o, what blood offerings did Necrot have to give to release back to back death metal classics? The Oakland-based act’s 2017 debut, Blood Offerings, was quite the first impression, but their sophomore record, Mortal, out now via Tankcrimes, takes the (gory?) cake, sweetening everything about Blood Offerings
per tight playing those songs over and over again, and played with so many amazing bands. It upped the bar for us in many ways, and we wanted to progress onto more grandiose sickness in the death metal game. “The scene we come from in Oakland has had so many different kinds of heavy music over the years. There's so many different players and styles in the melting pot here. We’ve played all kinds of shows here too. DIY punk gigs in warehouses, basements, and bars, to bigger metal and thrash shows with huge national acts. I feel like because we come from more of a DIY background, we can play with lots of different kinds of bands.”
in the process. Necrot’s vision of in the water in Oakland to create “As far as the progression from the throwback death metal style is so many amazing bands?). Guitarist Blood Offerings to Mortal goes, it perfection to these ears, with bits Sonny Reinhardt takes me through was a pretty natural progression of punk fury, thrash energy, and the band’s thoughts of following up to want to have sicker drums, some of the best riffs in the game. Blood Offerings. more solos, heavier, more intriIt’s equal parts cavernous sludge cate riffs, and deeper, darker “We offered our blood by touring lyrics,” Reinhardt continues. “It's and melodic menace. that album a whole bunch on the a next-level Blood Offerings that Necrot came together from various road for the last few years after makes you realize your absolute bands in Oakland (what the fuck is its release!” he says. “We got su- MORTALity [laughs].” PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALAN SNODGRASS