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~I '' Waranakian. ."
~oL 21.-~o~ 2~
Agriculture Notes
Annual Sports
Boxing Championships
Cad et Notes Chapel Notes
43 35
House Notes
Old Boys' Section
Orchesti路a Notes
School Notes
Swimming Notes
46 27
Steeplechase Notes Subscriptions Valete
62 51
~~fn Jlt!moutfr 2JliBfr ~rfrooL (ESTAB LISHED 1882.]
E~GINEERING :H. H. SKELTON. A. I. Mec h. E. (London ). Reg. Eng ., N.Z . H. C. GAT LAND. Grad. I.E. E. !Lo ndon) A.A.I.E.E. (" C" Cert.) \\'oOD\\"OIIK :D. MENZIES. M. Co il. H. (Hons.)
Hoi<HILL 1st Class Ce rt. (Final) Carpentr y and ]oin erv , City !Fina l Ccrt . N .Z. Techn o log ical Examia:1d Gui ld s. London . nation in Carpe ntry and Joinery).
Secretary and Treasurer : E. LASH, EsQ. SCHOOL CHAPLAIN : REV. R. FOIWHAM CLAilK.
~taff: PRINCIPAL : \V. H. MOVES, M.A., B .Sc. DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION : A. L. MOORE, B.A. (1st Class Honours and Silver Medallist, City and Guilds of London) .
ASSISTANT MASTERS: G. F . BERTRAND, (" C" Cert.. B.A. Cert. in Latin and W. DIPRoSE , M.A. History). R. C. WILSON , M.A., R .Sc. G. BOTTRILL, M.A., Diplo ma in Social Science. W. G. \VILKIE (B.A. Cert. in History and Economics. City and Guilds Diploma in J. PAPPS, B.A. Electrical Engineering). \V. I. SHRIMPTON, M.A. E . KERR, M.A.
D. RoULSTON (" B" Cert., B.A. Cert. in Latin , English, History, Education and Economics). AGRICULTUHE : W. CoNNELL, Cert. of Agriculture (Cant.), B.A. Cert. in Education and Economics (" C" Cert.)
A. G. JoHNSoN, M.Sc. A. C.
COMMERCIAL : E . R. McKEON (Professional Accountant by Exam). F.
EGGLETON, F .C.l. (Eng.) S.F.A.l.
TYPING AND SHORTHAND : G. H. WHITE. DRAWING: \V. F. TETT (1 s t Class Honours Diploma, Beckenham School of Art, Eng.)
MUSIC : RESil>El\T MUSIC i\IASTER : ]. DOBSON. L A.B. , L.T.C.L. ViSITING: MISS Do\\' LING, Victor Han路i s Gold Medalli st (Violin, Viola and Cel lo). MISS Ross, L.A .B., L.T.C .L. (Violin). A. FIFE (F lute).
A COMPANY. Company Commande r.-Captain J . Leggat. Second in Command.- Lieutenant W. I . Shrimpton.
Head Boy.-J. H. Birch.
Company Serge'a nt-Major.- J. Hatherly:
School Prefects.-J. H. Birch, h S. Watt, J. S. Hatherly, R. B . Andrew, R. Simpson, J. F. Wilson, I. N. Menzies, R. M. Rogers, T. Webster. House Prefects.-J . I. Carron, H . J. Whittington , J. Mercer, R. C. Evans, J. S. Hatherly, A. K. Catran, R. S. V. Simpson, A. W. Holland, P. Finch, L. S. Watt, R. B. Andrew.
No. 1 Platoon. Platoon Sergeant.-J . Elmes.
COMMITTE ES. Cricket Committee .-M!.路. Bottrill (chairman), R. S. V. Simpson, J. H. Birch, M. Donnelly, B. Meredith, T. C. Larkin, R. B . Andrew. Swimming and Life-saving Committee.- Mr. Eggleton (chairman), G. Nilsson, S . Millar, J . Ryan, J. H. Birch, J. Elmes, H. J. Whittington . Sports Committee.- MJ.路. Diprose (chairman), J. H . Birch, A. K . Catran, L . S. Watt, R. B. Andrew, J. Carroll, G. Nilsson, R. S. V. Simpson. Magazine Committee. -Mr. Shrimpton (chairman); general editor, I. N. Menzies; sports editor, J. Keeling; news editor, R. S. Smith; literary editor, R. N. O'Reilly. Boxing Committee. -Mr. Eggleton (chairman), F. Smith, G. Nilsson, L. Watt, P. McDonnell, A. Mcintyre, A. K. Catran. Football Committee.- Mr. Papps (chairman), J. H. Birch, J. Carron, R. S. V. Simpson, L. Watt. Library Committee. -Mr. Tett (chairman), J. S. Hatherly, D. R. Watt, G. C. Weston, R. S . Rowe, D . V. Hug'11son, A. K. Catran, H. J . Whittington , G. C. H. St. Paul. Tennis Committee .-Mr. Johnson (chairman), J. Keeling, A. Ewart, G. Nilsson, L. Watt. SCHOOL CADET CONTINGE NT. Officer in Command.- Major V. E . Kerr. Battalion Sergeant-M ajor.-J. H. Birch. Battalion Quartermas ter-Sergean t.-L. Cottier. Battalion Band Sergeant.-H . Bellam.
Section Commander s.- D. Whitcombe, G . Mandeno. No. 2 Platoon. Platoon Sergeant.-C . Weston. Section Commande rs.-B. S. Matthews, R. Crash. No. 3 Platoon. Platoon Sergeant.-S . Millar. Sectimi Commander s.-W. Wilson, S. Andrews. No. 4 Platoon. Platoon Sergeant.-J . Anderson. Section Commande rs.-R. O'Reilly, C. Turner. B COMPANY. Company Commande r.-Lieutena nt R. C. Wilson. Second in Command.-L ieutenant J. D. Roulston. Company Sergeant-M ajor.-J. F. Wilson. No. 5 Platoon. Platoon Sergeant.-L . Therkleson. Section Commande rs.-J. Outred, R. Whittington . No. 6 Platoon. Platoon Sergeant.-W . Holland. Section Commande rs.-R. Thompson, J. Cawthray. No. 7 Platoon. Platoon Sergeant.-R . H. Finch. Section Commande rs.-J. Fail路brother, D. Watt. No. 8 Platoon. Platoon Sergeant.-J . Keeling. Section Commander s.-D. Alien, T. Hughson.
Corporal Drummers.- R. Carson, H. Gibson.
C COMPANY. Company Commande r.-Lieutena nt E. R. McKeon . Second in Command.- Lieutenant A. Blundell.
Corporal Bugle1路s.-A . Bartlett, G. Napier.
Company Sergeant-M ajor.-R. B . Andrew.
Orderly Room Corporals.- J. Kerr, J . Rya n.
. . .' 1~
No. 9 Platoon. Platoon Sergean t.-G. Nilsson. Section Comma nders.-R . S. V. Simpson , A. Brown. No. 10 Platoon. Platoon Sergean t.-D. Blackley . Section Comma nders.-L . Evans, L. Bennett . No. 11 Platoon. Platoon Sergean t.-R. Simpson . Section Comma nders.-M . P. Donnel! y, T. Larkin. No. 12 Platoon. Parfitt. t.-F. Sergean Platoon Section Comma nders.-R . Renton, D. Steven. D COMPA NY. Compan y Comma nder.-L ieutenan t H. H. Skelton. Second In Comma nd.-Lie utenant F. Tett. Compan y Sergean t-Major .-!. N. Menzies . No. 13 Platoon. Platoon Sergean t.-H. Purser. R. Smith. Section Comma nders.-R . M. Rogers, J. Can路ol!, A. Catran, No. 14 Platoon. Platoon Sergean t.-A. Healy. Section Comma nders.-G . East, E. B. Meredith . No. 15 Platoon. Platoon Sergean t.-L. Watt.
J . H . BIRCH. Head Boy, 1932.
Oakley Studio, N.P.
Edited byl the Boys of the New Plymouth Boys 1 High School and Published twice a year. VoL.
The Su~scription is 3/- per annum (postage included), and should be forwarded to the "Business Manager, Taranakian, Boys' High School, New Plymouth ." Subscribers will please notify any change of addr路ess.
EDITORIAL (T. N. MeJl!l:ies.)
1. . .
HE most distressing feature of the present world crisis is undoubtedly the great increase m unemployment. Until a few years ago New Zealand had been fortunate in escaping to a large extent this evil, but now we are experiencing the same trouble as other countries. TL e unemployment problem affects schools and schoolboys in particular in that those boys who in normal times are assured of positions now find their futures far from secure, and many find it impossible to obtain employment. As the importance of the situation was realised committees were set up to investigate the problem, and as a result of their searching inquiries they have been able to show that the seriousness of the matter has been very much exaggerated. There is more than a possibility, however, that in the event of a further prolongation of the present difficulties the question of unemployed youth will become grave, and it is obviously necessary for every boy and every parent to consider the position seriously and to take stock of the future.
tm iTO RIA L
doe s the fin anc ial un cer tai nty ool. Ma ny pa ren ts fee l tha t sch to k bac y bo a g e of sen din Le is t ha no t wa rra nt the exp ens W . has .no em plo ym ent itWa He lea ves , and ye t he it. wa to be to op en see ms y rit tho to do . Th e on ly cou rse au as eve ry edu cat ion al se tho ly ing , how eve r, is fat al, on t no , ym ent 'l'he dan ger s of un em plo agr ees . als o the psy cho log ica l t bu , on cti ina ed orc im ate d. att en da nt on enf lis ed, can no t be ov er- est effects of hel ple ssn ess rea ful ou tle t for his ene rgy , wh o use feel, as 'l'h e bo y wh o can find no ile oth ers wo rk, mu st wh . e idl nd sta is ob lig ed to Uly:;ses fe ltke an end , to ma "How dull it is to pause, to shi ne in use not ed, ish urn unb "To rus t e life ." "As tho ugh to bre ath e wer
joy in at he rit ag e of ma n, the d ho w He is be ref t of the gre An the tas k ach iev ed. sne ss, lab ou r, the exa lta tio n in is the fee lin g of use les the g sin res in mi ser abl e, ho w dep re is no pla ce for him the rea lis ati on tha t the aft er the Slo ug hs of De spo nd , d fin Gi an t ,,·o dd 's act ivi tie s, to Do ub tin g Ca stl es an d the y, ult fic the in the Hi lls of Dif d pte ool , va lia ntl y att em a of ul De spa irs of stu dy at sch tif au Be y try int o the Cit No, pro mi se of suc ces sfu l en spa ce, utt er des ola tio n. bu t ma tur e wo rld , no thi ng ent ial . ess is ty ivi act ued con tin pro def ini tel y dec ide d on a use Fo r tho se boy s wh o are cot est wis the s, pas nat ion s to y anc vac fe:s::;ion and lmYc exa mi le die s un til a sui tab is to con tin ue the ir stu OCCUrK. office · s wh o des ire ord ina ry Bu t wh at of tho se boy lat ion bo ys in particular~ atr icu em plo ym en t-t he no n-M anpo int ou t tha t wh ile vac At thi s sta ge we wi sh to com par ati vel y· dif fic ult to bee n on cic::; in the tow ns hav e bee n po sit ion s ava ila ble the ays alw e hav re the on ob tai n, go to e or ref clu sio n is the far ms . Th c log ica l con OL' if thi s is no t po::;sible, the n , tly nen ma per er ny boy::; lau d, eit h ob tai ned . '!'h ere are ma is ion uat sit er oth an ted for un til sui un lity abi al t an d na tur 'vl'ho are by tem pe ram en ter sch em e, wh ich has alr ead y lat a far mi ng life , and the deg ree of an d pro vid es a cer tai n l sfu ces suc d ve pro Sh ou ld ben m. the to eal app sho uld mo ne tar y ind epe nd enc e, pro ve acc ept abl e, no fin er pro , alr ead y the firs t cou rse , ho we ver cou ld be ma de tha n is n tio ua -da te -to vis ion for the sit up He re a tho rou gh ly . sup pli ed at the School
11 . . bein()' far m is at han d, tui tio n l·ncl"' da.v ml abl e 111 all bra nch es of . far m wo rk, the cou rse u dln""''· pra ct'leaI exp eri enc e . 't'· ep th she gs ee p 1 Wl u ped igr , cow s an e mo st mo der n . ' L. an d a v led ge of far m me tn? ds of ag ric ult ure b tt ow kn g rkm vo · be obt am ma chm ery . . Nothino·o e er cou ld ed for the . b oy w h o Wishes to tal re up f arm111o· a a l 1'f e wo rk or s o . 1eec1 for him wh o wis h 't ~ntil me 1 ats. me rel y a sto p-g.ap pes s. pro re mo of urn the ret ero us 1mes. o find th 'l'o tho se the n wh yea abl e to att en d dehmselves un r d. the fur . a for ool Sch an tlave n o lrn r me lat e pro st ear n we ent ym plo em eit he r of of s nd pec es J:' rec om me e h we mu st the se alt ern ati ves . Th s, ack wb dra ~ve the ir adm it, bu t the y hav e th~, a. vantage~ of pro vid ing wo rk ' and re( ief fro m the dep I ess1ng WorrieS of un~~ployment · · eed int . at'wn al Cl'lsls. eln m a tlm e of nat ion al ' ind E WI LD -W OO 'l.'HE S'l 'RE AM IN 'l'H DS.
' the wil d-w ood s 'hler~ s a str eam in . g eh at, nn and )' 'l at s aau ro·"'lin(o c ~ G. . ' , ws do sha the to lVl~g life , ms Addl~g mu sic to sun bea me ere d A~d It alwa~rs has che it, by 11g er1 and A:;, me 'ty l h ave wa tch ed its vi vac wa ter s. its th Aucl hav e lau gh ed wi . . . 'l'JJ ere 's 1a po ol t h a t' s. 111 t:Uose Wllcl-woolls .. t 'l'1J. da rk an d pla cid cl J:; ( eep an d as the strea~ let d ttle mo ' An d tho thr ou gh the \;be~· e . the sun slip sand pea cef ul branche:;, ene ser s est r ): et lt epi ng A_nd 1 wo nd er if 'tis sle ing am dre ly on 'l'll l l_see 'tis wa rd. An clr s mo vm g slo wl y for . 'I' he re' s a str etc h f th · t~ntr~eatmo hm ttlle wil d-w ood s st~~ fs \Vh ere the wa ter as en "' A n cl mo ves sm oo thl Y anc1 ste ad fas tly on wa rds . ' An d .t b k are mo re ste ep an d are hi h ~r ~ s ~n s g la l tal the An d 1t gli des sw iftl y by ma tis 0'1 n?e-woo s, An d the wh ite of the clel·n l'ts 'ho earning, of star·s Is the stn ddi no· · eav ens.'· · · "' is for est l t tha sky een -gr kly n the dar '1'1
A waterf all tumble s out there in the wi!d-w o?ds, From heights in the sunshi ne, to depths m t h e sh adows, . . And laucrbs as it plunge s: but s1ghs as 1t settles Away d~wn below me in dark. water- course~:, . . 'Tis whisp 'ring its farewe lls m fa~· - away h1ssmg s To blue sky and sunligh t-to dayhg ht and freedom , As, watcl1i ng it leaping in r eckl ess b:·avad o I seem to hear sobbin g from where 1t has fallen.
R.N.O' R. (VI. A.)
