some are <4cents/KWh. • Following listing includes many commercialization failures/bankruptcies due to being new: product quality issue & failing to capture “unconventional” wind effect in half of installed sites, sometimes highlighted as proof of non std wind tech invalidity in wind energy media or “industry expert” blogs, • Almost no participation by largest ranking wind power majors, Majority of following wind tech indicates science illegal performance of Betz limit(59% efficiency) exceeding up to 4 times(vortex, venturi coanda type effect funnels “extra wind”, also limit might not apply to non HAWT[Horizontal Axis], etc), hence frequently called exaggeration/miscalibration, Often a-Fundamentally different mechanics from conventional wind tech, b-Works with higher & lower wind level, c-Quieter, d-Very space efficient. e-Reduced or no bird/bat accidents. Some are fSpecialized in small scale, g-Longer lasting and less maintenance, h-Simpler mechanics. -->>cont: 90
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Wind 2 VAWT, Blade Variation etc • —>> continued: ■ WIND: Alleged beyond science law efficiency wind turbine eg: i-Involved with aerospace industry (eg DAWT- Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine, Delta Wing, Use of mechanics of Sailing directly against wind or faster than wind speed+), Indicated in Boldface Dark Blue means actively commercialized in following 1-17 • •1 Advanced VAWT(vertical axis wind turbine: Darrius & Savonius combo etc, material integrity improvement continued from past wind farm failures(Yih Ho Pao+): Turbina VAWT(Mi Tesic), Luethi Wind(M Luethi), Sambrabec Catavent ERD qc(Obidniak), • •2 Large VAWT types: Agile Power(Bahnmüller), Terra Moya(R Taylor), Mass Megawatts(Jo Ricker: Multi-Axis Turbo system & MMW augmenter), New Millenium Wind(Drew Thacker, high profile with contracts- suddenly retracted), Wind Harvest International(B Thomas), •3 Maglev VAWT by Senzhen TYPMAR, Regenedyne(Choi & Jenkins), Mag-Wind(Rowan, later called fraud, sometimes happens when inventor type free energy tech is commercialized p183-187), •4 ”Unconventional rotation” type: Windpods (Attey), • •5 Turbine engine type: Stormblade Wind(Jovanovic), Hush Wind Turbine(Ar O’Connor), •6 Different blades or bladeless: Saphon(Aouini), de Archimedes (Ruijtenbeek), SpiralAirFoil(Parker & Noonan), -->>cont: 91
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Wind 3 Rotor, Multi Direction etc • •7 Specific Shaped Fluid dynamic effects: i Tesla Turbine: Tesnic(Ho Nica), spins with same speed as wind, extremely strong with high wind, "close to 100%" efficiency?, ii DAWT: Airsynergy(J Smyth), • iii Magnus effect Rotor ship(Flettner) by Enercon E-ship1, but Rotor type oscillation wind generators are only marginally lower cost than conventional, iv Spiral magnus cylinder blades: Mecaro(Nob Murakami), needs electricity to initially activate generator, v Venturi rotor: Energy Ball Vindkraft,(van der Klippe), vi Conical Helicoid: Windstrument(Cl Clark), disruptively scalable, vii Rectangular building roof edges: Anerdgy WindRail(Sv Koehler), viii Others: BERWIAN wind concentrator (In Rechenberg), “3D wind turbine”: Nheolis (Haddjeri, French govn’t backing), Warp ENECO(Weisbrich), • •8 Airborne wind: majors(eg Google) participating: Altaeros(Glass), KiteGen(Ippolito), Ampyx(Koning & Ruiterkamp), e-kite(van den Brink), TwingTec(C Houle), Ocean freight “free wind” propulsion SkySails,: How much power can be generated if combine this 1km range long device with Electro Hydroylic Tether or simple electro conductive wire? • •9 Omni directional: Katru IMPLUS(Sureshan), •10 Wind-solar hybrid(Skywolf/WindTamer: J Brock), Blue Energy(Melchior: structured & self cleaning solar surface), -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Wind 4 Spiral or Coupled Vortex • •11 Basic spiral convection & vortex effect, mostly by active engineers + mainstream academics + large corporate/Gov’t backing, Upright vortex or Along steep mountain contour pipe: Vortex Engine(Michaud), Tornado Wind Energy TWECS(Ja Yen), Windhamster(Jü Schatz), • Microwave projection triggered tornado generator(Sl Tepic), Other research pre 1960s: (Cheng Ting Hsu, Nazare, Ma Haug, Be Dubo, Ma Menard+), After 1990s:(Stiig, Ma Tanner, Bubnov, Ra Menard, Ar Glezer, More common among Russian & Chinese academics+), • •12 Downward vortex by water spray(P Carlson+), Sharav Sluices(Zaslavsky, Guetta, Israel Gov backed), side effect use for desalinating water, •13 Horizontal, large version of vortex tubes(De Oliver), Vsquare Wind(Ro Freda, US army link), Sheerwind INVELOX(Allaei), • •14 Mini size vortex: Western Co Fotovoltaici(Gachechiladze & Cimini), • Convection Mill model(AR Bennett, A Holmes), can be interpreted as ambient permanent free energy •15 Boundary Layer, Coupled Vortex Effect(Paraschivoiu, Daibiri+), Only small improvement but universal wind turbine performance booster adopter: Leviathan Wind Energizer(D Farb), 93
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Wind 5 Oscillation/Resonance etc • •16 Oscillation based, no rotation, easily installed literally anywhere, highly scalable: Altenera BreezeBee(Mo Kaplan), Even more efficient Standing Wave causing Resonance freq. crossover type of: Self exciting vortex shedding Zephyr Energy Windbeam(Dy Thorp+), Aeroelastic flutter: Windbelt/Windcell/Humdinger(Shawn Frayne), sold only under certain special conditions, some already copied: Wolt Wind Energy. • If resonance creation is aimed (avoided by regular turbine for device integrity reason) it might further improve efficiency as seen in other techs. Use of Helmholz cavity(eg blowing air at top of bottle to make loud sound) to take up very little space on building’s wall yet possibly more efficient than conventional generator per same wind(SP Matova, T Van Buren+). What happens if pair up the resonators? Also see Piezo-Triboelectricity (p25-28), • •17 Portable & foldable wind generator: Natural Power Concepts(J Pitre, US military link), Micro Windmill(Sm Rao), Ventus Folding Wind(Kuckir), 15100cm diameter scalable & space fillable interconnected light turbines generates useable power from 2m/sec: MotorWind(Gambarota) 94
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Hydro 1 Underwater Tidal, Flow Dynamics, Adjusting blades, beyond Bez Limit etc • ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave: Some are much lower cost only in remote towns or private power generation, •1 Fundamentally conventional turbine operated super low cost hydro: eg Hydro-Québec, Manitoba Hydro, Three Gorges Dam+, • •2 Underwater tidal flow, Low head hydro(allows to generate power from unused water flow with minimum disturbance), some regular hydro turbine, while majority is similar to vertical axis Darrieus wind turbine like: Benkatina(D Farb), Mako Turbine - SeaUrchin(M Urch), Beck Mickle Hydro allows full weight of water power capture with 70% range efficiency instead of regular premature turbine rotation (Gilmartin & Cattley), ORPC(Gorlov Turbine used), New Energy EnCurrent, Strom-Boje(F Mondl), Hydrovolts (Da Roth), Izumi si(V Markovic), Hydrocat. Larger scale: Verdant Power(D Corren), • More efficient large scale Sundermann Turbine tilts power blades as rotate vertical version of above Beck Hydro: Many of above are easy installation- no damming/digging, Often easy relocation, some show Betz law violation efficiency. Also large hydro dam equivalent in ocean: Large to mega scale tidal: Blue Energy Canada(Bar Davis, Mar Burger+). -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Hydro 2 MHD, Wave Surge & Web • ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave: •2 Underwater tidal flow: • One of the most effective in ocean energy segment by MHD(MagnetoHydroDynamic) generator by wave move(Liquid Metal type) or tidal move both(Scientific Applications & Research Associates, - Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Science+): this type can be easily demonstrated its low cost & high efficiency(Koslover, Rynne, M.F.M.A Majid, Yan Peng, Li Ran +), Desalination plant left over high salt content effluent flow salt water MHD(KSB Aktiengesellschaft+) • •3 Use of both wave surging & webbing for power: Greenwave Energy, Use of highest & lowest point with in a set of wave scalable system: MotorWave(Gambarota): also can work as a floating connected "trompe"s to pump water to high land.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Hydro 3 Wave Phase Matching, Phase dumping, MagnetoStriction etc • ->>cont: ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave: •3 Use both wave surge/web for power: • Mainstream group supported unique wave energy RO water desalination device or waterwheel power generator(Atmocean): works by high floating capacity water surface buoy connected by vertically moving shaft to submerged floating anchor(seafloor unfixed) to function as water pressure pump as 15 or more networked units. • Inertial vertical axis above-water gyroscopic generator whose rotation matches with wave oscillation frequency to create 50-100+% more efficiency than most other wave generators(Aar oldin, H Kanki - Hitachi Zosen+). 300-500% more efficiency than conventional wave power by Heart valve like Phase-dumping control spring mechanism to match & amplify wave motion (CorPower Ocean AB - NTNU): this anomalous claim is backed by sufficient vol of experimental results; similar to sensor micro electricity harvester mechanics. • No-moving parts wave: Reverse MagnetoStriction/Villari Effect use iMEC Oscilla Power, Kutlo jp+): oscillating shape of ferromagnetic material generates time variant magnetic field to generate electricity -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Hydro 4 Resonance/Oscillation etc • ->>cont: ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave: • •4 Non Turbine, highly scalable, low speed workable: Vortex shedding oscillation VIVACE Vortex (Bernistas), • Electroactive Polymer Artificial Muscle/Dielectric Elastomers electric generation on any moving water(Kornblush+), • Nano Fibre Piezomaterial use(Huifang Xu+), Also combo of Piezo & Triboelectricity recovery for doubled effectiveness: contact electrification of water with PDMS film with patterned pyramid array(Zhong Lin Wang et al)(p2427)(this geometry is also effective at Far Infrared/Microwave absorption: eg Anechoric Chamber): Tribo methods recover electricity by liquid contacting and moving on generator surface(water is negativevly charged & device is positively charged). • •5 Liquid pipe flow electricity recovery 5-100KWh: Lucid Energy(Schlabach+), Rentricity, Use of venturi to increase speed/energy harvest: HyPER(NR Prasad), Hydroventuri(Geo Rochester): overunity like effect, • •6 Also completely different far more efficient mechanics system exists but pseudoscience treatment due to use of "non-existent" effect or over unity efficiency(p154-163): eg HHO OxyHydrogen gas use MHD power generation. 98
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 1 Intro • ■ Biomass: Heavily related to human habitat/cultural activities with enormous energy potential even without major technological paradigm change, and usually not perceived as such, but often becomes Lowest cost energy when apply different sets of energy criteria. • α- Even simply by use of conventional tech, •i Applying different cost structure as by-product(eg Fuel from cellulosic content of plant, Sugar Cane Bagasse, Wood chips etc. High energy required waste water treatment reduces energy needs 30%+, might even net energy, •ii Minimum human living condition by-product(Energy produced from Waste or Landfill Gas removal), •iii Regional or Operational based: Sawmill residue burned with cost is now made into Pellets for income, •iv Reevaluating existing criteria of energy(Peat, Gas Hydrate+): • β- Long researched tech with official breakthrough declared types, Some of well known energy industry disruptive techs entered into mainstream accepted commercialization during 2013-2015. This would also gradually reinforce idea of far more energy availability than demand for entire world if combined, •v Cellulosic ethanol - second generation biofuel, •vi Sub-SuperCritical Water (SCW) or Hydrothermal Liquefaction(related tech is marked as "◎", often mainstream approved lowest cost tech for biomass/organic waste energy production). 99
•linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy From Biomass 2 Categories • -->cont ■ Biomass : β- Breakthrough Tech Types After Long Research: • Feed stocks % used to sustain SCW fuel producing operation can be as low as 24%, while other methods requires at least 20% + of feedstcok consumption simply to run same fuel making process itself. Also SCW process can be completed as short as in seconds rather than conventional methods of hrs(combustion etc), days & weeks(AD), and this operation emits very low emission and CO2 is easily recoverable, • Biomass related technologies are categorized 1-4 as follows in this presentation, but there is a large degree of cross over: • •1FOREST RESOURCE, •2 AGRICULTURAL, •3 SOLID/LIQUID MINICIPALINDUSTRY-AGRI WASTE: to Gas/Methane, Gasoline, Diesel, Ethanol, Crude Oil, Compressed or as is fuel, Bio Coal, •4 THER BIOMASS: Seaweed/Algae/Peat: As is or processed • •1FOREST RELATED: Largest vol use in biomass, 1a Non-industrial private wood burning/firewood use, particularly in non developed nations is deemed very large but no precise figure agreements, many nations allow access for logging or growth debris by private individuals freely or by license, Very low efficiency heat use. >>cont: 100
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy As Vast Biomass -3, Residual & • -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED: 1b Industrial extra wood fibre recovery: There is extensive recovery of forest by thinning plantation as well as harvesting entire tree(including branches), and sometimes stump & root: Finland harvests more than 1 million m3/yr in recent years, some synergy with peat harvesting, increase minimum 10% of wood vol, much less extent but still done in Sweden, Baltics, UK. Also general above ground wood debris recovery from forest is lot higher in North West Europe than most other regions. Infra set up with first certain duration of "investment period" is needed. • 1c Wood Gasification & Power generation: Net energy gain compared to simple combustion, cost itself had been higher than conventional combustion in the past due to technical & uptime issue but situation is rapidly changing in last 2-3yrs. Some are CHP(Combined Heat & Power)/Cogeneration. • ◆1 LARGE SIZE power plant application(~10-150MWh~) by overcoming tar, corrosion, plugging issue etc, predominantly North West Euro companies, due to the size primarily Fix Bed Updraft, or Entrainment, Circular or Bubbling Fluidized Bed(Foster Wheeler - VTT, Vølund, Nexterra, Valmet, Andritz Carbona, Outotec, Metso+), Cleaner emission by Steam Fluidized Bed◎(Repotec GmbH, Bosio si), 101
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy As Biomass -4, Wood Gas - Large Size • -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED: 1c Wood Gasification :◆1 LARGE SIZE : Likely the largest installer in the near future with increasing success (KaidiHI.com ): high profile company in China with nation's President visitation in 2011 & 13, while its presence & success is little known in west. *(◎indicates Sub/SuperCritical Water related tech) • ◆2 MID SIZE(~0.5-20MWh~): some are very compact size. ●Scandinavia(Meva Energy, Weiss A/S, Cortus Energy WoodRoll, Gasek+), ●DACH: German Speaking Countries(Christof Industries GmbH+), heat pipe use for 35% electrical efficiency under 1MW(agnion Entrade), Enhanced hydrogen production by superheated steam injection◎(Güssing Renewable Energy GmbH+), ●Other Europe (Xylowatt NOTAR, Greene Waste to Energy, Torftech, Biomass Technology Group BV+), ●North America(Chiptec, PRM Energy Systems, KMW Energy, Thermogenics Gasification +), ●Asia(Chongqing Welluck Trading, Ankur Scientific+), • Full pyrolysis(starved oxygen gasification) mechanics type that produces biochar byproduct(Phoenix Energy, Splainex+): Fuel/gas extraction wood Pyrolysis is often smaller scales or mini DIY types, and usually not competitive with other wood gasification methods. But it is often competitive for plastic-tire processing to produce liquid fuels. Also superior method for non-fuel biochar/activated carbon/carbon black/ as main production. --->>cont: 102
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass -5, Wood Gas - Small • -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED: 1c Wood Gasification & Power generation: • ◆3 SMALLER SIZE(~100-500KWh~) & often CHP, many are containerized system module base for scalability. Some devices start requiring higher feedstock selectivity to achieve efficiency: only ideal material of <15% moisture of uniform sized chip, no dust, no high mineral content etc. ●Scandinavia (Biosynergi Proces, Volter +),●Western Europe(Spanner Re², URBAS, Arbor Heat & Power, Holzenergie Wegscheid, Uniconfort+), high efficiency achieved by pellets use with down draft(& stationary fluidized bed)(Burkhardt GmbH), pyrolysis element use(KÖB Viessmann+), ●Japan is usually tech savvy but lags behind in Wood gasifying(Yanmar, ZE Energy Inc, Chugairo Kogyo+), • ●Other areas (Community Power Corporation BioMax, Biogen corp ltd, Carbo Consult & Engineering+), Single unit 400KWh size by downdraft bed(this method generates clean gas but traditionally very picky for feedstock)(PHG Energy), some are heat generation focus(Infinite Energy Pvt, Advanced Climate Technologies), • ◆4 MINI SIZE POWER generator(~10-200KWh~): Recently often CHP equipped sophisticated residential to small community/industrial use electrical generator is offered(Entrade, All Power Labs, HERZ Energietechnik+): less ash, more compact etc. 103
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy: Vast Biomass -6, Wood Pellet • -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED: 1c Wood Gasification & Power generation: • ◆5 MINI SIZED HEAT only deice: usually unrefined or DIY type system particularly at developing nations, but increasingly sophisticated devices are offered, and generates lowest cost heat by large margin in certain micro & macro regions: ● Europe(Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse, GUNTAMATIC, Wallnöfer Walltherm, ATMOS - Jaroslav Cankař a syn+), some pellet boilers are also efficient by regular combustion by CHP 25% electricity generating Stirling Engine(ÖkoFEN+), or pellet gasifying-direct combustion switchable(ETA Heiztechnik GmbH+), ● North America(Skanden Energy, Kuuma Lamppa Manufacturing+), ● Others(Associated Engineering Works Gasifier+), • 1e Pellet: A form of "free energy" utilization or value adding in forest industry by use of sawmill & forest residual, Can become cheapest fuel avail in some areas, in some markets entire low grade logs can be more profitably used to produce pellets instead of lumber/pulp manufacturing. Major producers(Pinnacle Pellet, JSC Vyborgskaya cellulose, Enviva, German Pellets, Härjedalens Miljöbränsle+). Top producing counties(US, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Latvia, Russia+), Large consumers(UK, Italy, US, Germany, Sweden+), Top importers (UK[heavy for power generation], Italy, Denmark+), Roughly 50-50type breakdown use for residential heat vs industrial(ash yielding bark contained etc). Latter volume might fluctuate rapidly by electrical generation pellet use policy. ->>cont: 104
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass -7, Wood Pellet 2 • -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED:
1e Pellet:
• Some producers use Steam Explosion for cell weakening and densification (also see p90 Torrefaction , p98,99 Hydrothermal carbonization). High combustion lignin pellet(50-90% range lignin instead of 30% range in regular wood) as Dilute Acid Hydrolysis alcohol production leftover(Бионет пеллет лигнин, Lignineko+), sometimes from 30millon+ m3(Russia only, other CIS excluded) accumulation of “hydrolytic lignin” landfill dump . • 1f Biomass Briquettes: Usually non-industrial size production unless part of large pulp/peat/lumber/composite wood operation(often in Russia+): by shredding and compressing when stock is dry enough(moisture <16%), some are stand alone with 20,000ton+/yr scale with other biomass(Biocoal co in, KGN Biofuels +), Lignin based briquette(Бобруйский гидролизный завод, Banisa Energy + ). System providers:(WEIMA Maschinenbau, BriquetteMachine, C.F. Nielsen+), Generally speaking this sector's leader is India, where product is called "biocoal" which is confusing with torrefied pellets. linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 105
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass -8, Wood Ethanol: Enzyme & Acid Hydrolysis • -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED: •
1g Forest Residual: Cellulosic Ethanol, & other Fuels: There are many combos but main types are: i -Enzymatic Hydrolysis based, some pretreatments include classic sulfuric acid, alkaline to low cost Sub/Supercritical water etc:(Chempolis, St1 biofuels, Sekab, Mitsui Zosen , dins +),(also see Agri left over p111-113)
• ii-Acid Hydrolysis based,: Fundamentally different business model compared to all other main biofuel technologies. ii -α Sulfuric Ethanol is around 100yrs+ as major byproduct of Sulfite Pulping(Borregaard+) which is now mostly phased out by Kraft Pulp. • ii -β High temperature Dilute Acid Hydrolysis Ethanol production(0.2-5% range H2SO4), this simple continuation of supposed to be “good only for pretreatment” process is ignored by most of modern west(Kirov Ethanol+): wood boiling/distilling with “semi” SubCritical water element. Its operation mode is rather more like some pulp-paper mill like business model(eg Rayonier-Tembec Temiscaming+) than low value fuel making. -->cont: 106
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“Lowest Cost” Energy From Biomass 9, Wood Ethanol: Forgotten Russia's Simple Dilute Acid Hydrolysis • -->cont: •1FOREST : 1g Residual: Cellulosic Ethanol etc: ii- β Dilute Acid Hydrolysis: • Russia/Soviet had simple large scale uniquely structured long term lucrative operations of 2Gen ethanol business model but mysterious govn’t new policies(eg suddenly imposed same high tax as alcohol beverage!, or stringent lignin dumping big fine while other garbage dumping went unprosecuted) to bankrupt most large plants in 2000s. • Low Cost Model of breaking down long chain polymer to simple sugars (monosaccharides, C5/C6), enabled product ratio adjustable wide range of value byproducts(protein /fodder yeast, furfural, Xylitol, CO2+). and often further value added alcohol(Medical Alcohol, Spirits/ Brandy: Vodka, Holzbranntwein, Whiskey, Synthetic plastic or rubber material+) reducing low value ethanol fuel( Бобруйский гидролизный завод, Бендерский биохимический завод +), or can completely replace ethanol by making value add product(Петроспирт, Речицкий опытно-промышленный гидролизный +). • Feedstock is frequently mix of whole wood, wood residual, non edible portion of agri crop, industrial food processing left over etc. and seasonably variable. -->>cont: 107 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 10, Wood Ethanol thru Gas • -->cont: •1FOREST : 1g Residual: Cellulosic Ethanol etc: ii- β Dilute Acid Hydrolysis: • Also Dilute Acid Hydrolysis produces enormous amount(20-35% of total production) of unutilized wet impure & somewhat SubCritical water altered lignin, still often discarded: accumulated 30million+ m3(Russian industrial waste bashing Western media mostly ignore just this massive lignin dumping & ethanol industry - to hide economically disruptive CO2 sequestrating Russian lignocellulosic fuel business?) • iii-Gasification + reforming + Fischer Tropsch can process whole wood fibre including lignin: (UPM-Kymmene+), Lower cost with steam gasification ◎(Woodland Biofuels+), Small scale rotary kiln use gasifying(Micro Energy Japan+), Likely world's first modern 10,000ton/yr level biomass feed commercialization in 2013, feedstock is mix of wood, plant, trash etc(KaidiHI.com ). iv-Pyroysis based: produces electrical power & heat while generates liquid fuel(BTG Bioliquids - Empyro BV, Fotum+), • Mega "test" facility(Karlsruhe bioliq), Largest operator in in this type with international locations(Ensyn Technologies). Also see Wet Pyrolysis at p98: 3c Hydrothermal Carbonization(HTC). v-Sub/SuperCritical water(SCW) element(higher temp than hydrolysis (ie Near Critical Water[NCW]), Can process whole wood fibre including lignin. All SCW related tech is marked ◎ in biomass section): ◎(Licella - Ignite Energy Resources, Steeper Energy, BTG World - BTG Biomass+), Steam Thermolysis ◎(Concord Blue), Well known majors participated but followed by project cancellation(Catchlight Energy[Chevron - Weyerhaeuser]): too low cost? 108 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 11, Wood Torrefaction • -->cont: •1FOREST : • 1h Torrefaction: Torrefied Pellets/BioCoal: Lower temp 200-300°C range oxygen-less process of dry material with final product with 70% of original mass with 90% of energy potential retained in compressed form: increase per volume heat capacity, hydrophobic (nonhygroscopic), overall lower cost than pellets per energy produced as delivered. • Also various other benefits(eg easy grinding for co-feeding with coal, less abrasion of engine if used as coal water slurry fuel than conventional coal etc), some bio-binder pretreatment & palletizing before heat processing generally has better quality. • Not as economically disruptive as 2nd Gen bioethanol due to solid nature. Longer presence in Western Europe, particularly in Netherlands(Blackwood Technology, Torrcoal+), Other nations(Arbaflame, Arigna Biofuels, Torrec+), Euro Major's participation(ANDRITZ, AREVA+), Largest producers are in US with over 200,000ton/yr capacity(Zilkha Biomass, New Biomass Energy), but generally North America operations have newer participation with same level production cap. as Europe(Diacarbon, Airex Energy, Solvay Biomass), Some claim no indoor storage needs for rain(Arbaflame, HM3 Energy+), non western producers are rare(BioWindbell Technology+) 109
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 12, Black Liquor(BL) • -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED : • 1i Pulp mill Black Liquor(BL) enhanced utilization: BL is by far the largest energy source(efficient pulp mills are net power generators) and core process medium in chemical pulp process that repeatedly gets cleaned & burned its lignin & hemi cellulose(cellulose extraction left over) as pulpmill's energy source during operation. But as mill efficiency increases, Increasing Lignin vol is more of undesired leftover: i -High energy Lignin as oil: for fuel & chemical raw material(Lignol-RenFuel+): lab type environment generation, dedicated large plant doesn't exist, ii-BL Gasification: Replace Tomlinson boiler by PulseEnhanced Black Liquor Gasification (ThermoChem Recovery International), or regular Gasification, & other ways of more energy recovery, option for biofuel etc(Chemrec se, Babcock & Wilcox+), •
1j Cooking Woodstove in Developing Nations,: 40-60% range of their wood use saving compared to conventional 3rd world stove with significant positive health effect by removing most of smoke & done in less than half duration (Mbaula Green, RocketWorks, Aprovecho+), Some are geared for larger kitchen cooking stoves(EnviroFit+), or advanced nation's recreational market focus saves 80-90% fuel compared to open fire cooking & removes most of fumes(StoveTec, Ecozoom, SilverFire Rocket+)
110 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 13, Agri Cellulosic Ethanol • •2 AGRICULTURAL: Cellulosic Ethanol: from non food crop plant(advanced ethanol, 2nd generation biofuel etc): Sociopolitically larger ramification than forestry feedstock biofuel. This has been commercialized many times prior but frequent untimely events from losing money, to suddenly financial backers withdraw, or projects halt with no clear reason given etc, all in addition to technical/operational/raw material difficulties. Soviet/Russia operates for regional supply since 1930s(ignored by west, reduced vol now). • Majority of techs are actually higher cost than existing fuel, but a few are lowest cost in some situations, or depended on feed stock cost calculations. • Finally after 2014, some consistent operations have been established outside of CIS/Russia, while many are still on pilot production by using 3rd party system(without own facilities, not listed here): tech use is redundant with prior listed "1g Forest Residual". ->> cont 111 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 14, Agri Cellulosic Ethanol • -->> cont: •2 AGRICULTURAL: NON CROP PLANT PORTION Cellulosic Ethanol: 2a Enzymatic Hydrolysis: Far less fuel recovery % & slow, cannot digest lignin etc compared to other processes. Challenge includes different saccharification speed(of digesting polysaccharides: Hemi-Cellulose heavier to C5 sugar: glucose, Cellulose to C6: xylose). Lignin(Aromatic Polymer) can be sold as nonfuel value raw material(eg for Vanillin, Glycol) but too much volume?; Maybe competitive as aromatic compound material? • i -Introductory type Cellulosic Ethanol: by "bolted on" to existing food stock ethanol plant: corn kernel fibre processing to increase extra 5-10% of ethanol production(Cellerate-Syngenta, Edeniq +), only 3rd party line production but claims < $1/gallon(< $0.265/litre) (GeoSynFuels), ii-Regular stand alone type Ethanol production, some use catalytic pretreatment: (Clariant, Inbicon, Iogen ca, Zeachem, American Process, Bioflex - GranBio, Beta Renewables, Abengoa Bioenergy+), Largest 2nd generation bio ethanol operation as of 2016(Dupont), Largest overall bio ethanol maker participates (POET llc), Starting outside of Europe/North America(Raizen, Henan Tianguan, Shandong Longlive+), Rare SuperCritical water(SCW) pretreatment tech provider◎(Renmatix). ->>cont: •
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 15, Agri Cellulosic Ethanol: Dilute Acid Hydrolysis etc • -->> cont: •2 AGRICULTURAL: •
2b Dilute Acid Hydrolysis: Fundamentally different business model from other lignocellulosic biofuel operations : Used in Soviet/Russia since 1930s with production adjustable high% value byproducts and option of value added alcohol instead of fuel ethanol. Low key local production(Янгиюльский гидролизный завод +), rare exporting company(Fargona Kimyo Zavodi +), (also see p106-108 for wood ethanol),
2c Gasification + Steam Reform or/& Fischer-Tropsch: (Ineos+), some methods produce liquid fuel 3-4times more than above Enzyme method per given stock, orders of magnitude faster processing by direct synthesis with metal catalyst(Sekisui Chemical, Mitsui Zosen+), same efficiency with many Sub/SCW methods. Very minor utilization: eg Superheated steam◎(Sundrop Fuels+). 113
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 16, Waste to Energy: AD/Biogas • •3 MUNICIPAL WASTE (MSW), Liquid Waste, INDUSTRIAL WASTE, AGRICULTURAL ANIMAL WASTE (this presentation treats animal fat/cooking oil as part of existing fuel & it is not discussed), also cross over with wood: • 3a Anaerobic Digestion(AD) - to produce Biogas/Methane: by bacteria consuming waste. Also note at least some of microorganisms are electrically active(mainstream science accepted idea: Geobacter etc) and produce also anomalous field with various antioxident & electrical effects(rejected idea).Completely mainstream tech and widely used as default process in many nations/sectors to produce "free" energy while infrequently used in others. • i -Sophisticated large sized Bio methane production(engine feedable), to Electrical generation systems with various scales: Largest types(STRABAG Umweltanlagen, Axpo Kompogas+), Mid to large size installation: (OWS nv, EnviTec Biogas, BTA international, PlanET-Biogas, IES BIOGAS, BTS Biogas, Xergi +), Smaller types(WELTEC BIOPOWER, ENSPAR Biogas, Schmack Biogas, CH Four Biogas+), Focused on upgrading biogas systems(Malmberg Gruppen+), Specialized for biogas engine(SCHNELL Motoren +) ->cont 114
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 17, Biogas • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3a Anaerobic Digestion(AD): i Biomethane: Many installations operate like farming coop, for this type of sophisticated system Germany has highest installation(10,000units) & most power generation per capita: followed by rest of Europe(UK, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Czech, Sweden etc), Less extent in North America, or rest of world, UK strength is also in sewage biogas & Landfill Gas, • ii -Less sophisticated mini to small sized type has long been actively offered, particularly in India/Bangladesh area(Biotech India, Beta Pak Biogas, Puxintech+), ■Also significant family/housing based DIY type system in some nations around the world(eg Deenbandhu units in India: 4million+, Ban quản lý Dự án Khí sinh học installed 0.1million+ in Vietnam etc), ■Energy security conscious China's national policy installed DIY type system in rural community at least 40million units(though fair portion of them might be in dormant or high downtime state). ■Professionally made home based system sold(HomeBiogas, Bsustain, Vivesty +), also septic tank replacement or converter types(BiogasPro Agama+), Not AD but fancy ethanol production type home unit operates with very limited feedstock(Micro Fueler), -->>cont 115
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 18, Waste Water by AD • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3a Anaerobic Digestion(AD): • iii-WasteWater processing by Anaerobic Digestion: Biogas from sludge processing, usually with various pretreatments including hydrolysis, alkaline etc, Some largest scale is like 100,000 ton+/yr level(Cambi, Veolia Exelys/Biothelys+), Others(Hager + Elsaesser, WABAG, ADI systems inc, Terax nz, Jeongbong kr, Hydroitalia - Colsen, Eliquo BV, Paques nl, Anaergia+). • Methanogenic & Electrogenic microbe based methane & electricity generating waste water cleaning system:(Cambrian Innovation: works for fermentation residue type wastewater), or wider range process capability Electrogenic Bio Reactor(Emefcy): Microbial fuel cell mechanics. Note highly effective low cost cell wall destruction/cell lysis(in a way similar degree to SCW) by electroporation/electric pulse is often left out from mainstream discussion of enhanced biofuel recovery from wet sludge(Vogelsang, OpenCEL Trojan+). Microbubble/Nanobubble CO2 infusion might increase gas productivity up to 2wice as conventional method(Perlemax+). Also see p108 Wet Air Oxidation. • 3b Plastic to Oil: After recycling, still about 130million tons/yr disposed world total, a fraction of which(but rapidly increasing) is made into fuel. Even if 90% of all plastic is converted with 70% efficiency recovery to fuel (PVC[Polyvinyl chloride] & PET[Polyethylene terephthalate] is 30-40% range recovery even rest of plastic can be 90%), it would make up negligible 1-1.5% of world oil consumption. -->>continued 116
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 19, Plastic to Oil: Pyrolysis • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3b Plastic to Oil: • But substantial benefit to the plastic to fuel converting operation or community that owns it, generally unreported in west but active operation world wide, more in oil shortage China and India etc, than in west. • Large Western mainstream corporations so far infrequently involved and even when do, they often avoid direct involvement & work through subsidiaries or as joint venture. • i -Pyrolysis: Oxygen deprived heating causes generation of liquid fuel, gas, and char. Most system can only take selective plastic(usually no PET & PVC), some can recover fuel with all types of plastic but most of cases oil quality suffers beyond 3-5% range PET/PVC and emit toxic fume, corrode or clog process line. Many system can only produce "crude oil", and need further processing to use as gasoline or diesel replacement. Some system has adjustment to change recovery ratio of oil vs char: when focused to generate fuel, tires are generally weightwise 30-40% recovery to fuel, plastics are 60-90% level. • It can be adjusted to have lower fuel produced with higher char/carbon recovery(agriculture etc use). All infeed material needs to be shredded. 117
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 20, Plastic to Oil 2 â&#x20AC;˘ -->> cont; â&#x20AC;˘3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3b Plastic to Oil: i -Pyrolysis: This leaves currently only handful of devices/operations that can take a-all plastics, b-final direct gasoline-diesel equivalent/boiler useable oil without violating emission criteria(Klean Industries, Blest+): usually custom ordered type system needs to be made with premium price for corrosion-clogging control, & chlorine separation etc. But Wada method allows all plastic with no customization(Hokupere yukakangen+), Also Toshiba Created 50% PVC feedable device in 1990s and shelved it. Can make gasoline-diesel equivalent fuel If no PET/PVC is in feed stock(Royco Beijing+), Large number of installations(HuayinEnergy, Beston Plastic, Shangqiu Ruixin Environmental, Klean Industries, Cynar Plastic, KingTiger group, TTechnology.com.pl+), Some European market targeted devices come with CHP(GB Pyrolysis+), High profile portable small device, with large devices has option of processing PET & PVC(Blest), Can process unsorted plastic and other waste(Green Light Energy Solutions+), Zero emission claimed system (Ecomation Oy +), Rare mainstream corporate involvement (Agilyx), -->>cont: 118
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 21, Plastic to Oil: Catalytic Depolymerization etc • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3b Plastic to Oil: i -Pyrolysis: More focus on less saturated Carbon Black market by specializing in tire processing (Reklaim+), Reduced toxic fumes, improved moisture handling, & overall improved liquid fuel production by low temperature operating Vacuum Pyrolysis(Gecco Holdings+), • ii -Catalytic Depolymerization: Depends on catalyst often similar strong effect as Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) & categorization is sometimes fuzzy(ReCycled Refuse International, Pyrocrat Systems LLP, Enviro-Power Pte +), Rare Western mainstream positive exposure + with continuous operation in US(PK Clean), •
3c Hydrothermal Carbonization(HTC)/Wet Pyrolysis/Hydropyrolysis(often for wood): "primitive" version of SubCritical water treatment: can process all organic matter(carbon involved: biomass, wood/municipal/industrial waste) with high moisture over 3-10hrs in 200-300°C with generally 5-10times atmospheric pressure to decompose feedstock to mainly recover BioCoal(variations like biochar etc is possible with higher temperature) Industrial focus ◎(CarboREN - SunCoal, Loritus, Antaco, Ingelia SL+). ->>cont: 119
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 22, Hydrothermal Carbonization • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3c Hydrothermal Carbonization(HTC): • Smaller sized installation◎(Grenol GmbH, Oax-eco+), also option of making hydrocarbon chemical◎(AVA-CO2), Wastewater focus as raw material◎(TerraNova Energy, Aqua Enviro+), Slightly different Catalytic HydroThermal Polymerization(lower temp & pressure, less CO2 & decarboxylation reaction) of biomass which requires no binder for pelletization◎(PCS Biofuels). *(◎indicates Sub/SuperCritical Water related tech). • HTC installation level/Production capacity is much smaller than Torrefaction(competing dry version of this process), particularly out of Europe. There is a mainstream Dutch govn't backed movement of converting marshland fast growing weed into fuel but progress being stopped since 2013: TORWASH(Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland: ECN). •
3d SubCritical/SuperCritical water treatment(SCW)/Hydrothermal Liquefaction/SuperHeated Steam: Can adjust parameter to gasify heavily or treat non-liquefied portion for the second round process. High % liquefaction might require certain mineral catalysis(usually recoverable).
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 23, Sub/SuperCritical Water • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3d SubCritical/SuperCritical water treatment(SCW): • Some observed history of abrupt withdrawal from this tech by many companies in similar way as by other "real disruptive tech". Processes all plastic or all organic waste with high fuel recovery very quickly with low cost, Biomass and Waste to Energy for this process is often all feedstock mixable, hence no particular focus on plastic etc only ◎(Genifuel, Asian Giant Engineering, GRT GROUP SA, Greentech solutions grts jp, Sustainable Waste Power Systems+), Low tech/temp/pressure steam explosion pretreatment(Coramexport cz[190C, 12bar]+), Partial use of catalysis required HydroPyrolysis ◎(D4 Energy) Some SuperHeated steam devices can take large load with less or no infeed stock shredding with little extra time needs ◎(Messe-hp jp+): But produce large amount of char along with oil, Can produce biocoal at low cost ◎(Rematec jp+). Wastewater sludge application by SCW type is mostly focused on decomposing while efficient energy production might be more of minor focus ◎(Innoveox, 3V Green Eagle+), currently largest scale municipal wastewater SCW treatment ◎(SuperWater Solutions), ->cont: 121
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 24, SCW, Direct Combustion • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3d SubCritical/SuperCritical water(SCW): Wastewater sludge: • SCW for wastewater treatment is China's focus. It also focuses coal water slurry enhancement and ICGG: ◎( Shaanxi Wanfeng Energy Environmental Protection Technology, Xinao Group, Blue Energy+), Liquid or solid toxin focus might recover energy as minor by-product if tried ◎(Hanwha Chemical, Techno-EMI, Aquarden Waterox+), Also see Wet Air Oxidation(p131) •
3e Direct Combustion(DC) of MSW: Here only MSW(Municipal Solid Waste) type DC is discussed since other feedstock(biomass etc) is already very prevalent as existing tech
• I -Electrical Power production:(Instead of burying trash into landfill), Well developed technology to specifically handle Waste mix, many in North West Europe also produces CHP. Sometimes criticized for high NOx/SOs emission, but in many G7 type level nations it is usually far below regulation requirement, • Electrical power generation efficiency is often quite low with 15-20%(eg: emission & ash reduction focus in Japan), still overall not high: 20-30+ %. Most conventional large scale combustion system(Stoker & reverse grate: Martin GmbH, Keppel Seghers, Hitachi Zosen INOVA+), Also of general biomass focus, 122
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 25, Trash Gasification • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3e Direct Combustion(DC) of MSW: • Due to large system existence, some European trash market demand exceeds supply: Sweden & Germany purchases/imports trash from other EU nations. ii-SRF/RDF: Compressed cube shaped & packaged combustion boiler feedable trash(Sita UK, BMH Technology+), SRF(Solid Recovered Fuel) has EU standard based, while RDF(Refuse Derived Fuel) can be any burnable waste(NOVAGO+) • 3f Gasification: "Value added" combustion with options of making liquid fuels/chemicals/storage: i -Conventional type: ■Fluidized Bed 500-600°C low temp & lowest emission for large industrial operations with ash vitrification(Ebara, Mitsubishi Hvy), integrated with zero waste cement plant complex CKK process(Kawasaki Hvy), • ■Coal added to "fudge" efficiency to 32%(JFE), ■Had good growth till 2000s but lost to newer tech competitors recently(Thermo Select+), ■Crop waste sector gets attention(ICM inc, Frontline Bioenergy+) ■Flexible feedstock including coal mix (Energy & Environmental Research Center, Eisenmann SE+), ■Mid size catering(Kinsei Sangyo, Energos+), ■Smaller scale or containerized mini community /mining camp etc WtE gasification-treatment system(Waste to Energy Canada, Ostrand jp+), ■Ultra High Temperature Gasification/Pyrolysis types are claimed to be much lower cost but in consistent results so far(Pyromex-PowerHouse Energy) 123
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 26, SCW Gasification etc • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3f Gasification: "Value added" combustion: • ii-Sub-SuperCritical Water gasification(SCW) : done quietly since early 1980s in Japan ◎(Mitsubishi Kakoki, Mitsubishi Nagasaki Machinery)(US operators seem to have gone underground at that time), or recent participation ◎(Hydromethan, Gensos nl, Osaka Gas+): SCW can be more easily turned to liquid fuels, directly, or by reforming. Also a few of ◎ marked companies in biomass section of this presentation seem to offer some form of Hydrothermal combustion of coal while Chinese state companies' in-house system seem to be leading by combining Coal Water Slurry element(p40-43). • On the other hand, across the board water tech advanced Russia is blocking many innovative academics' much more disruptive hydrodynamic cavitation related advanced SCW tech, almost no native Russian commercialization offered? • iii-Complete thermal oxidation: of all organic waste with no emission ie no chimney needed(Zeros inc/Ste Clark), microplasma link(p127,128). •
3g Gasification+Reforming/Catalytic conversion to Liquid fuel(GTL: Gas to Liquid), Methane to gasoline etc: Close relation or often same tech as wood/Coal to liquid fuel: Succeeding commercialization on & off since 1940s(Germany, Japan+), then extensively in 1960s-90s South Africa: at one time almost all gasoline was made from coal via Fischer-Tropsch(F-T) process(Sasol+), More recent entry(Accelergy, Fluor, Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions+), ->> cont 124
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 27, Gasification(not biomass) • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: fuel link:
3g Gas to Liquid Coal to liquid
• Also mini scale operation from 1970s in west with same/similar process for coal liquefaction or methane to gasoline type process(Shell, Exxon Mobile+). • Other after yr2000 commercialization examples: Sasol active outside of S Africa, Large Gas To Liquid (GTL) refinery: PetroSA. Underground Coal To Liquid process: small scale(Linc Energy - Carbon Energy, Emerging Fuels Technology+). Sub-SCW & F-T◎(REG Synthetic fuels+), Most of Coal to Liquid tech(CTL) is Indirect synthesis, ie: ICTL. • China is prioritizing CTL(BRICC ,. YitaiGroup.com , Jincheng Anthracite Mining Group +), also Direct Coal Liquefaction: semi pseudoscience in western media level(Shenhua Group , CCRI , Yanzhou Mining Group +). Western mainstream media/govn't/NGO generally didn't introduce the tech till around 2012 in connection with biomass related subject. -->> continue 125
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 28, Biomass Gas to Liquid • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3g GTL - Gas to Liquid: Although various GTL techs differ from each other, produced Waste based liquid fuel become lowest cost fuel in many regions and mildly disruptive(most companies persist in emphasizing "small scale") & somewhat game changing since this reinforces public perception it can apply to: a- all organic mass: forest, plant, b -lower cost than conventional liquid fuel would be widely available since various syngas or methane can be processed(natural gas, coal gas, CoalBed Methane+): (Enerkem, ThermoChem - Fulcrum Energy, Biofuels Power, Velocys, CompactGT +), • BioMCN qualifies as largest producer of 2nd gen biofuel as of 2016?- biodiesel left over glycerine gasification & reforming, i.e. not direct cellulose use. Some companies additionally use CO2 as fuel source(LanzaTech+), GTL tech has support from major Western local governments, international corporations/mainstream group recently to indicate another official wider availability of energy source, Small trailer portable device(Maverick Synfuels) • 3h Less Conventional Gasification or Liquefaction: i -Hot Plasma Gasification/Gas Cleaning: Original use was high energy based expensive toxin decomposition or metal recovery from waste, but plasma assisted gasifying becomes cost competitive. This is now "conventional" plasma tech: 126
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 29, Hot & Cold Plasma Gasify • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3h Less Conventional Gasification or Liquefaction: i -Hot Plasma Gasification/Gas Cleaning: • widely known key players (Plasco, Alter NRG -*Westinghouse, Advanced Plasma Power -*Tetronics +), less known successful installations(*InEnTec, Peat International, CHO Power -*EuroPlasma, BellWeather Gasification Techonologies, *Phoenix Solutions Co +), Long lasting induction based electrodeless RF plasma torch(*Applied Plasma Technologies, High Temperature Technologies Corp -*Tekna Plasma+). * indicates original tech developers, • ii-Steam Plasma: less fume than hot plasma, much lower CAPEX & OPEX: portable size, plasma gas is water/steam: more like low energy use SuperCritical water(SCW) based gasification: Strong oxidizing effect(ie moisture insensitive, no NOx or Dioxin). But mostly pilot type commercialization as industrial unit since current focus is mostly on full decomposition rather than fuel generation ◎(PlasmaAir AG, Foret Plasma Lab, Strebl Energy+), Rare energy/gasification focus exists◎(Green Science 그린사이언스, Plazarium+) • iii-MicroPlasma: Related to a string of highly economically disruptive effects(Torsion field)(see p233-3●i), and Official Western research in dealing with organic material by this tech is avoided, Effects generated by: ●a Rotating Magnetic Field( Экология ECOUOM+), linked to Motional Electric Field possibly with gravity and ambient electricity generator effect(k p375,376),
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 30, Micro Plasma with anomalies • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3h Less Conventional Gasification or Liquefaction: iii-MicroPlasma: • ●b Rotating Electrode(НАУЧНО - ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННЫЙ ЦЕНТР «ПЛАЗЕР»+), • ●c PyroMagnetic Furnace: Self running alternating magnetic field oxygen treating waste-to-energy decomposer(ZeroMozJapan, T.H. ELEMA ENG. CO, Jimdo + Gasification is quite effective but that part is not commercialized, Minor heat utilization from trash "incineration". Some PyroMagnetic Furnace is completely self running & no exhaust/chimney with no outside power needed, & pseudoscientized but has useful effects like radiation remediation(p368) or torsion field(p197-241), decomposes dioxin even process generates only 300-400°C heat: full of "econo-politically incorrect scientific effects" is avoided by academics. Similar low temperature "oxygen activation" or excitation effect is used for Ionized Oxygen Therapy(Sauerstoff Ionen Therapie) )(artech energy box ion 45, Bork O2, Ionomed+) • Currently commercialized focus is for mostly fertilizer generation, complete organic trash decomposition down to magnetized ash with almost no exhaust fume(indoor use ok). Ash has uncommon bioenhancing effects. This PyroMagnetic microplasma effect for non-organic matter(metal) is more widely used(Bmax+) but overall still ignored tech. 128
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 31, Cold Plasma Reforming/Magne Gas • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE: 3h Less Conventional Gasification/Liquefaction: • iv-Cold Plasma(CP)/NonThermal Plasma(NTP)/NonEquilibrium Plasma gas reforming-cleaning-gasification(Electric/plasma arc discharge/Dielectric Barrier Discharge etc in water): Usually for wastewater, Unlike hot plasma, CP has ionization in electron only and not in molecules(little or no thermal motion/pressure: non-equilibrium): and can accompany nonlinear oscillations & other anomalous Torsion field/resonance /Electrohydraulic type effects. • Very low power use, less fume than hot plasma, usually lower cost process than any mainstream equivalent methods(except occasionally SCW methods, see below): Usually container/trailer portable gasification system ◎(MagneGas, TopLine Energy, AdaptiveArc, FabGroups - HydroQuebec+), Both solid & liquid waste ◎(Enersol Technologies, Xfuels+), GlidArc use:(PowerCan 200, Mill Hand Thailand+), *note CP effects are in process of being accepted into Western science, *MagneGas seem to demonstrate HHO Gas(p126-132) like quality while being made from wastewater, also their lab data shows "over-unity energy release" effects. -->cont 129
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 32, SWC Depolymerization • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE: 3h Less Conventional Gasification/Liquefaction: • v-Sub-SuperCritical Water(SCW)/Thermal liquefaction-depolymerization(above either 374°C or Pressure 221bar-22.1Mpa- 3250psi[221times sea level], technically anything over 100°C with ambient pressure or higher is for "sub", but usually lot closer to SCW level: Highly potent and can gasify/liquify/decompose any organic matter at low cost ◎(Biomass Technology Group BV, GreatPoint Energy, AltacaEnerji, Earth Wind & Fire Technologies+), Or can make biochar or value added 5-HMF (HydroxyMethylFurfural) ◎(AVA-CO2+), *(◎indicates Sub/SuperCritical Water related tech) • SCW and cold plasma tech is fully science ratified, and has disruptive efficiency in many applications, Often use of catalysis(KOH, K2CO3, Ni etc). Need accurate temperature & time control to maximize liquid fuel recovery instead of decomposition into water & CO2 etc. Energy generation application is treated extremely low key & has been long avoided at mainstream level. Only mainstream SCW for energy use is as turbine rotation medium. • One high profile company rather mysteriously lost large $, or entire industry suddenly drops whole business en mass with no clear explanation(Changing World Technologies, Dozen mainstream companies in Japan in early yr2000)(For details see water tech report [click here] and search "ORGANO"), 130
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 33, SCW, Wet Air Oxidation • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE: 3h UnConventional Liquefaction: v-Sub-SuperCritical W. • SCW is re-surging quietly in mainstream Japan: eg sewage water sludge superheated steam gasification(Meta Water, Chugoku Denryoku+), Also used for AD pretreatment of solid or liquid waste(Gekkeikan+). Oil industry can benefit by SCW cracking: previously impractical tars, low grade bitumen - oil sand - extra heavy crude oil upgrading with possibly most effective EOR, or Refinery Residue Upgrading/cracking/visbreaking with little to no coke remaining(Inhibit asphaltene polymerization): ◎(JOGMEC+), Also drastically cut cost of Synthetic Crude Oil(SCO) production(no diluent use) to enable low cost pipeline transportation of oilsand (Syncrde+) • Wet Air Oxidation is used for WasteWater treatment: regular municipal, industrial, oil industry caustic water etc. Slightly different from & more "primitive" mechanics than SubCritical water process by use of bubbling reactor to inject oxygen/air with lower pressure than SubCritical water method, also generates slightly higher amount of emission than SCW(still minimum), ◎(Veolia Water Athos, Bertrams ch, Wetox nz, Merichem - Kenox+), Used as pretreatment ◎(Granit Technologies SA+), but note many SCW oxidation(SCWO) process also injects oxygen. 131
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New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 34, Catalytic Depolymerization etc • -->> cont; •3 WASTE:
3h UnConventional Liquefaction: :v-Sub-SuperCW.
