January/February Catalyst

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january/february 2015


A New Year with New Pi! Pg. 3 & 5


Where Maple Syrup Country Begins Pg. 12

cabin fever! B E AT

NEW OWNERSHIP BENEFITS Inside the front cover

Pg. 9

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www.newpi.coop EDITOR Allison Gnade MANAGING EDITOR Jenifer Angerer DESIGN Sara Montgomery & Mel Roling PHOTOGRAPHY Ben Partridge CONTRIBUTORS Genie Maybanks & Theresa Carbrey PRINTER Royle Printing, Sun Prairie, WI

Board of Directors Meetings All owners are welcome! Jan. 28 & Mar. 25, 2015

6:30pm, New Pi Store Support Offices

22 S. Linn St., Iowa City (3rd floor, Tower Place, at the corner of Linn & Iowa)

Members are welcome to share their views with the New Pi Board:


(year indicates when term expires) President SARAH WALZ (2015) (319) 466-0908, walz.sarah@gmail.com

Vice President JANET RAZBADOUSKI (2017) (312) 476-0943, jraznpboard@gmail.com

Top Picks For Easy Potlucking

p. 9

Local Producers: Maple Syrup!

p. 12

Cooking Classes

p. 14

Owners Always Save More! New Pi's Board of Directors has decided to drop the non-owner surcharge and introduce new owner benefits. What does this mean? Owners maintain their existing benefits:

• 10% wellness discount (first Tuesday of the month) • Check-writing privileges • Voting privileges & option to run for our Board of Directors • Dividends in profitable years • Senior discounts (10% off storewide the first Monday of the month, 20% off supplements every Monday)

NEW ADDITIONAL owner benefits:

• 5% Discount on hand-selected local items - look for the yellow ‘Get Local’ shelf tags • Owner-only deals!

Secretary CAROLINE DIETERLE (2016)

Submit comments to Allison Gnade at any of our stores or email agnade@newpi.coop. No more than 500 words. Deadline for the Mar./Apr. issue is Jan. 27, 20ı5.

STORE SUPPORT OFFICES 22 S. Linn St., Unit 2A • Iowa City, IA 52240 (319) 248-6400 open Mon.–Fri. 8am–5pm

p. 6 Catalyst Owner Open Forum is an opportunity for owners to express their views about the Co-op experience.

Now Open! 3338 Center Point Rd. NE • Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319) 365-2632 open daily 7am–10pm

New Pi Staff Feature: Rockin' the Registers

owner open forum

1101 2ⁿd St. • Coralville, IA 52241 (319) 358-5513 open daily 7am–10pm


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published by: NEW PIONEER FOOD CO-OP 22 S. Van Buren St. • Iowa City, IA 52240 (319) 338-9441 open daily 7am–10pm

(319) 338-8674, caroline-dieterle@uiowa.edu

Treasurer HENRY T. MADDEN (2015) (319) 338-5689, h-mamadden@mchsi.com


(319) 400-4911, jon@jonfogarty.com

JEN KNIGHTS (2016) (319) 331-6631, knightswhowrites@gmail.com

CALVIN NORRIS (2017) (319) 355-2603, cal_norris@msn.com

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NEW PIONEER FOOD CO-OP MISSION STATEMENT New Pioneer is a cooperatively owned business, fully serving the needs of the natural products consumer. We emphasize high quality, fair prices, and product information. We are an environmentally and socially responsible member of the community we serve. New Pioneer’s mission is to serve the needs of its members and to stimulate the local agricultural production of natural and organic

foods by providing a market for such foods. The Cooperative fully recognizes the value and dignity of work and shall place a high priority on the health, welfare, and happiness of all its employees. The Cooperative shall strive to set a community standard for the best possible working conditions, training, wages, benefits, and opportunities for advancement for its employees.

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T Owners cut the ribbon together.

