Celebrating 20 Years: Dr. Chuck Kelley, NOBTS President

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n August of 1983, Dr. Charles S. (Chuck) Kelley Jr. was elected to the faculty of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary where he would eventually serve as the Roland Q. Leavell professor of evangelism. In March of 1993, he was named chairman of the seminary’s largest division, Pastoral Ministries, and in June of that year, became director of Southern Baptists’ first Center for Evangelism and Church Growth, currently located on the front block of the NOBTS campus and affectionately known as the Leavell Center. From 1983 to 1993, Dr. Kelley also served as the seminary’s director of field education. On February 23, 1996, the Board of Trustees unanimously elected Dr. Kelley as the eighth president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Installed on March 1 and inaugurated on October 29, Dr. Kelley began a new journey that has served as a consistent testimony to the fact this truly is a place of Providence and Prayer. In the following pages, you will hear the testimonies of some of Dr. Kelley’s closest friends and colleagues, individuals who have walked this journey alongside him, prayed for him, and seen God work in and through him. At the bottom, you will follow a timeline that highlights just a few of the mile markers where God has demonstrated Himself during this season in the life of our seminary. Throughout the testimonies, you are certain to read words like evangelism, devotion, servant, and leader. As well, you will certainly hear a good bit about his bride and best friend, Dr. Rhonda Kelley. Not a day goes by (when they are both home in New Orleans) that Dr. Kelley does not enter his home without the pronouncement, “Hello, Gorgeous!” As we express our appreciation for what God has done in and through Dr. Chuck Kelley these 20 years, we also recognize the incredible contribution He has made through her, both as Dr. Kelley’s helpmate, but also in the calling the Father has placed on her life, the ministry to women and ministry wives that our seminary holds so dear. When you speak to Dr. Kelley about the past 20 years, it quickly becomes obvious he would rather not talk about himself. Instead, the desire of his heart is two-fold. First, he would rather talk about what God has done. In his own words, “We serve an awesome God who delights in doing amazing things to care for His children and extend the work of His kingdom!” Building upon the incredible legacies of his predecessors, Dr. Kelley serves as a consistent reminder that God has been and continues to be at work in this place as well as in the lives who have passed and still pass through its gates. Second, he would rather talk about you, what God is doing in your life, who God is reaching through your testimony, and what we are going to do together – as a seminary, as churches, and as a convention – to reach the world for Christ. There are a number of ways we could celebrate our president during this season. Words of encouragement, financial gifts in his honor … the list could go on. But if you are looking for the number one way he would be most honored, the way his 20 years would be most celebrated, you need only to do one thing … and you could do it today. Tell somebody about Jesus. Share the story of the Gospel with someone who needs it.







Seminary launches MA in Marriage and Family Counseling degree program.

After careful study regarding a possible move, trustees vote to keep the seminary in NOLA.

NOBTS faculty develops new, competency-based curriculum; new degrees and specializations created.

New Horizons Campaign launched in an effort to raise funds to renovate the aging campus, build the NOBTS endowment, add new scholarships, and develop a world-class faculty.

Bunyan Classroom Building remodeled and equipped with latest educational technology.

NOBTS reaches 80th anniversary. Dr. Chuck Kelley elected eighth NOBTS President.

First graduation held for Angola Prison Program.

Preaching lab and practice baptistery added.