• ■ Also lab success exists, of cellulose liquefaction with Phenol, Glycerol, Butane etc as SuperCritical medium. • vi-Catalytic Depolymerization(or might rely partially on hydrothermal process)(Greenbase Sepadu, Green Power Inc, Alphakat, Nexxoil, BFCC Biodiesel Technologies s.r.o, Mercurius Biofuels+), seemingly low cost & effective, possibly even simpler than SCW. Almost completely ignored by mainstream West. • vii-Super low cost Solar Thermal use Gasification: (Al Weimer+), viii-Molten metal gasification method: Steam is also injected to work like supercritical water reaction as low cost disruptive tech(HydroMax Diversified Energy+), • pilot plant(Ze-Gen), Hydrogen production only with water & organic material ◎(Western Hydrogen+), ix-Some unique type of Pyrolysis can be price competitive if byproduct is profitable(Pyrolyzer Spirajoule+), 1MW scale system(Джулинда Технолоджи+): From small residential furnace to commercial sizes Pyrolysis share in heat generation is higher in CIS nations than most of west
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 35, Landfill Gas • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE: • 3i Landfill Gas(LFG): 50%+ of LFG is recoverable methane, generated by oxygenless anaerobic decomposition of buried organic waste. Although energy production is negligible as a whole macro scale(eg UK deemed 6TWh/yr level, 0.2% of entire power needs), if consider toxic gas removal process as cost, then LFG becomes significant "free" energy in local landfill area. Also at some locations it becomes lowest cost energy as is. Methane carbon footprint reduction has various incentives & benefits. • UK, US, Canada leads in energy recovery from Landfill Gas:(Cambrian Energy, Viridor, DTE Biomass, CLP Envirogas, Infinis, Republic Services, LFG Technologies, Biffa, Progressive Waste, Ener-G+). At those most advanced nations, it is deemed overall 15-50% of methane gas is recovered for power generation: eg UK is does recovery at 80% of landfill sites as flared or power/heat production, with 50-70% of that is actually used for power generation combustion, Continental Europe & Australia is active(Green Gas International BV, Landfill Gas Industries+) -->> cont: 133
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 36, Landfill Gas 2 • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE: 3i Landfill Gas(LFG): • Fair portion of gas is let off as flaring(burning) even there is LFG management system in place(Hofstetter BV, GC Environmental, Comcor Environmental +), Some small old landfill sites can also recover energy (Deponigas ApS+), Much higher utilization % at large landfills, Power generation needs proper gas filtering of siloxane, H2S etc(Unison Solutions, Xebec, PpTek, SulfaCHAR, Prodeval +), recovery around 30-35% range with large majority Reciprocating Engine special flexible power generator(Siloxa AG, GE Jenbacher - ClarkeEnergy+), • 1MW+ capacity(can produce more than 1MW per hr) type system can use Gas Turbine, a few add CHP for higher recovery, or profitable Landfill gas to liquid fuel is a pilot+ level commercialization(Renovare Fuels, Velocys+) • Note: Current waste disposal on land fill is close to none in Germany, Netherlands, Sweden etc, more 3-5 nations with 5% range: those nations are not focused on LFG recovery as future energy source. 134
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 37, Algae • •4 OTHER BIOMASS: 4a Oil Bearing Algae: Mainstream groups emphasizes price parity is far away, but some of pilot type commercialization/full commercialization product seems to be lowest cost in some selected cases while cost is coming down rapidly: α-LOW COST ELEMENTS: its high caloric content, order(s) of magnitude higher oil yield per growth area than many biofuel crops, or artificial indoor farming(Solazyme+) with efficient-fast-economical & easy harvestability-processing, outdoor system types utilize unproductive sun exposed warm land, might prefer human-undesired quality water(waste, toxic, sea/brackish) • β-PROCESSING EASE: Most of utilized algae have no lignin & very little cellulose content, processing is mainly to do with algae lysing(sometimes disruptively effective electroporation is used) which is far simpler & lower cost than other biofuels even with conventional treatment methods. Extraction process after initial biocrude stage can be fit to conventional petroleum type processing system which reduces cost, also gives refineries control of pricing in case biocrude becomes much lower cost: non distruptability during energy cost reduction steps : eg Sapphire Energy vs Tesoro, Phillips 66, Algae.tec + Algenol vs Reliance Industries, Cellana vs Neste, Solazyme Industrials with own refinery. • γ-COST DERIVATIVES DEPEND ON VALUE ADDING FACTOR: Becomes lowest cost fuel if processing is done at locations with high cost energy availability, or fuel portion within algae oil grade separation can be cost-adjusted with higher priced separated grades from the same run: eg fuel grade vs higher value Omega3 etc -->> cont: 135
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 38, Algae Energy-Wastewater • •4 OTHER BIOMASS: 4a Oil Bearing Algae: Some companies are making vaguely or clearly defined commercialized offering (Abca BioSolutions Pvt, UniVerve, Qeshm Microalgae Biorefinery BAYA fuel, TereGroup, Bio Fuel Systems SA+), Notable recent cautional public remarks amongst producers since 2014 about commercialization, especially in US. • Some works in conjunction with waste water cleaning & CO2 sequestration as algae growth "fertilizer", when this cost is considered(carbon credit), it becomes lowest cost fuel in most places(also in some cases it would net some energy availability after water processing)(MBD Energy, Algae Enterprises, Ennesys+), Possibly ignored in mainstream due to super low cost High Rate Algae Pond tech (NIWA - Solray Energy nz - Muradel Oil), Easy low cost fast process by recovering oil/pellet/briquettes for steady production(Algae-Industries.com), also enhanced algae growth by CO2 feeding in microbubble/nanobubble(Perlemax+) • Additionally one can say cost is naturally low since they utilize well known lowest cost processing actions(amongst experts) but such processes(below 1 & 2) are still under-utilized in other fuel making or agriculture processes: 1-naturally all plant enhancing CO2 feeding, 2- Sub-Supercritical water type treatment(some use it in addition to or exclusively algae cell wall degrading oil extraction by enzymatic/chemical/ultrasonic/supercritical CO2 or alcohol/electroporationelectric pulse etc methods). 136
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 39, Peat - largest biomass of all
• -->> cont: •4 OTHER BIOMASS: 4b Peat: Overall severely underharvested except claimed by mainstream to be locally overharvested Ireland & Baltic sea region: consumption against growth is negligible. As a renewal resource level, it is recoverable worldwide at very least 120-150million tons/yr (2010-13ave world production 40million). Despite wester mainstream claims, even by carbon tests showing of annual peat growth of 0.7-2.8mm with "massive overproduction"at Baltics, Near city area North America & Europe in last 70-150yrs+, either peat growth is higher than mainstream figure or so is recoverable volume in these region, or both. • Also at some large peat resource nations it is almost completely unused or not even officially listed(Congo, Brazil, Papua New Guinea+), Bog-Wetland & Extreme North conservation movement is helping to stop peat from entering into world fuel market(also they might successfully prevent land Gas Hydrate extraction) . • But if Peat is considered non-renewable as ruling Western mainstream group claims(mainly American led group is overriding mainly European lobby like IPCC that calls peat green fuel) actual world Peat volume availability is similar to Coal reserve but much cleaner fuel, which would cause severe overflooding of energy supply to trigger disruptions in energy pricing & infrastructure if fully exploited. -->> continue 137
Energy From Vast Biomass 40, Peat, various use • -->> cont: •4 OTHER BIOMASS: 4b Peat: Hence seemingly for various political & economical lobby reasons it is currently not harvested to even close to the capacity, or used for other purposes even if peat is usually lowest cost fuel available eg two by far the largest world resource holder Canada, Russia at 1/20 level harvesting against growth • Higher margin gained when sold as Growing Media for exports(Latvia[Laflora lv+], Estonia[Sangla Peat AS+], Lithuania[Rekyva+]+), Almost all production goes to Horticultural or other industrial related markets (Canada[Lambert Peat Moss, Sun Gro Horticulture, Earth Care Products SPHAG SORB+], Germany[Klasmann-Deilmann+], UK[Northern Peat & Moss Company+]+), Often 2nd largest world Peat producer nation Sweden is mainly(but not mostly) for local energy use(Söderenergi, Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget+), also Finnish backed group involvement there(Neova bioenergi), • Although revenue is lower than growth media use, fair portion produced for fuel(Ireland[Bord na Móna]+), Share with garden market use & specifically as stove briquettes(Ukraine[Volyntorf+], Belarus[Торфобрикетный завод Лидский+], Russia[ЗАО "ВяткаТорф"+]+), Sometimes subsidized(higher margin to sell to garden substrate market) to secure large volume electricity generation(Russia, Finland[6% of total power is peat, 35% world peat production share][Vapo Oy, Turveruukki Oy Oulun Energia, Kuopion energia, Vaskiluoto Voima+], 50%+ in some regional power generation, can reduce SO2 emission of coal when mixed), Some small production nations are using peat exclusively for fuel/electricity generation on local basis(less than million ton/yr)(Indonesia, Rwanda[HQpower Rwanda], Brundi+) 138
Occasionally “Lowest Cost” Energy: Clean Under-Utilized Methane: 1 Gas Hydrate • ■ Under-Utilized Methane Unconventional extraction method of regular Natural Gas: Unclear differentiation from existing Natural Gas. Magnitude of supply volume seems to far exceed existing reserve of conventional hydrocarbon hence highlighted here as occasionally lower cost energy • ●1 Methane Hydrate-Clathrate/Gas Hydrate: Confirmed to be located mostly either offshore near continental shelf area ocean bottom, or Permafrost land underground in polar regions(Messoyakha gas field: Gazprom Neft: only publicly known full time large volume operation), or in high altitude permafrost region(Qiangtang Basin China+). Also about 160times as dense natural gas storage with -20C(INPEX+), • Crystalized Methane combined with water in specific geometric form, as mantle derived methane surfacing into ocean/near surface is trapped in water under high pressure and low temperature. This ice like formation can remain so under pressure at substantially above 0°C temperature(mainstream established idea). Recoverable accumulation is so far found to be 100m to several kilometres thick. -->> continue 139
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy: Clean Under-Utilized Methane 2: Clathrate location & extraction • ■ Under-Utilized Methane ●1 Methane Hydrate-Clathrate/Gas Hydrate: • General mainstream consensus available volume at least exceeds entire conventional hydrocarbon resources(some "economically incorrect science" using nations such as China/Russia projects order[s] of magnitude higher). Highly disruptive information as this can undermine profitable "peak oil" appeal & cause overflooding of energy market if extracted in mass. Although current test overall production cost is higher than Natural Gas from deep ocean, land base extraction can be already on par or lower due to shallowness, & this will likely easily go lowest cost in high fuel cost regions as full operation occurs. • Most of gas hydrate or a portion of ocean bottom hydrate can use conventional drilling & extraction related methods, No need for economically & environmentally expensive fracking, Shallower depth than many natural gas wells: depth is 100m+ range in Arctic, 500m+ in other regions etc, land or water. • But so far indication is drilling might need to be moved to nearby area quicker than regular gas wells if based on existing technology - if same tech is used higher cost? Studying the past track record shows, if exploiting this resource is important to mainstream group they would usually come up with "revolutionary" new technology in few years (eg fracking for Shale oil or deep well developing methods etc.). 140
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy: Clean Under-Utilized Methane 3: Methane Hydrate extraction, CBM/CSG • ■ Under-Utilized Methane ●1 Methane Hydrate-Clathrate/Gas Hydrate: • Currently officially applied or tested main methods are Thermal injection(hot water/steam), Depressurization, & CO2 replacement methods etc. • Temporal wells: Ignik Sikumi(US), Mallik(Canada), Atsumi Peninsula 400m off Coast (Japan), Permanent types;(Mount Elbert)(US), all negligible production volume (0.01million m3/day range): Some of known participators: ConocoPhillips, BP, Vnnigaz Gazprom «Газпром ВНИИГАЗ», Oil and Natural Gas Corporation of India, GNS Science, German gas hydrate initiative, JMH, JAPEX , , , 가스하이드레이트 사업단 Gas Hydrate R&D Organization. Also smaller private operators participation: Hydrate Resources Corporation+ • ●2 Coalbed Methane(CBM)/Coal Seam Gas(CSG): Started as coal mine degasification program for safety in 1980s in US. Natural gas contained in highly porous coal molecule structure & seams in relation to bacterial action/generation(speed of CH4 production seem to widely vary by conditions), also fair volume of Methane would be additionally produced by injecting CO2 into the coal bed which bacteria reduces (removing oxygen) to Methane for future yield(Golding-Rudolph-Esterle+): (see Abiotic oil p381-386) 141
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy: Clean Under-Utilized Methane 4: CBM/CSG - background • -->> cont: ■ Under-Utilized Methane: ●2 Coalbed Methane(CBM)/Coal Seam Gas(CSG): • As of 2014 close to 2% volume of Natural gas production world wide with US is more than its 80% share, helped by government back up. Mainstream western media's CBM availability idea is often about 1/20-100 of Natural gas volume reserve, but full scientific consensus projects rather on par volume with conventional Natural Gas: Western media often quotes fringe segment of mainstream(somehow main media never calls them pseudoscience) that ignores massive oil & other hydrocarbon availability world wide at publicly known & less known sites in order to still advocate peak oil idea. • Natural gas would be likely gradually shift to CBM in the future as main gas source. CBM promoters emphasize on it is able to stop methane escaping for carbon foot print reduction, or gas is actually overall even less emission(sweet gas) containing than conventionally extracted natural gas, while preventor groups focus on repeat of fracking water issue etc. • Some new production areas would be lower cost than existing energy source despite extra water handling issue: Much shallower depth etc. Different types of technology (eg altered type hydraulic fracturing is already used in Australia) might be needed to fully tap its potential. ->> cont 142
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy: Clean Under-Utilized Methane 5: CBM/CSG Operators, CMM • -->> cont: ■ Under-Utilized Methane: ●2 Coalbed Methane/Coal Seam Gas: • Main coal reserve nations have large potential: i.e. US(ConocoPhillips, Consol Energy, Bill Barrett Corporation+), Canada(Ember Resources, BP Canada+), Australia(QGC Pty - Shell, Arrow Energy+), Russia is likely to develop only small volume given current large production of Natural gas(Газпром промгаз Gazprom Promgaz+), Germany: their definition of CBM & CMM(Coal Mine Methane) is mixed as a large portion of it comes from closed coal mines(STEAG New Energies+), India(Essar+), China is likely to have most incentive to develop in mid term with strong state involvement(PetroChina, China United Coalbed Methane Corporation +), while some privates attempt to expand(Green Dragon Gas, AAG Energy+) • ●3 Coal Mine Methane(CMM): When coal is mined, methane is emitted & vented as hazard, but not recovered when yield was inconsistent or mix of other air(20-60% CH4) etc, but now this "free energy" is starting to get recovered more - this also makes the gas lowest cost in some situations(Energy Developments, GreenGas International BV, Shanxi Jincheng Anthracite Coal Mining Group Co Ltd / +). Often CMM doesn't include high consistently yield methane streams because it becomes its own well. 143
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Mainstream “Pseudoscientific Free Energy” claims • Some were submitted to mainstream Western academic protocol peer review by Senior Western scientists: • 1-LENR-Cold fusion: Low Energy Nuclear Reaction -1989, Heat generates as H2 (hydrogen) in water interacts with catalyst(Ni-nickel, Pd-palladium etc) at electrolysis when stimulus applied(heat, current, resonance+)(Pons, Fleischmann), Unexplainable side effects: of helium produced(partly similar to nuclear fusion) but very minute neutron/tritium/x-ray, and no gamma ray 2-Cavitation: Micro bubble fusion / Sonoluminescence / Acoustic-ultrasonic cavitation— 2002, Extract energy from imploding & light emitting bubble in liquid by acoustic wave excitation, “Semi science legal” mechanics(Taleyarkan et al+) • ■ Both linked via “solid state fusion” phenomena elements ■ Many repeated previous mainstream claims(LENR since 1925, Cavitation 1978, but above were observed by “top mainstream scientists” triggered first serious review, ■ Mainstream thermonuculear fusion: some systems cost hundreds of million$+/yr(also p177-179), •ICF: Inertial Confinement(US National Ignition Facility+), •MCF: Magnetic Confinement(ITER- Tokamak, 30+ others) -->>cont: 144
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Mainstream “Pseudoscientific Free Energy” claims / Academia's LENR-Cavitation. -vstech • ■ LENR & Cavitation quickly “proven false”, “No results” fusion$ criticized, yet “COP>1” Hydrodynamic + Sonic Cavitation was already commercialized in Ex-soviet nations(p136) and scientists win national invention award(VN Kuchin - ВН Кучин «Темир мен Мыс»[Kazakhstan]+) • ■ Similar physics law breaking mechanics & “anomalies” both at LENRCavitation & Inventor techs, but latter more openly admit • ■ Past main academics explain similar mechanics(Webb, Kelvin, TJJ See, Dirac, Kaluza, Faraday, Whittaker, W Crookes, Poynting, Loschmidt, Maxwell, Myshkin+), • ■ Presence of Corporate & Gov't project whistle blower inventor types including gravity field propulsion/gravity control(Bushman, Carol Rosin, Rob Wood, W Pawalek, J Black, McCandlish, D Morris+). • 1&2 LENR-Cavitation both seem to have similarity to Inventor tech. As of 2017, only a few of their scientists still ignore inventor type tech believing there is no validity in non academic peer reviewed data while bulk of them are suspecting or investigating its link. -->>cont: 145
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& Eniology Link 2
• -->>cont: LENR(mainstream "free energy") vs Inventor free energy tech link: • ■ But almost all of following pages’ inventor type techs were investigated in depth or developed & a few commercialized(eg Potapov, RI Mustafayev+) by Russian/ex-Soviet university/institute academic: significant diversity & academic freedom allowed unlike West(many worry about compromizing future promotion, not getting grant, or sometimes even losing job when openly discuss outside of set narrative in scientific "indisputable facts" or even geopolitical info). • While data access from West was often restricted, and occasionally quite suppressive for new technology for political reasons(ЕК Наумов, Kozyrev[likely due to early stage of psychotronic tech]+), science even in Soviet was lot less compartmentalized & in a way freerer than West. • Soviet openly affirmed ideas such as Eniology(Эниология) /Bio-EnergoInformatics(Биоэнергоинформатика): biological nonlocal information exchange(VP Kaznacheev, Huping Hu+): part of this is now commonly demonstrated by mentalists/Illusionists in mixture with conventional tricks in West. This includes idea of physically manifesting effects by mind(psychic /telekinesis), conventional Kinetic, or electronic means(torsion field) locally & non locally both as fundamental physics base. >>cont: 146
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& Eniology Link 3
• -->>cont: Soviet - Russia & CIS science: Eniology as fundamental physics base was more or less official stance of USSR Academy of Science in 1980s(ЮА Овчинников, ВН Волченко, NN Bogolyubov, ЕС Фрадкин, AM Prokhorov+), and currently s]ll a strong Russia's minority mainstream group a_er western science-corporate connected group increased influence par]cularly a_er 1998(IMF/WB democra]za]on's academic version). This idea was less developed in China but similar qigong or "paranormal" science was spearheaded by top poli]cally connected academics( - Qian Xuesen+) • At least ]ll around 1993 Russia had official large budgeted technology development and applica]on for primarily military/intel by use of psychic technology as integral part of the opera]on(ГГ Рогозин[GG Rogozin], БК Ра́тников), and as reduced capacity ]ll 2003-6(it is portrayed as pseudoscience & waste of money by some groups in Russia[Commission for Comba,ng Pseudoscience & Falsifica,on of Scien,fic Research(p425-429)/ Комиссия по борьбе с лженаукой и фальсификацией научных исследований, S]ll Claims Cold Fusion LENR as Fraud] in corpora]on with west+). • But Soviets banned gene,cs, cyberne,cs(rela]on to above Bio-EnergoInforma]cs, also hypnosis in public in 70s), & non-marxist philosophy/economics by reasoning “bourgeois pseudoscience”. Sociological data was also falsified/classified for counter intel purpose against West. 147
Pseudo Science” Free Energy , Ambient Electricity & Counter EMF
• Micro sized private/commercialized use, often multiple mechanics devised by single inventor: most of following category has 100+ inventors claims. Also “science accepted” section’s tech with “too high energy extraction to study” versions such as aerial/ground electricity harvester or self oscillators/self accumulating capacitors are often claimed by same inventors. -Non-moving coil - Radiant energy/Ambient Electricity Inducer(Chernetski, Hendershot, Tesla, Baumann,Craig, Hyde,Thrapp,Adams,Gritskevitch, Moray, J Murray, Hartmann, Flynn, SE Jones & Kraut, DL Smith, Perez-Torres, PJ Kelly+), Often transformer like setting of pair(s) of coils with Magnet/Ferromagnetic core or Bifilar coil in specific position against EM field(opposing, orthogonal+), or Configured to trigger resonance, or geometry/pairing etc setup to amplify initially ignorable very weak oscillation to substantial level. Some are simple RLC circuit type, with separate source & load batteries in circuit. 148
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy , Ambient Electricity & Back EMF 2: Academic Status
• -->> -Non-moving coil - Ambient energy,: • Might involve high voltage + no electricity (p197-217, Relation to Scalar “wave”, Radionics, Antigravity-:Godin, “Gene altering”: Lu Bürgin+), • Less disruptive micro electricity generation "out of nothing" has been discussed by academics particularly in non-Western nations. This claim is selectively ignored & ridiculed by western scholar and science media(p21-23, p36): eg Generation of electricity from limitless thermal motion of ions across a two dimensional silicon surface at room temperature(Guoan Tai+) - can make "solarless cell” • After repeated & on-going demo mainstream debunking in 2016 Commercialization started: Steorn Orbo, but this multi-yr operation company officially closed down after.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy , Ambient Electricity & Back EMF 3: PFC function
-“Magnetic Motor”- often Counter ElectroMotive Force in DC Motor (Back EMF/CEMF) Harnessed (TechnoKontrol TK Omega RF5000: Ant Romero), Others(Watson, Schappelle, Kawai, Reed, Heins, Ide, Parendev, Roshcin, Kenyon,Tracy, Tewari, Reed, Christie & Brit, Steinmetz, Ward, Sumaruck+), This is more disruptive version of mere CEMF Reduction(Chr Wanlas+) tech. Antigravity effect might be involved(Cyr Davson & Kar Schappeller+), Used as a part of circuit as high performance all around Power Factor Correction device(works for current lag, waveform distortion, harmonic issues, works for AC power)(Roto Verter: H Torrez+), but actually many devices in this category functions as "battery power factor corrector" by "optimizing" battery performance • Incidentally, Out of Apparent power[total electricity power supplier owns to sell], Industrial use Reactive Power is often billed as penalty[loss to the power supplier but not consumed by industrial user ], so this type of Power Factor Correction $ saving is mainstream approved but "Active Power only billed"[lost reactive power is uncharged to residential user] residential saving remains pseudoscience as this would imply overunity) -->>cont: 150
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy , Ambient Electricity & Back EMF 4: Cold Electricity
• -->> -“Magnetic Motor”- often Counter ElectroMotive Force: • Often spinning of magnet imbedded rotor(can be DC pulse timed - and this type closely resembles Torsion Field generator[Игорь Громыко+]; p197-241), similar to monopole magnet(Fauble),which in itself rather simple to make(S Seike +) but still pseudoscienced, while gradually academic level report is allowed to publish(Tatara & Takeuchi+), Cold electricity(supercurrent) harvest by causing Townsend discharge/Electron avalanche breakdown in open air(Magratten), • Can cause weather change(David Wells+), EMF by electron spin at static magnetic field by time-varying magnetization in magnetic tunnel junction(zinc-blendestructured MnAs nanomagnet: Pham Nam Hai +) • ➢ Common in & : Often separate source power, charge, & battery/capacitor used, a few need no external power. Bypassing regular “self-cancel dipole power circuit” in order to keep asymmetry & electron flow, Energy output exceeds input when reach threshold level, • ➢ Often claimed anomaly in : mix of Regular & Cold electricity:(Obolensky+), • ●“Electron Vortex” idea: a-Ball lightning as its manifestation, b-Electrons can be in vortex form by default(Tewari+), c-Tesla Coil as electron vortex generator, 151
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“ Pseudo Science” Free Energy , Ambient Electricity & Back EMF 5: Zenneck Wave, Single Wire + • -->> -Non-moving coil - Ambient energy,: -“Magnetic Motor”: • ●Positive & Reverse energy: Bulb lights up in water, Whiter light, Rapid battery charge, Fix some dead batteries, Can be single wire(Zenneck wave relation?, also see p212,213) & wireless connection, Voltage with 0 current(easy excuse to call it invalid/mistake since only resistance is measured but no current is measured: potential only and no vector), Invisible force radiates. Finally commercialization of long distance wireless power transmission by conventionally undetectable Zenneck surface wave(non-Hertzian) use(Texzon Technologies+) • ●Device transforms/extracts ambient-thermal energy as electricity in endothermic form from environment: Absorbs heat(instead of regular electricity's dissipating heat), Device can go below 0°C, Scalar "wave" link(p197217), Cone-toroid-pyramid shape circuit seems to help(at least pyramid cavity is known to absorb ambient Far InfraRed-Microwave oscillation very effectively and resonate inside), Often capacitor based high DC voltage pulse trigger, Spark gap, Intentional spike/ferroresonance (choking effect, also can happens when reg current is switched off) starts rapid inflow: sort of like dielectric breakdown when intensity threshold is past. -->>cont: 152
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“ Pseudo Science” Free Energy , Ambient Electricity & Back EMF 6: What is This Extra Coming In? • -->> -Non-moving coil - Ambient energy,: -“Magnetic Motor”: • Seems to coincide with Electrical Resonance but more than just impedances cancel each other out: something extra "comes in". Industrial size ambient electricity production seems to link to phenomena that is currently under-researched by regular electricity use mainstream power electronics: resonance/harmonics/spike etc.(though these mainstream power factor correction is mainly about AC current, and power generation here is generally DC) • ●Transverse wave(normal EM wave) vs Longitudinal wave(mainstream denied) “negative entropy”(negative resistor: Ga Kron+), Macro equivalent of 100%+ quantum efficiency by multiple-exciton/electron effect
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas: Mileage Boosters
-“Overunity” H2-HHO-Brown’s gas production(Klein, Zigorous, Lawton, F Wells, A Blue, Rhodes, Ste Ryan, Raju, Pantone, Pacheco, S Chambers, Kanarev, Y Brown, Gre Vezina, Eaton+), Commercialization fully exists mainly as on-board Hydrogen/HHO generator for combustion enhancing to match maximum limit in Faraday's laws of electrolysis level: mostly scaled down 1025% gas saver(eg HHO HFS Pty, WaterToGas, Hydrotechnix, HodPros, CVHHO: 200+ companies), Water emulsion fuel combo(Cynergi Holding SA+). North American mainstream market targeters are finally starting from Canada with 15-20% range saving while a few still stick to vague tech explanation(Blutip Power, Empire Hydrogen, dynaCERT, Innovative Hydrogen+). • Generally HHO devices produce slightly more overall saving than no maintenance needed often super low cost/low Capex-Opex Magnetic fuel treatment(Multimag pl, Fuelmax lv, MAGNETIZAGUA SYLOCIMOL +), Rare German TÜV passed 15% fuel saving(even if official narrative is pseudoscience)(Maratech ag TiziCALOR), Quietly selling to Fortune1000 type major corps' large scale industrial application(Maxsys Fuel System+) with 5% saving. -->>cont with on board Hydrogen device comparable "add on" energy saving devices:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 2: Booster Comparison
• -->>cont: example of on-board HHO energy saving device competitors: • Same level low cost FarInfraRed(FIR) wave emitting nano ceramic in oil additive(Ceramic Power Liquid+), or FIR solid state device placed in gas tank(Moletech biz+), micro EM field/FIR wave of certain "form" by layers of different electrical potential minerals to augment combustion (Nanotech-beam SatoCompany+), Vortex intake air flow based fuel saver with 5million+ units sold claims(Hiclone qld): above non HHO devices seem to be minor 5-15% range cost reduction at best, but some evidence of further saving when combined. More minor 3-5% level saving Plasma induced improved aerodynamics (Plasma Stream),. • Yet even 10%+ saving fuel additive is still wholly pseudoscientized or ignored by "trusted" Western Mainstream media/NGO/Gov't for consumer market(many non-west Govn't approved) while increasingly used by industrial operations (Mazoil Maz Nitro+), and previously listed "add on" devices in last 2pages are quietly installed for building/HVAC/lighting and industrial operational applications by some mainstream ESCO(Energy Service Company) and Energy Performance engineering companies that guarantee energy saving under Energy Performance Contract. -->>cont: 155
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 3:More Disruptive Booster
• Until quite recently, openly explained HHO effects at mainstream level used to get debunked & companies went out of business in N. America (CHEC hydrogen+), while they have been getting mainstream support in Europe(h2gogo, Creoproject+). Now ELSEVIER accepts academic report that claims HHO gas is saving 50% gas at HCCL (Homogeneous charge compression ignition) engine - e.g."A new technology to overcome the limits of HCCI engine through fuel modification"(BW Bahng+). • Huge price gap with same quality: Non-western major corp. involved(Norinco+), Rare 30-60%+ saving claims, some standing wave use(Shinko-Trans, Giriraj Electronics, Watergas.nu+): last company also claims resonance use low cost Hydrocabon production(also see p381-386), Even 1% saving is “impossible” in Mainstream West: “cannot save fuel by making ‘fuel’ from running engine”, due to “unbreakable universal law”(p194-196), Saltwater Hydrodynamic cavitation based HHO gas production self sustaining engine combustion process(Ric Aho+) 156
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 4:Some of Mechanics
• -->>cont: onboard hydrogen generator: • ■ Typical automobile “HHO fuel cell": 12V powered 6-7 flat stainless steel plates per “stack”, +- unseparated electrolyzer, assisted by EFIE(electronic fuel injection enhancer), PWM(pulse width modulator), MAP(manifold absolute pressure sensor), Distilled water + KOH electrolyte, Gas “bubbler” etc, • ■ So far “water only run car”(ie overt Faraday law violation) type services never continue operation: some claim to have repeated visits or phone calls & “told not to”(Boyce, Rasmussen, B Williams, S Meyer, Pantone+). But there appears to be some exceptions recently: one company's water generator claim matches with numerous historical characteristic expression of actual tech and might not be fraud(GDS technologies Canada), and finally core western mainstream linked group is quietly launching potentially overunity type similar resonance chamber based hydrogen production(Joi Scientific: T Kennedy & R Koeneman) 157
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 5: 100% Water Run Cars
• ■ 100% water run cars aren’t really by electrolysis?- eg: ●Sympathetic frequency matching to cause resonance of entire set with standing wave(similar effect with molecular hydrogen in a LENR patent[Airbus]), ●Dielectric breakdown of water/Rapid dissociation of water by kinetic electromagnetic resonance occurs under certain conditions. Effect of resonance/resonant ionic motion to amplify water dissociation or it is endothermic effect(heat absorbing) by intermolecule EM field fluxing: this is mainstream science accepted effect but largely ignored as academic topic(Hjelte, Car Stia+), Often claimed to be around 43Khz, • ●Cold electricity by high voltage capacitor spark trigger(p148-153), ●Resonating cylinder cavity(p171,172), ●Plate gap <1mm, ●Venturi/vortex air or water mist sucked in at intake(0 energy use), ●Magnetizing gas/water, ●Cavitation, ●Oscillating EM field etc, ●Some even prefer deposits on electrode(S Cramton+), ●0 electricity/0 electrolyte use: radio waves etc: • Water often seems to decompose by something else rather than by energy: "information?", Hydrogen bond angle altered?(J Ellis+), Ambient energy used to loosen bonds?, Also link seems to exist with LENR-Cold Fusion & Sonoluminescence Cavitation(M King+), -->>cont: 158
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 6: Related Phenomena
• ■ HHO related water anomalies: High voltage pulsed water can explode: overunity like & strange phenomena generating Electron Charge Cluster(A Ilyanok+), similar Shock Electrodialysis(M Bazant, RM Crooks+), Plasma discharge in SuperCritical Water(Kaz Terashima+), Electrohydraulic Effect: Water arc plasma, Electrically induced explosions of water(insufficiently explained by mainstream: Graneau, Verdoold+): Desalination effect, Generates EM field, double cavitation shockwaves, ultrasound, ultraviolet, x-ray, Significantly increase rocksoil-peat nutrient(Cifanskis+) & water permeability to plants, Instantly alter metal structure, Bonding dissimilar materials, Chemical catalyst+ (Yutkin, Bekaev+), • It’s used for precision high end manufacturing(eg Bmax, Fujico CPC process, Trakonta - Траконта +), or from industrial rock to kidney stone crushing etc. For other possibly torsion field related similar effect to above, see ●iv Rotating Magnetic Field at p233-237. -->>cont: 159
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 7: Difference from H2
• Other HHO related anomalies: Radioactivity remediation(V Roth+), More energy than available gas(And Michrowski+), “Vitalized” water+. • ■ Range of unconventional effects: Not really hydrogen; Water with extra H2 bond or electrons?; Burns in vacuum or underwater(no air intake/exit), Burns sprayed liquid water in open air(linked to Electric arc having more power in mist/water than in air[Frungel+]), • Adheres to matter, Pressured back to water, Heavier than air(hydrogen is much lighter) - can be poured(G Wiseman+), • Flame is electrical plasma rather than burning, High powered laser like effect with far lower input: makes metal rust resistant/glazes concrete(eg Best Korea Brown+), Cold flame 130280°C (no bond breaks unlike when H2 burns at 2000°C+), Direct flame doesn’t boil water(B & T Lang+), • -->>cont: 160
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“ Pseudo Science” Free Energy HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 8: Ignored Tungsten Vaporizing • Range of unconventional effects: Not really hydrogen: • ■ But Incinerates at 1600°C, Vaporizes Tungsten(3400°C): burns at subatomic level? Nuclei Superdeformation link?- Ormus connection?(p305-315), • Disrupts molecule bond(electron breaks off water molecule at matter reaction causing heat(Eckman+), Implodes in pure form(Suartt, Knudston+), Mix is Explosive: HHO+H2: can call hydroxy/oxy-hydrogen, Much higher quality & almost fumeless faster metal cut + alien matter welding, surface cleaning, ampoule filling etc(Epoch Energy+), “Improved version” of Injection/Water Shield/Steam Plasma cutting, • This is similar to Pulsed arc Water Plasma(Мультиплаз-Multiplaz) effects. Far more gas produced than H2 by same energy, hence much lower cost. • ■ Mix well with most conventional liquid & gas fuels in industrial boilerfurnace(eg Aquygen+)+: Cut emission(50-85%+, less effective on NOx), Engine & exhaust system cleaner(eg E&E HHO+), more power, -->>cont: 161
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
's HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 9: Ohmasa Gas • ■ Rare but consistent similar detailed claims exists & debunking methods on water only run cars when both debunkers and claimants are fully investigated(S Meyer, Dingle, Cornish,Yogev, Garret, Leaich, Estevel, Waqar Ahmed, Valentin, Mohd Ali, Abd Shukor, M Suematsu, Khan, P Lowrie, Rusetel, Bordeianu, Ghu Sarwar, TP Edirisinghe, Purushottam Pipaliya, Ricardo Azevedo +), • Specific mechanics itself differs with mostly same phenomena or side effects even though inventors don’t necessarily have direct communication each other. Also there are numerous “non credible” witnesses as well as credible ones(government officer, doctor etc), some can run with dirty water, most insist on resonance as key element. • Sub form HHO: Ohmasa Gas: Acoustic vibration produced instead of electrolysis: "clustered HHO”, Flame 700°C(H2: 2700°C) but burns Tungsten(boiling point 5555°C,) Becomes Liquid at -180°C(O2:-183°C H2:-240°C, Can replace H2 in Hydrogen Fuelcell with 5-7% additional energy, combines with CO2 to burn and mostly "consume" CO2 after combustion):quietly backed up by AIST/NEDO, Tokyo Univ(most conservative elite school in Japan, also influencer to JAEC[Ohmasa gas debunker due to its claim of radiation remediation effect]), Tokyo Institute of Technology etc(i.e. mainstream accepted in Japan while HHO is still fraud in many western ally countries). >>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“ Pseudo Science” Free Energy HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 10: Ohmasa Gas in Propane Tank • >>cont: Sub form HHO: Ohmasa Gas: • At least 2 times energy equivalent gas output from original use of energy to produce(closed system overunity). Also can be mixed with H2 to decrease its volatility & fast leakage tendency. Much reduced risk of explosion compared to hydrogen, Can run combustion engine in vacuum/space, Easy low cost <10kg/cm2 or 143psi storage(unlike H2) using propane tank for storage with larger molecule: less leaking, same indication from SG Gas, • Even more rare methods of overunity H2 or HHO gas making claim that are lab tested- eg: No catalyst applied optical pump excited UV radiation treatment of water vapor in resonant cavity(Leslie Reach) etc. • Signs of resistance by some stronger 3rd world gov'ts(eg India, Pakistan+) of not suppressing this & other "free energy" tech(eg The Economic Times Tewari - Kirloskar Electric) & acting indifferent to various Western establishment pressure to weed it out.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Cold Plasma Pulse 1: Relation to Other Techs
-Plasma or “Virtual power” Inducer-Exploder-Imploder with inert/noble gas/water inside(Papp, Britt, Rohner, Ke Rauen, Ray, Correa, Clem, Pantone, Schaeffer, Neil, Valkinburg+): • Vacuum-Ambient energy, EM pulse, or some resonating thrust power extracted in a container/engine/cavity, to exert power with or without moving parts, Vortex energy?, Joe Cell link(Booker, P Stevens+), Einstein had initial Reich’s Orgone energy confirmation(anomalous effect accompanied micro current & electric field self generation by specific combination of conductor & dielectric material) but further exploration stopped(Mallove+), • Often MHD(MagnetoHydroDynamics)/LMMHD(Liquid Metal) resembled mechanics: some kind of ionization/excitation/plasmafication/scalar wave energy of inert gas is involved. Exact mix ratio of Water/Air/Steam/Oil/ or various Noble gases is used as “energy substrate” in closed container, Also “activated Nitrogen” can be used?(RJ Strutt+), -->>cont: 164
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Cold Plasma Pulse 2: How It Works
• -a Often works as rapid compress-expand cycle pulse(also ionized noble/inert gas emits bio enhancing light/scalar type & EM waves simultaneously:J Jirard, Or Fitz+) in sealed or pressured fuel less engine setup: ion oscillated, triggered plasma energy from Zeropoint field? Electron Charge Cluster(oxymoron?)?, But electrons attracting each other at superconductivity state is science legal(Cooper pair+), LENR-Cavitation-HHO link(K Shoulders, Jin, Fox+), • -b Use of extra “non linearity” type power just like happens with water hammer-cavitation in steam/water system?, Usually this phenomena causes design to be adjusted or use extra energy to eliminate the effect, instead of extracting this explosive free energy. • -c Some have mutli-layered resonant cylinder: collect “power” & send to engine
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air & Water: 1 How It Works
-Some Air Vacuum/Compressed Air or Steam Engine, Temperature Gap Amplified (Heat)Energy Exchanger/Vortex Tube/Hydrodynamic Cavitation Heater, Hydraulic pumps claim occasional “perpetual motion” depended on run(Ler Rogers, Frenette, Minto, Davey, Yeter, Pope, Eskeli, Cahill, R Meyers, Truitt, Willimczik, Tesla, Hill, Karimov, Troyan, Von Platen, Azarov, Alexeiv, Obadan, many other Russian/Soviet leading civilian and military scientists+), a few are consistently overunity, • Similar to without plasma, Often involves abrupt change in cavity: pressure vs vacuum, air flow, oscillation, temperature. Also released air evaporation, or cold air. System is low maintenance with less moving parts, Ambient heat converted to mechanical motion(Ke Rauen+), Anomalous “gap” in energy used vs harvested to break LOTD (Low Of Thermo Dynamics)? Also if calculated airflow kinetic energy recovery of some devices, it breaks Benz Law: SheerWind-INVELOX (Allaei). Can involve steam or venturi, -->cont: 166
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
'sFree Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air & Water 2: HydroDynamic Cavitation, Ion Heater etc • —>>continued- -Compress air-Hydrodynamic Cavitation: • ■ Active full commercialization: Disguised but practically free either power generation or hot water(eg FlowGroup), COP>1 heaters: Ion Heater(Stafor+), Similar results with Vortex Induction Boiler(Юрле-К Yurle), Vacuum Radiator(Отопление-ГВС.РФ). • ■ Cavitation/Hydrosonic devices: eg Fisonic(pump resonated by geometric two flow mix, similar to Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube), Warmbotruff, Graviton-M, ДЭВА Dewa Pulse etc (spinning rotor/water to pulse) feature overunity pressure or heat, Western based companies also claim(Cavitation Energy Systems+), but most of them no longer publicize it(Hydro Dynamics, ECOP Wärmepumpe+), Space type use “superconductive” heat pipe: eg Qu Tube (NASA), -->>cont: 167
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
'sFree Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air & Water 3: COP Interpretation Controversy • —>>continued- -Compress air-Hydrodynamic Cavitation: • ■ COP ISSUE(Coefficient of Performance, 1:1 is unity = “100% efficiency”): But when efficiency is measured based on affected area(eg COP on Flash Evaporation Cooling), commonly sold air conditioning-fridge-heat pump efficiency goes COP>3(300%) as “official common sense”, some 6 to 8: This area seems highly fudged under a disguise of "ambient energy" and energy generation link seems to be avoided by mainstream, while electric power based mainstream group produced MAGNETOCALORIC refrigerator(Cooltech Applications+) might have same level of overunity efficiency, • Also note there has been a same tech refrigerator commercial ready announcement by mainstream Japanese companies since 2006 but will they be finally allowed to put it on market?- Toshiba, Chubu Electric[COP 4+]+). All of these effects seem to be fudged to justify Thermodynamic 2nd law(or its interpretation)with selectively applied incoherent logic: this category techs seem to include conversion of this overunity into continuous mechanical motion. 168
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
'sFree Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air & Water 4: Bending 2nd Law of ThermoDynamics? • ->>cont.- -Air Vacuum/Compressed Air Engine, Heat Exchanger etc on overunity element: • ■ Technically, if COP>5 heat device is combined-looped with already existing >20% efficiency Solid state heat-to-electricity recovery device, then it would end up creating "energy out of nothing": ThermoElectric, ThermoAcoustic, ThermoPhotoVoltaic etc(p56-68) • ■ Same way as in heat pumps, another overunity Population Inversion(Thz Ultrafast EM Pulse link, E Paspalakis+) is also openly "allowed" by LOTD; in Laser(Optical Cavity Resonance: OCR) it is even precondition and OCR standing wave based Free Electron Laser can accompany Superradiance ("collectiveness over unity"), but again power generation by such element use is mostly mainstream avoided. What if we call earlier section’s “magnetic motor” as "Magneto Thermodynamic Population Inversion"? • ■ ”Advanced No-leak” Hydraulic Ram(TG Allen[Hydrautomat], Kutienkov+/no incoming water pressure) water lifter, used in mainstream till 1930s -->>cont: 169
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
'sFree Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air & Water 5: Closed System 2nd Law Insistence • ->>cont.- -Air Vacuum/Compressed Air Engine, Heat Exchanger etc on overunity element: • Deemed by some as part of core mechanics in categoryA-“Temperature gap of outside device vs thermodynamic pressure vortex cycle inside”, “1st & 2nd LOTD contradiction”, “Perpetual motion of second kind” effects, эффект Крапивина (Krapivina effect), Part of mainstream in Russian physics(Smenkovsky, Kosinov, Filippov, Tsyolkovskiy, Oparin, Yakovlev, Lazarev, Buynov, AV Shubnikov+), others(Kondepudi+). • If it is Thomson Effect, why compressed heated air released is cooler than preinserted temperature?, COP>1 by “Compressed air + heat created”. Kinetic energy by ambient heat & pressure(S Robertson, J Scott, Lindemann+), At right pressure & geometry, overunity steam heat/pressure is norm(Sychikov+) • B-”Unseen energy” tends to “show up” or flow from low or negative pressure, voltage etc to high, or at vortex outer to centre(Schauberger, H Iijima+): these long debunked claims are finally starting to be mainstream acknowledged as Rotational Superradiance in water vortex. Vortex flow or rapid ambience gap sneaks in vacuum energy by “leaking through“ space? 170
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Reactionless Drive 1: Multiple Spacer Users
-Some of Reactionless, Propellantless Drive tech claims overunity effect (Shawyer[EM Drive - China Academy of Space Technology: CAST], He Serrano, Menshikov, Tajmar, Gui Fetta[Cannae drive: Cannae Inc-NASA]), also NASA claims part of laser in resonance chamber seems to travel superluminally producing "warp bubble"? - Linked to Time Dilation, Ath Nassikas (Superconducting Thruster, works only at <70K, no fuel needed like Hall Thruster), Ro Cook, BR Thornson, Shipov etc(Inertia Drive by off centre rotator, not overunity); all witnessed by numerous physicists/engineers multiple of times: so semi commercialized while still pseudscientized or "controversialized" at the same time - could this be another workable model for LENR commercialization? • Scissoring Gyro, Geometric wave Resonator Cavity, or pulsing against space, Standing wave resonance accompanies. Also related Ambient noise use microwave domain resonance based Electrical Soliton Oscillator(soliton is pulse like wave propagate in water-plasma-optical fibre etc with maintained shape, balancing nonlinearity & dispersion on Nonlinear Transmission Line[NLTL]) is self starting and self sustaining(D Ricketts+). Research participators are inventors + space agencies + private contractor mix, usually not academics. -->>cont: 171
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Reactionless Drive 2: How It Works
• Matter can move with no external input when asymmetric momentum of virtual photon enables vacuum to generate a net directional force(Al Feigel+), while mainstream accepted Magneto Optic Effect shows different energy level depends on circular polarized light's spin direction(asymmetrical/non-reciprocal effect): Faraday Rotation. Mechanics using “vacuum fluctuations of virtual plasma”? = Zeropoint Energy(ZPE), Electrokinetic force?, • ■ Additionally “pseudoscientific” by breaking conservation of momentum “law”: Propulsion by asymmetry(unbalanced forces) of geometry cavity or magnetic field flow. • ■ Also directly links to other inventor type free energy mechanics or vacuum energy extraction theoretical modelling(Da Cole, R Forward+), like Cavity Quantum ElectroDynamics(drives quantum computer), Stochastic ElectroDynamics (allows quantum effect on classical environmentgenerates "geo-economically incorrect scientific effects": room temp superconductivity, or Scalar wave relation[p197-217] etc). Due to top Western institutions like NASA publisized results on it, there appears to be "damage control" effort by mainstream media/blog for debunking
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Gravity Based
-Gravity or Centrifugal Force/Inertia + Magnet(motor)(Dal Simpson, Ren Ribeiro, Ewert, Cha Campbell, J Bedini, Rutowski, V Milkovic, AlKhooss, Ucros, PK Raghuprasad+), Practical some large size various models exist(eg 20x7x10m piston type) but no open commercialization. • Requires precision: timing, weight balance, some by “gravity shielding”, Also SMOT - Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy model(G Watson, Finsrud+) type “perpetual motion” in closed loop displayed but low cost energy generator is currently impractical, • Also rather rare Gravitational Induction in Form of Electricity-(H William Wallace, ME Boyd+) similar to ambient energy extraction(p148-153)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy H2O( > 50%)Emulsion Fuel 1: Various Types
-Some Hydrocarbon-Water Emulsion Fuel Techs claim 50 to almost 100% of H2O as fuel, i.e. water burns, not mere disperser/atomizer: C+H2O --> CO+H2, or HHO Cavitation/HHO tech link(Pillai, Dellschau, R Gunnerman, VS Afanasyev, Capra, Franch, Enricht, Al Globus, Cottell, Chambrin, Kurata, Hommoh, Baranov+), Diesel is easier, Often produced on site, not premade, Some can be also used as catalyst, Rare high level academic claimed photocatalytic & nanobubble infusion based emulsion itself causes CO(reduced CO2) & H2 mix to be "copied" to hydrocarbon(Tad Imanaka, p383,384). • Active full commercialization is limited to low end level 50-75% water mix (eg Fukai Soken, Eneco-hd+), while HHO energy experimenter community endorsed 90%+ water claim by acoustic emulsion is unclear for its exact availability(H2 Global: Wal Jenkins), Some superior tech companies attempt mainstream penetration with 50% range water mix product & abruptly change course(Next Alternative inc+), brought anger from establishment?, 30%+ emission cut - less effective than HHO(p154-163), -->>cont: 174
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy H2O( > 50%)Emulsion Fuel 2: Participation by Majors
• ->>cont.- - Hydrocarbon - Water Emulsion Fuel: ■ Emulsion is well funded academic research for almost all relevant applications(except almost non-existent for emulsion fuel in most of west). Discrete large corporate/diesel backing/own development: Kawasaki Hvy, NYK etc. Less discrete: Caterpillar has been most openly active in sponsoring emulsion fuel including paradigm changing "pseudoscientific range 50%+ water" types which was retracted from market quickly: A-55(R Gunnerman). Rare event for major Fortune 500 corporate to officially involve. • Actually this inventor also produced 70-80% water version, with requirement for engine modification- but this engine design issue comes back to numerous engineer inventions with 50-200%+ more efficient engines that are shelved: see p45 - major mainstream taboo to research. And from Gunnerman invention lineage, only Gas+Oil mix 10% fuel saving new composite fuel was allowed to commercialize fully(Advanced Refining Concepts). -->>cont: 175
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy H2O( > 50%)Emulsion Fuel 3: Emulsify Method
• ->>cont.- - Hydrocarbon - Water Emulsion Fuel: Various combo mechanics for fuel making, Sometimes differ from science legal emulsion: • ➢ Mechanical: ●High pressure, ● Nanobubble, ● Sonic & Hydrodynamic Cavitation (venturi, including high pressure homogenizer) & spraying, ● Simply repeating emulsion process with each time 50% water addition with same combustion power per unit, ● Sub-SuperCritical water treatment based “instant” emulsion(water becomes superlow dielectric constant to easily mix with non-polar solvent), ● Acoustic, ● Often seems to be one step double emulsion Water-in-oil-in-water(w/o/w), (o/w/o), or Gas in water in oil(g/w/o), (g/o/w) - even multiple types, • ➢ EM wave: ● Magnetization, ● Electrolysis, ● Resonance, ● Lenard Effect, ● Torsion “information wave”, ● Rotating Magnetic Field, ● FIR irradiation or emitting ceramic, ● Photo excitation/photocatalysis • ➢ Others: ● Minerals, ● Plant polymer or some kind of nano-micelle(Tannic acid, Saponin mix+), ●Bioceramic process, ●Water-fuel bonder, • Some claim direct water-fuel co-feeding, or ”transmuting” water to fuel, 176
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Aneutronic & Conventional Fusion 2: Involved Groups -Super Compact Fusion: Dense Plasma Focus/Lawrenceville Plasma Physics(Lerner), Infra cost 0.1% of mainstream fusion, no radiation(same as ambient), use Boron, no H2 isotope, Inventor tech link, US Navy backing, Almost mainstream accepted, Experimental success results since ’09, yet difficulty getting funds, Other aneutronic fusion: Bussard- EMC2 success shelved?, Russia involved private US company big name funded Tri Alpha: really only 0.5milli second sustained fusion?,
• Long sustained fusion including conventional thermonuclear with suspected possibility for Net Energy Gain(Max Planck Institute: Wendelstein 7-X[uses combined mobius strip like Stellarator], Lockheed Martin- Farnsworth link, B Maglich: Migma cell, Chinese Institute of Physical Science: Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak+), • Official Energy Positive: National Ignition Facility(NIF US) in 2014 is often quoted as first time ever, but JAERI/JAEA(Japan)/Hitachi/Toshiba had repeatable & sustainable practically Q=1.25 success at ITER JT-60 since 1998 but often interpreted as invalid due to actual tritium was not used. Improved JT-60SA(inductive coil, longer pulse) is officially under construction since 2013 till 2019(as of Feb 2016 still 10% incomplete) -->>cont: 177
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Aneutronic & Conventional Fusion 2: Q>1
• -->>cont: -Super Compact Fusion: JAERI/JAEA: Note new JAERI/JAEA system is being built to test how long it can gain energy continuously with how much more than Q>1.25, not to test whether if it can produce more energy than input. European JET had unofficial success in 2004? but then shutdown for major upgrades... • Considering Western mainstream debunking/selective ignoring of overwhelming accumulating evidence of economically disruptive non mainstream LENR or Fusion like mechanics since 1925, even Huemul Project(R Richter) in 1950s Argentina could have also achieved Q>1 fusion? • Other types with large funding are not reported to have net energy gain: Various magetized types etc. Even home made sustained fusion itself can be made, particularly low powered super compact Fusors(Farnsworth invention),(Jam Edwards, Ta Wilson+). Other types: eg Dusty Nano Fusion(Gyö Egely)+ -->cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Free Energy Aneutronic & Conventional Fusion 3: Disruptive Side-Research Possibility? • -->>cont: -Super Compact Fusion: JAERI/JAEA: • Also given various anomalous pseudoscientific effects often claimed, & continuing very expensive funding of largely non-performing projects at facilities, it might be reasonable to speculate fusion research is partially or mainly involving, unofficial Pure Fusion explosion/plasma blooming type(weapon) or hyper-dimensional physics experimentation by testing various high powered rotating plasma/non-neural plasma type effects(exaggerated effect of rotating lights[p438 δ] or microplasma, rotating magnetic field[p233-239]) : "manipulation of spacetime fabric". • Miniature version of CERN LHC capability(informally confirms extradimension portal but refers to be only by collision[Mik Lamont+], not by rotation)(Aref'eva & Volovich, also other non Western nations' mainstream scientists admit, while Western peers deny)?
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Floating Air + Gravity
-Underwater Air Buoyancy Power Generator, “Pneumohydraulic” Engine:(J Kwok, GM Singh, Ribero, Dobrokhotov, Grigoriev, Schrade, Elistratov, W Travis, Spiteri-Sargent+)Often large sized 5-30m Water tank(s) in height, Repeat cycles of air container floating- sinking(Air input at the bottom in a container, which floats up & release air at the top, then weight causes container to sink by gravity: with successive chain linked containers), • Other types include air floatation mechanism use water pump to generate water fall - under which water turbine is placed for power generation etc. Energy output-input ratio 3 to 20:1, Air heating/cooling or compression-expansion elements might be involved, or ambient energy sneaks in like compressed air engines? • Non western mainstream endorsed; Science legal except its over-unity, even ultra mainstream Energy Globe Award winning!(Gozo-Spiteri below), this news is naturally completely ignored along with similar prior examples by main media/academia/enviro NGOs, presumably due to economy/business consideration background, but even left out by many “free energy” research groups. This mechanics’ claims are far less attempted compared to other “utterly science illegal” techs, Active commercialization & pilot projects(eg Rosch Innovations, Spiteri-Wasserpumpe+) -->>cont: 180
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Others/Ambient Air-Energy Types
- Other mechanics don’t fit to to category; Less replicated, some science legal(also p8-35): Ambient energy types: a-Crystal/geometry/pyramid electro inducer (Trawoeger, Grandics+), b-Graphene & Carbon nanotube(CNT) generator, c-Alpha Voltaics: α-particle emitter isotope cell(M Meyer, Mace+), d-Negative Static Resistance Self Oscillator(Sweet+), Electrical Soliton Oscillator (D Ricketts+), Gyrator or Negative Impedance Converter can generate power(T Kuipere, Gra Gunderson+), • e-EM wave to power converter & charge battery, often Barium Titanate use(DeGeus, M Reid+), f- Aerial static-ground current flow extractor/Ambient Electrostatic Motor(Lea, Britten, Matchett, Plauson+), “illegal” high power version of tree/earth only battery or atmospheric electricity extraction, g-Self heating resonating or electricity amplifying solid or layered ceramic(Win Lambertson+), h-Given # of “free energy” claims by plasma, vortex, cavity resonance, pulse, flow dynamics, too few MHD claims(Gritskevitch+): classified for weather mod/space weapon/air-liquid flow & shockwave control(JP Petit+)? -->>cont: 181
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Pseudo Science” Free Energy Others/Water Types
• —>Cont: - Other mechanics: Water types: *some of below are mainstream academic virtually accepted* a-Instant H2(also p52,53): Sealed inert gas chamber with Amalgam-Alluminium based alloy(ER Anderson), Ceramic membrane(Bakhir), Monopole magnet (Ehrenhaft), Nano Geometric shape Aluminium (S Khanna* +) +, b-Urine (NH2)2CO or Saltwater Na++Cl-+ H2O “overunity" gas(Gamgee+), • c-Sun light using 24hr working battery: ci-Galvanic-corrosion-overunity water cell(Cater+), “self charge-separation” water effect, unlike most Water Powered Clocks, cii-Bat Gen: Melanine based photo-electrochemical self-renewable cell(Solis-Herera), • d-Magnesium-saltwater battery charger(Greenivative Super G-Mag), e-Hydrodynamic cavitation electrical generator(Grander+), f-10,000volt Lenard Effect(Kelvin*+)- linked to ElectroHydroDynamic Electrospray aerosol charge & ElectroScavenge - ElectroFreezing effect based weather modification, g-Resonance water pump(Bentley, Bellocq, Dickinson+) gauges more water lifting than energy applied, h-Magnetic-vacuum water freezer/boiler at room temp.(I Siegel+) 182
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
World Trend; When Starts Establishing New Tech.. 1: Mainstream Response • ■ "Free energy" demo usually witnessed, some thoroughly tested by mainstream scientists on personal or military/aerospace/intel capacity, not academic capacity, using high-bandwidth digital oscilloscope+. • Pulse triggered device or cold electricity is difficult to measure its performance, Most of volt & amp meter only claims quickly found to be errors(PG Bailey+), but a few turn out “unexplainable”, Then testing scientists avoid public comment or say “It appears the effect is true”. Local media or sometimes even national media covers positively: “This will change the world, Surely Nobel prize if real !”- but often never reported by media again. • ■ After first positive reporting, Inventor tech blanket debunker & lab duplication failure is often exclusively quoted(success ignored) even in many alternative energy groups, ■ These events are almost ALWAYS ignored by high ranking "reputable" tenured mainstream academics that allows peer review; ”perpetual motion or energy is against physics law”, “if it’s real we would’ve known it within last 200yrs+, hence such effect cannot exist”. Yet recently increasingly reviewed under unofficial capacities or media ignored capacities.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
World Trend; When Starts Establishing New Tech.. 2: Debunking Methods • Free energy researchers(Vesperman, Bearden, C Walter, Frazier, Loder, Aftergood, Tutt, Joe Garbon, RA Nelson, D Kenyon, J Manning, L Pea, Bird, Germano, PJ Kelly, Don Kelly, Decker, O’Leary, Elswick, Jo Eisen, S Hasslberger, Br Ostrowski, Jam Robey +) finds typical scenario when inventors attract investor funds for mass production: • ■ Suddenly investigated as tax/Securities and Wire Fraud(US) due to “complaints”, or Impostors using inventor name with false claims(Two common phenomena occurs at attempted commercialization), Assets seized, Fines, Active follow up by debunkers often specialized in discrediting any claims divert from non-mainstream narrative. Also in timely way, it's not uncommon(statistically significantly higher) inventors/researchers gets charged for under aged molesting, embezzlement, or various other types of fraud & media highlights this by emphasing the connection of fraud and invention. • ■ Mainstream authority & “grass roots” coordinated frequent criminal charges, “confirmed” mental disease labelling, or scandals against “pseudoscience” energy/medical is statistically unusually common when succeed(K Trudeau, Web Kehr, P Binzel, W Travis+). Same event occurs when high public/corporate rank or media person etc “does not go along with overall plan”: some of this is a part of classified standard Intel used practise?(Austin Fitts, Je Ventura, Joe Nacchio, Sus Lindauer, Jo Rappoport+) 184 • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
World Trend; When Starts Establishing New Tech.. 3: Media Response • ■ Valid legal process if define “pseudo science” as hoax-scam, or fake charges as “real” which seems to be a std process of mainstream group in certain cases if not necessarily tech related(Kirakou+), • For more prominent ones; National media calls it as “pseudoscience”, & investors/local media stops interviewing, or media starting to quote "superstore of debunking" organizations/websites(they specialize in debunking practically everything not aligned with western mainstream narrative from geopolitics to science: eg Rational wiki, CSICOP+): even not considering who might be funding those, would organized pathological skepticism at work?(LD Leiter+), Inventor helpers start fighting, funds/equipments/documents start missing, Inventor tech backers also warned as financial-industrial security threat by (un)identified groups 185
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Trend; When
Starts Establishing New Tech.. 4
• ->> cont; free energy commercialization prosecuted: Suddenly classified as national security risk; Tech confiscation(generally appear to be by Govn’t division, Intelligence agency, Private security company, Unidentified armed group, or SWAT team) with or without warrant, told to go to jail etc if discuss this event/technology, Police & media usually ignore intervention request(in some way justifiable, but process criteria, decision maker, responsibility, exact involved party unclear), this occurs world wide, not just in West, but happening less and less recently: reduced debunking or suppression of disruptive technology is observed in most industries. • Even most heavily information selected Western mainstream medical now is showing signs of slightly releasing its grip: Conventional medical journal is allowing previously rejected alternative medical journal's peer reviewed aboveconventional cure result articles, while previously only debunking articles were allowed, and Google Scholar search engine is now including academic documents of peer reviewed “pseudoscientific or pseudomedical journals’” far beyond mainstream tech experimental results, ranging from “free energy tech” to nonlocal psychic healing even as Western publishers(Mary Ann Liebert Inc, +), while even those non western ones descrdibed by mainstream west as "corrupt" or predatory publisher(OMNICS+). Also US intel is increasingly making previously onsite only available documents voluntarily available on line quite recently. -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
World Trend; When Starts Establishing New Tech.. 5: Research Funds, Patents, New Trend â&#x20AC;˘ ->> cont; free energy commercialization prosecuted: For more prominent ones; With/without patent, large energy users, not producers(eg Oil), tend to buy inventions, Their own free type tech invention disappears (eg Hamburg at Ford, G Low at NASA +), Some inventors continue, without commercialization, micro private based use, Litigation, Research funds run out, Order/supply cancels, patent bought, hired by military-intel or certain corporation(under non disclosure secrecy agreement), etc+, But now changing: Although mainstream ridiculed or ignored, recently non electromagnetic(non scalable type or only partial free energy device) are increasingly allowed to fully commercialize with no prosecution or strange accidents/scandal. â&#x20AC;˘ Some researches of both mainstream/fringe type firmly conclude "suppression" comes only/mostly from oil companies but this doesn't often seem to apply: 187
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
World Trend; When Starts Establishing New Tech.. 6: Oil Company Response • ->> cont; free energy commercialization prosecuted: For more prominent ones; • ● In Western situation often energy using companies or energy unrelated NGOs behave to stunt research/commercialization, or purchase & shelve it, while even opposite; ie promotion of free energy- is observed for smaller/private Western oil companies(Ton Craddock[Craddock engineering inc]+), some claim they are promoting but at the same time subverting after all with slight disinfo or other subtle means("Steven J Smith"+) • ● Large Western oil companies actually tend to fund/develop low cost energy tech and disruptive inventions seem to be patented and shelved, while mildly effective types are commercialized. Western military & contractor companies behaves similarly. • ● Non-Western state owned large oil companies seem to nurture wide range of low cost energy techs including "pseudoscience" & fund their research(eg: Indonesia, Malaysia, Venezuela, Iran, UAE, even Western ally Saudi Arabia etc). ● Discouragement of super low cost energy tech(while promoting conventional alternative energy) seems to be rather coming form Western based network of some large corporate groups working together with various levels of Govn't, Intelligence Agencies, Private Security companies, Western Oil companies, NGOs, Media etc. 188
World Trend; When Starts Establishing New Tech.. 7: Witnesses? Frauds? • Rare cases of prominent politicians, scientists, personnel, magicians vow to testify for validity of invention(Tesla, Moray, Adam Trombly[UN delegates], Newman, Gray, Br DePalma, T G Allen, H Coler, Rand Mills, Tewari+) • Actual fraudulent "free energy" case seems more likely with no tech details given/independent auditing, no inventor face photo/name/address/video interview publicized: • a- Fake web sales, b-Valid inventor stretching claims / $mismanagement, c-“Grass roots” or fake invention(sometimes incomplete invention claiming to be fully operational) that might discredit/divert entire free energy movement(ignored by usual tech invention replicators), d-High profile group in “free energy” community collect$ to purchase/develop new tech yet keep postponing/shelving it. • Yet small # of emerging high profile groups seem to function coherently not only for “tech disclosure” but for whole geo-econo-social open system movement with little influence by Western mainstream(eg Thrive movement+)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Free Energy Challenge: Quest to Meet Academic Protocol 1: Example of Gravity Tech Witness & History • Similarly, scientists assure en masse non-existence of gravity field tech(also see p374-379), ignoring several 100s of official military/engineer testimony of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena(UAP) evidence without investigation, citing indication never exists(Ri Haines, Weygandt, Keyhoe, N Pope, De Brouwer, Jo Callahan, Lovekin, Guerra, La Warren, WB Smith, Hillenkoetter, Nat Twining, D Phillips, Ch Halt, Ro Salas, Er Walker, Symington, Pa Jafari, R Dedrickson+), Some of favorite Western mainstream's debunking lines are "not repeatable", "it should fly over or land on Whitehouse", while some repetitive appearance events including flying over US Whitehouse did happen & ignored retroactively(1952 Washington incident - Robertson Panel). • Callers for investigation labeled “fringe theorist” or “pseudo scientist”, losing or compromising academic career(Ja McDonald, O’Leary, Friedman, Hynek, Ro Baker, Mi Salla+), while existing allegations of “trusted” senior academic is on contract with “certain group” to debunk non-std science (Sagan, D Menzel, Ed Condon & Ro Low+). But even gravity field tech area of debunking seem to be rapidly ceasing with mainstream orchestrated quasi official introduction of gravity field tech/vehicles as of 2017. 190
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Free Energy Challenge: Quest to Meet Academic Protocol 2: Disadvantage of Researching • ■ Yet still continuing system is that “Reputed” labs/schools/publications have strong tie with “reputed = large” scientist group-NGO-corporate, often disallow to test/publish “certain kind of” new science or experiment data as “it would break the law”(Ge Pollack+), ”Blacklisted” academic can be banned from student interaction at schools, mainstream science journals & conventions etc(B Josephson, Sarfatti+) • ■ Most large corporate research/Govn’t div has strains whose member is fully aware of/engaged in physics law breaking performance energy(& other) techs but by secrecy contract(allegedly linked to National Security status) mainstream academic/media is never officially informed(Rug Santilli, Da Yurth, Myr Evans+): scientific corruption • ■ Alleged tenured dismissal, facility inaccessibility, faculty/university warned of funding cut if member studies “non-std-science”(B Martin, Jo Mack, Delborne, MW Ho, Hal Arp+), Often at western mainstream level one is paid to study only acceptable topics & not others, or for geopolitics study most critical issue to be avoided(Chomsky vs James Tracy): former prof as opposed to latter one is a more of controlled opposition & gate keeper?(Anthony Hall+), science is "policy driven" sponsored by corporate groups(Dav Lewis+) 191
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Free Energy Challenge: Quest to Meet Academic Protocol 3: Peer Review System • ■ Reduced chance for grant/promotion if contradicts above root assumptions even though unrelated to research theme, it is particularly important to endorse man made exclusive catastrophic CO2 global warming no matter what the research is(this automatically cuts out funding from good portion of torsion field/electric weather influence, cosmic ray troposphere relation, general global climate research area), Differs in nonwestern nations(Russia, Brazil+, eg China’s Montagnier funding), or military or space agency in West(seems usually classified) • • Self-endorsed circular logic; underfunded experimental research success & theory, even validated by many "fringe groups" & non mainstream journal peer reviews, is blocked from mainstream peer review without Western corporate-NGO/media/gov’ back up, but mainstream rejects it, reasoning “it lacks peer review”, • • This combines with occasional selective failure only peer reviews when claims are “proven false” & claimers lose funding/job, by only based on replication failures & ignored all successes(Mi Schiff+). This stops most researches, but even failure process itself is dubious; eg. Firmly alleged data change to block LENR funding(Mallove+)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Free Energy Challenge: Quest to Meet Academic Protocol 4: Scientific Integrity Depends on Ignoring • ➢ Successful free energy inventor has never been investigated OFFICIALLY by modern Western full scientific protocol. In turn declared to media: “In our entire history, free energy validity has never been found“, "if we were ever wrong, why all other trusted mainstream people are in such consensus?", ”It’s a proven scientific fact”. • ➢ Influencers can use system to create scientific reality by exclusively selected convenient evidence(T Gold, Huyghe, McClenon, Broad & Wade+), Decisions made by use of non-scientific/empirical paradigm(Schwinger, Kuhn+), Are majority of scientists mentally cannot cope with discomfort of paradigm change?(Lightman & Gingerich+), While unprecedented pseudoscience is suddenly valid at geo-political events even if all experimental evidence disproves(Ri Gage, Cr Roberts, Da Ganser, BK Partin, Nie Harrit, SE Jones, Kev Ryan, Jud Wood, DR Griffin, ADM Moorer, Dav Gapp, Chr Bollyn, Chris Emery+) • ➢ This is commonly observed, not exception, across science: Water, Monetary, Gene, Consciousness, Human origin, Peak oil(Bakken formation+), Biotic only hydrocarbon (p381-386), Big bang, Climate(though indecisive, p391-399) Ancient edifice/civilization, Archeology, Giants & Dwarfs, Medical (p351-366), Advanced structures on Moon/Mars(Brandenburg, Carolotto, Van Flandern, M Bara, J Escamilla, Ir Shapiro, Vasin, Chatelain+), History of tech-medicine-geopolitics +
LAWs of THERMO-DYNAMICS: vs Inventors & “Dissident” Scientists: 1: Closed System? • ■ 1ST LAW: Energy cannot be created or destroyed- only change forms ■ 2ND LAW: Energy always evens out to create a neutral entropy state ■ 1+2: Mainstream interpretation: Must not appear to generate more energy than it's used; Even some of LENR/Cavitation scientists subscribe to ■ Above’s conventional interpretation is based on closed system which rarely exist in strict sense, yet Taboo of questioning even interpretation itself of the law in main academia & in turn media till very recently, in rare cases scientists group up to appeal for law reformulation, sometimes they are described as “delusional, crackpots” • Inventors & small # of mainstream scientists point out flaw/contradiction in (LOTD)law of Thermodynamics),(Da Sheehan[scientist, not same as a lawyer on p36], Heyrovská, Sachs, PD Keefe, PT Pappas, G Pellegrini, X Fu, Nikulov, Graeff, Čápek, L Gordon, Denur, Coffey, Molnar, D’Abramo, Garamella, Tim H Boyer, Allahverdyan, Semura, Crosignani, Ale Kaivarainen, M Devereux, Nieuwenhuizen, Dubonos, Bok, Špička, Mar Comings +): 1st law is ok, but 2nd law only covers Closed System; the law is more of a rule of thumb from statistics; —>>cont: 194
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists on 2: There's Really No Such Thing As Overunity! • ■ 1st & 2nd LAW: There is no “overunity”- energy is everywhere; Any matter over 0 Kelvin emits EM wave - thermal radiation anyways; QuantumElectroDynamics etc. Even biological muscle energy generation seems to clearly exceeds what Adinosine Triphosphate(ATP: "bio battery") can produce(AV Hill, M Dydyńska+), no purely closed system – impossible not to have “free energy”. Yet mainstream advocates 1st law violation, or calls it "exception" with "big bang" • ■ Mainstream Closed System: “0 outside” energy, no “perpetual” motion, VS "Dissident" Open System: unlimited ambient & vacuum energy, earth is permanent mega capacitor, constant sea-air move, earth-moon-star orbit, lightning; • ■ Law selectively applied: Mainstream's experiments by Michelson-Morley, Brillet, Hils+ VS more extensive or less conveniently selective Dissidents' Miller, Silvertooth, D Marett, M Grusenick+. Their results are opposite(DeMeo, Allais+), • ■ Mainstream tends to conveniently select an interpretation of Sagnac effect etc, why laser-deployed much more accurate interferometer still continues to show “aether”?: Dynamic Casimir effect has been officially accepted since 2011(CM Wilson+), Points to existence of “dynamic” aether, radiant energy, self organizing 0pt vacuum, or higgs field with force etc,
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists on 3: Laws Altered to Change Education • ->>continuing closed System: ■ Prevailing idea seems to be based on unproven(disproven) assumption only current physical reality is valid, or totally isolated from other realities/vacuum: either case it self-contradicts own closed system idea. Far fetched mainstream interpretation on: Molecule spin, Spin-spin interaction(torsion field), Fluxing vacuum, Larmor precession at magnetic field, Inverted Population, Brownian motion, Particle angular momentum, Stars curving-torsion, all perpetual. • OR, need “Reverse LOTD”, to make overall sense of the law: Original Maxwell Equations made sense, but altered(initial 20 equations were discarded to 4) by Heaviside, Hertz etc: New version kept transverse wave & dropped “unmeasurable” longitudinal electrical wave & 0 vector vacuum EM potentials+(eg scalar[power magnitude] without vector[direction])(Reed, Myr Evans,Trupp, Ter W Barrett, Grimes, Crowell, Cohen, Bok, Morris, Hen F Harmuth, Jeffers, Jefimenko, Flower, Labounsky, Meszaros, Vigier, Ciubotarju, Lehnert, S Marinov+), • EM wave could be created from this potentials, hense it could be the base of physical reality(Olariu, Sakharov+), & universally involves “twist” or toroid in the process(Betrami, F Peat+). Indications of financial-industrial group might have staged Heaviside to do so along with rewriting of electrical engineering text books?(Wil Donovan, Da Pond+), -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists “Far-Out” Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 1 • ->>cont: closed System: This ignored wave (non Hertzian wave) seems to link zeropoint(ZPE)/free energy extraction: TORSION(Microlepton)-Field/SCALAR potential(only magnitude & no direction, eg phase conjugated state[destructive interference /superposition, waves meet perfectly out of phase, four way mixing: "real time holography", can be standing wave state - resonating with matter's own unique frequency], also can be zero electric/magnetic field zone(Bloch wall): reversal propagation direction while amplitudes and phases are kept, often at situation where mainstream claims no magnitude exists): unlimited “information & energy info” carrier that manifests physical effects, or Information & Energy exchange occurs to generate physical effects: BioEnergo-Informatics (Биоэнергоинформатика)/ Eniology(Эниология): still a part of mainstream Russian science. • Originally 3D physical reality(space-time) was often regarded as only a subset of larger hyperdimensional reality(ie Torsion-Scalar fields/Hyperspace/4 or 5th dimension/other universes) that feeds 3d reality at mainstream physics but gradually it became pseudoscience treatment along with cancellation of vital scalar energy component at Maxwell's Equations(around 1880-1900s). Torsion & Scalar fields are then sort of larger or hidden part of Magnetic & Electric fields, too. 197
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists “Far-Out” Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 2: Theory • ->>cont: closed System: • Torsion theory appeared in 1910s(Cartan), formal experiments & application started in 1960s Soviet(Kozyrev+), in modern era ECE theory covers(Myr Evans), Yet 1900s notably in France similar non-locality, biofield/spinfield(ie “angular momentum field”: “free energy field”), & mind effect creation was observed(Luys, Baraduc, Tesla, Radiguet, Ch Ross, Blondlot+), At that time, these effects were explained as related mechanics as dowsing(Bovis, Simoneton, Kervran, Franklin & Maby+), • There have been various mental effect from mesmerism times before 1800s, but in Soviet block science, heterodyning of certain multiple electromagnetic waves was officially found to cause some mood & body function change since in 1930s (БГ Михайловский+). In 1950s UK/US remote non-local radionics was mainstream accepted in same way. Then appears to be retroactively pseudoscientized along with gravity technology etc later in the decade. Historically most Torsion-Scalar inventions were made via “try & success” result, not pursued based on theory(only after 1980s in Soviet/Russia-Ukraine): can be called Torsion physics/Hyperdimensional Physics. But from 1980s significant funds were allocated as mainstream Soviet research, experiment, & development for military, intelligence, medical, industrial process etc including theoretical 198 areas with own specialists(В.И Лунев+)
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 3: Vague Difference • TORSION field -SCALAR "wave" distinction criteria is arbitrary to this presentation: due to their "pseudoscientific status" there is no universal official definition, naming Table 1 researchers or differentiation amongst experimenters and SCALAR WAVE
1-Electric solenoid coil, 2-Radionics use of photo 1-Rotating magnetic field, 2-Rotating electrode, or body parts/cell/fluid. 3-Prolonged laser pulse, 4-High power short EM pulse, 5-Electrohydraulic effect
1-Electro conductive matter wedged by dielectric 1-Field interaction, 2-Spin-spin interaction etc. material, 2-Spiral & pointed copper, 3-Electro 3-All matter emit field. 4-Ultra fast rotation of matter/ active microorganism, 4-Certain minerals liquid. 5-Certain peening & photocatalysis 1-EM wave form phase conjugated, 2-Longitudinal wave intersecting, 3-Wave mixing
1-Specific geometry has strong effects: pyramid, hexagon tube etc. 2-Nano structures: C60, Nano filter effect on water
1-Standing wave, 2-Harmonics & Resonance with own frequemcy, 3-Hologram, 4-Time reversal & retrocausality, 5-Time dilation
1-Electron bombardment, 2-Prolonged EM wave laser(phase coherent waves) & some micro-nano matter peening, 3-Certain plasma exposure, 4-Electric poling
1-Non local frequency reading/ projecting
1-FIR, Terahertz range EM wave?
• Here they are differentiated by tendency of : 1-Copy/Imprint mechanics of chemical or mineral quality to other matters, 2-What is deemed as field projection method, and 3-Frequently noticeable side effect phenomena. But there are many cross over 199 effects and difference might not be meaningful or strictly relevant.
