The album, almost seven years in the making, has been described by Posehn as being like Chinese Democracy by Guns ’N’ Roses.
t is a dream project for me,� says Brian Posehn on his metal comedy album, Grandpa Metal, which “Well, I mean, it’s kind of embarrassdropped Feb. 14, 2020, through ing that it took that long to do,� he Megaforce Records. says. “If I did it again, it wouldn’t.�
“It’s pretty crazy that I’m finally get- Grandpa Metal is immediately hiting to talk about it,� says Posehn, a larious. The album references metcomedy great whose work includes al songs, building upon the history The Sarah Silverman Program, Mr. of metal and mythologizing it. The Show with Bob and David, and more song “Big Fat Rock,� for example, recently, The Mandalorian. “It’s pokes fun at the single entendre something that’s been in my head in some metal songs. “It’s not innufor so long now that it feels pretty endo, I’m talking about my cock,� great to get feedback other than Posehn sings. my wife going, ‘Oh, yeah! I’ve heard that; do you have a new song?’� “I’ve always loved not just hair metal bands, but bands like KISS and Grandpa Metal is immediately hilari- Aerosmith, these innuendo songs,� ous. The album references metal songs, says Posehn. “Like ‘Ten Inch Record,’ building upon the history of metal and that song is so blatantly about havmythologizing it. The song “Big Fat ing a big wiener. Let’s do the dumbRock,� for example, pokes fun at the est brag song about a wiener that’s single entendre in some metal songs. ever been done.� “It’s not innuendo; I’m talking about my cock,� Posehn sings. Other songs like “New Music Sucks,� written with Brandon Small (Metalo“I had written songs with Scott before,� calypse, Dethklok), see the comedian says Posehn. “They were just one-offs. set his sights on pop music today. With Still, they were commenting on things lyrics like “I’d rather listen to Billy Joel, about heavy metal and heavy metal and I hate Billy Joel,� the song is hysfandom that people would find funny.� terical and brilliantly satirical. “That song was really easy to write,� says Posehn. “I could keep doing that. New music sucks every year; check out this year’s offering and do jokes about it.�
genres,’� Posehn says. “Do an Amon Amarth song. Do a Rob Zombie song. Do a Slayer-type song. It sort of came together more in the last year.�
The album also features cover In addition to other comedians songs, including ah-ha’s “Take on such as Weird Al, Grandpa Metal also Me,â€? which is also the first single refeatures a truly stellar lineup of met- leased from the album. al musicians including Corey Taylor (Slipknot), Gary Holt (Slayer, Exodus), “Every song you could think of would and Jill Janus (Huntress), making this better if it were metal,â€? says Posehn. a truly collaborative endeavor. In addition to recording a stand“‘Dream team’ is the perfect way of up special later this year, Brian describing them,â€? says Posehn. “Not Posehn plans to make music videos only do I know them, but I already for some of the songs on Grandpa Metal, release more singles, hit the looked up to them.â€? road, and make more metal comeThe result of these collabora- dy in the future. tions is a massive, headbanging, face-melting record, with a truly “Scott Ian and I are talking about going out and promoting [the album],â€? eclectic range of diverse songs. Posehn adds. “I want to do more! If “When I started this record, it was people like this record, I want to do like, ‘Let’s do our comedic take on another record but not take seven this genre that I love, but not all the years or six years to do it.â€? đ&#x;’Ł đ&#x;’Ł đ&#x;’Ł