5 minute read

Borgfeld, Emily

I think understanding is the most important thing in any type of brand. There are so many ideas and opinions out there that considering new ways to make things efficient is courageous. Friendship can also make things blossom into new exciting things. Loving your brand can make you overcome obstacles and mature you and brand in the long run and create empathy within and without.

Parts of a Whole | Value of System Thinking Personal Statement

The whole being greater than the sum of its parts is a subjective answer. I think the question could go both ways. The whole could be greater, because of all the parts that make up the whole. However, the parts could be greater because again, the parts make up the whole, meaning that they are the reasons that the whole comes to be. In interior spaces, the whole would be the entirety of the space or the room, and the sum of its parts would be the furniture, the flooring materials, the wall materials, the ceiling, etc. The parts of the space make up the whole entirely, and if one of those factors was different or didn’t match up, the whole wouldn’t be what it could be. To explain further, an example could be from our most recent project. Our concept was very important to the overall structure of the project. Personally, part of my concept was to incorporate hugging furniture into my spaces to make the patients more comfortable. The furniture is part of the space making up the whole along with the concept of Scandinavian furniture and style. Overall, the whole is greater, because the whole space is what makes the patient more willing to participate in the help that’s being offered. The whole makes the need, in this case with our last project, the therapy, and therapeutic services, into a want, the freedom and security of wanting to get better and help their mental health. In system thinking, the parts of the whole focus on “structures, relationships, and interdependence” between one another. This means that the relationship of the parts is essential to making up the whole. The parts are individual and important on their own, but when put together, they can tell a story that is pulled from the concept, identifying their existence. I genuinely believe that the parts of the whole are more important than the whole itself, because like I said earlier, the parts are essential to the making of the whole. It’s like a car (the whole) is made but with no seats (parts). You need the seats and you want the seats because of the design of the car. So the car wouldn’t be complete without the seats, making the whole incomplete and not greater than its makeup. So the parts are in most cases, more important than the whole itself. Another example is, again, our last project. In my concept, I wanted to incorporate Scandinavian design and Hygge ( a Danish lifestyle) into the entirety of the building. Scandinavian design is very minimalistic, so if the furniture and texture in the space were chaotic and cluttered, the wholeness of the space wouldn’t be attained. Making the need for minimalism a want from the designer and clients, if that is the concept of the project. The greatness of the whole and its parts can go both ways because the whole can be greater than its parts if it is done the right way. However, the parts ultimately make up the whole making them an essential part in the makeup of the whole.

Designing Above and Beyond | Meaning, Aspiration, and Purpose Personal Statement

Adding value could be anywhere from the built environment to the natural environment. The value comes from the clients and their perspective of the need that is being provided for them. The use of built and natural environments have had a great turnout with turning client needs into wants because of the great results it has shown. The built environment has been a need for humans since the beginning of time. Cavemen would find caves and natural structures to protect them from the elements and predators. Now, in the present day, the built environment could range from a single home to an entire city, to protect them from the same things. In cities and towns, nowadays, people can turn any need into a want. An example could be a restaurant. People have to eat, but with the luxury of convenience, going out to eat has become a want for a majority of the world’s population. In the natural environment, people grow and benefit from exposure to the natural elements. Again, to examine a city, the need for fresh air has become a reward and a want. This could be taking a walk outside in a park, down the street, wherever really. When it comes to design, the use of the built and natural environment has had a tremendously positive outlook in interior spaces. The built environment could include walls that sector a room, or just a divider in one room to separate the two functions of that space to make it as functional as possible. The need for function has become a want, because of its efficiency. Along with the natural environment, it has ironically moved from the outside into the inside of spaces. The use of plants and nature inside has created another positive outlook on the function and efficiency of people. Not just in work but in everyday life. The plants help get rid of unhealthy toxins and not to mention that they are pretty to look at. Being around nature in all, makes people more efficient and happier, than without plants. Adding this value helps with human health but incorporates the need for nature, since it is built into our human biology, and turns the whole concept into a want. In my opinion, every need should be a want, in most cases. For example, when someone is hungry, they want to eat. When someone is thirsty, they want to drink. That’s the great thing about design, designers can manipulate needs that the client wouldn’t want or even think about and turn their decision around to turn it into a want. An example could be lighting in a space. The need could be soft lighting or multiple types of lighting to stray away from one particular form of lighting that could be harsh to the eyes. The designer knows that there is a need for multiple types of lighting and with their skills and knowledge can make the client see it as a want. Adding value beyond the client’s needs to wants is a personal endeavor because of a person’s wants, despite their own needs. So adding value to those needs can elevate the need that is already known, and can persuade the client into wanting it, ultimately making them healthier and happier in the long run.

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