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 4: Common Traits • TORSION - SCALAR: Presumed possible common characteristic examples: • 1-Co-exist with, but quality differs from EM field, 2-Non-local/linear, Timeless, or faster than light(Kozyrev experiment: know what happens at Sun by cutting off EM wave by another signal before EM wave shows it, replicated by MM Lavrentiev+), 3-Interstellar communication (Shkatov & Zamsha+, Zubow-ZubowZubow[АВ Зубов/ВА Зубов/КВ Зубова: zubow.de]+[neutrino], TT Brown+[electrogravitic communication]), • 4-Cause template effect:(D Roth+); eg1 “water memory”(Peschka+), eg2 “Organ transfer memory”(Pau Pearsall, Gar Schwartz+), Heart as brain?(R McCraty+), or it is consciousness based?(La Dossey+)- Data match is far beyond statistical correlation in some % of case but very little research is done due to unavailability of organ information in most nations, • 5-Bio enhancement (Bergstresser+), medical effect on tumors by rotating magnetic field(Wal Rawls Jr+), 6-Mind effect (Shipov+), 7-Very fast ceramic processing,
Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 5: Electronic/Acoustic • ->>continuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples: 8-Can halt electronic device function without damage(Rus Roy+), 1000s of such anecdotal stories when approached by antigravity craft(T Good, Hakdogan, V Chernobrov+), usually sporadic engine or motor mulfunction but some occurred at entire district level. Despite regular mainstream psy-op like ridicule for above claims, even mainstream affirmed transverse EM wave device can halt engines with specific frequency directed likely UV to microwave range laser irradiation(Lockheed Martin, HSV Technologies+), also able to turn off/on target area’s electric equipments, disable wired & wireless telephone line, or even internet connection selectively. • 9-Some type of unusual electron flow, gathering, "conjuring" effects seemingly triggered by negative electron movement causing various physical phenomena(JK Hutchison+) • 10a-Improve Hi-Fi sound quality & standing wave musical instruments(J Suehiro+): b-Also note mainstream idea of longitudinal acoustic standing wave objects levitation by trapping between its nodes - here anomalous gravity cancellation effect by Torsion-Scalar does the same by longitudinal EM standing wave nodes trapping in addition to other mechanics?, c-Similarly, certain coupling of man made ULF(Ultra Low Frequency) - infrasound standing wave(as opposed to travelling wave) can cause matters’ lattice structure to absorb it/trap its energy & resonate in such a way it might either disintegrate or levitate depending on relationship with matters’ characteristic phonon frequency? 201
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 6: Standing Wave • ->>cont: TORSION-SCALAR possible examples: 10-standing wave related: • d-"Pulsed Acoustic Fire" Drying: Standing wave sound generating Tuned Pulsed Firing(around 200-300Hz) seems (resonance is requirement for effectiveness, also fire can be controlled by Standing wave range sound itself) to cause/accompany self-sustaining firing without any power required for boiler(Fulton Boiler+), unlike conventional firing boiler, requiring 1/100 of energy for firing related power use. • Pulsed Combustion Spray dryer sometimes requires 20-50% of energy to perform drying water off powder with 1/10-1/100 of time compared to conventional spray dryer, while keeping dried medium temperature low so that some protein or enzyme can be dried even under 500-1000°C heat system(PulseDry+): what happens if MagnetoHydroDynamics is added?. • This “sound charged air” by acoustic standing wave dries flat medium(ink on paper, pulp & paper etc) with notable improved efficiency compared to regular air(Heat Technologies Inc HTI+) • 11-CD disc with “quantum energy sticker” or touching by the sticker causes altered sound quality when played by stereo, 202
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out” Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 7: Electrical Efficiency • ->>continuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples: • 12-Higher power efficiency & “repair effect” of electrical device ●i-via special Power Factor Correction device filtered electricity supply(works for lagging current & harmonic related distorted waveform issues both i.e. pseudoscience in west, but this also works by Far InfraRed wave projection, electron emitter, or well timed rotating motor device etc without using capacitor nor harmonic filter, p182) or ●ii-simply by filtering power causes nearby combustion engine's efficiency to improve(F Neubauer+), or ●iii-via activating device being near air/fluid intake/oil/fuel of combustion engine(Ohatrin: АФ Охатрин+), 13-Or car engine/braking/balance improves as device placed at driver seat area(M Wakabayashi+), • 14-Thermodynamic overunity electrical power generation(ВИ Докучаев, АВ Чернецкий +), and device can also generate “longitudinal EM wave”. COP>1 type EM wave unaffected unorthodox qualities caused by Circularly Polarized Wave & Light: coil(Shang Chi Jiang, Marletta, W Kaminsky, J Reisert+), also high light rotation generates time dilation. • 15-Sort of Magnetoacoustic Electrostatic wave equiv. in nonplasma region, Neutrino link, - cont ->>
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out” Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 8: Propagation Quality • ->>continuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples: • 16-Propagate thru matter without affecting, Information flow field(АВ Шаповалов +), or transfer information only & not energy(Ale Kaivarainen+): BioEnergo-Informatics(Биоэнергоинформатика)/Eniology(Эниология)(НИЦ ЭНИО). Radio communication without interference including through water etc(ВИ Коробейников, НА Кисель[EH Antenna] +), or at least taking up significantly less space/length for transmission antenna while effectiveness improved(Ted Hart[EHAntenna Systems]+): works by spin motion(in cylinder) of electric charges instead of traveling motion(along antenna)of electric charges(those two charges are completely different, but Western mainstream admits only latter exists). This tech is meeting heavy debunking as entering into mainstream. • 17-Simliar to Split-ring Resonator function for all matters: linked to Phase conjugating/time reverse elements, magnetic field could trigger oscillations “out of thin air”, - like Larmor Precession. • 18-Vacuum as its carrying medium?, Objects in physicality should also “exist” in vacuum as Torsion-field/Scalar-potential?; Gravitational-Nutrino wave link(Perebeynos, Fujii+), - cont->> 204
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out” Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 9: Non Local Effects • ->>con&nuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples: • 19-Used with Quantum Mechanics for nonlocal unconven7onal effects(Ire Caesar[Wave Genome], V Sims+), or locally as bioenhancement-medical effect, use of resonance-standing wave-Larmor frequency(Rol Binder, Wolf-D Kessler: ONDAMED),(S Hal7wanger+), If unique oscilla7on frequency is iden7fied or photo(photon)scanned, possible to disassemble or ”conjure” chemical, nutrients, plemorphic bacteria etc as its quality & physical effects(not actual maTer) & electricity: molecular level control(T Paladino[SelfHealGo], +)(also p214-217), • 20-Measured by: Magne7c sensor inside Faraday cage, Barkhausen Effect, Radionic equipment, Torsion field generator(Kravchenko, M Krinker+): device’s close rela7on to Aharonov-Bohm effect(Ser Kernback+), Geiger-Müller detector(Wil Reich), Kirlian photo(ВА Соколов+)(Cer7fied medical equipment in Russia etc[pseudoscience-fraud in West]: captures bio “electrophotonic glow”), Indirectly via water test methods (Krasnobryzhev+)(eg mainstream spectroscopy, or Drop Picture Method+ etc), MRA(Weinstock+), Biofield meter(Bu Payne+), White cucumber’s biophoton emission(Hideyuki Kokubo+), Psychics/Dowsers, 205
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out” Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 10: Biological Effect, FIR link? • ->>continuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples: 21-Torsion/Scalar devices seem to be able to alter(ie hamper or facilitate depends on configuration): coherence or order in electron flow, microelectrical bio-signalling, or coherence of bioorganism oscillation(Far InfraRed frequency). Various examples of below alleged claims are give in following pages. • Some devices work as protector: seemingly "block" scrambling incoherent(or bio-incoherenct) EM field(near strong electronic device or broadcasting tower, geopathic zones etc), • A few devices apparently convert artificial EM field into "bio-digestable energy pattern" by using the energy itself: Function as biobooster instead of protector, But effect of each device seems to vary significantly, • Also some bioorganisms/individuals seem to demonstrate "scrambling electron digesting mode" to thrive from "hazardous" EM field patterns while others are unable to do so and lose body balance & have negative symptoms or perish. Some extreme but parallel example(mainstream debunked as usual) would be those who prefer to eat & seem to digest some metal, ceramic or plastic as diet source(Lotito, Бранко Црногорац +) or not needing to eat anything for yrs while average person would not prefer or thrive under such conditions. Also see Hormesis effects(p389,390)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
/Dissident Scientists: Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 11: Similar to FIR & Terahertz Wave Effects • TORSION/SCALAR or Far InfraRed/Teraherz wave emi9ng self-oscilla@on tech devices are o&en marketed with “New Age” image: "Magic s9ck, Cosmic pendant”/ or biofield - biophoton - cellular - Qi signal s9mula9ng device or non local informa9onal zero or super weak EM field mechanism(p207,303, indicate some of base mechanics) etc. • But discreet industrial-commercial success worldwide, Openly endorsed/studied by main corporate/gov’t/academic in Russia/India/China/Thailand etc, Ignored or called fraud in West, yet “Substan9al fringe” use in DACH: German speaking(majors backing?: Stu]gart Univ?, Scho] AG?, Austrian med assoc?+), fair amount of private medical use in US, Canada, UK+, Isolated fringe market but unique strong effect product inventors in Japan etc. Usually web or MLM sales. Most Ac9vely Commercialized from Russia/DACH/US. Valid tech use in product is indis9nguishable on surface from many less or no effect device, • SCALAR “Wave” & its effect possibly generated by electromagne9c(EM) field that is “simultaneously created & cancelled in the same circuit”(Standing Electro Magne9c Wave): Occurs in 1-8 condi@ons: 1.Phase conjugate wave pairs(also linked to 3d reality as “visible EM wave: light” hologram as fundamental percep9on at neuroscience[P Marcer, Ed Mitchell, K Pribram+]), 2.Iden9cal EM waves “out of phase symmetry” to each other or polarized: “Self Cancelling” wave, destruc9ve interference, -->> cont:
& “Dissident” Scientists’ Far-Out Scalar 1 • -->> cont: SCALAR “Wave” & its effect generating conditions: • 3.Mutually opposed direction equal waves, 4.Certain shape, geometry, matter, or its pair, 5.Directed polarized multimode EM radiation via cavity(Cornwall+), • 6. Orgone: i-Layers of varied electrical potential metals compressed & wedged by dielectric/insulator material(neutral to electricity but reacts to electric field), ii-cluster of 3m range long directional cylinder copper pipes. With apparent micro EMF (electromotive force), microcurrent & micro EM field generated (often seems to be in FIR range) - similar to Tourmaline. Often used for "energy pendant" type products (Tonomura, Kolztov+), or possibly some type of Workman-Reynolds/Electroscavenging effect related weather influence by using air as dielectric medium. This "dielectric field" idea seems to have been mysteriously de-emphasized/disappeared from mainstream science(Dollard, GH Steinmez+), • 7.Twisting two copper wires in a ring-toroid form(Sli Sperling, Bri Besco+): "Tensor field generator”, -->> cont: 208
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Scalar "Wave" 2: Void of ElectroMagnetic Field • -->> cont: SCALAR “Wave” & its effect generating conditions: • 8.”Zero EM field” in-between buffer zone(some link to Meissner effect & Superconductivity - eg; Two resonantly tuned EM coil pairs close together creating a repelling interference pattern and EM field, or Between opposed magnets or current(VA Milyaev+), gravity anomaly(eg Oregon Vortex?+),or Coiled toroid without electricity. Mainstream calls this "zero energy" since only scalar potential exists (magnitude, “voltage”) & zero vector(direction,“current”, power), • But energy does exist(or violates 1st law, Aharonov–Bohm effect[AB-Effect], see next page), and remains - PROPAGATES as potential wave(Myr Evans, Ehrenberg, Vlaenderen, Eckardt, Bischof, Leus, Monstein, Siday, Tesla+): Non-Hertzian Wave. Also macroscopically measured(Caprez, Varma+), Vector potential itself was measured as biologically active(Trukhan, T Kawaguchi, Rampl, Ia Lyons+) • Mainstream approved AB-Effect shows that potential only, without vector force, can do the work(other than Helmholtz/Gibbs Free energy: ie appears to be “closed system over-unity”), hence potential is not meaningless mathematical figure: something that doesn’t seem to exist/unmeasurable conventionally can suddenly affect physicality. This EM wave “locked-in” phase sometimes seems to trigger releasing of naturally locked-in Zeropoint energy from vacuum in relation to harmonics/standing wave/resonance etc. 209
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Scalar "Wave" 3: Standing Wave, Normal Mode etc • —>>cont. SCALAR wave generating conditions: 8.”Zero EM field”: These Pairs of EM waves occur at matter/medium/cavity, & create spontaneous oscillations at multiple specific “scalar” frequencies(i.e. medium’s Characteristic Vibration/Normal Mode/Phonon/Natural Resonance Frequencies/Harmonic Frequencies: usually same for Mechanical Resonance(ie Longitudinal wave: Acoustic, Orbital+) • or occurs at EM Resonance(ie Transversal wave: Optical, NMR, Schumann+), ...and they seem to relate directly to “free energy”(possibly by extraction of vacuum energy?) & occur in integer multiples. This oscillation/vibration wave bounces back & forth within medium to form non moving looking Standing Wave (Quasiparticle, Phonon). Linked to sonication effects. This standing wave vibration is Scalar Resonance; a clear example when Scalar field/wave is operating/created, eg: pulsing Cavity resonator/Bifilar-flat coil/Mobius-Caduceus strip+, Doesn’t “travel in line but creates field”, Time reversible, 5th field, also same pattern as DNA. Similar effects are commonly observed, experimented, and discussed for nano device, semiconductors, & solar cell photonic excitation, Secondary Harmonic Generation(SHG) etc at mainstream. Because of zero vector state of scalar wave, energy doesn't go anywhere but that energy stays within the entity & is used to "open a gate from vacuum"? -->>cont: 210
Scalar "Wave" 4: Cold Electricity - NonThermoDynamic? • —>>cont. SCALAR wave 8.”Zero EM field”, Standing Wave: Re: Scalar wave- Note there is no wave propagation in "Scalar" definition, but term "scalar" is used to express spread of energy /"energy info" possibly even at Zero EM field type condition: • Examples of allegedly this wave coupling linked anomaly: also related to “overunity”, vacuum etc. in following: 1-5, and 6(A-E): • 1. Cold Electricity link(R Stiffler+)(p148-153), • 2. Can send or extract electricity wirelessly, sometimes oscilloscope undetected when done with resonance coupling(Tesla, S Jackson, Ha Muller+), Similar Resonance based Single Wire Power Transmission by unclosed circuit(Russian Institute for Electrification of Agriculture/Всероссийский институт электрификации сельского хозяйства - виэсх, University Dubna/ Университет «Дубна» и «ЛайвНет» +), Same mechanics can be used for wireless power transfer or single wire of including generally non conductive medium: laser/wood/water etc(DS Strebkov, AI Nekrasov, VS Abramenko/ ДС Стребков, АИ Некрасов, ВС Авраменко+), • Its open circuit remains cold and at least an order of magnitude larger power transfer per wire is possible in semi superconducting manner, system building & maintenance cost is much lower than conventional method, particularly if low cost nanocarbon fibre is used for power transmission(possibly provided by likes of: VI Petrik, Rosnano, CurTran+). -->>cont
Scalar "Wave" 5: Long Distance Wireless Power • —>>cont. SCALAR wave 8.”Zero EM field”, Standing Wave/Scalar waveAlleged wave coupling linked anomaly: 2. Wireless or one wire electricity conduction: • Also very disruptive Zenneck wave based complete globe wide wireless electricity transfer is on verge of mainstream acceptance(Ja Corum+): see p152. • Last page's resonance based single wire power transmission is completely different from Single Wire Earth Return(SWER) which is closed circuit by grounded earth working as return path, but even this "orthodox unconventional" method saves installation & maintenance cost for distant farming type use while fluctuating voltage poses some challenges(Mauncell AECOM, Ergon Energy+) • 3. (At level of phase conjugated wave): Self organization is induced(out of phase waves are eliminated or fit into phase), & Time reversal element both as mainstream recognized effect(but generally for acoustic frequency & often debunked for disruptive Terahertz level effect[many matters' resonance frequency range]), while Self generating effect without energy input in certain cavity(Zinov'ev-Kuzthelev-Antipov+) is ignored,
Scalar "Wave" 6: Non Local Communication, Radionics • —>>cont. SCALAR wave 8.”Zero EM field”, Standing Wave: Re: Scalar wave- Alleged wave coupling linked anomaly: related to “overunity”: • 4. Ultra distance, non-linear & 2me traverse communica2on(Zubow-Zubow-Zubow [АВ Зубов/ВА Зубов/КВ Зубова], Tesla+), 5. or is it different mechanics version of on-site-locality only based binary digital signalling "System on a Chip"(SoC) to directly control not just electronic machinery but also biofunc<on and organic ma=er decomposi<on(deemed not torsion/scalar mechanics): АттоСофт(Хесин Алексей Ильич)?, Similar nanochip based cell DNA reprogramming by weak electric current: Tissue Nanotransfec2on(Chandan Sen+) • 6. Radionics mechanics;(Bio-Energo-Informa2cs) i.e. following ●A-E ● A- Mechanically enhanced “voodoo”, dowsing, instant pre-diagnosis, ● B-I-”Non local” version of Time Domain Electromagne<c Method (TDEM) or Further advanced level of already science illegal commercialized tech by use of Soviet tech based microlepton/psychotronic(torsion)field(eg Leaf and Stone Resonance, Microlepton GeoVison, Georesonance+)(AF Ohatrin[Охатрин]+), useable for underground super deep mineral or structure detec2on. This can be explained in conven<onal terms as use of each mineral's resonance frequency: Magne<c Resonance Coupling. Is HAARP use underground imaging by US Air Force Lab same mechanics?(Jim Lee+) Another slightly similar smaller area covering unconven2onal ground radar tech(Frequency Modulated Con;nuous Wave: Geophysical Assessment and Inves;ga;on Associa;on) : -->>cont 213
Scalar "Wave" 7: Radionics: How It Works • ->>cont. wave coupling: 6. Radionics mechanics: B-I: Can deploy from ANY distance via wire/wireless (Holography/Quantum entanglement); Every object or point/cell reflects “whole universe”, yet it has own unique scalar wave frequencies(& EM field freq.), also each specie/type has group frequencies, & they are included in every part of entity(not just hair, saliva etc, but also photo). • So possible to have intentional effect non-locally by sampling this holograph wave, & manipulate it by wave matrix(EM field) & re-transmit to the target: “Forward phase” mode to enhance target function or copy sample’s effect on target, or “phase reversal”/"reverse spin" mode to hamper/destroy target. (P Tomkins, Pe Kelly, H Lovel, WJ Hale, BA Rockwell, J Gallimore+) • ●B-II-Once identify correct Frequency & electromagnetically record it in wave form, physical effect is replicatable by a- re-emitting this copied computer software oscillation(eg- Mind-bio integrity & coherence boosting, J Fridenstine+), or Sensing biological state or mining exploration of target by b- scanning them(de la Warr, Don Paris+), c- Incidentally, “thought” nonlocal transmission has been claimed as “information transfer(ББ Кажинский+), -->> cont: 214
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Scalar "Wave" 8: Radionics Commercializa6on • ->>cont. wave coupling: 6. Radionics mechanics: ●B-III-(eg- d- Broadcast specific nutrients-minerals needed for plant crop as info wave to increase agriculture yield; von Reichenbach, Y Kronn+) (VitalforceTechnology.com+), (eg e- farm removes pests by: placing pesticides on area photo, then modulate into "scalar wave form" & transmit; high % of experimental success records in mainstream Soviet groups by use of torsion field generators(АА Деев, ВА Соколов +), mainstream Western use in 1940s by US State Gov Farm Bureau PA, AZ, CA+, Dow Chemical, UKACO+; Knuth+), Significant trial success in 1970s Eastern Canada with largest prv land owner was “classified”(And Michrowski+), some prominent Canadian politicians promoted it as “best way to replace all chemicals”(Chesley William Carter, Margaret Norrie+) but results data debunked/ignored, If metal plates are tagged to subject, it can be used as nonlocal vaccine(Виктор Краснобжижев) • Modern era very low key services: Crop Services International(Phi Wheeler), Quantec(von Buengner), Kybertron, Kelly Research Technologies, QuantumAgriculture(Hu Lovel+), Slightly differently with torsion field generator based mechanics: done but state backed small use in Russia/Soviet+(Lomonosov, АВ Бобров+), Русноинком wl-tech(Podchufarov), Human medical homeopathic use psychotronic field frequency emitter should also be possible to be placed on farm photo to cause effects on the farm?(Радамир+)(VD Stepanenko), China seems to be quietly researching, Some farmers do own radionic farming by using some popular device(SE-5+), Mostly human focus(SelfHealGo+) 215
Scalar "Wave" 9: Radionics Application • ->>cont. wave coupling: non-local 6..Radionics • ●B-Iv-Radionics or cell phone or TV are basically using same mechanics as they are all broadcasting by modulating info or voice into wave & send it on a set frequency carrier then it is resonated by receiving cell-TV dial/person, insect etc that are on same freq. to obtain info wirelessly: It’s no magic ●C- Tests with significant results but stays as test & no data disclosed officially: Enhance forest(Pet Moscow+), Decompose toxin, Disinfect Area, Save fertilizer/ pesticide /chemical(only virtual use), “Virtual lipo suction”, Locate missing matter-people, Remove or plant forensic evidence, Military use- no site visits needed etc(ВТ Шкатов+) • ●D- Works depended on operator: Electric radionic machine works even unplugged(Bev Rubik+), ●E- Radionic scalar diagram on paper only: mind based?(Hieronymus, J Campbell+), ●F- What happens if perfectly run location frequency on matter & resonate it (teleport?, ME Boyd), human freq over machine(symbio?), a specie embryo freq over others seems to produce results(PL Ighina, KG Dzang+), • OTHER SCALAR ENERGY QUALITIES: Vortex connects EM & Scalar wave(Mayl, Tomilin+), Elementary particles interact with both Scalar/EM waves(J Dea, Pulver, Mi Wolff, Imlauer+), commonalities with DNA -Helix, ->>cont: 216
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/Dissident Scientists’- “Far-Out” • Other commercialized alleged SCALAR type tech(eg: Aquapol, 90.10., Q-Link, GeoWave, EESystem, Plate Koltsov КФС, Dessert Greening, α-Genius, Neurophone, MEDEA 7, Pulsedtech, BioCharger, Terafight, Water Energizers, Sev-Sports, FIOSGreenbox, ISEE Energywatch, Teslar Tech+) • TORSION field theory(space-time is curved but also twisted & creates torsion)(eg electron perpetually orbits/spins/curls or... disappears and reappears): Weissenberg Effect hint, Naturally seen oscillation-spin-spiral in; Low-filled hose water & Boundary layer flow(D Rapoport+),Karman Vortex Street, Honey coil effect, spiral Eddy current, Electrorotation, Quantum spin wave(as opposed to spin wave), magnet perpetually generates electron orbital motion-spin(also Larmor precession), GyromagneticElectrogyration effect, Faraday’s rotation, All interrelate from atom’s angular momentum, to star/planet rotation - Coriolis/Rossby Effect- vortex- implosion- carved spacetime - rapidly spinning black hole. • Where does all endless energy come from? Prementioned spin of cosmological to quantum scale should be at least primarily fed by "zeropoint energy"(Kozyrev, Shipov+). Also Torsion field effects are actually confirmed in variety of ways by mainstream science in fragmented compartmentalized manner(eg Electric Poling, Electric Field Induced Softening, Dielectric Breakdown, Persistent Current effect, Field emission under weak electric field(low level produceable by electret), Nanofluidics etc, while effects like Laser Structuring is officially limited to surface effect but defacto approving matter depth alteration: eg Second Harmonic Generation of glass by Laser pulse(Jiyeon Choi+) 217
: Spin, Electrical Effects etc • TORSION Field effect seems to be generated by following 1-16 examples • 1-Spin Posi9oning/Polariza9on(Tam-Happer Effect) of par9cle-electron: any ma5er generates,: material’s elementary par9cle is characterized by its own spin or angular momentum, and its mass and charge corresponds to EM field. Rota9on based torsion field has different effect depended on leL or right spin, both compared to control samples(ГС Царапкин+) • 2-Photograph(p214-217), 3-An9oxidant producing microbe mix in sealed container(anaerobic bacteria mix) generates anomalous field: extra biogrowth, repel pest-mold-rust, improve combus7on-electrical efficiency, acous7c effect, radia7on remedia7on, cement strength increase & its chloride & water absorp7on decrease+(EMJ jp+),(Teruo Higa+), EMJ product contains electrically ac9ve metal reducing Shewanella(electron conduc9ve bacterial nanowire), but some9mes also Geobacter species?, • This field also has electrical "overunity" Power Factor CorrecBon(PFC) tendency and share commonality with other mechanics with low cost or Actual Power charged residen9al electrical bill saving(not just for Reac9ve Power penalty based industrial PFC) effect—>> cont 218
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& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out Idea” : Electrical Effects • -->>cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: 3-Antioxidant producing microbe’s field effect: Power Factor Correction Effect by: • i-Far InfraRed wave(Not Torsion) based(Keseco+), ii-Energy harvesting by Magnetic Induction from mainly(what else? ambient static? any change of EM field?)reactive power caused magnetic field(PowerShaver USES+), iii-Phase conjugating EM wave Scalar/Torsion element(Focstac Maximus+), iv-Electron emitting device(Maruko Denshi+), • v-Permanent magnet rotor(Roto Verter+): They often work for both A-Induction related lagged current, B-Non-linear electric device caused wave form distortion & harmonic effect without using capacitors or harmonic filters: auto voltage & waveform balancing. But lack of data as to if this can be synergized with conventional PFC saving • Residential meter usually doesn't reflect on lag/harmonics correcting effect but last page's pseudoscientized devices actually seem to reduce net electricity use of many devices. All effects in this "4" occurs with even Buried porous solid biochar(not glued sawdust)(OrgaHexa, NaraTanka , Iyashiro +), • Same effect further by super high pressure 3000°C 90day processed "carbon balls"(Ohki-Techno Carbon Wave+), Prolonged specific frequency laser treated lattice structure metals re-emits Torsion field to have same effects( Synm+),
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: Electron, E-Field, Particle Bombardment • -->> cont: TORSION Field effect by: 3-Antioxidant microbe mix: PFC: • Also can be produced by plasma or electron-discharge directly to organism or indirectly in a closed room(Eij Maruko+)(Greentechno , Фирма «ПЛАЗМАС», Yusing TBA-HT4+). This subtle electron effect completely differs from High Power Electron Beam impact ionization(see next page-6) • Strong seed charging effect for prolonged growth without light & water(BTL Research: Levengood & Talbott): some kind of bioenergy - Similar mechanics? to alter DNA or revert back from GMO by weak electric field(FIOS-Greenbox), currently most widely accepted yet remaining low key agricultural and food industry application service by electron emitting method(JemSys jp+): similar effects seen: p371, eg A&B, there is also some link to Orgone(p372, A), • 4-Angular momentum of rotating matter, vortex(V Kotelnikov+), • 5- Fine Particle Bombardment, FPB(Super low temp Hardfacing like Supersonic Very Fine Particle Shot Peening that “fuses” with surface) of UV photocatalyst TiO2 on metal-ceramic enables improved combustion or bio enhancement field effect directly or via water passes through it(decomposes water to Hydroxyl, yet overall antioxidant). This effect is similar to semi-science legal accelerated High Current Electron Beam impact ionization that alters some matter (eg surface solid matter altering to air molecule fusing etc) or like super low energy use version of Ion Implantation effect. -->> cont:
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: Pyromagnetic Effect, Agnihotra • -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: • 6-Self running pyromagne1c organic waste decomposer(mostly 3x3x5m type size) by "charging/micro-plasmafica1on of flowing air(at least oxygen) by its alterna1ng magne1c field treatment. Seems to emit only low heat(300-500°C) yet with almost no fumes(indoor useable) produced at heat genera1ng efficiency close to unity and feedstock is almost completely decomposed despite low temperature process. Ash has magne1c & bio-ac1va1on proper1es. It decomposes PCB, medical waste at below conven6onal science law allowed temperature and yet even almost no dioxin produced. See p106 for details. • 7-Vedic sacrificial ceremonies(हवन: Havan / होम: Homa) appear solely supers11ous act, but usually generate torsion field like effect under scien1fic protocol or at commercial applica1ons. Semi mainstream in India: amongst many varia1ons, Agnihotra has highest ROI effect based on 1me and cost(burning of dried cow dung, ghee[unsalted buWer from cow's milk], raw whole grain brown rice together inside copper made reverse pyramid while Sanskrit mantra is chanted during sun down and sun rise[HSR Pa1l, Arv Mondkar+])(Fivefold Path Inc, Homa-Hof Heiligenberg, Sri Sri Ins?tute of Agricultural Sciences & Technology Trust+) -->>cont: 221
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& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out Idea” : Agnihotra: How It Works • -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: 7-Agnihotra: • Effect examples: 30%+ surrounding small area's SOx and SPM(Suspended Particulate Matter) reduction effect(Sohail Ayub+), 10%+ range crop & animal growth enhancement(N Selvaraj+): Homa Therapy, 30%+ bacteria reduction in water(J Matlander+), cleaning regional river stream (Shailendra Sharma+). Each component is vital for maximized effect including mantra(HR Nagendra+), but on each step based impact measurement ash/burning inside inverted copper pyramid has strongest effect(DS Rathore+), and its fire has unique acoustic/resonance quality(Shree Vasant Paranjpe+). • Fire effect is amplified with Far InfraRed wave of sun by resonance (Abhang & Pathade+), then additionally with mantra(Ulr Berk+). The ceremony and residual ash both cause bioenhancement on humans and human benefiting animals, germs etc, while it is often conveniently & selectively harmful to human hated germs, plants, insects. Inhaling its smoke has healing effect even for person with respiratory disease(Vin Kumar+). 222
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: Agnihotra Resemblance, Biological • -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: 7-Agnihotra: Less credible unrepeated claims of Bopal gas effect alleviation, and reduction of radioactivity. Agnihotra variations are also practised by many other names, and mostly less practical: too time consuming(up to 15days consecutive) or complicated, might involve actual living animal sacrifice, less often validated by scientific experiment: Agnicayana/Athirathram(AK Saxena+), Agnistoma, Somayaga etc. • Agnihotra Effects might be due to resonance based amplification of geospheric/micro electric power, and often resemble to those of Orgone(including its weather modification ability without direct electricity/EM wave use, which in itself is still officially pseudoscience), EM(Effective Microorganism) contained water bottle field, Far InfraRed/Terahertz waves, especially on convenient selectivity for human preference, and to less extent similar to ORMUS • 8-Biological: Living cells has bioElectroMagnetic field, but there is additionally something similar but different kind of field(АГ Гурвич+): cellular signal emitting infrasnoic & ultrasonic acoustic wave, as well as photonic, & mmw range(Extremely High Frequency: EHF, next to microwave): could they be byproducts or components of certain type of unidentified wave? Also thought process or brain generates subtle field, but at least some thoughts take place at the field outside of brain, can be something to do with vacuum(НИ Кобозев, ВН Бинги, ЛБ Лесков+) 223
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& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out Idea” : Various Parts of EM Wave etc • -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: 9-Spin ordering oscillation state(Y Medvedev+), 10-Semantically written words(Speransky+), & its biophotonic effect(T Stanciulescu+), 11-Shaking, vibrating, hitting etc(Homeopathic potentization), 12-Geophysical objects: earth etc(SA Vasiliev+): Foucault's pendulum anomaly during at solar eclipse even it is located underground(Allais+), even some mainstream labs admit effects. • 13-Part of non ElectroMagnetic component of Laser(optical quantum generator) appears to show torsion field like characteristics(ВВ Квартальнов+), or semiconductor diodes(АВ Бобров+). Hence laser or light therapy’s effect could contain some type of bioenhancing effect in light itself. • 14-Certain EM field(reverse Barnett Effect)(eg; Radio equipments, Electric noise via coil/Benveniste, Wittmann+), Spiral/circular EM process structure itself (Tesla, Haitao Zhang+), Alternating magnetic field(K Komatsu, Y Tkachenko+): i.e. Spinning magnets/pyramid have particularly strong effect(Yurovitzky+), -->>cont: 224
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& “Dissident” Scien.sts: “Far-Out Idea” : Nano Geometry Effects • -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: • 15-Mainstream supported geometry phenomena(micro-nano effects) is related to torsion effect?: extension of “Diamond vs Char differing only by geometric structure” - mostly nano scale(Chirality, Atom mutual positioning, Spin-spin interaction. Isomers[same chemical with different structure]: Molecular geometry, Electronic structure & geometric relation of StereoElectric Effect), • Seems related to or cross over with Steric and Electronic nano effects: eg1 Casimir force (ZPE, quantum energy flux) inducement is affected by AnisotropicGeometric factors(A McCauley, AW Rodriguez, K Milton+), Quantum vacuum flux accelerated by certain geometry(J Maclay, Hacyan+), eg2 Same with singlet fission, • eg3 monochromatic light can generate DC electrical currents with carbon nanotube(cylinder with hexagon wall)(Mo Shapiro+), Graphene (hexagon) also has thermoelectric response to light, Anomalous characters of helical nanocoils: Self winding screw by microwave(Sei Motojima), eg4 Ultrasonic Consolidation (welding) frequency affected by geometry(J Gilbert+), Metamaterials tunable by geometry/positioning, • Many water related examples: eg5 H2 generating non-sacrificial “nano aluminium alloy” from H2O(AW Castleman+), -->>cont: 225
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: Nano Geometry In Water Effects • -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: 15-Mainstream accepted geometry phenomena related to torsion effect?: • eg6 Hydrophobic graphene/ carbon nanotube turns hydrophilic at Single layer vs thicker, by UV-FIR wave irradiation, Extended Capillary action: Selfpumps/sucks up water(& electricity generation) or molten metal with 130° extra angle entry(S Hendy+), also Speed of water flow is 1000times+ violation of Hagen-Poiseuille equation /Fluid Dynamics “law”(Majumder+), • Similar effects when water is between two graphene sheets(And Geim+), Graphene confined water can phase change as ice form by electric field strength(Guanghong Wei+): Casimir effect link?, Also affects water molecule structure, or “sucks up ions”, • eg7 Water saturated soccer ball shape Fullerene-C60 makes surrounding water molecules to be structured & function as “convenient” & strong antioxidant(neutralize radicals & decompose toxins but when excessive to organism) even after boiling(GV Andrievsky, VN Khvorostinka+), also C60 can fully contain molecular excitons, etc. -->>cont: 226
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: Technology Variation, Research • TORSION Field wave quality(available info in was West often limited to Akimov/Shipov's, but including their or other large # of academic researchers' (AF Ohatrin[Охатрин], Yuri Mashoshin [Машошин]+) previously classified psychotronic & biological effects became available in 1990-1995 in Russia(eg negative or positive depends on frequency/geometry/spin direction), then starting to get classified again afterwards, • But claims made by a part of gov't, mainstream academics/universities/media on psy tech in Russia is more about development and application(eg microwave frequency based device at least causes nonlocal sleepiness(ИС Качалин), while other part of Russian mainstream group is focused on severe debunking & criticizing of government, industry, hospital & military etc of spending money for anything not endorsed by western science & such useless technology for yrs(ВМ Звоников+). This contrasts with non CIS nations new mainstream level of debating if the tech can be valid, which is moving up from previous exclusive debunking till a few yrs ago: • There are papers(10,000+) in Russia(DD Ivanenko+), at least 700 academic researchers even after 1987(ФР Ханцеверов+), Ukraine+, & recent in China. Following are examples of Torsion field wave quality; 1-6: 227
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: Geometric Quality, Gravity Element • TORSION Field wave quality eg; 1-6: 1-Geometric element: ●i- Axial symmetry, ●ii-Best effect on porous matter; wood, brick etc(Nasonov+), • 2-Gravity element: ●i-Link to High Frequency Gravitational Wave(HFGW)?(Murad+): Generated by pair of masses acted upon by equal & opposite force changes or sudden move, double helix, & Detection involves “synchro resonance”, phase conjugation etc. • Many identical effect applications for gravitational wave as Torsion field proposed; from spin-spin interaction, communication, geo-engineering, time dilation effect, energy, anti-gravity, to weapons(RML Baker, RC Woods, Dehenen, Ning Li+)(p374379, p479-485 +). In China & Russia mainstream idea including GW detection/generation since 1970s(Rudenko, Menski, Gusev, Braginsky, Grishchuk, Fangyu Li, Mengxi Tang+), use of charged capacitor(Howowanec+), Completely ignored by mainstream West(not even debunked) which claims “first ever GW detection” is only in 2016 by LIGO -MIT), but effects are applicable to surveillance etc & likely partially classified under NATO national security like gravity control technology(p374-379) etc. • ●ii-Even links to general Low Frequency mainstream Gravitational wave? A-“Non physical matter” can also generate, B-Unimpedable longitudinal wave, COscillation of space-time etc, ●iii-High efficiency vertical propulsion with no inertia(MA Lobova+), Khrunichev Space involved?, -->>cont:
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& “Dissident” Scientists: : Spin & Rotation, MicroPlasma, Affects Metals • ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: 2-Gravity element: • ●iv-Kozyrev Mirror for moving objects(fast spinning[10,000rpm+] objects fall slower or faster depended on spin direction[gravity partially cancelled? Absorbing extra energy?: Ю Богданов+] eg1 counter clock spin gyroscope in North hemisphere/ Hayasaka, Polyakov, Br DePalma+, eg2 adding built-in secondary rotation amplifies effects/Tsiriggakis & Provatidis+, eg3 repulsing-phase conjugating magnetic field/Bushman, Alek+), ●v-Clearest effect at polar regions vs equator(D Savage+), • 3-Spin/Rotation element: Indirect “Spintronics" of all solids & fluids i.e. affect spin states, from subtle molecules spin interaction to intensive rotating magnetic field. But torsion field's apparent or claimed impact on matter is too high based on such subtle weak spin field generated: i.e. "closed system overunity", or information itself is "doing the work" at least partially? • ●i- Change crystallization: ■-1 Increase matter density(Kurikom, Furseya+), ■-2 Link to Spin Wave, Continuous Symmetry, Magnonics(ie properties decided by geometry structure, rather than composition/band matrix) etc, 229
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& “Dissident” Scientists: : Affects Crystallization, Magnetizability, Barnett Effect • ->>cont. Torsion wave quality: 3-Spin/Rotation : ●i- Change crystallization: • ■-3 Generates micro-plasma, "deoxidize yet decompose" & clean wastewater with overunity like efficiency(MV Mishenko+), use of Rotating Electrode(Globecore ru+), or by metal FPB(Fine Particle Bombardment)/WPC Treatment: Fuji Kihan Titan (Y Miyasaka+), What happens if high power rotating plasma(eg mainstream magnetic confined fusion etc) is used?, ■-4 Alter quartz crystal frequency(ИИ Ползунова+), • ■-5 Enhance emulsion:(НАУЧНО ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННЫЙ ЦЕНТР «ПЛАЗЕР», Hammel su+), ■-6 Quickly decomposing matter to fertilizer:(«Жигулёвские удобрения», Экология ECOUOM+), • ■-7 Change magnetizability, or thermal & electro-conductivity (ВА Соколов+), ■-8 Barnett effect(ferromagnetic material becomes magnet during fast rotation without magnetic field), Or newly mainstream accepted Circular polarized light causing Optical Magnetization Reversal via Inverse Faraday Effect(Stanciu & Hansteen+). • ●ii- Detected by: Metatron(Nesterov), Thermometer mercury, Quartz piezoelectric oscillation, 230
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: & “Dissident” Scientists: Affects Information? - Equivalent to ThermoDynamics? • ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: 3-Spin/Rotation element: : • ●iii- Super low energy use metamaterial making; 10-50milli watt: “information does "most of the work" instead of energy?(Trefilova, VY Tarasenko, S Chernov+): information = energy?. Engine can be driven by purely quantum information(Sang Wook Kim et al). In relation, some further postulate "meaning", more than information, is closely linked to "matter" as a part of reality composition(B Josephson, Ile Yardley, Kar Barad+): explains Subjectivity (idea exists only as counter idea-contrast, Quantum paradox(they don't pre-exist interactions but emerge as part of entangled relation) etc. • ●iv- Rotational stirring & (Time Variant) Rotating Magnetic Field: might be hidden under process names of "magnetic stirring" or "spincoating under magnetic field" etc. Infrequently discussed but becoming a significant part of electronics & metal industrial process at base level tech. Some use pulsating charge carriers moving on a circular path, or matter’s resonant frequency for further increased effect: this particular type might have a drastically unique effect on living organism(Игорь Громыко+). Also used for “free energy motor” p148-153, other examples in "●i" of last page, Or gravity effect[p375 k]: Motional Electric Field link. -->>cont: 231
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: Magnetic Field Spin = Anomalous Plasma • ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: 3-Spin element: ●iv- Rota'onal s'rring & (Time Variant) Rota'ng Magne'c Field: effects/applica?on ■α : • ■α Semiconductor, Nanometal/Nanowire, & Metal produc7on(Strengthen & alter steel surface/structure[Shpilman+]), Same effect in ElectroDeposi7on by "Micro-MHD"(R Aogaki+), Increase copper corrosion resistance & duc7lity(Maksimova+), same for iron(Sud Roy+), grain alloy effect, Semi-solid metal cas7ng, par7cularly Thixo-Rheocas7ng(Ch Vives+), Major metal produc7on cost reduc7on and quality improvement (VP Mayboroda+), Anomalous effect at specific rota7on RPM?(Weixing Chen+), Basically same effect was generated with Pulsed Pla7ng /Pulsed Electropla7ng/Pulsed ElectroDeposi0on since WWII 7mes by mainstream west(US Rubber Company, General Motors, Western Electric+): far improved metal process energy efficiency & metal quality (Pla'ng Electronic, MacDermid Enthone, Dynatronix+), Reversed Pulse to further enhance ability(Dutch Reverse Pulse Pla'ng+): waveform & frequency dependency increases. Low cost nanowire, controlled crystalliza7on nanometals method, • 3●iv ■β Magne7c refrigera7on(with magnetocaloric effect), magne7c field based molecule spin control links to Torsion field element. Mainstream ignored but actually can run with "closed system overunity" effect(PD Keefe+). -->>cont:
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: Rota'ng Magnet on Crystalliza'on • ->>cont. Torsion field quality: 3-Spin element: ●iv-:Rotating magnet types: ■β : • Compared to conventional fridge, much lower cost to make & maintenance, less energy use, less noise & vibration, No refrigerant - safer. • ■γ Alters bacteria cell quality & bio activity(Kar Fijałkowski+) by both electronic torsion field & biological field: effects are conventionally not fully explainable, ■δ Significant change of crystal quality especially surface quality & hardness depended on different magnet rotating frequency(B Fragoso+) (EB eclab jp, PulseTechinc.com+), likely linked to matter's own resonance frequency. Same effect with alternating magnetic field based on AC current(PVA TePla AG+), to cause crystal structure to change, or some atoms to dislocate, or transmutes & this is often completely mainstream process at Semiconductor or High Strength Metal Process Industry, while in certain subsectors or nations this super low cost process is almost unknown. • Data match of surface change of metals amongst various types of torsion field (Kuznetsov+). Shaping metallic glass by EM pulse(Geo Kaltenboeck+), Even static EM field can effect matter in some situations: eg Unconventional elastic softening of matter by EM field(Nakanishi & Yoshizawa+), same as Electrothermo poling(p241, 6-●vii), But also similar effect with ultrasonic: eg 700 800°C range cast treated with certain acoustic frequency 5mins to reinforce aluminium strength(Tec-eye jp Techno eye+), 233
: & “Dissident” Scientists: Magnetic Pulse, EM Hammer, ElectroSpark Deposition+ • ->>cont. Torsion field quality: 3-Spin element: ●iv-:Rotating magnet types: • ■λ Disruptively low cost & high quality this Torsion field related effect explained at last page's "δ" has many other confusing naming with varied effect difference depended on company: Magnetic Pulse Welding/Magnetic Pulse Forming(eg Magneform, Dana+) link- not just shockwave effect, something to do with magnetic coil pulse is often causing counter rotating current in target object - popular example: Electric Pulse based Coin Shrinking? Other naming also exists: Impulse Forming/Electromagnetic Metal Forming/Electromagnetic Hammer/Electromagnetic Impact etc(Smbgroup.ru, PST Products+), Some more conventional wording can refer to this effect: Cold Working/Work Hardening/Strain Hardening(Nomasico+). • In microscale this principle is applied at ElectroSpark Deposition-HardeningAlloying/Pulsed Electrode Surfacing for miniscale same effects or reaugmenting fatigued metal or surface coating etc(Huys Industries+). Similar to High Vacuum Cold Welding(Kompaflex AG, Atlas Technologies aluminium+). 234
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: Rotating Pulse, Pulsed Laser Peening, Affects Beyond Physical Subspace?, Information? • ->>cont. Torsion field quality: 3-Spin element: ●iv-:Rotating magnet types: ■λ Rotating magnetic field type naming: • "Double Torsion field" effect by combining high voltage Solenoid EM Pulse + Metal Spin Forming(PMF Industries+), Same effect is induced by pulsed laser also: Laser Peen Forming(Curtiss-Wright+), or Vaporizing Foil(Ohio State Univ). This crystal structure change happens even by Acoustic/Ultrasonic Impact Treatment(Empowering Technologies+) • ●v-Parameter of molecule spin structure is extended to physical superspace?(Wheeler, MA Markov+), ●vi-Create or influence: from spin-spin interaction upto possibly gravity field(Terletskiy, H Wallace, Torr & Li, Ryu Uchiyama+), ●vii- Effective in nanotechnology/polymer manufacturing(J Xingliu+), ●viii- Counter Rotation can cause local gravity effect; i.e. time space warp effect (Kozyrev+)- due to General Relativity law. 235
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& “Dissident” Scientists: : Promotes "Activation" Biologically and Materially • ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: 4-Non Local element: ●i-Morphogenic Field?(Gurwitsch, RG Harrison, Sheldrake + ), ●ii-Travels to “past & future”, Fifth force(Myshkin+), ●iii-Most powerful non-classified Torsion generator?(L Sprink, Ravatin), or CERN type collider can be used to create counter rotation with astrophysical size torsion field effect?, • 5-Bio Activation element: ●i-Biofield-spinfield equivalent (F Brown, Hruby+), hence treating this biofield of diseased living being can bring back the cure(МЛ Перепелицын +) ●ii-Like EM wave, each matter/living thing has its “favourite & unfavorite” torsion wave frequencies, and former has bio enhancement, latter detrimental effects(B Stahovskiy+), also spin direction and other geophysical elements affect. ●iii-Suspicion on DNA activation effect?, ●iv- Some torsion generators need user specific calibration like radionic device, ●v- Bioenhancing effect(K Shellcross+) • 6-Matter Activation element: ●i -Reduce viscosity of hydrocarbon(Golod+), ●ii-Radioactive matter remediation(Kinderevich+), ●iii- Spontaneous capacitor charging (Golod+), ●iv- Solid matters’ weight can be changed & do so nonlinearly when torsion vibe offered(Lavrentiev+), ●v-“Overunity” heat production by reacting to static magnetic field,
: Can & “Dissident” Scientists: Affect Ceramic/Glass/Insulator's Electric Property etc • ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: 6-Matter Activation element: • ●vi- Plasma & ball lightning link, • ●vii- Self heat generating ceramic production(Da Yurth+): Determines degree of "EM wave phase matching" of ceramic/other matter with Electric poling/Electro-thermal poling, or equivalent effect certain laser pulse or regular EM pulse form, with possibly mechanical pressing/stretching combined. Basically same process is now mainstream approved: EM field use to migrate charge in ceramic/glass (Feng Chen, Jen Thomas, ChaBum Lee+). • Relation to dielectric breakdown of ceramic, or Electric Field-Induced Softening(electric field lowers heat use to form glass). Also dielectric material or nonwoven fabric is mass produced into electret (Kasuga Denki, +) i.e. Accepted as valid science as long as not used for free energy etc. • Other Commercialized TORSION tech eg: ➢ Water related: EOS-2000 System, BioIT Water, Lohnert Snowplus, Aqvadisk +. ➢ Others: Device IGA-1, MAXiiMUS, CieAura chips, Эм пластик/EM Plastic, Shoo!Tag, Lifewave Patch, Generator series Ehmi, Bhado/Bihadou, Chrysalis Energies, TorsionPia, Progress Industrial Systems, МИЛТА-Ф, TimeWaver, Гамма 7 +,
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
effect by Pyramid Geometry & others: • Pyramid influence & generation of Torsion field like effects: 1a-Blade cuts better(Drbal[styrene plastic pyramid was commercialized in Eastern Europe during Soviet era: Max Toth], M Kawakami+)(Pyramid-magic ru+) : Weak ambient microwave/Far Infrared wave is effectively absorbed by pyramid geometry(eg group pyramids are used for microwave absorbing Anechoic Chamber: but appears geometry itself, not necessarily because of the valley structure between pyramids does absorbing) then resonating inside to cause water to dry out from blade edge(Electromagnetic Dehydration)(Drbal+), but additionally there seems to be some kind of resonating field effect with more flux in East-West line at least partly related to(or reacting to) earth magnetic field. But even ungrouped lone pyramid skeleton structure has similar effects(Parr+), • 1b-Blade under pyramid not just dries faster but it does really seem to change microstructure at blade ie “self sharpening effect”(Krasnoholovets+), • 2-Mental clarity & mediation enhancement when stay indoor of low angle(same as Giza) pyramid. Some have capacity up to 5000 people as meditation centre(Pyramid Valley International, Maheshwara Maha Pyramid): sometimes considered as hyper dimensional geometry with "other than 3d physical reality existence" & energy flow. Over 1000 small pyramid structures with 10-100 people capacity were build in India as meditation venue as mainstream status in its Central East states(Pyramid Everywhere [Brahmarshi Patriji], PyramidElements+). Enhanced meditation itself even brings cures to some serious chronic disease & has epigenetic alteration(Herbert Benson+)->> cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
effect by Pyramid Geometry & others 2 • 3-Medical effects, 10+ facilities(Пирамиды Голода - НПО «Гидрометприбор»+), pyramid building's commercialized medical use in Russia(«Визави» в Тольятти[АМ Гребенников]+), & mostly not officially published)mainstream scientists research in Russia(G Lozino-Lozinskiy+): with generally equivalent to highly successful version of pharmaceutical effect in wide range of aspects when patient is being in pyramid or ingesting water/nutrients that was in pyramid: • ■●РАН(Russian Academy of Science: RAS)(ВИ Костиков): 200% electrical resistance change of carbon, ●Change of radioactivity, crystallization & its optical quality changes ■●РАМН(Russian Academy of Medical Science: RAMS) - Ивановский филиал (Клименко & Носик): x3 immune increase with natural drug, ●(АГ Антонов): water can have same effect as glucose, ●(ВА Макаров): Hematology effects, ●(НБ Егорова): drastically decreased mortality rate 3% vs 30% etc. • ■Other Russia/Ukraine/Ex Soviet block: Evaporation is faster(МС Радюк+), Mainstream hospitals used indoor pyramid device("НИКО-ПОЛ"+), Basically same device is officially accepted by Cuban gov't for medical effectiveness as leading main driver for some of chronic disease cure & injury after repeated strict tests(Ulises Sosa Salinas+)(Piramicasa+) • 4-Drying or water evaporation effect: Experiments of fruit drying are fairly consistent mummification result without rotting or heavy discoloration of control samples. Metal blade's micro water beads dry faster(Krasnoholovets+). -->> cont: 239
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effect by Pyramid Geometry & others 3 • 5a-Disinfection, antibacterial & plant growth promotion effect on matter/plant /bacteria located in the structure yet human preferred fermentation is conveniently enhanced: ■Other nations' academic: ●: significant preservation effect on milk(Itagi Ravi Kuimar+), on Halal(MAA Abdelsamie +), or growth speed on seeds, Pyramid with fibreglass is more effective than wood based, but no difference in seed mortality rate (HR Nagendra+), promote structured water(Russly Abdul Rahman+), • ■ Many noncommercialized claims exist, but a BioDynamic certified farm claims to improve wine taste faster(Summerhill Pyramid Winery). ■ Sometimes plants inside pyramid moves around in cycle(control doesn’t) every few hrs(not matching sun's orbit at all) like some sort of force to react to is shifting(Schul & Pettit+), & actually measurable by conventional means and probably some relation to cosmological energy collected at resonating field in pyramid(AA Adamenko & GD Berdyshev +). • 5b-Disinfection, antibacterial & plant growth promotion effect by water stayed in the structure for prolonged time(V Uvarov+), The building has supercooled water production capability: existence of some type of distinct "bioenhancing like energetic field". -->> cont: 240 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
effect by Pyramid Geometry & others 4 • 6-Different angles of pyramids: Some claim pyramid’s high performance is result of synergy with relevant geomancy factor and without best location selection, effect might diminish. Effect amplification differs directionally,& it often diminishes or annuls if not parallel to North-South(Vit Groisman+), Effect of pyramid differs depends on vertical height location inside of it(Novikov & Kiseivel+), • Large scale pyramid in West are mainly in North America & mainstream groups don't claim anomalous effects(Luxor Hotel, Memphis Pyramid+), while fringe groups do(Jim Onan[Gold Pyramid House]+). Also US military might have one facility. Infrared thermography shows anomalous temp. distribution within structure and on pointed top. • Occasionally some radar or electro-photonic equipments pick up some plasma like vortex projection from top of large pyramids world wide(John DeSalvo+) • 7-Some other geometric shapes seem to "collect" similar type of energy: Flat triangle(S Iwasaki+, at right angle, delta wing vortex like subtle power generated), Hexagon/cylinder tube, or hollow open structure(Grebennikov, S Nomura+), Cone(Frings), Ring(Kar Wagner+), Golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence (Shakhparonov+), Water placed on Flat Holofractal graphic or Flower of life printed sheet(bioenhancing effect). -->>cont: 241
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Biological & Thought Generated 1: Spin Direction Controllable Air Convection: Egely Wheel • TORSION field effect seems to be also possible to generate primarily by Mind, Emotion, Body Organ, or Other Biologically Originated Cause. Emotion boosted clear thoughts, or even at any emotional state: i.e. “subjective in nature, with objective physical basis”(АВ Чернецкий, Thorns+), Usually extremely weak field effects. Currently strong bioenergetic field effect is one of most debunked and even openly suppressed world wide including non West, equal to the extent of non allopathic medical suppression in US: in the name of "preventing fraud", while genuine fraud exists, others operate with consistent long term results. • Appear to link to weak electric field effect with disproportionally strong physical "overunity" influence in various ways: some type of energy-informational factor? • Usually this energy can only run specifically made small “bioenergy” generator type without contact or wind(R Pavlita, Zde Rejdák, Egely[Egely wheel], Ro Hruby, Bu Payne +), based on the subtle bioenergy of human body & organs that would cause a slight temperature rise(less than 1C°) inside of focused cone/cylindrical geometric made of certain metal?: some type of air convection spin effect seems involved but something else also exists.(similar to orgone accumulator concept?) • Terms like Psychic field, Bioelectromagnetic field, Psychotronic field, Chi/Qi, Bioenergy, Information field etc sometimes seem to refer to this "biofield" originated by bioorganism/mind or its physical effects. -->>cont:
Biological & Thought Generated 2: Inseparable Connection With Conventional Effects • ->>cont: Field generated by emotion boosted thoughts & body field: • This category of Torsion field like effect seemingly causing human mental & physical activities are usually presented in Western society as compartmentalized /separated into many categories of unrelated phenomena of “placebo”, mistake or non existent hallucinatory type academically invalid perception: • But those disparately categorized events or causes are usually strongly interconnected and inseparable(ВМ Кандыба+), including when strong physical effect are produced or utilized, and many mind based effects can basically replace many mechanical devices with lower costs while some can deliver effects currently unduplicatable by machines(Николай Алексеевич Колтовой+) : eg Trivedi Effect(mainstream India accepted), Bronnikov Method(NP Bekhtereva: extensive mainstream academic testing in Russia/Ukraine), BengstonResearch(on going successful controlled experiments & application with taboo serious disease medical cure), ->>cont: 243
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3: Inter-Connection Of Many Effects
• ->>cont: Field generated by emotion boosted thoughts & body field: • In this biofield section, strong Torsion field like mind effect/body field effect affecting physicality or strong sense mechanism that is conventionally unobtainable is discussed. Following usually differently categorized people /discipline often appear to use very similar or exact same technique: • ➢ "Spiritual discipline"(Qigong/Kikou etc), & Shamans, ➢ Religious event effects -notably evangelical, ➢ Breathing arts, ➢ Part of some magician /mentalist performance, ➢ Hypnosis, ➢ Energy medicine, ➢ Healer practice, ➢ Psychic's ability, ➢ Seance medium, ➢ "Physical freaks" or "Superhuman", ➢Various sects of specialized martial arts, ➢ Specialized military combat methods, ➢ Military/Intel surveillance • ➢ Also usually undisclosed area of high level professional bodyguard protocol (eg in Russia: Академия Национальной ассоциации телохранителей ): • International top elite level body guards might usually consider nonlocal psi-attack by biological and electromagnetic (torsion/psychotronic)means, surveying relevant people's mind, as well as probability prediction not just based on "remote viewing" but combining with astrological statistics of key elements(ДН Фонарев, ГГ Рогозин+). Other stronger bio field projection examples are also quoted in coming pages. 244
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
4: Field Reading by Blindfolded Vision
• ->>cont: Field generated by emotion boosted thoughts & body field: • ■α "Field" reading only effect: Local(direct face to face, up to 100m range away, or non-local long distance but via video screen face to face) "mind reading", blind vision. and Non Local(p249-252) • α i - Sense perception of near-field vision when blindfolded(Genius Mind Academy David Ting, Инфовидение+), • Sensing by using unconventional part of brain(eg mid brain, "third eye" etc), body as a whole, "imaginary sense", or biofield itself as field receptor. This type of method occasionally seems to induce regeneration of: surgically removed organ, lost 2nd teeth, or substantial healing(GP Grabovoi, Аркадий Наумович Петров, Андрей Игоревич Полетаев, VM Bronnikov+), • α ii-Same as above "i" type near-field vision reading blindfolded but by use of palm or skin sensitivity: or partial "remote viewing" skill(Kleshova[Godin], Yvo Duplesis+): above category "i" is often unable to see object when original photon projection point is blocked(object is covered up at its source instead of blind folding receiver's eye), hence this is basically different mechanics though some seers can use both methods. -->>cont: 245
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
5: Field Reading by Specific Body Parts
• ->>cont: Field generated by emotion boosted thoughts & body field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading only: ii-"non eye reading" : • Less frequent "seeing ability" by other specific body parts use like ears, arm pits, nose, sole of foot to "read"( [ - Chen Shouliang], Сергей Семиволос+). Also sometimes there are elements of reaching into own subconscious, or even other people's conscious awareness who knows what is hidden for knowledge /information to "see"(ВБ Поляков+): highly skilled psychics /mentalists often do this by use of whatever sense they can use most easily at given time(including "cheating" by conventional tricks) without getting trapped by one particular method(each time is different) hence those skills are often inseparable. • α iii-X-ray vision: Partially view under the surface like X-ray or Terahertz wave scanner sees(N Demkina, Va Kuzmenko, Ser Lysechko, Юля Воробьева+, people capable in this category have higher chance of other psychic abilities(healing, telekinesis, OBE, Martial art etc), • α iv-"Mind reading" from biofield: seems to be used as advanced "reading" another person's thought by sensing field effect by unconventional part of brain, body as a whole, or biofield itself as field receptor. Also works via long distance live video camera. Commonly practiced by mentalists at mainstream level, in conjunction with closely inter-related biological based "mind influence". >>cont 246
6: Field Reading plus: Mind Reading
• ->>cont: Bio field: ■α Field reading only:iv-"Mind reading" : Mind Reading research seems to be constantly being tested in try & error manner by combined use of electronic/acoustic /chemical /scalar/corporeal program "insitu" or at confined situation by institutional back up unofficially. Probably very important element at certain thinktanks, large corporate groups, military, intel, & its contractors: : eg Silent Subliminal Presentation System(SSPS) • Within this context: PR firm & media's role sometimes appears to be a debunker & secret disclosurer both at same time(similar to "UFO" or non-terrestrial civilization validation as fictional setting), like sometimes high performing mentalists appearing to be openly showing teleportation or telekinesis effects as "mere trick". • Although difficult or irrelevant to distinguish, even sophisticated mentalist/hypnotist etc's biological based "mind reading" appears to be primarily using conventional sense mechanism of interactive dialogue, body gesture, voice(not biofield reading), which is so intertwined with non conventional sense mechanism. • Yet body gesture etc reading goes into to extent of pseudoscientized refined form of "somatic metaphor": mind/emotional state shows up as sign/symbol in various conduct, posture, expression, or body symptom: This "reading" is actually common skill amongst main media accepted mentalists & relates to severely debunked high performance version Homeopathy/Naturalpath, German New Medicine, Bruno Gröning method , ThetaHealing(Vianna Stibal) etc. ->>cont: 247
Bio 7: Mentalist Tricks Mixture: Common Sense, "Somatic Metaphor", & Psychic Effects • ->>cont: ■α BioField: iv-"Mind reading" : Somatic Metaphor: Gröning,Theta Healing etc: Well documented far beyond mainstream effect claim in serious chronic disease (also moderate claim Self BioFeedback[Elm Green+]): But many of such cures are entirely Placebo based: this word can be misnomer. Another eg: placebo water seems to carry the "vibration resonance of drinker's belief"? - because effect disappears from the water when effect blocking chemical(eg naloxone) is added(Fabrizio Benedetti+). • Hence mentalists use muscle kinetic response(Applied Kinesiology: AK [Incidentally strictly speaking, AK effects or others to read mind is labeled pseudoscience, yet mainstream conveniently stretches interpretation of this as valid effect temporarily to debunk mind reading effect. This phenomena is similar to reasonless-skyscraper-rapidcollapse-valid temporary science at geopolitical event), & Ideomotor skill, Eye movement signal reading & feedback Additionally weak torsion/scalar field related biofield/aura sensing seems to be practiced by bulk of high performance mentalists as a minor element yet intricately mixed(Marc Salem, Wane Hoffman, David Blaine+), while some seem to use higher % of further more unconventional skill(Keith Barry+). • Others are suspected to mix conventional magic trick & actual high level unconventional field reading or psychokinesis type effects but difficult to identify which is which( [ ], Lior Suchard, Сергей Листопад, Cyril Takayama, Steven Frayne["skinny" super soldier types?], Dan White+): ->>cont: 248
8: Mind Reading, Remote Viewing
• ->>cont: Bio Informational Energy field as Torsion Field: ■α Field reading only: iv"Mind reading" : conventional trick vs psychic effects: Mentalists skill: • Conventional Trick or Science unapproved effects?: often mentalists appear to be using both at same time(eg Using sleight of hand with teleportation /thoughtgraphy, Dramatizing pyrokinesis by mixing flash powder, etc): How far would this type of Western "disclosure" of psychic/telekinetic ability go? Would healer cure someone & call it "trick" on prime time TV in West & leave it as placebo?(Often shown on main TV in non West, but not appearing to affect much conventional medical market share) • αv-"Nonlocal reading as Remote Viewing(RV), Clairvoyance": generally much more difficult compared to near field interactive live mind reading or items reading by blindfold, or even use of Psychometry(reading "field" of token matter belonging to someone etc), yet RV is possibly able to extract more comprehensive data. • Different types: •1 Many different proprietary based strict viewer /helper protocol based sequential set up (versions of RV)etc, •2 Loose protocol type, •3 No protocol intuitive random "psychic" approach: eg: In rare cases have flash image suddenly comes as listen/watch/read news(Sharon Neil[blind], Debbie Malone, Karen Prisant +), • Often referred as Anomalous Mental Phenomena/Anomalous Cognition/Extra Sensory Perception(ESP): “Psychics” might do it naturally(Noreen Renier, A Dellafiora, Annette Martin, Marry Ann Morgan+), or tool users(Jean-Louis Crozie[pendulum:Yevs Rocard]+), with similar level+ of accuracy as top RV, but might be less consistent & working mechanics seem to be often different. ->>cont: 249
9: RV is Dumbed Down Version?