Madeline & Justin await customers.

his is our moment right now at New Pi. As we look back at 2014, what a ride it was! The Hub, our new production facility, came online in North Liberty, we opened our 3rd store (now calling Cedar Rapids home!) – all while rocking out delicious food in our Coralville and Iowa City stores. Here we embark on our new adventure. As we slip the moorings off our new Cedar Rapids store, we’re left with excitement, anticipation, and an appetite to serve. Much attention and energy has been heartfully poured into the Cedar Rapids store project. Our neighborhood and community deserve it, our team members that work in it deserve it, and everyone who comes through the door to grab a bite to eat, groceries for family meals, a bottle of awesome wine for a dinner party, a pinch of bulk herb flavor sensations never before experienced, the gorgeous simplicity of a piece of fruit and small hunk of cheese – they deserve it. You. You deserve this beautiful Cedar Rapids store. If you’re open to learning and experiencing new things, new flavors, and heading out into the open waters of discovery, you’ll find bountiful options in the wellspring that is the Co-op. We, too, are heading out into the open waters of discovery in Cedar Rapids. We pride ourselves in listening; our shoppers are our owners. We’re here because of you and to serve you. That’s not a customer service slogan. It’s truly why we’re here. Our owners told us, with a healthy ‘Yes’ owner vote, to go grow our Co-op and our response is our Cedar Rapids store. We are proud that our stores offer experiences, flavors, tastes, textures, information, and smells that warm the belly, stimulate the mind, and bring us all closer together. Just as we are atwitter with excitement at the beginning of this beautiful journey, in this beautiful store, in this beautiful community, we hope you are equally excited to be our companions.

LET'S EAT! my n ame is

ch, Brad Lyn pids a Cedar R m Leader Store Tea Taking in our new Cedar Rapids store!

january/february 2015 • www.newpi.coop

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new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter

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Did You Know?

ut that’s B . m e th g in eep tions than k able living easy and lu o s re g in k tain ma k cited about healthy eating and sus 5 things you can chec x e t e g to r ie It’s a lot eas o-ops exists – to make ing for you, but here are C d part of why do we do the label-rea p: fun. Not only st by shopping the Co-o ju l off your list, do the labe –w l good cessed foods and “junk” e e f e m s e shelves. to avoid pro hat mak


habits t you pick up on Co-op d ts n n a , eat foodn! The Co-op makes it eansy ie y d it n re u g asty in comm w ing • Eat clea e don’t allo p is a health-support W . u o y r fo e Co-o reading numbers! Th rself with. • Strength in ple you surround you eo from the p

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Jan-Feb Cat.indd 5

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january/february 2015 • www.newpi.coop


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New Pi STAFF FEATURE Community and conversation are what we’re all about at the Co-op. Next time you’re at our register, strike up a conversation with the cashier – or the person next to you in line.

What's your most memorable encounter at the register? One of my favorites was actually before I started working here. Shopping with my wife on a quiet night, I came out of the beer aisle to see Chad dancing at his register. He was so happy and content as he danced for a solid 2 minutes. That was the night I met Chad, and I’ve been honored to work with him since.

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SHAUN, NEW PI IOWA CITY CUSTOMER SERVICE LEAD What keeps you entertained & engaged? We like to do things a little bit differently than your traditional grocery store. We sing along to songs on the radio, have impromptu dance parties in the aisles, and sample lots of great food. I want every customer to feel like they had a great experience and come back to tell us how great their meal or wine was, or that the cheese they had was exceptional.

Chad CHAD, NEW PI IOWA CITY How did you end up at the Co-op and what keeps you engaged? As a vegetarian, New Pi’s food fits my lifestyle. After a museum internship abroad in Accra, Ghana, I was looking for work. New Pioneer was my dream job in Iowa City. Every shift I have curious, engaging, and comical interactions with our customers. And our customers are very aware of the impact that making good food choices affects food politics, especially as Iowans, living in a major ag state. I guess it's no secret that I like to dance at my register when there's a good tune on. It’s good to be able to stretch and keep the blood flowing while at work! What snacks keep you going through the day? Plenty! I'm a fan of our vegan chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon rolls. Savory? Our house-made guacamole with Garden of Eatin' Red Hot Blue Corn Chips, and I'm hooked on Oasis Jalapeño Hummus with Olive Chips, and our Tempeh Reuben. Drinks? Guayaki Yerba Mate, Kombucha, Sambazon Acai Energy, and San Pellegrino Blood Orange.