13 :;ea::>on, but the back::> had to b e change d around conside rably in an endeav our to get a good, 'fast combin ation. 'J'he forwar ds were lighter than usual and the whole team was out::>tanding for its splend id tacklin g. The Second Fifteen was not entered for the compe tition, but played some good games. It was .quite as good a::> last year's Second Fifteen , which was the best the School had had for some _years. . · 'l'he 'l'hirds and Fourth s played good footba ll, the former being runner s-up in the comp etition. Congra tulatio ns are due to the Fifth Grade 'A' team, which· succee ded in winnin g the Nor th T aranak i Fifth Grade Champ ionship . 'l'he rest of the School had a very enjoya ble season . We are much indebte d to the master s who devote d so much time to t h e coaehing· of teams and the supervision of games. We thank the Jockey Club sincere ly for the use of ·its ground s. SCHOOL v. ST. PATRI CK'S COLLEGE.
Played at Hawer a and lost 8-9.
Football (H. M. Purser and A . K. Catran .) Thoucrh this year's First Fifteen lost three out ?f five Co lleg~e "'"'ames all the matche s were very clo~e m ' Inexpe rience . ts and were very keenly cont es t e d . pmdn lack of penetr ation power in the ir:side backs were an s. probab ly the reason s for the .f m·1ure t o wm morel matche hole The forwar ds were practic ally the same for t le w
Scho ol kick ed off and immed iately set up a fierce • attack, but St. Patrick 's eventu ally cleared . Then St. Patric k's took a hand in attack and, after a good passing ru::>h, Skinne r raced for the corner only to be felled by a splend id tackle by B lackley. A momen t later, the School full-b ack again saved magnif icently . School then forced their way back to half-w ay, where Carrol l receive d and, swervi ng past several oppone nts, scored under the posts. 1\:Ieredith conver ted. (5-0.) Shortly afterw ards, from a loose scrum on St. Patrick 's line, Birch ::;ccured and passed to Nilsson , who scored in the corner. · (8-0.) Upon resump tion after half-tim e St. Patrick 's attacked strong ly. They were awarde d a penalty kick and Wilson made no mistak e with it. (8-3.) They kept up the pressu re and Wiwi eventu ally burst throu gh to score a great try. (8-6.) Then came St. Patrick 's best effort.
to Wi wi nt to Ea ga n, to Wi lso n, the cor Fro m Pia no the bal l we in l bal the ded w)1o gro un a spell an d fin all y to Go ods on, ter Af at him . (8 -9 .) re un ne r jus t as Bla ckl ey flew sco the th wi gam e end ed of fai rly eve n pla y, the cha ng ed. da hl, Bla ckl ey, Ca tra n, Ek ch Th e Sch ool tea m wa s: Bir , litl1 e-c apt .), Po tts , Me rcc n, pso om Ni lss on, Ca rro ll ( vic Th n, pso n g, Pu rse r, Sim (ca pt. ), Fre the y, Ke eli Ho re and He aly . COLLEGE. SCHOOL v. T~ AU TE an d los t 8-14. P lay• at Pu ke ku ra Pa rk de a kic k-o ff an d Ca tra n ma nt Sch ool att ack ed fro m the we ble Tib d an d ate ickly ret ali d an re goo d run . 'l' e Au te qu ssn vis ito rs k ep t up the pre ool Sch close to sco rin g. Th e .) -3 (0 g To ng a sco red . aft er som e go od pas sin tra n wa s att ack , fro m wh ich Ca at gre a the n lau nch ed by Ru ru. e jus t sho rt of the lin ne arl y ove r, bei ng fel led . me fol low ed till hal f-ti Fa irl y eve n pla y the n rus h, on d spe ll wi th a fine Te Au te op ene d the sec (0 -6 .) Th e Sch ool for red . E lm es fro m wh ich Pa rke r sco Au te 's tw en ty-five, wh ere red ith 'l'e to d ttle ba n Me wa rds the . red sco to Bir ch, wh o pic ked up and pas sed (Te Au tc) mo me nt lat er Em ery A .) -6 (5 ith the n con ver ted . red Me ver ted . (5- 11 .) ful lthe sco red an d Me t·ri tt con to ran h, rus Au te pas sin g the in int erc ep ted fro m a Te ts d jus t be at his op po nen ed ha rd, bac k, sho rt pu nte d an ack att -1 1 .) Sc ho ol no w rac e for the bal l. (8 an d jus t on we re no t to be den ied ks bac bu t the rre Au te Au te 14, kin g the fin al sco re: Te tim e Pe ne we nt ove r, ma Sc ho ol 8. Ca rro ll s: Bla ckl ey, Ca tra n, Bir ch · Th e .Sc ho ol tea m wa , ith red Me , tts Po I-Ioskin, om pTh ( vic e-c apt .), Ro w lan ds, , aly r, ElE~s, Ke eli ng , I-Ie (ca pt. ), Sim pso n, Pu rse son an d I-Iore. ON HI GH SCHOOL. SCHOOL v. HA MI LT rk an d dra wn 6- 6. Pla ye d at Pu ke ku ra Pa st spe ll er po rti on of the fir Th rou gh ou t the gr eat e hel d enc def ool Sch gly , bu t the on str ed ack att n lto mi Ha a fre e kic k e pla y gav e Ha mi lto n goo d. Ev en tua lly off sid
FO OTBALL 15 ( l oo o· lon a and Po un tne y kic ked w~rlr~~ · the~;_:-3 .) ~owards t~e end , of the spe ll Sch ool red ith . t f ~lay mt o Ha mi lMe ai eel to sco re on ton s twe nty -fiv e an d :JUS e. sid nd bli the
S f t Wi th t he sun in the ir f avo ur, cho ol set up a ho att ack at the b eg.mm. ng o - the sec on d spe11 . M.er edi th nit fr wa s giv en an op po rtuA / ll om a pen a lty an d kic ked a .) -3 (3 al. go goo d ~f ~ven pla y t~en fol low ed un til, wi thi n thr ee mi rec eiv ed ~~ ~sot~ tim e, . Me red ith fro m a scr um , sen t on 6 3 s, to Bn·c~1, to Ca tra n, wh o sco red in the cor ner aft erw ard s t;~1 mediately ha s(l iC. 'l'n ker e (Hamilto~) . ptp ou gh an d1 · nd ed to red fi na1 w ust le we nt, the Po un tne y ' wh o sco as JUS . go the sco re· 6_ 6_ lnu ma B l kl bell Ca rro ll 'l'1Je Sc ho ol tea m wa'·s·· ac · ey, Ca mpft l 'r eling, (vi ce- cap t . ) ' c a t.l an, p ott s Ul enb eroo M ereCJ 1, Ce ."" ' s· ). 'e.· El~ • e • p 1 ' nn pso n, IIe aly , rt' hom pso n 1)lrc h (ca pt. ), 11 1 8 1 ' ancl IIo re.
I COLLEGE. SC HO OL v. W AN GA NU rk and wo n 7- 6. Pla y eel at Pn ke ku ra . Pa n of t b fi, ". cha ra? . Th e op eni ng po rtio -field 1 e ' J st s~~lleswa wn clo d an np by l clomg the u sec tcrJ srd th bo a;~' .P ll C sha re of att ack ino · ned the b eg~:e e;·~ n tua lly op~ng ma de a b;· nt ou acc g rin em op sco an rom an y (0 3) by Te nn ent e pla y ly h aft erw ard s off!-sid I~t ~tO red M~ ve .ga ge lle th a wi e b}, Co alm equ to e c c anc h d p he c kic k. (3 -3 ·) S c oo1 att ack ed stronOo'ly ott s, . an . l fi l·e d a b eau t'f eld g·oal. (7 -3 .) I u a f ew mmutef'l lat er ' kic - ' ll the sec on d W ang anu i op ene dsev With som e goo d _spe o l era on paf'lf'ling rus hes an d ost ov er. y to t~ca~o~i<; ~ere alm -fivc, Sch ool WOL'kecl the ir wa nt~ ~we ed a free el . ~ egJ~te sed. miS wh ere the y we re aw ard st JU ich wh ' urn ed t ne a er aft , and W ang anu i, ho we ver ret l' or th_e att ack r. ove des per ate tus sle on ' the d ble am scr . rvm g wit~neth' sco re un cha ng ed. (7 -6 .) 'l'im e sou nd ed e m wa s. Fr ethBe_! ' R oge rs, Th om pso n, Th e Sc ho ol tea · t· SI' . son 1rc h (ca pt) M rse Pu es Elm ng, Ke eli , mpN' l: · , er ed1th, ' t) P ott s, Ca rro ll (vi ce- cap . 1 l Sf'lonl Ek cla hl, Ca mp b ell an d Bla ckl ey,
MMAR. SCHOOL v. AUC KLA ND GRA lost 7-9 . Play ed at Puk eku ra Par k and terr itor y, but the Sch ool took play into Gra mm ar pass ing rush Hei d d goo a from latt er brok e thro ugh and r( 0-3 .) Sch ool then mad e a dete ~cored in the corn er. re befo k -bac full the to t min ed atta ck' and Car roll ran righ bea t a Sch ool play er he was stop ped . A roll ing ball then clea nly and scor ed. ed and Spi ttal cam e thro ugh fast , field y and on two occahotl d cke atta in aga ool Sch (0- 6.) , the Gra mm ar half , then sion s wer e alm ost ove r. Gra ham sen t Spi ttal awa y for clev erly wor ked the blin d and his seco nd soore. (0- 9 .) e atta cke d and Aft er half -tim e Sch ool once mor rwa rds the sam e afte rtly Sho r. ove Mer edit h was nea rly (3- 9.) Sch ool now had play er kick ed a goo d pen alty . nty-five and first Elm es twe Gra mm ar pen ned in thei r own fail ed by inch es to reac h and Hor e, and then Car roll , all d and Spi ttal was just the line . Gra mm ar then retaliate ool forw ards , play ing Sch The felle d in time by Bla ckley. thei r way to Gra mm ar mag nifi cent ly, onc e mor e wor ked sion s was alm ost ove r. terr itor y, whe re Car roll on two occa r, Pot ts repe ated his eve how , A few min utes befo re time a sple ndid field goa l, Ham ilto n perf orm anc e by kick ing Sch ool 7. 9, ar mak ing the final scor e: Gra mm Cam p bell, Ekd abl, 'l'he Sch ool team was : Bla ckle y, tt, Birc h (cap t.), Wa h, edit Mer ts, Can 路oll (vic e-ca pt.), .Pot 'l'ho mps on and ly, , llea Sim pson , Elm es, .Pur ser, Kee ling Ho re. PEA SE CUP MA TCH . s mat ch took plac e 'l'he ann ual Boa rder v. Day Boy Boa rder s 20- 17 afte r on tlep tem ber 20, and was won by Ekd ahl, Uar roll (2), s, a very fine gam e. For Boa rder ed. And rew conscor on ders Hen And rew , Sim pso n and and Mer edit h ling For Day Boys, Kee vert ed one . ed a pen alty kick s, trie both ::;cored. Mer edit h con vert ed and pott ed a goa l. FIR ST FIF TEE N. -rrr ies by Birc h, May 7, v. Old Boy s; won 32- 15. edit h con vert ed Mer son. Nils Pott s, Car ron (3) and fou r and kick ed a pen alty .
J.r路-. :路路 1
PREFEC TS, 1932. Oakley Studio, N.P. Back Row.- T. D. Webster, R. Simpson, J. S. Hather!ey, L. S. Watt. Front Row.-!. N. Menzies, R. B. Andrew, J t H. Birch (Head), J. F. Wilson, R. M. Rogers.
May 4, v_ 'l'ukapa ; drew 3-0.-M eredith k icked a penalty . May 28, v. Old Boy::;; won 14-3.-N ilsson, Carroll and Meredit b (2) ::;cored. Meredi th convert ed one.
June 11, v. 'l'ukapa ; drew 6-6.-W hitting ton and Birch scored. J"tme 18, v . Star; l o::;t 3-12.-M eredith kicked a penalty . June 25, v. Urenui; won 14-5.- Birch (2) ane!. Carroll scored. Rowlan ds convert ed one and Meredi th dropkicked a goal from a mark. July 9, v. 'l'ukapa ; drew 3-3.-M eredith kicked a penalty . July 16, v. Clifton; won 22-16. -Carro ll (2), Ekdahl, Nilsson and Birch (2) :;cored. Meredi th c.onvert ed two. July 30, v. Old Boy::;; won 19-0.- Catran , Birch, Carroll and Campbell scored .
SECOND XV. (Third Grade). 'l'eam.-H oskin, Hender son, Hatherl y, Meston, Whittington , lVIcDonnell, Holland , Outred, Simpson , R., Evans. Watt (vice-ca ptain), IJ.'herkleson (captain ), Rogers, MacIn tyre, Andrew , Ulenber g, F ., Armit, Ulenber g, J. May 28, v. Star; lo-t, 0-11. June . 25, v. Old Boys; won, 9-3. Ekdahl scor ed after a great nm and Elmes kicked two good penaltie s. July 30, v: Star; lost, 0~6. Augu::;t 6,
'l'ukapa ; lost, 0-21.
FOURTH GRADE MATCHES. School A. 'l' earu.- Bennett , L., Waters , 'l'erry, Batten, Andrew s, Gamlin, Carroll, V., Grant, Weston (vice-ca ptain) , Larkin (captain ), Hawkin s, Ewart, Wilson, Bartlet t, Evans, Alien, D . N., 'l'odd. May 7, v. Star; won, 6-0. Ewart and Alien scored. May 28, v. 'l'ukapa ; drew, 0-0.
June 4, v. School C; won, 14-0. Tries by Ewart, Smith, Christensen and Waters. Christensen converted one. June 15, v. School B; lost, 0-8.
School B; won, ]~-0 .
Tries by Waterl'\
Christensen ancl Todd converted one
and Larkin (2). each . July 9, v. Tukapa; won, 6-3. Hookham and Campbell scored. July 16, v. School C; won, 26-3. Tries by ChristenTodd and sen (2), Grant (2), Hookha.m and Larkin. Watrrs rnc h ki ck ed a -prnnlty nnc1 l.Jnrkin converted one try. .lul y 2~, v. Stnr; lost, 3-!i. IIawkins scored. July 30, v. Tukapa ; won, 6-3. IIawkins scored and Christensen kicked a penalty. August 6, v. School C; won, 12-3. ham , All en an cl Gamlin (2).
Tries by Hook-
ScllOol B; drew, o-6 . IJookham aml
Grnn t scored.
School B. 'l'cnm.- Wh erlcr, Ryan, '1'., Finch, Bullot, A., Crawfo rcl , Ev ers-Swinclell , Smith, R., Menz ies (captain), Miln e, Pm·kes, Booth, Ulenberg, M., Ch al't.eris, Davis, 'l'odd, W iJ son, Bennett, Evans, Ewart. May 21, v. Tukapa; lost, 3-14.
Grant scored.
May 28, v. School C; won, 11- 0. Booth and Wilson scored. 'l'odd converted one and kicked a penalty. June 4, v. Star; lost, 0-6. June 15, v . School A; won, 8-0. Wheeler scored. 'l'odd converted one. June 25, v. Tukapa; lost, 8-11. scor ed. Todd converted one. July 7 1 v. School A; lost 1 0-13 ,
19 Tries by Booth (2)
July 16, v . Star; lo st, 0-3,. ,July 23, v. Tukap a; lost, 0-5.
June 18, v. Star; lost, 0-14. ,J nl ? 7,
July 9, v. School C; won, 9- 0. and Bullot.