• ->>cont: Biofield: ■α Field reading only: v-"Remote Viewing"(RV), Clairvoyance: • More commonly found ability for savants(Di Powell+), Rare case of police force member with disclosed significant psychic ability use(Pat Price, Keith Charles+), • Assistants involved Military RV(there are several versions in this US protocol method) seems to develop high consistency/accuracy performers(Daz Smith, Co Brown, Major-General Thompson, J Utts, Moorhouse+), Most people need training, but extremely rare previously untrained super-viewer("natural psychic") can scan exact numbers directly(Pat Price[US intel confirmation, Ed May]+) of remotely filed location in highly classified area(much more difficult to scan than reading mind face to face). Most common people can learn to RV effectively(Puthoff+): but attitude makes major skill development difference(Schmeidler+). • Resonance entrained methods is deemed to improve effectiveness(Karen Newell, R Monroe+), i.e. only dumbed down version is declassified?(D Allgire, G Wheaton, McMoneagle, Wol Messing[МГ Ярошевский]+). • Some anomalous high sense appears to have developed after electrocution(Jo Whitton, Greta Alexander+), or seeing many killed(Bill Ward+). Only a fraction of Western police would "violate code of silence" to admit psychic use(Nancy Myer, Sally Headding, Phil Jordan, R Cracknell, Rosemary Kerr+), also needs specific mind set to cope with "empathy experience of the victim"(Nancy Weber, Dorothy Allison+), also Forensic specialists rely on them(Sally Headding+), famous mediums are generally weak in this area with a few exceptions(Allison Dubois+) -->>cont: 250
10: How Much RV is Really Usable?
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading : v-"Remote Viewing": • A few have official records of international police cooperation including Interpol with good results or on live tv programs while targeted by intensely focused selective debunking by "credible media"(G Croiset[Wil Tenhaeff], Hurkos+), or regularly showed up on Japanese tv for accurate viewing for lost persons etc(McMoeagle+), • Generally effective to have limited information(front load) to lessen prejudices. Use for long distance communication(Ю Каменский & К Николаев+). • In Russia, numerous official ex-military psychics(военный экстрасенс)(ВЛ Рехлов +), or intel(Тофик Дадашев, ФР Ханцеверов+), specifically state the "extrasense" program is not only continuing but critical part of operations, and some would frequently show up on national prime time media for commenting after retirement(МВ Виноградов+) and their companies openly talk about specific case cooperation with police which issues numerous official acknowledgement stating their high ratio of effectiveness(Центр Михаила Виноградова +). Yet services also exist in West by similar system(practically 0 media exposure)with a few dozen+ psychics stand-by with claimed found missing person rate close to 50% range(from missing pool of police couldn't find)(FIND ME group[but this service is basically free: Kelly Snyder]+) ->>cont: 251
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11: Dowsing & Commercialization
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: v-"Remote Viewing": • US's CIA RV Program officially terminated because they feared ridicule as mainstream claimed, or just a way to taking it to "underground"?(LR Bremseth+), RV is also explainable by subtle type of Non-aquatic version of Electrocommunication Effect as charge is always involved at molecule level • After '95 RV/ESP official research cancellation, other US gov't organizations, & prv contractors are still officially engaged/transferred to(SAIC+),(DoD, Navy - ONR [Bre Olde, Pet Squire+] etc) under various obscure names. • αvi-"Nonlocal reading as Dowsing": also biolocation/radiasthesia & mind factor heavy radionics. Stick use to discover water was described in practically all world wide ancient civilizations. Can be categorized as same as Remote Viewing. Unofficially fairly widely used for commercial exploration(Bill Cox, Hen Gross, Олег Ивановский, Mar Mondavi, Emmy Kittemann[H-Dieter Betz] +). Generally any targeted item search ranging from mineral resources, archaeological discovery(Geller[Moshe Dayan+], John Baker Deviner, Peter Golding Archaeological, Клуб Радиоэстезист +), water, military(weapon/security search)(Геннадий Михайлович Шаповалов +), to any specific hidden objects, "psychic detective" etc: but many dowsers have high success rate only for their expertise target items, and most dowsers /remote viewers are effective only when they deployed accustomed methods. ->>cont: 252
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12: "Viewing" NonTime + NonLocal?
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: vi-"Nonlocal-local Doswing": • Some non-Western nations actively/tacitly endorse effectiveness(Les Matela+), Existence of Western ignored various academic studies(биолокации)(ЛГ Пучко, НН Сочованов, БА Григорьевич, СН Бндарчук +). • Some water drilling companies in "pseudoscientific nations" have own full time dowsers as official part of water supply service(«Вода основа» Днепропетровски, Предприятие "Крот" Днепропетровск, Зелёный колодец Ленинградской +), (there are many that don't advertise, but often intentionally have pages talking about effectiveness of dowsing in brochure/web page). Some dowsers work closely with drilling companies(ООО Геомант: Биолокация +), Also "pseudoscientific" UNESCO is partially endorsing dowsing(Solco Tromp, Герасим Васильевич Богомолов+ ). • In Western ally nation French Academy of Science in '70s more or less declared several biofield type effects(telekinesis, dowsing, scalar wave cancer cure 90%plus etc) valid, Also more such "violation of scientific ethics" by many UK high profile companies and media by admitting use or endorsing. Austria is often pseudoscientific prone with exploration companies use dowsing combined with conventional tech(Stuck Exploration GmbH+). In North America last official Governmental use appears to be pre WWII(Evelyn Penrose+): even radionics were officially used after. As western mainstream std process, prominent scientists positive comments on dowsing effects or anything unapproved are conveniently ignored(A Einstein+).->>cont: 253
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
13: Dowsing Tests With No Effects
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: vi-"Nonlocal-local Doswing": • One of most extensive major large sample mainstream control test Munich/Scheunen Experiments(without apparent distortion factor skewed to debunkers) usually interpreted as conclusive null collective results(only one of 40 or so dowsers did far beyond statistical performance[Hans Schroter], & only one of several tests produced significant collective results). But test content is not same as actual field condition at all and dower's notable ineffectiveness when conditions change is well known(walking on second floor to detect unburied air exposed metal pipe on first floor house, not water flowing underground by walking on ground sensing all ambience - air sound etc). Another similar scale Deutsche Gesellschaft fur. Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) field experiment(condition is unchanged from way they conduct business) produced satisfactory results(similar level as generally claimed by top rate dowsers). • Although there is no such evidence for failed test, it is known amongst specialists this failure as well as magnetic water/magnetic fuel treatment effectiveness failure can be induced by specific geomagnetic area activity or artificially generating specific entrainment acoustic or electromagnetic frequency that are undetectable. • In West, large majority of commercialization is unadvertised word-of-mouth types, without web sites, and often depends on association based referral(Sourciers et Géobiologues d'Europe, American Society of Dowsers, British Society of Dowsers+), ->>cont: 254
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
14: Dowsing User Major Corporations
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnerge4c Field reading: vi-"Nonlocal-local Doswing": Few openly adver.se their service in West(Kuebelbeck Underground Water Loca5ng, Bioloca5on.com, sourcier-idf.fr, Mervyn Milner - Dowsing +), Some uses pendulum(Sourcier Toillier +). Some work on high cost mining explora.on(Geller[Val Duncan:Rio Tinto, Jose Lopez Por.llo: Mexican Pres/Pemex], Stanislav Hruda, Paul Clement Brown, prospec5nggold.co.uk[Peter Taylor]+), DACH na.ons are more focused on water & residen.al geopathic/EMF toxin effect loca.on(Geobiologist Hans Janisch, Richard Helfer Wünschelrutengänger, Reiner Padligur +), some go far as construc.on site based building material diagnosis in addi.on to water(Baubiologe Baldermann UG, GoLried Kurtz - Baubiologie+) • Western military used to officially deployed mine or any risk loca.ng even aXer debunking started in 1950s(Gen Pa]on, Maj-Gen James Sco]-Elliot +), reports on extensive use at least .ll Vietnam War, then to Remote Viewing program closing .me in 1995(including dowsing on map, not on site). Major corpora.ons in Europe s.ll admi`ng(Hoffmann-La Roche[P Treadwell], United U.li.es, Severn Trent, Thames Water+). Yet there is a rare major public suppression of high profile use dowsing: • Military Dowsing Rod based bomb detector makers in West(it is true dowsing is basically never 100% workable for all people) were forcefully shut down(ADE651, Alpha6, GT200+) a:er large 3rd world sales (Typical sign of effec.veness. Unless coerced, Police/military never buys & uses pseudoscien4fic device without addi4onal extensive field test, strong reference, extra cau4on to confirm effec4vness), and customers' sa=sfactory con=nuous use is cri=cized ->>cont: 255
15: Military Dowsing Suppression
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: vi-"Nonlocal-local Doswing": High profile Military/Police dowsing device: • Others are intensively debunked & extensively harassed /sued in West (SNIFFEX PLUS +), This type of massive coordinated suppression campaign under the name of "justice" is still possible to deploy for official Cold Fusion or other free energy commercialization when it is launched at high profile level, by involving dramatic coordination of majority of even "alternative media" or non western private media to call the new tech outright fraud. Same "morality" based intense suppression is almost guaranteed to happen if Radionics mainstreamization on medical and agricultural application is attempted against current narrative. • General dowsing working mechanics: Hand twitches unconsciously to a mind focused specific "signal"(like equivalent of searching for a specific sound or visual item) as a body response to: Quasi magnetic like field on specific target item(ZV Harvalik, Gor MaClean+), "Information field"(НН Сочеванов, ВС Стеценко+), or At least underground water flow generates weak magnetic field(mainstream accepted) & this might get amplified by some geological force?(Yves Rocard+). Another way of explanation can be: subtle Scalar frequency broadcasted by target object is picked up by "human body antenna" & hand twitches(Bovis, G Lakhovsky+), based on mind focus to tune into the frequency. ->>cont: 256
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
16: Use of NonTime+NonLocal View?
• ->>cont: Bio Energetic field as Torsion Field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: αvii-"NonTime, NonLocal Scan": Prediction/precognition purpose "Dowsing/Remote Viewing". Idea of future probability prediction makes it unreliable compared to regular dowsing or remote viewing(Cha Tart+), yet commercialized/military/intel future remote viewing or strategizing often combines cosmic/astronomical level cyclic or geomagnetic oscillation based statistical factor(i.e. astrology) to increase accuracy of such statistical probability forecast for major events:. • CIS Intel/military commonly claim NonLocal Scan + Astrology is a std process not just in Russia(Ю Скоков, НИ Рыжков, АС Бузинов, АЛ Чижевский +), but top Western intel/military/gov't etc is utilizing this method while debunking publicly: (Geller, Jean Dixon+) • At least some Western elites openly take it seriously(Ed Dwey[Study of Cycles]+). Also major corporate/NGO use it at least in Russia(АВ Зараев+), • Short term probability prediction for successful stock market high investment returns(Targ, Pau Smith+), Is there some evidence of psi factor for business success?(Douglas Dean+). While official million$ lottery “lab prediction trials” all fail, thousand$ range lottery continuously won using experimental protocol(Mil Ryzl[P Stepanek etc: stronger effect came from hypnosis use]+): ->>cont: 257 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
17: Field Influence -> Mind Influence
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: : ■α Field reading: vii-"NonTime, NonLocal Scan": • Number & market direction prediction is usually done by remote viewing of "up" or "down" or number as specific pictures/images pre-associated to them. • Some speculate about differences between future prediction vs future influence(Hel Schmidt+). Tested far above even-ratio future prediction(time probability reading) readers' brain wave show accuracy might involve brain's magnetic anomaly(Che Alexander, Ric Broughton, Persinger[Harribance effect], Venkatasubramanian+). • β "Field" manipulation effect: Type of psychokinesis. Yet Field Affecting vs Reading might be very close effect and sometimes indistinguishable. βi- Mind Influence to other humans & animals/plants: a- High performance mentalists/hypnotists' basic skill of significant thought influence/or idea/belief implant to people is widely demonstrated on mainstream TV even in west. • Top practitioners can commonly program new beliefs & personalities to a certain type of person by language during subconscious hypnotic state, so when come out of hypnosis, still can cause that person to alter regular personality /cognition/discernment on key trigger command words, to take actions they wouldn't at regular conscious state: including giving up precious possessions to strangers(eg Gendam hypnosis), conduct ALL types of acts, then later has no memory at all: Words generate informational field via receptor's brain? ->>cont:258
18: BioField Touch or Physical Touch
• ->>cont: Bio Informational Field as Torsion Field : ■ β BioField manipulation: βi- Mind Influence to other humans & animals: a: High performance mentalist+ • This people-control aspect of hypnosis has been documented, witnessed commonly even by mainstream military/intel type people: eg Long term spy for several months continuously(Estabrooks+) Project ARTICHOKE(Helms+). • Hypnosis triggered instant personality change could involve sudden illness or cure(B Lipton+). Or change in Physical ability & allergic response(Be Braun+)(Zdenko Domancic Method+), Eye color(Fr Putnam+) - accompanying sudden brain electroencephalograms (EEGs) gap as if brain is connected to another person: Same gap occurs at during vs after mediumship at seance(Cha Hapgood+), • Yet some high level performers are known to be able to do the same thing to people they never met before(not programmed prior) - at least for a short term(Tom Silver, Dodie Magis+ ). Rare official mental energy healer license granted in West Hallandale Beach FL USA(Dean Kraft) • Also imitation of human operated hypnosis is partially done by computer /TV screen: generate pre-mentioned field(by associated wave if exact frequency is emanated) that causes hand(palm) based nonconact hypnotic state in human by only EM field generated from monitor screen(H Loos, E Rauscher+), and additionally some sort of cosmic or astronomical phenomena seems to influence this bioenergetic type field(ЛП Гримак+). 259
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
19: "Opening Up" Biofield Then..
• ->>cont: Field generated by thoughts & body: ■ β BioField manipulation: βi- Mind Influence to other humans & animals: a: mentalist etc's psychokinesis • Hence sometimes separating even biologically induced or mechanically induced control(also at controversial segment: p452,453[4a-d], p467,468[2a]+) of biofield becomes difficult/irrelevant. • Insistence of mainstream science/NGO/gov't, or media's scientific comment on ineffectiveness of hypnosis as deception/mind control contradicts same media's endorsement of identical effect for entertainment use to the degree rarely seen in normally uniform reality creating mainstream west. • Post 1980s MKUltra officialization(mind control project: by use of chemical, bodily conditional response & electronic effects(see controversial segment p467): media level science mainstream North America/Germany is lobbying very hard, that no person can be controlled to feel differently, or planted beliefs(even temporarily) unwillingly or take any actions they don't like by a trigger command and forget afterwards - without exception. And evidence obtained by hypnosis is invalid(but actually used by mainstream military, police, intel in many western nations). • UK media is differing by their major media affirming assassin examples(D Brown). Note this external mind influence effect locally as well as non locally by electronic & mind both has been a part of full mainstream science & media in Soviet-RussiaCIS. -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
20: Human Plant Communication
• ->>cont: Bio Informational Field as Torsion Field: ■ β BioField manipulation: βi- Mind Influence to other humans & animals/plants: • b- Implantation of complicated new action instruction from human to dog(ВМ Бехтерев, ВЛ Дуров +), Animal brain reaction measured when its offsprings are killed non locally(ВП Перов, ИМ Коган+), or when the animals’ siblings are shocked electrically(AA Berezin+). • c-Plant interaction-communication with human thoughts, what appears to be plant field reading capability is "confirmed" mainly by use of galvanic skin response(lie detector) instant biofeedback or Kirlian Photo(Backster, “LG Lawrence”, Maslobrod, Vogel, PP Sauvin, A Mikami, Ot Rahn, Eldon Byrd, Puthoff, B Swanson, Ken & Washu Hashimoto [alphacoil.com]+). This is part of mainstream Russia/Soviet idea(ВН Пушкин [Психологический институт им. ЛГ Щукиной], ГИ Ангушев["hypnosis of plant" improves communication?], Korotkov+). Sometimes works well like fast remote viewing by "tapping into plant wisdom", but only for certain limited % of people consistently. Not about inter-human communication, but at least plants have some sort of "feelings" & can perceive/process/store information(J Chandra Bose, Гунара & Карманова+). • d-Plant memory of human(V Adamenko, Ra Fontes, Soloukhin+), -->>cont: 261
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
21: Mesmer & Magnetic Transference
• ->>cont: Field generated by thoughts & body: ■ β BioField manipulation: • βii-Trained high performers can cause strong enough field effect or non local contact to affect people physically(move, fall, feel as if touched etc)whom they met for the first time with non-contact method & subject's eyes closed: • a- Cause subject to clearly sense someone is touching, or pushed or pulled like on puppet strings by advanced hypnotist(Marco Paret, Tom Silver+), or when someone is touched, then different "hypnotized" paired up person(s) to feel the same sensation of touched or have voluntarily synchronized movement of body unknowingly(FA Mesmer+): "Magnetic Transference". This effect is western mainstream science debunked as impossible, while at Western media accepted mainstream magicians/illusionist practice as basic skill: rare situation of science is denying the effect but usually debunking-obsessed Western main media fully accepts it without criticism. • b- Same technique is used as part of elite military application(eg Бесконтактный Бой/”contactless fight"/touchless knockout)(В Старов [VadimStranov.ru], ОВ Мальцев[OlegMaltsev.com]+), same effect of moving people or falling them on ground contactlessly by using some pointed tool(МВ Рябко[Systema Ryabko]+), Some even teaches mainly for civilian market(Школа Серафим +), Others teach only as extra curricular due to its difficulty(ДВ Скогорев [Сибирский Вьюн]+), ->>cont: 262
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
22: Contactless Body Manipulation
• ->>cont: Field by thoughts+body: ■β: ii: Affecting people without touch: • "Contactless combat": is more accurate to say PsychoPhysics – Психофизика(АЛ Лавров, Олег Горват+) because there is always contact but on different levels including non-physical: aligning bioenergy, nervous system, breathing, emotions, shared ambience & ground etc • Martial artists & healers also deploy this skill(eg Karate & Kyusho ryu)(J Hogan, G Dillman+), common amongst qi going/chi kung/Ki Kou masters(Kaku Ryou [ ] + ), others (Nyoman Serengen[Yellow Bamboo], J Lampila+): Significant portion of martial art/qigong masters & healers who can demonstrate this skill seems to stay away from public video demonstration to "show off" due to the teachings' philosophical reasons. • But basically none of above noncontact technique has universal hand combat effect on all people 100% of time,(some kind of connection and agreement at least on subconscious level needs to take place between "affecter and affectee": "connection with matter" is also claimed to be important to move objects without touching by telekinesis capable various masters) and usually 1-40% range of people first exposed to top performer of non-contact technique would not be affected(and this failure demonstration is public major TV broadcasted repeatedly in some nations: debunkers /nonbelievers are usually more often able to withstand unaffected). Top users usually know if noncontact technique works on a specific person beforehand. -->>cont: 263
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
23: Contactless Body Immobilization
• ->>cont: ■β: Field affecting: ii: Contactless fight applicability in real combat: • Frequently even top “contactless fight” skill is effective only to cause opponent to disorient/lose balance, or lose thought concentration/motivation temporarily, or deflect of opponent’s bunch/charge direction aim involving users own body movement(element of Aikido), or combining auditory effects. • Usually contactless passing out/immobilizing of enemy is possible only when prolonged static target exists that can make some type of "connection"(hence it doesn't work like standing still and instantly throwing 100s of people left and right successively without contact against somebody they never met before. • Also to have maximum effectiveness this often includes actual light touch (continued touch up to 0.5sec+) to reduce opponent muscle power or speed, sense orientation. • βiii-Make people/animal fully immobilized/passing out- goes into altered state, or partially paralyze by specific muscle immobilization without touching or speaking by focusing biofield on specific meridian point, still a major part of contactless fight skill inseparable from "ii"(Анатолий Белоусов, АЛ Лавров+). Even most of top hypnotists/mentalists who can cause this effect needs words or actual touching: combining with suggestive hypnotic/triggering phrases(Ron Welzel, Peter Blythe+), but there are non-contact capable exceptions(Kashpirovsky, 264 Dodie Magis+): Gendam Hypnosis etc. -->>cont:
Bio Info
24: Contactless Animal Sedating
• ->>cont: Bio field: ■β: Manipulation: iii-Make people pass out contactlessly: Also some can induce conventional appearance hypnotic trance but subjects are actually cognizant of the gap between its ego desire and hypnotized state of own action taking simultaneously against ego's will(Альберт Венедиктович Игнатенко+): these skills appear to be using other than regular hypnotic skills. • Similarly, although most masters who is capable, can do only with contact, a few qigong and martial artist masters can sedate/pass out even larger animals contactless- Example: Public demonstration on pray animals(20-30) herd during day time, tiger, rhino, small grizzly bear, hippo, adult elephant, 100+ bisons/buffalos, etc, also can select one specific target to sedate out of 100s in a herd, but failed on giraff & fighting bull: conduct qi sending from 10-100m range distance, through glass barrier ok, takes at 3-5mins to cause effect, needs 30mins for 100+ of animals[Tadashi Kanzawa : kiryoujyuku],etc. • Many practicers & some scientists claim "connection" as key to cause effect: use of eyes, touching, exchange conversation, breathing synchronizing, or other "imagined" way, and this connection can be described as quasi nonlocal quantum event working like a carrier wave, before visually noticeable "hand waving" effect takes place(effect wave): • Prevention of other's qi influence: When other people's non-local "qi based body manipulation" is successfully negated, there seems to be much less "connection" between sender and target. -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
25: Why Some Human is Not Affected?
• ->>cont: thoughts+body field: ■β: Field affecting: iii-Contactless immobilizing: Also martial artists group demonstration of contactless manipulation effect would fail when receivers are feeling defensive or emotionally tense(also sometimes "acting" element exists to make up "failing"). When connection fails, brainwave or thermal pattern of body synchronization between sender and receiver is low or non existent(Ohta Mitsunobu , K Nishino[ ]+), yet generally human brain affected area by hypnosis(concentrated area) VS qigong(whole brain) is significantly different in brainwave pattern. • Soft touch/light hitting of meridian point based critical biofield/field source manipulation: Although this requires touching/fondling and often not well deployed by contactless fight mercenaries or bodyguards, certain martial artists deploy effective combat or covert skill in use of sabotaging/destroying precise acupuncture nerve points/system(where biofield "electricity" flows like vessels flow blood)( Dim Mak/Dan Xue), to induce various biological difficulties upto immediate to a few month delayed injury, disability, or death(paralyse limbs/breathing mechanism, damage arteries, organ injuries, or simply cause prolonged blocking of “life energy”) (Xie Qi Ping, Cai Yujian+). There also seems to be idea of "contactless Dim Mak". • βiv-Partial or Complete removal of pain ie: medical surgery without anesthetics (Hypnosurgery): (J Elliotson, J Esdaile+), dental application(Mike Gow, Michael Woodruff+) this is still being debunked by mainstream west more than 100yrs but usually allowed to practise even in west(not raided or medical licence cancelled). ->>cont: 266
26: Anesthetics By BioField Manipulation
• ->>cont: Informational thought & body Field: ■ βiv- Pain removal & anesthetics: Qigong anesthesia is less known but success with various major surgeries including cancer without any other painkiller(Lin Housheng +). Various nerve system or brainwave altering occurs without touching. A small range % of people might be induced into uncontrolable laughing and become unsuitable for anesthetic operation(Shan Hui Xu+) • βv- Local(face to face) non contact Healing:(often contact types are co-used) In official West, data is steadily building up on consistent healing results on marginal symptoms for local non-contact healing(Byeong Oh, Anderson & Taylor, AL Baldwin+): for pain, anxiety etc. Paralleling with accumulating such data(qigoing and other methods like Reiki[centerforreikiresearch.org : also includes contact type:], Healing Touch/ "Laying on of Hands Healing"/Therapeutic Touch[some are non contact effect](Quantum Touch+) etc), Their effect is now occasionally admitted as marginal healing supportive care of conventional medical by western mainstream progressive medical groups(see 2 pages later more on this subject). • Yet Hand Action portion of Energy Medicine/Energy Healing/Bio Energy Healing (also p360, 361): BioEnergetic Field Healing leads to repair of bodily/emotional problem & focusing on meridian points can frequently have stronger effect than conventional intervention method in serious disease even compared as stand alone therapy (Barbara Brennan, Donna Eden+), even without considering no side effect. ->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
27: Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy +
• ->>cont: Field generated by thoughts & body: ■ βv- Local BioField manipulation: At least hand use part of Energy Medicine has a link to Electromedicine with shared idea to enhance bioresonance field(eg Heart emits 3-4m range diameter EM Field from body) by removing blocked body resonance especially from body energy points like chakra, meridian etc: it lowers electrical impedance points which increases speed of electricity flow for faster recovery(AC Ahn+). • At least low electricity or no electricity use therapy might be operating on information field(eg psychic healers operate on bare hand only but specific frequency electricity measured[Valery Hunt, Hiroshi Motoyama+], Can be called Telekinetic or Psychic healing(Ric Gordon+). • Mainstream debunked high performance Hypnotherapy(Rick Collingwood, Nongard+) VS approved weak effect hypnotherapy difference is simple different belief insertion of "curing cancer easily" vs "caner is incurable but chemotherapy pain might be reduced"?: "entirely placebo" should not cure? With less restrictions, nonlicensed hypnotherapist tend to have stronger medical industry disruptive capability on serious disease(Gil Boyne+), & High performance types to remain more unadvertized or scientific protocol research is avoided with a few exceptions(Dav Spiegel+). Disruptive effect focused main drive hypnotherapy sometimes has even almost immediate drastic behavioural & medical effect on selected % of patients when conducted by top Hypnotists(Tom Silver, Ste Parkhill, GF Kein+), this therapy existed since early times but increasingly blocked by medical groups(MIl Erickson, Da 268 Elman+),
28: BioEnergetic Field Medical Status
• βvi- Long distance non-local, or local(face to face) non contact Healing(Often Dual Capable): including some contact and own body movement. Progressive western mainstream organizations that accept Qigong/Psychic healing effect as marginal usually ignore or fully debunk possibility of being main drive for cure of serious diseases(eg Charlie Goldsmith "partial psychic healing disclosure" case) with reasons of lacking western std protocol data, and practically treat it as taboo subject(also note Qigong therapy has self-implement types vs third party psychic healing types). As of 2017, significant %(50%+ range) of western patients use various types of non mainstream medical including non contact healing as a supplemental minor means(even this is media under-reported), but very small % takes it seriously as, or small % of non mainstream medical practitioners consider or are allowed to offer as main driver of medical cure in west. • Above progressive mainstream groups often appear to be functioning as if some kind of secondary stop-gap measure or "controlled opposition" of mainstream medical in west(similar to "most disruptive tech debunking" specialist within "free energy" research community) & also effectively preventing nonlocal healing's social acceptance into conventional medical monopolized profitable disease healing effect: • Yet there are controlled protocol researches showing strong results(compared to conventional medical, but usually not as direct control sample comparison) of specific high performer(not blanket therapist average performance) in "fringe" peer reviewed journals or non western publications(see 2 pages later). -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
29: Measuring BioEnergetic Field Effect
• ->>cont: BioEnergetic field: ■β: Field affecting: vi-Non contact Healing: • Because of alleged significant performance gap by practitioner(this factor is conveniently ignored by mainstream & sometimes used to debunk entire healers claims), large control sample research of high performer for serious chronic disease is very difficult with current funding/profit structure(some exception in China), while mainstream will call such test "Immoral"(they declare nonlocality cannot have any physical effect etc), & can easily obfuscate experiments by pressuring to set conditions that are design to have weaker effect(speculating from other medical tampering & numerous consistent examples of disruptive energy tech experiment tampering by mainstream or its supporting & parasitic groups). • This issue can be equated to exaggerated example of marathon running in which not all runners(e.g. equating as healer) necessarily runs marathon under 2h20mins (e.g. equivalent of meaning as strong healing effect), and some run at 3hrs(eg barely marginal effect), and large majority runs marathon at 3.5hrs and more (eg zero effect or worse). So if randomly select 10 marathon runners(eg healers) to test "in order to get fair controlled results" as average, there might be no effect at all, or one or two strong effect would become "statistical error" - hence still no effect at all. Furthermore, gathering of high performance healers itself would become "selective data" and becomes void as qualified research by "trusted scientific protocol". -->>cont: 270
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
30: Robust NonLocal Field Effects
• ->>cont: BioEnergetic field: ■β: Field manipulation causing physical effect without contact: vi-Non local/local contactless Healing: • Successful experiments: Non local healing effect validations were broadcasted nation wide at mainstream Western ally nation’s several leading TV including public broadcasting service as separate demonstrations with mainstream academic present( [ . ], [ ]+), and quasi government acknowledgement for validity is made with academic/medical experimental protocol( [ ], , , - Y Machi+). This is completely ignored by rest of western allies(picked up by "pseudoscientific" & "corrupt" nonWestern nations' main media), not debunked in west likely to avoid attracting attention • But also amongst other western nations scientific protocol researchers that are focused on disruptive effects, above 90% rate success brain wave reaction by capable nonlocal signal senders as well as their general healing effect on all disease non locally/local non contact is more or less common sense(LJ Standish, DJ Benor+), and this includes effects on animals(Bengston+), plants(Oskar Estebany+), fungus etc. -->>cont: 271
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
31: BioEnergy Field Effects in China
• ->>cont: Biofield: ■β: Field affecting: vi-Non local/contactless Healing: Fast healer: • Rarely discussed seriously in West but some healers have stronger medical effect with literally 10-15seconds treatment of “field”/”chi(usually combine contact healing) that focuses on meridian points with additional energies" from other organs than “conventional chi”( [ - Yuanji Gong]+): • Such fast healer's significant "lagging cure effect"(probably linked to hand detached continued spoon bending effect of Geller?[Kit Green, Golda Meir, Itzhak Bentov, EA Price+] [it is public info released by BBC etc many of Geller's work is classified by multiple nations, & has bounding agreements with multiple Fortune ranked large corporations]) is one of most dramatic healing types this research found so far Almost like opposite of Dim Mak. There are few such very fast non qigong robust healer examples(Виктор Громов, Eric Pearl[Reconnective healing: this method is instructable]+): still takes 1-4mins. • There are other high level qigong/chi kung related variation methods that might demonstrate strong medical effectiveness or various telekinetic effects but seemingly debunked & partially/fully suppressed both by pro western medical segment as well as conservative Chinese establishment after gaining significant popularity(other examples: 1-Yan Xin Qigonng [yanxinqigong.cn], 2- Shen Chang[ :eg 60% breast cancer cure & 30% better for 79 sample in 3yrs] etc), this is despite those groups did not exhibit state defiance action unlike Falun Gong. -->>cont: 272
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
32: Falun Gong Medical Effects?
• ->>cont: BioEnergetic field: ■β: Field affecting: vi-Non local/local contactless Healing: • Medical effect on Falun Gong is mostly ignored in West, but Chinese state suppressed Falun Gong may have above average of cure performance amongst various qigong: lack of official Chinese academic cure data(but government acknowledged its strong medical effect before suppression in early 90s, also one of key reasons for its popularity was healing effect) & various geopolitical lobby existence(in China & West) makes it more difficult to compare on equal footing with other Qigong medical effect. • Notable: normally low cost competing therapy debunking western medical sponsored research(Novertis) submitted that Falun Gong has life extension effect on 150 terminal cancer patients test(5months extended to 50months range: Yuhong Dong et al). • Without rapid suppression of Falun Gong to stop Qigong(this name itself was propagated by the state in 1950s when one of many local traditional self positioning /light exercize/breathing healing "xxx gong" teachings [Nei Yang Gong] was ratified as effective main-drive-medical -method in China[ : Liu Guizhen+]: first Qigong only hospital operated & attracted senior officials[ : Tangshan Clinic]) expansion momentum in 90s, which involved significant crack down of all high medical performance Qigong, it might be plausible to speculate qigong would have been significantly more penetrated into Chinese medical market as exclusive cure methods of serious disease. >>cont: 273 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
33: BioField Effects Only Hospital
• ->>cont: BioField: ■β: Field manipulation: vi-Non local/contactless Healing: State backed association ‘s research includes disruptive medical effect also, and qigong effectiveness at least as significant complementary therapy(more than supportive role as in west, co-main driver of cure) is fully acknowledged there. • Based on Chinese gov’t and academic documents as well as witness claims, ”No medicine” large hospitals officially existed till around 2001 seemed to be fairly effective(eg - Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center[Pang Ming]: eg: 4500 sample cancer patients after 1-4 months treatment had only 3% cure, but 95% improved the condition, similar one at ), This type of institutions have western visitors' claims on "a few minutes tumor disappearance" (Greg Braden+). • But all large 100% Chinese medicine hospitals closed at least officially or converted to mix of conventional and non medicine hospitals after justified reason of “a patient died” due to failure of treatment: ( [wanqigong.com], [gamhospital.ac.cn]+). • While there are some stand alone cancer therapy qigong seems to have above conventional medical effectiveness : 1- Guo Lin Qigong, 2Yan Xin Qigong, 3(He Binhui[qigong001.com])(eg tumor inhibition 70%: , , [ ]- seemingly more effective latter two are met with ruling group of mainstream Chinese state debunking >>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
34: BioEnergy Field Effects of Ayuveda
• ->>cont: BioField: ■β: Field manipulation: vi-Non local/contactless Heal'g: • Other similar BioEnergetic Field treatments: Ayuvedic Medicine(state certified in Nepal, India, Sri Lanka+), Traditional Mongolian/Tibet Medicine (China, Mongolia, India, Bhutan+) etc appear to be more effective than western medical but generally it's only provable on individual practitioner basis(eg Balendu Prakash+) or much higher collective heath rate of population using the remedy compared to Western medical(Wenhua Wang+) rather than specific symptom based evidence by data lack. • Specific type Yoga on marginal supplementary medical effect is now accepted by scientific journals. But when it comes to Yoga use as a main driver for cure, healing effect articles acceptance is limited to Asthma or Knee joint type only and not far more profitable cancer cure even enough consistent evidence is provided(HR Nagendra HR, R Nagarathana +), while Indian government officially state its effect and criticized by pro west private media(Shripad Yesso Naik+). • This might be rather due to weak geopolitical lobbying rather than lack of experimental protocol chronic disease cure effect(eg Qigon effect has been more strongly lobbied by China state, but Indian state doens't seem to be as united in pushing Ayuvedic/Yoga medical effect into mainstream West) -275 >>cont:
35: BioEnergy Field Effects in Russia/CIS
• ->>cont: BioField: ■β: Field manipulation: vi-Non local/contactless Heal'g: • Russia/CIS : There are substantial amount of accumulated consistent dramatic claims of psychic healing from specific high performer by mainstream individuals /scientists/doctors/Intel/military: some are highlighted by media and work with govn't/celebrity personnel(Джуна Давиташвили[given Colonel-General military ranking, along with multiple high state awards], Виктор Громов+), or others choose to stay low key to work only locally besides showing significant military /govn't lab results(Алексей Еремеевич Криворотов[SD Kirlian], Федора Даниловна Конюхова[АГ Спиркин]+). Some foreign robust healers are brought in to establish medical practice in Russia(Бабак Джафарипур, Чжома Дунчжи+), • In Russia, psychic healer test based licensing system is offered by 1Ministry of Health(non compulsory), 2-Politically established Nonwestern-medical association (Российской профессиональной медицинской ассоциации специалистов традиционной и народной медицины, РАНМ, RANM/ Russian Professional Medical Association for Traditional & Folk Medicine Specialists: has extensive local offices thru out Russia), >>cont: 276
36: Russian Healers, Evangelical Healers
• ->>cont: BioEnergetic field: ■β: Field manipulation: vi-Non local/contactless Healing: Russian certification system: 3- Much smaller, less established compared to РАНМ but specifically centered around psychic healer/Eniology training, its research and certification organization (Всероссийский научно-исследовательский центр традиционной народной медицины «ЭНИОМ» Я.Г. Гальперина/ All-Russian research center for traditional folk medicine ENIOM[Eniology]). • General healer information wise, existence of published semi directory like top 100 Russian/CIS healer type lists, Regular healer competition/conference are available as higher social status than in west, yet unknown psychic healer info is lacking and fraud is still problem(eg "you are possessed & must have only my healing immediately") and national level politicians & mainstream media is promoting discussion on what kind of system can distinguish effective psychic healer from fraud at beginner patient level. This contrasts with low level treatment of robust healers in West(Alex Hermosillo+) • Religious healers: Amplified use of subjects' & healers' belief system in a "connected way" for effective healing is found amongst religious(Ben Hinn, Oral Roberts+), and shamanic healers: this religious(belief system) type with intense participation of subject has large # of claimed cure cases, even after deducting likely some % of fraudulent, exaggeration or misunderstanding(M Bergunder+). Test shows certain types of Christian group's prayer(regular people, not psychic) sometimes has significant healing effect(Randolph Byrd+). -->>cont: 277 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
37: Field Manipulation by Shamans
• ->>cont: ■β: Field affecting: vi-Non local/contactless Healing: Religious type: Christian religious groups still hold significant geopolitical power to get away with non mainstream medical claims on public media without raid /confiscation /arrest in west, although healer can be banned from entering certain western nation(Tod Bentley+). • Shamans: Top performing nonlocal & local effect voodoo type shamans amongst 3rd world natives can have significant effect in relatively high % but shamanic healing might have more complication around "bioenergy manipulation" or belief system set up, and difficult to train, hence unskilled practitioner might cause not only no effects, but also sometimes even cause clearly noticeable adverse effect on subject(Alberto Villoldo+). • Highest level Shamanic healing amongst indigenous groups frequently involves significant degree of patients' anomalous experiences ranging from Theatrical game playing/Imagination, Hypnosis /Placebo, NDE(near death experience) /OBE(out of body experience), Sleep paralysis /Hallucination /Anomalous dreams/Altered state of consciousness, Psychokinesis/Poltergeist, Waking ESP, Apparitions/Contacting the dead: it involves belief system alteration or amplification(James McClenon, J Achterberg+): "experiential healing". • Some potent shamanic/"spirit possession" healers in west are engaged in more modern form of much faster healing specialized in light symptoms that won't significantly alienate mainstream medical(Jeanette Wilson, Zarathustra+) >>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
38: Field Manipulation & Belief's Role
• ->>cont: BioEnergetic field: ■β: Field affecting: vi-Non local/local contactless Healing: This high performance modern western fast shamanic healers link to serious disease healing extensively debunked(& unallowed to operate in West) psychic surgery(appears to have high % of fraudulent short term healer exists, but long term top performer seems to be highly effective)(see "outrageous claims" p460:6a) • Religious or faith healers’ comment referring to some % of failure as “lack of faith on the part of those to be healed”(RW Shambach+) is considered as presumptuous or insane by western mainstream, but from Bio-Energo-Informatics/Torsion physics type experimental perspective this is likely one of major causes for healing failure. • In strict sense, prementioned β i-vi effects usually contain suggestion induced hypnotic or subliminal effect: this can come other than from explicit words such as objects & color of wall or surroundings, sound, smell that are based on society’s root assumptions. But attempt to attribute effect causation into one sole cause in segregated manner often becomes impossible or irrelevant: combination or constantly shifting sole(few) cause(s) of multiple elements seem to be at work directed by spontaneous feeling & biofeedback(Bruno Gröning). • ■γ Telekinesis: As opposed to ■ β(psychokinesis excluding telekinesis), here primarily refers to moving/changing primarily inanimate objects without touching or other conventional means, possibly by affecting matter's or surrounding matter/air's field. γi -Most common one is touch involved spoon bending By Average People: Multiply witnessed entry level spoon bending parties show almost all people use some force when bend, 279
39: Field Manipulation->Telekinesis
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field: ■γ Telekinesis: i-Spoon Bending: • But in rare cases metal visibly continues to bend or spiral on flat surface after it leaves hand or use of light force bends 20mm+ dimeter iron bars)(Ja Houck, Geller[JB Alexander, Victor Weisskopf]+): • This type of event was actually participated by numerous mainstream Western academics on unofficial basis, also held at INSCOM(USA) to the degree Russia/China does: but western main media is structured to deliver uniform debunking all of psychic tech(Stubblebine+) compared to diversified media reporting content at non west. Also collective emotion seems to help to amplify ability as synergy effect, • Average mass of people also demonstrate by affecting random number generators?(Roger Nelson+). Existence of psychokinetic Chicken(D Radin+). • For high performer effects: Psychokinetically moving inanimate objects (Vinogradova[V Adamenko], Ronny Marcus+), Scatter laser beam (Kulagina[Khokholov+], Yan Xin[ - Li Shengping]+), Deflect ultrasonic beam(JP Girard+), have an object stay up in the air for a few seconds-minutes before dropping(Ermolaev, ЭД Шевчик[ВА Загрядский]+), Measurable electric field generated by still body(Dean Kraft[HS Dakin]+) or Detected electrically charge around moved object, Change composition of liquids(includes “charged water” idea), Works in Faraday Cage i.e. at least some telekinesis is not based on Electro Magnetic nature(ГН Дульнев, ВВ Тонков+). Psychokinesis ability training & effect certification is offered (Института биосенсорной психологии+). -->>cont: 280
40: Electrical Effects, Red Sand Palm+
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field: ■γ Telekinesis: i : Cause some practisers to get tired easily or heart beat rapid increase(Kulagina+) or become sensitive to electrical effects while others don’t(ВВ Авдеев+). Light up bulb by mind only with no plug-in (J Gallenberger+), Some hand brick breaking appears to work anomalously with "Qi" effect (eg hand breaks multiple bricks successively with softer blow(not "conventional martial art" very hard & fast blow): hand remains soft & bruise free. Or break only bottom two bricks of 3 by choice): Cinnabar Palm, Cosmos Palm, Red Sand Palm/ etc, • Teleportation(possibly materialization)( - Zhang Baosheng[ - Song Kongzhi, - Lin Shuhuang+], Saibaba[Haraldsson], Geller[J Hasted+]: but controlled success rate is very low- highest is about 50% range, various super slow video shots indicate some kind of soliton effect causes object to penetrate through barrier matter): some kind of "hole" is made temporarily to pass thru. Compared to experimental claims, some top mentalists' tricks of apparent telekinetic/teleport effect is often identical(S Frayne[Dynamo], C Takayama+), Materialization/ “Conjuring”: of Paramagnetic matter(Ste Braude+), Edibles(Da Thompson[Zammit], W Schneider[Schrenck-Notzing]+), ”People”, Animals under daylight seance(Car Mirabell[Brazilian President & senior politicians, military, police and socially high ranking group of 100+]), (M Béraud - E Carriere[Charles Richet+]+), but ectoplasm based materialization seems all temporary, also unclear whether/both “dead consciousness"or "pretend entity" projecting OR medium’s imagination, or even 3rd party viewer's expectation or all combined, are creating the apparition(eg sometimes cartoon like or “monster-lizard” looking thing shows up),(Mi Tymn, Haraldsson+), 281
41: Telekinesis as Emotional Effect
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field manipulation: γ -Telekinesis: i : • Control growth enhancement/retardation/mutation of bacteria(CB Nash, Bev Rubik, Dennis Adams[Ambrose Worrall, Rauscher]+), Some strong effects are not willfully controlled or repeatable(eg poltergeist effect[see p447,460,461], some apparent relation to emotions), Same phenomena is generated by heterodyne mixing of electromagnetic or scalar waves(Hutchison effect: p431). • Failed Telekinesis has what mainstream would call “fraudulent excuse” like complaining about feeling ambience or noise of the room, "photo of a person framed on the wall is blocking the effect”(Kulagina), or "negative" person’s presence is reducing the success ratio(K Batcheldor, W Roll+), • Even many repeatable effect demonstrators need some prior emotional preparation and concentration to create robust effect(АП Дубров & ВН Пушкин +). • Also majority of commonly claimed Telekinesis effect is limited to spinning of light foil in closed in glass container type(Андрей Гендинович Ли +) but similar motion making psychotronic devices would react to human subtle energy for almost all people(Egely Wheel). It is usually not claimed but specific acoustic entrainment frequency or psychotronic device should easily compromise or enhance performance without subjects' knowing. -->> cont: 282
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
42: Effect on Plans, Germs, Chemistry
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field: ■γ - Telekinesis : γii-Reduce pests, Seed rapid growth/reversing ripening in 5-10mins, Revitalize dead/dying roasted seeds, or Prolong seed's faster growth effects etc: time progress and reversal both?( - Yan Xin[ - Lu Zuyin], M Manning[ARG Owen, MR Barrington+], Geller[SR Sirag], Trivedi+). • Some can generate strong electrical or intense heating sensation with lasting skin mark or “medical healing” effect (Джуна Давиташвили[L Brezhnev+], Георгий Гурджиев[Stalin], “John Chang”[Jim McMillan, Gregory V Simpson+], M Manning[Karol Sikora, Brian Roet, David Frost+]+), and some bioelectrical generation is potent enough to boil water with own body produced electricity by holding two metal bars going into water(Славиша Пајкић - Биба Струја+). Killing cancer cells by qigong master was frequently measured, but some healers also show effectiveness(Dean Kraft[RS Hawke - Lawrence Livermore, and many other minor lab successes ]+), Pyrokinesis by martial art masters & others(Zhou Ting Jue, Jiang Feng, Chulin Sun, ЮА Лонго, Mi Raduga, Kulagina +) but untrained people with similar ability(Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng: cô gái hỏa hoạn, AW Underwood[LC Woodman]+) • γiii Apparent chemical transmutation & molecular change, Alter DNA etc( - Chulin Sun[ - Shen Jichuan], Dean Craft, Yan Xin, Geller[Wilbur Franklin, Eldon Byrd]+). But regular people's mind state also seems to alter their DNA(Pjo Garjajev, Dea Ornish, LE Carlson+) -->> cont: 283
43: Telekinesis Measurement Methods
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field: ■γ -Telekinesis: γiv Turning off/mulfunction/breaking electronic equipment(Pauli Effect), Change pH of water by 1 to 2 nonlocally with focused thought(pH by 1: W Tiller[psycho energetic science], by 2: ЕЕ Годик[Kulagina]+): this can easily kill someone if targeted blood's pH. • ■δ Effects measurement : a- - Kirlian photo(can instantly indicate biohealing effectiveness)(Chr Drossinakis[Korotkov, Ant Antonov+]+). b- Biophotons(Van Wijk+), c- Sense data: a few Telekinetic person as well as high performance martial artist can consistently demonstrate electroshock effect, thermal burn effect on people(also on electric meter), d-Molecular & atomic structural change, water structure(Li Sheng Ping+) and applicable in commercial biotech, chemical reactions, industrial process, malignant cell change( - Feng Lida+), Metal bars non contact bending(J Hasted+), or bar placed inside of test tube & bent psychokinetically has anomalous molecule/electrical reaction(JP Girard[Charles Crussard: Sheet metal authority in France, J J Trillat: President of French Academy of Science in 1970s+]+), e-Alter DNA(Gar Yount+), • f-Subject’s brain wave measurement to confirm non local signal sending-receiving effect(different location)(Liu Guolong+), g- Induction of magnetic fields over meridian/chakra points, Thermal energy measurement for remote qi energy projection(infrared temperature distribution), Biological magnetic field control capability has been tested(I Swann, M Manning[B Josephson+], Geller, Ronnie Marcus+), 284 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
44: Technology Mainstream Status/Use
• ->>cont: Field generated by thoughts & human body: ■ε: ■ε BioEnergetic Field technology mainstream status. Most of Western Europe, US/Canada, Australia/NZ, its status is officially pseudoscience yet significant activities & research continue even at part of mainstream academics. • Soviet/Russia officially recruited & trained psychically talented people since 1920s(Interior Ministry(НКВД/ОГПУ[АВ Барченко, ЛЛ Васильев, ГИ Бокий+]), Even now Senior officials including Internal Affairs, military, and intel, claim all key nations(and some large corporate, NGO etc) are covertly operating “psychic” program run by mainstream type high level academic in charge(БТ Литуненко, ВИ Сафонов, АГ Спиридонов, АС Бузинов, АГ Спиркин, АВ Коржаков[ИД Фомин], Юрий Малинин +): this includes effects similar to some dramatic ones(far beyond confirmed by official lab or experimental reports) demonstrated by mentalists or martial artists, and program is sometimes synergized with electronic based torsion field/psychotronic technology for effect amplification. • In Soviet/Russia before yr 2000 it reached the point daily prime time nation wide major TV network’s remote healing 15mins session(including claims of charging water/cream etc[from both healer and audience] when placed them in front of TV) provided in 1990s with millions claiming positive results and request for continuation but the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience in RAS(p425-429) & some of media(backed up by west) criticized government for allowing it and subsequently banned. -->> cont: 285
45: Tech Use in Russia, China etc
• ->>cont: Biofield: ■ε Biofield technology mainstream status: Russia/Soviet/CIS: Previously classified technology including biofield reading/affecting became available on market during Yeltsin era, and after incumbent president came in, many of those programs started to be classified and most of them at government & intel/military officially ended before 2006 after successful application at Chechenya wars etc (Вишневецкий & Кадочников, АЮ Савин, НА Шам+)(eg: бесконтактный бой, other psychic/extrasense applications), while those who were involved are offering services to civilians(АЛ Лавров+) (pup.by, Система Кадочникова+). Even very top position Gov't/Military people in Russia still talk about use of psychics or astrologers at interviews (S Shoigu, A Serdyukov+). • Although Russia generally utilizes psychics far more openly at mainstream level, "charismatic type" with many followers is often suppressed(GP Grabovoi[officially worked for Uzbekistan govn’t aviation safety], N Levashov+)- slightly similar way as popular Qigong(not just Falun Gong) masters were suppressed, many of them had "psychic level" healing ability and were also able to teach how do it. BioField tech status is generally higher to significantly higher in non Western ally nations (generally lowest in Nordic & North America) even amongst advanced nations(eg Brazil, India+), Eastern Europe(eg Romania, Bulgaria+), or a few Western ally nations with quasi or official government status(eg Japan, Philippines+) Also for biofield related effect technology segment with even lower social /academic status or more "bizarre claims"(also outrageous claims p468-473+). -->> cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Used "Copy & Paste" 1: How It Works • Torsion Field: Use of Copying & Imprinting: It appears Specific Matter's Own Unique Frequency(ies) can be Copied & Pasted on to other matter like Magnetization possibly under ideas such as Torsion Field(Info Carrier of chemistry-physics in its absence), Huygens synchronization(when close enough it matches to another frequency), or Hologram concept: via "subtle electrics" • One method is to place solenoid coil around original matter/liquid to digitally record its frequency, then give coherent EM field exposure of the original frequency by re-emitting it to target matter/liquid in order to imprint/re-record onto target matter). Or instead of Electric(EM) Field, prolonged fixed frequency laser can be irradiated for re-recording for certain material. • Actual effect of above can be imprinting onto medium’s molecule spin oscillation/molecule bonding angle etc to start resonating with medium’s frequency? • ”Residual or ghost” effect(change quality of mass by “information carriers & information”). One example of this "spin torsion memory" can be Aspden effect(Stopped spinning matter after continuously spun, can be re-sped up to original speed in either direction with far less than conventional physics low requires(about 1/10th of initially required energy): indication of lag in inertia/virtual inertia exists)(this effect is not pseudoscientized, still simply ignored and practically banned from publishing in mainstream journals) -->>cont 287
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Used "Copy & Paste" 2: Imprinting to Water • -->>cont: Torsion Field Use of Copying & Imprinting: Examples: • ●i-Water Imprinting: A-”Alcohol” to get drank with no side effects(Kleinert, АА Деев, ВА Соколов +), B-Tan lotion as a Drink: eg Osmosis Skincare(B Johnson), C-“Water based DNA Polymerase” Chain Reaction- PCR(A Tedeschi+), • D-“Medicine“: Фитококтейли Маркова, Infoceuticals, Малавит: (ВМ Дворников+), but also useable as undetectable Sports Doping(Palyushev+). Major effect used as mainstream in some nations as Homeopathy(India, Switzerland, France+) but homeopathic potentization(stronger chemical/mineral/essence effect when there is none of it in water) is still mostly officially treated as placebo; • It is rarely known & usually ignored some of homeopathy's peer reviewed journals report(only light symptom effect is allowed in mainstream medical journal and that is even rare[eg EPI3: Grimaldi-Bensouda+], and usually even 90% satisfaction rate light symptom product report is not allowed to publish unless it's about debunking [eg Oscillococcinum]) far beyond conventional med effectiveness in serious disease including types of advanced pancreatic cancer(Aradeep Chatterjee, Pra Banerji, D Christner+[Enercel: Acupuncture Point Injection],+), but performance can radically differs by each practitioner(Raj Sankaran, Abh Patil+), • Incidentally, Homeopathy is saddled with "quadruple insurmountable pseudoscientific mechanism" according to mainstream science and in short term 288 there is no hope for full western acceptance. -->>cont:
"Copy & Paste" 3: Water only Medicine • -->>cont: Torsion Field Use of Copying/Imprinting: ●i D-Water only medicine: Homeopathy's multiple Pseudoscientific Mechanism: • These issues are likely too great to overcome short term even ignoring other geopolitically negative factors(from mainstream perspective) like its peer reviewed top performers' disruptive effectiveness in serious chronic disease and low cost, & low tech unexclusivity(unpatentable), fast production & great results without side effect(no new disease) on vaccine use(another very profitable and mainstream admitted military intel linked element): • 1-Diagnosis of symptom requires not just current disease, but "unrelated things" like how patient feels about relationships, job, family, diet, past trauma, and current emotional state & life challenges, then decide what remedy combo to use, 2-Remedy is basically only herbs/mineral/animal extraction to works as cure for disease, 3-Patients take the herb, by a manner of its chemical /nutrient /medicine transferred to water, but it's done so without any of original herb matter/essence in it. 4-In order to produce this pseudo-scientific "magic water" with nothing else in it, all you need to do is to first shake water with herb content, then continue shaking & diluting with more water till there is no original herb content in it, in order to have best effects.. These make extremely easy for mainstream to "prove null effect" of homeopathy by mal application /interpretation while justifying soundness of debunking research. -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste 4: Imprinting to Matters etc
• ->>cont. Torsion field quality: 7 Copy & imprint element; ●i-Water imprinting: E-: • E- Tertiary replication of frequency from water treatment device to “less structured” water to have it become more structured water: Oscillation memory etched(imprinted) water treatment device(2ndary copy) reemits signal to affect water(3ertiary copy). This type of lattice structure metal or aluminum Water treatment device's sinalling capacity is often produced by prolonged laser pulse exposure(Kar Wagner, U Holst+)(Merus ring+), • ●ii-Matter; a-Copy medicinal effect to plain powder tablets(Dulnevym+), Imprint subtle bio signal to toothpaste, cream etc so that they re-emit biofield stimulating signal(AfalinaS+) b-Duplicate surrounding’s spin oscillation of organism thru fluid(Aliyev+), c-Enclosed water in solid container to trigger whole uniform resonance: Compensatory Magnetic Oscillator(Fillip-Robin+)+, d-Copy or alter crystallization of fluid solutes, e-Mineral/ceramic/steel carries “fertilizer info” & water to “multiply” it: Penergetic(Plocher+)+, f-Combustion /electrical efficiency wave emitting ability to another matter, • ●iii-Others; α-“Haunted site” or Psychometry imprint, β-Imprint effect can be pre-conditioned /amplified by *Schumann resonance in background(+-7.8hz as base freq., ELFExtremely Low Frequency EM wave:),(Montagnier, G Vitiello+), Also it triggers “free energy extraction”(B Bass, N Wootan+), -->> continue 290
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste 5: Schumann Used Imprinting • ->>cont: Torsion field wave quality: 7 Copy & paste/imprint element; ●iii-Others; β-Imprint effect & Schumann resonance: • * Schumann frequency is quasi Standing Wave resonance in a Massive Cavity/waveguide covering entire Earth surface upto Ionosphere 80km+ above: Considering what small cavity does to rocket(p171,172) etc, It should have large influence on earth & habitats, & It is to be influenced by planets in solar system: • This is Russian mainstream level idea, also western military/science discussed but media usually ridicules: optional or covert capability of below i & particularly ii (Geo-engineering application is described at p431,432[1A]): • i-Schumann Resonance Control as huge geo-engineering switch (Eastlund, Bill Hayes+), by EM ELF wave amplified from ionosphere working as “long wire antenna” by projecting ELF modulated UHF-EHF pulse wave to it from ground (Streltsov, V Sorokin+) etc, at SURA, EISCAT, SPEAR, CRIRP, SuperDARN, GWEN, HIPAS, NERC MST, NEXRAD, JORN, SBX-1, upgraded HAARP etc, or unknown compact facilities/radar stations/ships/radio transmitters/unused 15km+ long power lines: usually need freq. etc adjustments from regular use. Augmentable by electro-conductive aerosol spray, or satellite reflector. Other methods: High altitude nuclear EMP, Wave coupling, EM acoustic wave [Scalar], Laser +), 291
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste 6: Schumann For Other Torsion Use • ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: Copy & paste/imprint element; Others; -Imprint effect & Schumann resonance: • ii -Directly enhance/alter brain & bio-functioning of animals/human, Strong phase coherence with cerebral activities at 3-30hz range(Koenig, Sidrov, Persinger, Robescu, GJF MacDonald, R McCraty+/ also NASA+), hence “peopleinfluencing” type option exists. And this option seems to have been exercized by Soviet against West in 1970s/80s(Puharich+)(p475: phase array antenna) • Also not Torsion field but similar brain insert operated various functions are claimed, Some are partially mainstream accepted: ■Brain wave based mind reading or via computer only communication/computer brain interface(Tos Yamazaki, Kai Miller, Al Cowen+), Personal identification to replace finger print by "brain print"?(Sar Laszlo+). Simple wearable intention(brain wave) reading biofeedback device/toy for wide range of applications for future(NeuroSky[Mattel Mind Flex, Uncle Milton Force Trainer, Square Enix], Emotiv+). Something this obvious is still debunked by core mainstream as illusion. • ■Transcranial direct current stimulation(tDCS) use for knowledge uploading to brain(Mat Phillips+), ■Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Limbs are now widely available(Nat Crone+)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste 1: • ■ TERAHERTZ WAVES: Although it is EM wave(transversal), Terahertz(Thz, T-ray)'s effects resemble Torsion wave(longitudinal, non-Hertzian wave)'s in many aspects, and sometimes actual distinction might be blurred, interchangeable, or irrelevant. • Thz(0.1 or 0.3 - 3, 10, or 30Thz) has also been called Millimeter wave(mmw)/Extremely High Frequency (EHF):(0.03 or 0.1 - 0.3Thz) prior as established name. Some speculate name fudging-change was used by Western medical group & backers to appeal to the mass "Thz hasn’t been used for medical cure(see next page) & irrelevant for such purpose but only good for scanning use for medical & industrial purpose”: Usually Thz naming is segregated from Millimeter/EHF, • While Torsion wave(spin wave) is western science denied, conventionally non-measurable vector-less wave created by various methods: One way to make is fast rotate matter while it has electromagnetic pulse(Torsion field), or phase conjugated pair of waves(Scalar wave) -->>cont: 293
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
2: Bio Activation
Copy & Paste
• -->>cont: ■ TERAHERTZ WAVES: • Enhanced Electrical/Combustion/Bio Activity etc: as Western mainstream ignored mmw effect(also happens at FIR[Far InfraRed] waves): fringe Japanese research(even with multinational takeover[under "Japan xxx Trust"], Japan’s tradition continues for their mainstream conglomerates to have some relationships with them as technical sub-contractor to develop “pseudo-scientific” products & it is fair scale commercialized but usually only domestically, exception: eg Phiten+). This effect is mainstream approved in Russia/China/South Korea+, • Torsion vs Thz SIMILARITY 1 A- Wide range of Medical & Bio benefits(as Millimeter wave/EHF therapy, "Subtle energy" in torsion etc: deemed some type of non-Herzian wave is also in effect), Tissue regeneration, DNA & matter altering, Mind related effect, anomalous Industrial process at specific mmw frequency(Epov, Devyatkov, Kirichuk, Strelnikova, XW Du, L Jin, Kulipanov,Q Wu, T Sugi, Jul Brooks+) eg Emerson Effect. Western mainstream researches some of it(T Globus, Gelmont+) but publicly declares minimal bio benefit. -->>cont: 294
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste 3: Electrical, Combustion Enhancement • -->> cont: Torsion vs Thz SIMILARITY 1 : Enhanced Electrical/Combustion/Bio Activity etc: B- Low subtle energy which is emitted by all matters, & its high activated state is associated with increased negative ion presence: ●i- To activate electron movement or/& ●ii- To neutralize excess positive ion or oxidation state of matter/water, ●iii- Certain magnetic field generates FIR/THZ wave. • C-Non-linear resonance, D-Bio molecule resonance is located in Thz region, i.e. effective bio coherence creator & indicator(Gurel+), E-Astronomical distance H2O, N, C etc detection, • F-Instantly affect H bonds & solutes molecule in H2O(Havenith+), G-Dielectric Relaxation occurs in water with no electric field, H-Similarly, causes Kerr & Franz-Keldysh effects(Novelli+) -“virtual” efield?, • I-Useful for metamaterial making, J-Quantum hall effect relation(Sarfatti, Shimano+), 295
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
4: Oscillation & Resonance
Copy & Paste
• Torsion vs Thz SIMILARITY 2: Idea itself(not processing method) of “imprinting Thz wave” to water or silica type matter for wave re-emission: Similar copy basics might be: A- Surveying or scanning takes large energy, but just like catalysis, self oscillation(weak FIR type minute self vibration) takes no external energy, B- Needs to adjust imprint carrier frequency to matter’s absorbable resonating level C- Spin polarity change, • D- Alter lattice structure when resonated by prolonged pulse or incoherent/different wave exposure, E- Oscillation template effect: cause new resonance to other matter(Vollmers, M Tanaka, Shin’ou, Shima+), sort of like science illegal simpler way of Negative Index Metamaterial making, F- Some of wave re-emission effect causes self micro energy/electricity generation, • Torsion vs Thz DIFFERENCE: "Effect" transferring/imprinting methods, or some effect characteristics- eg: A- Thz doesn't seem to have “solenoid coil around imprint media”, or prolonged resonating laser pulse exposure on lattice structure method like Torsion, -->>cont: 296
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste 5: Torsion & Terahertz Difference • -->>cont: Torsion vs Thz DIFFERENCE: • B- Some T-ray effect quickly fades, or easily loses by x-ray/microwave irradiation, D- FIR/Thz wave treated silica melts snow faster than untreated one - effects lasts for for 2-5yrs. Some products demonstrate this every time: Can it be more aptly explained than by Quantum Melting macroscopic effect/"Lindemann ratio gap"?, ie macroscopic example of quantum fluctuation/ZPE,(also p22 ■4-f-1) • C- Thz wave is blocked by metal: limited imprinting ability, but Torsion wave penetrates all matter including faraday cage, E- Some bio effect of FIR/Thz imprinted device seems much stronger than Torsion imprinted matter, F- Thz can increase insulation factor & reduce water condensation on glass(Muneta+) • G- Characteristic Thz imprinting processes: ●i-Use water as medium(K Hatanaka, K Masumoto+) to copy high FIR/Thz emitting mineral/herb to solid matter by: mixing mineral/herb & would-bewave-emitting-device-material in same pressurized container with water in it as "recording medium”: -->>cont: 297
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste 6: Difference 2 • -->> cont Torsion vs Thz DIFFERENCE: G- Characteristic Thz imprinting processes: ●i-Use water as medium: • Example of imprinting by placing original essence matter & new medium to be imprinted in a confined space: 1-Sub/SuperCritical water type pressured and high temperature treatment, 2-Simultaneously or immediately followed by exposure to Constant Electric field-EM wave(mostly in UV, Microwave, FIR, Thz, ELF/ULF range or light frequency- or also their short pulse exposure), 3-Distillation & condensation, Accentuated sudden change of conditions, 4-Repetition of above process over and over. But Torsion/Scalar imprinting is more like prolonged exposure of essence matter's electric field or resonating frequency in EM pulse to new medium. • ●ii-But sometimes mere soaking/coating matter with "oscillating water" under ambient pressure & temperature also seems to do the temporary job, • ●iii-Can get same effect by simply coating nano particles of certain Thz/FIR emitting minerals like titanium without above imprinting process, done by semi-nano size shot peening to fuse with substrate matter(Y Hirata+), ●iv-Thz methods seem to make matters bioactive more effectively than Torsion method when imprinting into new medium made of Plastic, Fabric, Rubber, Paint, Feather, Micro crystals, For details see report[Four level of Low Cost..] and look up "Phase Catalyst Water" -->> cont: 298
Copy-Paste 1 • ■ TERAHERTZ(vague definition: 0.1 or 0.3 - 3,10, or 30Thz) vs FAR INFRARED(3-30Thz), vs "CHARGED "CARBON, vs ELECTRON EMITTER • Thz vs FIR SIMILARITY : A-Crossed over frequency, B-Partially Mainstream Science illegal medical & bioactivation effects(substantial enough to replace part of mainstream medical with low cost if publicly endorsed), C-Self micro electric current generation effects(media level pseudoscience), • Thz vs FIR DIFFERENCE:Imprinting method: FIR(Far InfraRed) wave or its biomineral info imprinted Ceramic, Fibre, or Plastic sometimes differ from Thz copying method(EMbalance.com, gaiapower jp, KWD.jp, Akatsuka FFC, WorldKlass, Biopower gear+), A-In Thz, Super/SubCritical water treatment is used more often, while in FIR, Mixing & Baking method seemed to be more predominant: Original bacteria or mineral to be imprinted is baked with ceramic at 1000-1300°C, so living organism is supposedly dead, yet its “information”, or FIR oscillation is imprinted into new medium, & new FIR frequency generated ion is emitted from copied medium/device for 1-5yrs, or max 20yrs+, B-Thz uses mineral nanoparticle fuse method more frequently than FIR(material is “fused” with substrate, not surface layered coating).