nda Meli MELINDA, NEW PI CEDAR RAPIDS What brought you to the Co-op? Wanting to know where my food comes from and that it is being raised humanely brought me here – one of the few places you can do that. And I like the idea of supporting Fair Trade too, paying workers a fair wage for their products. What do you love about Co-op shoppers? One of my favorite customers is a little guy named Vincent who comes with his mother and father to the Co-op on a daily basis. When I go over to say ‘Hi’ to him, he gives me a high five and blows kisses! I enjoy talking with his mother – she juices and gives me great ideas on produce varieties for juicing.

un a h S


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new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter


We sing along to songs on the radio, have impromptu “dance parties in the aisles, and sample lots of great food. “ -Shaun

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KEEGAN, NEW PI CEDAR RAPIDS CUSTOMER SERVICE LEAD What keeps you engaged with the Co-op? Who wouldn't want to be part of an organization that is so interested in the continual improvement of itself and the community? On a day-to-day basis, my love for the Co-op all comes down to the people: our customers, and our team members. To be able to come to work each day and interact with such an awesomely educated, diverse, and dedicated group of people is a stroke of true luck. What do you love about Co-op shoppers? Our shoppers are more than just shoppers. Just within the last week, a customer changed a flat tire for a team member, I got to discuss the merits of the latest Chicago Bears’ win (there haven't been many this season) with a regular, and I witnessed one shopper carrying out a fellow customer’s groceries just out of kindness. These are things you don't see, or get to experience, at other stores.

LINDA, NEW PI CORALVILLE ASSISTANT STORE LEAD What brought you to the Co-op? The Buddhist principle of “right livelihood,” and wanting to work for an organization that aligned with my own personal values. I have been a long-time customer of the Co-op and devotee to quality, organic food because of its benefits for my family’s health, as well as the health of the planet. The energy in the store is always great, both because of the people who work as well as the people who shop here. Recently, I had a conversation with a friend who’s a nurse about "bucket lists," and she said, "Yeah, better get going, your health starts declining after 50." To my surprised silence, she said, "Sorry, I work in the healthcare industry – and I guess I just see the worst." I said, "Yeah, I work in the health food industry – I see people taking care of themselves and vital well into their 90's, in some cases." Feels good to be part of this side! : )

Lind a

ten Kirs KIRSTEN, NEW PI CORALVILLE What do you love about the Co-op? I have my grandmother to thank for introducing me to New Pi. As soon as I stepped foot in the store, I felt like I was home. I love all the different walks of life that come through our doors every day, all sharing the same common interest: healthier food. Did I mention my awesome co-workers? What’s your most memorable encounter at the register? The night I memorized an owner’s Co-op number – I will never forget the look of astonishment on his face! Now I’ve made it a personal goal to learn more. So far I have a good chunk of the staff’s numbers down, and a handful of our regulars’ too. Let’s see how much my memory can hold!

CO-OP = community

gan e e K january/february 2015 • www.newpi.coop

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New Pi's Jan. & Feb. TOP 10

WELL, YOU WENT AND DID IT AGAIN… SPENT ALL YOUR HARD-EARNED SHEKELS OVER THE HOLIDAYS. Now you’ve got an empty wallet and an aching head and you need to buy some wine to soothe thy soul. Never fear! As always, New Pioneer’s Jan./Feb. wine features are a mix chosen with a triple-maximum eye on value and over-performance. Nothing over $20, and most a fair bit under. Enjoy, and welcome to 2015! – Tom Caufield, New Pi Wine Guy



Tierra Divina “Reds – A Wine for the People” ‘12

Remember this one? The packaging’s clever humor caught our attention (Remember the famous communist corks!), and the wine hooked us. Patrick Campbell’s latest vintage caught us again. Zin, Carignane, and Petite Sirah meld seamlessly for a crowd pleaser of dark, sexy fruit with a pleasantly peppery finish. Its modest price seals its destiny as a wine “for the people.” The flavors make it a wine for pizza. A wine for people that like pizza! $12.99, Sale $11.99 – Miss Nik


Fattoria Laila Verdicchio

The nose on this gem is lovely: jasmine, hints of honeysuckle, with pear and tropical fruit. Acidity smartly balances white peach in the mouth; just a hint of grapefruit and almond on the refreshingly dry finish. Pairs really well with fish or chicken. $11.99 – Tom