Camp bell and
Grant ancl Smith
Augnst. 1 ~, v. School A; clrrw, 6-6. Booth scored.
r:nnet.t. and
School C. · Team.-J. F airbroth e · ( cap~am), Lawrence, Matthews, Renton Nolan p . \ Harkness, Turner Utiger, on, om ' R Hom er Gibso' ' awson Girlino· M 1 n, ' anc eno, Parfitt o• ' 0 'Reilly ' Allen , A ., Coc kb urn. ' Jime 4, v. ScJJOol A; lost, 0-14. ,Jun e 11, v. Tnk npa ,· lost, 3-J '"'I.
R a wson scored .
,June 2!5, v . Star,· lost 0-')9 '
..... .;.J,
.July 9, v. School B; lost, 0-9. Jul y 16, v. School A,· lost, 3-9_.6.
R awson scored.
July 30, v. Star; lo st, 0-26. Ang-nst 6, v. School A. 1 ' ost, 3-12. scored.
Fair brother
13, v · 'I' u 1rapa; won 99-10 Atwust b 'I' · "' l . y rleR . ' -L (9) L A nnre"loVS ucns, awrence (~) nml M:mcl r n o M t • ' ~ . . a · th ews con ve1·tecl two. FIFTH GRADE MATCHES. School A. (Winners North Taranaki Fifth Grade Championship.) L Team.-Austin , Lucas Birmino·J Cawthray Speddin"' Co ·l~ 'll R . "'lam, ander, Woods, t . ) (vi 0 "'Cl'S 'l' I d '"" ' . ce-cap am ' Mam (captain)' Bullot Dnu: alker, Wolfe, Anstis, y, ' Radford, Thomason.
W' .
May 7, v. Star; won, 3-0. Radford scored. May 26, v. School B. won 1 6_ 0 by CawScores ' A t'm, D rury and ' Birmino·llflm. tln . converted A nstm us ·ay, · ' b two. May 28, v. Tukapa; lost, 0-3.
-0. 'l'ries by Lu cas (4) , Jun e 9, v. School C; won, 54 t (2) , Spe ddi ng, Aus, Bn llo Bir min gha m (3) , Dn uy (2) d. lfor Rac tin, Ro ger s and -0. Sco rer s we re Wo lfe, Jun e 11, v. Sta r; won, 19 Spe ddi ng conand Luc as. Bpedcling, Au stin , Lan der Ycrted two. 35 -3. 'l'ries by Wo lfe Jun e 30, v. School B; won, (2) , and Wo ods . - An stis con . (:Z), Dru ry, Ro ger s, Luc as two ted ver con ng ddi Spe l. Yerted thr ee and pot ted a goa -6. Lu cas sco red twi ce, Jul y 9, v. 'l'u kap a; won, 11 kic ked a pen alty . and and Spe ddi ng con ver ted one 9-0 . Tri es by Ra dfo rd, Jul y 14, v. School C; won, Lu cas and Tho ma son . -5. Sco rer s we re Wo lfe Jul y 23, v. Sta r; won, 11 ver ted one. Speclding con (:~) and Spedcling. 3-0 . An stis kic ked a Jul y 30, v. Tn kap a; won, pen alty . n, 42 -0. Tri es by Lu cas Au gus t 9, v. Sch ool C; wo lfe, Wo ods , Co rki ll and Wo , (2) , Tho ma son (2) , Au stin fou r, Ma in one, and An stis ted Wa lke r. Spe ddi ng con ver . alty pen a ked one and kic n, 40 -0 . 'l'ries by Luc as Au gus t 11, v. School B; wo lfe, Wood>J, 'l'bomason, Wo r, (:Z), Bu llot , An:;tin, Wa lke ing con ver ted two , Ma in two dcl Bpe . stis An and der Lan and An stis one. School B. swo rth , Lyncli, Grace, 'l'c am .-ll uni er, Crone, Ain nna n, \Va tt, D. (ca pUa r, lke l::lmitb, F. (vi ce- cap tain ), Wa n, Urr y, Me ikle joli n, Bro ad, aso om Tli tain ), Dn nn, K. Law , e, Lomas. Mc Bet b, Ste wa rt, Wa lto n, Sol 5. Ma y :21, v. 'l'u kap a; los t, 0-1 0-1 6. Ma y 26, v. School A; los t, -0. Sco rer s we re Bo oth Ma y 28, v. Sch ool C; won, 20 ce con ver ted one and Gra tt. (2) , Milne, Ste wa rt and Wa . alty pen a ked kic r lke Wa . Sco res by Ly nch and Jun e 3, v. Sta r; los t, 11 -17 a ver ted one and kic ked Wa lke r. Wa lke r also con pen alty .
.June -~5 ' v · T u·In1pa; los t, 0-1~ . ~- . . Jun e 30 ' v · Sch 00I A ; los t, 3-3 5 . MmkleJoJm sco red . Jul y 7, v. Sch ool C . d. , 11 -11 . ScoreR by Thoma Ron (2) and Wa tt. Gr~ce. rew ted one ver con J 1 . u y 16, v. Sta r. wo n ' 3- 0 · Lyn ch scored. Jul y 23 v T 1_ ' a; los t, 0-3 1. ' · u 'ap ,· Au()'ust 6.' v. St ar; won, 15 -3 Tr tes by SmitJJ "' . L' lk W rtlJ swo ith Am and .) nch a er con ver ted one nnd Sm . . pot ted a goal. t, 0-4 0. Au gus t 11, v. School A; los School 0 tai ) . (ea lly Ha ll ~ Tef lm. -Do nne <' n , Ste ven , TJJomas, ·-_tanclring, Bro ad, Ah en Op on' rris Mo ies, DnY e, neston ' s~~.l'>lOn, Roebnpck, Rnth~rf~r· EcldcB t ' G-1·ee n, •J o.1n net en 1 son , ' \.JU ()' Wa<l<·b nrs er , D ., B.I as h , S t. Pau l. ,, , "'' Ma ~ 0. Y t, v. Tu kap a; los t, 0-6 B Ma y 21, v. Sta r; los t 4- 6 · ullo t pot-terl a goal. Ma y 28 v Sch 00 1 B ;' lost, 0-2 0 · ' · .Tune 9' v . s ch oo1 A ; los t 0-5 4 · Jnn e 11 , v. T u k apa ; los t ' 0-3 "' D. ' Jun e -95 , v. St ar; los t, 0-1 7. Jul y 7, v. Sch ool B . c1, , 11 -11 . Ste ven , Sta ndr ino and Ro ebu ck sco red . ' rew "' · Jul y 14' v · s ch ool A; los t 0- 9 _ · Jul Y 30 ' v. Sta r; los t, 3-6' . Au gus t 9' v · Sch ool A- ; I ost, 0-4 2.
ANNUAL SPORTS (G. C. We sto n.)
o S Af ter a pos tpo nem ent Ol~ atu rda y on acc oun t of S l nua An 1-leavy rai n the re lleld on Mo nda y we s p t Oc tob er 31st. Alt hou "'h he _ground was rat her dam p ' fol low ing win d aid ed tl com pet itor s buat spr mt and 220 ' d· · it wa s not con duc ive tolerec · al bre ord nng In the lon g o~: · o- 'l'h , ta nee run mn and lee new rec ord s we re ma de b· equ alle d.
18 ft. 2-}in . fo r Lo bb 's re co rd of C. C. e ok br ton P. :M:es ng 19 ft . 31in. 1924 by ju m pi in p m ju ng lo e ju ni or hi gh th e ju ni or ur in ch es . In th fo by it e ok br ng W . Pe nEk da hl also 21in., th us br ea ki 120 ya rd s t. 5f d re ea cl r le 24 . In th e ju m p A. K el es ta bl is he d in 19 re co rd of 19sec., t. 5f of d or ec 1: th e m an 's Ek da hl lo w er ed of a second. Th e la tju ni or hu rd les, 5 4by 31 19 in 1-5sec . d 11 lle ua of eq w hi ch he ni or re co rd ju s rd ya 0 10 e th te r also eq ualle d th an ki ng is op po rt un ity of w ith ou r th ke ta to so al W e w is h le as si st an ce fo r hi s in valu ab e to be co ng ra tu la te d ar Mr. S. A. Bl ac k ee or ts Comm itt w ay in tra in in g. 'l'he Sp ha nd ic ap pi ng , etc., an d th e it on ith ed ·w cr n in co nn ec tio fle ct s gr ea t er e co nd uc te d re w hi ch ev en ts w l by Mrs. th em . id ed in th e H al de bt ed to ov pr as w a te A fte rn oo n '>"le ar e also in g re s ul ts nd of he lp er s. r br oa dc as tin Moyes an d a ba fo an d W an n cl an tb lli er an d Co. gh Li i. .Mcssrf: an d to Messrs. Co s, nd ou gr e th an d m us ic on al l. th e A.-sembl y H fo r th e m us ic in A M PI O N SH IP S. RE SU LT S O F CH t, H . J. C. W hi tan (17 po in ts ) 1s po in ts ) 3r d. h· Ca K. . A .or Se ni rr ol l· (14 t·) 2nd, J. A. Ca tin gt on (15 po in Ek cl ah l (19 po in ts ) 1s t, M . 0. 2 (2 n to :e. :M . P Ju ni or .in ts ) 3rc1. lla w ki ns (13 po po in ts ) 2nd, P. :B"'. 'l'homson r (1-! po in ts ) 1s t, te un H J. L l\' !.U nd er 1(13 po in ts ) 2nd. ts ) 1s t. mpkif:is (20 po in U nd er 12 .- J. Si er ou r Ro ad , we te nd ley nk 'ra :B of rd, in tw o m ia tu re 'l'o Mr. 13Ri ro us do na tio n of e se ni or an d ne ge s hi r fo n ne rs of th a1Jpreciatio entecl to th e w in cu ps to be pre.- ip s. sh ju ni or cl w m pi on 'l' S. PI O N Sl llP EV EN SE N IO R U H A M sh ip ) : H . W hi the at (c ha m pi on 11sec. Se co nd t rs Fi .ds ar Y 100 3; tim e, re d 2, J. Ca rr ol l tim e, 11 tin gt on 1, J. O ut yd s.) 1, R. A nd re w (1 yd .) 2; ug hs on (8 H r . er D s.) 1, he at : J. K : J. Re id (7 yd at ar re n he W l irc E. 'l'h : at . 2-5sec Fo ur th he . ec 5s 211 e, ( 5y ds .) 2.; tim
2· · (7 yd s ) 1 '·G. · M an de no (5 yd s.) 2-5sec F'1ft h ' time, 11 be at · .J • Bl ) 1 L B en ne ) 9 · e, 11 s d yd 4y (2 ( tt eh l ' · ~; tim 1 r::. • · s. h ds h 4 ( xt Si ey kl 1 ' H. Be lla m -osec t: D. Bl ac ea tim 2. ·) (3ycls. h he e, 11 sec. Se ve nt11 1-5ase.c . EC_anoll (4 yd s.) 1, 1'. H e, tim 2; ) s. · 'Jo ·h th b ea t: I nl(4yd R M cB et b os(~ s (1 yd .) •).. "'t.Jme, 11sec ~Y e r,;) 1 I nd la ow · 1 h 3 . t. -' Fi na l: Blacld~ Y ' cB et h 2, Bi rc ' une, 11sec. . ' B ld (O s rd ya 0 -A · Ca t ra n 1 H . 44 oys Sh ie ld ). C ' -· W hJ tti ng to n 9.~, J · an ·o ll 3 · T'Ime, b6 1-5sec . . ) CM C l ds 880 Y ar er g as on M em or ia up .- F . U le nb . ( t 1s n 1" 3 an d J. C ar ro Ime, 2m m 17 eq ua l), C at ra n . . 2-5sec. . e ( dl ur H u) C ds s' ar Y ke 0 oa 12 s Mr. N .- F ir st he at C (c ba m pi on sblsi ~ ) ·. at ra n (owe 7y ds .) 1 ' P Ca rr ol l (owe Ni 2, 7ycl~>.) (owe 7y)ds .) 3 .' t.Ime, 16 4-5sec S ec on d he at . B e11 am on e 3 l _1 , Bo ot h (s cr ) 2 w (o . ye s. cDonnelJ t' 3· ;.) ch 3y e Fi n· ll· dat ra'n 1, CarrolJ (ow e, 18 4-bs. ec. Im c • t·' 3. m 8, Be lla ' 1me, 17 4-5sec . m p H os km (18in ) 1 ' R ow la nd s (s cr·) 9.~, Lo ng Ju . ) . ft . ;.,. Bo ot h (6 In. 3. D is ta nc e ' 90 t1n . ~ . · -K el le r 2, W hi t· I-:hgh Ju m p. ) \ C(atran (s cr .) iO'ht 5f t {, ~~~ l( ol rr Ca d an IIe .) eq ua l). i~l}~ton (scr . . "' ' - . AM PI O N SH IP II C R IO N JU r . • ~ .- Pi rs t h t ( cb am pi on sh ip ) (M . E. _lOO l ar dsp) Be ck ea 1. . k E, ' b essmger'~ Cu .- ' da hl 1 M es t lo ns 3. tim e ' n 2, H aww ' d ' . Em~ tt (9 11 1- 5. . c. Se at lle 1 ) nd ds co by e •). t . f:ie 11 4 5s ,h . · / r (4 yd s.) (2 ;u Pa . St 1 e : ~ , uu 1rd he at ·t~~ .s.) 1, Gamlin (3y~ls.) 2-. ec. Fo ur th h eaYt · C. A lie n 5s 411 e.) t 19. 1 5 ( 4yd~.) 1 B at (~yds.) 2 · tim e s~c. Fi ft h he at : Voio·ht ( '~ l en St ep to e '(5yds:) 1, s.) t 11 4-~sec. Si xt h be<~ 1 1, W ol f; (~~tc) :s.) 2; tim e ) ls. yc (6 t ou ~} ' S~v! ' d s. 1 H . ll' n ( -ry 12sec. ea t: McKeo I od de r . •J. t. (2vd~) ~, ·tl · L ucas 1, .H' od de r 2, 1n1e 11 4 -b- .~. ec . Fm ' c • l\I cK eo w n 3 ; t.1m e, 11 l-5 se c.
/V .)