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy-Paste 2: Difference • -->> Thz vs FIR DIFFERENCE:Imprinting method: • These overall pseudoscienctized copying methods can be interpreted as semi-permanent partial shifting of normal mode vibrational frequency of one item to another: Original essence matter & newly imprinted medium become partially "vibrationally same specie" by copying & imprinting process? - Does imprint process involve alteration of molecule bond length or angle that changes frequency absorption? i.e. equivalent of Coupled Vibrations effects/Fermi Resonance/Electronic effects, and Supercritical water method causes Hydrogen bonding change? • Minerals used in imprinting or its "frequency copy": Guerite, Silica, Maifan, Tourmaline, Shungite, Saugin, Tenko-seki, Limonite, Zeolite, Magny+, Also wide range of herbs are used. Thz/FIR bioactive/bioenhancing effect itself is actually mainstream science accepted and only occasional western media labeled pseudoscience(& PR firm hired to emphasize?) :(2.5-30μm FIR range EM wave is linked to most nonmetal physical matter resonance frequency & has various unorthodox bio effects upon prolonged irradiation, this is easily testable by using mainstream IR spectroscopy to check wave absorption peak of living organism): ->> cont 300
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
1: Applications • ■ CARBON/CHAR, ELECTROSTATIC, & COLDPLASMA DEVICE(all seem to involve microplasma effect: accompanying UV/EM field/Radical species/charged particles), Similar bioenhancing effect is measured and commercialized by activation mechanics(not imprinting) of being exposed to ultrahigh pressured compressed carbon powder: Ohki Techno Carbon Wave(Tak Ohki)+, or Burying specially processed solid hardwood biochar underground or mixed in concrete/building material:(OrgaHexa+), or "negative ion" effect, Microplasma/Electrostatic projection:(Maruko Denshi , JemSys jp +), • When limit the effects to conventional cold plasma mechanics(unlike above listed types, not usually involving FIR/Thz) based disinfection & healing wounds, there is a surprising effort to approve and even promote this low cost effective technology by western mainstream(IonMed BioWeld, Adtec SteriPlas+). Different appearance & effect but pseudoscientized Orgonite has same base mechanics?(p372). • Also note: ●Japan has “major fringe” level of new age type products by using Thz/FIR, ●Bioceramic FIR oscillation range is linked to medical use “Rife devices” frequencies(Sh Vissman+), ● FIR devices can be resonating with bioorganism in standing wave form(Tos Komuro[Platinum Photon]+). ->> cont
2: Identification • ■ MISIDENTIFICATION: This presentation might misidentify Thz vs FIR vs Torsion etc product mechanics due to their similar effects, & sellers' evasive mechanics explanation: A) Some devices contain all three capacity processed materials, B) Frequency crossover happens between Thz & FIR wave, • C) Last page's high electron absorbing carbon material combined with electrically active minerals(eg Tourmaline), and electron repelling metals or electron projecting devices has same bioactive effects(MetalMega jp+) by causing "perpetual electron movement": This mechanics also links to "orgonite" for weather effects(p372) • D) Photocatalysis also has similar “anomalous versions” (mainstream use but largely confined to Japan): mainly Tungsten Trioxide(WO3) or Titanium Dioxide(TiO2) with FPB(p184) treated, doped-modified etc. -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
3: Commercialization Examples • >>cont. Thz vs FIR: ■ MISIDENTIFICATION: There are No-UV-required(science legal) or even No-light-required (part illegal, more of metal ion like reaction) "photocatalytic" devices. This anomalous photocatalytic matter's function area/capability sometimes exceeds individual Thz, FIR, Torsion effect when combined (eg Ecoprize jp, Seiwa inc Kogyo, Platinum Photon, Fujico HardFacing MaSSC, Photo+), • E) This is not about identification issue but ceramic paint with FIR/Thz natural resonance frequency(hollow/vacuum ceramic microsphere based etc) appears to match or slightly exceed 150mm thick conventional insulation material equivalent performance(AZ Technology, Insuladd, Hy-Tech Thermal Solutions, Superior Products International Super Therm, Miracool jp+), or by 500nm ceramic use(Admatechs Toyota - Adgreencoat +), or ceramic paint that might far exceed conventional insulation available (Enbio SolarBlack, Magnovent Isolating Paint, ATFI Cerablak, GAINA insulating paint, +). • Often they can display surface static control & self cleaning effect. Effective insulating paints are used as std process in electronics, space, & some industrial purpose while a part of same large corporate user groups seem to fund pseudoscientization campaign in Anglo America(not much in Europe & mainstream approved in Japan) for residential application(common practise of disruptive tech treatment by "trusted" mainstream NGO/media/government etc)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
4: Applications, Magic Cards Make up • Commercial Thz Tech eg: Freshy/SolarSand, Santa Mineral, Spinor Stella, Minimal Catalyst MICA, Yav-1/Явь-1, Ecomile Thz, seal +
• A few political leaders, pro athletes etc known for above medical tech use • Example of Potent “Magic Cards”/"Energy cards"/"Healing pendant" mechanics can be: Muti-layered ferro/paramagnetic symmetry sheets with bioceramic, herbal, cotton, aluminium, silica, some plants(eg Rudraksha) etc or its oscillation, processed by phase conjugated wave for prolonged duration(or EM Thz wave?), to alter atom spin structure to create a monopole magnet like "vacuum gate", or scalar wave emitter?(Dav Wagner?, Tonomura, Koltsov+). • More conventional wording to explain can be: layers of different electrical potential electroconductive & dielectric materials/insulator, would generate micro current/micro EM field/micro FIR wave irradiation for bioenhancement effect(Sat Moteki+), but in some cases this non-Hertzian wave based "subtle energy" effect can be allegedly disproportionally large physical scale("overunity": indication of information based energy): This idea links to "Orgonite" idea with weather effects(p372) -->>cont: 304
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out Highly Anomalous Unknown Matter • ORME: acronym of white powder that is claimed to be "Orbitally Rearranged MonoAtomic Element"(Patent: Dav Hudson) /ORMUS/WhiteGold Powder/M-State Matter of metal/Monoatomic Gold/Primary Matter/Powder form of gold etc: • Has a string of inconsistent yet very unusual claims. Various indications it was identified prier to 1980s in Soviet Russia, or ancient India, also likely each product seems to be actually significantly different with shared basic qualities of unusual electrical properties. Fairly large number of esoteric type producers in West in connection to pharmaceutical element. • It might reveal a part of fundamental nature of officially unknown super low cost physics mechanics: 1-Sustained room temp SuperConductivity, 2-Compact low temp/low energy fission, 3- Compact low temp/low energy Transmutation, 4- Physical conjuring/materialization effect? 5- New state of matter at room temp, 6- Occasionally induce extraordinary heightened biofunction & mental clarity, 7- Potential link to Scalar/Torsion field type effects: 305
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out -2 “Re”-Discovery & Identification • ■1: ORME/ORMUS invention(Dav Hudson): Some std scientific protocol based experiments seem to exists but practically no officially published paper in direct relation(Puthoff?, J Milewski+), claimed to be unidentifiable inert matter by leading universities'/labs' Elemental Analysis by conventional Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometers (burning lasts 15-20sec), or other varied results show mix of silica + calcium, bentonite(this in itself has some bioenhancing claims) type or often other elements like precious metals. • But measured by unconventional Soviet method of customized 300sec types & after 70seconds it shows to contain Palladium(Pd), Platinum(Pt), Rhodium(Rh), Ruthenium(Ru), Iridium(Ir), Osmium(Os). Conventionally only identifiable as "errors": inert mater with mass/weight/chemical element seems to change by time/magnetic field etc at same temperature/pressure. • Due to fundamentally different quality it is not even usual well coordinated mainstream debunking target. No clear trace of classified research found about this material. • Many ORMUS related claims have few replications even by inventors, but at least unconventional & pseudoscientific low cost methods of producing nonmetal like powder from conventional metal is replicated frequently, some by commercial producers though methods are not disclosed. 306
- 3 Levitating White Powder? • ■2: ORMUS Material characteristic claims: i -Rapid "matter evaporation" effect under its unsublimable condition, or "becomes EM(light frequency) wave or particle" under direct sun light and certain EM wave irradiation(some call it weight/density changing, or even claim “dematerializing”), • Also conventional matter in contact with ORMUS might have levitation effect under certain conditions. There are fundamentally different types of anomalous EM properties found by lab tests(Pat Bailey+), Higher concentration found in fresh volcanic ash, salt water, some soil+ • ii-Evaporation might start with what appears to be levitation effect(ie superconducting?)(D Nance+), or can be "explosive banishment with flash of light" when dry. Some rapid effects accompany gamma ray emission(Dav Hudson+), low temp fission? • iii-White powder, oily form and might be different state of metal(including heavy metal - yet bioenhancing)(Ma Pitkanen+) Product might be mineral mixed in with conventional material(powder of silica, calcium carbonate+)(Barry Carter+), -->>cont: 307
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out Unusual Mental Clarity
• -->>cont: ■2: ORMUS Characteristic claims: • iv-Bioactivation effect on plants/animals when ingested(And Noack+), frequently much more than majority of other pseudoscientized effects of 10-20% improvement level(magnetic water, Far Infrared wave irradiation etc): causes excitation of water molecules in bioorganism to increase its rubustness( +), close to likes of Sonic Bloom types(p261). Quantum coherence type effect biologically & electrically: Quasiparticle, Superconductive • v-Unusually high mental clarity & enhanced brain wave function accompanied with general bioenhancement(Dav Kane+), Significantly increased rate of lucid dreams, including for those who didn't even remember most dreams prior(Barry Carter+), Rare case of ORMUS producers passed clinical tests & professional witnesses (Alphalearning Institute+)(Etherium Gold - Aulterra / Harmonic InnerPrizes)+, also EM scrambling wave neutralizing effects, or affecting DNA favourably(G Rein+), More like a part of spiritual practise to be qualified for ingestion to get positive physical effects(Chr Emmons+), Anomalous bio effects including significant medical cure type tests attribute to ORMUS' unusual EM wave properties(Dra Iliescu+), -->>cont: 308
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out
- 5 Philosopher’s Stone?
• ->>cont: ■2: ORMUS Characteristic claims: • vi-"5th state of matter", "atomically collapsed state"(J Milewski): regular periodic table elements seems to become largely non reactive(chemically neutral), but reacts to some magnetic field & might transmute into a different matter(K Rohla+). • vii-Significant resemblance to ancient document/culture’s Alchem/Chrysopoeia or Philosopher’s Stone idea: Had long been part of "mainstream science" but clear historical record of occult(R Ingalese+) & secret society involvement(Fra Albertus+), substantial occult connection(Hel Blavatsky+), sometimes officially banned by some gov'ts until 18th century but top physicists/chemists(Isaac Newton, Rob Boyle, Hen Brand+) of the era were significantly engaged(Lau Gardner, D William Hauck+) with unusual claims: • Prolonged natural disease free condition/biological longevity might be induced, Extraordinary mental ability, Signifcant medical cure(RA Bartlett+), Development of unconventional sense mechanism - "voice of God" - or hallucination?, Anomalous type of low temperature transmutation not even claimed by fringe modern academics(whole low temp transmutation is currently mainstream invalidated: p379,380): gold <-> white powder etc(EJ Holmyard+). 309
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
-6 Non-Biological Industrial Use?
• ->>cont: ■2: ORMUS Characteristic claims: • viii-Rare attempt for industrial application by disaggregation of metallic structure into nanoclusters & remove valance electrons/close electron shell structure: "orbital re-arrangement"(same condition is created by mainstream idea of nuclei superdeformation) & induce electron paring: gravity field, "thermodynamic overunity" energy production by frequency resonance at lab level success(coupling of clusters with "zeropoint field")(Gravity Control Technologies: Vikor Rozsnyay+): they claim to be additionally attempting "deliberate matter materialization", and "instant long distance communication". Also similar claim of zeropoint/vacuum field based instant seamless/rivetless 3d materialization method of manufacturing exists(S Greer+), One of Hutchison effects shows resemblance(p431), Also slightly resembles repeated success claims of electric field based abiogenesis(p465-10) • ix-ORMUS ingestion might show exaggerated version of: already mainstream claimed Electron Tunnelling effect's at biological system contribution to bioenhancement(Del Guidice,+), hence biological superconductivity(EH Halpern, MW Ho+). Also powder itself is claimed to have tunnelling effect when repelling effect is observed under certain magnetic field exposure(Barry Carter+), 310
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out -7 Mainstream Science Link? • ■3: Mainstream science phenomena with seeming link to ORMUS claims: i -Simple observation effects & similarity: ◆a-Superconductivity expels magnetic field(Meissner Effect): Also ORMUS is well known to be expelled by magnetic field, many ORMUS producers/experts claim to have seen tunneling effects(Barry Carter+), ◆b-Widely accepted that colloidal gold or nanocluster gold has strong photothermal effect(high electron excitation by photon absorption): ORMUS might banish with lights, ◆c-Nanoparticle/nanocluster gold being anomalously magnetic might be related to "perpetual current"(Rom Gréget+): perpetual electricity, superconductive? Nanosize metals show various unusual properties but nano gold tends to have more of it & with unknown inconsistencies by conventional measurements(Vla Tuboltsev+), Same trend in bio-medial effect. ORMUS gold powder shares this character. • ii -SuperAtoms & Nano/MicroClusters: a-SuperAtom: multi atoms of one or more element(s)(microcluster, nanocluster) with “mono-atomic” characteristic that behaves like completely different element: Catalytic ability, melting point, or particle structure change etc(Kim Yamamoto & Tak Imaoka+), -->>cont: 311
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out -8 Science Link- Superatoms? • ->cont:■3: Conven-onal science phenomena linked to ORMUS? ii : SuperAtoms sebemblance to ORMUS: ✔ a: • O"en depends on specific resonance, nanogeometry, or # of atoms(eg Na, Al[Al13 is most common: Shi Kanna & AW Castleman], Pt[T Herrmannsdörfer, R König+], Au:Gold[H Häkkinen+] +). ie: Regular bulk metal characteris1cs of crystalline alters significantly at nanocluster. ➢At nanocluster made up of same # of atoms, its parQcle structure demonstrates mul1ple solid-to-solid phase changes as temperature gradient shi"s etc(RC Benirschke+), one of most stable structures is icosahedrons(at least for gold nanoparQcles: Hyunsik Kim+), this also applies to water structure(Mar Chaplin+), • ✔ b-SuperAtom in other words: ➢Strong bonds with closed electronic shells(ie inert) by small # of mulQple atoms(usually less than 200) as if they are in a single atom’s electron cloud(nano parQcles -> nanocluster): "Monoatomic" behavior, ➢“Magic clusters”, ➢Homogeneous character of atom clusters, ➢Nanosize parQcles of metallic elements, -->>cont: 312
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out -9 Science Link - Superdeformed Nuclei? • ->cont:■3: Conventional science linked to ORMUS? ii: SuperAtoms: • c-In some cases SuperAtoms indicate cooper pair formation(electrons won’t get knocked away from the path: superconductivity) at still mostly less than 150K(-123C), but some cases possibility to be able to raise it to room temp(Kresin & Ovchinnikov+) in future, • d-Metallic nanoclusters phase-change into non-metal quality: ➢Surface plasmon resonance disappear(no longer metal?), ➢Subnanocluster demonstrates “overunity” like catalyst/alloying effect (increased % is clearly more than surface area expansion(Yas Shimizu, Hid Yasuda+), ➢Gold becomes catalyst(van Bokhoven+), • iii-Super/Hyperdeformation of Nuclei: Some superdeformed nuclei(particle accelerator generated off-centre collision of two nucleus, doesn’t last long) of more than 2:1 ratio off sphere diameter of atom might demonstrate superconductivity, and become higher energy high spin state, can even fission(A Sandulescu, RK Gupta+), or demonstrate quantum tunneling(S Leoni, Lopez-Martens+): Would superdeformation itself promote electron paring(cooper pair)?, Also occurs at diatomic molecules(Den Bonatos, Daskaloyannis+). -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out - 10 Science Link - Disappearing Polymorph • -->>cont:■3: Conven-onal science phenomena linked to ORMUS? iii : Transmuta)on: This method can be used mainstream-science-legally (via nuclear reactor or par)cle accelerator) to make Gold from Bismuth, Mercury etc, many other elements are transmuted by this way(lead to gold is s)ll rejected by outdated academics), but produc)on cost is much higher than mining • ORMUS achieves same par)cle excita)on by unconven)onal super low cost methods?(Sewell Ward+) • iv-"Disappearing Polymorphs": mainstream accepted conven)onal idea of "exact same" method of manufacturing specific crystalline structure from same material yields different, inconsistent crystalliza3on results, in some cases it changes structures a7er once crystallized(Dunitz & Bernstein+): finally becoming science approved idea. Also confined water can form three kinds of ice phases(phase transi3on into amorphous, hexagonal, rhombic bilayer ice) at room pressure, depending on the Efield strength: differently from high pressure based crystal(Zhenyu Qian+). -->>cont: 314
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out - 11 Science Link - Superconductivity • -->>cont:■3: Science linked to ORMUS? iv : "Disappearing Polymorph" • ORMUS can be clearly affected by some household level electric appliances if less than 0.1m vicinity, Its researchers often claim geophysical, cosmological or weak EM wave/field related factor or even producing person's personality, mind, can significantly affect final product outcome(D Nance+): sign of "subtle biofield"? - Just like Disappearing Polymorph, inconsistent phase changes seem to occur in ORMUS even when treated by supposedly exact same conditions. • v -Cavity resonance of visible light freq EM wave based Room Temperature Bose Einstein Condensate(BEC) produced by trapping polariton(standing wave photon): quasiparticle(single unit behaving group of particles/Bosons)(Aya Das et al), or by Coupling between electron-hole pairs & photon field(JD Plumhof, Thi Stöferle +). At 2016 Even room temperature Supercurrent(macroscopic quantum condensate) is measured in BEC quasiparticle/Magnon/Quantized spin-wave by heat induced phase gradient wavefunction shift with laser pulse(DA Bozhko et al, semi disputed on interpretation): is it really only heat causing it as mainstream insists or also certain wave form pair of specific EM pulse frequency can affect? 315
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
- 12 Science Link - Superconductivity 2 • ->cont:■3: Conventional science phenomena linked to ORMUS?: v: • Many other ways to create low temp photon BEC(Mar Weitz+): Quantum coherence. Also similar mechanics seen in Time Dilation Effect generation methods(p433-444) • vi-Super minute second Room Temperature SuperConductivity is already mainstream acknowledged: infrared laser pulse modifies/shifts lattice structure to remove electrical resistance to enable high-temp superconductor(And Cavalleri+), or via "metastable" Metallic Hydrogen which is finally semi mainstream approved(Silvera & Dias) vii-Two dimensional superconductivity maintained even at ultra-strong magnetic fields; due to quantum mechanical wave of electrons not cancelled by three dimensional dilution: wave reinforcement is done by restricting electron standing wave layer to one electron thick(And Lebed+), viii-DNA superconductivity(Ali Kasumov, Pjo Garjajev+): Still debunked in West due to Russian connection? But DNA nanowire mix superconductor is officially recognized(Ale Bezryadin+), ix-Anti-Matter? • Some of accumulation/production methods of ORMUS/like material or GOLD from it(also p379): ■A- Magnetic repulsion & vortex form water to trap ORMUS from spring or ocean water(Miracule Water, CherokeeGold+), much less/no yield from processed salt/pure water, ■B- Chemical process of Metal by H2O2/HCl, or of Sea water by raising pH upto 10.75 with NaOH etc. -->>cont: 316
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
- 13 Production Methods • -->>cont: Production Methods : • ■C- Continuous heating of certain soil or organic/non organic matter, ■D- Condensing from air/flue gas and subsequently Gold(Анастасия Викторовна Дашкова(AV Dashkova) /Амурский научный центр Дальневосточного отделения Российской академии наук/Russian Academy of Science Far Eastern Branch+) • ■E- ORMUS related Silica/Glass + Microwave based disruptive orders of magnitude lower cost “pseudoscientific” Gold production method(Mar Burger, J Milewski+), some attempted commercialization(Blue Eagle Alchemy+) then quickly retracted(Other “pseudo alchemy”: p379,380), ■F- Similar claims to ORMUS i -Electrolysis use: ! F1-Metal slurry & white powder accompanied with ball lightning by Plasma torch of distilled water with resonance or mobius-figure8 strip(Vachaev, Egorov, Pavlova), Water might become visibly viscous after prolonged mobius strip circulation with extraordinary bioactivation effect(S Seike +), •
F2-By DC Electrolyzer: HydroPlasma: Revitalized Biogenic(ВМ Инюшин – VM Inyushin), ! F3-GANS: GAs in Nano Solid State - most similar to ORMUS in this "F" category, also they emphasize mental "attitude" during production(M Keshe: this specific tech effect seems valid but with several contradictory, inconsistent claims, or drastically unconventional tech mechanics explanation without experimentation or sufficient backup data from the inventor, though some of his world wide assistants /experimenters provide more coherent explanations), -->>cont: !
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
- 14 Other Likely Related Material • -->> cont: Some of accumulation/production methods of ORMUS/like material or GOLD from it:■F- Similar Claims to ORMUS: • ! F4-HHO fuel cell white deposits partially not conventionally identifiable?, or Accidental but frequent production of "mysterious white powder" by AC Electrolyzer (Kangen.co.jp: Hid Hayakawa), • ii -Nano gold: Fairly common mainstream academic/industrial production of colloidal gold or gold nanoparticles seem to demonstrate similar effect as ORMUS/"Monoatomic Gold" on biofunctioning, DNA, & electrical effects, • At current undeveloped stage ORMUS is sometimes recommended to self produce for own consumption since there is no std method to confirm if final product is genuine: Generally not possible to strictly differentiate from other matters/minerals/metals in powder form, Observation of production is critical identification method as production process itself is significantly to affect or change its quality, Unknown mental state and intent of producer when ORMUS collected becomes a product quality risk factor(some prominent researchers-producers seriously think mind affects product effectiveness by experience). • Creation of more comprehensive producers' association/coop/research group is desired by those involved.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Free Energy Inventors & “Dissident” Scientists: Other Evidence vacuum energy extraction type thoughts by inventors & dissident scientists: ● How do new stars get energy for explosion? ● Planck’s resonance hypothesis is overly discounted, ● Still denied Unruh Effect, ● Repeatedly recorded but ignored nuclear explosion test’s thermodynamic closed system based overunity effects(caused by rapid conversion of matter to energy before "spacetime can adjust itself"?: hence it can also accompany time/dimensional/gravity warp at right condition?). • ● Aharonov-Bohm Effect ignored in electrical engineering, ● 100volt/meter charge dif. at ground, Hand made electrostatic reaches 10,000v, • ● Sonoluminescence Cavitation-by Casimir force (ZPE)?(Schwinger+), ● “Energy induction”?: Shubnikov-de Haas-van Alphen, Hall Effect(Qoscillation) ● Atom’s Electron orbitals are standing waves?(Mi Wolff+) ZPE field entrance?+, 319
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Free Energy Inventors & Scientists: Other Evidence:2 • ->>cont: vacuum energy extraction type thoughts by inventors & dissident scientists: • ● Quantum noise can be amplified(PW Milonni+), Use of Torsion pendulum is effective, Also Geometry of conducting surface of Casimir plate significantly increases extraction(SK Lamoreaux+): Some of science legal micro generators goes beyond micro vibrations(p16-18, p25-28), macroscopic Persistent Current generating metals etc, a few of which are even commercialized, ● Why isn't there more research on boosting power of science legal microelectric generator from Casimir force? • ●Officially recognized photon extraction from ZPE field(p347), ● Weren't there often more crystal radio/foxhole radio received broadcasting during pre WW2 than with power transmitted? Mainstream skeptics exclusively skeptical only about non-mainstreamers; ● Why believe in groups who only question those who question authority?(Miles Mathis+), ●“Pseudoscience is like jailbroken iphone”: shouldn’t be admitted to exist & to be discussed by credible people, ● Scientists promoted by proving existing idea, not by questioning it, important to avoid “controversy” which is easily created by large media/PR firms & backers: 1-Compartmentalized ignorance, 2-Priority on fast profit, grants, career+ 320
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 1: Update • LENR is in “Virtual” acceptance of its effects by mainstream scientists: academically not beneficial to deny 3000+ western peer reviewed reports. Different hypothetical phenomena names exists: LENR, LANR(Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction), CANR(Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions), CMNS(Condensed Matter Nuclear Science) etc., Resonance based Widom-Larsen theory seems to be in lead. • • Some scientists focus on trivial effects & unreliability/impracticality as energy source, Now diminishing minority conservative groups ignore publicized data & speak as if nothing changed since 1990 (Koonin, Seaborg, Morrison+): these debunkers are less & less quoted even by many Western mainstream media(last gate keeper), while increasingly accepted by Science/non-English lang. media(non western, Europe), Subtle but rare Wikipedia split by language(eg Dutch/German vs English) • • “Official” acceptance might come upon before academic agreement on mechanics: how to overcome coulomb force(electrostatic repulsion), Helium transmutation in low temperature etc • • Wide range of variation/proprietary tech exists, particularly with heat generation: Nanoparticle/film coating, Acoustic cavitation/Sonoluminescence(often with notable radiation-neutron effects), Gas phase, Glow discharge, EM pulse +, • Known 10+ LENR patents granted in the world -This in itself unrelated to mainstream approval but important when tech is high profile & in major publicized debut state 321
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 2: Update/ Who is Involved? Usually ignored but many similarities with inventor energy techs: Endothermic effect(occurs with cold electricity), Faraday's low breaking over-unity hydrogen production(HHO): (T Mizuno+), Commonly observed(if measured) transmutation effects. • Who is involved? • Considerable overall public presence by Italian(largest European power importer) and American nationals, US Navy, but high likelihood of many unknown covert/clandestine /classified related research & deployed application involving corporate, govn't agencies, & military groups. • Active research at major corp(Toyota & Aisin, Vattenfall, ENEA, NASA, National Instruments, ST Microelectronics, Boeing, Nissan, Airbus, Mitsubishi Hvy+), At least participated in some level(Shell, US Navy, Chubu Electric, Saipem, Siemens+) • Mainstream linked research group(SRI, Elforsk-Energiforsk, Continuum Energy Tech, Technova, Kurchatov Ins+), multi billion investing company(Sunrise, Cherokee, Vanterra-TEM, Woodford +), gov’ts(US, Italy, Sweden, Russia, Japan, China, Ukraine+), official recognition by world largest financiers(BlackRock+), unnamed co.: Volvo? ABB? Gates foundation & geopolitically more neutral-diverse Breakthrough Energy Coalition(possibly conservative Western establishment unfavored)?+ 322
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 3: Commercialization Candidates • As of Sep 2017: Commercialized LENR generator is not mainstream endorsed/reported as valid. And rather unnaturally there is practically no official progress of technology towards commercialization by any of research companies for last 10+ yrs except the market leader (E-cat). But applying examples of other fringe inventors' various high efficiency power generators, it is probable that a dozen companies could have been running certain type of projects/prototypes /covert sales with a hold up for open full commercialization?: Following companies are general leaders 1-15 • 1- E-Cat: Energy Catalyzer/Leonardo Corp(A Rossi: Italy)& their associates continue: a- to claim/indicate expanding pilot & commercial projects(at least 20-100 or more units sold?), b- Web sites: ecat.com & ecat.tech(Ro Green: Australia)- order taking web pages(mostly mainstream ignored) have been active for a few yrs, marketing to industrial users, Mar 2016 Dispute over nonpayment of contracted funds with close US collaborator over the years Industrial Heat who suddenly now claims "e-cat doesn't work" at all. • ■ Warranty is COP>6 for 20yrs, Conditional sales: Require “routine duediligence process & compliance” by seller set criteria(non disclosure clause tied even to Western intel/military consent?- due to fundamental paradigm changing nature?), But actual efficiency is more like COP>20-50?, -->>cont. 323
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 4: Commercialization Candidates 2: E-Cat, Brilliant Light Power • -->>cont: 1- E-Cat : • ■ Industrial Units:i-1MW electricity generator, ii-Heat generator, and ”Current release is gathering useful data to feedback in preparation for the mass open production", ■ Residential units, Direct Electricity generator(Ecat-X), Mini 100W portable device(QuarkX): pending release, ■ Replication claimed(Ja Cole, Parkhomov+), ■ Targeted by persistent discrediting work of some LENR research insiders, • 2 Brilliant Light Power - Suncell: ex Blacklight Power(Ran Mills, US) insists mechanics is not cold fusion or LENR, claims prototype/commercialization ready since 2008 with no products sold, They have been receiving highly unusual mainstream responses (following ■ a-f) as “pseudoscientific free energy tech”: Compared to several 1000 inventor tech investigated, treatment of this tech shows signs of US (Western) establishment group split. It is possible some kind of preparation took place to allow official “free energy”(with this tech) from late 1990s but stopped. -->>continue
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 5: Commercialization Candidates 3: Brilliant Light Power: Replication • -->>cont: 2 Brilliant Light Power: geopolitically unique attributes: • ■ a-Distancing self from “Cold Fusion safe net”, yet Well funded by major mainstream investors (total 80million+) & US grant, seems to have escaped fraud charges/asset freezing/tech classifying/ “accidents” or “scandals”(common for high profile inventor "science law breaking" tech) over 20yrs, • ■ b- Mainstream scientists who debunked their tech became quiet when warned of lawsuit! (R Park, Ph Anderson, M Kaku, Pa Grant), ■ c- Top university/industrial academics risking career by endorsing(Te Copeland, Ja Push, He Weinberg, A Marchese, Ramanujachary, Ra Booker, R Maas+), Univ academic replicated (PM Jansson: Rowan univ, Ge Kroesen: Eindhoven +), while various major groups across west make strong effort to criticize(NASA, Nobel laureates+), • ■ d- US Patent was approved once then withdrawn after, ■ e- Top industry people participating, Sales pre-agreement with large industrial customers, >>cont: 325
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 6: Commercialization Candidates 4: Brilliant Light Power: Wiki War • -->>cont: 2 Brilliant Light Power: geopolitically unique attributes: • ■ f- Trace of significant Wiki “editing war” with over 3000 changes at company wiki entry: “pseudoscience debunkers” are well funded/manned and has extremely strong clout in wiki & usually wins easily(fringe editor often banned with no clear reason), but in “blacklight power” entry inventor side also seems to have clout or can afford to have many editors banned, • Mechanics explained clearly as a part of comprehensive new classical quantum physics theory: similar invention assertion/theory made by others(de Geus, R Carroll, Ma Goldes+) • ■ Atomic hydrogen reacts to various catalyst and reduced to lower than grounded state of energy(less than zeropoint energy state) called “Hydrino”, as hydrogen electron orbit shrinks. This reduced energy state allows energy release: Heat, Photon(light). This is one of their fully mainstream rejected claims but 2016's mainstream confirmation of Time Crystal(Nor Yao+) backs it up partially for "perpetual movement at ground state"(but no energy recovered), ■ Combination of many catalysts, Some of disclosed ones: Potassium, LiH, NaH etc -->>cont: 326
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 7: Commercialization Candidates 5: Brillouin, Phonon Energy etc • —>>Cont: 2 Brilliant Light(ex Blacklight Power): mechanics explanation: • ■ Atomic hydrogen reacts to various catalyst and reduced to lower than grounded state of energy(less than zeropoint energy state) called “Hydrino”, as hydrogen electron orbit shrinks. This reduced energy state allows energy release: Heat, Photon(light). This is one of their fully mainstream rejected claims but 2016's mainstream confirmation of Time Crystal(Nor Yao+) backs it up partially for "perpetual movement at ground state"(but no energy recovered), ■ Combination of many catalysts, Some of disclosed ones: Potassium, LiH, NaH etc • 3 Brillouin(Godes: US), claims prototype stage with simpler mechanics & precision temperature control, Major lab link(Los Alamos, SRI): Licensed in South Korea/Canada, 4 Phonon Energy(merged with Greek-Canadian Defkalion?)(US), Little publicity, Aerospace target? Ecat mechanics? • 5 Nanortech-Jet(Swartz: US), successive consistent “overunity” production well over 10yrs • 6 Toyota-Aisin-Technova(Japan & multiple European locations), 7 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries(Iwamura+: Japan), Transmutation/nuclear remediation focus? Surrogating research for other major Japanese corporates?
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 8: Commercialization Candidates 6: NASA, US Navy, Kresenn, Purratio + • 8 NASA(Bushnell, J Zawodny+ : US, Space), 9 US Navy-SPAWAR,(Mosier-Boss+): "Nano Nuclear Reaction", Link to several univ., Purchased Ecat units?, Officially terminated research, Multiple division research could continue in classified manner/compartmentalization. Not necessarily for energy use? • 10 Energetics Technologies(Israel-US), no recent LENR info after moved to US, 11 Kresenn(Ovidi, Celani: UK-Italy) 12 NICHENERGY(Piantelli: Italy) Stated commercial ready in 2013, 13 ST Microelectronics(Mastromatteo+: France-Italy) little public info, • 14 Purratio-AquaFlame(R Reichmann: Germany), low key but some western patent granted, also indicated commercial ready, • 15 Clean Energy Technologies Inc(JA Patterson: US), replicated by academics: G Miley(Lennuco), D Cravens, Q Bowles, little publicity/action after inventor died, • ➢ Other organizations generally not expected to have prototype/pilot projects or not even thought to be in LENR business, but never know… 1-Etiam(Soininen: Finland), 2-TSEM(La Gatta: Italy), hosted recent LENR conference, accompanied Bill Gates to ENEA lab visit, US Navy link, 3-Lennuco(G Miley: US), >>cont: 328
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 9: Commercialization Candidates 7: Thunder Fusion, Proton21, HydroDynamic Cavitation • 4-Thunder Fusion(Rug Santilli- mainstream scientist(twice nobel nomiee) yet highly knowledged in various “pseudo-scientized” invention effect industrial application, energy tech & overall physics-chemistry: US): Magnegas, Remediation, Concave lens telescope to detect Antimatter or “Invisible Terrestrial Entities” of first kind, & second kind(possible some relation to “Rods” or “Space critters?: J Escamilla, T Jonestroem, TJ Constable, J Bro Wilkie+) etc, 5-CIAE(China)+ • ➢ Mostly ignored low budget or “garage inventor” treated types, often use different mechanics, eg: “real pseudoscience” HHO gas etc, & claim on outrageous side effects, • 6-Proton21(Sta Adamenko: Ukraine), Extensive professional documentation & theory, • 7-Many Hydrodynamic Cavitation companies claimed & commercialized, openly marketed in ex-soviet as overunity devices(Potapov etc)(p136), also simple Electric pulse amplified Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube hydro cavitation with likely easily scalable system(НМ Ревинов+): This device has been running since 2006. 8-Bingofuel(JL Naudin: France), -->>cont: 329
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR - Cold Fusion 10: Companies Low Key Mainstream Ignored Types: Bolotov, Ecowatts + • ➢ Mostly ignored low budget or “garage inventor” types: • 9-Leopoldo Pirelli High School(U Abundo: Italy), 10-H-cat(Ju Church: US), 11-Деметра-Гея (Trenchev-Borisov: Bulgaria, commercialized then retracted), 12-Bolotov-Mordkovitch (Ukraine), 13-Ecowatts (C Eccles: UK), several univ. academic endorsed, went underground?, etc • ● What happened to various groups with LENR related tech with well witnessed results and disappeared?(eg Hyunik Yang & Koldomasov: PiezoElectric based) • ● Why isn’t there much mainstream high profile research as of 2016 in Germany, UK, Canada, Brazil, Israel, India, US Marine/Army/Air force, DARPA, Russia/China military etc?, • ● Also some researchers link LENR to small scale pure nuclear fusion(without fission) bomb for high altitude/war/underground/magnetosphere-ionospheregeo engineering/space use(Del Guidice+)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bright Update & Forecast: LENR & Others • Key is to broadcast success at major industrial name /government client sites, yet under emphasize public success might be preferable in order to smoothen gradual transition that is economically less disturbing. • Although in micro scale, there are already small commercializations of “free energy” tech available. None of those commercialized products are WESTERN MAINSTREAM EMBRACED as of 2016, Mainstream still debunks even marginal 5-15% level residential energy bill saving(only Actual Power is charged: i.e. implies slight "overunity" effect) or low cost actually science legal Far InfraRed wave based Power Factor Correction or(p150,219,220) Magnetic/FIR fuel treatment. But this might be natural considering it took 100yrs for electric car, 40yrs for thorium power generation to just return to market place. Hydrogen car hasn’t even really returned for almost 100yrs. • This research projects 20yrs to replace large majority of higher cost(hydrocarbon or conventional cost green) electricity generation system after first full open official “free energy” is marketed, while other uses & industrial process could remain as main method in various forms. • Officialization of "free energy" can trigger large realignment of business, financial, Geo political structure world wide: Who are Losers vs Gainers? 331
“Free Energy” Impact, Breaking Power Balance: Who Might Lose? • Oil, N-gas, Coal related; Infra, Storage, Transport, Chemical process(eg “free” electrolysis of water & cryogenic air for nitrogen to make Nitrogen fertilizer/Ammonia, Chemical separation by "freely compressed air” operated Vortex tube) : lower cost, develop new industrial process & product, end-use R&D(eg mix with HHO, use Super Critical water for refining/liquifying, Use shallow CoalBed Methane or Gas Hydrate, incorporate CO2 recovery hydrocarbon production – see below), • Also their "fossil fuel" groups' geopolitical gain might exist if they use abiotic hydrocarbon production idea that is at least partially virtually undeniable at this stage in order to combat CO2 exclusive catastrophic global warming idea: but currently hydrocarbon industry is heavily controlled by interlocked mainstream group that also holds strong stake in environmental industries, gov't, media, intel, commercial bank etc hence concerted mainstream appeal is unlikely to occur • Conventional Cost Green Energy : continue to implement unused fundamentally different/modified concepts - mechanics, Specific niche for: Time-Location-Positioning-Raw material-Non EM environment needs etc, Once failed tech or previously rejected tech should be revisited, examples: -->>cont: 332
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“Free Energy” Impact, Breaking Power Balance: Who Might Lose? 2 • -->>cont: Conventional Green Energy: innovation: WIND(need more than just large aeroelastic blades/direct drive generators. If invested sufficiently, technically easy for majors to develop new techs), eg: WhalePower(F Fish), Riblet film tech, Honeywell-Windtronics(Im Mahawili), Selsam turbine, Large maglev rotor - VAWT, Extreme weather: Icewind(Asgeirsson), Contra-rotating turbines(Counter inertia & mutual recovery of turbine wind), Sweep Twist Adoptive Rotor, Hydrostatic Wind turbine, Sway Turbine(Ey Borgen), Regenerative braking(Ena Yelkapan+), etc, see also p90-94 SOLAR: Schabflander’s Ga+Al type solar cell hydrogen electrolysis combine, Use of High performance ThermoElectric/photovoltaic etc device for solar heat conversion etc, see also p75-89 Biomass & WtE- eg: Full use of Sub/SuperCritical water for liquefaction & gasification, Cold or Steam Plasma, Hot Plasma gasification with MHD power recovery etc • Larger more important ramification of related vested interests: Investment funds, Collaterals, CDS, Tax revenue, Science-Media credibility, Peer Review “science exclusion system”, Enviro-Energy NGOs & Research funding -->>cont: 333
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“Free Energy”, Breaking Balance: Who Might Lose? 3 • >>cont: Vested Interests :
• ◙ Industries: Environment, Carbon sequestration & trading, Gov’t infra, Big Energy Storage-Transmission. Precious metal might be made cheaply by science legal heat/collider based transmutation with "unlimited free energy". Construction & Civil Engineering can use unlimited energy based Electro Remediation, Electro Osmosismigration based Geosynthetics to obviate digging/chemical industry services • ◙ Future business opportunities; no lack in water availability/food production etc: “Limited supply” price fluctuation derivatives/shorting profit & financial weapon Financial-Intel-Military-Industrial alliance leverage: Oil reserve currency => international trading & finance currency, Energy & carbon derivatives, Less wars & debt; Spiral loss of resource stock asset & world economy influence tool This area seems to be getting ready for "reset" not just for possible energy but also for many different aspects of fundamental change with emergence of multiple strong virtual currencies in addition to Bitcoin. • All industry loosely Interlocked Western geo-econo-political-media-NGO-super wealthy alliance often appearing to be aiming for limited resource paradigm based technological world population control(eugenics, technocracy, CO2 exclusive catastrophic climate change, information debunking like there is no such thing as coordinated population controlling effort by western elites etc) by mutual financial injections, benefits, & various interventions, Above high wage jobs & stakeholders 334
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“Free Energy” Impact, Establishing New Power Structure: Who Might Gain? • ◙ Countries: Import oil/gas dependent, Non 1st tier member of world banking system, IMF/WB debt ridden, ◙ Fresh water shortage regions: easy low cost water by “unlimited energy based” desalination(electrodialysis, distillation etc), Atmospheric water generator(dry weather working type: eg AirwaterGreen), ElectroScavenging effect based Rain generation: eg Meteo Systems, Unlimited deep digging for unlimited water(O Plümper+) eg Primary water institute(note these commercialized effects are all duly rejected as "placebo effect") ◙ Communities: Smaller unit communities, remote location, “independent & unaffiliated” private & public companies, Farming ◙ Industry: Hydro-carbon material based manufacturing other than fuel refining, Transportation: Tourism, Mining, Commodities, Trading • ◙ Both slants in energy intensive process industries can benefit lower cost: ► Coal-Gas-Oil : BF Steel, Cement-Lime, Petrochemical, Glass, Food, Clay+ ► Electricity : DRI-EAF Steel, Aluminium, Chemical, Textile, Industrial gas+ ► Both heavy : Pulp-Paper, Fertilizer, Mining • ◙ Fuel Cell if incorporates HHO(PEFC test results), Small Energy Storage • Financial group? Speculate on new growth stock with price fluctuating capability?
What Are Harmonious Free Energy Intro Scenarios?
• Four possible ideas are presented here, and 4th scenario is analyzed in depth: 1- Gradual cost reduction(eg: Coal->Thorium—> “Free energy” Thermonuclear Fusion), 2- Gradual INFRA cost reduction & tech exclusivity WITHIN Free Energy; Starting with most expensive & exclusive(eg: Fusion)->Less(LENR)->Even less(inventor tech), 3- In future to allow "free energy device" trading at Amazon or mainstream Western governmental trading web sites; Currently sold at submainstream web sites(eg Alibaba,+); • 4-“Co-existence tech model α”: Both low cost & old tech thrive with full endorsement by “trusted authorities”(eg; Free Skype vs Charged phone call) • Recent “free energy” treatment by mainstream is a repeat of “Co-existence tech model β ”: obfuscate or completely ignore alternative disruptive invention when complete cover-up is no longer plausible :i.e “Give a small pie” to disruptive tech while securing no further expansion by at least mainstream data authority orchestration; ”As long as western mainstream inter-references as real, controversial, or "go unreported", majority believes anything” or obliged to act as if so": Ignore/discredit “free tech” while allowing commercialization avoids “conversion rush” of mainstream crowd, assisting formulation of adoption ceiling or gradual transition: Promote debate on theoretical level with an agreement “no investment should take place until theoretical or designated institutional approval comes because it will waste money”, or entirely avoid the debate as if such thing doesn't exist. - i.e. no development; ->>cont: 336
What Are Harmonious Free Energy Intro Scenarios? 2: • 4- Disruptive Technology Co-existence tech simulation model β ” : • Simplified LENR marketing scenario can be simulated as following A to L (based on case studies of numerous other fundamental paradigm shift technologies, and this obfuscation/completely ignore model is steps forward & differs from largely no longer possible Pure Suppression Model): • A- i-Western scientists, NGO, Mythbusters, Skeptics society, Popular Mechanics, Consumer Reports/group+, tests LENR machine & majority claims it doesn’t work with all details given, while ignoring/discounting successes & Russian/ 3rd world positive report as “lacking credibility & ethics”. Or Other media/PR firm options: ii-Infiltrate or "buy in" insiders(researcher/LENR media) who embraces tech effect, but keep calling tech leaders or actual commercialization “controversial” or “invalid”. Never report the product is actually available for purchase or leave out benefited user testimonials, iIi-Completely ignore: no debunking as it is increasing difficult to do so, hence simply directing attention away from the mass, while LENR companies might voluntarily sell only on private basis like majority of other inventor tech under enormous pressure(might be already happening to significant degree like psychotronic tech). 337
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
What Are Harmonious Free Energy Intro Scenarios? 3 • —>cont 4-If tech coexistence model β is used for LENR, it would be... B- Mainstream media(often PR firm used) news documentary pattern i- Positively bring sensational news for first "free energy" on first 1/4, ii- Bring mostly debunking “testimony from experts with evidence”, iii-Highlight rather rare shady claim cases as if that is typical case of the tech, iv-Conclude it is fraud, yet they are still allowed to practice criminal activities, & appeal to mass this needs to be prosecuted. OR mainstream documentary to hold back from reporting new info: no debuking, just keeping away focus from people. • C- MainstreamBlog/Media/Celebrity/Utility/NGO/TED/Wikipedia /Reader’s Digest/Forum/Gov’t quote mostly failure results & declare: “◙Warning: LENR fraud, ◙There's no valid science base, ◙ Pathological science, ◙ If it really worked, it’s already been used”. OR they would pretend debunking consensus info in the past as current truth, and won't allow update as long as possible, due to difficulty in debunking. • D- Internet: old info packed “Cold Fusion junk science” web sites to show up on search engine. Or western medical industry’s std practice suppression on manufactures is still remotely possible when official commercialization starts from other than Ecat: • They are banned from quoting scientific validation/testimonials or from other web sites, or even simply to state the device purpose as energy production, or in extreme case open source web is prohibited(J Holman & P Dorneanu+), & purchased device confiscated for “own safety”. Operations don't comply would be legally raided & shut down. As a result makers offer as unclear purpose of “Research only intended device”. Another possible simulation is example of Military Dowsing device(p255). >>cont: 338
What Are Harmonious Free Energy Intro Scenarios? 4 • —>cont 4-If tech coexistence model β is used for LENR, it would be like... • E-Public convinced by absurd failure test since real mechanics is unknown to them: i-Test it for unintended purpose(simulated e.g.: tow car by mopet), ii-Misconfigure device(eg drive 100km/h at reversed gear, use diesel instead of gas, plug air intake), iii-Repeat the process till it doesn’t work, only then publicize failed result, iv-If fraudulent test details are found out, “scientist” says “Results would be the same with requested set up anyway, it’s scientifically proven so”, Make this type of old info available on mainstream group documents for many yrs without any updating. • F- Regulators, “Consumer Group”, “Independent” Advertising Watch, BBB receives “LENR complaint”, & science panel hearing concludes false advertisement /fabrication, New law mandates LENR machine to label “No scientific base that this works”. This & below might happen when actual open commercialization starts. • G- When LENR is confirmed effective, use of last attempt "wild card" of mainstream favorite health hazard fear: have top medical doctors vouch for exaggerated "deadly radiation" effect in order to legislate official ban except specially authorized/licensed large power company: ie power price stays the same for consumers at least in West • H- Those insist on LENR validity at mainstream media stage is called “unqualified as scientist” or “insane” & expelled from group/job in ways colleagues notice why I - Private forums split opinions with science types vocally denying effectiveness/validity.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
What Are Harmonious Free Energy Intro Scenarios? 5 • —>cont 4 -If tech coexistence model β is used for LENR, it would be like... J- When finally several mainstream institutions start accepting tech validity, others in mainstream would use another favorite: it is a tech with “controversial claims”, and widely labeled such(as adjective) by main media/NGO/gov't, K- End result: majority stays with conventional energy for extra 10+yrs, Large corporate would install LENR but not involving executives officially, instead floor level people(or make it completely unofficial: employee non disclosure agreement or even "national security" label might kick in). L- Then gradually shift western social engineering mode from model β to α: i.e. transition to co-thriving mode. • But this model might fail; Europe might rebels(eg AIIB+), Russia/China/BRICS might have different preference on "reality projection"(BRICS Bank, GMO ban, UGRG, Space+), There are too many official mainstream scientist witnesses. Also Energy, unlike medical tech, is too instantly obvious not to notice effects etc. • 5- Free energy use at remote mines/marine/military/space(e.g. Boeing: Mike Gamble), 6-Media should endorse 3-15% power save on Car/Residential Power Factor Correction for Active Power(MP-R fuel, Kvar.com, EnergyMizer Residential +)(: actual decreased use of electricity, not just Reactive power saving only by decreased supply side waste electricity with conventional PFC device), also water emulsion/HHO additive use at gov't grant level, 7-Sell disruptive proprietary tech as “slightly efficient”(Bloom, Enstroj, Keppe+), 8-Commercialize mainstream accepted 24hr Solar Infrared Harvesting. If too disruptive, allow only residential use but permit unlimited net metering(power trade-in for future use). 340
What Are Harmonious Free Energy Intro Scenarios? 6 • 9- Hide closed system overunity as “side effect” of main products only for those who know?(Flow Boiler, Xogen+), • 10- Admit 1-10% fuel save, 30%+ emission cut by additive, torsion wave, FIR radiation, Magnet(several patents by car makers e.g. GM, large cos use it while publicly denounce it), On strict pure science this has long been established, 11- Media to endorse mainstream science perpetual quantum engine approval in quantum thermodynamics & imply it’s possible in real life(Paternostro, Levy+), 12- Introduce dumbed down Tesla Scalar wireless power transfer device as far improved version (Guiler, Soljacic+)(Rezence - WiTricity+, Qi - Evatran Plugless Power+) or Cold Electricity as battery fix; both later as unlimited energy use. • 13- “LENR Rossi model”: keep installing many covert pilot projects till becomes norm, 14- Train/test public by free energy/flying saucer major Front Page News(Orson Welles+), 15- Stop debunking military plane electrogravitics / overunity electrical-charging (Oechsler, Gunston+), or spaceship propellantless drive; Info is already released • 16- 100 x fold funding of science legal microcurrent like triboelectric tech etc(p2433) *Western energy groups(& interlocked alliance) are slowly letting go each’s territory, but still too slow? 341
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Disruptive Tech Co-Existence Example: • Disruptive tech co-existence tech model α & β : commercial product/company examples; ▌Energy Related: Marginal saving magnetized fuel(Algae-X, Arionic+) - Torsion/FIR(BE Fuel Saver, Ökodrive PowerPlus, Superzoil+) & Air flow control(Plasma Stream), High saving Power Factor Correction(Gesper Systems, Schlautech Ecosmart, Pacs Energy+) ▌”0 light Photocatalyst”: Fuji Kihan Titan,Titanystar, Selfeel, Hitachi platinum fridge+ • ▌NonCloud Seeding Climate Engineering: i-Hail Cannon(Eggers, Inopower+), ii-Pulsed Infrared-EM wave, & ionizing(Meteo Systems, Toyer Rainmaker+), added use of Satellite(Aquiess), iii-Orgone/Scalar types can be extremely powerful(p372 -1A),(eg Etheric Rain Engineering+), ▌Water: Magnetic(Polarint no, Mediagon +), Electric Pulse(Planet Horizons+), Torsion(AquaKat+), Catalytic metal alloy(Agra Tron, Aquabion +), with Resonating spiral(νG7 - NewG7+), Vortex (Watreco, Grander Water+), Mineral bioceramic(Dileka, Saiseiko+), Laundry(pureWash, Xeros Wash+), Hot water herbicide (Cardley Wave, Weedingtech+), Aeration(Oloid.ch+), Sub/Supercritical water toxin disposal(General Atomics, SCFI+), Desalination (SonCav, Vorsana+), Ozone (EOI SB100+), UV(steriPEN+), Rankine Vortex fast cooling(SpinChill, V-Tex Enviro-cool) • ▌Agri: Biowash(Hesser+), Sonic Bloom, EM(Higa), Mebiol, TreeTPee, Groasis, Tal-Ya • ▌ Oil-Gas Industrial Process: Electric(MPK-VNP Techprom+), Magnetic(RFG Petro, ScaleX MFC+), Torsion(Enercat, Wellan2000+), Plasma Resonance(EcoTech EOR+), • ▌ Others: Alloplant, AmosilQ, Grancrete, Nevoton, IncreWeld, Graphenano, Consumer useable compact Near Infrared Spectrometer(SCiO, ASD+), Hypnosis etc 342
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
If LENR is Accepted First -1 Inventor Tech Status • Very small # but steadily growing users of inventor tech (p148-182), esp. for “part free energy” on-board HHO, emulsified water, FIR/Magnet fuel treating devices(Far exceed 0.01% market share in some nations eg China, Bulgaria+), Ion & Cavitation heater, yet other “full free energy” techs are mostly in low practicality as raw tech phase prototype: • ◙ No standardized review, No tech association, No full Western mainstream endorsed open commercialization, inventors isolated, they tend to believe to be “first” in world when numerous similar claims exist in past, mostly small power < 30KWh: Foster ground for deception, ◙ Often Sole inventor is a sales rep & tech server, might have “out of box” communication manner, business style, beliefs(S Allan) ◙ No local support due to non-“public consumer physics” nature ◙ Some of confirmed working techs are still not replicatable by 3rd party ◙ Cases of stock traded co/public institution prosecuted by use of “pseudo science” • ■ But experienced buyer concern of “science contested energy” is now similar to already commercialized “free energy techs”(p148-182), indicated in Baldface Dark Blue), • ➢ Previous focus was to differentiate 1-Fraud, 2-Works occasionally, vs 3-Works Normally. ➢ Current focus: to tell gap in Performance, Price & Reliability between inventions: i.e. heat & vibration durability, reliable service, operation instruction & warranty works, ➢ Companies conduct low-cost unofficial pilot projects on $ back guarantee basis 343
If LENR is Accepted First -2, Inventor Tech Open Source • Would it lead to inventor tech academic review?: Inventors had long been isolated & self taught in development, but are finally starting to turn to information exchange, open sourcing, mechanics disclosure & tips • 1-Ambient power inducer(eg: Kapanadze, Lindemann, Aaron Murakami +) 2-Magnetic motor back EMF(Keppe, Hamel, Ainslie, Bedini, Stovbunenko+ 3-Rapid HHO-Brown-H2 gas production(H-Cat, GEET, Ară Gabriel-Neculai+) 4-LENR(RWGresearch+), 5-Hydrodynamic Cavitation(PP Fominskiy+), 6-Pyramid(Trawoeger+) ■ Web(free-energy-info, Rexresearch, Panacea-Bocaf, Peswiki, Energetic Forum, American AntiGravity+) ■ LENR cold fusion related updates(lenr-coldfusion, cold fusion times +) ■ Often fragmented, unprofessional looking/style presentations • Some inventor tech seems to be backed by mid-sized corporate/3rd world gov’t, installed at pilot projects, military tests+;(e.g. Hidro?, Rosch+) LENR acceptance can cause it to surface as official production of multiple “free energy” mechanics & it can suddenly become “norm”? • Mainstream tech: Cavitation progress(Nanospire +)& LENR link, ICFusion experimental success 2013(more energy produced than consumed to initiate), new low cost Magnetized Target Fusion(also option for anomalous rotating plasma effect generation). Taleyarkan's top mainstream academia suppressed, or likely national security type classified(Ros Tessien: Impulse Device+) acoustic fusion is quietly carried on by other mainstream groups(Wyl Dunbar: AFTEC+) 344
If LENR is Accepted First -3 / Inventor - ZPE Impact • Inventor tech(p148-182): Top 3(Ambient electricity, Counter EMF, HHO) are unregulatable & disruptive, portable, lowest cost, Or Counter EMF reduction tech to legalize first than later more disruptive Counter EMF harvesting tech. Also HHO, Aneutronic Fusion, & Plasma in noble gas can be looked first with closer link to LENR, 50%+ Water emulsification for obvious ease, Would RussianUkrainian type commercialized over-unity cavitation device be accepted? • Would this relax aversion of funding mainstream science accepted solid state type device into full high profile national level media endorsed research? : ThermoPhotoVoltaic/ThermoElectric/ThermIonic/ThermoDielectric /PyroElectric/TriboElectric, Metamaterial based or Cantilever oscillation ambient electricity harvester, Water random ionic movement harvester, All EM & acoustic wave converting Rectenna, & other nanogenerators (p16-34) • Would this promote zeropoint energy extraction(Jovion corp+)? - Energy flux in vacuum at Zeropoint(0K, -273°C, 0 electrical charge) is science consensus, But tapping energy is still officially minority theory despite repeated mainstream accepted demonstrations(p347), (Piestrup, Turtur, Fed Capasso, Haisch, Rueda, Clarke, Yilmaz, Puthoff, Pinto, Moddel, Da Cole+), Regardless at this rate, many mainstream methods across the board would continue to get closer to free energy status anyways from solar, wind, hydrogen production etc? -->>cont: 345
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Inventor - ZPE Type Tech Has More Impact - Why? 1 • Compared to LENR, INVENTOR tech(p148-182) seems to be more linked to ZPE extraction and might HAVE MORE IMPACT: and often discussed inventors’ ideas explain WHY■: ■ Gravity, inertia, mass is EM wave like vibration effect of Self Organizable(spin) wave energy in vacuum field; where basis of matter, information exist(C Swanson, Schempp, Jahn, Bohm, Baud, Lazlo, Wheeler, G Rein+), physical reality might be based on information(A Zeilinger+), ■ Looks "overunity as closed system", only if ignore vacuum-ambient-static energy, It can be tapped: EM energy-dipole is asymmetrical between pos-neg in weak interaction; it is Not Always Random, Flow in a direction without any input (Haken, Lee&Yang, Pregogine, D Solomon+),(various inertia drives p171,172). • Also long accepted CP violation(violate Charge Conjugation & Parity/symmetry invariance), & ideas finally in process of being acceptance now such as: *Time Reversal Asymmetry(confirmed by BaBar-Belle-CERN in B Meson system) can be tricked to produce "free energy"(photon interaction/optical isolator, heat ingredient dif), rather than "to prove 2nd law"? *Note Arrow of Time reversal topic is still resisted or fudged/avoided, as otherwise closed system "energy overunity"/negative entropy becomes official as one of reasons? • ■ Torsion/Scalar connection to vacuum related effects; shown by repeated effects(p197-241) ■ Terahertz wave produced by same Ultrashort pulse like “ambient free energy”(p293-304) -->>cont
Inventor - ZPE Type Tech Has More Impact - Why? 2 • -->>cont: Inventor tech o.en links to Scalar/Torsion: ■ Russian academics extract plasma discharge from vacuum but ignored (Chernetzki, Frolov+), ■ Even Western mainstream voltage fluctuaEon from vacuum since 1980 is sEll ignored(Roger Koch+), • ZPE linked inventor tech(p148-182): now “Dissent idea” indicated by “■” is joined by Increasing number of mainstream groups' approved idea(science media reports as "real"): ■ • ■ Western Science approved Photon observaEon in vacuum(Nori+), Its extrac*on success from vacuum(Delsing, Lähteenmäki+), It was sampled by EM field vacuum fluctuaEons(Riek+), also similar effects at p22-4-f-1 . ■ AnEgravity effect by Repulsive Casimir Force(vacuum/ZPE energy) at nano level:(Intravaia+), At least MEMS(Microelectromechanical systems) should be able to run by Casimir force(Bordag, Mohideen, R Forward, A Gusso+), ■ Casimir force can be controlled by a charge(Klimchitskaya, Mohideen+). ■ Resonance frequency EM pulse can cause superluminal travel(Lijun Wang, R Gauthier+), ■ COP>2 Thermoelectrically pumped Light-Emiing Diode(Par Santhanam+), ■ Direct sample of Electric field Vacuum fluctuaEons(Alf Leitenstorfer et al): • Inventor tech oken links to Scalar/Spin-Torsion wave/resonance effects at its energy trigger, or take far less energy to do maler’s state changing/new creaEon/stabilizing, compared to convenEonal methods(Shironosov, Blekhman, Filatov, Poincare+) -cont>> 347
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Inventor - ZPE Type Tech Has More Impact - Why? 4 Hence inventor tech official approval is more disruptive than LENR for academics, but practical physical effects are further more "detrimental" for Western business/economy infrastructure: Inventors can “adjust frequency“ to other beneficial effects for commercial purposes: • Wil Reich: Weather & Psychology, Searl/Tomion: Gravity, Kanzius: Medical, Gariaev: DNA, Schauberger: Water, Pa Flanagan: Geometry, P Callahan: Farming, Ebner: Gene expression change, Boyce: Radiation + • Inventor tech acceptance could cause their related low-cost effects to be also officially investigated on tenured level academics widely, and.. • This might ultimately lead to Western mainstream acceptance of paradigm shifting resonance effect/Torsion-Scalar energy/Vacuum energy manipulation/Bio-Energo-Informatics(Create nonlinear physical & biological systems, Can confine matter in nonuniform EM field with no external feedback, Or ●Scalar/●Torsion wave idea; unlimited Energy Inducer & Info Carrier/Holder without physicality at quantum level: Energy might be “appearing” as matter = oscillation, haze, potential, or blinking in & out of existence) •
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Inventor - ZPE Type Tech Has More Impact - Why? 5
