8 minute read

Coughran, Myah

It is important to me that I give generosity to everyone I come into contact with. This communicates to them that I am a person who truly cares about their thoughts and feelings. I want to be able to show love to all kinds of people, even if they are different than me. I can also show love for what I do. This establishes good relationships, working and personal. The ability of creativity drives me to bring forth new ideas and show my individuality. There are times when I experience circumstances that do not go my way, but I have to be patient with myself and others. Growing a friendship with people expresses that I am willing to put aside my own desires and that I care about others I have the privilege to work with. It also shows that I am capable of collaboration that will in turn give the workspace harmony and serenity. Portraying respect for the people I interact with lets others know that they are valued for their achievements, abilities, and qualities. Putting passion and thoughtfulness into what I set out to do proves that I am dedicated to seeing it through to the end.

Introduction The theory of systems thinking is more than just each individual part to the whole. Each individual part is much like people in a diverse world; they are small and numerous, yet come together to form communities, cities, and nations. Human interaction and reaction derive from the built environment. Interconnections between buildings and spaces can bring fluidity. Emergence of opposing people or ideas can bring forth dynamic thinking and solutions. The synthesis of differing factors helps create way for new outcomes. As architects and interior designers, it is our job to accommodate vastly different people in a variety of spaces, each with its own functions. Each person that comes into a space has their own tastes, preferences, and style. They also have individual wants, needs, desires, and tendencies. No other profession apart from designers are responsible for thinking of ways to make space for people in ways where they feel welcomed and balanced.

BALANCE IN LIFE & DESIGN In life, balance is what helps maintain a healthy bodily state, physically and mentally. This can be achieved through simple forces of diet and exercise. If one thing in the body is out of kilter, the whole body cannot function properly. The body itself is a system. It is comprised of many organs that dwindle down to the smallest blood cell. Each organ has a specific role that helps the body function. If one organ isn’t doing its part, the body is described as sick, and the other organs must compromise. However, in terms of the built environment, balanced can also mean there is a visual indication that makes design elements appear similar, also known as symmetrical. If they are irregular or contrast with one another, that is known as asymmetrical. Balance is crucially important in design because it helps users of a space feel secure and welcomed but can also help them feel satisfied with the visuals of the space. Balance can also bring forth easy navigation through a building. The indication of balance strikes positive emotions. Examples of visual balance in design happens when there is repetition, progression, or transitions of design elements such as structure, color ,forms, and even furniture layouts.

Our world is rapidly modernizing and urbanizing. To accommodate increasing populations in large cities, the solution most of the time is high-rise residential buildings. A study where we can see how the lack of balance can have a negative impact on people is in an article titled, “Study of Interior Public Spaces for the Promotion of Social Interaction in High-Rise Residential Buildings.” It discusses how social interaction in buildings can impact emotions of users in China. High-rise buildings are a system in themselves, providing great homes for large numbers of people. Even though they are a solution, social interaction is often sacrificed because of their layout. High density living environments lead to difficult living environments, which interfere with the formation of good relationships between neighbors because the public space is limited to the ground floor or elevator areas. People who lack social interaction may generate feelings of loneliness, reduced helpfulness, and insecurity, which all have an advanced effect on the overall satisfaction level of the community and to the building. People in an apartment building have varying backgrounds, social standings, health accommodations, and abilities. However, despite these boundaries, they would have the opportunity to interact with the people who happen to live in the same building if social interaction was emphasized in the design of these high-rise buildings. Living spaces gives people the opportunity to get to know others on a more personal level versus just passing by. Without basic socialization between humans, this basic human need is unsatisfied, causing people like their life is out of balance. This represents an unbalanced living situation where the user may have a space to live yet lack daily interaction with those living near them. As designers, we must appeal to the human need for interaction. We must strive to design spaces that help users can socialize with others, no matter the building type & function.

PYRAMIDS, TRIANGLES, & BALANCE Pyramids have been known to have symbolism of balance in both the physical world and the spiritual world. It goes back as far as the Ancient Egyptians who modeled their burial tombs for Kings and Queens after the shape. We can also see this shape in Indian tipis where ritualistic ceremonies took place. The bottom of the pyramid represents a solid, earthy foundation whereas the pointed top represents being able to reach higher realms of consciousness. Because of this shape, it is believed that a type of energy enters the pyramid with the ability to cleanse and purify. They also offer explicit reference to natural landscapes such as the mountains. Today, architects and designers model buildings mimicking the shape of pyramids because they offer maximum stability for the structure. With a solid foundation, there is no chance of the structure falling. Another shape that offers the symbolism of balance is the triangle. It embodies the concept of manifestation, which encourages moving forward and accepting what you are into existence. The points of triangles represent progression that contribute to a higher level of being. It reflects a spiritual journey towards a certain direction in life. The points of a building form together to unite the entire form that creates the entire building system. Buildings have many parts that create the unity of the structure. The exterior and interior layout can perform different functions, providing the opportunity for users to experience the building in their own way depending on its function. As designers, it is important to understand what it is that helps buildings appear balanced. It is not just what is on the outside, but what occurs on the inside as well. A building may appear properly balanced on the surface, but if its core is not balanced, the operation cannot properly take place.

We can also see pyramids and how they relate to the balance of life. The sections of the pyramid can be categorized as the parts of humanity acknowledging consciousness and personal belonging in the world. Balancing different forces formulate together to create awakening of where people fit into the circle of life. We identify ourselves by our experiences that shape us. The pyramid provides an organization of these emotions that are divided by a centerline that represents conscious and subconsciousness. There are things we must think about intentionally while others occur naturally without struggle. The bottom of the pyramid is defined by our own personal desires, needs, wants, and emotions. There are many attributes and emotions associated with the path individuals travel, which all have meaning and purpose.

Often at times, life is all about perception. We can choose to have a positive or negative about it, regardless of if we have control over forces or not. Our emotions and acceptance are what keep us grounded. If we have a strong foundation of what makes us physically and emotionally human, we can remain balanced in our own lives. As designers, we have the power to promote physiological wellbeing using design elements that can help users feel a sense of purpose in the spaces they occupy.

Conclusion In conclusion, balance is needed for systems to operate properly in an organized manner. The organization of systems is what drives structures, relationships, and interdependence between varying elements that can be seen in society, the built world, and humanity. Society is a rather complex concept because it is comprised of groups of people of varying backgrounds, races, social classes, health problems, occupations, and the list goes on. Society desires balance to fulfill social duties to one another. The built environment is only as strong as those who design it. Architects and designers alike need to strive achieve balance to help users express their emotions and feel at ease in the spaces they use. Humans have the basic need to be with other people because it is how we learn, grow, and promote change within ourselves. Collaboration initiates a dynamic reaction of the behavior of people. We must look at the whole picture when designing spaces.

References He, X. (n.d.). Study of interior public spaces for the promotion of social interaction in high-rise residential buildings. RIT Scholar Works. L. H. on A. (2020, April 29). The Art of Balance – in architecture and life. SIGARCH. Wonderful Mind. (2020, September 17). The pyramid of desires and inner balance. Wonderful Mind.

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