• •
rs 440 ya rd s (M 1~imBot5h8a4mley 's Cu p) .- M es to n 1, 3. ns ki aw -5sec. H 2, e, G ra nt . a· C up ). -H a wk'ln s 1, Mes880 Yard~ (M ~our's 1" l. /l 5sec. " 27 m 2m e, 4to n 2, G ra nt 3 . Im .
lJ'ea t (ch am pio nsh ip). 120 YardF> Hn r(ll es.- Fin ;t tim e, 18 1-5sec (rec ord ). Ekd ahl 1, Me ston 2, Dav is 3; s.) 1, Don nel ly (ow e lyd .) Sec ond hea t: Dav i es (owe 3yd Luc as (ow e 3yd s.) 1, Ste ven 2; tim e, 20 3-5F>ec. 'l'hircl h eat: al: Ekd ahl 1, Dav ies 2, J. (scr .) 2; tim e, 19 2-5sec. Fin Ste ven 3 ; tim e, 18 4-5sec. ahl 2, Mc Keo wn (2ft . Lon g Jnm p.-M eF> ton 1, Ekd ord ) . (rec . 6in. ) 8. Dis tanc e, 19f t. 3tin .) 1, Ekd ahl 2, Me ston Hig h Jum p.- A. Kel ler (lin Kel ler) . for 3. Hei ght , 5ft. 3tin . (rec ord . UN DE R 14 CH AM PIO NS HIP ion ship ): Hn ntc r 1, 220 Ya nk -Fi rst hea t (ch amp Sec ond h eat : Bad ec. 4-5s Tho mso n 2, Far is 3; tim e, 30 2, Fra nci s (8y ck) 3; tim e, lry (15~rc1R.) 1, Mc Kee (6y ck) Tur ner (7y ds.) 1, Sam pso n 29 2-5Rec. Thi rd bea t: L. e, 28 4-5sec. Fin al: Bad tim (J Oycls.) 2,' Val e (12 yds .) 3; (eq ual ) ; tim e, 28 4-5sec. Icy 1, Hu nter and Tur ner 2 ion ship ): 'l'ho mso n 1, 100 Ya rck -Fi rst bea t (ch amp ond hea t: Mc Kee Sec lec. 131' e, Farifl 2, Hu nte r 3; tim Thi rd 2; tim e, 12 4-5sec. (3y ds.) 1, Fitz pat rick (4ycls.) ec. 3-5s 12 e, tim 2; ds.) (5y hea t: Baclley (6y ds.) 1, Dry den Pot ter (4y ds.) 2; tim e, 1, Fou rth h eat : 'l'ur ner (5yc1s.) er 2, Mc Kee 3; tim e, 12 n Tur 1, ley Bad 13Flec. Fin al: 2-5sec. ion ship ): Tbo mso n 1, 75 Ya rds .-F irst h eat (ch amp ec. Sec ond hea t: Bad ley Hu nte r 2, Far is 3; tim e, 9 4-5s Kee (2y ds.) 3; tim e, 9 Mc (5y ds.) 1, Ste pto e ( 4yd s.) 2, 4yd s.) 1, Dry den (3y ds.) 2, ( en l Pul : eat h rd Thi ec. 2-5s Fou rth hea t: Tur ner 1, Pot ter (3y ds.) 3; tim e, lOsec. 9 4-5sec. Fin al: Bad ley 1, H. Sm ith 2, Ket tle 3; tim e, Tur ner 2; tim e, 9 2-5sec. . UN DE R 12 CH AM PIO NS HIP 2, Ho war d Bam es50 Ya rds .-S imp kis s 1, Mu rray Moss 3. Tim e, 7 3-5sec. rray 2, Ilow ard Bam es100 Ya rds .-S imp kis s 1, Mn Moss 3. 'l'ime, 14 1-5sec. r 2, I-Io war d Bar nes 150 Yar tis .-Si mp kis s 1, Mnrra~ Moss 3. Tim e 1 20 2-5sec,
HOUSE PREFE CTS, 1932. Back Row. - J. A. Carroll, J. H. Mercer, H. J. Whitting ton, R. S. Simpson . Front Row. - M. J. Outred , A. W. Holland, A. K. Catran, R. H. Finch .
Oakley Studio, N.P _
.. ~:..
... ~- r~, .-
HA ND ICA P EVE N'l' S. 路 150 Yard~ Ope n (Mr . A. J. 路 Wa rd's Cup ):-F irst hea t: 1~. B. And rew (~cr.) 1; time , 16 2-5~ec. Sec ond hea t: J. Birc h and V. Car roll (5yd s.) 1 (equ al); time , 16 3-5:-;ec. '!'bi rd hea t: Par fitt (1yd .) 1; time , 17sec. F'om th hea t: I. Davie~; ( 5yd s.) 1; time , 17sec. Fift h hea t: Bla ckle y (3yd::; .) 1; time , 16 4-5sec. Six th hea t: 1\1cBeth (3y ck) 1; time , 16 1-5s ec. Sev enth hea t: Pot ts (2yc h.) 1; time , 16 4-5sec. Eig hth hea t: I. Hos kin (5yd~.) 1; time , 17 1-5sec. Nin th hea t: !fat herl y路 (Syd s.) 1; time , 16 4-5:,;ec. 'l'en tb hea t : L . Em met t (10y ds.) 1; time , 16. 4-5sec. Fin al: McB eth 1, Bla ckle y 2, Luc as 3; time , 15 4-5sec. 75
(un der 13) .-N . 'l'ur ner (3yd s.) 1, Step toe 2, li'it zpa tric k c~cr.) 3. 'l'im e, 9 4-5sec. 100 Yar ds (un der 15) .-F irst hea t: Haw kins (scr .) 1, Mar tin (2y ck) 2; time , 11 4-5s ec. Sec ond hea t: Wa rd ( 5yd s.) 1, Buc ken ham ( 4yd s.) 2; time , 12sec. 'l'hi rd hea t: P. Fen ton (3yd s.) 1, Ber ge (6yd s.) 2; time , 12 2-5sec. Fou rth hea t: Cro ne ( 4yd s.) 1, H. Bar nitt (1yd .) 2; time , 12 1-5sec. Fift h hea t: Hal l (5yd s.) 1, Lan gdo n (Syd s.) 2; time , 11 4-5sec. Six th hea t: Ald ous (6yd s.) 1, Pep peri ll ( 6yc1~:>.) 2; time , 11 4-5s ec. Sev enth hea t: W alton (5yd s.) 1, Hug gard (7yd s.) 2; time , 12 1-5sec. Fin al: Ilaw kins 1, Ald ous 2, Wa rd 3; time , 11 4-5sec. 220 Yar d:; Ope n.-F irst hea t: L. Ben nett (10y ds.) 1, And rew (2yd:-;.) 2; time , 25 4-5s ec. Sec ond hea t : Em met t (19 ytk ) 1, Ho~:;kin (10y ds.) 2; time , 25 2-5sec. 'l'hi rd l1ea t: Pott:-; (4yd s.) and Ree d (14y ds.) 1 (eq ual) ; time , 26 2-5~ec. Fou rth hea t: Row land s (3yd s.) 1, I. W. Dav ies (6yd~.) 2; time , 26 4-5sec. Fift h hea t: McB eth (3yd s.) 1, Bra~h (14y ds.) 2; time , 25~e c. Sixt h hea t: St. Pau l (10yc1s.) 1, Wh eele r (Syd s.) 2; time , 26 1-5~ec. Fin al: Em met t 1, Ree d 2, St. Pau l 3; time , 25 2-5sec. 440 Yar ds (Se nio r).- L. W. Ben nett (10y ds.) 1, V. Car roll (15y ds.) 2, Ilop ktns 3. 'l'im e, 57 1-5sec. 440 Yar ds (Jun ior) (Mr . Har man 's Cup ) .-U rry (35yd~;.) 1, Kin g (20y ds.) 2, Ho del er (10y ds.) 3. 'l'im e, 57 2-5sec. (2yd~;.)
• 26
Ben net t (50 yds .) 1, 880 Yar ds (Se nio r).- L. W. 'l'ime, 2min. 9 ( 40y ds.) 3. Wh eele r (40y ds.) 2, Bro ad 4-5sec. (70 yds .) 1, Gam lin 880 Yar ds (Ju nio r).- Ba yly 2min. 9 3-5sec. e, 'l'im (30 yds .) 2, li'er ry (50 yds .) 3. Foo kes ' Cup ) .-B roa d One Mile, Sen ior (Dr . E. F. .) 2, W. Wil son (20 yds .) 3. (10 0yd s.) 1, F . Ule nbe rg (scr 'l'ime, 4mi n. 52 1-5sec. eve 's Cup ) .-H ann an One Mile, Jun ior (Mr . B. W. Gri (10 0yd s.) 3. 'l'im e, e Sol 2, (10 0yd s.) 1, Bay ly (60 yds .) 5mi n. 10 2-5sec. ) .-J . Duffin (22 yds .) Old Boy s' Rac e (Pr idb am Cup .) 3. yds (10 1, S. Bla ck (scr .) 2, G. Fra ser t: Gre en (20 yds .) 1, Sac k Rac e, 75y ds.) .-F irs t hea : Mc Gill (20 yds .) 1, t hea Egg leto n (20 yds .) 2. Sec ond '!'b ird hea t: (10 yds .) 2. ous Ald and .) yds (15 es Jon rth hea t: Fou (15 yds .) 2. Em me tt (15 yds .) 1, Geo rge hea t: L. th Fif 2. .) yds (10 Hol den (20 yds .) 1, Gol dsb ury t: A. hea yds .) 2. Six th Pap ps (15yc1s.) 1, Slo man (15 n 1, lde Ho al: Fin yds .) 2. Rya n (10 yds .) 1, Jar ma n (15 Gol dsb ury 2, Pap ps 3. h eat : Geo rge 1, Par Pot ato Rac e (ov er 14) .-First y 2. Thi rd hea t: Urr 1, ven son::; 2. Sec ond hea t: J. Ste hea t: Ans tis 1, W olfe 2. Tho m as 1, Han nan 2. Fou rth Six th bea t : Hop kin s 1, 2. Fif th hea t: Bri dge r 1, Sole Eig hth 1, F. Sm ith 2. stin Au t: hea h ent Sev Cru sh ~Au stin 2, 1, mas 'l'ho al: Fin 2. s hea t: Nas h 1, Chi ver Hop kin s 3. t hea t:: Far is 1, Squ ire Pot ato Rac e (un der 14) .-F irs ith d ~n 1, Irv ine 2, II. Sm 2, Flu ker 3. Sec ond hea t: Dry 2, A. Phi llip 3. Fin al: ley 3. 'l'hi rd hea t: Pow ell 1, Bew Far is 1, Dry den 2, Bew ley 3. Fir st hea t: We bste r 'l'hr ee-l egg ed Rac e, 75y ds.t: Flu ker and Em me tt hea and Cle gg (20 yds .) 1. Sec ond d and Geo rge (20 yds .) 1. (15 yds .) 1. Thi rd hea t: Mm ·lan y (20 yds .) 1. Fif th Urr Fou rth hea t: Sta ndr ing and llip s Phi A. t: hea th Six 1. .) yds hea t: Put t and Col lins (20 ing ndr Sta and y Fin al: Urr and Fitz pat rick (20 yds .) 1. 3. l lipf: Phil A. and rick pat 1, Geo rge and Mu rlan d 2, Fitz
l (S . ·) . 'l'hr owi ng the Cri cke t Bal 3in~lllOl .-H . J. Wh it1ft. ds. 75y e, tanc tmg ton 1. Dis 'l:h row ing the Cri cke t Bal l (Ju nio r) .-P . G. Haw kin s 1. Dis tan ce : 80y ds. Oft. 4in. (~ . R~lay Rac es (Se nio r).- Vc · 1 F. Ule nbe rg, Mc Bet h ' Wl1 1ttm gto n Pot ts) V a.~".
D avis D . E t Jun ior .-IV a. ("~~" ~n.es on kda hl) 1, av1es, ' "' 3. . IV c. 2, IVd TH E DR EA ME R. 1 th 'l'he nig ht was stil l ntcl. _breeze was hus h ed: I hea rd ' Wh en i ·was'nao IS te O' enin · "'' A dtst ant roa r re Of sur f on a sho . g· te san d lay g·rIs t enm W1J er eAwar m whi . ' bay the ss 1 acro e ~;tol ne mm;Ic Cle arly , vag uel y ' rinoo-inOo '.· ' Cre::;ce ~ cl os swe et and far awa y ' Fm ry voices sin"0'inob· . . Far awa y. 1 1 My eye~ wer eI cl osec ' yet stay ed awa k e . I dre am t ' Jen was not ::;leepin"' . . . <=> • Bef ore my eye s . W er e trop ic skie s leap ino ·. An d seas-wi~h whi te wav es sea o ' mer sum a n upo s sml And wer e showino·. ~ .Cleat· an.d brig ht and "' . free d wil ung Sur f asp lasl .. Sal t sea -bre eze blo win g . : Wi ld and free . R. N. 0 'R. (VI .) 0
(A. L. Lom as.) has es , 'l'.h e ann ual stee plec .' : wer e hel d on Fri day the wea al Ide . 7th r obe Oct a and s, ner run ~av~ured the g ood cro·wd of par ent s and~ the :n s was pre sen t to see the t~l~ the in rses cou eve nts. The e exa ctly wer nts eve ee . t 1. of as yea r. sam e a~, tho se ·
. STEEPLECHASE NOTES w tha nk the Ne .. . . tme nts at Its ells8 es torse m de~ ool om app 'I' he Sch and . l·t s cou . Clu b for pla~mg
pos al.
f llo ws.·- 33sec Re: mlt s wer e as o llm.m. 1 . (60 . . 0 .· · sec .) ' A. ·Dry den 2 sec. 3 m llm ) _ ec. ' . . 3" . J · Irv ine ( bOs 3 c. .:;se m llm ) "' . .' 34sec ' 4 L Tu rne r vOsec.ec.) . ' llm m. illi s ( 40s . ec. 47s 5 in llm ) A.. Ph P 50sec. 6 P. Pow ell (50sec. ' llm in. .), llm in . 17sec. 7 S. Ste pto e (50 sec.), · . J A.r thu r (10 sec 8 · ·ec. ( 50.sec. ) ' 12m· m. 34s 9 C.· Pul len 12 ~m.18sec. 10 L. Sm ith (80 sec).), llm m. ( ·er l')m in Ssec. 11 _· ' 11. Hu nte rrd s(bO .· sec .),_ "' L lln< ma 12 sec. 1 m 9 ) llm ""' . Ma wso n R ) · R Ste ad (sc r. ' M ck . 1N A.r thu r (30 sec . ' .), J .. a . ed: _ · ) A. Wi lks (50 sec ow 'l'he n foll sson N1l p ) M ) :B' , 'l'h· om son (scr.. ' · ." ... .),1 D. ! enz. i es. (bOsec. (30l:iec (scr . ) , ·•· ~ l:'o rter ( oOsec. ' . (40l:iec.). :B-,A.S'l'ES'l' TIM ES. 1 17sec. J A.r thn r (1 0 ::;ec. ) ' llm· in ·18sec · 2 • ) llm m ec. · 3 M. Hu nte r (scr . l1m in i9::;30s cc. ·. ·)' r 4 (sc ad Ste H.. ec ) 11mm . ec · 39~ · J lrv1. ne r\u"-O~ · ' " _, ) llm m. 33::;ec. -0 · (j L. Tur ner (b sec. ' llm in 3-!::;ec. ·n· 11 )' :;ec. oO: ( 7 den Dry A. · ( 40sec ) 'llmllll 1 iec. 47l: in. 8 . . S lllp A . .l:'h ell (vOsec .)' . 8 .1:' Pow 9 sec. 4 . . ) ' llm m. · 50l:iec. · 10 . (sc1 ck J. l\ia <> s·ec · ) ' 11mm . s. Ste pto e ("'0
CHASE. INTERMEDIATE STEEPLE ec. · · , ) 15m in. 45s 7sec ... J. Bai ley (80sec. ' 15m-in ·. 4 46sec. L Ha nna n (80 sec .),
. ·ec ) bm m. 21 c S . Lu sco mb e ('"'0 f s · '- · · ·· se m 1bm ) ·. 30sec. D· Geo rge (20sec. ' m. 16m . c ) '. .. ., F · Dav ids on ( 80 se· 1·4sec.20~ec m 16m ) ·. · I., UlTY ( 60sec. ; . " l. "· Do nne lly ( 60 sec. ) ' 16 lllll M.