Firesteed Pinot Noir




We’ve carried this delicious Oregon Pinot for years and are especially thrilled with the current release – even more when we got a great deal. Win-win. Pure and focused with notes of raspberry and black cherries on the nose, lithe and elegant in the mouth, where classic cola, spice, and judicious fruit mingle. A whisper of tannin and brisk acidity make a delightful finish. $17.99, Sale $13.99 – Tom


Luna ‘Lunatic’ Red and White

Now these are FUN. The white: a blend of Malvasia, Gewürztraminer, and Arneis. The nose alone sold us – apricot, jasmine, and white peaches... oh my. Apricots repeat on the lush palate with a bit of lemongrass on the finish. Sheer perfection with spicy fare; delicious with fish. The red is a blend of Syrah, Sangiovese, and Cabernet. Nose: white pepper and blueberries with just a hint of chocolate. It’s rich, fat, and supple in the mouth – pushing the boundaries of civility, this smile-inducing red takes no prisoners. Both $16.99, Sale $14.99 – Tom


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Aldonia Rioja

We're wowed. This modern-style Rioja offers black fruit aromas with floral (violet) notes, a juicy mid-palate, and acidity to satisfy the traditionalist. Vanilla-hinted supple oak, plums, dark berries, and a touch of strawberry on the finish. The tannins are soft, supple, and don’t get in the way of this extremely pleasurable wine. $14.99 – Tom


!Za Zin ‘10

California’s Lodi region is best known for its Old Vine Zinfandels, as its low-yielding ancient vines from the mid-1800s are treasured for their intensity and complexity. Patrick Campbell’s pure Zin is a great value and we’re super excited to offer the ’10: big, sexy, black fruit framed with depth and finish. Great with barbeque and pasta with tangy, garlic-studded tomato sauce. $16.99, Sale $14.99 – Miss Nik

Peterson La Stupenda Barbera ’11

This wine may be from Mendocino County, but its pure fruit, graceful balance, and lengthy finish rival Piedmont’s finest. It straddles old and new world styles with a nose of potpourri and a dose of juicy blackberry and baking spice. Unrefined and unfiltered for the truest expression of the Barbera grape and the vineyard, it’s unmistakably a Peterson wine. Fred and son Jamie possess the talent and wisdom to let their wines become what they should be. Sale $18.99 – Miss Nik


Ritual Pinot Noir The facts: this wine is a collaboration between Agustin Huneeus and Paul Hobbs. It is one of the best Pinots under $30 I’ve ever had. Per one critic: “A dense and wonderfully long, silky Pinot with strawberry, light hazelnut, and hints of lemon peel. Full bodied yet lively and wired. This gives competition to the Sea Smoke Pinot Noir (at $135/btl.) but at one-third of the price.” Forget one-third the price… how about $17.99? You’ll not find a better Pinot for the money. – Tom

Cane and Fable Cabernet 373 Sometimes I am just so happy about being able to sell a wine. This collaboration between Curt Schalchin (of Sans Liege) and Andrew Jones (of Field Recordings) is 85% Cab, 10% Tempranillo, 5% Petit Verdot. Nose: blueberries and sweet, briary tobacco. Mouth: full, luxurious plum and baking spices. Elegant tannins invigorate the finish and call one back for another (and another) sip, feeling – as the winery puts it – “comfortable, content, and just feeling lucky…” $19.99 – Tom

Tom Cau field, New Pi Wine Guy

Palacios de Canedo Godello

I LOVE this grape, but it doesn’t yet have the recognition we’ve built for Albariño… but we can make it happen. This glossy wine mag review won’t hurt either: “Firm and focused, this white shows purity and intensity, with wet stone, menthol, and briny flavors that frame a core of white peach and grapefruit. Fresh, clean, and powerful,” and, I might add… delicious. $17.99 – Tom

, Miss Nik istress New Pi M e of Chees ) (& more

new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter

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january/february 2015 • www.newpi.coop