huck Kelley. Truly a wonderful man. Most loving husband to Rhonda. Devoted son. Friend to hundreds around the world. Saints fan. Reader of every book ever written. Student bar none. Practicing academic. Professor of evangelism. Vibrant preacher of God’s Word. Dedicated Southern Baptist. Road warrior for Christ. Unselfish. President of The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Our leader. God’s appointed and anointed servant. Servant leader. Where does one stop when it comes to describing Dr. Chuck Kelley? Floods of adjectives pour out of my heart for this man who has loved me and walked alongside me for over 36 years now. Perhaps Dr. Billy Graham said it best just three days after I carried Chuck up to Montreat for a visit with God’s peerless servant. “I love his (Kelley’s) passion for the Gospel,” Dr. Graham opined. What a compliment, I thought. Bullseye, I agreed. Pastor, This is the man we celebrate today. Following the distinctive leadership of Dr. Landrum P. Leavell, who First Baptist Church, possibly would have known that our beloved School of Providence and Prayer would need a man with such Spartanburg, S.C. a heart for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, there are the diplomas and the doctorates and the fundraising and the administering – but what about presenting our “Unchanging God” in our rapidly changing world? And who would have imagined the change in 20 years? The search committee heard God speak for certain. God pointed them to the right man for this hour. day one Dr. Kelley has led our school with an unbridled determination to stay the course. HIS PASSION FOR HisFrom passion for excellence in teaching and preaching is matched by his passion for excellence EXCELLENCE IN in organizing to evangelize. And his vision for tomorrow comes from a heart that yearns to see TEACHING AND lost people born again of the Spirit of the living God. Chuck sees the harvest fields crying out PREACHING IS for the love of God and recognizes that their “ripeness” in our changing world has made the MATCHED BY HIS urgency of the Gospel even more critically urgent. Few men could have led our school through PASSION FOR the challenges to the Gospel in New Orleans by both nature’s fury and man’s sin. Few men have had the foresight and spiritual conviction that God had planted this witness for Christ EXCELLENCE IN would in the heart of the greatest mission field, perhaps, in America. Few would understand that our ORGANIZING TO Jerusalem must begin at home and that evangelism begins in our own back yard. Most, perhaps, EVANGELIZE. would have fled. But not Chuck Kelley. How much we all thank the Lord for our President. He has set about the work God has called him to with passion and devotion of the highest order. And he most certainly could not have done this without his wonderful wife, Rhonda, at his side. She has continued to love him and support him in every way even as she, herself, leads so many others to the foot of the cross of Christ Jesus. They are one incredible team. Thousands of alumni, students, faculty and staff are joining together in thanking the Lord for bringing Dr. Chuck Kelley to us as our president. With all the theological, social, political, cultural and personal preference changes bearing down on us like one sledge hammer blow after another, we thank the Lord Jesus that our president lives out the Gospel message of hope and joy. He constantly reminds us in both word and deed that “I resolved to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified!” For yesterday, we thank you Dr. Kelley. Now more than ever we pray for you. I think the best is yet to be!







Nelson L. Price Center built to house short-term mission groups (MissionLab).

Farnsworth student apartments remodeled.

Courtyard Apartments construction adds 30 new suite-style units for single students.

Three new family recreation areas built including Sunshine Park.

Oaks Apartments (48 units) opens for seminary families.

Manor Apartments built adding 36 new four-bedroom student apartments.

Two endowed faculty chairs established.

Seminary campus devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Classes continue, Kelley pledges to rebuild in NOLA.



Former President, Southern Baptist Convention Pastor, Franklin Avenue Baptist Church, New Orleans

first met Dr. Chuck Kelley when he was a professor of evangelism at New Orleans Seminary. As everyone who meets him knows, you are first just impressed with his welcoming smile and the way he greets you. Because of his engaging personality you will realize, as I did, that Dr. Kelley never meets a stranger. I assure you it will not be long after sitting down and sharing a conversation with Dr. Kelley when you will find out his love for God, his love for his wife, Dr. Rhonda Kelley, his love for God’s Word, his love for New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, his love for evangelism, and his love for the city of New Orleans! I have heard Dr. Kelley speak at events all across the country, including state conventions, evangelism conferences, state association meetings, but, most of all, when he gives his annual Seminary report at the Southern Baptist Convention. During his report, it is evident that Dr. Kelley has a passion for what he does as seminary president, as an ambassador for New Orleans, but most of all what he does for the Kingdom of God! He will probably never know until he gets to heaven the number of lives that he has impacted with the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am honored to be one of the hundreds of admirers across this country who would like to congratulate Dr. Chuck Kelley on his 20-year anniversary as president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. I am so proud of what God has done in you and through you. As a matter of fact, there is a Hebrew word that describes the great job you have done the past 20 years ... WOW!