STEELECHASE NOTES 32sec. D . Tho mso n (70 sec .), 16m in. 32sec. in. 16m W. M ur lan d ( 60s ec.) , c. 4se in. 17m .), D. Mid dle ton (90 sec ec. 36s in. 17m .), sec J. We bst er (llO 48sec. M. Luc as (10 sec .), 15m in. 1sec. in. 17m .), Rec (80 y nwa B. C'o ec. 23s in. 17m P. Lin d (100~ec.), c. 23~e in. 17m c.), A. Ry an (10 0se ec. 53s in. 16m .), sec (70 y F. Ma 5sec. H. Ke ttle (80 sec .), 17m in. 37s ec. in. 17m c.), 0se N. Cle gg (11 9sec. in. 17m .), sec (80 n rto the P. Bre .. ec. 50s in. 15m P. Ha wk ins (sc r.),
8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(30 sec .), Gam lin (20.c;;ec.), The n foll ow ed: R. Car son sec .), J. Ste pto e (50 sec .), (40 D. Law (60Rec.), I. Ho dde r dlin g A. Bu llot S. Ho lde n (70 sec .), J. Bir Ma rtin (50 sec .), D. Bon d . L (50Rec.), C. Noc?der (70Rec.), I. Gra nt (~'>cr.). (70 src .), D. Bcr gc (10 0se c.),
FA ST ES T TIM Es (IN TE R.) 21sec. . . D. Geo rge (20 sec .), 15m in. ec. 45s in. 15m .), '>ec (80~ ley J. Bai 46sec. S. LnRcombe (70 sec .), 15m in. rc. 47s in. l5m .), r;cc L. IIa nna n (80 ec. M. Lucaf:: (101lec.), 15m in. 48R .. >rc. :'JO~' in. P. Ha wk ins (sc r.), 15m 7sec. in. 16m ·.), (scJ nt I. Gra ec. R. Urr y (60 sec .), 16m in. 14s 20~'>ec. in. 16m M. Do nne liy (60sec .), ec. . . 22s in. 16m .), sec R. Cm·son (30 30sec. in. 16m .), sec (80 on ids Dav F. 32sec. D. Tho mso n (70 sec .), 16m in. ec: 32s in. 16m .), sec (60 d W. llfu rlan
. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12
3 4
5 6 7
in. 251lec. C. W. Bro ad (50sec .), 18m ( 30sec.) , l8m in. 7sec. . .
F. Wh eel er in. 23sec. M. Uien ber,o· ( 40s ec.) , 18m 2sec. in. 18m r.), (sc P. Uie nbe rg in. 23sec. J. Ulen ber g (lO sec .), 18m 35sec. in. 19m L. IIopkinf:: (80 sec .), ec. , . 58s in. 18m , cc.) L . Ben net t (40:
1 2 3 4 5 6
8 I. Meik lejoh n (60sec.), 19min. 26sec. 9 N. Utig er (50sec.), 19mi n. 17sec. 10 D. Jone s (100sec.), 20min. llsec . 11 A. Land er ( 30sec.), 19min. 4sec. 12 R. Rent on (20sec.), 1Rmin. 57sec. 13 W. Wils on (10sec.), 18min. 51sec. 14 W. Gedd es (120sec.), 20min. 44sec. 15 A. i.Jomas ( 50sec.), 19min. 36sec. . . 16 D. McA llum (60sec.), 19min. 46sec. 17 P . Birm ingh am (30sec.), 19mi n. 27sec . 18 R. C01·kill (60sec.), 19mi n. 57 sec ... 19 J. Ande rson (20sec.), 19min. 26sec. 20 .J. Conw ay (80sec.), 20min. 34sec ... Then follo wed: .J. Carr on (scr. ), .J. Fairb rothe r (10sec.), D. MacG lll (100sec.), S. (40sec.), E . Anst is (70sec.), D. Stev rn (70sec.), E. Brid(!:er (90sec.), W. Anst is (lOOsec.), D. Blac ldey (lOsec.), W. TTollanil. (10sec.). FAS TES 'r TIM ES (SEN .) . 1 F. Ulen berg (scr .), 18min. 2sec . . . 2 F. Whe eler (30sec.), 181nin. 7sec .. . 3 M. Ulen b er g ( 40sec.), 181ni.n. 23sec . !i J. Ulen berg (10sec .), 1Rmin. 23sec. 5 C. Broa d (50sec.), 18mi n. 25sec. 6 W . Wils on (lOsec .), 18min. 51sec . 7 R. Rent on (20sec.), 18min. 57 sec. 8 L. Benn ett ( 40sec.), 18min. 58sec. 9 A. Land er ( 30sec.), 19min. 4sec. 10 J. Carr oll (scr. ), 19min. 16sec. 11 N. Utig er (50sec.), 19min. 17sec. 12 J. Ande rson ( 20sec.), 19min. 26sec.
CHA MPIO NSH IP POIN TS. Cham pions hip poin ts were allottecl as follo ws:Seni or.-F . P. Ulen berg 5, J. A. Carr oll 3, A. K. Catr an 1. Juni or.-P . G. Haw kins 5, I. C. Gran t 3, M. 0. Ekd ahll . Unde r 14.- M. J. Hun ter 5, R. Stea d 3, J. Mack 1. Unde r 12.- J. Simk iss 5, Henr y Barnes-Mo 1'\s 3, How ard Barn es-M oss 1.
Orchestra Notes (G. C. H. St. Paul .)
On Frid ay · o>} . the cla . m, Jt, Octo ber 28th Y befor e that set a .cl f , sport s, the annu al ~one ~1 e or the prod uced in the hall b ~t was first audie nce corn) .. c e ore a large the S l I l l'lSlDO . "'' most1y boys of thr .e 100. On th e followincr nicrht "' ated befo snme procr "' "' rm c nme was repe r e a crow d 111· filled the llall. T~: ~.h ~ompletely very len"' thy d p ogra mme was · respo nses"' to an- on that acco unt no enco res were · The whole conc ert w . giVen. one of th b as undo ubte e est that the School hdly pro cl uced . as actThel princ ipal 1·tems were two one. ~ ays. Of the first "Th Sk ton m the Cupb oard , 'th e was. ele, e cast Mrs. Brown Daisy , her d~~g·~~ · · · · · · · · · A. W . Holla · nd er ... GC HS t Herbe rt, broth er to D · · · · Paul Mr. Polk Daisy 's fi a 1sy · · · · G . L. Nllsso n ' ance R S V Sim Inspe ctor Hlggl ns •· · · · pson · · · · · · · · D. J. S. Millar
un ter of a Ne w e at th e rib bo n co in Po lk is an em plo ye Da isy aw ait hi m Mrs. Br ow n an d o wh t, er rb He Pl ym ou th sto re. en g- ro om wh tin sit ed ish nrn iso fu pr yim th eir ne wl n m on th s' a te rm of eig ht ee ha s be en se rv in g en ly in tru de s up on dd su , ce wi th vio len af ter no on tea me nt fo r ro bb er y es , an d ov er th e riv ar s on so lk Po an d ste ali ng ar ise th e two. t ab ou t di sh on es ty nen me m 's gu ar llr d Po ate to e he a d Da isy 's fiance, clu betw.een He rb er t an of rib bo n ha d be en sto len fro m hi s lls tio ni ng th at six ro ra pi dl y ris es to a in g. Th e sit ua tio n co un ter th at mo rn y sto rm in g ou t of a do or an d kn oc kall am ati c mo me nt cli ma x, He rb er t fin eg res s. At th at dr iet ly sugge~ ts his in wn clo llr Po in g d qu en ter s th e ro om an th at sh e (M rs . In sp ec to r Hi gg in s isy Da d an lk Po re fo -be n ow Br loc k- up , it having_ to Mrs. pe ac ef ul ly to th e ng alo ro lls of me co n) ow Br sto len ha lf- a-d oz en d ha e sh at th t ou rn in g. Th e se tbe en fo un d lo ca l sto re th at mo in rta ce a m fro n th e pl ay er s pe rrib bo ly mo de rn , an d all to lif e. tin g wa s es se nt ial s wi th gr ea t tru en es fo rm ed th ei r pa rts vi sib le Du ke ," co nd pl ay , "T he In Th e ca st of th e se ris w as :. . . . . . . . I. B. Fa ll As tro lo ge r . . . . . . n¡o Ca J. .. .. .. .. . Fr an cis co .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . J. Di ll . Em ili a . . . . . . . . . . n . . . . . . . . C. W es to . . . . . . . . ke Du Th e te Ba H. . . ts . . . . Ne kk o } At te nd an . . \V. lVIatthews o De kk lov e wi th th e ce sc o ar e bo th in Th e Du ke an d Fr an s ob tai ne d by tri ck er y a le tte r Du ke ha r to me et La dy Em ili a. Th e Em ili a re qu es tin g he or ato ry , dy La e th to o sc ce fro m Fr an lo ge r's lab tim e at th e as tro ea tly jea lo us of hi m at a ce rta in gr d, an , ay of th e pl co sts wh at pa ss es wh ich is th e sc en e all at ar he to ed cid de s ha he o, Fr an ce sc ra to ry an d in str uc ts he go es to th e la bo er So m. the n ee tw be n wh ich wi ll re nd ma ke a pr ep ar at io pl ied to th e Du ke , th e as tro lo ge r to ap Th is is ma de an d t th e La dy Em ili a a pe rso n inv isi ble . d tim e to ta ke eff ec ha s ha d in a it re fo be t bu is hu rri ed ly se cr ete om to ke Du e th d an d ro is an no un ce re qu ire th e d th e La dy Em ili a bo x. Fr an ce sc o an an ad jac en t ap ar tto es tir re as tro lo ge r e ot he r, the ms elv es , so th e th e att en da nt s, th mi dd le of e on by d we on in th e me nt fo llo ly behi,ncl a ca ul dr ick qu g in pp sli o, Ne kk Th e lid of th e bo x r wh at th ey sa y. of th e ro om to h ea
PLA Y PR ES EN TE D Sce ne in med iaev al BY DR AM AT IC CL labo rato ry , sho win g UB . Oak ley Stud io, N .P. cha ract ers in per iod cost ume .- C. W es ton , J. Car roll , H. Bat W. Ma tthe ws. e, J. Dill , I. B. Far is,
33 op en s, an d the att en da nt, see ing it an d rea lis ing the Du ke to be ste pp ing ou t, tho ug h of co urs e no t vis ibl e, comes fro m his hir lin g-p lac e an d co nfe sse s the plo t to the oth ers . Ev en tua lly the lid is see n to op en an d close ag ain , an d all sit on the bo x; the y no w ha ve the Du ke im pri son ed an d try to ma ke ter ms wi th him , bu t at thi,; mo me nt the ast rol og er en ter s an d eff ect s rec om pe nse s. Th e tim e of the pla y wa s in the Mi dd le Ag es. pla ye rs we re all in pe Th e rio d co stu me s, wh ich ad de d gre atl y to the rom an tic ton e of the pie ce, an d the sta ge de co ratio ns we re in acc ord an ce wi th the tim e also. 'l'he Or ch est ra op en ed wi th an Ov ert ure by La mb ert , nncl fol low ed lat er wi th the "O rla nd o 1\I arc h" an d n Relcction of ba lle t mu sic fro m Sc lm be rt 's '' Ro sam un de . '' 'l'he vo cal sec tio n of the co nc ert wa s va rie d. Selectio ns fro m "T he Ye om ·e n of the Gu ard " an d "P ati en ce " we re the su bje cts of a qu art ett e an d sex tet te res pe cti ve ly. Th e Ju nio r Ch oir san g "G o, Lo ve ly Ro se " in un iso n an d a pa rt- so ng , ''T he Su it of Ru sse t Br ow n.' ' So loi sts we re Ho lla nd , Ca tra n an d Be lla m in "S im on the Ce lla rer ," "T he Mi ns tre l Bo y," ancl "H er e's a He alt h Un to Hi s M aje sty " respectiv.ely. Th e ins ti.· nm en tal nu D. Menzies, Ts ch aik ow mb ers co mp ris ed a vio lin solo by sk y 's '' Ch an son Tr ist solo by Br ow n, "O n e,' ' a vio la Vl ing s of So ng " by an d pia no for te solos Me nd els soh n, by No dd er an d St. Pa ul, Gr ieg 's . "W ed din g Da y" an d Po ldi ni 's "S he Sm tiv ely . ile s" res pe cEa rli er in· the ter m a mu sic al rec ita l wa s he ha ll. Th e art ist s we ld in the re Miss V. Ross, vio lin ist , Mr . J. Do bso n, pia nis t, an d Mr. V. E . Ke rr, ba rit on e. As a vio lin ist Mi ss Ro ss is too we ll kn ow n co mm en t, an d he r pe to req uir e rfo ser ve d on ly to im pro rm an ce s thr ou gh ou t the ev en ing ve he r alr ea dy hig h rep uta tio n. Am on g the ite ms Mi ss Ro ss pe rfo rm ed we re (B ac h), "G av ot te" '' Sic ili an o'' (B (S ch ub ert ), "S ere na de ac h-K rei sle r), "A ve M ari a" du Ts iga ne " (V ald ez fro m sec on d Co nc ert o by W ien iaw sk i, Sp ), Ro ma nc e an ish Da nc e ( Gr an ad or-Kr eis ler ) an d a Se ren ad e. by cl 'Am bro sio .
The work of Mr. Dobso n as soloi st, accom panist and con ductor of the School Orche stra (which played a Minu et by Bach and a brack et of two numbe rs of Hande l, "Sava bande " and "Bour ee," during the evenin g) was rxcell ent. Mr. Dobso n 's solos comprised "Gav otte" and "Vals e in A Major " b~r Levits ki, "Due tto" by Mencl elssoh n , ",Tngglrress " (Mosr.kowsk i), "Polo naise in A F lat Major " (Chop in), a sturly by Rnben stcin, and "Hun g-a rian Rhapsocli e, No. 6" (Liszt ). Solos by Mr. V. E. K err, who gave a partic ularly plc•asing perfor mance, wer e a brack et of songs, "Crea tor's H~·mn" (Breth ovrn ) and "Devo tion " (Stra nss), followNl lat r1· h~r "T he T~nt c P layer" (A llistrn ). Durin g the t erm severa l items w ere given by t he Orr.hr strn and sin g in g pa r iy, togeth er wit h instru menta l nncl vocn l prrfor man ces, at a Fn ir h eld in St. Mary' s Hall nml at thr locnl ]Jl'ison, and lat er on it ems will be giyrn nt th r sports clin n er ancl thr hreak in p:-up cer emony .
T h ear thr ca ll of th e lonely hill s, Th e smell of the gold en gorl'!e; The sighin g wind 'long the mount ain r ills, Th e voice of the laughi ng stream . I h ear the surge of the ocean wild, The sea birds' storm y cry, 'fhe surgin g surf on the black rockR p-iled, And salt spray dashin g high. I love to roam throug h the for ests green, By the icy waters clear, 'l'o hear the notes of the birds unseen, In the whisp 'ring trees so tall. So I must up and take my pack, For the call is clear and lon g; The windi ng trail and lonely track, They call with a voice of song. G.H.T. (IV. A.)