• ●Scalar; Its wave phase conjugation is “0 energy”, like vacuum & “every point” reflects a whole just like in optics; i.e. hologram, Vacuum energy extraction, Gravity, DNA link, Negative Index Metamaterial uses resonance frequency for negative resistance/permittivity/left handed wave+, • ●Torsion; appearing to be extreme weak field generated by spin/rotation of all matters that seems to contain "information": Matter can carry information OF other matters; “Homeopathy of all things” idea(ВМ Дворников+). Validation of ability to control state of physical vacuum with torsion field generator by 100s of experimenters(VY Tarasenko, ВА Соколов +), Effect by unique resonance frequency(& spin resonance etc) of specific matter in its absence to generate chemistry effect in liquid/solid matter without it – Their physical effects are mostly unknown probably due to extensive debunking/ignoring eg: Often not very rapid effect yet much lower cost & overall significantly more effective(for most chronic disease than mainstream medical) water resonance & mind element diagnosed Homeopathy (Bill Gray, Geo Vithoulkas+) ("resonance based vaccine"+) (НПФ Материа Медика+), can be far beyond mainstream medical including types of advanced pancreatic cancer(Aradeep Chatterjee, Pra Banerji+), but performance radically differs by practitioners (Raj Sankaran, Abh Patil+). Can coherent thought also be considered as part of resonance state? Significant medical effects/bioenhancement are claimed by various types of mental "resonance" focus therapies(German New Medicine [Hamer], Flower method[Ed Bach], Orgone energy[W Reich]+). -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance TYPE Tech Has More Impact - Examples • -->>cont: ●Torsion/Scalar: biological medical effects: Mainstream semi accepted and highlighted versions of thought based or other resonance therapies are publicly known as less effective or placebo equivalent(Edzard Ernst+)(also see p248 when placebo has best effects), while certain establishment groups publicly admit advantage of "subtle resonance" method (European Royalties, WHO+). Yet it is notable top performing nonmainstream medical methods are under strong pressure to under-claim or don't refer to their actual cure effect of mainstream profitable long term chronic symptoms in west. • Others are Cloaking effect, Transmuting mass, Practical magnetic monopole etc. • ==================================================================== • Following 1-10 Low cost-Capex-Opex/effective/unexclusive resonance related technologies & situations, tend to greatly harm existing medical business structure with unexclusively(anyone can do it, difficult to regulate), far below current cost, with often more effective in profitable chronic disease market yet no side effect(loss of multiple long term customer potentials from one patient). • 1-Resonance/ often Amplitude modulated freq. Medical(Gordon, Tesla, W Pawluk, Lassek, R Ziesenis,Matsuura, SR Michael, Kavouras, Morton, Burr, A Abrams, Keymer, G Lakhovsky, Fr Morell, Kaali & Lyman+). *note all tech in this section can be called PEMF(Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field) devices but in this presentation only high power low frequency devices are called as such to differentiate various mechanics 350
ZPE-Resonance Tech Impact - Medical • -->>cont: 1-Resonance/Amplitude modulated freq. Medical: • Since late 1800s, narratives of medical history & competition medical method debunking(Homeopathy, Herbal methods, Nikola Tesla Ozone-Olive Oil etc) seems to have started mainly by AMA type mainstay medical group & their industrial /commercial banking investors(note this & following pages' info was reported by mainstream media during 1930s, but medical mainstream history "truth" has been altered, just like some of gravity technology history after 1960s, so investigation was done on current record and 1900-1940 mainstream record both) but there seems to be several key factors in resonance based medical: • A: Injecting relevant frequency of energy/wave to induce resonance to vitalize/rebuild living person’s coherence of healthy body cells(Oschman+) & human assisting bacteria /virus, which share similar natural frequencies: wave does not need to be strong, B: Resonance to destroy incoherent unhealthy cells(eg cancer) & harmful bacteria/virus to living person: strength might range weak to strong, Depends on carrier wave effectiveness to body tissue hidden sections? Also "beneficial" or "harmful" effect has individual variation, not uniform effect by virus/bacteria C: Identification of specific “Mortal Oscillatory Rate” as single or combo amplified frequency against specific virus. D: In order for effect wave to reach fully anywhere in the body, carrier mechanism is required. E: Another deeper wave penetration method is generate required frequency within the body as a superposition of two currents(superheterodyne). 351
ZPE-Resonance TYPE Tech Has More Impact: Medical 2- Rife • —>>continued 1-Resonance Medical Rife tech: ▀▀eg: Mainstream Top US medical institutions’ doctors & some delegates attended a banquet dedicated to "End of all diseases” by R Raymond Rife in 1931, after experimental highly scrutinized mainstream test on 16 human subjects 100% cure success in 3months of terminal stage Cancer/Tuberculosis, preceded by many empirical events(mainstream reported: LA Times, Popular Science, Science Magazine, Journal of Franklin Institute +), & numerous rat tests success prior and device used in various clinic showed about 90% cancer cure rate(RT Hamer, Ja Couche+), even terminal stage patients recovered upto 50%(J Apsley+). • Modern Western Industrial-oil-banking Mainstream's strategy seems to ignore/segregate all Rife related tech from PhotoDynamic therapy/Light therapy(Ifinita.ru+) and dumbed down less effective versions which requires pharma drugs as part of therapy is approved as marginally effective(Or recognize Intense Pulsed Light Therapy as only useful for skin disease or cosmetic purpose and nothing to do with chronic diseases cure)but this might be another preferred non-disruptive way of step by step low cost effective method disclosure strategy. —>> cont: 352
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance TYPE Tech Has More Impact: Medical 3- Rife • —>>continued 1-Resonance Medical Rife tech: ▀▀ Alleged possible Western Mainstream(WM) strategy of low cost effective disclosure: • Current(2017) example of step by step disruptive medical tech disclosure might be to start approving less effective portion of hemp(excluding or prohibiting high THC extraction[ie CBD only], of less robust marijuana/cannabis strains or bud oil, & facilitating GMO patent for large corporate for exclusivity with large market share) as marginally useful cancer therapy officially while ignoring versions that are more damaging to medical industry(Rick Simpson, Bollinger+): there are similar passive "disclosures" in place at Electromagnetic/resonance modalities or its steadily reduced suppression/raid("look the other way") even when WM legally can do so. • Rife tech research in 1930s was well funded & participated by part of mainstream group(Mil Johnson, Ar Kendall, P Macomber, RW Moss, EC Rosenow, Wil Coolidge, H Timken, Al Foord, AC Bridges+) • After positive mainstream news, even more extremely well funded AMA(American Med Association: backed by large investors & industrial groups, commercial bankers seemed to have taken control during 1920-40s) first tried to purchase patent or take over the company but failed, then followed up with threats/bribes(Mor Fishbein[Ben Cullen, Be Comparet+]+)and media led discrediting, also Rife’s colleagues clearly started to sabotage operation & product quality(P Hoyland+ linked to AMA) >> cont: 353
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Has More Impact Med 4 Rife History • —>>continued 1-Resonance Medical Rife tech : In 10yrs time after the 1931 "End of all diseases banquet", mysteriously most prominent med researchers & doctors denied they ever knew Rife. This type of AMA's effective strategy success well coordinated with some other mainstream groups, was std process/policy against contemporary non-allopathic(non mainstream) competitors back then: particularly against overtly more effective and far lower cost techs(Hoxey[one time largest private cancer clinic network in North America before suppression], Durovic - Ivey[Krebiozen], Koch[Glyoxylide], Caisse+)(J Heinerman, Ausubel, Gary Null+). • Basically same trend emerges in rest of West after WWII, now against 100+ other similarly more effective & far lower cost therapies at least for some chronic diseases. For long term allopathic business investment return, effective NGO[oil & banking biz main] led society wide synergy campaign of re-creation/re-writing of medical history has been bringing in a near monopolistic success & multi-industry interlocked solid scientific status in west till now. This pattern well resembles & coincides with successful hydrocarbon & chemical industry monopoly status till 2000s. • ▀▀ RR Rife tech(Rife, R Rockwell, J Crane+) involved extensive virus identification in many chronic disease & eliminate it along with symptom: by high capability “Virus Microscope” equal to most advanced unclassified modern equivalent, published in Smithsonian etc. Also likely link to Somatoscope/Somatid(G Naessens): Rife also recorded certain frequency EM pulse kill or/and altered virus into some other forms (also see abiogenesis p465- 10) - ->> cont 354 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Has More Impact Med 5: Wave & Virus • -->> cont 1-Resonance Medical Rife tech : By comparing to other seeming technology debunking incidents, it is possible to speculate plemorphism(also links to profit threatening epigenetics) of virus & artificial cancer causing virus(both confirmed by many “pseudoscientists”: OC Gruner+) are classified info under medical industry related NATO/US national security?: Massive medicine/vaccine profit for needing different types for each virus etc at stake even before considering of bioweapon issue. • Rife tech works with two function waves(effect causing LF wave & HF carrier wave), HF generator & plasma type amplifier together become scalar type waves forms, to make "insertion" of effect causing LF wave easy?: plasma can change transverse wave to longitudinal(David Yurth+), - similar phenomena to electrohydraulic effect(p159: it causes various EM waves in ELF range, UV-FIR and Thz range, & ultrasonic waves), also often emitted wave output exceeds input, i.e. overunity(stochastic resonance) effect: Plasmasonics(James Bare)+, • MECHANICS: A- Set Low Frequencies wave to kill specific cell/virus, then amplify & B- Transmit them inter-resonatingly on tissue penetrating Acoustic or High Radio Frequency Carrier Wave. Following 7 examples are likely at least partially applicable to all devices discussed in this "resonance medical" section, though inadvertently • Possible effects of Rife tech: eg1: If amplitude/frequency mode matches, transmitted square wave& receiver virus oscillate together in locked in phase(entrainment) to devitalize/destroy it, due to their much weaker outer wall compared to body 355 cells’(acoustic effect in addition to electroporation), -->> cont(possible effects)
ZPE-Resonance Has More Impact - Med6: Wave & Virus
• -->>cont: 1-Resonance Medical: Rife tech : claimed effect: eg1: Or increased amplitude of right oscilla4on frequency generates bio-enhancement of cells/body to fend off diseases(vice versa effect for bio weapon then?: Electrofishing is mainstream accepted example of ability to single out specific size/types of fish). eg2: Shared group resonance frequency of bioenhancing virus/bacteria & animal cells -vs- freq of unwanted virus significantly differs hence only harmful virus die at similar oscilla4on. • eg3: All virus related disease, including at least some of cancer, shows effect by solely this method(eg: RR Rife produced & removed cancer freely in mice by killing virus, Also witness on US military/intel possess cancer virus as bioweaspon since 1960s[JM Baker, Ed Haslam+]), eg4: Certain square/sine/sawtooth wave oscilla4on resonance seems to create bioenhancing effect more than same frequency of other wave forms. Is it done by augmen4ng membrane poten4al-charge or opening ion channels in cells for them to “breathe be[er”(Mic Davis+), or cell membrane permeability increase?, • eg5: Certain EM oscilla4on charges up transmembrane poten4al voltage(high cellular pH), or increases ion permeability(PT Pappas+) for vitaliza4on: electropora4on s4mulates body cells, while killing virus by breaking their thinner cell walls. eg6: Combo of two or more frequencies, like: 11th harmonic(one is 114mes higher frequency than the other)(Anthony Holland), if not sure what harmonic is best, is it be[er off to generate more harmonics to increase chance of hi`ng something relevant? ->> cont 356 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance TYPE Tech Impact: Med 7 Wave Forms • -->>cont: 1-Resonance Medical: Rife tech : Operation method: Effect eg: eg7: Help body regain Biological Cellular Signaling & increase its resonance for intercell/organ communication & body function enhancement, based on idea sick body is electromagnetic system oscillating at off resonance frequency(also epigenetically influence DNA activation[Fra Bludorf+]) due to inflammation, virus, toxin even after the frequency departure, negative mind state etc(Car McMakin, DA Jernigan, FA Popp +), or ”bad” virus can change its behavior by some frequency signaling?(J Boswinkel+): Also effective fast disease identification. Yet radionics, or no heat/electricity processed holographic type further weaker "subtle signaling" seems to have same effects(Don Paris, David Schmidt, Atul Gupta & Al Johnson +) • Above eg1-7 effects themselves seem consistent, but actual mechanism or resonance amplitude requirement explained by many researchers seem to apply only in certain situations and sometimes appears contradictory. • Also there are many similar to Rife type tech Electromagnetic frequency & bioresonance/torsion field/scalar wave based treatment(some are also diagonosis based customized specific treatment) technologies, and a few of them are now slowly accepted by western mainstream again first time after 1940s, but as mostly marginally effective supportive device to mainstream medical, and used at some medical subsegments in West. • Almost all of scientific protocol papers indicating Rife type tech, or Bioenergetic tech as more effective than western medical, seem to be only allowed in "alternative medicine" type, non Western academic targeted, or non English journals. ->> cont 357
ZPE-Resonance TYPE Tech Impact: Med 8 Wave Forms • -->>cont: 1-Resonance Medical: Following are non Rife type Torsion/Scalar/Resonance(electromagne5c, plasma, & acous5c)type tech examples but mainly used for less life threatening symptom cure focus: following categoriza5on is not strict with arbitrary elements: • MAINLY PHOTONIC (Visible range EM wave frequencies): closer to Rife tech. ►Scalar: ● Violet Ray(Tesla+): S5ll Illegal to produce in US(many other mainstream compe55on medical equipments were banned in 1930/40s)(Two Tower Violet Ray +), ● Prac5cally 100% cure animal test terminal cancer by Priori: French Govn’t backed in 70s(5me reversal phase conjugate wave use that involved plasma [photonic] - Scalar). ● MIL therapy: mix of coherent(laser) & incoherent(regular RBG) light, InfraRed wave, cold plasma rota5ng vortex via magne5c field applied(МИЛТА-Ф, РИКТА, Витязь АЭТ01 +): Soviet psychotronic spin off. Its western version(MulC Radiance TerraQuant+) • ►Quasi Scalar: ● Far InfraRed LED irradia5on & PEMF combo(acCv Wave de +) ● Biophoton Therapy; 90% Lyme disease cure(Bionic 880+). Chromotherapy etc (Chiren +)(note 90+ yrs of mainstream debunking ended on bioluminescence & non thermal biophoton idea),● BioResonance types mix LED lights & EM pulse(Physiotron, iMRS+), ● Computer screen opera5ng program(КСК-БАРС, EESystem +), • MAINLY NONPHOTONIC ► Scalar: ● Mul5wave Oscillator(G Lakovsky+): More focused on serious chronic disease cure claims. This type of "human body field" or "quantum informa5onal field scalar wave" based biofeedback device might be poten5ally most accurate(TimeWaver, Bioscan SWA+), while most pseudoscien5zed by mainstream -->>cont: 358
ZPE-Resonance Has More Impact Med 9 Wave Forms • -->>cont: 1-Resonance Med: non Rife Torsion/Scalar device: ► Mainly Nonphotonic: ► Quasi Scalar: ● Quasi Electrostatic based ElectroStimulation (Piezoelectric Shock Wave Therapy /Extrakorporale Stoßwellentherapie [ESWT] Device's(Elvation+) high effectiveness cure[not solely blocking pain like mainstream debunker insists] is sometimes limited to applications like sports injury type) • Generally seems far more effective in most chronic pains(including sports) & bruises than mainstream tech(ЛЭТ Медикал SCENAR, ДЭНАС - DENAS, Avazzia, Tennant BioModulator, ENERT, Metatron+)(AA Karasev+). They seem to work by “scrambling offresonance biosignal” to induce correct cellular signaling using instant biofeedback, & often changeable range/band of frequencies emitted (often far more effective than TENS that sometimes works only as mere pain blocker with single frequency). Scalar component in some of ElectroStimulation devices for far deeper penetration. Same mechanics expanded to “medical blanket”(Медицинский одеяло ДЭНАС ОМЛ-1 +). Some devices with no biofeedback demonstrate effectiveness(EarthPulse, Pulsed Signal Therapy +). • ● Electro Acupuncture-Acupressure/Electrodermal screening etc. This category is for devices with highest emphasis for acupuncture & meridian application, but large majority of listed medical device makers in entire resonance section specifically recommend use of acupuncture/meridian points to amplify biofeedback & healing both. Can work like Qi healing(p267). Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination(BIE)(GSR-120, INHT+), Ryodoraku /Electro Meridian Imaging/EAV(Vega Machine, , Acugraph, Acmos method+): (Nakatani & Sasagawa, R Voll +). Electric activity at acupuncture points, has specific tendency to reflect body or organ conditioning, hence diagnosis or microcurrent 359 remedy based on biofeedback can be much faster, and more effective (best at 21V) compared to mainstream methods ->>cont:
ZPE-Resonance Has More Impact Med 10 Wave Forms • ->>cont: 1: non Rife: Mainly Nonphotonic : ►Quasi Scalar : ● Portable device with mmw/EHF wave, variable pulse, or torsion field info wave choice(Радамир[electric homeopathy, eg1 irradiate symptom frequency for specific cure, eg2 can irradiate water at pesticide frequency to make water pesticide]+) ● Bioresonance Therapy(low frequency)(Regumed BIOCOM, Imedis, Mora Nova, Bemer +), freq more variable(Quantron Resonance System, Sanza Santerra+). Now some are available as economically disruptive hand held level portable device that are easily testable its effectiveness by large population(дета элис холдинг Deta Elis Devita, Лидомед-БИО, биомедис+): eg Russian mainstream claims for Hepatitis cure. • ● Hand action portion of Energy Medicine/ No action Energy Medicine(p266-278) can be categorized as psychic/telekinetic, high performance mind/physical control hypnosis). This is measured as acoustic(infrasound signal based[<20Hz] & ultrasonic[>20KHz), simulation of qigong masters non local effect on the subject(Sound Vitality Infratonic+)(RH Lee, Yan Fang Lu+): can this be related to infrasonic Dolphin therapy effect? Also Ultrasonic signal can be generated by masters. In some cases weak x-ray emission is measured(Kulagina[ГА Сергеев]+). • Healer/Qi master emits highly unusual form of erratically fluctuating Far InFrared/EM wave from palm of hand(Gary Schwartz+): Amplitude Modulation mode: The fact Meridian points of qi receiver responds most by raising temperature indicates Qi master sends information like radio(but nonlocally), and this information is received by meridian points of receptor and have informational reaction? ( - Y Machi+) 360
ZPE-Resonance Has More Impact Med 11 Wave Forms • >>cont: 1-Resonance Med: non Rife device: Mainly Nonphotonic : ►Quasi Scalar: • ● Basic Tool/Acupuncture-meridian point(mainstream finally accepts its connective tissue/nervous system link[H Langevin+]) focused Energy Medicine, Flower Essence etc(p248, 267,268). Also Hand pulsing/Hand tapping of acupuncture points with specific sequence: TFT-VT (Thought Field Therapy & Voice Technology[Roger Callahan], [some mentalists appear to use]), TFT's varied or new modality added version: Energy Psychology, or far simplified version with often no reduced effects except occasional seeming difference(eg effect speed or permanency, pain etc): EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique[George Pratt, Gary Craig, Steve Wells+])(Emofree+) are relatively widely practiced. Their results are well documented & highly effective in very high % ratio including at military applications for emotional trauma, surface & subconscious level belief system replacement or some pain/chronic disease, biz or sports performance etc. For its ease of use, unexclusivity, intensely Mainstream debunked. • ● Some companies offer wide range of mechanics to create non mmw range resonance frequency in the body by portable device for allegedly same highly robust effect as other expensive devices(still far cheaper than mainstream devices) when used creatively(Sota device[RO Beck & Torlage]+). Also related tech has claims on experimental Rats regrowth of limbs(RO Beck) • ► Non Scalar: ● MicroCurrent nonpulse(transcranial Direct Current Stimulation [tDCS]) for brain function enhancement(Soterix +), or athletic performance(Halo Neuroscience +)(bulk is likely classified due to mind influence ability), ->> cont 361
ZPE-Resonance Has More Impact Med 12 Wave Forms • —>>cont: 1-Resonance Med: non Rife device: Mainly Nonphotonic : ►Non Scalar: • ● MicroCurrent pulse ElectroNeuro Stimulation(including transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation [tACS]) tech are only accepted as minor pain use/mood change/ better sleeping in Western mainstream(Fisher Wallace, Alpha-Stim+)(also magnetic pulse types for deeper electric field penetration: NeuroStar TMS, Nexstim TMS+), but they are unofficially ended up being used for "must not work" substantial severe pain reduction, or other relatively serious chronic conditions healing. • ● FSM: Frequency Specific MicroCurrent [H Van Gelder]+) (Frequency Specific, Parazapper [H Clarke] +), incidentally microcurrent use noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring exists(Noninvasive Medical Technologies+), Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Mammograph is quick easy self diagnosis by much lower cost much smaller portable device(Impedance Medical Technologies+). -->> cont
ZPE-Resonance Med 13 PEMF definitions/device diversity • >>cont: 1-Resonance Med: non Rife device: Mainly Nonphotonic : ►Non Scalar: • ● EHF/Thz device(VedaEHF, TrioMed CGI+), Some are biofeedback capable(Спинор AK Tom+) • ● PEMF(Pulse ElectroMagnetic Field: ZPE related devices can be all categorized as PEMF but here PEMF refers to higher power conventional EM pulse type devices with impact on cells is thermodynamically acceptable[not overunity]): Unlike frequently Western Mainstream(WM) unexplainable/debunked or appears to be classified(official state admittance/confirmation of effectiveness is restricted) mechanics of other devices in this "resonance" section, conventional PEMF devices are more WM feasible by EM pulse increasing blood circulation or stimulating cells/body to enhance body function/healing. Generally less robust effect non-whole body PEMF types might have exceptions with likely non conventional effects(MAS Medizinische Produkt Handel+). • Recently for the first modern time WM accepts for cancer useable moderately effective (seems to be less effective, and far more expensive & exclusive than low cost pseudscientized Rife type/Scalar/Torsion devices) PEMF device(for Alternative Electric Field Therapy) from a geopolitically strong nation(Novocure Optune), but under strong media /medical industry resistance & control. Bone healing WM approval for only Western ally devices(not Russian etc)(Orthofix Cervical-Stim +), 363
ZPE-Resonance Med 14 Different frequencies & others.. • —>>cont: 1-Resonance Med: non Rife: Nonphotonic : ►Non Scalar: ● PEMF : Super high power PEMF: Bone healing focus(PAPIMI, Theracell, Magnetodyn+), Sports injury and muscle recovery(Pulsed Energy Technologies, PEMF-120 +) • Above "Non Scalar" types are usually(very) low frequency devices but often appears to work together with higher frequencies synergistically: EHF(Extreme High Frequency), FIR(Far Infrared) & Terahertz waves, visible light frequencies etc. in various wave forms/intensities. Some ElectroMagnetic devices listed in resonance Med section, particularly Rife tech related devices, might co-generate these types of waves, or used as carrier/harmonic/superheterodyne signal type combo wave. Many companies are now producing multiple mode mechanics(ie: photonic, low frequency, multiple high frequencies[EHF,FIR,Thz], acoustic waves in high & low power outputs types. • It is not generally known but often in West, purpose intended Resonance(EM, acoustic, or standing wave) frequency medical product(and many alternative therapy) advertising for many chronic disease such as cancer cure etc is prohibited(stating intended device use, displaying user manual, testimonial quoting, effect validation lab test result, being publicly endorsed by others, particularly for mainstream profitable disease remedy, even verbally mentioned word “cure” sometimes was recorded and targeted for raids. Hence in "free world" some companies stick to animal care(Biomedical Systems de, Activo-Med +). Even healers' travelling "healing sessions" are sometimes raided/seized/border entry blocked by police in Free world(Western Europe and North America, Australia)(M Manning, E Pearl, J Rappoport+), hence this creates following favorable situation for mainstream medical: -->>cont: 364 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance TYPE Tech Med 15: Western Ban
• —>>continued 1-Resonance Medical: mainstream policy results: ▀▀ First timer web site visitor without strong knowledge reads unclear evasive explanation with statement “research & experiment purpose only(of what?)”, or other std western FDA disclaimer and often convinced irrelevant for medical cure purpose. ▀▀ Some effective devices have no advertisement/web and sell only privately /through naturalpaths(eg not necessarily related to Rife tech, but mainstream ignored published academic data shows, naturalpaths often achieve highest cancer cure rate with top performers commonly exceeding 90%[Colleen Huber+]). ▀▀ While in West doctors are sometimes prohibited from using(instantly lose license) Rife type device as professional capacity hence some use it secretly like “Soviet era banned private printing machine”- or just use for family members & friends at home. eg Rife device, Radionics(p214-217), • Electromedicine based “purpose unclear advertised products“ exist. A few are lab tested or well referenced for wide range of injury & serious chronic disease/pain alleviation/virus stifling including "incurable" disease and antibiotic immune germs(Anthony Holland+)(p358-363, p365), domestic pet flea removal etc, but main labs usually only release failure of cure & refuses to release success data: some results are mainstream accepted as ”minor effect”(usually not for high margin disease). • Rife tech device: Extensive high powered non-contact & some whole body treatment type Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field(PEMF) in photonic range or Pulsed Plasma(on noble gas[inert gas]) or light device to create Far Field upto 9meter diameter (Rife’s Ray Tube device was Near Field only). -cont—>> 365
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance TYPE Tech Med 16: Rife Devices • —>>cont 1-Resonance Medical: Rife tech Devices: Notable medical effect difference on terminal stage chronic patients given up by mainstream therapy: eg: Photon Genius(Skilling), Pulsedtech(J Holman), Theraphi(Paul Harris), ResonantLight(Don Tunney+), BioCharger(J Girard), BCX Ulra, GB4000(J Garff) + Mopa, Non local radionics combo use device: Spooky2(J White) etc., For other holographic/radionic devices see(p214-217), Finally sign of mainstream approval via Western Military connection: ElectRx/DARPA. Also see psychotronics related similar but weak power used MIL therapy (● p358). • Above type high powered photonic type resonance devices with cold plasma ability tend to general wide range of waves in harmonics simultaneously. Many devices are also lacking modern lab strict protocol experimental results, & many on market seem ineffective outside of narrow range of applications (Nen Sylver, Bar Lynes+), • Generally they are unorganized protocol-system as a whole due to mainstream debunking/ban(N Sheely+), Furthermore, large effectiveness difference exist for similar products because little to no official std test protocol is established(Dav Bourke+): Low performance example in Rife type device : poor carrier wave, limited wave form-range choice or frequency accuracy etc. Some device manufacturers make claims like “we are the only effective device”. Yet overall best performing devices seem to produce less results than Original Rife device of 70yrs+ ago(New cancer type with unknown frequencies emerged?, Some technical data lost? etc). • Strong medical catalyst derived from Rife idea: eg: BX Protocol(Dew Smith). -->cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Med 17: Academic Rife Research • ->>cont 1-Resonance Medical: Rife tech Devices: Their influence: Mainstream academic is slowly admitting Rife effect & other resonance tech as more than just supportive or minor effect device, : Incomplete less developed PEMF device? effectiveness discussed in modern medical journals in rare occasion(Ca Blackman, CF Costa, Ne Filipovic, JW Zimmerman+), Also significant effect of Rife like laser photonic short pulse method to selectively match virus's unique resonance frequencies to deactivate them is quietly published (Selective Photonic Disinfection: SEPHODIS)(Kong-Thon Tsen & Shaw-Wei Tsen), and mainstream groups are quietly adopting chemical combined PhotoDynamic Therapy(PDT) for cancer, or device for dental disinfections are slowly used without media praise(but no debunking). • Yet Rife tech might not necessarily be the best modality even for cancer: when other developed devices listed in this medical resonance section are used in relevant combinations with various modalities(including Western Mainstream[WM] types), it appears to bring up to 90% cure in majority of WM untreatable disease if WM medical oriented approach is skipped from the beginning(eg Naturalpath ) • 2-Low temperature/low energy nuclear radiation remediation /elimination(excluding science accepted but unfeasibility-labeled accelerator-driven Subcritical Reactor): unreleased virtual mainstream tech(Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Purdue & Birmingham univ., CERN+ /Frolov, Rus Roy, Kervran, Keller, Resnick, P Brown, Sta Adamenko, H Renner, Barker, Hawkings, Y Brown, Minzhang Lin+/ large # of patent & many different remediation methods listed - not just resonance: >>cont: 367
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance 18: Low Temp/Pressure Remediation • 2-Low tem nuclear radiation remediation patent & remediation methods:
• ●Plasma, Bacteria, Ozone, HHO, Nanobubble water, Alkalized water, Magnetization, SuperCritical Water, Cold electricity, Torsion field(rotating magnetic field etc), Laser, Wide range of microbes, Gamma ray/photon bombardment etc; • ●Local Fukushima gov/evacuee endorsed radiation decontamination pilot success is barred by national & international media-academia-government when technology is directly applicable to nuclear waste elimination/transmutation: ie when not adsorption/absorption(Teruo Higa, Takashima, Tazaki, Fukai, C Sano, Haneda, Ueda, PP Fominskiy, Ry Ohmasa, Sugihara, Iwata, H Iijima+/“violate law” of short-term almost indestructible radioactivity by low energy process or in low temp. • Yet an expensive exclusive method is officially western mainstream approved in form of acute radiation cure and Japanese govn't is obliged to have contract with this foreign company (Pluristem Therapeutics) whose nation's security company had core involvement in 311 nuclear accident itself(this info is completely avoided by Japanese gov't investigation, & their media or world mainstream press)while ignoring all domestic much cheaper or free unexclusive solutions -Would this pattern take precedent in "free energy" approval process also?: • Mainstream ignores/debunks cheap radiation remediation solution while buys expensive exclusive tech as only way available which majority of public religiously believes(Also see "Harmonious free energy disclosure scenarios" p336-341) -->> cont: 368
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Impact 19: Activated/Structured Water • 3-Industrial & Environment process; commercially used, ■ “Structured” water: a few in here is science legal: Magnetized(Kronenberg, P Kulish+), Geometry (Ib Karim, P Mols+), Nanobubble (Hir Onari, Ka Chiba+), Vortex, Venturi(Dan Winter+), Electrolyzed(San Shirahata+), HHO gas infused(Rob Gourley+), Resonance(Aus Darragh, Bru Tainio+), ”Information” treated(Ale Glogg, Pet Pejot+), Ceramic activated (Hyoung-Tag Jeon+). Some scalar type or quasi conventional ElectroMagnatic medical device can be used with slight alteration for water to "vitalize" water for increased plant/animal growth(Спинор Активатор, Радамир +) • REDUCES: algae, scaling, plant watering, mortality, odour, rust, fertilizer, salt in soil, detergent, INCREASES: bio yield, cement bond, cut fluid lasting+. This still conventional West mostly denied yet easily replicated effects might be related to stored kinetic/electrical energy in water molecule itself?(W John Martin+). Electric Pulse/Magnetic Resonance Freezing: defrosted organ transplant, fresh salad(Nor Owada, Tom Godai+), Pulsed De-Icing: Air craft wings, Freeze-rained power lines, Fast ice making(Petrenko+), For unconventional water tech info go to this link[four levels of..] • ■ Resonance, non-water: Ultrasonic/acoustic, Science accepted-eg: Chemical Sonolysis, Material cutting- handling-extraction, Kill/locate/enhance/identify specific bio-organism-mineral, Nano cleaning, Light metal welding, Dewatering-desalting, Water filter effect, low temperature "drying" at lowest energy cost: commercialized mainstream endorsed effects, often can enhance existing methods(Peshkovsky, Kaz Matsuura+). -->> cont: 369 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance 20: Phrase-Catalyst Matter/Water etc
• -->> cont: 3-Industrial & Environment process: ■ Resonance, non-water: • Audible Sound eg: Agri yield increase(JC Bose, Pe Weinberger+), some with Effect often far more than 10-20% increase by likes of enhanced fertilizer: Sonic Bloom(D Carlson)(mostly “science illegal”). Alleged EM & acoustic wave modulated resonance effect eg; Some electrostatic generator, Tree battery, or Geometric configuration wiring was directly used for improved plant growth(G Lakhovsky+),(some science legal) • Acoustic standing wave utilizing in-the-air matter/water mixer or acoustic noncontact transporter up to 4kg range material in industrial process line(ETH Zurich: Dan Foresti+, Tokyo Inst of Tech: Ken Nakamura+), • ■ Cold electricity (p148-153)(western science illegal) underwater/cold temperature lighting, high cap. computing/data storage with no overheating trouble, • ■ Out of light range all EM wave spectrum reactant Catalyst: (Science legal) • i-Self disinfecting, Static, or Condensation proof: filter-clothes-paint-glasstoilet. ii-Non light “Photocatalytic” Self Cleaning: car-solar panel-wall-floor. iii-Toxin/smog decomposing: pavement-container-tunnel+(Morito, Taoda+), • ■ “Phase Transfer Catalyst Water” (mainstream unaccepted), “Self EM field generation” or “Thz like wave emitting” water, Rapid chemical processor, Water/Fire proof after "water coating” is dried, Cleaner concentrate as mere water, Dissolve/coagulate toxin+(Doyuk, SY Lo, K Furusaki+), -->> cont
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Impact 21: Micro Electric Agriculture • -->>cont: 3-Industrial & Environment process: • ■ GDV/Kirlian: Western Science illegal: Bio/product quality check during process, Business team relationship or herb effectiveness of specific person – animal emotion & body condition projection reading(Bio-Well+). • 4-Farming process; ■ Earth EM Field Funnelled “Fertilizer” researched & used openly till 1950s(C Allon, Theroux, GW Crile, Saxton-Burr+): Plant Magnetotropism/Electrotropism: strictly science accepted but miraculously "not applicable to" farming crops, i.e. no research funds given: • eg A- stabilize ground electricity flow to increase plant-animal growth while reduce pests-germs-mold; done by buried solid wood charcoal-biochar (hardwood, 8001200°C process, non-glued), copper plough & wiring(H Yagi, T Uno, Y Tachibana+), can combine with electro-static generator for significant results(Maruko Denshi, Electric-Field-Screen.org+), soil charge polarity balance is the key for plant growth(Back To Your Roots Soil Solutions+), • eg B- Prior "eg A" effect & improved electrical efficiency, lower moisture, material(both organic & inorganic) integrity lasts longer when food storage, electric equipment or food processing operated at location where char is buried underground(Narasaki-inst)(Eij Maruko+), eg C- Magnetic Frost Guard(DeLand) by steel bar, magnets to reduce plant freezing, -->> cont 371
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Impact 22: Low Electric Weather Control
• -->>cont:4-Farming process; ■ Earth EM Field or Electron projection devices:
eg D- Plug-in electricity for same effect(D Wechsler, Van Doorne, V Blackman+), Also pests can be selectively fend off while often no effect or even beneficial on human preferred animals /bugs(Maruko Denshi, Shoo! Tag+)(debunked by mainstream but non aquatic type of collective Passive Electrolocation /Electroreception ability seems to exist: certain groups of living things might share common preferred frequency range) and possible to kill undesired mold or plant disease selectively(Hid Toyota+),
eg E- Similarly bioenhancing/extra growth effect by achieving electrically neutral state with “grounding” for potted plants, domestic animals/human(C Ober, Koniver, St Sinatra, Yos Matsuda+), ■ Radionics-Homeopathic agriculture: non-local resonance use & DNA activation, (mainstream unaccepted). • 5-Non cloud seeding weather control: Science illegal, but on strict effect base often legal: Scalar wave: (A): Orgone Energy(Polifka, DeMeo, J Strick, TJ Constable, G Ritschl, Shahram Parvin +). Generates perpetual microcurrent by directional geometric shape made with copper pipe etc, or placing different electro-potential metals wedged by dielectric material (static compression permanently adds extra subtle piezoelectric like resonance effect?): often take forms of quartz or copper solenoid, & involve directional geometry or pipe. • Depends on set up, this might generate anomalous long distance projection (1km+ upright) of subtle “potential only”(no vector) EM field or scalar/torsion field type 372 anomalous "region" with disproportionately large influence: -->>cont:
ZPE-Resonance Impact 23: High Power Electric Weather • -->>cont: 5-Non cloud seeding weather control: • ●Electrofreezing/ionizing/electroscavenging/Workman-Reynolds effect. ●"Cloud gathering or dispersing domino effect" on surrounding area. Also clears out smog, air born chemical & metal spray(Wil Reich, D Croft+): link to bioactivation effect, Discretely commercialized(Orgonise Africa, Rain4all +): some companies offer money back guarantee • (B): Ionizing/Heating: Strict science level is it valid but at "surface" general academic & media level pseudoscience: Various wave projection antenna can be used for focused EM(laser), or phrase conjugated(Scalar) type high power electric field generation to trigger more electroscavenging effect in high altitude(p430) against various layers of ionosphere, or widely sprayed(yet less than some exaggerates) metallic particles & various electrical polymer types(debunked at western media but officials/military is starting to admit) at high altitude +: for details click here [Eco Friendly...] for other report and look up "Precipitation related Weather Modification". • Also relevant to consider empirical likelihood(mainstream ignored) of electric based comets/Electric universe/Plasma cosmology idea that can plausibly extract electricity at super low cost?(Jam McCanney, Imm Velikovsky, Tesla+), while seemingly less free energy unextractable less disruptive version is more highlighted at most alternative media & even some times mainstream(Talbot, Thornhill, Hal Arp+), or further conservative idea also exists(Han Alfvén+). 373 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance TYPE Tech Has More Impact 24: Low Electricity GeoSynthetics, Soil Water Removal + • 6-Geosynthetics & stone-concrete capillary/porous moisture & water flow control(also in soil): by electric pulse wave, without direct contact to the medium(hence unexplainable by mainstream Electro-osmosis/Electromigration/Electro-kinetiks): “wireless electro-omosis”(Ga Pavledova+): Dinant Vochtbestrijding, Domodry, Ecodry de, Murag Aquamat+, Even no electricity, ambient Scalar/Torsion wave use: Aquapol, Dry Floor Stick +, • 7-Electrodeposition/Electroplating metal making: Western science sanctioned: far higher strength & rust resistance metal plate(Modumetal[C Lomasney]+), Bearing(Mahle GmbH+). This process is originally used for metal coating, but extensive anomalous metal effect causing Pulse Plating(Pulse Electroplating) process & related others are also quietly used in selected industries only: eg Semiconductor, • 8-Anti-gravity/Gravity control/Gravity field generation: mainstream unaccepted from 1958ish: often claimed elements with redundancies: a-Counter-rotation, b-Rotating Superconductor (Modanese+)/or Mercury(Ed Fouche+)(600050,000rpm+, but contradicts GR: "Gravitomagnetic London Moment"), c-High voltage spinning disc or embedded magnet(O Carr+), d-High voltage Crystal(Kowsky & Frost+), e-Diamagnetism/Dielectric (repulsion), f-Standing wave acoustic(not overunity claim like others), ->cont: 374
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance TYPE Tech Has More Impact 25: Gravity Field Technology: Motional Electric Field etc • -->>cont: 8-Gravity field tech/Gravity control: • g-Electrostatic (eg cloud up in air, not just thermal effect), h-MHD, i-Electrogravitics(TT Brown+)(f Ion wind, differs from pure ElectroHydroDynamics(EHD)-, yet Ion Thrust/Ion Engine itself is vaguely mainstream admitted on its own overunity efficiency as propulsion[Masuyama & Barrett+], or cooling device[DB Go, Raj Mongia et al+]), j-Asymmetrical pulse etc, • k-Motional Electric Field/Longitudinal Magnetic Field: Rather curious but almost completely mainstream ignored(except in astronomy) often unshieldable Moving Magnetic Field/Flux Cutting/Spatially Motional Electric Field Induction➊(differs from Spatially Fixed Time Variant E-Field Induction➋/Flux Linking, so there are 2 distinctive inductions, actually Faraday Disc demonstrates "type1"[GI Cohn+] & 3 distinctive E-fields including Electrostatic E- field❸ , all with fundamentally different characters, but mainstream only acknowledges latter two types[Rong Chen, Par Moon & D Eberle Spencer+], also Induced vs Motional ElectroMotiveForce are quite different) strongly indicates gravity mechanics: Presumably charged particles of atoms function as magnet to induce Motional Electric Field & hence gravity effect(Hooper, Kyl Klicker, WB Smith+)(with differentials of negative/positive charge) or some kind of "perpetual force" existence. • Claims on static floating effect by similar mechanics(Rota & Milienne[French 375 patent]+) -->>cont:
ZPE/Resonance Impact 26: Official Gravity Tech at 1950s • -->> cont: 8-Gravity field tech/Gravity control: • This Motional Electric Field also seems to be generated with no moving parts or inducted even when total magnetic flux is zero(phrase conjugated EM wave equivalent) : Its associated magnetic flux moves with the charge, hence Motional Electric Field surrounds the charge even when "it is not moving". • Many top aviation companies tacitly admitted gravity field effect validity till mid 1950s(General Electric, Boeing, Bell Aircraft, Grumman, Hughes, Lear, Lockheed, Douglas, Glenn Martin, Sperry Gyroscope+)(Wil Lear, Law Bell, Ans E Talbert+): They commented close to light speed travelling by gravity field creating "frictionless boundary layer"(super cavitation equivalent in air) or zig zag movement with no inertia force by local gravity cancellation. • Canadian gov't run "Project Magnet" was reported then to be on same advanced level(partially based on motional electric/magnetic field theory) despite current debunking. Mainstream papers/mags, & even kids science books till 1960s openly talked about flying cars by 21century. • Free energy generation involved in some(eg1 : Motional Electric Field is known to generate electricity including when total magnetic flux is zero[i.e. linked to solid state electricity generator], eg2: Extremely high voltage generations can be involved, eg3: Science legal “counter rotating light beams” of Ring Laser Gyroscope-RLG can achieve refractive index overunity[K Inagaki+] etc). -->>cont: 376
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Impact 27: Still Taboo: Ultra Fast Spin & Counter Rotating Gyroscope, Water, Mercury, Pulse etc • -->>cont: 8-Gravity field tech/Gravity control: Also majority of prior claims can be explained/achieved by somehow rearranging atomic spin-spin alignment/interaction(torsion field)(p193-208, 218-241) or its EM field effect(repulsion-attraction) of any matter, including surrounding air molecules. But if matter becomes "massless state" with gravity tech, then can it also move to anywhere/dimension/time like consciousness with the same mechanics? • All censored & became pseudoscience by 1959(Uhouse, R Dean, TT Brown, Alek, La Violette[B2: Northrop], N Cook, Roschin, Goodall, CB Jones+), this accompanied even backtracking already established Inertia drive to be invalidated(Ro Cook, BR Thornson+), and main media, NGOs, top academics all dutifully obliged without questions just like modern days, but many strong theoretical or experimental gravity field generation claims obviously exist(Cha Carew, De Aquino, L Bell, Tajmar & de Matos, Cox, Ro Cook, Moore, Dimitriou, Anastasozki, B Sorensen +), • Even Gyroscope has very clear repeatable effects(San Kidd, E Laithwaite+), also anyone can repeatedly test two gyroscope with same spin produces twice angular momentum(AM) & precession, while opposite spin has zero AM and zero precession, Some mainstream western scientists actively involved in on-going classified projects?(Dou Torr, Jos Vargas, Ming Yin, Tim Datta+), some, after daring high profile official remarks on significant weight lifting success , completely disappeared from public(Ning Li+). -->>cont: 377
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Resonance Impact 28: GravityTech = Open Electricity • -->>cont: 8-Gravity field tech: Countless pilot/military "flying saucer or orb" witness was ridiculed, or ignored till quite recently, or categorized as "mysterious extraterrestrial craft", and it rarely goes further than that in mechanics investigation at mainstream. • One important distinction can be made for gravity tech by power magnitude difference: While they are all "anomalous" or extreme claims from mainstream perspective, Most claims are barely lifting or lighten weight of just dozen gramskg range(P Murad, N Rognerud, Ron Kita, Eug Podkletnov+), while a few are claiming ton level of weight with seemingly similar original/starting power use(Searl, Hollingshead+) • Same magnitude gap is found in "free energy tech" claims: Some are barely making small "overunity" electricity or heat, while others are claimed to be generating large KW of electricity from "nothing". Is this difference due to in relation to "space-time tear" effect? Also electromagnetic gravity tech research failed but accompanied weather anomaly on consistent basis to commercialize weather tech on private basis(Алексей Филиппович Смирнов «Урания»+) • At least some of antigravity crafts witnessed worldwide are likely manmade(human made) with part-time such capacity: might be amongst known or thought to exist crafts: -->>cont: 378
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Resonance Impact 29: GravityTech, Transmutation etc • -->>cont: 8-Anti-gravity/Gravity control: terrestrial crafts?: "TR-3B"? Aurora?, X-33A?, XH-75D? etc- these technical whistleblowing (Ed Fouche, Mic Wolf+ ) gets additional severe "inside alternative researchers' debunking"? Yet there are signs main media coordinated gravity tech approval to occur to significant degree in 2017(see p423) • 10-”Alchemy”, Low temp. - low energy Transmutation, Nuclear or various inorganic synthesis i.e. use other than Nuclear Reactor/SuperCritical/Particle Accelerator: Practically undeniable,- more or less limited to Western media backed fringe 1980s mainstream science level's debunking. Complete Russian/China mainstream, Still relatively ignored in mainstream West: most researchers know validity but stay quiet to keep the job, but increasingly some in West appear to ignore "warning" and do experiments(often related to LENR) and openly talk about repeated results: A-D • ■A Precious metal+ at Cavitation(hot temp), HHO-LENR/Cold electricity(low), similar status to directly linked Cold Fusion(Miley, Kushi, François, Jovivitsch, Russell, LeClair, Bazhutov, L Larsen, F Wilkinson, VI Petrik, Iwamura/Mitsubishi, DARPA, Toyota+), Multiples of significantly different methods successfully experimented: • Gold production: transmutation from Microwave irradiation of minerals(J Milewski), Commercialized Gold production by phonon/EM resonance or microbes(Joe Champion, commercialized & later retracted+), (BT Isotopes /Sakhno & Kurashov): Russians operating out of neutral Switzerland - largely ignored by mainstream(another Russian low cost gold recovery tech also see p317 ■D ) , -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Resonance Impact 30: Low Temp Transmutation: Gold+ • ->>cont: 10-”Alchemy”: ■A Precious metal transmutation production examples: • Other minerals: Mercury between high voltage iron electrodes creates Silver+(Nagaoka+), also Hg link to superconductivity & antigravity (Majorana+), Some metals crystalizes out of pure water by prolonged acoustic resonance only(Ry Ohmasa+), But now mainstream officially accepted idea of Carbon can be “transmuted into” magnetic by various means(Ohldag+), • ■B Biological transmutation(Kervran, von Herzeele, Baranger, Komaki, Lauwes, Vysotskii, Goldfein, Kornienko, Prout, Vauquelin, Samyolenko, Zundel, Ta Mizuno,+), "No food eating human" lives by transmutation?(H Ratan Manek+) or Non food & no water takers(Prahlad Jani+), How about semi non-breathing human? Samadhi: Keiko Aikawa+), • -i Non metal non magnetic material into magnetic(Gyö Egely+), ridiculed before but now science legal and simply ignored by same people, -ii Gold & other precious metal production(Gardea & Torresdey+), -iii Medical Isotope production(BT Isotopes/Sakhno & Kurashov): claims 5-10 times lower costing than conventional reactor/cyclotron made types. • There might be a case of usually lot less tech suppressing(compared to West) Russian state(«В/О «Изотоп», «Росатом») to be partially involved in stifling successful commercialization due to direct competition? -->>cont: 380
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Impact 31: Produce Abiotic Natural Gas • ->>cont: 9-”Alchemy”, Transmutation, Nuclear or inorganic synthesis: • ■C Not transmutation, but some are underground bacteria produced hydrocarbon(i.e. not "fossil fuel"): This carbon dioxide use fuel production is significantly under-promoted as part of mainstream climate policy(CO2 reduction) even though its accepted science • ●Injecting CO2 in underground Coal veins to generate new Methane faster based on bacteria's oxygen reduction effect(Golding-Rudolph-Esterle+), or modified less disruptive interpretation of "bacteria digests coal to make methane"(Luca, Ciris Energy) • ● A few small oil well is confirmed to be bacteria produced and faster regeneration of natural gas/oil well by use of bacteria(Oleomonas sagaranensis) as western mainstream science. • Methane production by dozen type of thermophilic archaea & CO2 in underground 50-100°C level temperature & pressure(5MPa, 50 times atmospheric), Pilot project success indication but likely being shelved, also media ignored(Inpex, Chugai Technos+): Simply inject CO2 with designated microorganism in ground(no need for coal seam) and Hydrocarbon is produced if there is no oxygen(Tad Imanaka, Mas Morikawa, Tom Sato, Kaz Fujiwara+), -->> cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Impact 32: Abiotic Oil, Bacteria Produced Underground Crude Oil, Academic Validation • ->>cont: 9-”Alchemy”: ■C Underground bacteria produced hydrocarbon(ie not "fossil fuel"): ● Confirmed to be bacteria produced oil wells: • This is official position of AIST Japan: there is science split between Japan( plus other regular "pseudoscientific nations" like China, Russia, India etc) VS rest of western allies' academics, media level pseudoscience. *Incidentally above researches also find hydrogen-producing thermophilic bacteria from left over oil well seem to have marginal effect in Enhanced Oil Recovery(EOR). • ■D Hydro carbon mainly as Abiotic oil, bacteria generated, or “transmutant”,: i.e. likely majority is Mantle derived: eg: Measured isotopic depletion/enrichment of carbon/hydrogen for C1 to C4 N-Alkanes & isotopic ratio shows abiotic very clearly(ie strictly academically speaking only[not geo-econo-politically correct], it is completely science legal)(Liuping Zhang, Krayushkin,Kutcherov, Simakov, Karpov, Gorvachev, Nefjodov, J Kenny, Porfir’yev, Chekaliuk, Dolenko, Kudryavtsev, Klochko+): -->> cont: 382
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Resonance Impact 33: Massive Hydro Carbon in Moons • ->>cont: 9-"Alchemy" ■D Hydro carbon mainly as Abiotic: more blatant examples: • ●"Can’t have both ways of no-life-hydrocarbon in Titan(far more than on earth), Jupiter, Saturn, comets, some moons +, yet all oil is biologically based fossil fuel”, ● Even in mainstream science, some of Gas Hydrates in deep ocean is officially admitted to be abiotic for some yrs(but "trusted Western media" corrects "academic mistakes"), • ● POTENTIALLY HIGHLY DISRUPTIVE & RARE EVENT(this could have become equivalent to Pons & Fleischmann Cold Fusion incident of Japanese oil version but didn't evolve due to no mainstream exposure): Western ally nations' high level academic publicized low cost abiotic high quality hydrocarbon(no NOx/SOx, as is useable for cars) 5minute-production-method at 1/30 level of high gasoline cost of Japan - semi "free energy". • This announcement news was picked up by 1 of 3 major Japanese media networks and article was instantly removed, also from general public availability of main academic publication lists in Japanese, but later resurfaced in English. • Invention was published as: "An efficient way of producing fuel hydrocarbon from CO2 and activated water"(2015, Imanaka & Takemoto, Ritsumeikan Univ). Some debunkers in Japan insist this is simply a hoax done by some 3rd party. ->>cont: 383
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Resonance Impact 34: Abiotic Oil Commercialization • ->>cont. 9- ■D Hydrocarbon as Abiotic oil: Production: Low Cost Inamaka Process: • But actually Imanaka mechanics is not particularly unique(except no heat & pressure involved, see next two page for examples), and inventor seems to be still allowed to continue lecturing/presentation on low key basis in Japan though without using media or not even with own web site. • Entire process is done under atmospheric pressure & room temperature: 1-Nanobubble O2 injection into water, 2-Treat it with UV light standard photocatalytic reaction by TiO2 to "activate water”(unstable state): this produces CO & H2 at later stage, 3- Mix this water vigorously with automobile grade hydrocarbon to create micelle /emulsion, 4- Infuse CO2 gas in this emulsion liquid, 5-Hydrocarbon identical to feedstock is recovered in additional 5-10% of original volume consistently, entire process takes 5mins. Next 2pages show eg of similar mechanics but with higher cost process • ● Less disruptive version of this carbon dioxide used production of fuel is publicized at mainstream, but still not heavily promoted as Carbon sequestration/Climate change prevention activity suffers? : ◥ • ◥ In situ & lab creation of Methane- Hydrocarbon by iron salts, calciummagnesium carbonate, water in high pressure heat & various frequency vibration (JY Chen, Goncharov, Kolesnikov, Ancilotto, HP Scott+), -->cont 384
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Resonance Impact 35: Multiple CO2+H2O Abiotic Oil • ->>cont. 9 -Transmute & inorganic synthesis, ■D Abiotic oil : ● less-disruptive: • ◥ From CO2 + H2O by photocatalysis of TiO2 or Bismuth vanadate BiVO4(Seng S Tan, Piumetti, / Toyota Central R&D+), • ◥ Power storage of Electrofuel as “Fossil Fuel” Syngas produced also from CO2 + H2O by syntrolysis/mainstream Fischer-Tropsch process/Sabatier reaction since 1925 /1902, or CO2 reduction to CO by Cu etc(E-Diesel: Audi - Sunfire GmbH), Low cost CO2 reduction by CuO nanowire with SnO2(Tin dioxide) layer deposition with solar (M Grätzel+). ◥ Similar mechanics for methanol as largest commercialized "abiotic fuel" production by use of geothermal power etc, H2O + CO2 from volcano(Volcanol Carbon Recycling International), Super low cost/compact electrochemical based reduction of CO2 or CO can assist synthetic fuel cost significantly down(Eltron Research), not just from water & fumes, but via gasification etc • ◥ and sort of "common knowledge" at least US Navy(NRL electrolytic cation exchange module "demo") has been using CO2 as feedstock for their submarines, Room temp/pressure Methanol production via photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with water(Mitsui Zosen Plant Engineering+) offering quietly only in Japan and as subsidiary of a large company? Hydrocarbon plastic from CO2 & H2O via methanol(Mitsui Kagaku+): mostly low key internal use only. Solar-wind power(or residual) based water electrolysis & CO2 biocatalytic synthesis(Archaea) to generate Methane(ElectroChaea+) as Power To Gas electricity storage. -->>cont: 385
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Resonance Impact 36: Abiotic Oil Production, ORMUS • ->>cont. 9 -Transmutation, ■D Abiotic oil or “transmutant”: ● less-disruptive versions: • But vast majority of large # of commercialization plan is still on hold: In civilian US, UK, Israel and Japan - last of which is geopolitically weak & US controlled in energy, financial & several other issues(eg Japan-U.S. Joint Committee, US Intel linked govn’tcourt-police-religious-media group key members; H Segi, K Hatoyama, Uekusa, Mut Mabuchi, H Yabe, Magosaki, Onizuka, Kaz Hamada, Mi Schaller+), similar or higher efficiency tech has been kept being shelved(a few selected examples: Hitachi Zosen, JAXA, SNL-INL, Doty Energy, Air Fuel Synth’s, NewCO2Fuels, Liquid Light, Sandia CR5 Sunshine to Petrol+), • Other types, ●Cyanobacteria + sun light based(Helioculture): Joule Sunflow,●New one step CO2+H2O conversion to hydrocarbon at 180°C(F MacDonnell+), ●Cu nanoparticle embedded high texture, N-doped carbon nanospike film catalyst used electrochemical conversion of CO2+H2O to ethanol at room temp/pressure(Ada Rondinone et al), ●Palladium electrode electrolysis of CO2 infusing water with pyridinium catalyst to produce methanol(Lin Chao): many others exists. But likely this on-hold status will change in few yrs as cellulosic ethanol will be produced world wide? • ♛ Transmutation-ORMUS-Vacuum linked?(appear<-> disappear-effect, AntiGravitySuperconductivity effect, also bioenhancing), Electron-charge-cluster?, Electron paring? Super high energy state of atom? Superatom: Acting like Dimensional shift? Torsion field? Monoatomic?(see p305-318)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Disclosure Impact – Trigger Full Review of Other Dubious Claims? 1: Open System(unlimited system) • Warning: For p387-404, below "10 Lack of Shortage Crisis”(Far-Fetched Claim & Knowledge) section’s data has significant % of specialist science/witness interreference validation, but overwhelmingly rejected by Western generalists and at least majority of semi-specialists, hence the info controversially differs from well united mainstream media/NGO /Wikipedia concensus. • Also each witness quoted has higher inaccuracy possibility though collective overall claims may be roughly close to actual physical effects. Individual data reassessment is recommended. Or Readers/participators are encouraged to either skip this particular section & next Outrageous Claims segment whose heading is highlighted in purple on each page(ends at p485). • 10-Lack of Shortage Crisis: ZPE related tech effects might raise serious credibility issue amongst mainstream narrative exclusively believing(like middle age religion) western mass for limitation or “dead end” closed system based profit structure: “public consumption physics”(Jo Farrell), "fairy tale science for public"(Jam McCanney). -->> cont:
ZPE-Resonance Disclosure Impact – Trigger Full Review of Other Far-Fetched Claim? 2: Open System • -->>cont: 10■ Mainstream’s “closed two-polar” crisis pattern: • Without scarcity, fundamental business paradigm & supporting political/economic control will face major overhaul: Shortage of resources and, Abundance: of chronic disease, epidemic, dangerous toxin, exclusively human produced CO2 based catastrophic climate crisis, spontaneously raised large funding for active terrorism etc • ■Mainstream’s tendency of promoting “closed two-polar” crisis pattern; one side exaggerates harm & other denies, while both block/debunk fundamental solution data, • This crisis pattern is suspected found in many areas as seeming std process, and has tendency to increase control of non elite population(James Corbett+). • Though not directly related to energy & might appear unsubstantiated/highly questionable, following 1 to 9 examples demonstrate relevant important information processing method & "reality" creation. —>> cont
ZPE-Resonance Disclosure Impact – Trigger Full Review of Other Far-Fetched Claim? 3: RadioActivity • -->>cont: 10■ Mainstream’s “closed two-polar” crisis pattern: • eg1 “Radioactive material has only harmful effects & impossible to remediate”: Radioactive waste reuse is denied while exaggerating harm(Gal Windsor, Ber Cohen, Gus Lebon+). • Providing Nobel prize in 1940s to fabricate a new reality?(Calabrese+) ignoring: Practically undeniable Radiation Hormesis was mainstream effect(still so in Russia etc) till this "reality change" occurred like antigravity tech suddenly became non-existent(p374-379): low dose benefit based on numerous & consistent experiments data(Hattori, W Allison,K Otsuka, Kaz Sakai, Corrice, de Toledo, Hamasu, T Onishi, Pollycove, Je Cuttler+), • Almost all living organisms benefit(Muckerheide, Stoklasa+), Lack of ionizing radiation causes animals to get weak or die(Ruda & Kuzin, Tho Luckey, Conter+), which coincides with lack of negatively charged ion. Irradiated food lasts longer(Ber Cohen+), Immune activation (Ina & Sakai+), -->> cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Disclosure Impact - Review of Other Far-Fetched Claim? 4: Low Dose Radiation • —>> cont 10■ Shortage & Crisis Idea Promotion- eg1 : Low dose radiation: • Recovery from Cancer with no side effects, with much lower dose than mainstream medical use(Kiy Sakamoto, Bogoljubov, Deetjen+) - same for some accidentally/temporarily somewhat over-exposured nuclear plant workers world wide(Ber Cohen+), Plants become robust & cattles “overlive"(J Gutierez+), Distorted/blocked data on benefited population on Chernobyl radiation(certain distance from accident) exposure- in West(VG Petin, Pronkevitch+) • Non-radiation Hormesis experiments, though with far less sample, also show positive results for almost all toxins since 1800s(Schultz & Arndt+). Consistency with modern data(LA Baldwin+): Lead, Cadmium, Sodium Arsenate, Methanol, Methyl Mercury etc despite frequent censorship on science journals(Mar Mattson+), Business backing? - Very little experimental evidence that supports mainstream debunking/vast under-estimation of significant effects(Calabrese, Ral Cook+), Low dose toxic metal promotes growth(AR Stebbing+), Low dose “poisonous” medicine(El Szabadi+). Effects are significant in some, negligible in others(Dong-Soon Bae, Cedergreen+). Life extension effects of animals(SIS Ratan, Ja Cypser+), Epigenetic relation?(A Vaiserman, R Jirtle+) -->> cont 390
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Disclosure Impact - Review of Other Dubious Claims?: 5 Denial of Catastrophic Global Warming By Manmade CO2 • —>> coninued 10, Shortage & Crisis Idea Promotion: eg2■ “Only Man made CO2 causes catastrophic global warming” idea: in many contexts this is completely different from climate change, or general global warming but often seemingly intentionally confused by mainstream west and this brings up complicated non-straight forward issues depends on interpretation, but mainstream level idea promoters & deniers both ignore/block key potentially relevant information,& super low cost energy research: • a-Often classified Ionosphere-Troposphere coupling geo-engineering: Space weather shielding, earth experiments/diagnosis by heating ionosphere+(D Papadopoulos, Getmantsev, Gerken, Brändström, El Kendall+), HAARP type operations usually increase temperature and can alter climates significantly(Indian Gov't: A Madhav Dave), Artificial aurora/northern lights or ionospheric plasma cloud generation in sky(Univ Alaska, US Navy Research Lab+), Use of Scalar? & Schumann wave. This is discussed more often in academic journals than "averting sun”. Electronic means as by far more effective weather/storm modification is actually commonsense amongst specialists at least amongst Russian/Ukranian/Kazakh main academics & politicians(МА Шахраманьян, V Zhirinovsky+): some call western scientists and gov'ts, NGOs hypocrites. • b-Millions of km power line likely ionize & heat atmosphere(Helliwell+), Scalar link, 391
Disclosure Impact - Review of Other Dubious Claims?: 6 Denial of Catastrophic Global Warming By Manmade CO2 • —>> cont 10, Shortage & Crisis Idea : eg2■ “Only Man made CO2 causes catastrophic global warming”: • c-Worldwide observed some type of aerosol spray/persistent contrail (Vermeeren+), some plane's persistent contrails can be due to special purpose high metal additive fuel mix effect?(Jim Lee+), actually covers much more than Project Cloverleaf?-many of which still show signs of highly classified black project(Adm Raborn, Peter Kirby+), • Mainstream sponsored intense two step debunking on Morgellons & airborne chemical analysis(1-symptom is delusional, 2-if ever real, then absolutely not from one of plane sprays). • But a few academics & doctors engage(Morgellons Research Foundation, OK State univ+)(: with risk of losing medical license or research funding etc, while those criticize or never read them would generally gain credibility, increase chance of getting various funding etc): and conclude at least bacteria type infection(Ran Wymore, Gin Savely+), yet based on Western Govn’t track record, there are good similarities with previously repeated unclassified bio test piggy backing & simulating on existing disease. This time in nanomites/nanobots/intelligent dust?, or genetically modified virus?(Hil Staninger, AC Griffith+): those dusts themselves 392 already exists officially last 5-10yrs.
