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FRANCES QUINLAN INTERVIEW BY SEAN GONZALEZ BULLOCH T hat’s the thing, right?” says in that chapter of life where it singer and songwriter Fran doesn’t feel truthful for me at the ces Quinlan. “When you moment,” Quinlan says. In this think of what’s become over time, way, the listeners are engaging you don’t realize over time that is a with her as she sings, and she is big moment, and it’s so easy, espe seeking their openness in em cially when you’re younger, to take bracing the conversation. those things for granted.” The considerable amount of Quinlan’s new solo release, Like thoughtfulness that breathes in wise , comes out via Saddle Creek Likewise gives the album a human Records on Jan. 31, 2020. The ninequality, as evidenced on “Rare track release finds Quinlan dancing Thing.” The dreamlike textures through a multitude of dialogue, of atmosphere allow Quinlan’s stories, and emotional connections voice to powerfully admit that to the process of forming relation it’s okay to be happy. The song ships with other beings. — the first single released from the album — highlights the ad “Part of what I wanted, for my own venturous display of instruments sake,” she says. “[Was] to not get that Quinlan worked with, led by completely embroiled in myself. I master of production (and Hop wanted the lyrics to declare their Along bandmate) Joe Reinhart. ideas without exerting all of my own emotions.” “He really understands my ap proach,” Quinlan comments. “I An example of these larg knew for my solo record, I wasn’t er-than-herself connections lies making a solo record because I in the track “Your Reply,” about was passionate about the acous the tragic death of Edgar Allan tic guitar, the guitar just always Poe. With this in mind, Quinlan ended up being my main vehicle understands the nature of listen when I write. Some songs were ing to songs. driven by the flexibility of each song having its own identity.” “You’re in a different state of mind any time you put a song on. May That’s why there’s a wide variety be a person will feel something of sounds contorting through the despairing when they hear a line, mix of songs. “Detroit Lake” has and for others they will feel at strings delicately crying behind peace. Pain will always be a part a keyboard, with Quinlan finding of our lives, and part of me wor herself in a mess of questions. ried that the album would sound “Carry The Zero” has a multi despairing, but there’s nothing tude of percussion instruments wrong with that,” she reflects. contributing to the staccato stream-of-consciousness vocals. Starting with “Piltdown Man,” — a reference to the hoax of the first “There was a time in my life where human — Likewise finds Quinlan I felt [more] confident in other in a thoughtful state, bashfully people’s knowledge than my lying in wait to understand the own,” Quinlan comments. nature of situations. The track ends with a deep thought, “In the Likewise shines in its ability to in afternoon you both fell asleep / still a sense of unknown ambience, Still knowing more than me.” An curating a belief that everyone is insight in the endless possibility of simply figuring themselves and inner dialogue, feeling lost with their dialogue out through their what it is to know oneself. different moments. By sharing in this world, Quinlan is able to con “I’ve tried to be an omniscient fidently sing, “Now that I’m back / narrator, but I suppose I am we should try again to talk.” �� ��


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