'l'hc Schoo l Servic e at mainta ined t}ll'OtlO'hOUt tJc 9.30• Oin .S Unday s has been . . "' lC yem t t h m creasm g attend ance of da b. . . t IS. ?o·ood . no e t e that in t he f uture this will Yb oys, and It Is toQbe hoped · e even greate r. Those who hav e rcacl L }J ave done O'Ood work , a th . c cssons Sunda y by Sunda y been excell :nt. ' , nd the stancl ard of readin g has Prepa ration for Confir t' during the Recond term ancl~~-Io~ ~as. regula rly held the Dioces e visited us 'i~ · Auo·IR. or ship the Bishop of Thirty -seven canclidat~s were"' u~t for the Confir mation . was of its usu al high stand arct e~C:ted ~nd the servic e ably good, the singin g being e~cell e tchoir was remar ken. Those who wer e confir med d . munio n on the first Sunda y of the tm~ e th~u· ~rst Com90 Comm unican ts. It is 0'. t 'f . er m, there bemg nearly ance at Comm union. b ra I ymg to note the attend -
The Ven. Archdeacon G. H. Gavin and the Rev. Whitby .Tames preached at School Service during the term. Accordino· to the custom that has prevailed for ' . b sever·al years past, Mr. Renaud, the orgamst of St. Mary s Church, gave an organ recital during the last few clays of the School year. We wish to thank him for his programme and for his willingness to g-i-ve us an opportunity of hearing good mu.·ic. We regret the departure of many boys, especially those who have given such help in the choir, and wish them every success, hoping- the;v will still maintain their lo~' fllt~- to God and His church.
AGRICULT URE NOTES "At the hea.d of a.ll Sciences and Arts, at the head of civilization and progress, stands-not militarism, the science that kills, not commerce, the art that accumulates wealth-but agriculture, the mother of all industry and the maintainer of human life." -Garfield.
This year marks the opening of a new era in our course in Agr·ieulture. rr)lc. scope of the work has been greatly extended and provision in specialized work is now marle for third ancl fomth year boys taking the subject. At the outset it may be stated that the course in Agriculture is designed for boys who are definitely going to become farmers, and is not intended for those whose object it is to take a degree in Agriculture with a :riew t'o becomina later specialists in some branch of agriCultural scien;~. F01: these it is essential that specialisation should be defened until they have acquired proficiency in those subjects which are usually taken in the ordinary secondarv school course and which are necessary for the Suitable courses of University Entrance Examination. are provided. students degree cultural work for agri The School farm, which has made possible much of the recent development, includes an area of 60 acres. The soil is typical of much of the farm land of North Taranaki and is eminently fmitable for demonstrating what can be done on such co untry by scientific methods of farming.
37 'l'he farm i~> subdivided into ::;mall paddock~> i::; well watered, and all fences are ::;beep and cattle proof. Briefly ' the School farm 1s used : 1. To supply the boarding e::;tablishm ent with milk ~aco~ and mutton. _Surplus milk i::; separated and .he cream supplied to a dairy factory. :2. , l o demonstrate methods of pasture formation and management and crop production. · 3. B Y mamtainina purebred herds and flock to show the care and management of stock. 4. For experiments and demonstrations . 5. 'l'o provide opportunities for practical farm work. A model walk-through milking-shed has been constructed by the senior boys. Every endeavour has been macle to make ~he sh ed as up-to-date as pos .. ible. The town watei: supply IS . m;ed, electl'ic light in stalled, and all machmery electrically operated. The main features are: 1. A Ridd Standard Releaser milkino· plant . 9 R otary vacuum pump and motor. ~. 3. Combine~ electric_ ~nd chip beater, ensuring ample supplies of bo1hno· water and steam. cl:ute ripJ?le-surf~ced and containing waterMill~ 4. Jacl,_et. Th1s provide::; thorough aeration and coolm g of the milk. 5. Vega separator. 6. Tubs for washing dairy utensils. 7. Concrete floors and varcls ancl a mctallcd road giving access to ~heel. ' 8. Liquid manure sump. 9. Sumps and channels for rain-water Officers of the Department of Agric~1ltme consider . eel a ~nodel for those who intend building new sheds ~h tf~c 01 _Ienovatm_g old ones, and are delighted to have, so eas1 ly ac_cessible to New Plymouth, a buildin"' fulfillin"' t]Je r~quu:ements of an up-to-date sanitary mii'king-shel 'I he livestock consists of: 1. A dairy herd consisting mainly of pedioTee Jerseys and Ayrshires. Such excellent J e~·sey strains as Brampton Dreaming Sam (imp.) and Vagabond of O~ldands (imp.) are represented, while the Ayrshire blood traces to Jum of Sea View and Welcome Lad 2nd of Porirua.
b ·ee 38 RoroneY ewes ke t fo r r clin<"'t -purdll -w b. fl_ock of cl RO lnney -Sout~do n ho gg et s an z. -poses an m ai nt ai n a goo_ d as tu re an d to ll t w ith m ut w et he rs , to b rd ro vi de th e oa in<t es ta bh sh ro en "' ll . to n. ro du ct lo n. . o·s fo r ba co n p .. .Ta ro w or tll IJlo· 3. Be rk sh ne to h ou rte sy of th e above, ow in g t~ :e \~ys ta ki ng ln aLlctttlOn l. Jo ck ey Cl ub , <:\:. th e Ta ra na n ·e th e m an ag e· _A.o-rictD.ture ar res-ponsible fo r ·n<t on th e 1 "' f a flock o 300 ewes ru nn l ~. th e ro en t o 'cl b -p ro-pertY, w. hi ch adJOlns JockeY u SchoOl · or . . th e ha nd 1 th e A nn. nal II us ba nd ry w k 1s'l1nof A . 1s gn cu . f th t-Auch oB G ra nt roerober o :l ·ued"Co un ct W · 'e of sto ' ck b . o~ ~:~~<1 ~vell-lmown .re cler anc J "' ro e. fo rm s th e ll':-pils t~~rc!l~~ral tu tu th e thi.nl ancl_fou a~ t~ ot u:;e, includ1tn~t<~i~ th ln o·cneral :lu ca tto n e fif th s ar " ptet? ot~ 'fh eecspec . r ·ed fa rll l coUI·se · . M tFa an ag _ls l:l er , 1-lu::;banclrY, S~ee oe nt ' ·"· -pl H us ba nd ry stluJec' nu elllb ra ce's ~. te c Ca , An r-pentry, . h1roa (orJJ1- a Cla:;sing, Fa . d ArithroetlC rm D an ai ry in g, En Wool 1 }.n-ricultu re, - 'km· o· th is cogh s 'h av e ea ch wee~ ur se h' Gen era pi"'n" · Bo ys ta -o . :l ys on th e f a ril.l w lle one daY 1S Boo\:~~: in ~chool, ~" 0 .~:nclry ancl_visitm, ; ~~ :li"'ree sto ck two l \ to Antroal -p~rtance of us . a fa rll LlevotC( EverY boY ary, t. e ·h ou ld be k eeps ·ecoOl"nd1 . £,~rUlS· ise d a:; 1t ::; '' - · . no t <'lS• on·enerallY l -o whiCh IS nt ha S -proved . ' in tro llu ct lo n Ol sh ee p roa nao·e · "' o m.erk Ol shear~n. do ,, 'file th e ac tu al Tt wo e bo y: l ; cl as sm g, opular. k' "' woo ~ o· la m verY P b m ar :n o, nd at te nd th cr chlD.,, . to ~ L1'l"·ging, . . utetc . su-perv1se th e tm at m g, a _ d. ea se d anl'" <Yhtertn(!. , in ju re d or lS -n stitn~ Lluring tillll b, · "' tim e, tr ea r·t h th e ·tock. tn-o' to m an ag e ~~ 1 ewes ncl le ar n hO f th e s . kn ow le \\ dg e o 1· a In an ag er oe nt , a 1 ·ts tn re to t'· e shee-p, lll~l~~rn syst?~ ~ "'l~e:~t t onlY ,u importanhce, ~o co ll1 'P work ts nt ro l hi o s >=o -pastu . fa nn er , w ::;hee t o, ll flock of shee-p.res t also o th.e. da uY . . of a sr oa un . tly ut1hses th e serv1ces effi.cten , . l fo r deid ne y ewes -prov es fro at en a Tbe flock of Rolll sh ee -p . By th e . tin g th e ca re an d m an ag em en t. o of su-perior . d th e se le ct lo ev:e Jll-oustra lfn o· of n th e flock ln .O'orous en l "' . ewes an :l to im -p ro ve rto , efforts ar e be in n· roac e -o lalllbs,
co ns tit ut io n, ch ar 39 gr ea te r un ifo rm ityac te r an d co nf or m at io n, an d to ob ta in in ca rc as e an d wo ol co ve rin g. A de ta ile d pl an of th e fa rm ha s th e fields ar e nu be en pr ep ar ed m be la id do wn , in cl ud re d, an d a co m pl et e sc he m e of , al l in w m an ag em en t, m an g a co m pr eh en si ve sy st em of pa or k st ur e ur ia l tri al s an d w or k ha s be en pl an ne d by an d de m on st ra tio ns . Th is is be in g ca rr ie d co -o pe ra tio n w ith ou th e D ep ar tm en t lo ca l officers. of A gr ic ul tu re an t in d its Fu tu re im pr ov em en ts in cl ud e th e wo ol sh ed su ch as bu ild in g of a m of a flock of sh ee w ou ld be re qu ire d fo r th e m an ag od el p em en t be ha nd le d by th co m pa ra bl e in size to th at ·which w ou ld e av er ag e bo y ta ki also fo r th e bu ild in g of im pl em en ng up sh ee p- fa rm in g, t an d ca lf sh ed s co ns tru ct io n of an d th e a al re ad y be en er ci rc ul ar sh ee p di p. Sh ee p ya rd s ha ve ec te d. li'ully eq ui m et al -w or k sh op s ar e av ai la bl e pp ed w oo d- w or k an d eo ur se . fo r bo ys ta ki ng th e A sim pl e sy st em of fa rm ac ac tu al fa rm fig·ur es, is ca rr ie d on co un ts, ba se d on th e by th e boys th em 'l'l1ey ke ep an ex se ac in g w he re th e re t re co rd of th e ye ar 's op er at io ns , lv es . ce ip ts come fr om sh ow an be en ex pe nd ed . A t th e en d of ea ch d ho w th e m on ey ha s ac co un t ba la nc ete rm a pr of it an d sh of th e fa rm . A cc ee t is dr aw n up to sh ow th e po lo ss si tio ur at e re co rd s su ch 'l'hc in co m e an d as th es e ar e es se nt n ex pe nd itu re ha s ia l. be th e m ai n he ad in gs , an d fr om th e pr en su m m ar is ed un de r ca n bu dg et fo r th ic e co m in g ye ar . Th es ru lin g th e fa rm er in th es e tim es , w is is m os t im po rta he w ith in th e incom n it is difficult to ke ep th e ex pe nd nt e. itu re In ad di tio n, a us ef ul kn ow le dg e is im of ch eq ue s, th e pa rte d of th e el ag re em en ts , bi lls em en ta ry pr in ci pl es of hi re -p ur us e ch as e of sa le an d m or tg ag es . A t th e en d of th e co ur se a bo y th e ac co un ts of a fa rm , an d fr om th w ill be ab le to ke ep an y tim e a co m pr es eh en si ve st at em en e re co rd s to gi ve at tio n. t of hi s fin an ci al posiD O N A TI O N S 'l'O SC HO OL FA RM . 'l'he Sc ho ol w ish es to ex pr es s its thanli:s to in g wh o so ge ne th e fo ro us ly ha ve do na te d gi fts to th e fa llo wrm :1. M r. G. E . Go od wi n, Pu ni ho Ro Je rs ey two- ye ar -o ad , Pu ni ho ; ld he ife rs . th re e
H Weston D.S.O., VD . . .' ape. 1rr •J Licut.-Colonel. c.. -. te~l sir:c Brampton Dreammo .... bull by h ts Jmpor , 0 "Tee Jersey . A ·shire yr Sam.3 Mr . \¥. Hall, .Lepperton; a pecll oTee o
, .- : . h . through whose uetfeL ."ffith s New Plymout ' . . b his im4. Mr. E. Gu . ' . t'ful Jersey heifer y . have a beau 1. o·enero~-nty we l of Oaklands. . . . o ·tecl :;ire, Vagabonc l l Releaser nullnng por 5. L t l . a Stanc arc , • Ricld Coy., c., < I)lant. Com 6. Smart Bros. ; a ' bt'ned Electric and Clnp Sterilizer. . . port:;. . . a set of teat-cup :;up 7 Mr. G. Lewis, Warea, cl· potash manures. · 1 Ltd Aucklan , 8 Pacific Potas 1, ., .1 Ao·ency Coy., Ltc1., · 9. N.Z. Loan an cl Mercantl e o Hawera; manures. C New Plymouth; seeds. 10 L A. Nolan and oy., th . manures. . . . o· tcl New Plymou ' 11 Newton Km o, L ., . . Society of N.Z ., · , Oro-amzatron o 19 Farmers Co-op. '"· . th manures . l Ltd. New Plymou ' . . ' Fertilizer Coy., Ltc . 1 l Farmers 13 New ea anc cl . . Ltcl Wellington; see s. 14. F. Cooper, ., C Ltd .. seed:;. 1 :- Arthur Yates and oy., ' i' Canadian Large v. 16. Mr. lluia Honeyfie lcl·' offer 01. <
White pig. t other rrcncrons donors who::;e 'fbank:; are al~o clue . o not published. nameH,. .a t tlleir rc<.jucst, are
NEW YEAR, 1919. . " vano·uard leaps 'I'o-cl<tv no ~to rmm "' ~ ·l at·n • ·t ·har e 01. s ' 'l'o lCctY e ~ l~l.S o· thunder ::;weep::; . \t l \VD 110 10 lll o 1 cFrom a .. to Lorrame. Flan cl en; · year brea1,.s _ . a.oo-ainst the sky A white l th last reel flare, Beyonc . e 'llion souls drift by Save where erght mr re Who n either know nor ea. . S.P.S. (V. B.)
SCHOOL HOUSE. (A. W. Holland.) Another term successfully completed sees School House well to the fore in all School activities. In House cricket our senior team has certainly not done wonders, but the excellent sporting· spirit which prevails makes every match a. g·ame. 'l'he junior team is leading and should, by careful playing, have a good chance of winning the competition. One of our boys has been selected to represent Town in the Town v. Country match and subsequently North TRranaki, wJJile three hRvc gained first XI. caps. At football we have four first XV. caps to our credit, nncl twelve of our boys were chosen to r epr esent the BoRrclen; in the annuRl Day Boys v. Boarders match, won this year by the Boarders, 23-17. Tn boxing, one of our members was runner-up in the senior championsJ1ip, while another was successful in winning his weight. 'l'o all these boys who have participated with Ruch succeRs in the var·ious School Rctiviti cs we extend our heR rti est congratulations. CARRINGTON HOUSE. (H. Whittington.) During the year the House has been well represented both on the field of sport and in the classroom. We wish to congr atulate those who obtained scholastic successes.
vV e also take this opportunity to congratulate four of our members who gained their football caps and those who helped the Boarders to secure their victory over the Day Boys. 'rhe House XI. won its first · cricket match of the season by. an easy victory over School House. Many of our members took conspicuous partR in the School athletic sports and in the concert, which this year was a great success.