Disclosure Impact - Review of Other Dubious Claims?: 7 Denial of Catastrophic Global Warming By Manmade CO2 • —>> cont 10, Shortage & Crisis Idea : eg2■ “Only Man made CO2 causes catastrophic global warming”: c-Allegations persistent contrails: Morgellons • If some spraying is widely taking place solely/mainly for Morgellon purpose, wide variance of aerosol chemical depends on flight or region doesn’t make sense. And airborne detection of disease polymer doesn’t guarantee it comes from daytime aerosols spray either(can be leakage from factory, soil/plant, drones at night etc). Portions of symptom is coming from varied virus and other more non organic polymers? Mutation of Lyme? Synergy with other chemicals/materials available? etc. • Also this research finds correlation to other geopolitical/scientific status events: there might be an element in research groups to stop claims at "1st step level diverging" from mainstream narrative, while debunking less believable further "2nd step level" physical effect(insist on virus based cause of symptom while debunk/ridicule nanobots element to gain mainstream credibility faster or somehow manage to keep academic/medical job, and possibly not to alienate intel/military type black ops etc). • Unclassified info shows almost half a billion needles of 1cm+ long copper dispersed to generate ionosphere in 1960s(Project WestFord) etc. Currently there seems to be no evidence to firmly attribute ALL Morgellons to persistent contrail. >>cont 393
Impact 8: Manmade CO2 Global Warming Denial • -->> continued 10, Shortage & Crisis Idea: eg2■Exclusively Man made CO2 based catastrophe : c-Allegations of intentional large persistent contrails: • Aside from disease claims likely existence of public unnoticed ionospheric chemical spray(eg Boeing patent #5104069 +, Ro Bertell+) & explosions, some officially quietly verbally admitted(Ti Lenton+), • Historical record on attempting not just to "play” with ionosphere, but to alter or at least partially erase ionosphere - Van Allen Belt - magnetosphere by various means including HAARP is fairly clearly documented(Jim Lee+): this should change climate significantly on local scale but does it also mean to cause fair amount of global warming?(Carnicom+), • d-Yet almost all of many mainstream oil lobby(basically same lobbying methods as regular western mainstream groups use: via minority of NGOs, PR firms, Thinktanks, Small “market share” in media -governments - academic funding, “alternative media”, “grassroots” - often combined with libertarian types. But unlike full mainstream groups seemingly little influence on intel agencies or “internet trolls”)funded "CO2 global warming debunking" movements seem to stay away from emphasizing prior "a-c" & later "o" elements even when evidence is apparent and they usually only point out following "e-n" & "p" info. -->> cont: 394
Impact 9: Manmade CO2 Global Warming Denial • —>> cont: 10, Shortage & Crisis Idea Promotion: eg2■ “Only Man made CO2 based catastrophe” is not always same context as climate change: e-i: • e-Manipulation of framing question itself without referring to its precise topic of discussion, magnitude & when, triggers controversy & exaggeration. For example, data collectively indicates following answers: Is there increased climate change recently?-YES, global warming last 50yrs?-YES, Northern hemisphere is warming even globally data has many contradictions for last 19yrs?-YES, Human can be major cause of it?-YES, CO2 can be major cause?-YES. Is Non-mainstream view, or usually ignored non warming data generally debatable without worry for academic funding/suppression? NO. • Under this context, those feel like making points often knowingly erroneously expressing self by saying "there is no man made global warming at all, it is a hoax" by which causes further misunderstanding & defensiveness on other side. Some groups seem to make effort to polarize situation rather than bringing both parties to understand each other. • f -Large environmental type groups promoted creation of global warming technologies in 1950s(eg J Huxley: WWF/UNESCO), fear of global cooling (Nig Calder+), Media headlines: As late as 1977's Time Magazine(The Coming Ice Age), ‘71's NY Times (Schneider & Rasool), g-Last 19yrs same temp globally if measured from its peak point(Roy Spencer+), h-Long term historical temperature trend cycle, i-Warmingcooling cycle might involve solar system, ->> cont 395
Impact 10: Manmade CO2 Global Warming Denial • —>> cont: 10, Shortage & Crisis Idea Promotion: eg2■ “Only Man made CO2 based catastrophe” is not always same context as climate change: j-n: • j -Repeatedly & on-going wide range of admitted data doctoring at mainstream news to show heating,(eg "we have to get rid of Medieval Warming Period"[D Deming], Climate gate & "hockey stick"[Tim Ball+], Many others[Joh Bates, Ric Keen+], Far fetched unscientific 97% consensus counting, Massive continuous data reconstruction[Ste McIntyre, D Easterbrook]+), Keep using inaccurate climate model to favor warming on computer: eg model warming distribution shows heatspots in high altitude(greenhouse effect) but actual satellite data generally doesn’t show such effect at all(J Kirkby+). • k -Historical ice record shows CO2 usually follows temperature rise, not the other way(F Singer, Ian Clark+), i-CO2 volume largely affected by ocean's temperature rise(C Wunsch+), • m-Long ignored CO2 Fertilization effect is finally western mainstream approved: CO2 itself in recent decade doesn't seem to be increasing(hit the threshold?) likely due to Carbon Dioxide Fertilization effect which also significantly increases plant health world wide(Tre Keenan, Myneni+), n-CO2 is still 1.5-3% of greenhouse gas after 30% increase(Fre Goldberg+), vapor is likely far more influential, 396
Impact 11: Manmade CO2 Global Warming Denial • ->>cont 10 Crisis Idea: eg2■ Man's CO2 only catastrophic warming idea ignores: • o-ElectroMagnetic Elements/Space Weather/Earth Geomagnetic activity as at least a key element(if not super dominant) in earth climate effects: This is common sense in some focused specific segments within Astrophysics & Atmospheric Physics(Gil Harrison+). Air born molecular ions & charged aerosol particle might have significant influences on weather & is created by (A)-Natural earth radioactivity-EM radiation (B)-Earth’s charge gap between its surface & ionosphere, (C)-Cosmic ray ionization(Gil Harrison, Carslaw+). Some examples: i-ii • i-Large scale examples are: Coronal Mass Ejections, Cosmic Ray, and other Sun’s electron related activities causing Storm-Enhanced Density /Geomagnetic Storm(this part is fully mainstream accepted). ii- In turn strongly affects smaller scale examples: Ion induced nucleation(F Yu+), ElectroFreezing/ElectroScavenging /Workman-Reynolds & ThermoDielectric effects(media type mainstream claims this is "interesting" with little practical importance, or selectively link certain phenomena to debunk). Also see elements in “a” & “b” in prior pages that are rarely discussed openly. Some signs of those topics intentionally disjointed from earth climate science in West - e.g: CERN Cloud Experiment is marketed by mainstream as isolated event & spun as “it proves nothing”. 397
Disclosure Impact - Review of Dubious Claims? 12:
Denial of Catastrophic Global Warming By Manmade CO2 • ->>cont 10 Crisis Idea: eg2■ Man's CO2 only catastrophic warming idea ignores: • p-Other man/noman made element might have far more impact, etc : Hence this phenomena is not even Western science consensus, only main media/gov’t(except US since 2017 in west, but many non western nations actually passively not agreeing) /NGO/IPCC consensus(Lafrembois, Bo Carter, Moncton, J Lovelock, JL Ward+), which is opposite of media claims(science consensus but still media level debate exists): • i-IPCC founding charter itself says "Purpose is to show human is changing climate"(Maurice Strong), ii-Many scientists are forced into or tricked into signing(K-E Puls, Iv Giaever, Jud Curry+), iii-”Mistakenly" counted as supporting IPCC(Wil Soon, Al Carlin+), iv-Needs lawsuit to remove name from support(P Reiter+), v-Hurts career to disagree with media/NGO's view regardless of actual scientific consensus(Dav Bellamy, Phi Verdier+), vi-Education content altered to make sense of increasingly contradictory theory(Joh Ball+). • From pure data tracking/academic only point of view as of 2016 from 1990s when "crisis prediction" science-policy was formulated is still being adhered as correct can be safely stated either some kind of large well coordinated corruption, hoax, fraud, or beyond normal collective incompetency(Wil Happer, Dav Evans+), i.e. ignore data altering to keep funding/job security/public reputation etc is much more "practical way to do science" than sticking to pure science, 398
Disclosure Impact - Review of Dubious Claims? 13:
Persistent Contrail Formation by intentional Particles • —>>cont 10 Mainstream orchestrated shortage & Crisis Promotion examples: • This type of well coordinated event has a "foot print"(pun intended) of mega budget major Public Relation Firm campaign back up(J Stauber+), Totalitarianism?: same people who funded communism back then is now doing this to control nations & prevent them from independently prospering(Václav Klaus[Czech Pres./PM]+)? • eg3■ “There is no effective direct remediation for smog or chemical/metal aerosol spray”: Several-fold subject - Western media denies(Russia affirms) "chemtrail" combined with high power EM wave projection from ground, but gov't official partially discusses(J Brennan+) for reasoning to protect from heating, while academic documents often discuss purpose is rather to generate ionization based heating. Majority of protesting groups exaggerate harm/fear while block-ignore info on low cost Orgone /Electrostatic projection/Scalar wave effective air clearing solutions(Sha Daphna-Schloss, G Ritschl+ ): even prominent users on most expensive large Orgone device debunks smaller low cost unexclusive device. This research finds there are many cases that appear to be “chemtrails” are actually Schmidt-Appleman criterion fulfilled situation with high humidity to have prolonged contrail formation, or changing fuel mix to intentionally induce it(Rolls Royce+) presumably without metals/polymers/nonfuel chemicals, while others are not explainable by such reasoning. -->>cont: 399
Disclosure Impact - Review of Dubious Claims? 14:
Persistent Contrail Formation by intentional Particles • —>>cont 10 Mainstream orchestrated shortage & Crisis examples: • eg4■ ”Only Vaccine can prevent epidemics”: Why its content classified? (Tenpenny+), Some seem to contain Nagalese "by accident" which is pointed out by some mainstream doctors provided with solution knowledge of GcMAF before they lose medical license(at some western nations)?, • Some vaccines seem to work well but many others cause high rate of severe reaction, actually increase death, & too frequently "mistakenly contaminated" or overdose of virus/toxin(Rus Blaylock+) especially in Western prescribed vaccine applied in 3rd world(W Ngare, S Karanja, Ton Bark+), • Consistent history with certain frequency it generated more disease or had zero effectiveness when inoculated, but such data is usually suppressed & ignored(Obomsawin, Boy Haley+), At least for Autism connection, if looked at all reports(including main journal rejected papers or those people are fired over), evidence is consistently clear(Shi Chopra, Har Coulter+), -->>cont: 400
ZPE-Resonance Disclosure Impact - Review of Other Far-Fetched Claim & Knowledge? 15: Vaccine Deniers • —>>cont 10 Shortage & Crisis Promotion- eg4■ :”Only Vaccine can prevent epidemics”: examples of suspected vaccine or medical contradictory info: • One rare mainstream approved research shows disproportionately high correlation of SIDS of babies and vaccine(Richardson & Schumacher), most of baby shaking syndrome seems to be vaccine related(Vie Scheibner+): mainstream vaccine's negative data is usually told to discard(W Thompson, A Wakefield, Jud Mikovits, Ti Bolen, Rob Kennedy, J Grunvig+): e.g.i-iii • i-: US gov't reports 6% of nation with swine flu after stopped counting due to practically no cases found yet mainstream reporter & editor is blocked from broadcasting this contradiction by top management(Sha Attkisson), Finally semi mainstream academic paper peer reviews & publishes link Western vaccine to autism then instantly pseudo-scientized and withdrawn(Mawson, Bhuiyan et al, 2016), Generally speaking, western mainstream media’s last full investigation(not selective info) allowed to publish regarding excessive vaccine deaths is 1987 by Democrat & Chronicle (Rochester NY, Jen Hyman), since then dose is significantly increased. ->>cont: 401
ZPE-Resonance Disclosure Impact - Review of Other Far-Fetched Claim & Knowledge? 16: Vaccine Deniers • —>>cont 10-Shortage & Crisis Promo5on- eg4■ :”Only Vaccine can prevent epidemics”: examples of suspected vaccine or medical contradictory info: • ii-: Some of non-western Cuban etc vaccine is much safer: far less side effects sickness occurs. But cannot be used in west: problem is it includes homeopathic vaccine(fraud science in West) and cost is 2-5% or less of western products(far less profit), & can be produced much faster than conven>onal vaccines, difficult to patent, & li@le to no side effects(if accepted this can take up en>re market share), • iii-: Some>mes vaccines appear to be bioweapon tests again?(Web Kehr, Gar Nicolson, Pat Jordan, D Röver, Reb Carley, Lor Day, G Lanctot+): 1970/80s bioweapon tests on public is declassified, later yrs are only whistle blowing claims so far. Polio & Small Pox are "eradicated" rather by new categoriza>on or effect staggering method(R Laibow+): part of mainstream India confirmed data which is treated as "pseudo medicine". • Some vaccine or climate engineering are part of classified program where all employees of involved organiza>on/div can be >ed by secrecy act with severe penal>es & fear to break it(Kev Shipp, Rus Tice +): basically whistleblower protec>on law cannot be enforced against harassment, threat, pension cut, bank 402 account freeze, "accidents" on not just self- but also family members etc -->>cont:
ZPE-Resonance Disclosure Impact - Review of Other Far-Fetched Claim & Knowledge? 17 : AIDS, Cancer etc • —>>cont: 10 Shortage & Crisis Promotion: eg4 iii-: Vaccine for other uses?: • Dosage already seems too strong for many, geared to irrelevant disease prevention(eg used for almost non-existent polio in Africa, instead of malaria), or statistically abnormally high rate of "error" to contain undesired virus mix, or pregnancy suppressant(Jo Rappoport, NZ Miller+) • eg5■ AIDS is all deadly unstoppable epidemic & only massive mainstream drug can cure, vaccine can prevent, if ever: Strictly speaking there is no real accurate identification as conventional virus exists & fair portion of “them” are something else: those cases are easily cured by stopping medication & balanced nutrition: i.e. another largely fraud medical?(Pet Duesberg, Cha Thomas, K Mullis, Ste Lanka+), Extremely difficult/almost impossible to detect Mycoplasma like bioweapon origin?(Don MacArthur[1969 US congressional subcommittee], Gar Nicholson+). • According to mainstream: ”stunt performing doctor injects himself HIV to sell book" & offer $100G if it really exists(Rob Willner). Many similar indications in Zika virus, Ebola, Avian Flu etc, also some of those are patented: i.e. intentionally produced -->>cont:
ZPE-Resonance Disclosure Impact - Review of FarFetched Claim & Knowledge? 18: Chrysotile Asbestos + • —>>cont: 10 Shortage & Crisis Promotion: • eg6■ 90%+ market share “Chrysotile asbestos is higher health risk than ALL Western accepted materials”(Ja Dunnigan, Al Gibbs+); used in non West without issues, eg7■ ”Resource-Water-Food etc shortage”(J Marrs+): Primary Water (Pauer+), eg8■ “War on cancer”(“Cancer research is largely fraud”: Ma Angell, J Ioannidis, Jam Watson+), “So is” “War on Heart Disease”(Li Pauling, Mat Rath+), Most new low cost paradigm alternative tech & their peer reviewed positive articles are extensively ignored by main media/gov/NGOs/ medical industry(negative ones are picked up.) eg9■ “War on drugs, Security crisis, Debt crisis”(W Tarpley+)+; tend to help interlocked group's profits & their control of mass population Quite likely devastating impact of businesses, economic, & geopolitical structure as existing service can be replaced if ZPE related super low cost tech is openly endorsed, In many areas truly disruptive tech has been held off or existing tech expelled more than 100yrs by media, academia, envirohealthcare NGOs, intel, Gov’t coordination & public opinion: exclusive trust in interlocked Western mainstream self-endorsed data -->>cont: 404
ZeroPoint-Resonance Type ImpactRamification of Losers & Gainers • LOSERS Pharmaceutical, Hospital, Medical Equipment, Insurance, Chemical Industries, Nuclear waste handling-storage, Large farming corporations, GMO, Conventional fertilizer & herb/insect/fungicide manufacturers, Financial derivatives(crop & resource prices, weather etc: eg: weather & resource price fluctuation as semi-manmade might become official) Other inter-related academia & industry: Chemistry, Biotech, Manufacturing+ Precious metal mining, Donation & public$ of industry NGOs, R&D. • Above indirect & other direct "free energy losers" would spread across all industries: hence “super low Capex-Opex energy” tech is clearly unprofitable, risky, and damaging to most large investors or funds which also have substantial participation by regular citizen’s investments or pension funds. So from existing financial & business model, mainstream endorsement of “free energy” appears a self destructing act for most of Western influential affluent or even middle class group -->>cont 405
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZeroPoint-Resonance Type ImpactRamification of Losers & Gainers 2 • -->>cont: LOSERS: Classified tech defence & aerospace co. + associates: loss of gov’t contract exclusivity & tech lead from non contractor competitors, ”Black Program” beneficiary & Gov’t-Intel-Military-Prv backers; will be more difficult to continue using some of “parascientific" and classified techs without being questioned/prosecuted or it would be widely used for public consumption, Related jobs, Businesses, Program stakeholders, • GAINERS Alternative-natural medicine industry, Emergency injury surgical Nuclear power generation, Manufacturing, Small scale agriculture, Consumers, Independent communities, Low income regions, Countries: Majors- BRICS, Iran, Argentina, Ukraine+/ Small- Serbia, Hungary, Ecuador, Bolivia, Eritrea, Burma, Haiti, Sudan, Nicaragua+: due to geo-econo political lobby element sometimes related to Western and local oligarchs, regardless of current government alliance • With such large risk & high probability loss of assets & influence, what needs to occur to justify such truly disruptive paradigm altering technology to be openly mainstream endorsed? Could man made exclusive CO2 catastrophic global warming idea with severe dissent opinion suppression one of them?
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous claims : Energy-Tech Lobby & ZPE -1 Intro • Claims related to Energy tech and Geopolitics in following p407-485, even though by frequent inter-validation, have higher mis-info mix likelihood: They are often related to Space activity, Propulsion, Surveillance, Geo-engineering, Material science/Electronics /Nanotechnology, crossing over with Mind influence & Military applicable technologies, many of which appear to be classified: WARNING- presented data seemingly stands valid after cross examining differs significantly from mainstream western media described uniform state of affairs.. • Readers/participators are encouraged to either skip entire Outrageous Claims segment which ends at p485, or reassess given info by own detailed investigation, especially on what “prevailing balanced common sense” brands as controversial "conspiracy theory”. Even if data happened to be confirmed accurate, it should be considered as unconventional, non-exclusive interpretation of facts because • 1-The data would often continue to fundamentally contradict/upset rest of mainstream narrative of societal & scientific construct, • 2-ignoring some evidence still makes it possible to stick with many of mainstream narratives. Or consider this as experimental truth because of its disruptiveness if practically applied to policy or social movement: -->>cont: 407
Outrageous claims : Energy-Tech Lobby & ZPE -2Intro • ►A-INFO SOURCE ON TECH LOBBY & GEOPOLITICAL ELEMENTS: Information from witnesses & investigators is sometimes based on circumstantial evidence, repetitive events, trend, direct observation with less than a dozen people's close collaboration, & overall coherency, hence they might only be relevant as an indicator, though there are many clear cases as exceptions. Various gradient info release might be mixed with information spin desire. Counter-intelligence can significantly distort overall judgement & exaggerate stories of witnesses(creation of "stories within stories" as false trails & diversions: JJ Angleton, J Desouza+). • Gov't/military/intel's officially released "shocking" data(mostly media ignored) might lack precise collaboration due to compartmentalization & docs blacked out classified info, possibility of disinfo release, or project is delegated to private contractors & became undisclosable. • Also some witnesses might be under mind control related tech influence. Untill p485, each claim is generally difficult or impossible to be certain, and details are often totally unbelievable using common sense, but accumulated consistent witnesses/documents imply collectively they are at least similar to actual physical effects. 408
Outrageous claims : Energy-Tech Lobby & ZPE -3 Intro • ►B- TECH LOBBY GROUPS: Energy Tech Lobby is found to be deeply involved with indivisible geopolitical and financial aspect of businesses and other influential groups, not just directly related industries (e.g. oil lobby itself might not even be #1 suppressor of “free energy”): 1-Academic funding, 2-Conventional alternative energy, Climate & CO2 industry, 3-Investors, their beliefs, & relatively coherent their money fund controllers, 4-Many seemingly energy cost unrelated industries including commercial banking, 5-Gov’t, military & intelligence agencies(but often not taking coherent actions – likely existence of many sects within), 6-Large NGOs(common people heavily donate, yet largely influenced by coherent outside force), 7-So called “nationalists” world wide & their loose affiliations, 8-Religious/cultural alliance, • 9-Inter-industry(interlocked /inter-transferring board membership & senior govn’t positions including central banks/intel etc). & Inter-media/PR firms: international “globalist” types, 10-Some kind of unknown historical & new private world wide syndicates including those supposed to be "disbanded" /never existed. They appear to be similar to "EVIL Geopolitical group"(p412417) -->>cont: 409
Outrageous claims : Energy-Tech Lobby & ZPE -4 Intro • --cont-->> ►B- TECH LOBBY GROUPS: Incidentally, this research does not find financial owners of main media as #1 dominator of scientific/tech reality, because "independently owned" influential media often leads energy science & related geopolitical narrative: eg BBC, DW, PBS/NPR, UN radio, university media, Tokamak/CERN spokesman etc. There seems to be some kind of consistent leveraged control by coherent network that shapes scientific reality in conjunction with financial ownership and rest of the mass would play along with it to get ahead in that framework while those who question this fundamental structure is mostly weeded out into uninfluential positions • ►C- INFO SOURCE ON OUTRAGEOUS PHYSICAL EFFECT: Even tech data is sometimes not repeatable like lab experiments. Many are commercialized at fringe level for easy inspection, but effects such as cold electricity produced by torsion-scalar effect etc might not show its existence(power and its source both) on conventionally approved device even if they run electrical equipment etc. • ZPE related or "closed system overunity" disruptive effects are often still automatically barred/unfunded from study or publicize at western mainstream level, except when it concludes in debunking. Hence person of public statue is much better off to declare "there is no credible evidence for such claims". ->>cont: 410
Outrageous claims : Energy-Tech Lobby & ZPE -5 Intro • -->>cont: ►C -INFO SOURCE ON OUTRAGEOUS PHYSICAL EFFECT: But as exceptions ZPE related unconventional tech claims are also made in levels of academic/engineers with some lab/in-situ replications(W Tiller, Czsyz, Rusek, E Davis, J Kasher, Puthoff, Hamilton, Haisch, Moddel, Haramein, JL Naudin, K Wolfe, Ro Koch+) • Unconventional effect tech observations related to ZPE, and variety of witnesses testify privately controlled Gov’t black budget programs in many parts of world at military-intel-govn't-aerospace-corporate contractors & their "sponsor group" cooperation(D Priest, Rob Steele, B Sweetman, W Engdahl, C McClelland, Ne Keenan,“Tyler Durden”, Ka Hudes, P Craig Roberts, R Garman, S Dayo, K Cassidy, E Freeland, M Salla), Often they appear to be piggy backing of multiple objectives, simultaneous fake/actual projects & drills(R Dolan, Kevin Barrett+), Some projects might be conducted at classified deep underground/underwater base(R Sauder, Nia Isley, Emery Smith+). Difficult to tell overall tech purpose, & generally impossible to tell who is in charge(other than the fact, some top govn't/military/intel executives are not involved at all), according to official testimonies. • About 1.5% of US population(private & public) singed secrecy act, 0.1% top secrecy with severe penalties to break it(Snowden, Kevin Shipp+). Some research money might come from Classified budgets, Illegal fund raising, & Exotic trafficking with significant witnesses(Emi Viano+), Tied to Geopolitical activities, Officially missing ignored $20+ trillions(M Skidmore, B Still+) in US, & similar amount from EC applied?(Austin Fitts+). 411
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby -6 • Well documented mainstream ignored/labeled EVIL CONSPIRACY THEORY (or is it really theory, or enough data to be physical effects?) as follows: OilIndustrial-Financial groups’ affiliated NGOs’(largely funded by no tax corporate profit, mostly traces of money could be hidden)controlled standardization of academics: "para-scientization" or pseudoscientization of rival technology, "rival" history, education like National Education Association(NEA)(Norman Dodd+), "quackerization" of low cost - particularly effective natural or electro medicine(Ab Flexner+)etc till 1920s, to eliminate major competition & firmly set "united new reality" across the board. • Use of PR firm & news media to create public mass's reality started around this time(H Zinn+), Until 1950s, even US congressional investigation(Reese committee) was allowed to conclude without controversy large corporate linked tax exempt foundations were clearly aiming "how to get America into the war" or "how to literally overthrow gov't" into globalism(Cha Iserbyt+). Western Elites regard nations as literally mere tool to increase globalization & control(S Huntington+), Based on this base structure, later diversified elites influenced, but they might have been asked to or voluntarily help dominant group's economy, media/PR firm, political system creation/maintenance(Glattfelder, Bauer, Chossudovsky, Quigley, Ed Black, Dale Scott, Sm Butler, E Mullins, Naf Ahmed, A Sutton +): -->>cont:
Outrageous claims on Energy & General Tech Influence Lobby 7 • -->> cont: Elite & EVIL THEORY: cooperation amongst elites?: ■ Inter-funnelling funds in legal methods - interlocking share holder control, political lobby & funding etc,. Also less legal: Elite peer pressure, Secure next power job, Know each’s needs, undisclosed liabilities - some shared, Some in same “club in a club”. But more "evil type" various elite special interest networks seem to exist & they recruit new members from the following: • i -xi • • i Often hidden as separate strict coded elite ranks within pledged-in organizations/societies/fraternities, including an international-charitycommunity-service-club like network, that sets absolute secrecy & mutual assistance as indispensable quality, & whose ritual is sometimes closely linked to next "ii"(GH Steinmez+), • • ii “Anomalous belief/faith" groups practicing ancient civilization tradition (p468-473)(Sta Monteith+), certain planet worship(T Mclachlan+), who might sometimes literally "take advice" from some "entities" that actually physically seem to manifest during some "ceremonies"(Ron Bernard+) -->>cont:
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 8 • -->> cont: Elite & Evil Conspiracy Theory, member recruitment from..: • • iii Hidden super affluent-influential hardcore "messianic orthodox or not really religious” sects of a major religion, also "secret societies" related to another major religion or neutral nations/cities, all exceptionally networked at mainstream influential level particularly media & covertly penetrated into worldwide groups "pretending to be one of regular religious believers" with centuries of historical prophesy manifesting goal?, Groups "i - iii" often seem to share similar origin or practise/philosophy, • • iv Leaders meeting like CFR-BG-Trilateral Com-SunValley Conf.-Davos etc, • v Low key tech/science leaders meet: eg Highland Forum, JASON Group, • vi Senior level banking-business-politics-govn’t-intel-military-thinktank-NGOoligarch networks(Joh Coleman+), "Even core mainstream personnel starts acknowledging part of establishment deepstate is "criminal element"(Ale Wendt+), • vii "Neo Cons" & "Liberals", •viii Bloodlines, • •ix Ambitious “networks” with key control of US Gov’t-Intel-Military-Media/PR firm-Corporate etc & covert unauditable transnational/multiple level NGO operations: hence influence world affairs(Fle Prouty+), use of intel info for blackmailing politicians and judges(Sib Edmonds+), •x Mostly hidden WWII axis lineage forces: "Adolf Shuttlemayer? - Martin Bormann" legacy group etc, •xi “Beyond international law” groups(Ind Singh+) who can orchestrate & manage ongoing large complex criminal activities(Austin Fitts+) etc, -->>cont:
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 9 • -->> cont: Elite structure & EVIL THEORY, member recruitment: • Recruitment seems to involve frequent crossover "memberships", of previous "i-xi", and in a sense they often become the same group by alliance, origin, or intermarriage. They use core strategy/life philosophy of almost split personality type layers of deception & control(against own members also, some link to mind control & rituals: p467-473) to act like a shadow or parasite to other groups. This includes covertly hijacking "patzy host" ethnic/religion/refugee/organization/aggressor nation or cloaking themselves by attracting innocent members & framing rather false blame on them. • But issues related to those “patzy” groups are often politically made very risky(referring to these groups' activity seem to be rather unnaturally avoided or downplayed by a majority of usually airtight well known alternative researchers) to investigate openly without questioned researchers' "morality" or "sanity". • Hence even group members themselves who became aware of real enemy within cannot move against the framers, who create hoax or real conflicts & exaggerate(Hen Ford, Ste Pinter, Cha Larson, Art Butz, James Tracy+) "let us unconditionally unite under our crisis based cause", while they are the ones often pre-planning, orchestrating & assisting both sides indirectly (Hegelian method e.g. T Herzl, C Weizmann+[Bar Chamish+], G Bush, Chaney+[Fra Cossiga, Bar Honegger+]+)(or 3 WWs-Soviet-Islam terrorism planned in late 1800s?: W Guy Carr+), -->>cont: 415
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 10 • -->> cont: Elite structure & EVIL THEORY...: Crafty Enemy Framers Within • Open debate itself on certain issues are practically banned in mainstream(Anthony Hall+), hence they & their actual background lobby actions remain almost completely hidden from world public perception (eg Parushim[Sar Schmidt+], AZEC[Ali Weir], Russell Trust[A Sutton+] , Post war CIA Europe[Jo Farrell+]etc.). – • Yet this alliance groups' "falsehood" operating mode might not be necessarily based on "insanity" or "evil": this seems to be reflected on some of philosophical comments like “symbol may both reveal and conceal” but "to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious", or “mislead those who deserve to be misled to conceal the truth”, and in own way they might be "being honest" and "declaring what they are doing" and giving public a choice to respond which they seem to "respect" in some ways. Also those groups might understand “multidimensional physics” as some prominent psychics say “More you try to hide something, the more it shines like a beacon”(Pat Price+). • Dominant elite group are currently promoting nanotech, nanobot, DNA, brain-tomachine-interface, eye tracking + head movement, implants etc in close relation to surveillance, biological, geophysical engineering, and earth life influence in highly exclusive patentable secretive manner more than promoting individualism empowering mind tech ->>cont: 416
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 11 • -->> cont: Elite structure & EVIL THEORY: Tech promotion acitivities • Some are also exaggerating or apparently sponsoring fear effects that seems to result in increased mass control(eg terrorism, virus crisis, environmental & scarcity based restrictions, next is enemy ET?), while still often debunking obviously available alternative low cost, unexclusive mind based tech(Bio Torsion field: p242-285, p460-463+) which might bring often same or higher quality results if developed with a small% of mega budget allocated exclusive tech, but this would be disastrous to exercize centralized control of information(eg info would leak to common people by remote viewing) & resources. Late 2017 gravity tech disclosure might be used more to tighten grip of mass by crisis fear emphasis? or used more for Open-System mind tech promotion emphasis? - or both equal focus? ✘This type of elite networks might make population control as the most important goal, and might be also influential in new tech suppression /allowance? • But as long as basic directional "correction" of economy/technology/political belief, is made, overall economic structure seems to be formulated naturally, rather than small groups of people's constant manipulation, where "differences were mended behind scenes" to build uniform, hence credible information by Interlocked directorates exec-board swap: • NGO, Thinktank, Gov’t, Corporate, Research institute, Top management consulting co, Senior academic, Investing funds, Commercial banks, Media, Social media & 417 Search engine cos, Military, Defense contractor, Intel+ >>cont:
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 12 • -->> cont: Elite structure & EVIL THEORY: ■ IMF/WB decides $loan/aid condi2on for poor na2ons to use only Western science accepted academia/corporate help for Technology, Engineering, R&D(J Perkins+). • But more importantly, mega investors & funds need to diversity: So using the main media they can influence to promote new super low Capex-Opex/super high ROA-ROI process superiority or invesAng in techs that compromise operaAons they heavily invested in(most exis2ng companies rely on conven2onal energy/tech to be profitable) is self destrucAve & non sensical. Hence suppor2ng suppression of or ignoring super low cost tech can be natural, sound, moral, & acceptable business model. • Also when closely observe modern western world, there is a strong trend of socially/financially successful people demonstrate improved contribu7on for common good in many aspects, yet suddenly they tend to significantly lower their moralintegrity stance when it comes to "how to get ahead" area : "Chea2ng Culture"(Da Callahan+) • ■ Despite this background, free energy tech related dras2c disclosure desire has been exis2ng among Western establishment(Laurance Rockefeller, Cla Pell, Jo Podesta, Na Maynard, W Colby, Ji Carter, Some European Royal2es & Gov’ts[Pie Morin+], Va2can[Co Balducci+] +) while they are blocked by vocal opposi2on? S2ll these quiet open system promotors/sympathizer have been growing in influence with genera2on change? 418
Outrageous Claims on Tech Influence Lobby 13 • -->> cont: Elite structure & EVIL THEORY: • ■ Also "exaggeration & fabrication" idea of almost running out hydrocarbon resources & man made CO2 exclusive catastrophic global warming prevention(p391-399) gets cooperation from groups who has #1 goal of controlling general population, industries, & resources as via environmentalism by taking it away from common people?(Pat Wood, James Corbett+) • Public & maverick funded full scale mainstream academia “free energy” research projects on LENR is steadily growing(multiple in US, France, Italy, Japan, Russia), Some western gov’ts official documents now speak of gravity field technology and even “trusted media” is starting to refer to it neutrally since around 2016. Also other fringe research fundraise is allowed quietly(Indiegogo, Fringe NGOs+) • New “raid-seizure proof” strategy from minority aggressive "free energy" groups?- now some of mostly small “Pseudo-science tech” companies are making affiliated entities, diversification of operations/exec member/clients/backers to multiple nations (eg1 combo of Western Allies & not so friendlies, neutrals)(eg2 Prominent Chinese nationals work as senior scientists in US to engage in disruptive “border line science”, that would benefit China but likely hurt economical structure in many parts of west in short term) -->>cont: 419
Outrageous claims on Energy & General Tech Influence Lobby 14 • -->>cont: "free energy" research funding: Mainstream ignored but increasing whistleblowing statements vs media orchestrated whistle blowers: Scott Bennett, W Casey, J Alsop, C Brandon, Agee, Ulfkotte vs mainstream spotlighted Ed Snowden, Assange(Wikileaks editing agreement with US mainstream media and large Euro NGOs funding). • Released own US etc intel/gov’t documents(eg FBI Vault+)(Jo Greenewald+), indicate active high US intel influence on mainstream media of all Western allies at least till 1980s(C Bernstein+), then this info went self censorship as it got much stronger?(Chossudovsky+): ■ • ■ Small but Gov’t & Intel dominant factions’ control of Western allies’ top media(news, cinema, documentary)(V Marchetti, W Colby+), or Songs(specific acoustic mind influencing signaling can be superimposed on music, and likely some of mass people will be influenced enough for encoded programming after repeated listening[ДН Фонарев +] ), Music video(David McGowan, Mark Devlin+) activity in “key areas”: Classified versions of intel agencies' Entertainment Liaison Office. Alleged their strong involvement in(if not control of) pro sports(Bri Tuohy+), even some mild evidence in art(F Stonor Saunders+), Intel focus is to use its main media to divert common people's attention(Alf McCoy+), Influence on some non western world media. cont—>>420
Outrageous claims on Energy & General Tech Influence Lobby 15 • --cont—>> Whistleblow docs indicate: • US intel's close tie with Wall Street from inception is official data, Many Western Nation's large local gov't admin staff is filled by intel members(Jessie Ventura+), even officially more than half of US Intel budget goes to private contractors to do dirty work(Pra Chatterjee+): black projects?, • Recent US presidents might initially start career as Intel asset(Andrew Krieg+), Gov’t/Space/Military etc backed by co-operative network of prv contractors & financial group particularly strong tie to US intel(eg PROMIS: M Ruppert, Ptech: Indira Singh+) at “certain level”, to manage ”critical” affairs(D Gibson, Inouye, E Griffin, Stockwell, M Glennon, Bil Moyer+), US president could not stop own intel(linked to corporate & financial groups) & military attempting to overthrow top European Allies(eg JFK - De Galle, Op Gladio etc)(Dav Talbot, Dan Ganser+). • Highest ranking officials could refer to "influential elites" till 1960s: "threat of military-industrial complex" (DD Eisenhower+), "financial-industrial dictatorship controlling Gov't behind the scene" (FD Roosevelt), "so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked we don't dare speak in condemnation"(Woo Wilson), cont—>> 421
Outrageous claims on Energy Tech Influence Lobby 16 • cont—>> Whistleblow docs indicate: • Control includes “junk science R&D”, & science info control as major issue(Hen Stevens, Da Hodges, Ro McRae, Theilmann, Bar Goldwater +) & even pre-informed of major terrorism?(Ma Chesney, Wing-Keung Wong, La Schall, Ri Grove+), or used classified mental tech to get info?, • Unconventional Directed Energy Weapon(scalar or laser types that likely manifest plasma blooming like effect only where two+ waves intersects at distance)partially used at some demolition terrorism and forest/residential fires in US?(John Lord+), or also/alternatively from satellite beam use(not scalar)?(Jamie Lee+): metal melting, spotty burning, electronic influence etc. • Non-nationhood interest-seeking cross-border alliance(s), some are including even Russia, China & other "enemies of west"?, Independent entity(ies) in charge?, Breakaway Civilization(s) idea (R Dolan; Schratt, J Casbolt, Gr Cameron, Ed Mitchell, Aaron Russo, Hellyer, J Marrs, William Pawelec+) • ■ Some Western govn't/military top executives complain that they were refused briefing which covers tech/military program,& financial auditing(when money trail disappears) as classified under national/NATO security or even “unacknowledged” Special Access Program (Disclosure Project: S Greer, Da Sheehan[Lawyer, not same as a scientist on p194], Hill-Norton, Cl Stone, Dan 422 Salter, Wil Hodges, Jo Maynard+), -->>cont:
Outrageous claims on Energy Tech Influence Lobby 17 • cont—>> Whistleblow docs indicate: Recent mainstream popular singer & his remarks(Tom Delonge: Blink182) are backed up by several top ex-executives of US intel /defense related contractors-agencies(quit job just before joining TTSA - part of controlled "disclosure" attempt?) & influencers for basically the same claim(To The Stars Academy (TTSA): J Semivan, S Justice, C Mellon, Puthoff, Jo Podesta+): these and other sometimes inter-staffed quasi mainstream type officialization of unlimited energy tech means elite groups' tendency of branching out? or would they spin this as threat to humanity for star wars build up? • ■ Through non-straight forward manner, these rare types of claims during 1990s2008 time frame, including alleged intentional financial & war related mishandling with later no prosecution but seeming promotion, are quietly yet increasingly coming out via some Western alternative media or mainstream non-western in various forms. They often seem to connect to many different group strains-agenda & partial disinfo that complicates data identification, but data base is large enough & still often inter-referenceable in their main content(D Liszt, To Todd, J Church, J Rense, Hen Palmgren, Fabregas, Se Stone, Da Whitehead, A & M Dykes, Bi Ryan, Jo Conrad, V Eastwood, D & J Hagmann, Richie Allen+), ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• MEDIA STRUCTURE: There is occasional SCIENCE GAP between "A" & "B" types, A-Typical main Western media, Gov’t, academia & some 3rd world prv media -vsB-”Pseudoscience” claim positively reporting types often in non Western prv media, Gov’t, academia; eg reporting LENR validity —>> continue
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 18 • cont-->>MEDIA STRUCTURE: A- Largely uniform in mainstream US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, All of Nordics, Most of W Euro: ie Western NGO ranked “least corrupt nations"(eg Since pseudoscientized techs don’t count, none of BRICS nations' unique effective tech would make them rank to top 20 innovative nations category by those NGOs). Wikipedia in ALL languages, large NGOs, Quack Watch etc, a few sci media (Wired, Phys.org+) might report “edge science” positively, Rare & but increasingly frequent gap bet. Academia vs Media, or Media/Govn’t reporting of North America vs W Europe(eg: Euronews: science info encouraging decentralized efficient energy system benefits, or emphasizing negativity test of GMO or Sodium Fluoride water etc ). • B- Type science news is occasionally carried in: SOME media/Gov’t articles in: certain W & South Euro nations(Austria, Ireland, Italy, France, Portugal, Greece+), Some of E Euro, 20-30% of 3rd World nations, Alternative news in West (Gizmo, Gizmag, WHDT+), Prv media often proWest science treatment, but not state(Venezuela, Brazil, S Africa, Ecuador+), Industry specific & military journal in West MAJORITY of media/Gov’t articles: of Middle East even including western ally Saudi, 70-80% of 3rd world(Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines+), some E. Euro(Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine+), *Russia, China, India, Others(S Korea, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Iran, Cuba+), Non Western NGOs, Most of 3rd world military journals: science/ media’s weaker ties to multinational group compared to own nationalist interests?: -->> cont: 424
Outrageous claims on Energy & General Tech Influence Lobby 19 • continued—>>MEDIA STRUCTURE: *Russia has many pro West oligarchs who influences/owns media(thrived in 1990s under Yeltsin, tied to Western corporate/NGO/ even Intel[Sco Rickard+], Пятая колонна- 5th Column[Nik Starikov, Joh Helmer+], but either tend to be more sympathetic to, or profitable/pressured to cooperate with nationalist cause compared to Western peers) & debunkers, who divide the country in “disruptive tech” like super low cost/Capex-Opex Torsion field tech, Psychic healing, or Petrik Carbon Nanotube, Homeopathy+ (eg Disagreement between on these technologies between Russian Academy of Science: RAS(РАН) vs split off Academy of Natural Science (РАЕН), • 1991, coinciding with collapse of Soviet union, suddenly RAS started to make statements like “Torsion physics is pseudoscientific”, then “Commission for Combating Pseudoscience”(Комиссия по борьбе с лженаукой и фальсификацией научных исследований)(Ginsburg, Kruglyakov[both had tendency to overly quote western scientists at expense of Russian/Soviet peers ]+) was found in 1998 with appearing to be by mainly pro-west business interest and conventional academics who was losing funding to competing new tech paradigm(torsion field types), also some nationalists who were in process of classifying psychotronic/bio-energo-informatics/ bioenergetics/ free energy related tech as at that time torsion was practically full mainstream status among Russian academics. This campaign occurred through out Eastern block under the name of democratizing science to pseudoscientize any paradigm conflicting with limitation focused western science (eg Czech's psychotronic/dowsing tech). -->>cont:425
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 20 • cont-->>MEDIA STRUCTURE: "committee to combat pseudoscience": Use of highly exclusive selectivity of scientific data unseen even in most regular western mainstream scientific committees and often declare targeted certain tech not presenting "a single evidence of it can work”, hence fraud: its recent selectivity level is close to western Quackwatch, CSICOP, “famous” 1millon$ challenge, Cold Fusion debunker physicist group: even more selective than Western mainstream media level. • Small # of opponents call it “pseudoscientific commission”, disgrace to RAS etc(BF Шарков, РГ Кузнецов, АА Рухадзе +). But strangely 80%+ of mainstream Russian media automatically comply to its statement with no criticism or investigative validation, and bulk of RAS member scientists who are aware of this mostly stay quiet. Only a handful of even pro-Russia main media question them(Взгляд, СводнаяПресса, Аргументы и Факты+). • Either way its #1 purpose seems to be blocking progress of non std science in Russia(ММ Лаврентьев +), to keep it as same level as west’s public consumption science?, and they might benefit by monopolizing funding on western mainstream approved science only etc(VA Zhigalov, Shipov, МВ Виноградов +), but their difference in role compared to Western peers is not to sever mainstream groups connection to “pseudoscience tech”, but to criticize government, senior politician, military or major corporation for already using/promoting such technologies by literally ignoring all effectiveness evidence: examples(continue to next page): 426
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 21 • cont-->>MEDIA STRUCTURE: Russia: Commission for Combating Pseudoscience : activity example: • Eg1-Retroactively debunking Eniology which was once practically declared as fundamental physics at USSR Academy of Science in 1980s : science of energy & information exchange of matter & non matter. Eg2 Declaring Bulgaria is engaged in fraudulent “free energy” activity and have it's govn't withdrawn support for mass production to let it remain fringe sales unprofessionally looking generator(Potapov case: ie engaged in international [Bulgaria] free energy tech blocking[Aleksandrov], not just Russia), • Eg3-Criticizing media/TV program promoting Eniology based phenomena as actual physical effect(РЕН ТВ & many others),or contact & tell media to change the broadcasting content, Eg4-Active lobbying to ban patenting, publication, funding of non std science tech. Eg5- Recent denouncement (2018) of Russian government banning of GMO or allowing homeopathic medicine at state pharmacies: Eg5 is first formal pseudoscientization declaration in Russia and significant victory for pro-western business group and western science backers. • Effectively it is functioning to block low cost, unexclusive effective tech, and to set a stage for expensive exclusive patent based official IMF/WB/Western science, hence prevent Russia's true independence from the west. -->>cont: 427
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 22 • cont-->>MEDIA : Russia: Commission for Comba,ng Pseudoscience : • Their ac)ons are well supported by western media & Cold Fusion debunking type scien)sts group in west. • On the other hand even in Russia it is li?le known some members of the commission are a?emp)ng to set up a system to officially state cer)fy "psychic" by stringent protocol(Юрий Горный[coined the word "менталист": mentalist, his anomalous ability was acknowledged by even Kruglyakov!]+). • Yet generally in Russia there is significantly less debunking of unconven)onal tech at media level and o\en robust psychic or telekine)c effect is openly broadcasted without “debunking final words” like in West(eg. Новые русские сенсации- НТВ, Битва экстрасенсов Экстрасенсы ведут расследование ТНТ[Газпром-Медиа], ИС Прокопенко - РЕН ТВ(poli)cally pro-west +), • If anything, most well known Russian media in west(RT.com etc) is generally more new tech debunking prone & even subtly prowest more than other state media there(eg: portrait "Radio Liberty" posi)vely, Accusing Apple Computer as one of most evil corpora)on while no men)oning of western military contractors, GMO type, or medical companies) -->>cont: 428
Outrageous claims on Tech Influence Lobby 23 • cont: -->>MEDIA STRUCTURE: Russia: Commi%ee to Combat Pseudoscience : • When some top mentalists go to Russia or out of west, they suddenly change the tone and start commen8ng majority of “magic trick” is based on psychic effect & challenge to debunk at their na8onal prime channel. Also poli8cal par8es par$cularly Liberal Democra$c(ЛДПР - Либеральнодемократическая партия России) overall, or even ruling party United Russia's some fac8on(Еди́ ная Росси́ я[B Gryzlov+]) fights the commission: accusing them for poten8al corrup8on. • But there are good indica9ons current ruling sect within United Russia party as well as ministry of internal affairs are suppor9ng(or even possibly codirec9ng with west: collusion?) the commission’s conduct or "weighing in" op8ons(eg same Russian president one 8me says “create Russia’s own science[ie Eniology], but other 8me says “need to guard against pseudoscience [Eniology]). • Excep8on of psychic treatment by exclusive debunking or even suppression is when target is charisma8c psychic types. Similar in China(debunks robust qigong masters with high popularity or strong poli8cal connec8on), also notable China-US duel na$onality types engage in disrup$ve tech in US 429 academia
Outrageous claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 1 Climate Engineering • ■1A INDUSTRIAL & MANUFACTURING, 1-”New” Geo Engineering: α-Non nuclear bomb, Tectonic large quake triggering test(«Меркурий», «Вулкан» at Kyrgyztan & Uzbekistan) by Scalar/MHD(Икрам Керимов+), ELF resonance (Agnew+), Bomb quake/tsunami test(Project Seal NZ). Ionosphere-Atmosphere-Lithosphere coupling(below iii use)(Ma Hayakawa+), Coupling pulse of ground EM wave projections is much more effective than single large one like HAARP as solo(Bill Hayes+), Increase energy efficiency of Geo engineering amplified by resonance effect(Tesla+). • β-Weather control; i-Micro size by subtle” power scalar/"orgone" device(Hellmann, Madjid Abdellaziz, McCullough+), to trigger something similar to ElectroScavenging(ES) or “Reverse” Workman-Reynolds(WR)(p64,65 )type effects? ii-Mid size by EM charging ion from ground(Pokhmelnykh, Fuhrer, Protopopov, Chizhevsky, Wi Haight+), or Satellite relay(D Miles), • iii-High powered Infrared, plasma, microwave freq/laser EM wave, can trigger storm effect, with ion stimulation & standing wave plasma, ionosphere’s electric field management: even admitted by Western mainstream scientists at various occasions(M Kaku+). Exaggerated ES+WR. Might combine conductive aerosol spray that turns into heating plasma(M Mill, Slo Tepic, Milikh, J Kasparian, M Janitch, Da Walker+), also see p391,392,399. -->>cont: 430
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 2 Climate E. 2, Hutchison Effect, • ■1A INDUSTRIAL & MANUFACTURING, 1-β-Weather control: • iv-Up to global size by Van Allen belt(double toroid plasma around earth)/ionosphere adjusting: stronger effect by tech used in last page's iii? Also high power Scalar wave(David Wells,Tesla+), strange quasi classified yet semi declared open research(ВП Бовбалан[Ukranian Gov't funded research]), Russian defense contractors(Авиаконверсия[Олег Антонов]+), US Gov’t dpt concerned over weather terrorism, but not necessarily by tech sophisticated group: low tech confirmation?(Wil Cohen: US Defense secretary)+, For details on rain causing weather modification/climate intervention see report [Four levels of..] & look up "Precipitation related Weather Modification” • 2-Hutchison Effect: EM/scalar wave coupling for metal/non-metal melting(yet this is apparent nonthermal effect): Quantum melting? -burning-fusingpulverizing-rusting, transmuting, bending-lifting, “transparent & disappearing effect”, water freeze-boil, minor ”matter conjuring effect", Wave bombardment is at much higher frequency than matter's lowest Natural Frequency range: all at room temperature(JK Hutchison, Hathaway, K Shoulders, Sargoytchev, Hull, JB Alexander+), "Hutchison File"(P Calante & And Michrowski): inventor & his associates claim the tech was confiscated and given to "Lockheed Martin"(Bushman+) -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 3 Anomalous Ceramic, Metal Slurry + • —>>cont: ■1 INDUSTRIAL & MANUFACTURING: 3-Wireless energy/sound long distance transfer through ground(Tesla, Dollard, Eldon Byrd+), or electricity based polarized electrodes(scalar wave) can communicate from deep water(Ser Kernbach+)(still official pseudoscience), Also frog leg muscle twitch wirelessly by static generator well before 1900(Galvani+) • 4-“Physics illegal” anomalous ceramic, magnetic monopole(S Seike , Shakhparonov)+, Self Seebeck Effect generating ceramic production by torsion/scalar field use(Krasnobryzheva, Bobyr, Bearden, Avramenko, Tarakhtiy, Kanchzhen, Shakhparonov+), • 5-Creation of metal slurry, white powder(Ormus?), or floating ball lightning from distilled water by plasma torch with resonance/mobius-figure8 strip(Vachaev, Egorov, Pavlova+), same but without water(Shakhparonov +), Similar powder by AC electrolyser(Hid Hayakawa): see p304-317 for ORMUS. 5th dimension partial manifestation in physical world(“spirit”)?,(Krenev, Stepanov, B Smirnov+) 432
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 4 Time Warp • ■1B PROPULSION 1a-Warp Drive/Gravity/Time dilation effect/Faster than light travelling many elements here are completely science legal by use of Special Relativity/General Relativity but some of interpretations are disputed, while media pseudoscientizes/underexaggerates others ●Theory only without enough experimental data presented: Electrogravitational force generated wormhole use time travel?(Kip Thorne, Ste Hawking+), similar idea(Ser Krasnikov, Ser Sushkov+) ●Partial to full physical effect success claims: For Time Dilation, some of next pages α-ε are much larger effect than A-C "conventional method" • A-Doppler effect use time dilation(Ives & Stilwell+), or more accurate Li⁺ Ion used fast optical atomic clock(G Gwinner et al+), • Β-Expensive flight involved Hafele-Keating experiment for time lag (incidentally, why didn't they use or even suggest Apollos for Relativity testing with supposedly numerous straighter travelling to moon with far less gravity influence duration instead of using rotating motion of earth surface flights? "Law" violated? Classified? Did they really go as announced?), -->cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 5 Warp Drive • >>cont: ■1B PROPULSION, 1a-Warp Drive/Time effect: ●physical claims: C α-ε : • C-Recent simple measurement of gravitaHonal Hme dilaHon by high alHtude vs sea level surface(J Chin-wen Chou et al+), or Hme dilaHon based earth elevaHon calculated up to 5cm accuracy(Hid Katori et al). Some others are focused on mainstream unapproved low energy large effects, i.e. can be called teleportaHon/Hme reactor/Hme machine? There seems to be many way to cause Hme warp effects: α-ε • α-Warp Drive skips space(uneven compression of "spaceHme fabric") - ie also Hme, it seems to occur by various ways to cause "waves", specific rate of resonance like state, or differen2als-coupling of certain specifically 2med differing electric fields. White-Juday warp-field interferometer seems to pick up Hme dilaHon on laser in resonant cavity more than temperature induced error range(Har White) & gets support(Van Den Broeck, Tolchyn, Alcubierre+), but sHll mainstream debunked. Further "ridiculous claims" exist for house electricity power being sufficient to demonstrate weak effects(Dav Pares: Space Warp Dynamics LLC), -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 6 Warp Drive 2 • >>cont: ■1B PROPULSION, 1a-Warp Drive/Time effect: ●claims: α: • Space Warp Dynamics' method seems fundamentally same mechanics as house power used but more robust Hutchison effect(p431: 1A-2): Concerted ridiculing & pseudoscientization here by western mainstream: • No technical details of step by step debunking provided, but rather just repeating "only super high powered expensive system can demonstrate such effects", while mainstream academics specifically avoid(or classified) researching this relatively basic mechanics. Similar taboo as closely linked antigravity tech since 1959. • Also this mechanics indicate & can explain certain natural existence of weak field distortion type location, strong "portal" type temporal or even fixed time warping physical location(all debunked by usual info selectivity: eg Oregon Vortex[weak fixed field]?, Bermuda Triangle incidents[temporal strong portal, would hexagonal cloud overhead is anomaly evidence?: Ran Cerveny+, etc). Also magnetic portal in space is mainstream approved(Jac Scudder, NASA+) -->>cont: 435
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 7 Warp Drive 3 • -->> cont: ■1B PROPULSION, 1a-: ●physical effect claims: αWarp Drive: • And how would Western military-intel-private security-banking-occult elite etc alliance respond IF they find huge permanent portal or weak "vortex" conducive to massive augmentation by relatively low EM field in some nation? - similar to Bagdad museum looting military whistleblown events?(Ma Bogdanos+), (Jo Farrell, Wal Bosley, P Levenda+), Skinwalker Ranch?(JB Alexander, G Knapp, Ro Bigelow, T Sherman+) • β-Quantum Tunnelling use of Quantum effect: specific resonance wave coupling & tunnelling barriers: eg cesium vapor and pulsed light-magnetic field(Lijun Wang+), • γ -ι -Warped field use of General Relativity(GR) effect(Stronger gravity field flows time slower to cause large enough warp between faster time flowing weak gravity field in spacetime; hence local antigravity/gravity tech can cause time travel effect science-legally): coupling of two rotating spacetime regions to create time controllable field or.. -->>cont: 436
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 8 Time Warp 4 • -->> cont: ■1B - 1a-Time dilation etc: ●physical effect claims: γ : • γ –ιι Tipler Cylinder use: Rotating cylinder to create subtle but significant geodetic/rotational frame-dragging GR effect(object itself distorts spacetime more for larger mass, additionally rotation creates twist in it: measured by Gravity Probe B, LAGEOS, LARES+)(in a way similar to torsion field) where no “spacetime exists" to enable “moving around spacetime”: • This dragging also is claimed to generate "free energy" at expense of barely measurable rotation speed difference if applied to earth/planet scale(D Lewis Anderson+), Solar & Drag Sail(Ro Kezerashvili+ / JAXA IKAROS, NASA E-sail+). • *Note there are military-space type informal claims that overall dilation effect is much bigger than std Western mainstream idea of less than microsecond/yr. Example at GPS: likely combo of frame dragging, sagnac effect etc(some time accelerating, others slowing, relative to stationary) but fudged under "clock adjustment", more than 1sec/day(Oluwadare+), Also certain rotating frequency should trigger resonance state in cylinder medium itself for far less energy needed or self perpetuating amplified effect. -->>cont: 437
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 9 Time Warp 5 • -->> cont: ■1B, 1a-Warp Drive/Time dilation/Superluminal: ●physical effects: • δ-Circulating lights/photon use of Special Relativity(SR) effect: Twisting/vortex of light i.e. twisting of space(hence time also), hence moving within this "time striped space" means "time travelling”(R Mallet+). Should this involve opportunities for significant amount of ZPE extraction? Related to ET Whittaker's longitudinal light-photon anomalies? How does it fit with WheelerFeynman absorber theory? Also close to light speed travel generates strong time dilation by SR effect. This mechanics link to high efficiency solar cell or circulating frequency resonance triggering overunity type effect(p80 vi-h) • ε-Superluminal Speed links to backward time travel(RJ Nemiroff, RW Boyd+), while superluminal propagation itself by fine-tuned pulsed light frequency EM wave is demonstrated regularly from pre yr2000 at core mainstream groups(Ray Chao, Ste Chu, MS Bigelow, C Yelleswarapu, Kai Qian ( ), Qiguang Yang+): eg pulse passing through a resonant/coherent oscillation system can be slower or faster than light - i.e. speed is controllable. *Note also mainstream SR theory postulates Length Contraction effect(matter shortens its own length for travelling direction) 438
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical-Scalar 10 Time Warp 6 • -->> cont: ■1B PROPULSION, 1a: ● effects: ε -Superluminal & backward travel: Space-Time cloak(space-time skip) by use of splitting subluminal & superluminal speed lights by magneto-electric effects(Pau Kinsler+): relevant EM field bends light and causes actual time dilation around the object. Is this related to dematerialization-materialization effect by non light freq EM wave coupling/scalar wave?(JK Hutchison [p431: 1A-2]+), or rumoured PhiladelphiaMontalk project etc?. As happens customary for disruptive tech this is still often western media level pseudoscience • ζ- Others: some examples ζ -ι Torsion field mechanics: generation of twist & curve(wormhole) in space in front of vehicle to "fall in"(Shipov: 4D Warp Engine, V Chernobrov, Kozyrev+), While space-time wormhole(ie antigravity tech) is still pseudoscientized, magnetic wormhole(ie monopole magnet - still links to free energy) is finally mainstream approved(Alv Sanchez+): step by step disclosure. • ζ -ιι Closed Timelike Curve(CTC) by wormhole apparently demonstrated with photon passing thru a wormhole and then interact with "its older self"(M Ringbauer+): but this breaks most fundamental mainstream belief of linear/singular Causality(cause and effect): Retrocausality. -->>cont: 439
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Type Scalar 11 Closed TimeLike Curve • -->> cont: ■1B PROPULSION, 1a: ● effects: ζ -ιι CTC:Retrocausality: • But if hypothesizes existence of splitting-cloning of quantum states it solves contradiction(Mile Gu+): probability(approximately same) reality?, Possibly even ok to violate mainstream's fundamental no-cloning theorem of quantum mechanics? (D Deutsch, D Bouwmeester+): it prohibits exact clone but similar one is ok. • Then quantum entanglement would mean instant communication of not just across space but also across time?(past-now-future, but of many probabilities?)(Huw Price+), or same thing with Inhibited/Frustrated Spontaneous Emission of photons?(atom starts emitting photon when certain trapping cavity is replaced by photon detector in a distance, but it arrives at detector instantly i.e. before supposed arrival time by adding light travelling duration between detector & atom)(TJ Herzog, D Branning, M Kauranen+): Is atom predicting future? or probability photon suddenly popping up? This is media ignored but mainstream science approved effect. Also note Spontaneous Emission itself is basically overunity like quantum fluctuation effect(ZPE) • These seem to be basically same idea as how even "partial function" "niche" commercialized Quantum Computers(QC, run by quantum bits instead of conventional binary bits) simulate & obtain info("closed system informational overunity?") from cloned or already existing almost identical but minutely different realities(Geo Rose, E Ladizinsky: D-Wave), -->>cont: 440
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Type Scalar 12 Closed TimeLike Curve • -->>cont: ■1B, 1a ●physical claims: ζ- -ιι : "part function" Quantum Computer: • Optical Computer with "analog" superpositioning capability(Nic New: Optalysis), or Quantum Sequencing specific purpose device for <1/50 cost of conventional DNA sequencing(Tos Honkura: Quantum Biosystems) etc • Commercialized D-Wave product validity was unapproved by mainstream until(note similar situation as current LENR Ecat) around 2013ish, official reason was their use of Quantum Annealing(suitable only for "good enough" or full local range solution but also excels in "minimum" solution) rather than full blown "universal gate" QC type (NSA?, IBM, Microsoft, Rigetti+), with own software or provided by others(1qbit, QxBranch+), • Hence QC product as of Sep 2016 is a non-disruptive version(cannot run Shor's algorithm[ie cannot break advanced encryption- bitcoin, SSL etc], nor Grover's [super fast search], even best classic computer performs better at Selby's, - this will change as qubits increase • Note quantum cryptosystem is available since 1990s for short distance use(MagiQ Technologies+), even used for satellite communication from 2016, also it is good testing device for constant quantum entanglement /information teleportation(China National Space Administration[CNSA]: Quantum Experiments at Space Scale[QUESS]), or Quantum Radar for cloak detection(China Electronics Technology Group[CETC]) -->>cont: 441
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Type Scalar 13 Closed TimeLike Curve 2 • -->>cont: ■1B, 1a ●physical claims: ζ- -ιι : "part function" Quantum Computer: • So how advanced could QC tech's classified version be? - eg can they already break bitcoin encryption? Is it why Russia and China stayed away, but now entering in? • Incidentally many types of QC architecture are basically run by varied scalar/torsion like or solar cell related effects to lengthen quantum duration to enable prolonged quantum function: eg IBM NMR(nuclear magnetic resonance), Univ NSW(spin of a electron to co-resonate with electromagnetic pulse), Univ Sussex (apply specific voltage/EM field to QC chips), "Conventional QC type"(project laser - amplified EM wave on light frequency - on individual ions to create their trapped state) • A few pages prior "split-cloning" of QC's quantum states would be macro scale equivalent example of emergence of(or accessing to) new probability universe/reality(or "half or part reality") when one "kills own grandfather", similar to Shrödinger's Cat(physically demonstrated by SQUID [Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices]: Ja Lukens, C van der Wal+): i.e. Far larger Macroscopic Superpositioning (linear combo of Wave Function, unlimited ways to get to a destination or existence of different destinations at the same time) effect than semi-confirmed by mainstream(Mar Kasevich+), -->>cont:
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical Scalar 14 Time WarpB • —>>cont: ■1B PROPULSION, 1a-Warp Drive/Time dilation: ●physical effects claims: ζ- Others: -ιι Closed Timelike Curve(CTC): • Now even mainstream quantum physics accepts "no fixed order" of causality type non lineal physical manifestation effect: result can happen before the "cause"(Og Oreshkov, G Chiribella, Y Aharonov, Luc Hardy+): eg Aharonov-Bohm effect. Then can cause & results be "interactive"? • Time reversal symmetry violation(LHC-Bell-BaBar) "proves" probability existence (reverse Arrow of Time is still disputed since it links to energy overunity/negative entropy effect)?, Also psychic CTC experiment confirmation by academics(Dar Bem+) • ζ -ιιι Quantum Teleportation by use of Quantum Entanglement effects(laser pulse use etc)(CR Monroe, Takesue, Rui-Bo Jin+) : Mainstream approved largest macroscopic effect is range of millions of electron or sand grain size(Nic Gisin, Ale Lvovsk +), but this is completely ignored while pseudoscientized commercialized super low cost radionics itself relies on this fractal/holographic effect for resource saving(p214-217) • Yet there are more important differentiated effects: now information transfer is semi mainstream approved even without entanglement itself: Counterfactual quantum info transfer(Qi Guo+): Info received without calculation or info transferred? - beyond algorithm "encryption"? -->>cont 443
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical Scalar 15 Time WarpB 2
• —>>cont: ■1B PROPULSION, 1a-Warp Drive/Time dilation: ●physical effects claims: ζ -ιιι Quantum Teleportation : • Also enable firm selection or prediction of future probability realities? (CounterFactual Definiteness: CFD) Can it mean actually "time is frozen while someone takes action[watching]" like in movies?(Quantum Zeno Effect/Turing Paradox)(Yog Patil, Yuan Cao+)? • Time experimental groups seem to apply pre-mentioned 8 types and other mechanics: Many might be affecting only a very small field(but beyond nano, rather micro effect), while others are allegedly creating larger 2m+ area time field since 1990s(D Lewis Anderson - various unique link: UN World Genesis Foundation, Atlantykron Romania+) +. Also various indications of seeming "semi official" similar significant experimental level success at Some Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, India, Russia+; • ☛1 Possibly even easily doable facilities for alleged Time Dilation manifestation(no specific testimony evidence) are: various Particle Colliders including mega Large Hadron Collider(LHC) scale, Fusion or non-neural plasma facilities upto Lawrence Livermore size, High voltage research centres, Electronic-photonic research labs, Military power facilities etc, ☛2 -->>cont
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Type Electrical Scalar 16 Time WarpB 3 • —>>cont: ■1B : 1a-Time Dilation etc: ●Physical claims: Time experimental group: ☛2 Unsuitable as an easily controllable effect, but different electro potential aerosol in certain bordering troposphere(sky) with targeted projection from ground of high voltage RF/Laser should be able to generate differing large scale electric field gap or twist i.e. replication of alleged Bermuda triangle effect(p435), or possible to create wormhole like vortex(Norway spiral?)(eg High power radio transmitters, Radar stations, SURA, HAARP etc), doing so at certain specific location or time should be much easier than others: Weapon relation(also p479-485) • But released experimental info on this literally very disruptive/dangerous potential tech is difficult to access its validity. This magnitude or much more advanced version of tech can be developed & plausibly exist but likely completely classified. • 1b-Some inter-referenced "Stargate or Wormhole travelling” experience claims exist(Bielek, Bashiago, WB Stillings, R Cramer, Ar Neumann, M Relfe, P Bradley, Tony Rodrigues, M Gerloff+): involves both time and space teleportation, and all obtained info come from US about US program(Philadelphia-Montauk project, "Secrete Space Program" etc: Pr Nichols +). But this claim(unlike previous "1a") has no official physical evidence. Additionally, portions of details have reduced inter-validation with others, & seem to be mixture of actual some physical effects, & the rest is disinfo, hologram like illusion + mind control?- with perhaps some witnesses describing experience with higher accuracy than others. This is one area where some of prominent alternative researchers seem to selectively weed out info and categorically deny most of their Mars assertions. -- >>cont: 445