C DR. TOMMY GREEN Executive Director-Treasurer, Florida Baptist Convention


ongratulations, Dr. Kelley on your 20-year anniversary as president of NOBTS. You and Rhonda have faithfully and fruitfully served the Lord through this critical calling to NOBTS. Your heart for Jesus Christ is vividly revealed through your investment in preparing individuals to go to the ends of the earth proclaiming the Gospel. Southern Baptists are blessed that you are at the helm of our School of Providence and Prayer guiding NOBTS to vibrant restoration from the catastrophic impact of Hurricane Katrina. Your tireless efforts and incredible leadership have enabled the seminary to focus on a strong future of ministry. Your personal influence on my life has been immense. I am grateful for the privilege of serving as your doctoral fellow when you were first elected to the faculty. The lessons that I learned from you by conversation and observation have been invaluable to my ministry. Your constant encouragement and concern through the years have always been a tremendous blessing to me. I know that I am one of many who deeply value your friendship and support. I am grateful that as the president of NOBTS you have prioritized the ministry of the local church. The historic focus of NOBTS on evangelism and missions has been taken to a higher level through your leadership. Your integrity, faithfulness, and vision establishes NOBTS as one of the leading theological institutions in the world. Thank you for dedicating your life to this calling and serving in a distinguished manner as president of NOBTS!


Hub center plan allows students to earn “on-campus” hours in Orlando and Atlanta. NOBTS creates Online Learning Center. Seminary reaches 90th anniversary.

Prison program established at Mississippi State Penitentiary in Parchman.




Kelley casts vision for increased accessibility-based study options.

Archaeological excavation of ancient water system launched in Israel.

Seminary adopts unreached people groups of Cuba.

Kelley writes influential paper on declining SBC discipleship efforts called The New Methodists.

Korean Doctor of Ministry program established. Program launched at Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women.


N DOROTHY KELLEY PATTERSON President’s Wife, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

o one has ever been more prepared for the role of the First Lady of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary than Rhonda Harrington Kelley. First, the Lord planted Rhonda’s family in New Orleans during her childhood years so that she had the experience of growing up in that unique culture—and while her father was a student at NOBTS. She has always loved the city and its people. Second, she understands her responsibilities as a ministry wife, and Dr. Kelley has immersed herself in the life of her husband and dedicated herself to their ministry together, as well as to the special tasks God assigned to her personally. Academically prepared, she has faithfully taught in the NOBTS programs for women more than two decades. With a servant’s heart, she has devoted her creativity and energies to welcoming hospitality for the NOBTS family and for all who would come to the campus. Her loving and caring heart has reached far beyond the campus proper as she has ministered not only to students and faculty in New Orleans, but also as she is involved with alumni around the world and with multiple assignments given to her by Southern Baptists over the years. “For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister” (Heb. 6:10)—that is definitely a verse for Rhonda Kelley! She works often behind the scenes but has always been faithful to the task, undaunted by challenges or disappointments, but doing what the Lord has assigned to her! She is a First Lady with character, class and commitment!”

“What do you call a person who sees a need for women’s ministry education and steps up to put substance to the meeting of this need? I call this person Rhonda Kelley. In the mid-1990s, Rhonda initiated the efforts at NOBTS to provide ministry training for women’s ministry leaders after seeing the need as she spoke at various churches and denominational events. Now, almost 20 years after the first class was offered, hundreds of women have been equipped to follow their calling in women’s ministry in the local church and beyond. Thank you, Rhonda, for making a difference in so many lives and ministries.” – DR. JUDI JACKSON


NOBTS launches three fully-online degrees.




New online degrees approved including a fully-online M.Div.

Leeke Magee Christian Counseling Center established to meet counseling needs in NOLA.

Caskey Center for Church Excellence launched to provide scholarships to smaller membership church and bivocational pastors and ministers.

Division of Church and Community Ministries established.

New Mentoring Program launched.


NOBTS celebrates Dr. Kelley’s 20 years as president.


T DR. PAIGE PATTERSON President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