As ye t th e we at he r ha s be en to o co ld fo r se no us sw im mi ng , bu t m an y of th e Ro us e 's "h op es " ha ve br ok en th e ice. l t" clance wa s a ""reat success, and Th e ''l on g- m. gl . l bo"'ardino- Ro us we th an k th e m em be r of ou r nv e W1lO a "' ;] . s'' . o·l fo r '' th du e ste ex cl th e ur um . tra . so da sln n" ' y . If we m us t b erl.ev e ou r eyes, an d th e ex am pl e of ou r t b "a ll th e go ." be tte rs , te nn is pa rti es se em o e . Th m gs we .shoulcl lik e to kn ow : W he re th e yo u th wh os e sh oe lan e1ec1 on ou r ro of la te at ni gh t 11ac1 b ee n be fo re ha nd . . f "H er e comes th W ho wa s th e bo y- co e mo a. '' mp os er o
SCHOOL NOTES (R . S. Ro we .)
d te rm we we re un At th e be gi nn in g fo rof th e s~co~r J . W rig ht , wh o ~as · o· fro m th e sta ff tu na te m 1osm,., · · W e w1sh go ne to Oxforcl to f ·th r lli s stu di es th er e. . l~is ~utu~e sc ho las tic ca re er . hi m ev er y su cc es s m . s pr ac tic al ly l'l th e £!ur s t ' '"a Th e se co nd te rm , un ~ c~ o· fo r ou tsi ' . . un br ok en , an d th os de rx am in atl On S e boy~' Slttltn,';' to fu rth er tll eir ch an ce s ok en swo hacl a ~crm 's u~br of pa ss m g . W wi sh th em lu ck . . wa s so m ew ha Th e mo no to ny ?f th e seconcl te rm t . . r d by be lcl on Sa tu rd ay nl.g.ht s ' th e da nc m g clas~e r e le:ve s co mm g to a fittino· co nc lu sio n Wl'th th e Lo ng Ni gh t "'. ld Da nc e h e ea rly thiS te rm . b t W an o· an ui Co Th e Fi rs t Fi fte en · llege, o' th is sea~ont ea • ad m it de 'th fe at at th e Ha m ilt on , bu t ha dr ew Wl o A t Colleo-e an h ds of Au ck la nd . Te d St . u e antrick 's College . Gr am m al ' C m atc h be"'tw ee n t h Th e Pe as e up by Pa e th e Bo ar de rs by Bo ar de rs an d D a.y- bo ys wa s wo n 20 -17 · . wh ich se ve ral W e ve ry m h a~ re ci at e th e wa y m ~ ·tin o· llS th is ye ar ol d bo ys ha ve beuc . 1\ir. St ew ar t en as sis "'
Bl ac k, th e Ne w Ze 43 ala nd '' Ol ym pi c Ga tiv e, ga ve ru nn er m es '' re pr es en ta s us ef ul tip s on all ni ng . In th e Gy mn as iu m M r. Sy ke br an ch es of ru ns co ac he d th os e in te re ste d in gy m na sti th os e de sir in g to kn c wo rk , an d M r. W all ac e sh ow ed ow th e "f ist ic ar t" po in ts of th e ga me some of th e fin er . On th e af te rn oo mi ss ed fo r the- af te n of Oc to be r 5t h th e Sc ho ol wa s dis rn oo n as a m ar k of Mrs. Eg gl eto n, wh o pa ss ed aw ay af te re sp ec t to th e la te r te nd er ou r de ep es t sy m pa th y to Mr. a lo ng ill ne ss. W e Eg gl et on an d Le wi in th ei r be re av em en t. s Th e an nu al ste ep lec ha se s we re he no on of Oc to be r 7t h at th e W ai wa ld on th e af ter ka ih o Go lf Li nk wh ich we1·e ag-ain s, kin cll y pl ac ed at ou r di sp os al. ve n' close we at he In r th e ru nn er s ha d ho t wo rk all wa~', bu t th e gr ea t m aj or ity co mp let ed th e co ur se in th e sty le. go od Th e at hl et ic sp or ts, af te r be in g po stp on Sa tu rd ay on ac co ed fro m th e un t of ba d we ath er , da y, Oc to be r 23 rd , be fo re qu ite a la to ok pl ac e on Monrg e att en da nc e. Th clo se ne ss of th e fin e ish led ge th e ha nd ic ap es sh ow s up to ad va nt ag e th e kn ow pe rs ha d of th e m Catl·a n won th e se ni or ch am pi on sh ip er its of th e bo ys . fo r th e seconcl ye ar in su cc es sio n.
CADET NOTES (J . H . Bi rc h. )
Ou r milita1-y ac to m ar y re gu la rit y, tiv iti es ha ve be en co nt in ue d wi th cu sth ou gh so m ew ha t in cle me nc y of th e les se ne d by th e we ath er . Th e ma ch in e-g·u pa ra de s at th e Dr ill n pl ato on s ha ve co nt in ue d th ei r m en t in th ei r wo rk Ha ll, an d th er e is a m ar ke d im pr ov e. Th e sp ec ial .C of Se rg t.-M aj or J. .O. 's pl ato on , un de r th e in str uc tio n S. ha s also m ad e gr ea Ki ng , of th e N.Z. Pe rm an en t St af f, t he ad wa y, so th at pe rie nc e gr ra t di ffi we sh ould no t ex cu lty n ex t ye ar in N. C. O. 's. ob tai ru ng efficient Th e ba tta lio n wa Ce nt ra l Co mm an d, s in sp ec ted by Co lon el Sy mo n, O.C. wh o sa w th e d1 ffe ren t co mp an ies
thei r worlc. Afte r carr ying out the diffe rent phas es of alio n upon their the insp ectio n he complimentecl the batt thei r extr eme upon y gene ral efficiency, and espe ciall stea dine ss on para de. ting , at whic h Muc h time has been occu pied in shoo . ined atta been has ency a high stan dard of effici the Earl Rob erts A team of four was ente red for mar ked sucwith d Imp eria l Cad et Trop hy, and com pete cess.
Imp eria l Chal'l'he batt alio n has also fired for the firin g all boys ns mea now leng e Shie ld com petit ion. This task . The cult diffi and long a is h in the School, whic amo ng the y ciall shoo ting clone has been quit e good, espe wish to expr ess we ion, petit first -yea r boys. In this com es, and spec ially our than ks to the loca l Defe nce auth oriti to Serg t.-M ajor Bell. ere than ks to In conclusion, we mns t tend er our sinc se effo rts the who to the officers of the Scho ol Batt alio n, n is due. alio batt the of ency pres ent high state of effici
BO XIN G CH AM PIO NS HIP S (A. Ewa rt.) s were held in The finals of the boxi ng cham pion ship 19, befo re a er emb Nov , rday Satu on the Coro natio n Hall part icuwas out ugh reco rd crow d. The stan dard all thro in the ined atta ever est larly good, prob ably the high Gymol Scho the in held were aries imin School. 'l' he prel ship pion cham or seni nasi um on Nov emb er 15 and 16. The Tara the won sen sten Chri E. was won by G. Nilsson, and r. boxe tific t scien naki Asso ciati on's Cup for the mos , an Old Boy of lace Wal Mr. to due are ks than ial Spec t in instr uctassis to g entin cons ly the School, for sp kind ing the boys. e:The resu lt.s of the vari ous bout s wer FIR ST ROU ND . -M. Fras er cl. Seco nd weig ht, Prep arat ory Sch ooL ur. Arth N. d. s pkis J. Arth ur; J. Sim lips; D. Fitz Und er 6 Ston e.-N . Cleg g d. A. Phil patr ick d. L . Smi th.
45 . ,. Und er 7 Ston e.-.A der. J St Nod C. d. s Lrges .DBu d f Duf J. ley; Bew d. J . ' · even '· . aw · Under 7st. 7lb -E B .. L·. dl'lddger d. J . Lux ton '. M· D onnelly d. H. Woo d . G 'e _ · lll · L · St · eorge. . Under 8 Ston . B. Tho mas d. J B I d. A Smi th . C J. Palt ridg e ~adley d. R. .Arthu~·.' ~. ~ atso l!ivans. R n d. W. on one c . R. Step hens U' . . . E e Ston 9 nder . 1 N. Dav idso n; L. Wat t d. L. Charter.~~-· _g~~ ~~~.~s~n ~ders . Saun . . o Und er 10 Ston e -L H . p H . n Nola H. d. ore · d. A. Catr·an. ' · awk ms Und er lOst, 7lb .-V Ca .. d. C. Wes ton. D S uoll · t· d. T. Hor ner · W . p Oin ' . tewa rt on d. B. Mat th ' U ews. . e.-B Ston 11 n~1~r · Miln e d. J. Outr ed ,. J · Carro ll d. R. Finc h.
c; .
Und er 6~;;t. 7lb ~EJ; CMOND ROU ND. · Ul·land d J · ster. Und er 7 Sto ne_ Burg ess d· · r· Web • D · .A. · · uff. Under 7st. 7lb -M D · onne lly d. R. Lind . . Und er 8 St W atso n d B . e.-H on d R c. Bad le. Tho mas ; C. Bad ley I one; J. Palt ridg e d. C. . . y. Und er 9 Ston e S W Bart lett. L. d. ~lfe C · Und er 9st. 7lb . E · ; · hnst ense n c1· L · Wat t. Und er lO~;;t. 7lb -V · Carr oll d p . t · · · 01n on. Ii'IN.ALS. :> . , . h l i epar ator y Pirs, t W eJg , t.-Y ou nb"' d · R . 1:3tea d l :>.1 epar ator y ' Se . F 1 -M t eio-h W cone ' 5 Art11Ur ;ras er d. N. · · · Und er 6 Ston e ·-N . Cl eo·o- d D p· . .Ob d .J . ; Itzp atric k . Und er 6st . 7lb . -r:r"- sfilth · · Mur land . J · Und er 7 Sto ne. - . Stev en d .A B urge ss. . .· · . Und er 7st. 7lb ·-I!i; Bnd 1 M o· c · · Don nelly . ~er p · -J e Und er 8 Ston · a1tnd"5'e d · H- · W atso n. · Under 8st. 7lb -L T Und er 9 Ston e·-L . Eurne r d~ F. Smi th. fe. Und er 9st. 71 b :_E · C v~ns d. S. Wol · h11stensen d · F · Ulenb erg. · Under 10 Sto ne.- L H . . ore d. P. Haw kins .
Stewart . Under 10 s·t . 7lb .-V. Carroll d. D.M'l Under 11 Stone. -J · Carroll d. B. 1 ne. SENIO R CHAM PIONSH IP. Semi-finals. H Whittin gton, k.o . A. Mclnty re c1. s.t art to finish. whirlwi nd bout from G. L. Nih;son cl · P · M cDonne ll.
'l'his was a
Final. . k Mcinty re opened the G. Nilsson cl. A. Mcinty re, oi~t. Nilsson , howevet :, attack, landin? 1eft~t n~~eri~hts to the face and b~lys. bored in, 1andmg e s a tr~ by a barrage of punc e . He was sent back by Mclny 1d rove too strong and agIt seemed that Mclntyrbe wouHep scored freely with both · f or. the other . seconn, I . oun c'.L Mclnty re o-rcsslve . . oy. 0' f the • • hands. At the beg~nmno 1\emm ed Nilsson in h~s cor~ei rushed acl'oss the rmg an~ es But after recover mg _from with punches f~·om all an':'~t· .back with 1efts and nghts. his surprise N~lsson fou~unter-attack and caught Mci~ Nilsson maintam ed the c ·wino·s to the jaw. Mcinty~c tyre terrific right and left-~ and took the count late m could n Ot weathe r the stor the second round.
SWIM MING NOTE S (S . Millar.) . . . . -ts were .b e1CL, on Monday • , 'l'be School swnnmm g s~o1 :h. . on the followm g d the champ10n_s 1ps March 7th, an etai1s of the racmg are:Wednes day. D · . S Millar (scr.) 1, J. '>'>0 Yards Open Hanchc ap.--: . ) 3 Time, 2min. . Ryan-- (4sec.) '/-, J · Henden ;on (8sec. . v-5 sec. · t 11 eat .· S · M1llar ica ) .-F1rs . 100 Yards Open Hand) 2 IG Ni1sson (1sec.) 3; t1me, ) 1 W Wrio·ht (2sec. ( ' · b e (scr ) 1 J. Ryan scr. , o J Camp 11 · ' · l· 67 1-5sec. · Second h~at: . . . 70 1-5sec. Fma . .1 (vsec.) 3' t1me, M (scr.) 2, B. . 1 ne am bell 3; time, 67 3-5sec. Millar 1, Wnght 2 ' C p . . -First heat: J. Ryan 66 2-3 Yards Open Han~hcap49 3-5sec. Second heat: (1 sec. ) 1 , A · Blair . ( 5sec.) 2; t1me,
G. Nilsson (bee.) 1, Rawson (7sec.) 2; time, 53sec. Third heat: J. Hcnder son (2:;;ec.) 1, A . Haywa rd (6sec.) 2; time, 54sec. Fourth heat : McCall um (5sec.) 1, A. Patrick (6sec.) 2; time, 55sec. Final: Nilsson 1, Ryan 2, Rawson 3; time, 49sec. 33 1-3 Yarcls Open Handic ap.-Fir st heat: N. Lightband. Second heat: II. Bamitt . 'l'hird heat: F. Smith. Fourth heat: Ferry. Fifth heat: Haywar d. Sixth heat: D. McGill. Seventh heat: J. IIender son. Eighth heat: Thomas . Ninth heat: J. Ryan. Tenth heat: Sloman . Elevent h heat: McCallu m. Twelfth heat: Len Bennett . Thirtee nth heat: Wl1ittin gton. Fourtee nth heat: L. Ryan. Fifteen th heat: B. Meredit h. Sixteen th heat: Lucas. Sevente enth heat: D. Watt. Eightee nth heat: A. Blair. Ninetee nth heat: A. Alien. 'l'wenti eth heat: Bircllin g. 'l'wenty -first heat: Hookha m. Twenty -second heat: Speddin g. Twenty -third heat: J. Patrick . Twenty fomth heat: IIatherl y. 'l'wenty -fifth heat: Meston. 'l'wenty-:;;ixth lJeat: J. Camp bell. First semi-fin al: Barnitt (7sec.) 1, F. Smith 2; time, 24 2-5sec. Second semi-fin al: J. Hender son 1, McCali um 2; time, 24 2-5sec. Third semi-fin al: R. Ryan 1, A. Alien 2; time, 24 1-5sec. Fourth semi-fin al: Hookh am 1, Campbe li 2; time, 23 3-5sec. Final: R. Hookha m (5sec.) 1, Barnitt (7sec.) 2, I. McCalLllln (6sec.) 3; time, 24 1-5sec. Fastest actual time in event: J. Campbe li, 19 2-5sec. Form Relay Race.- First heat: 4D 1. Second heat: 6A 1. 'l'hird heat: 5C 1. Fourth heat: 3B 1. Final: 5C (5sec.) 1, 6A (scr.) 2. 25 Yards, under 14.-Fi rst heat: E. Pederso n. Second heat: H. W atson. Third heat: E. 'l'odd. Fourth heat: Blair. Fifth heat: Ra wson. Sixth heat: Vale. Seventh heat: D. Hall. Final: Rawson 1, W atson 2, 'l'odd 3. Time, 18 1-5sec. 33 1-3 Yards New Boys' Handic ap.-Fir: :;t heat: B. 'l'homas (scr.) 1; time, 21 2-5sec. Second heat: E. 'l'ocld (scr.); time, 27 3-5sec. Third heat: R. Renton (3sec.) 1; time, 28 3-5sec. Fourth heat: L. Hannan (5sec.) 1; time, 25 2-5sec. Fifth heat: Ra wson (4sec.) 1 ; time, 27 4-5sec. Final: L. Hannan 1, Rawson 2, Renton 3; time, 25 1-5sec. 33 1-3 Yards Backstr oke Hanclic ap.-Cat ran (3sec.) 1, Finch (3::;ec.) 2, W. Steven (6sec.) 3. Time, 34sec.