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TRY OUR EASY-ON-YOU POTLUCK PICKS 1. Free-range Rotisserie Chicken "Our rotisserie chickens are the perfect quick-fix meal with salad and French bread. It is a meal that keeps on giving for lunches or soups on another day." – Sheila, New Pi Iowa City 2. Local Prosciutto & Sesame Breadsticks & Aïoli "Wind a stretchy slice of La Quercia prosciutto down our long, thin Alessi Sesame Breadsticks and you’ll have this amazing salumi snack! Very enticing piled in a basket. One box breadsticks + 2 pkgs. prosciutto works out almost evenly. Optionally, serve with our Delouis Aïoli." – Kathleen, New Pi Iowa City 3. Caramelized Butternut Squash with a Sage Hazelnut Pesto “I don’t even like squash, but this is delicious!” – Jessica, New Pi Cedar Rapids Head to our New Pi Eats blog at www.newpi.coop for the recipe! 4. Tim & Tony’s Cherry & Pistachio Pork Pâté “This was all Tony – I just brought it and helped him at the end!” – Tim, New Pi Coralville (being modest) Get the full story & recipe for this pork pâté with chicken livers, parsley, onion, chicken breast, pistachios, dried cherries, and pork fat back from New Pi’s duo of Butcher Tim & Chef Tony on our New Pi Eats blog at www.newpi.coop.


5. Gewurztraminer & Rosemary Manchego “My top picks for a party are Charles Bauer Gewurztraminer and Romero Manchego, a somewhat firm Spanish cheese flecked with rosemary.” – Mercedes, New Pi Iowa City & Coralville

7. Local Trumpet Blossom’s Sunflower Seed & White Bean Pâté (vegan) is great with sliced veggies like radishes or local carrots from Grinnell Heritage Farm, Grinnell, IA.

Kathleen ,N

6. Ina Garten's Maple, Chipotle, & Rosemary Spiced Nuts "This recipe has always been my wife’s secret weapon (up until now of course – sorry, Jenny). Sweet, salty, & a little spicy, people go absolutely nuts (pardon the pun) for this mix." – Ben, New Pi photographer These were a huge potluck hit! Get the recipe on page 13.

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Jan-Feb Cat.indd 10

Jessica, N ew


• New Pi’s exclusive Belle Rouge Bordeaux! • Maple Salad Dressing – like New Pi’s Maple Sesame – on leafy greens (we have local greens even in winter), a welcome addition to any potluck.

new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter

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For a fantastic charcuterie spread, Tim recommends Pâté (see #4) with cheeses like local Maytag Blue or Milton’s Prairie Breeze, and local La Quercia Spicy Borsellino Sausage. Nuts (like the recipe on p. 13), a local mustard like Boetje's or Iowa Country Mustard, and Quince & Apple’s (a Wisconsin company) Shallot Confit with Red Wine really make it.

i Iowa Cit ew P y& s, N

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january/february 2015 • www.newpi.coop

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LOCAL Producers


Iowans are a hearty bunch (the long Iowa winter makes sure of that) but we’ve yet to fully embrace our local sweet spot. Our state has more to offer than corn syrup! The sweetness of Iowa is abundant in our maples and thrumming through our beehives.

A High school sweethearts Jeff & Becky Eichenberger, and their son Jesse

Crane Creek Farms, Lawler, Iowa

Maple Syrup Country starts in the Northeast corner of Iowa: Only a handful of these producers exist in Iowa, and New Pi couldn't be more thrilled to bring you their divine Iowa maple syrup.


Jan-Feb Cat.indd 12

t 2am, Jeff and Jesse Eichenberger finally got their first taste of their own pure maple syrup – and they were hooked. They pulled it off the grill in their garage, later discovering they’d wrecked the drywall with the steam that poured off their inaugural batch. But it was too late to care about that – they’d found a new passion. Father and son team Jeff and Jesse have upgraded their hobby’s facility, building a beautiful wood-sided sugar shack (with a cupola to let the steam out – no need to seal it in, garage-style), and shiny stainless steel evaporators, but they still make small batch syrup. Jesse designs their labels and they work as a duo: “You just become addicted to it,” Jesse admits. They’re sugaring the old fashioned way, with wholesome-looking metal taps (called spiles) and metal pails on each tree they empty every day the sap flows. “We’re a small producer – we never dreamt that demand would be like this! We’re just trying to bring what we can to the Co-op,” Jeff explains. Last year they tapped 466 trees (that means 466 pails to empty daily), adding 200 this year. “People wanted to log our woods, and I said, nah, that’s not going to happen,” Jeff explains. “We didn’t want to cut them down.” The new maple syrup industry is preserving Iowa’s small nooks of remaining forest.