Outrageous Claims : ZPE Scalar 17 Time Travel • —>>cont: ■1B PROPULSION: 1b- "Stargate/Wormhole travelling” claims: As for such anomalous claims likely effectiveness of classified memory implant tech including advanced hypnosis memory insertion should also be able to program?(JC Charbot+)(p258-261: Bi): at least certain form of EM resonance is known to have similar experiential effect audibly & visually both- eg p467,468: 2A). Also little technical explanation is made on how technology works by claimants. • Some of above people additionally make even less collaborated claims(eg several famous public figures were in same program, predators on Mars, “chronovisor”+), or no collaboration(can regrow limbs, met past historical figure or reviously almost never claimed "alien" types+), and some of this type of "witnesses" receive seemingly unnaturally well funded significant coordinated support from alternative media owned(or influenced) by large corporate group & associates, while equally attracts high profile attacks by many alternative researchers(Cory Goode+): Infodisclosing backers' factional fight, Creating "fight" to confuse researchers & mass public, while both parties are partially describing physical effects etc.? Yet some of above phenomena related to time effects are generally plausible from strictly technical vantage point if include "psudoscientized" elements. It might be also plausible that "whistleblowers" are some sort of play actors without real experience but such stories itself in fictional form to be coming from actual events? • 1c-Mainstream de-facto approved(or undenied), molecular teleportation applies to mental spontaneous teleportation with multiple groups of witnesses(Car Mirabelli+),
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims : ZPE Electrical-Scalar 18 Levitation • —>>cont: ■1B PROPULSION: 2-Symbiotic flying machine(Adair, Ben Rich+): Way far advanced version of "Robotic Ray". But how advanced brain wave operated flight should exist for some time? • 3a- Scalar based?- levitation with no high voltage electrogravitic/no counter rotation use: Self levitation(DD Home[W Crooks, Master of Lindsay+], St Joseph of Copertino, Car Mirabelli, Seraphim of Saratov, ”John Chang”[Kosta Danaos], “Nana Owaka”[Rolf Olsen: PSI - Eine Reise ins Jenseits]+), Object levitation(Leedskalnin, Tesla, David-Neel, also light object levitation possibly by some modern mentalists+). • Some claim it does happen, but largely stops at weight lessen effect & self lifting is rarely repeatable(АП Дубров & ВН Пушкин, J Hasted +), or uncontrollable (poltergeist, trance, séance[Har Keller+]). Factors of inter-related GeometricResonance(harmonics)-Electric element(Bru Cathie+), also seance medium might display same effect(WJ Crawford, Cha Richet+): when ectoplasm comes out, the weight is lightened, but it shows a severe reaction/over sensitivity to sudden high photon(light) exposure gap - sometimes death of medium(Hel Duncan+). Some mediums especially developed from poltergeist ability are tricky - confirmed to be genuine & demonstrated very strong effects but also caught cheating(both many times) by same numerous academics' strict protocol tests(Eus Palladino[Charles Richet+]+), 3b-”Acoustic hologram” levitation by mechanical or hand made sound: Commercial eg: Ultrahaptics(Subramanian+),(David-Néel+)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 1 DOWSING, Remote Viewing • ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL- Electromagnetic wave related mind tech: • 1 non-locality: There is clear emphasis at mainstream to advocate mind amplifying tech must be accompanied by use of machine and not by mind alone, by affirming former while debunking latter mind only tech i.e. focusing external control of person’s mind by exclusive patentable manner rather than empowering each individual with own control power freely. • Compared to other pseudoscientized techs, psychic effects are much more experimentally documented/validated repeatedly by a part of mainstream academics over 150yrs, Some published parapsychology articles are more rigorous & strict compared to practically all mainstream science with double blind study & conservative conclusions(Ale Tsakiris+), Many "paranormal" events are already difficult to debunk if look at ALL scientific research(Ant Peake+). But mainstream media & core establishment academics highlight exclusively on debunkers' or non-scientific protocol info, overt fraudulent, or even fabrication data as "scientifically sound"(CEM Hansel+), In rare cases this also applies to nonmainstream medical but experiments often costs too exorbitant amount for fringe to get funding. 448
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 2 EVP • -->>cont: ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL: • 2a-Unorthodox electronic device: ”Inter-dimensional telephone”(Gemilli, Marconi, Edison, Tesla+) • 2b-Electronically communicate with “dead”: EVP(Electric Voice Phenomena (imprinting voice in magnetic sensitive tape etc), ITC(Instrumental TransCommunication): Sa Estep, Geo Meek, Fischbach, F Juergenson, J Pedroso, So Rinaldi, Senkowski, Mar Bacci+), or Direct-voice/Xenoglossy(Thompson & Raudive, Ed Randall & Emi French, Wi James & Leo Piper, Aub Rose & Les Flint+), this seems to require certain state of mind or psychic ability to work well. • but Western TV documentaries on EVP usually ignore this extensive type. Some signs of Euro mainstream backing(Vatican: Pet Bander+)(Radio Luxembourg: JG Fuller+) - latter nation’s some elites fund many “pseudoscientific” research, • Also by seance or hypnotic regression(Ear Bozzano, Ian Stevenson+), This is different from mechanics of brain damaged person suddenly improves already known foreign language ability effect(Ben McMahon, M Boatwright+), or Acquired Savant effect(eg after head injury suddenly plays piano like pro). Dead chess champ player over seance(Ver Neppe+)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE-Type Mind-EM-Scalar 3 Electronic Assisted Psychics • -->>cont: ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL: 2-Unorthodox Electronic device: • 2c-Notable decrease of "psychic accuracy" at activated Geophysical event: eg solar storm, cosmic ray, electrostatic in air etc(Sta Krippner, Al Vaughan, Ja Roberts+), Geomagnetic(Ed May+), Time(highest at 13:00, lowest 18:00 on average[J Spottiswoode]) • 3a-Electronic device assisted mind focus “psychic reading”(Raphael, Persinger, Taub, Pinneo+): Recently mainstream approved through magician debunker: good example of debunking unexclusive(anyone can learn) purely mind based tech while approving externally controllable patentable machine dependent exclusive mind tech(Ja Randi+), though this “1million$ challenge” protocol seems often fraudulent (Chr Carter, Sudduth, Sheldrake+), 3b- Same by Remote non-locally: Radionics(Drown, M Rae, von Buengner, Tansley, Upton+) • 3c- By mind only: ● Generally personal perception & healing purpose based After Death Communication(ADC) research(Greeley, Jan Holden+): "communication with the dead", or Induced ADC(Botkin+), is often scientifically much less credible(but usually significantly more effective than mainstream methods in personal psychological healing, also highly anomalous perception creation of literally "touching the dead") compared to other evidence focused but mainstream pseudoscientized non-local communication effects and unlike EVP phenomena not even attempting to prove validity on contacting dead people. -->>cont: 450 •linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims : ZPE Mind-Scalar 4 After Death Communication(ADC), Near Death Experience(NDE), OBE • -->>cont: ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL: 3-Electronic type non-contact/nonlocal physical or mind influence: • ADC also can be described as "more developed and more effective version of already mainstream psychotherapy disrupting low cost EMDR(Eye Movement Desentization Reprocessing: WHO[World Health Organization] approved, but WM media, large Western NGOs/ psychotherapy unapproved): almost certainly incorporated into mind control tech of many nations' intel/military? • ● Assisted ADC: "Mediumship” use(Jul Beischel+), Fairly frequent elite group involvement?(eg Ber Harris[Win Churchill, Ch De Gaulle+], Oliver Lodge+), some done as ongoing long term research(Scole Experiment[D Fontana, Mon Keen, Ern Senkowski, Grattan-Guiness+]), Publicly denied claim of NASA involvement (Solomon): something to do with enhanced psychic awareness in space? ●“Out of body[OBE] person” could obtain significant amount of conventionally unavailable info, Hemisync brain entrainment helps(Ro Monroe, Kar Osis+), • ● So can ”Dead person[NDE]”: (Eb Alexander, St Grof, A Hugenot, van Lommel, Ke Williams, Me Morse+), sometimes revived person acquires electromagnetic anomaly ability afterwards(B Grayson+), “dead” can see for the first time in “life”(Ke Ring, Jef Long+), Exact hidden# reading(Cha Tart, Nor Bowe+), -->>cont: 451
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims :ZPE-Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 5 Emotion Affecting EM Wave • -->>cont: ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL: 3c-Non electric "Psychic" mind reading: ● Pre-agreed/expected post death communication: "Cross Correspondence":(Pau Davids[For Ackerman], HF Saltmarsh [FWH Myers]+), • 3e-Christians' generally higher resistance/suppression of "past life" memory might have been established since Council of Nicea 557AD "Reincarnation anathema"(Ian Stevenson, Ant Mills+), In rare cases "other life's” specific memory matches with obscure past public records(Bri Weiss+) & even physical anomaly mark shows up(Sc Tucker, Haraldsson+), But "past life memory can be caused" also simply by remote viewing or psychic detective type info access. Then how to tell simple psychic experience from "real reincarnation" idea if there isn't multiple matched body scars with proven "past life wounds" location?(Ste Braude+): PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) might increase chance of memory?(Jur Keil+) • 4a-Mind, thought, & emotion reading-affecting tech(Akwei, R Duncan, Mic Aquino, R Stirbl+), Superheterodyne(not just ULF/VLF, wide range EM wave useable) use for undetected combo signal receiving for brain implant as SmartDust? or Neural Dust(Mic Maharbiz+), UK intel MI5 "Mind Reading Unit". Psychedelic brain effect is likely caused by drug's enhanced electron activity(Stu Hameroff+). Torsion field mechanics(spin polarized wave) based non-local mind reading & influencing tech claims(ND Kolpakov +) -->>cont: 452
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Resonance Mind-Scalar 6 Electro Mind Read/Influence • -->>cont: ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL: 4 : 4a-Mind & emotion reading-affecting tech: • Mainstream approved brain wave decoding, Similarly, scalar wave used version of Van Eck Phreaking can read turned off computer or human mind regardless of location? - use of “each’s unique frequency” idea as in Radionics. Range of audible/inaudible acoustic wave can be used. Also Mind reading EQ-Radio(Din Katabi+): Algorithm analysis of time-variation of wireless wave body reflection. Other brain wave related see p291-ii • 4b-Some mind reading effect claims from ReverseSpeech analysis(Da Oates, Ga Husick, J Johnston+): “time reverse acoustic phase conjugation”?, there are sign of US Police/Intel’s interests, But with heavy “front loading” of information it seem to be lot more to do with analyser’s “psychic ability” to interpret data, than stand alone technique usable by anyone, 4c-Science legal Silent Subliminal Presentation System(SSPS), inaudible subliminal message or emotion projecting(Ol Lowry+),(BrainSpeak+): Brain wave is captured /analyzed & device emits resonance frequency for hypnotic effect. • 4d-Mental "future prediction": consistently far below perfection but far above random words(Harribance[Wil Roll, Persinger+]+), but if atoms can "predict" future why not human?(p440: Inhibited Spontaneous Emission - Closed Timelike Curve) 453 • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE Mind-Scalar 7 "Channelled Science", "Contactee" + • -->>cont: ■1C NON-INDUSTRIAL: 5 • 5a-Access to science info, or communication with “ET”, by Electronic & Bio/Scalar receptor, Telepathic, Remote Viewing etc(Zubow3, D Sherman, Da Hamel, Romanek, Jane Roberts, Ma Rodwell, Edgar Cayce, Ji Penniston, A Thompson Smith+), • 5b-Claims of some accepted or pseudoscientific new techs inventions were “channeled” non-locally, or given physically by “non-terrestrials”(Tesla, P Corso, Bennewitz, Ph Schneider, Me Riley, Ri French, Her Oberth[Op PaperClip - US rocket program relation], Wh Strieber, Wi Tompkins[Non Western media reported but debunked in West, Op HighJump content related]+), Official US Gov't states Written Remote Viewing(WRV) was exercized("channelling") at least some time(Ann Jacobsen+), • Brain as mostly signal receptor?(eg Hydrocephalus - J Lorber: some of “10% or less regular brain left living” people function with average intelligence- but later the academic researcher seems to retract conclusion under pressure?: S Gebhardt-Henrich+: numerous hamsters live normally with almost no brain)+ • 5c-Well over 1000+ recorded physical “contactee" claims "accidentally" or use of specific mind protocol tech etc(Bru Salmaciccia, Ga De Lama, El Klarer, Bi Meier, Bri Barclay, Jo Reed, RN Hernandez+), -->>cont: 454
ZPE-Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 8 “Abduction” • —->> cont - ■1C : 5-”Communication with “Non Terrestrial” or “akhasic”: 5cContactee claims: • Western mainstream’s illusion/insane treatment is reducing along with its statistical ET advanced life confirmation, while Russian senior political figure(KN Ilyumzhinov) claims meeting ETs & president(Medvedev) informally refers to their terrestrial residence, and de facto world leading spaceflight company (Bigelow Aerospace, often mainstream’s slight treatment)’s CEO also seriously say so. Vatican suggests future encounter & blessing(Fr. Jo Funes, Br. G Consolmagno+), claim of large amount of "unclassified" ET involvement documents disclosed on public domain(Wi Tompkins) • 5d-Order(s) of magnitude larger worldwide “abducted” claims to crafts/underground base etc & operated on mainly by small dummy like beings with big black eyes for "hybridization purposes"(K Carlsberg+)(& indication of far more people remain unclaimed), but of which 75% is based on pseudo-scientized hypnotic regression, 90%+ has no craft landing or intrusion evidence or no direct 2 or more people inter-reference(Jo Mack, B&B Hills, D Jacobs, B Hopkins, Le Sprinkle, Ca Turner, Tra Walton, Lau McDonald+), yet overall # of non hypnotic clear memory is not small. There are fair number of accounts of antigravity or something moving through wall observations, 455
ZPE-Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 9 Implant Effect • -->> cont - ■1C : 5-”ET” or “akhasic” communication: 5d-"abductions": Occasional military uniform witnessed, Some think exclusively human military operation(J Altshuler+), Often on-going regular experiences, or multi-generational(J Henderson[K Marden]+). Occasional sudden medical healing(Pr Dennett+), precision cut, or body implants discovered(they move around in body[De Stoner+], often harmonic radiowave emitting[Roger Leir+], implant is highly classified projects run by some type of controlling group[William Pawelec+]: sophistication of implants appears to be more than equivalent of 2017 mainstream cutting edge level since 20-30 yrs prior: scalar-resonance?, military test?). Many claims on being teleported exist but almost all of their memory is spotty about during this is happening(deduced after the fact from lack of memory of transported) hence not sufficiently reliable. • Rare case of wearing wrong clothes or grown beard in the morning, Mix of hoax, vivid-dream, delusion, military, non-terrestrial group operation? Similar vague perceptional replication made by EM pulse treatment on brain(Persinger+), • 5e-Claims of “hybridization”, involving hairless expressionless large solid-black eyed humanoid-robot like?, “Insect/lizard” head wearing human?, Preying mantis? or regular human looking non human? & many other types. Also some terrestrial military presence(black project?) witnessed. Adding confusion by likely witness hallucination cases(externally or self induced?), Genetic or special ability recruitment by military & some private groups are often whistleblown(Eriksson sisters?, Me Leslie, Bar King, D O’Finian, +), link to “6d” & mind tech(p467-478), 456
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Mind-EM-Scalar 10 “Cattle Mutilation Tech”, Psychic Application etc • —->> cont - ■1C : 5-”ET” or “akhasic” communication: 5f-“Cattle mutilation” or Animal mutilation tech demonstrates anomalous cleancuts of organs & alleged non-contact lifting(C Zukowski, LM Howe, Ga Valdez, Chr O’Brien+), Far less frequent and much more difficult to investigate "human mutilation"(Ri D Hall+), Prv space agency studies prior listed “6a-6e”(Ro Bigelow), Combo of predator animals, covert military/private op, & non terrestrial? • 5g-• In Russia/China etc information gained by various “psychic” methods is relatively openly used for scientific/intelligence research, while two-face Western approach takes far more covert use(Mellen-T Benedict+) hence they insist on publicly ridiculing it, • Same treatment with otherwise unsolvable crime investigations(A Thompson-Smith+), • 5h-• Some “new age” belief practisers attest statistical “indirect passive control” of preferred experiential phenomena(Ger Jackson, Nap Hills+), in relation to “vivid imagination coupled with specific mental-emotional resonance state”. Mind & emotion amplified attention focus(JL Petersen+), some use the term “Law Of Attraction”(Denis Waitley+), some empirical evidence exists but lack of lab experiments, vague data tracking, non uniform protocol used by different researches. Also surface thought only without aligning with subconscious belief has low % effectiveness: from changing social circumstances to triggering desired 457 epigenetic effect(Robert Williams[Psych-k]+)-->cont:
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 11 “Channelling” • —->> cont - ■1C : 5-”ET” or “akhasic” communication: 5h-•“new age” belief: • But similar to this "you are 100% creating own reality" concept & physical probabilities existence is explained by “Trans-dimensional Physics” idea(D Anka, Jani King, Ca Ruekart, Puharich, Paul Hamden+), some does unknown foreign language automatic writing(M Manning+), Record of prominent family members-associates participated in unorthodox communication methods(Du Pont, Astor, Forbes, Buc Fuller, Ar Clarke+). Also somewhat convincing data of Synchronicity as measurable against statistical odds though hard to measure how much % more extraordinary so(Rob Perry+) • Many scientifically relevant “channelled” materials are reviewed by MilitaryIntel/black projects(JZ Knight+), Some “channellers” bring clearly partial factual info while rest is intentionally deceptive(Joe Fisher+). Also intel/"secrete societies" involvement & manipulation attempt might have been the most important reason for "new age" and "anti war" boom to occur in 1960s & 70s. But because of media insistence on exclusively ridiculing, mainstream academia, politicians or business people cannot touch or discuss without risking their business/status. 458
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous :Mind-EM-Scalar 12 TELEKINESIS • 6-Biological magnetic field control might be related to Psychokinesis(also p258283), a-Psychic Surgery: Biologically based EM field control idea seems to relate to mainstream west described “proven fraud” psychic surgery(Teixeira de Faria[Rus Roy+], Ze Arigo is most high profile & has over 10,000 witnesses [Kubitzchek: Brazilian President+], T Agpapoa[Hiroshi Motoyama +], Dona Pachita[Puharich, Gabriel Cousens+], Alex Orbido+) blood/X-ray test & surgery standby validation indicate only few are fully genuine, but many seem to be “both genuine & fraud”: use combo of psychic ability & mere tricks. • b-Thoughtography: Also links to mind projection of image onto film: Psychic photography (Chizuko Mifune, ["Other side of moon": T Fukurai], Ted Serios[Ju Eisenbud+], Van den Broeke+), Psychic shape imaging on salt crystallization(Cha Littlefield+). Psychic photo might be done by orbs projection?( +) • c-Geophysical Effects: Mind triggered plane crash?, weather change, lightning, power outage, earthquakes(Ted Owens[Puthoff & Targ, Rhine, Jef Mishlove+], Art Bell & Nei Slade, Rol Alexander, - Yan Xin[local government recognized] +), shamanic testimonies(Pie Vitebsky, Ágnes Birtalan, Hol Kalweit, Nan Moss, Mircea Eliade, Альберт Венедиктович Игнатенко +). -->>cont: 459
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 13 Poltergeist & Trickery • —>> cont - ■1C : 6-”Bio Magnetic field control related: • 6d-”Ghost or apparition”(eg El-Zeitoun+), sometimes shows water molecule ionization equivalent to strong energy-producing radiation/Ball lightning effect(Adr Klein, RN Boyd+), • e- Documented experimental claims of psychically affecting past events(Elm Gruber+), f- Psychokinesis(PK) links to magnetic field influence or scalar type effect(faraday cage unhinderable), • i- Poltergeist is also sometimes related to electrical phenomena(B Taff, H Bender[Rosenheim case]+), also can be “average 1-12month ongoing uncontrolled intermittent PK phenomena”, and usually “dead” person or "3rd party entity" is not involved. If “person responsible” habituating the location leaves, it eventually stops in few weeks to months but not right away, Fraudulent cases are frequent and bulk of which are mixed type(mix of fraud and actual - especially with kids needing attention. • Because often by the time investigation involving police begins, real phenomena starts fading)(Mic Clarkson+) & others are full trickery: Relatively easy to detect claims with tricks only with no actual phenomena if frequent occurring types(WE Cox, Wil Roll, Bry Williams+). -->> cont: 460
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 14 Poltergeist & Others • —>> cont - ■1C : 6-”Bio Magnetic field control related: i- Poltergeist: • It involves: Electrical disturbance, Cold air spots, Knocking- rapping, Floating ball lightening/flashing, Electrical surge, Objects move, Sometimes objects are “thrown” in unnatural projectile(stops mid air, zigzag etc)(Han Bender, Ala Gauld, Gai Pratt, WF Barrett, J Pratt, ARG Owen, D Bither+), • Rare cases of materialized matter thrown at people, or of involving apparition(ranges from person like figure to "cartoon monster like” being). Are they “projected /conjured being” by causing person?, Mental release mechanism manifested?(Scott Rogo, Wil Roll+), In odd cases lost ability is reactivated by hypnosis(Lagle-Stewart+). Relation to increase in geomagnetic activity(L Gearhart, Persinger+), Equally significant measured temperature decrease & EM effect can accompany with some "ghosts" appearance(L Auerback+), Might involve materialization(&/or teleportation?), hand writing on wall etc(M Manning+) One of allegedly heaviest weight lifting telekinesis & teleportation claim of over a ton(Kasumi Okabe+), • 6j-Other Magnetic-electrical-scalar human related phenomena: “Magnetic man: биогравитация” can stick metallic objects to bare skin(Liew Thow Lin, Инга Казаченко, Miroslaw Magola+) but without magnetic field projection. Actual mechanics might be combination of sticky skin, electrical charge- strong torsion field emanating body & telekinesis? Some claim to reason suction from skin pores, but they often can stick objects on palm of hands(J Keeton+), others need to focus emotion/mind to cling matters better(Mic Vasiliev, Eti Elchiyev+[Thorns], АП Дубров), -->> cont: 461
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Mind-EM-Scalar 15 Human Combustion, Biological Bulb Lighting etc • —>> cont - ■1C :6j-Human Bio Magnetic field control: Metallic wire growth off body?(Noorsyaidah), Cryokinesis(Hel Schmidt, R Dunseath+), Spontaneous human combustion(Ja Angel, Fr Baker, Lar Arnold+): Some of claims are unlikely to be misidentification of outside fire, Long history of claims: usually fire starts from within & contained in body, Sometime occurs in front of other people, Often indicates intense & fast fire, but proper in-depth research is difficult & rare, Incidents are spontaneous and more rare than other effects(only few hundred cases suspected worldwide, rare as Doppelgänger/bilocation, though with much more evidence), **the ash quality might resemble pyromagnetic furnace processed decomposed organic matter?(see p127,128: iii), • 7-Crop Circle: Geometric pattern in plant felling or snow-ice formulation often by human manual pressing, with sometimes heat/microwave type uniform height damage spot in grass stalks, or micro magnetic sphere clusters(a few mm size) are found inside circle. -->>cont: 462
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Mind-EM-Scalar 16 Crop Circle: Diverse Production Methods • —>> cont - ■1C : 7-Crop Circle : • For obviously non man made types: Are they caused by Microplasma, Electrostatic projection?: then would it be cosmic ray types? black project? non terrestrial?. ElectroScavenging & ElectroFreezing(snow-ice circle)? EM wave resonance/TorsionScalar-Mind effect?: (Haselhoff, Su Taylor, Kollerstrom, Ger Hawkins, AC Holt[NASAJSC], Glickman, Col Andrews,JE Mason, Fussell & Dike, And Muller, Iyengar+), Atmospheric micro plasma vortex(Talbott-Burke-Levengood[BLT research]+) which can be manipulated? • Sometimes witnessed by distinct Plasma-orb-ball lightning hovering at formulation(K van Egmond, Ste Alexander+), Communication tool?(Arecibo case+), military test? Climate Engineering/Weather modification microwave transmission side effects or tests? Outdoor plasma experiment? Nonlocal radionics use or remote EM wave projection?(p214-217), Natural geophysical phenomena? Some kind of plasma drone? Possibly all of above? Occurs in relation to "ley lines" & electron avalanche(Pat Greer+). • This research currently considers It is probably some kind of Micro Plasma like Scalar longitudinal wave Cymatics pattern/Scalar EM wave modal vibration, or even aligned Dusty Plasma like projection to plants on ground. ->>cont: 463
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE Mind-EM-Scalar 17 Hand Made Crop Circle Helpers? • cont-->> ■1C EM-Scalar wave related mind tech :7 -Crop Circle: • Often done in dark night, some are completed in minutes, mainstream group caught manually making on top of already existing intricate circle or photo doctoring to show as if a person doing it(National Geographic: Hor Drew+), • 100% manually made ones have not demonstrated on most complicated type or in large woven plant patterns, or created on rain soaked muddy soil even with clearly noticeable lighting over night, Also no manual circle claims made on thin ice, • But it is notable manual crop circle makers in England themselves often witness ball lightning, “something else is helping them”, or experience other peculiar effects when they are making one(Mat Williams, Rob Buckle+) - this part is usually ignored by researchers(both non manual crop circle formation promoters and blanket debunkers), • 8-“Frequency tuning + ceremony” or by bio organism sacrifice to influence environment /people: At least small groups of Western elites are known to practise(Br Taylor, Kay Griggs, S Fecht, A Blackwell, S Arrigo+), where 1000s witness “fear is key factor” & at ceremony event some people or ‘something’ really appear to show lizard like feature”. -->>cont: 464
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
ZPE Mind-Scalar 18 Electric Abiogenesis & Gene Change • cont—>> ■1C EM-Scalar wave mind tech: 8-“Frequency tuning + ceremony” • Also non-satanic/lucifer type positive conjuring experiment success (“Philip Ayelsford” case[Ir Owen+]+). Can "demonic possession" be as own negative thought form itself possessing the thinker?(Pie Janet+), or someway uniquely connected to the thinker? • 9-EM coupling(Scalar type) to generate Ectoplasm like smoke, where entities exist?, dimension gate? Seance, Elite ritual, Poltergeist link?(Koontz, JK Hutchison, Curie, W Crooks+), Philadelphia experiment type claim link?, • 10-Gene-Epigenetics-control/Abiogenesis by biophoton/magnetic field+(Solodilov, Poponin, FA Popp, Al Gurwitsch, C Jimwoo+), Electric field “voltage without current”scalar wave link e.g. Ciba-Geigy patented & shelved Ebner effect(H Schürch, K Felix, W Arber, G Rothe, Fr Alt+), but commercialized later(FIOS-Greenbox+), Also DNA from vacuum(Gariaev+), Similar seed enhancing mechanics(BLT Research: Levengood & Talbott+), also claims on prolonged E field exposure seems to break "spell" of some GMO crops to original. • Although abiogenesis itself is mainstream accepted, only its amino acid lab experiments are approved, and 1000s of lab synthesis results since 1800s are all labeled invalid: Primitive life by non-electric effect: Radium(Dubois & Burke+), Mineral+light+heat (HC Bastian+), But complicated life like insect/fish by various EM field irradiation(Morley Martin: X-ray, Andrew Crosse+), (Relation? to p241: ●vii-Torsion field effect by Electrothermo Poling/Electric Field Induced Softening) 465
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Mind-EM-Scalar 19 DNA Control & Generation, Geophysical Effects • cont—>> ■1C EM-Scalar wave related mind tech: 11-13: 11-DNA-life like Sentient Dusty Plasma creation(Morfill, Tsytovich, Fortov, Angelis+), Somatid, or ORMUS link?(p304-317)- eg: ●Non chemically induced amino acid synthesis by plasma discharge in supercritical water(Mit Sasaki+), ● Floating ball lightning from distilled water by plasma torch with resonance/mobius-figure8 strip(Vachaev, Egorov, Pavlova+), ● DNA generation by specific resonance frequency, water, & non-life matter(Aissa+), What is the relation to Dusty Plasma collected at Fusion devices? Differences? • 12-There are claims of previously listed all "outrageous" phenomena prone locations or weather, including StormGlass/Kolisko Effect(SE Schnoll, K Voss, Budden+). Also at least in some limited situations, Astrology has statistical significance(Su Ertel, M Gauquelin+), "relatively accurate" astrological geopolitical event prediction(Lyn Palmer[WTC event 1993 & 2001, Fukushima Nuclear 2011]+), • 13-Ancient record of previously stated "outrageous" tech utilization(C Boulter, C Dunn, M Cremo, L Boutar+), 466
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Type RITUAL & MIND CONTROL TECH 1: EM Pulse etc • ■2-“Mind technology” claims, ■2 A-D, Often mix of Ritual +Psychical ability + EM/Scalar wave + Hypnotic elements, Basically driven by mind-emotional state, link to some soft weapon black projects?: part of psychological warfare, also some of target is own country citizen for mass control?:(Ro Dean, A McCollum, Fr Bell, Pr Nichols, P Peterson, Ar Neumann, R Patton +), EM Scalar/Torsion wave resonance, Sacrificial satanic ritual(some for “energy harvesting”), “Channelling”, Conjuring+, • ■2A External Mind/mood control, Non Ritual components: Some were declassified as MK ULTRA case in 70s(An Collins, Fr Olson+), Intel insiders claim program is clandestine after 1977(Vic Marchetti+). Major NGO funded & academic on contract with Military & Intel(psychiatrists-neurolgist: Ew Cameron+, semi official till 1970s), Also Prewar German gov’t & corporate research link(Project Peperclip), Various EM pulse waves tested, often ELF & Microwave range(phase conjugated form?: scalar wave), Electric shock, Advanced Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Can combine with drugs or sleep deprivation or “test drinks”: • •1mm size implants as signal receptor(even mainstream tech has much smaller size), •Direct headset contact with electric equipment or wireless to cause various mental state, •Replication of drugged symptoms without its use, ->>cont:467
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Type RITUAL & MIND CONTROL TECH 2: Conditioning etc • -->>cont: ■2A Mind control, Non Ritual: • •Vision-sound creation in brain, •Memory insert or action command programmable state, •Statistically increase % of mass’s emotion joy-fear state etc(R Becker, Rauscher, Pa Flanagan, Dav Fraser, J Beltran, Ia Cameron, Delgado, Li McDonald, Gottlieb+), • Some Hypnosis combined but in itself can be equally very effective(De Brown, Estabrooks+), For outright control more than mood-movitation, first needs certain state of mind or special preconditioning - needs help of controllee: helpless or fear/trauma state to be effective, Rare case of Mainstream science being called full pseudoscience by Western media, Yet unlike ritual based claims there is gov’t admittance for suffering and often out of court $ settlement retroactively(Co Ross+). • ■2B External Mind control, Ritual related element(stronger debunking target), Witnesses of Western intel-military intermingled with private satanic ritual groups , certain elite groups' participation, also different groups exercizes various intensity levels of rituals. Satanic/demonic worship/ritual is likely originated from of ancient Egyptian etc origin(D Carrico, Lyn Perkins+). --->>cont 468
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance RITUAL & MIND CONTROL TECH 3: Ancient Cultural Element • -->>cont: ■2B External Mind control, Ritual related element: • Professional “Remote Viewing” sessions also agree this was an active custom in some ancient cultures(Co Brown+). Various symbolism, numerology, pun, geometry use in some cities, police, space agency etc markings to declare or project "territories", "control & ownership", "social engineering". • But most of modern influential groups might not worship idols and rather attempt to become "god" themselves or controller of "ignorant masses" & loyal "order followers" by deception(Mar Passio, D Icke+), (This type of modern occult topic investigators produce generally referenced documents, but even at alternative researcher level they are usually taken out of context to become target of ridicule and insane treatment with little actual invalidation proof). • These controllers' fundamental practice is based on fear(Parchment+), Can be customized to trigger(music, finger shape, gesture, touch, words or their combo)multiple split personalities for specific conditional task managed by programmer/handler(covert jobs, soldier, “hospitality”, social leader, celebrity: usually special task is forgotten when completed, or self destruction+)(Randy Noblitt, Max Spiers+), (also see p258-263 for practical hypnosis effectiveness) 469
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Type RITUAL & MIND CONTROL TECH 4: Ritual Component • -->>cont: ■2B External Mind control, Ritual related: • Some of advanced groups use torture(decreasing), drugs, but also involvesintermixed with anomalous occult ritualistic methods at most advanced group level(trauma, artificial inducement of NDE/astro projection, "satanic evocation & conjuring entities”, human sacrifice & cannibalism [babies to adults, at least tens of thousands/yr worldwide?: T Gunderson+, exaggerated?], sexual, sodomy, feces),(R Doninger, Ma Pauly, C Tatum, Mi Warnke, J Harvey, Sinason, Ma Brussell, Ell Drapert, Tho Becker, Randy Noblitt+), Human trafficking(Cyn Mckinney+), • Weak evidence of a puppet government participation which is setup & maintained by specific US groups but only “benign” organ trafficking part of business is officially exposed?(Dic Marty+), also built in West's popular songs or celebrities' behaviour(David McGowan, Mark Devlin, Ros Barr, Joh Potash+), promoted by artists(Abramovic etc) with elite participation?(Liz Crokin+). Rare claim on full time "non terrestrial or nonhuman" participation in rituals(F Toews) • Just like Vedic rituals such as Agnihotra/Athirathram/Somayaga etc(p224-226), this ceremony might have actual "conjuring" & real physics effects(or at least causes intense hallucination) and have link to geometries or gestures of occult practise used by some traditional elites(Epperson, MP Hall, A Pike+).. —>>cont 470
Outrageous Claims : RITUAL & MIND CONTROL TECH 5 • -->>cont: ■2B Mind control, Ritual related: Some geopolitical events are claimed to be part of same above influential groups' occult sacrifice by specialized researchers: political assassinations, "terrorism", war etc. But if really "dig down," some of these groups might not be "evil" at all, and basically none of them are "always purely destructive": always has some "good side" • Usually training/programming starts from childhood at multi generation private circle or cult like systems (D Staffen, Da Shurter, Ja Parker, Ni Bryant, Rob Green, Si Parkes, K Annett+), clinically anomalous degree of childhood memory void created(Anne Redelfs+), so that a trainee can be literally "taken over" by "evil spirits/devil" at trigger for the rest of their lives?(Dou Riggs+), in rare case some are invited when reach certain social-economical prominence, also “Psychic” recruitment, development & use(would some high performance mentalists be involved?). Linked to compartmentalized transnational elite groups with hidden goals, eccentric oaths, mutual assistance & secrecy: some indication of “world order control" faith amongst senior members of practicers,(Cor Hammond, Schnoebelen, Joh Coleman, Sy Gillotte+), • Linked to a small fraction of missing people/children/babies, or “abduction phenomena”(more frequent cases seems to involve military for completely different purpose)(C Sarnoff, Kay Griggs, K Morgan, Dizdar, J DeCamp, J Hill, F Springmeier, Drudgaard, Fio Barnett+), also link to mainstream religion groups(L Zagami, Pazder, Hal Pepinski+), & academics(with Intel/military back up) related experimentation ->>cont 471
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Type RITUAL & MIND CONTROL TECH 6: False Memory Syndrome
• cont—>> ■2B Ritual related: Ritual abuse whistleblower is always debunked & often sued by widely well funded mainstream groups as “therapist initiated false memory planting”, and appears to be currently one of heavily web search engine filtered out info for first 100+ entries(False memory foundation+), But EM wave use artificial memory itself is mainstream accepted effect(Su Tonegawa+) and particularly pseudoscientized robust hypnotic effects publicly demonstrated appear to be very effective in themselves, • Hence claim details are ignored & media's max admittance doesn't go beyond "remote possibility" of elite pedophile ring(exceptions in UK+)(E Lacter, MossSharman, D Carrico, Sa McNeill, J Byington, Kob Jonker+). Although mainstream debunked advanced hypnotic technology is capable of planting ritual abuse False Memory, historically far too many claims come from small children to senior citizens with consistent clarity of recollection content, personal story integrity , and intimate knowledge of people involved. For proper discrediting, it needs explanations of why there are so many specific false memory implanting cult exists in Western world wide. • Also mainstream psychiatry academic who doesn't sign/vow to discredit satanic ritual witness would be in difficult position, while affirming it could lose jobs: particularly when introduce well backed up evidence(eg: Randy Noblitt debunking case+): i.e. Mainstream reaction is same intensity level as going against their narrative stories of 472 recent largest terrorism events: Western national security level. -->>cont:
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Type RITUAL & MIND CONTROL TECH 7: Whistle Blowing • cont—>> ■2B Ritual related: Publicly endorsing/accepting ongoing such ritual activities by small population of people especially top elites might have more severe geopolitical consequences than debate about psychic effects, man made CO2 exclusive catastrophic global warming, or even free energy & existing physics law. • Police & Investigators often “told to stay away”, Their records disappear or themselves are raided(Nan Schaefer+), But prominent political/business leaders repeatedly accused for ritual abuse by victims in their booksconferences have not filed libel lawsuit(Br Taylor, Cat O’Brien, K Sullivan, Ca Rutz, R Bilger, A McKenna, D Ryder+), witnesses also state many elite participants were “trained” by ritual as growing up • ■2C Social Engineering: Combined with science legal mind influencing by use of external EM wave broadcasting over regional habitants or demonstration gathering (p452-1C-4a), via TV screen/sound - SSPS: Silent Sound Presentation System, this is also mainstream science approved tech. Also subliminal messaging is mainstream science approved(Dar Bem+) while western media calls it pseudoscience. Is this classified semi-standard practise for purpose of “national security & order”?: Psy-op(psychological operation)(Evg Federov, Ste Pieczenik+),
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Type RITUAL & MIND CONTROL TECH 8: Soviet/Russia • -->>cont: ■2C Social Engineering: Soviet/Russia • Psychotronic research in Soviet/Russia: Many prominent researchers/inventors of electronic torsion field generator focused on mostly electric/torsion field type psychotronic applications(АА Деев, ЮА Кривоногов, Igor Smirnov[moved to US & worked for intel], ФР Ханцеверов, A Касьяненко, ЯЯ Рудаков, ГА Сергеев, Георгий Степанов[B Yeltsin] +), less extent in Czech & others(Z Rejdák, Franz Kahuda, Emil Kaspar+), Official government division existed(АН Кочуров+), Some call it "radio hypnosis"(Иван Сергеевич Качалин [Радиогипноз: worked at least 50km non locally] +), Some are converted for industrial metal processing use prior to west(СА Курапов [“homeopathic metallurgy”]+), Nobel laureate winner involved(IY Tamm: electromagnetic motion exists in static electromagnetic fields[1946]: “nonthermodynamic free energy”), Accusation of there is ”Legalized Satanism & psychotronic slavery” that is built-in mechanics in media, computer games and movies influenced by west(ТГ Дичев+). • Some influential people admit Soviet experiment focus was often on controlling population, but such technology that affects citizen’s conscious and subconscious level remotely is immoral and should not be used(ЮП Батулин, ВК Канюка, Е Блинникова +), first gangstalking occurred in Soviet for dissidents?(ВН Анисимов+). -->> cont:
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Type RITUAL & MIND CONTROL TECH 9: Soviet/Russia • -->cont: ■2C Social Engineering: mind influencing by use of external EM wave broadcasting over regional habitants: Psychotronic research in Russia/Soviet: • Same level of Western mainstream participation in psychotronics is rarely discussed due to uniform media debunking though witnessed by Western top military people: "possible to change belief system electronically"(Stubblebine+), Link of Monroe Institute to INSCOM, private military/intel contractors & NGOs(Rand, SAIC +) etc. • Phase array large radar antenna system affecting certain people's brain capability was acknowledged by government scientists(Дуга - Чернобыль-2 ЖРЛС, Красноярск-26 etc): Russian mainstream academic claims on some antennas were for North American mass target woodpecker signaling, as well as potential type of plasma type weapon in conjunction with satellite(ВА Седлецкий+). Some evidence of receiver govn'ts wanted effect results info(& extract it from their spies) hence stayed quiet. • Noticeable number of mainstream science academics, particularly those involved in parapsychology(including high performance psychics), or torsion /psychotroic physics technologies, or journalists in Russia died in 1990-2000s by what appeared to be unnatural circumstances(V Chernobrov+). -->> cont: 475
Outrageous Claims : ZPE type RITUAL-MIND CONTROL 10 • -->cont: ■2C Social Engineering: • Yet many so called "suicided" did really seem to have done so without forced by other people i.e.: “they were in the mood for it” by torsion generator’s relevant frequency? Further, some torsion field generator builder scientists’ nonsuicide death might be attributed to overexposure to the ”wrong signal”(AA BeridzeStakhovsky, АВ Чернецкий +), also experimentally certain torsion field irradiation killed animals(ВФ Панов+), • Regarding Russia & its outside both, psychotronics might not be consistently effective, but possibly tests were attempted relatively often in conjunction with conventional methods(eg entrainment signaling at election rally, sport game, demonstration, share holder meeting, towards CEO/Presidents office etc live locally or via electronic media) to influence majority of people's emotion, thinking/opinion: • Mass attention focus, or prevention of focus, heroizing vs discrediting, celebrity message, false flag op, orchestrating “grassroots” social movement(eg McG Bundy[CEO Ford Foundation]+) & coordinating on-camera demonstration with main media etc(eg Laurel Canyon, "Colored revolution”+), also cultural influence focus of certain Intelligence agencies' strains(Pea Redmond+): -->> cont: 476
Outrageous Claims : ZPE type RITUAL-MIND CONTROL 11 • -->cont: ■2C Social Engineering: Some news appears before event occurs or investigation is pre-completed & almost simultaneously announced with "unexpected incidents", especially with terrorism: key small # of personnel in media-NGO-Gov’t-Intel coordinated: media creates reality & predetermine public opinion by selective reporting & “authoritative expert commentary”?(M Bröckers+), • Appeal to public fear(some use rituals-geometry-numerology-symbolism), Claims of intense emotions can directly influence physical reality & fear creation is focused by small factions within dominant groups for specific purpose(D Burisch, N Begich, P Levenda, Reb Roth, “Bill Wood”, A Crowley+), this story of "emotion affecting reality" is void of direct evidence, yet similar weaker effect is verifiable: • eg Agnihotra - W Puchalski, Fri Staal(see 8 at p224-226), Meditation crime reduction - Hagelin, Random number generator - Rog Nelson, Psychic mind influence - “unlike in movie goat was actually killed by focusing on heartbeat nerves”(L Buchanan), Frog heart was stopped(ГА Сергеев[Kulagina]), Increase targeted humans' heart rate(JP Girard+), Intentions(Ly McTaggart), BioActivation(W Tiller+), Noncontact, nonacoustic, non virtual local mind influencing for diplomatic negotiations(МП Поляченко, Geller +). Also see Bio Energetic Torsion Field 477 p242-285. -->> cont:
Outrageous Claims : ZPE type RITUAL-MIND CONTROL 12 • cont-->> ■2C Social engineering: Mind effect on physical reality? examples: • Although heavily discounted even by alternative researches due to religious overtone, there are some indications of world wide religious groups prayers/rituals(love focus etc) might cause-affect physical situations significantly higher than random statistical ratio?(but most of this type of claim has no measurement back up). • If above is the case, “Elite power domination” wallowing, or fear focusing, only negative side of elite emphasizing alternative media(AM) is ending up also partially assisting above cause?(Kopp Verlag +), Not well known but fair portion of AM, particularly majority of large ones or well known ones are mainstream NGOs donated or corporate owned/sponsored(eg Wikileaks, or other major private alternative radio/TV stations, against which interviewees sometimes complain of being requested to not to speak about specific topics(D Sereda, John B Wells+) • ■2D Ancient technology R&D: ritual(MP Hall+) human lineage-gene(L Pye[follow up Mel Young as debunking op?]+), star sign - astrology?(Wil Gadoury+), script, sound, gridline, edifice(Haramine, Het Lynn, Sitchin, M Hayes, AE Waite, A Bessant, Jas Jarrell+), • ■2E Indications of “Occult” elements seriously applied in math, physics, & astronomy as black projects(Ja Parsons, Farouk El-Baz +:[Jo Farrell, W Lyne, Ke Hunter+]) 478
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance WEAPON TECH 1 • Inventor tech acceptance can trigger past tech suppression idea to be surfaced at mainstream level, possibly much more of it, But it also seems easily convertible to very destructive low cost weapons; hence somewhat justifiable from another perspective • ■3A WEAPON RELATED: Conventional tech, supplied with unlimited energy: “Free energy” availability to anyone, can lead to: (a)-Super energy weapon even with mainstream Electro Thermal or Plasma Gun-Cannon, Plasma arc or High voltage Directed Lightening Discharge, Magnetic, Laser, Acoustic, various EM(particularly micro wave)Wave Effects, with unlimited number of free “bullets” & its power. Some high power device can be easily made at home. • (b)-Large scale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Schumann coupling amplification for destructive effect on: i- Specific Lithosphere/Troposphere spot or entire earth(weather, quakes, tsunami, volcano etc), ii- Satellite/wireless, even ground communication, land electrical transformers systems etc(HAND [high altitude nuclear detonation] like effect). iii- Biological ELF effect. Low tech "evil group" can easily hold the world at ransom?
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type WEAPON 2 • (c)-If concentrated enough free unlimited energy is available, even mainstream science tech(western media psedoscience) allows at least various spacetime distortion/warping, tear in space time by creating adjacent two radically differing fields, or possibly "banishing enemy" to other reality/time zone etc, or simply disintegrate it?(p433-446) • ■3B WEAPON RELATED: High powered Torsion/Scalar/Radionic weapons: Also Conjugated EM/nonEM Wave Coupling, • 1-“Auto-Detect” target & project voice/image/”cell signaling information” etc to its brain/organ/body by “teleportation of information”(АЮ Смирнов+) by causing change in biofield & permeability of biological tissues by non-local unconventional radiations. It works with triggering resonant frequency/natural oscillations of specific target organs/body, with radiation magnitude(just like biofield’s) is too small to register generally by conventional method/equipment. Small tech of eradicating specific species or primitive living forms in certain sized area is admitted by this method(ВК Канюка+), • i- Specific area non locally(no need to be physically present to cause effect), or ii- An object no matter where in physical universe. Machine/bio hindrance vs enhancing, shielding effect (Pavlenko+): -->>cont: 480
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type WEAPON 3 • ■3B WEAPON RELATED Scalar/Torsion: 1-“Auto-Detect” target & project voice/image+ to its brain/organ+: i & ii examples eg1 : • eg1 Statistically affect mass mood/interactions in a building/region etc. Hence this is advanced “unhidable” version of science legal Microwave Auditory Effect /Electrophonic hearing etc(science legal tech eg: possibly western mainstream discussed Cdn/US Embassy "sonic attack" in Cuba & others since 2017, or majority of appearing to be relatively widely practiced[but intensely media debunked], Gang Stalking in West[eucach.org], this type of Microwave application seems to have originated from various military's still classified(Russia declassified) brain entrainment use(Barry Trowers+) • but gangstalking claim might be equally split into α-misperception/illusion, β-unintended wave combination/heterodyne effect, δ-specific targeted individual : and category δ 's claim details are usually very similar(John Hall, Jam Guest+), also data indicates remote influence of specific action command trigger content depends on person(Николай Иванович Анисимов+). • There seems to be multiple of other methods in addition to well known microwave to intentionally cause this effect: infrasound, ultrasound, torsion(rotating EM pulse), scalar(phrase conjugation wave) of specific frequencies or combinations. -->>cont: 481
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type WEAPON 4 • ■3B WEAPON RELATED Scalar/Torsion: 1-“Auto-Detect” target & project voice/image+ to its brain/organ+: i & ii examples eg1 : • Psychotronic tech is much openly discussed and public demonstration against it(same as antiganstalking gathering) is allowed to attract attention in Russia and their main media picks up (ЮЮ Воробьевский, Ю Малин+): taboo to cover in West. Rare claim on various types of voice to skull(V2K) tech harassment alleviating effect field emitting pendants(Mindtech Enterprises)(Ire Caesar+), • Conventional device can affect statistical mood of immediate surroundings, while Scalar types can do for wider area population or non locally(Ph Stocklin, W Brunker, Puharich & Lawrence, Pa Flanagan, Rauscher, Frey, Ja Lin+); deaf can also hear it. And this non local effect is targetable to(Also see psychotronics p474-476) • eg2 Affect spin/lattice structure or frequency, at molecular level of any matter: inducing nuclear fusion remotely without dealing coulomb force?, Also doable?: • iii- Manipulation of refractive index by Phase Conjugating : anything invisible, or shielding effect, -->>cont: 482
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type WEAPON 5 • ■3B WEAPON RELATED Scalar/Torsion: 1-“Auto-Detect” target & project voice/image+ to its brain/organ+: i & ii examples eg1 : • vi- Can full Phase Conjugating Mirror(PCM) reflect back anything it was emitted from(eg beam)?, What can eye see with it besides own eye ball? v- What can“phase conjugated interferometer" or PCM(phase conjugator) can do (Whittaker, Bearden) with laser or various frequency EM & acoustic waves of beyond threshold super high intensity? • 2-Enable conventionally & possibly even unconventionally undetectable communication, as well as able to detect light-wave refracted cloaked objects, • 3- Scalar/Torsion/Acoustic(longitudinal) or Laser(polarized-EM Standing Wave, or Optical cavity resonator) nonlinear coupling with or even without high power potential ability: Any inequilibrium medium with even insignificant disturbance might trigger disproportionately exaggerated results at specific resonance frequencies?(eg Tacoma Narrows Bridge, 5th /7th /11th Harmonics+). Some small Russian companies constantly talk about looking for new "physics law breaking" technologies & deploying such devices(Авиаконверсия[Олег Антонов]+) . 483
Outrageous Claims : ZPE-Resonance Type WEAPON 6 • -->>cont ■3B WEAPON RELATED: Inventor tech acceptance risk: 3: Also: Even mainstream accepted Aharonov–Bohm effect implies possibility that combination of unmeasurable scalar energy beam or force can suddenly exert kinetic power at their intersecting point to have distant cold explosion, in air, water, or underground(p210,211) • 4-Gravity-Space-Time control weapon? Also note Remote Viewing surveillance ability is trainable to all to large extent, especially if they believe it's possible. Similar effect on weather tests(p459: c) • 5-High energy materials-effects; monopole magnet, ceramic, symbiotic matter, remote non-local killing etc: Explainable by Russian Eniology/Bio-EnergoInformatics/Torsion physics(p197-285)(Devyatkov, VP Kaznacheev, Lunev, Smetanin, AI Veinik, Shipov, Ignatiev + /Military: Ratnikov, IS Filimonenko[ИС Филимоненко] +), "Pseudoscientific nation" Russia's mainstream media & government claims of scalar type weapon (Вести.Ru/Россия 24/ВГТРК["Хибины"/P Zolotarev - П Золотарев], AE Serdyukov - АЭ Сердюков+), others(Tesla+), witness (Mallieu, F Golden, Ro Cole+), • ●Also other related tech with similar risk exists: Antigravity->Space warp?, ●LENR-acoustic weapon-ZPE link(R Richter+) ->Mini pure-fusion(non fission) “cold” nuclear bomb?(Del Giudice, Sam T Cohen+), disguised as terrorism or Uranium Depleted Bullets(UDB)(Mau Torrealta+)?, or UDB often caused explosions which created mini fusion bomb effect like high radio active dusts scattering(C Snodgres)? 484
Outrageous Claims: ZPE-Resonance Type WEAPON TECH 7 • -->>cont ■3 WEAPON RELATED: Controversy regarding claims of Gov't suppressing tech, Its black projects, or Use of mind related tech, false flag op & pseudo-operation domestically: • There are ideas of western gov'ts being directly involved in "conspiracy" of false flag operation, black projects or covert tech suppressions etc, but this is unlikely to be accurate: Those operations usually don't officially exist. Also officials' behaviours, far beyond coincidental cooperation & well timed orchestration of unrelated institutions, NGOs, Media etc before-during-after events suggest most of those involved are unknowingly(compartmentalization) or coerced into doing so. Plus witnesses usually claim they are strongly discouraged from investigating/testifying. So exaggerated comments like "100% inside job"(but this does apply to events like mortgage security fraud & public funded pay out in 2008 where tens of thousonds were clearly aware of assist this to happen) or "so-and-so organization/ethnic/religious groups are responsible for all operations" often seem to be used to prevent(instead of clarifying) from identifying real groups directly involved, or hide a bulk part of groups involved if so, is this simply all infighting amongst researchers?, or partly influenced by black op cooperators? • Hence if various data is cross-examined, likely more accurate to speculate those networked events are run by small compartmentalized privatized syndicates infiltrated in key positions of wide range of Western institutions - public & private. 485
Tech disclosure: Were They All Unjustifiably Suppressed? • There are mega economic risk for investors, & military weapon type danger in free energy availability to all: debunking might be justifiable? Dialogue can start with benefactor focus for tech hold up, but many alternative researches focus only on negative side of("half empty glass") all Intel/elite corporate network & family strains as evil oppressor on "disruptive techs”, users of covert tech to negatively control mass world wide with secrecy but ignore countless alleged, untold positive actions taken: • eg1-Certain groups seem to fund research-promotion to tame aggressiveness & stifle IQ etc of some of population(*fluoride water+), pregnancy control (*aspartame, *vaccine+), but also fund “free energy” or “pseudo medical” tech research, eg2-Use of phase array ULF shield or scalar/laser wave to likely affect weather, but also they can destroy incoming meteor?, prevent pole shift? for public protection?, Classified underground accommodation worldwide for disasters? • eg3-US military-intel funded major web search engine & social media sites often allow disruptive technology info(though usually seems to deprioritize in showing up late on search, demonetizing, used for surveillance, or account cancellation but allows reregistration), and encourage info spreading or online translation service for free when with they have option to block such empowering system/activity from thriving(though Russian Yandex also has it now). World wide web internet creators and promoters at establishment even at intel agency level would certainly have known of future free information flow - including data some elites wouldn't want to spread around & remain classified. *Part of mainstream science/military accepted, denied by media. 486
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Tech disclosure: Really All Unjustifiably Suppressed? 2 • ->>cont: Tech suppression claims: eg4-9: • eg4-Although elites probably led creation of historical Sub Sahara African decent people's racial inequality, recent rapid equalization would probably never would have happened with such speed(eg Obama US pres, Abolishing colonies etc) should elites didn't intervene to create a new moral for mass people to oblige & follow. • eg5-Some large global corporations provide super low cost water purifying system to 3rd world rather anonymously, eg6-An “evil” western political-business family alleviates otherwise impossible water contamination by privately sponsoring effective Russian pseudoscientific water filter deployment: For various reasons “disruptive good deeds” of mainstream group seem to avoid media coverage. • eg7-Equally some alternative researches exclusively/selectively focus on exploitation of 3rd world or increasing G7 type nations’ poor people in tech suppression relation but positive tech info is often ignored. Also free cell phone coverage benefits some 3rd world while it also helps surveillance or potential mind influence tech – fair trade off? • eg8-In spite of/because of/regardless of IMF/WB etc, 3rd world non-elite people massively increased life span, income & std of living, hugely decreased cost of power, transportation, child mortality. “Deprived” advanced countries’ below poverty line people mostly have power-water-phone, enough food, majority has even automobiles. eg9-Is surveillance actually identifying criminal elite faction? 487
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Conclusion 1 • Mainstream(MS) official LENR acceptance can accelerate related zeropoint type perpetual energy tech deployment. This in turn can trigger a new MS paradigm of unlimited resource based "Open System of Reality", from limitation & exclusivity based profitable “Dead-end, Closed System of Reality “ • But stock traded corporation employee to seek not to maximize profit can be “crime”, and fundamental supply-demand economics/profitability is based on limitation assumption & its fluctuation. • Yet consider the possibility: 1-when a ethical discernment, reputed integrity, & high salary of progressive science, media, & political leadership is depended on not knowing about alleged new disruptive cleantech effects, then there is a possible existence of a very different set of realities based on the exact same physical effects. And 2-if a type of criteria used by Western mainstream to call some disruptive inventions fraud/corruption, is applied to itself, it could qualify as the largest one existing, without own recourse mechanism. Therefor, 3-a phrase “anything is possible” might mean one can trick easily achievable all physical effects to appear impossible & entire society believes in it for more than 100yrs! • Hence concurrent release of new information risks destabilizing economy & social order. Plus there is probably powerful anti Open System type rogue networks exist that control classified tech with ability to repeat more "Operation Northwoods /Operation Gladio" type social engineering.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Conclusion 2
â&#x20AC;˘ Given the situation, the direction mainstream groups is taking to lead the world is perhaps a decent one, with balanced compromise amongst power players(with possibly truly unknown backing entities), but due to the world culture is set up in such a way, the solution might need to come out in a manner of "fight deception with deception": e.g. man made CO2 exclusive catastrophic global warming might be a necessary excuse at current narrative to push towards "free energy". â&#x20AC;˘ Therefore Mainstream LENR or other free energy downplay while allowing limited commercialization can be a safe transitional strategy for some influential groups who aim to establish Open System, while other influential groups might be lobbying for continuation of Closed System by only disclosing patent based highly exclusive machine required technology, while continuing to debunk mind based /bioenergetic physical effect component(p242-285). So how the Unlimited Energy & related technology disclosure could occur as main possibilities from 2018 vantage point? â&#x20AC;˘ There is some strong sign, of "Official Disclosure" ideas of 1-ET life, 2-Gravity technology & unlimited energy technology, 3-Other related technologies, to be spun as means to decidedly increase control of entire earth by very small minority groups who are strongly focused on ideas such as DNA improvement, further increased secrecy & classified info, surveillance, e-estonia("movement independently started & aiming to decentralize information"!?), vaccine, biological implant, or psychotronic /entrainment on residential region and media outlet often based on limitation of resources, external control, & abundance of diseases/catastrophes. This effort might possibly entirely make "Open System" or, "unlimited resource disclosure" meaningless due to centralized tight control of information & people's opinion consensus. 489
Conclusion 3
• While true value of such way to unite earth population can be judged by personal preference, small ambitious networks of capable people appear to have a strong leadership ability to manifest such system. Their effort become apparent if sufficient studies are done on "unselective" data, part of which had been excluded by mainstream academic history. There is a consistent excellent track record of such results by them at least from early 1900s, whose activities likely traces back far beyond. • As of Jan 2018, Western stakeholders still might have dwindling advantage of creating narrative of their choice, since news info released to public still automatically becomes default truth with support of credible people & financial rewards regardless of anything they claim. From their vantage point, this can be an upgrade of already established orderly system since early yr 2000s to create centralized control of united Earth, while other Western mainstream, & many non West groups, and individualism preferring citizens are likely push for more open system scenario with individually based unpatentable unexclusive technology deployment: more chaotic non central controlled united Earth, and they appear to significantly benefit by use of mind based psychic technology(p242-285). • Regarding the future new technology disclosure, there is a possibility that some type of rough society splitting into two might occur by different paradigms: • United society by central control & compartmentalization vs • United society by non centralized free will individualism & fuller self awareness
Conclusion 4 • One effective Open System transition method which might be already taking place can be to increase pro Open System "faction" of Intel/Establishment network initiated creation/assisting of "grassroots movements" for public discussion across the western world for effective disclosure methods. It can take a form of "full self investigation type open disclosure" to the degree cause some portion of population into "a gradual state of shock", • Existing many semi official “disclosures” that can lead to further officialization in 2017, a-Value & power of self investigation of data validation & biological field effects b-Declare only some form of LENR to be valid & take its control, c-Encourage conventional green power beyond Shockley Queisser/Betz limit(p90-94) d- Sponcer efficient biomass R&D: eg SuperCritical water cellulose based fuel e- Affirm officially microbes on Mars, then further to admit more rapidly relic edificesartifacts, & modern base to imply advanced free energy tech exists(or existed), • f-Another “Phoenix Lights” type Unidentified Aerial Phenomena(UAP) incident or mainstream endorsed TTS Academy officially release gravity tech, g-Release classified artificial star RF signal as advanced tech user(Borra & Trottier+ ), h-Publicize “First ever encounter with advanced propulsion tech ET” of NASA pilots, i-Approve religion based ancient docs describing energy related techs, j -Accuse small “rogue military group” as fallguys for hiding free energy tech at underground base, etc(eg mainstream sanctioned wikileaks on ETs: Mitchell Podesta)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Recommendation 1: Small Step Public Confirmations • "Various tech disclosure is now shifting from main media, NGO, Gov’t+ ignored/discredited, disjointed ones, to adding low-keyed, or fragment semi mainstream witnesses or even official government release info, not just in technology: Behind scene geopolitical events & historical influence structure, Monetary mechanics, Some elite groups’ anomalous faith-ritual systems(p468473), Off-earth edifice & biology[though many mainstream photos on mars/moon are likely fakes], Consciousness, Human origin+). • ■ Public viewed live video taped Full Open Debate & Experiment on all “NonStandard Science” - Mainstream vs “Fringe” scientists, and fully participated by Govn't officially. • Debate which tech to allow, or gradually introduce: Synergy of existing Nanotech + Genome + Robotics vs new tech: Electron Charge Cluster - Cold electricity - Frequency as Information - Resonance - Schumann frequency Scalar wave - Transmutation - Zeropoint field interaction - Implosion - ORME Gravity - Magnetic template - Torsion Field based Spin Engineering Biophoton - Thz Quantum Coherence - “Charge Based” Physical Reality & Link to Non Physical - Consciousness induction: General Relativity reformulation. -->>cont: 492
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Recommendation 2: Small Step Public Confirmations Hold Olympic game type world attention attracting debate: why 1000+ energy /propulsion/enviro patent are classified - even BRICS are part of it(cooperating at some level with West while being hostile on many other levels: eg Chinese/Russian military works in US with FEMA, Western elites funded Soviet(A Sutton, De Goulevitch, Lou McFadden+), Nazi(Ch Higham, GG Preparata+), Space cooperation etc. Publicly review Deciders, Criteria, Content of classified tech(Aftergood[Federation of American Scientists], Valone, Tyler, Vaughan, Martens, Schulz, Lee, Marks, Howells, La Violette +). • ■ e.g in 1970s US: target for Secret Order Act when photovoltaics efficiency 20%, engine type 70%, also “High Energy Batteries” “Fuel Conservation” “Pollution Reduction” tech etc is listed, Recent witness on medical & vaccine tech, inventor is not allowed to say if served with an order itself. But other significant type of secrecy & disinfo is deemed to be about whether certain tech already available is valid. • Mind/thought/emotion based physical affecting tech is recommended for endorsement & training: telekinesis/eniology/nonlocal sensing would likely tremendously empower individuals towards Open System of reality(p242-285). • Unconditional blanket witness amnesty/protection(eg South African change) is suggested.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Recommendation3: “Unthinkable” Transition/Disclosure • ◙ Collaborate with loss-industries & backers:, Evoke inspiration from individual power group members one by one: Help them preserve their private power & interest while participating in true common prosperity; Energy, Military, Intel, Medical, Pharma, Chemical, Environmental, Nuclear Waste, Carbon, Finance, Resources, Infra etc. ◙Mandate uncompartmentalized big picture in gov’t/intel projects: “how this fits to big picture and why?” How each would design if they were in charge. • ◙ Officially confirm but ban “free energy” to protect social structure, investment & key stake holders, followed by controlled cap max % release with gradual blend in yrs, or implement “energy source affirmative action” etc, Use it to lower extraction cost of oil, coal etc(L Larsen+), generate hydrogen to feed fuel cell, “Free” energy from nuclear waste, monitor compliance by use of existing intel surveillance tech. ◙ i.e. limit “free energy”% market share in energy sector -e.g. : Mandate allocated % use of existing facilities & techs Coal-oil-gas intensive users keep old process: Blast Furnace in Steel, Kiln+ Limit HHO/Water Emulsion as emission reducer of coal-oil-natural gas+ -->>cont: 494
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Recommendation4: “Unthinkable” Transition/Disclosure • -->>cont:◙ Limit “free energy” market share to soften damage to existing energy industries: Limit & charge extra-tax Radionics/various resonance based “free tech”: used only for medical side effects prevention, but in poor countries or advanced nations’ terminal patients exempted(Burzynski model), Extra revenue to subsidize medical industry loss, trackable by combined use of Digital Watermarking & surveillance Surveillance-weapon new tech disclose but prioritized for military/intel. • ◙ Mandate to publicize legals, details and plan for all entities such as TPP, TTIP, Agenda 2030, Publicly funded all private elite meetings, Private Public Partnership, Infragard(US), Stock exchange listed Corporation status of Western nationsdistricts- cities(Sco Bartle+), Actual employment rates, Exchange Stabilization Fund(US)-IMF/WB-“Foreign Aid”-Derivatives-Black Projects-Commercial banks, CAFR(US), Accumulative uninvestigated lost trillions(Skidmore & Kotlikoff+) + budgets(US, EU) to accompany each public info issued. • ◙ Extra tax on "free energy" to subsidize loss group, Permit private financial group to use it like carbon derivatives or weather speculation to keep influence on gov't(Ros Peterson+) etc. Make private central banks & BIS official but publicize all shareholder names, policy & auditing, gold re-hypothecation, IBOR meeting live details. 495
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Recommendation5: “Unthinkable” Transition/Disclosure • -->>cont: ◙ Extra tax: • Elected official, not central banks, to control interest rates & money issuing, & get out of monetized debt/collateral system(K Cousens+), Media to promote truly new independent nations that are catastrophic to geopolitical system if common people notice(already have some recognition - eg: Domain of Melchizedek+). • Tax all NGO, and Trusts(of billionaires+) which can substantially reduce taxes of millionaires to low income groups. Legalize money laundering but must report hence to be taxed. Media to mandate highlighting on whistleblowers. • ◙ Declassify all personnel & command structure data details on compartmentalization/technologies/patents/false flag/illegal trafficking/space activities, alleged bio test on soldiers/citizens under the guise on epidemic-wargeoengineering, particularly privately controlled black projects & intel agency activities by law, on condition all projects to continue by public$ & no prosecution - despite “huge national security clearance risk”… Use existing surveillance tech to publicly monitor those who survey ◙ Media PR of “old trusted tech & science”, gov’t priority contract given. ◙ Fundamental change needs support by majority of people & their referencing out of western mainstream information as “exclusive unquestionable fact". 496
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
End of Presentation • QUESTION TO READERS/ATTENDEES: What are the public & grassroots options for smooth official introduction of unlimited super low cost energy techs in West that are also related to disruptively effective medical, transportation, mind influence, & other industrial processing technologies? Please share your ideas at comment section of presentation site, or send message to the author at: linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm • ============================================================ • THIS REPORTS' AUTHUR ALSO WRITES ANOTHER ENERGY TECHNOLOGY REPORTS which focus on more credible/less controversial claims & science based information- Less Known, Clean, Low Cost, Abundant Energy Technologies & Related Game Changing Applications: https://issuu.com/newnatureparadigm/docs/base_energy_2017-june23 • ALSO WRITES WATER TECHNOLOGY REPORTS - Four Levels of Clean Low Cost Underexplored Water Technologies: https://issuu.com/newnatureparadigm/docs/0-water-tech-2016_june12