he hour of greatest trial for Great Britain was also its hour of consummate victory. To many, Adolf Hitler seemed to be simply invincible. As all of Europe swayed beneath the onslaughts of Nazi totalitarianism, one man – Sir Winston Churchill – aroused the resolve of the British. The English Channel may as well have been towering walls repelling Hitler’s plans for domination. A devoted student of Churchill, Charles Seymour Kelley Jr. emerged and took the reins of leadership in the hour of greatest need at NOBTS. When a man with a love for the denomination, a loyalty to the School of Providence and Prayer, an evangelist’s heart for the Big Easy and the world, and a devotion to the Word of the Lord was needed, God chose the evangelist Chuck Kelley for that task. Infusing faculty and students alike with a heart for the proclamation of the Gospel, Kelley led the seminary in its various locations to the head of the pack, reaffirming confidence in the truth of the scriptural message. Joined by his faithful and gifted wife Rhonda, Kelley encouraged her to embark into the arena of women’s ministry when such was mostly just talk in the denomination. And in the midst of all this ministry effort, the Gulf of Mexico decided to invade their home campus and city with a vengeance. Lesser men would have thrown in the towel. Why stay where Providence had planted them? Why stay at all? By this time, with stainless reputation in hand, Kelley could easily have transferred to a beloved pastorate. But Kelley had learned lessons well from his study of the colorful British leader. Only Kelley had a better source. He had long since observed that God’s greatest work of Providence is usually completed when most have given up and those who are praying prevail. With critics and doubters on every hand, Kelley saw that the future of New Orleans Seminary was greater than ever. The recovery that he led, the ministry in Angola prison, the extension to a hurting Cuba, and in a thousand other places, his legacy has been planted. Today, with hat in hand, I join with thousands of others who know the story and bow before God to thank Him for providing Chuck Kelley, with Rhonda at his side, as the perfect man to lead NOBTS through troubled times to mighty victory. And may God bless the father and mother of this solitary leader for preparing him for this great work. And now may the years ahead be the most productive of all.



Senior Pastor, North Metro Baptist Church, Lawrenceville, Ga. Vice Chair, NOBTS Board of Trustees

have known Chuck Kelley since 1978 when I entered the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary as a master’s student. He was known for his passion to see people come to know Christ. The call to evangelism was deep in his spiritual walk and the call of an evangelist was evident. A recent study was conducted on the state of evangelism in America. Its focus was on the millennial generation, most notably ages 18-29. This is the vast age group in most of our seminaries today. The study’s findings were interesting. Eighty-five percent of this age group believe they have a responsibility to share the Gospel with unbelievers. Sixty-nine percent feel comfortable sharing their faith. That is exciting! Then we come to this revelation – only 25 percent of those responding ever look for ways to share the Gospel and only 27 percent intentionally build friendships in order to share Christ. I cringe to think of the stats of my generation. Southern Baptists peaked in baptisms in 1972 with 445,725. We have seen a decline in eight of the last 10 years. We must restore evangelism as our DNA as a convention. Each entity head within the SBC bring different abilities and strengths to their respected position. Dr. Kelley is no different at New Orleans. He brings the heart of an evangelist with a passion to see people saved. In 1972, the year Southern Baptists peaked in baptisms, Chuck was ordained to the Gospel ministry. Convicted by his call, he fleshed it out by preaching revivals and at evangelism meetings across America. As a professor, he sought to instill within the hearts of students the command to share their faith. As the Roland Q. Leavell Professor of Evangelism, he was the clarion encourager to evangelize as he directed the Leavell Center for Evangelism and Church Health. In 1996, Dr. Kelley became the eighth president of NOBTS. He was unique in the fact that he was the only entity leader who possessed the call of an evangelist. When asked of his passion as president of the School of Providence and Prayer, evangelism is always top on his list! The Barna Research Group indicates evangelism (the sharing of one’s faith) has increased among millennials by 9 percent in recent years. Dr. Kelley’s hand is on the pulse as he leads out in training this generation. I believe Chuck Kelley’s voice on evangelism will be heard for years to come as he calls Southern Baptists back to sharing the Gospel.



n behalf of the board of trustees, I extend congratulations to Dr. Chuck Kelley upon his 20th anniversary as president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. The nature of service on a board offers me the opportunity to represent not only the current Seminary trustees, but also the hundreds of trustees who have served during the past 20 years, as well as all who have served during the near century of the seminary’s history; we all are the board of trustees of New Orleans Seminary. We all raise our voices today to offer our sincere gratitude for your service of leadership to the seminary. You have led us tirelessly; you have been relentless in your investment of time and energy to the tasks that are unique to an institutional leader. You have dreamed highly, studied broadly, sacrificed deeply and stretched long—to the benefit of the seminary and the Southern Baptist Convention and the Church and the Kingdom of God. Thank you, Dr. Kelley, for your perseverance, your tenacity and your love for the Christ and His Church. Thank you for charting this ship through some stormy waters during these 20 years and your part in making us what we have become as we’ve weathered the storms and adapted to changing climates and, in the process, become better and stronger, ready to face the future. Congratulations, Dr. Kelley! Dr. Dan Wilson, Chair Board of Trustees, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

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