new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter

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LOCAL ON OUR SHELVES: Crane Creek Farms & Great River Maple Pure Maple Syrup, from light to dark. Great River Maple Pure Maple Cream Crane Creek Farms Honey Crane Creek Farms Granulated Pure Maple Sugar (with or without cinnamon) "Toss with slices of honeycrisp apples. Also makes killer toast – I rediscovered the cinnamon sugar toast of my youth! " – Erin

Erin, N ew


• Most “pancake syrup” is primarily corn syrup. As Jeff Eichenberger says, “Once you have real maple syrup, there’s no going back.” owa City Pi I

• 40 gallons of maple sap boil down to 1 gallon of maple syrup. • Maple trees can be tapped when they’re 10 inches in diameter – about 40 years old. • Sweetness you can feel good about: 100 grams of maple syrup contains up to 24 antioxidants and high levels of zinc (28% RDA) and manganese (165% RDA). • Preserving forest: maple tapping keeps trees upright and on Iowa land rather than being logged. • Some South Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese drink straight maple sap as a detoxifying spring health elixir.

Visitutiful ! r b e a ar c h thei this M le Festival m far er’s Map last year Great River's sugar bush, crissand t Riv them Grea Mar. 28, ple! Join for crossed with sap collection lines. ., is Sat er 650 peo hich calls idPhoto courtesy of the Potter family. (w ov ic , k r d ew breakfast ple), mus ours for y of ma s, and t e plent ly activiti shack and of the Potter family work the three-generfriend eir sugar ush. of th sugar b ation sugar bush. “Food’s important here,”

Dan & Dorinda Potter

Great River Maple, Garnavillo, Iowa

This is my mother’s mother’s place,” Dan Potter explains, offering a mug of coffee (maple syrup-sweetened) across their farmhouse’s kitchen counter. “My great, great grandfather made maple syrup,” for trade, he adds. A couple generations later, Dan and his high school sweetheart, Dorinda (yes – both couples are high school sweethearts!), and much

Dan says. Starting in 2009, they hit a milestone this year: employing 10 people at times, Dan’s finally been able to drop his day job. They’ve tapped 4,000 of their maples now, “and 6,500 is what this farm would support,” Dan notes. “We like our sap to stay extremely fresh – if the sap clouds over, it affects the flavor, so we keep ours clear as water,” Dorinda explains. That means long hours during peak sugar season – last year the two of them kept the sugar shack going nearly 7 solid nights and days. “Dorinda’s in the sugar shack trying to make more syrup to get ahead of me, and I’m in the sugar bush, trying to bring in enough sap to get ahead of her,” Dan laughs, “but deep in all of this competition between us, it’s all about sweetness.”

Ina Garten's Maple, Chipotle, & Rosemary Spiced Nuts

• 2 T. minced fresh rosemary leaves, divided • kosher salt Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Combine all but rosemary and salt and toss to coat. Add half the rosemary and 1 t. salt; toss again. Spreading in one layer, roast the nuts for 25 minutes, stirring twice, until glazed and golden brown. Toss with 1 more t. salt and remaining rosemary. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking as they cool. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve warm or at room temp.

january/february 2015 • www.newpi.coop

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TA O • 3 c. cashews STY • 1 c. pecans ! • 1 T. vegetable oil • ¹/₆ c. pure maple syrup (make sure to go with one from our local folks!) • ⅛ c. light brown sugar, lightly packed • 1 ½ T. freshly squeezed orange juice • 1 t. ground chipotle powder (ground, dried smoked jalapeños with a distinctive hot, smoky, sweet flavor)


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New & Dec. TOP 10 New Pi's Pi's Nov. Cooking CLASSES


Indian Butter Chicken Dinner with Pramod Sarin Thurs., Jan. 22, 6-8PM $15/person

Pramod Sarin comes from a family of excellent cooks, and learned to prepare dishes from her native region of Punjab, India. Pramod will demonstrate the use of traditional ingredients and contemporary cooking methods to prepare delicious and healthy Indian meals. Discover the appearance, scent, and flavor of spices favored in Indian cooking, as well how to release the flavor of the spices to season food. Pramod will prepare several dishes including Butter Chicken, Aloo Gobi (cauliflower), Potato Raita, and Rice Pulao. Samples of Chai will accompany the meal.

Hands-On Tamale Party with Bill Schintler Tues., Jan. 27, 6-8PM $15/person

Tamales, a Mexican party favorite that can be sweet or savory, are prepared by placing masa corn flour dough and a filling in a corn husk, which is then rolled and steamed. Join talented home chef Bill Schintler as he hosts a tamale-making class featuring meat, vegetarian, and vegan fillings including Chicken Green Chili, Spicy Cheese, and Sweet Potato with Bean. Bill will demonstrate the preparation of tamales, then allow the class to take a turn creating tamales to take home. Side dishes to sample include Albondigas, Guacamole, Queso Flameado, and Salsa Verde.


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Reclaim Your Health Using The Wahls Protocol with Dr. Terry Wahls Wed., Jan. 28, 6-8PM

Unitarian Universalist Society, 10 S. Gilbert St. Iowa City
(wheelchair accessible) Join Dr. Terry Wahls as she explains how our dietary and lifestyle choices can turn genes ‘on’ and ‘off.’ These choices shift how our cells run the chemistry of life, and in so doing, shift the balance away from health towards inflammation and illness. Dr. Wahls will share inspiring stories of how people have used the Wahls Protocol to recover from diabetes, severe obesity, mental health problems, Parkinson’s, and progressive multiple sclerosis. Dr. Wahls will be available to sign copies of her book, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles.

Veggie Sushi with Chef David Burt Thurs., Jan. 29, 6-8PM $15/person

Dazzle your guests with platters of homemade sushi! Sushi Roll, also called Nori Maki, features seasoned rice and various fillings rolled up in sheets of toasted nori, a sea vegetable formed into paper-like sheets. The roll is then sliced crosswise to reveal the filling. Students will have a chance to try their hand under the supervision of instructor David Burt, Chef at Four Square Meals.

Coralville Grocery Lead Todd is pumped to teach our kombucha class! You can bet his mother will be there. (hyuk hyuk hyuk)

Pizza from Scratch with New Pi’s Chad Clark Tues., Feb. 3, 6-8PM or Thurs., Mar. 12, 6-8PM $15/person

Join New Pi baker Chad Clark as he prepares pizza, beginning with the dough and ending with a dazzling array of possible toppings. Chad will mix the yeast-leavened dough by hand. He’ll share his opinions on the best mix of cheese and discuss how to season the pizza sauce. Come learn how to make the best pizza ever at home, with excellent ingredients, and customize the pie to suit your crowd.

Make Kombucha at Home with New Pi’s Todd Tomkins Thurs., Feb. 5, 6-8PM $15/person

The cultured drink Kombucha is easy to make at home. New Pi Coralville Grocery Lead Todd Tomkins uses ten tea bags, a cup of sugar, water, and a “mother culture” gifted from a friend. He prepares the mix and places the jars in a warm, dark place to culture. His best spot? Near the dryer in the laundry room! Join Todd as he shares his technique, and learn how to flavor the Kombucha with ginger, herbs, and dried flowers.

new pioneer food co-op’s newsletter

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Paleo for Health with Roxane Mitten Tues., Feb. 17, 6-8PM $15/person

Why was ‘Paleo’ the most-Googled term in 2013? Join Roxane Mitten as we talk Paleo, cook Paleo, and prepare delicious recipes featuring nutrient-dense vegetables, deeply colored fruits, and grass fed meat. Roxane will demonstrate the preparation of a Tonic Smoothie, Massaged Kale Salad, “Bone Broth” French Onion Soup, Hearty Pork Stew, and Paleo Fudge.

Contemporary Japanese Dinner with Satomi Kawai Thurs., Feb. 19, 6-8PM $20/person

Satomi Kawai learned to cook with her grandparents in her hometown of Wakayama, Japan. Now she enjoys creating beautiful, balanced meals based on traditional Japanese recipes for her husband and friends in Iowa City. Join Satomi as she demonstrates the preparation of a delightful Japanese dinner featuring Spinach-Tofu Salad, Egg Drop Soup, Teriyaki Salmon, and white rice. Enjoy samples, plus traditional Japanese tea.

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We Love Bacon with New Pi’s Genie Maybanks Tues., Feb. 10, 6-8PM $25/person

Bacon is sexy, bacon is fun! Join bacon lover Genie Maybanks for a romp through her favorite recipes featuring outstanding bacon from Iowa and beyond. Learn about and sample pancetta, prosciutto, speck, and thick cut bacon; try the unique Heluka hoophouse raised Beeler’s uncured bacon. Genie will demonstrate the preparation of Bacon Wrapped Dates; Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus; Savory Chard, Prosciutto, and Gruyère Soufflé-style Dutch Pancake; and Alambres, the ‘taco truck’ style steak and bacon tacos. Sample size portions will be served.

Southern Valentine with New Pi’s Chef Matt Steigerwald Thurs., Feb. 12, 6-8PM $20/person

Local Chef Matt Steigerwald became famous for his innovative work at the Lincoln Cafe in Mt. Vernon. He was nominated for three James Beard awards, and favors “simple, strong-flavored, shareable dinners made with local stuff”! Now Chef at the Cedar Rapids New Pi, Matt celebrates Valentine’s Day by demonstrating the preparation of a quartet of Southern favorites including Spicy Shrimp, Dill Succotash, Buttermilk Biscuits, and Pecan Pie.

Fresh Italian Pasta 101 with Chef Gianluca Baroncini Tues., Feb. 24, 6-8PM $25/person

Chef Baroncini has built a reputation for excellent fresh pasta at his downtown Iowa City restaurant, Baroncini Ristorante. Join Gianluca as he shares the secrets of preparing fresh pasta from dough to sauce. Gianluca will bring his pasta machine to mix and roll two types of pasta: fettuccini and chitarra spaghetti. Enjoy Gianluca’s love of his native Italy’s culinary traditions and his appreciation for excellent Co-op ingredients.

Prevention, Treatment, & Reversal of Heart Disease with Carol Throckmorton Thurs., Feb. 26, 6-8PM $15/person

Carol Throckmorton, RDN, a clinical dietitian and cardiac rehab specialist, teaches nutrition classes in the CHAMPS (Cardiovascular Health, Assessment, Maintenance, & Prevention Services) program to help address the challenge of heart disease – which is not only preventable, but reversible as well. Heart health is critically important, especially as we age. Come learn about this helpful program and celebrate American Heart Month in February. Cindy Spading, RDN, will demonstrate the preparation of several heart healthy recipes: Heart Warming (and Healthy) Chili, Mixed Greens Salad with homemade dressing, and Exotic Mango Sorbet.

CSA Fair in Iowa City hosted by

Sun., Feb. 15, 2-3PM

Iowa City Public Library Room A

MARCH CLASSES Visit www.newpi.coop for class descriptions & registration.

Charcuterie from the Home Larder with New Pi’s Chef Tony Walsh Tues., Mar. 3, 6-8PM Dinner at Downton Abbey with Valérie Martin Thurs., Mar. 5, 6-8PM Middle Eastern Favorites with New Pi’s Chef Matt Steigerwald Tues., Mar. 10, 6-8PM Capture Wild Yeast & Make Fabulous Sourdough with Tim Palmer Thurs., Mar. 26, 6-8PM Authentic Italian Culinary Traditions with Chef Gianluca Baroncini Tues., Mar. 31, 6-8PM

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Visit our Classes & Events Calendar for a new year of great cooking classes at www.newpi.coop, or contact Ben Partridge at (319) 248-6428 if you need assistance. Classes feature sample-size portions and are held at the Coralville New Pi unless otherwise noted. january/february 2015 • www.newpi.coop

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New Pioneer Food Co-op 22 S. Van Buren St. Iowa City, IA 52240 (319) 338-9441 1101 2nd St. Coralville, IA 52241 (319) 358-5513 NOW OPEN! 3338 Center Point Rd. NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (319) 365-2632 All shoppers welcome! www.newpi.coop

Jan-Feb Cat.indd 16

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