Arth ur 1, 33 1-3 Yard s Prep arato ry Han dica p.-R . c. 2-5se J. Arth ur 2, Fras er 3. Time, 32 heat : 50 Yard s Brea ststro ke Han dica p.-F irst Seco nd c. 1-5se 47 time, Pritc hard 1, G. Ever -Swi ndell 2; Thir d heat : heat: Outr ed 1, J. Jasp er 2; time, 48 4-5sec. c. Four th 4-5se Ains wort h 1, E. Hend erson 2; time, 48 Fina l: c. heat : Fent on 1, Gibs on 2; time, 48 3-5se . 47sec time, 3; ed Outr 2, on Fent Pritc hard 1, Mest on 2. Obst acle Race .-Fir st heat : T. Smit h 1, : Allen heat d Thir 2. an Slom 1, atson W Seco nd heat : H . and berg Ulen 1, 1, L. Riley 2. Four th heat : Stan ding 2. on Fent 1, er Turn : heat Miln e (dead heat) 2. Fifth 3. Riley 2, h Smit F. 1, Fina l: Mest on H. Bate . One Wid th Lear ners ' Race .-Fir st heat : Four th s. Luca : heat d 'fhir ling. Bird M. : Seco nd heat 1, W. ling Bird l: Fina heat : Henr y. Fifth heat : Aldo us. 3. Davi dson 2, Aldo us Rowe, W. Long Plun ge.-Q ualif ying for final were : N. Saun ders, Saun ter, 1-Iun n, Tyna ton, Davi dson , Poin .). ders, Merc er. Fina l: Merc er 1 (33ft s). Divi ng for Plat es.-C orki ll1 (with four plate Awk ward Entr y.-P otts 1, Cock burn 2. Corf u Dive .-F. Smit h 1. Cham pions hip Poin ts:, 7 point s, Seni or.-S . Milla r, 20 point s, 1; J. Uampbell 2; G. Nilsson, 5 point s, 3. erson , 9 Juni or.-L . Char ters, 11 point s, 1; J. Hend 3. s, point 6 point::;, 2; B. Milne, eston e, 6 Unde r 14.-T homa ::;, 11 point::;, 1; Eddl 3. s, point 5 point s, 2; Hann an, 1; Fras er, Prep arato ry.-R . and J. Arth ur, 8 (equ al) 2 point s, 3. Deta ils of the cham pions hips are: SEN IOR CHA MPIO NSH IP. Cam pbell 33 1-3 Yard s.-S . Milla r 1, G. Nilss on 2, J. 3. Time, 19 3-5sec. 'rime , 50 Yard s.-M illar 1, Cam pbell 2, Nilss on 3. 31 1-5sec. 3. 'l'ime, 100 Yarc ls.-M illar 1, Cam pbell 2, Nilss on c. 1min. 11 3-5se
Oa kle y Stu dio , N. P.
NO TES 49 220 Ya rcl s.-M illa r 1, Wr igh t 2, J. Ry an 3. 'l'ime, 2min. 58 4-5sec. JU NIO R CH AM PIO NS HIP . 33 1-3 Ya rds .-F irs t hea t: J. He nde rso n 1, A. Bla ir 2, J. Spe d cling 3; time, 21 3-5sec. Sec ond hea t: L. Ch art ers 1, Len Be nne tt 2, B. Mi lne 3; tim e, 21 2-5 sec F ina l: Milne 1, He nde rso n 2, Ch art ers 3; tim e, 23 1-5sec . . 50 Ya rds .-F irs t hea t: clin g 3; time, 33 4-5sec. SecHe nde rso n 1, Bla ir 2, Sped¡ ond hea t : Ch art ers 1, Milne 2, Be nne tt 3 ; time, 33 3-5sec . Fin al: Ch art ers 1, !-lende son 2, Mil ne 3 ; time, 34sec. r100 Ya rds .- Fir st hea t: He nde rso n 1, Bla ir 2, All en 3 ; tim e, lmi n. 19 2-5sec. Sec ond bea t: Len Be nne tt L. Ch art ers 2, Mi lne 3; tim 1, e, 1min. 21 3-5sec. F ina l: Ch art ers 1, He nde rso n 2, Be nne tt 3; tim e, 1min. 21 3-5sec . UN DE R 14 CH AM PIO NS HIP . 25 Ya rds .-F irs t hea t: Tho ma s 1, Ped ers on 2; tim e, 17 1-5sec. Sec ond hea t: Leo Be nne tt 1, Raw son 2; tim e, 17 2-5sec. Th ird hea t: Ha nna n 1, Ly nch 2; tim e, 18 2-5sec. Fin al: Ha nna n 1, Tho ma s 2, Ped ers on 3 ; tim e, 18sec.
50 Ya rds .-F irs t hea t: 39 3-5sec . Sec ond hea t: Ed'l'bomas 1, Ped ers on 2; tim e, dle sto ne 1, Leo Be nne tt 2; tim e, 38 2-5sec. 'l'h ird hea t: M. Ly nch 1, D. Hu ll 2; tim e, 44sec. Fin al: Edclles.t one i, 'l'homas 2, Leo Be nne tt 3; tim e, 40 1-5sec. 66 2-3 Ya rds .- F.irst hea tim e, 55 4-5sec. Sec ond hea t: 'l'h om as 1, Ped ers on 2; 2; time, 53sec. 'l'llircl hea t: Ecldlestone 1, Leo Be nne tt t: Ila nna n 1, Ha ll 2; tim e, 6h;ec. Fin al : 'l'h om as 1, Leo Be nne tt 2, Ed dle sto ne 3; tim e, 54 4-5sec. PR EP AR AT OR Y CH AM PIO NS HIP . 25 Ya rcl s.- J. Ar thu r 1, R. Ar thu r 2, Fra ser 3. 'l'ime, 22 2-5sec . 33 1-3 Ya rds .-R . Ar tlm r 1, J. Ar thu r 2, Fra ser 3. 'l'ime, 29 4-5sec. DIV ING CH AM PIO NS HIP S. Se nio r.-H . Wh itti ngt on, 25! poi nts , 1; B. Mered.ith, 23! poi nts , 2; S. Mi llar , 21 poi nts , 3. Jun ior .-L en Be nne tt, poi nts , 2; W ats on and 'l'odd,24 poi nts , 1; Ha nna n, 23i 23 poi nts (eq ual ), 3.
LIFE-SAVING (J. F. Harpe r and G. L.
'l'his year about 70 boy~:> were succe::;sful in gaining life-::;aving award~:>, and, with the except ion of eight Surf Medallion~:>, all trials were conduc ted in the New Baths. Our congra tulatio n:; are due to W. Wrigh t, the winner of the Life-Sa ving Cup which was awarde d to him for his success in gaining his Diplom a. Details of the awards are:Bronze Meclal lions.- Rabon e, P.; Napier , I-I; Dill, B.; Pointo n, W.; Conwa y, B. E.; Veale, V. P. ·; Franci s, H. H.; Neighb our, C. J . ; Hayton , G.; Crush, R. II.; Saunde rs, W.; Robert s, K.; J_,ander, A.; Harvey , D.; Dunba r, D.; Hardin g, A.; Girling , J.; Jasper , J.; Riley, L.; Watt, D.; Broad, C.; Corkill , R.; Wigley , II.; Steven , J.; Reed, E.; Harkne ss, B.; Peden; en, E.; Cattley , 0.; Mathes on, F.; Ryan, A . ; Armit, G.; Charte rs, L.; Lepine , D.; Ryan, C.; Roe buck, K.; Ain::;worth, F.; Bellam , II. ; Mande no, G.; Smith, G.; Steven , D.; Evans, W.; Macdo nell, P. Profici ency Certifi cates.- Badley , C.; Morris , E.; Egglet on, L . ; Papps, L.; Oldrid ge, C.; Henry, L.; Clark, P.; McGah ey, D.; Rabone , P.; Napier , H.; Dill, B. ; Pointo n, W.; Conwa y, B.; Veale, V.; Franci s, H . ; Neighb our, C.; Hayton , G.; Crush, R.; Saunde rs, W.; Robert::;, K.; Lander , A.; Ilarvey , D.; Dunba r, D. Eleme ntary Certificate~:>.-Rabone, P.; Napier , H.; Dill, B.; Pointo n, W.; Conwa y, E.; Veale, V.; Franci s, H.; Neighb our, C.; Ilayton , G.; Crush, R.; Saunde rs, W.; Robert s, K.; Lander , A.; Harvey , D.; Dunba r, D. Surf Medal lions.- Pritcb ard, D.; IIunter , W.; Elmes, N.; Riley, L . ; Charter~:>, L.; Stepto e, J.; Henden ;on, J. Honor ary lnst rnctors ' and 'l'eache rs' Certif icates. Pritcha n1, D.; Hull, D.; Mercer , J.; Par::;om;, E.; Riley, L.; Reid, J.; Ainsw ortb, F. Award s of Merit. -Pritch ard, D.; Wrigh t, W.; Allan, A.; Martin , B.; Mercer , J.; Riley, L . Congra tulatio ns are due to S. Millar on his fine perform ances in swimm ing this year. Beside s retaini ng the School Champ ionship · he was succes sful in winnin g the Flanna gan Cup, an open sea race of nearly two miles. In the same swim W. W right was also well to the fore.
51 SALVETE . . I . ent boy~:> ing '1'1Je follow year:- VI., G. Kellar V B eiec the School during the Keller, H . K. Parlres . year: -VI., G. Keller ·. V .B ' 1~H. K. Parkes ; I~eller, . ~,/ ~li. B, II. G. Keller ; 'ni. · Gray; Prepar atory, R. ' · I arke~:>.
'1'1Je followino· bo '~> le£ . . . Cooper, N. J. ; IJa;per ~ F . cl unng the year: -VI. A: Dal:b ayward , A.; Molloy, P. P.; Rawso n, D. H. VI. rson E w. '. Y, A. J.; Hende IIutton G. A . '. Web s·t er, '1' . D. ' . . VI C. ' D. M.; Hookh am, R.; Speddino· J ·. '. Elhs, M.; Harvey , . ' Tynan, D. L. V. B: Cooper, F . ; Law K 0 . R' h"'' ardson E · V · C: Hunge r · ' D1c A' ' B· · V . d M. J · C·; Radfor ' ' tb F I ' y, J ... Ga. . :. lni:>WO f 1 J · 0.; Frethe r '. i · I.; C1Jristof· , · e'. 1 ; Ilhngw orth R A . I>u1forc1 C n, . R b' 1 Y at d, C. A. ' . .' I ·v A oe uc ' K · L · ' . . ' B. ' . . · : Loten ' '1' . M . '. 'I Sqture , L. J. IV . . B enc' D. B' .. Elli. A · R; Knapm an L . Mcl:< . 'l'b s, A. R.; Green way ' F C. IV . C: Drury,' omason ' . . . ' . C r::r.J.ardm g, A. R.; Molloy '1'. W . R' . .; . ' abone, P. W. ·Smith D. H. IV. D: Betts L J 'y H. A.; Know1 e; P. E : Bttle, 'n/B>.e Wio·1ey R.; Mills, .' ' DavJ '1' III · D: onnor : . . ' "' id ~>on, A · I:C.; French '1' p . J ' · · 0 11118 G J E Cl M ' . . ' J . A. . ; S oar, C. F. Ill E. A d ' . . . ; c ugo-ao-e A~ r_ews, D. H.; Geary, Prepar atory: Barnes-nios~ ' cmy; Barnes -Moss, H.
OL D BO YS' SEC TIO N · Old Boys ' Secti on, M ll than k 0 oy, P. ' r l them ·with notes abou t tLose who have ::;upp tee · · ·t those in . f Old Boys They mvl e the domg::; 0 · _ ra to send . , ll town s and out-o f-the " Y places . . .h sma er . .. . <>'S Lette rs cont amm g t e notes of then dom, B. . other narts of the · · .1:" expe nenc es of Old oys mhave been lost trace• worl d, some of wh~: :r::yalso of grea t inter est, of ~n New Ply~~u New Zeal and woul d be glad while Old Boys m r b t of these old frien ds . to know the wher ea ou s 'l'lle
edito rs of the .1\fe::; . . sjoint G Dinn iss and P. srs. . .
THE RUGBY SEASON· OLD BOY S' CLUB. PAS T YEA R REV IEW ED. ', r 's activ ities and prosp ects fo_r th~ Ihe past yea , ··l . d by the annu al meet mg of comi ng seaso n were c?:sl~:~eool Old Boy:;' Foot ball Club the N ew Plym outh lli"'h l f on Marc h 16. An atten c ance o 30 was presi ded over by Mr G F. Bert rand . . . . .., . • l that from a footb all pom t 'l'lte annu al r epor t statccl 'I'houn·h the club wa::; w·t::; a o·ooc one. o of view the sea::;on . '. . "' · wmn rn o· any of the oO'r·acles ' the team s not succe ssful In "' layed soun d footb all. . p . . . . d seaso n with good The semo r fiftee n. s_tal te the an abno rmal num ber of prom ise, but lack of trallntllngstar~~"'th and it fell cons ider. . . , tlv redu cec 1e o ' . lnJun es gr.ea J . .t. of the prev1 ous year. ably from its prou d posl lOD . . . . ·s . ourn eyed to Haw era at Duri ng the year theh~ e~lo~l~b and after a fast and the invit ation of t~e At ~ 1 ~-minu'te victo ry excit ing game game d a as t the mem bers of 19--:18. and officlals Since re thanlcs wer e exten ded o of the Athl etic Club for the mann er. in whic h they enter taine d mem bers.
53 'l'he Dew ar Shiel d comp etitio n prov ed very inter esting, and prov ided good footb all, thou gh the club was not · as succe ssful as in previ ous years . The balan ce-sh eet show ed a very satis facto ry poRit ion, with a CJ'edit balan ce of £18/ 3/ 8, as comp ared with a cred it balan ce of £i7 / 6/ 6 for the previ ous season. Thus on the year 's work ing the club had bette red its posit ion by 17/ 2. 'l'he gate recei pts had falle n cons idera bly, from £49/ 9/ 3 in 1930 to £28/ 15/ 3 in 1931, a decre ase of £20 14/ -. Th e comm ittee have expe rienc ed grea t difficulty in colle cting subsc riptio ns, as show n by the decre ase in subscrip tions colle cted of 12/ 6 as comp ared with that of the previquR season. Tt has only been throu gh caref ul admi nistra tion of the club 's affai rs that the exec utive harl been able to show a profi t on the year 's work ing. 'J'hr conp;ratul ationR of the club were clue to McRsrs. K. Fook es, J. Galb raith , R. Pria r, S. li'ookes, C. Drad er, K. Perr y anrl J. K . Clark e, who were selec ted to repre sent eithe r Nort b Tara naki or Tara naki. Duri ng the seaso n the club had been most unfo rtuna te in losin g th e Mr. I-I. MasterR as club coach, throu gh press services of ure of work . To Mr. Mast ers the club was indee d indeb ted for the many servi ces he had clone for the club. Duri ng the ~r ear the club was inco rpora ted unde r the Inco rpora ted Socie ty Act, and wm; now a regis tered in- • corpo ratec l socie ty. 'l'he than ks of the club were clue to all who had in any way assis ted activ ely or finan cially ; to Messrs. 0 'Neil l and Boot h, for their train ing of the team s; to the presi dent, Mr. A. A. Benn ett; to the Scho ol auth oriti es; to . the mem bers . of the 'l'ara naki Rugb y Unio n; to the Refe rees' Asso ciatio n; to St. John Amb ulanc e; to Messrs. R. G. How ell and Cecil Fook es, for their prep aring and draft ing of the rules and the filing in conn ectio n with the inco rpora ting of the club ; and to the press . THE PLA YIN G SIDE . In movi ng the adop tion of the repo rt and balan ceshee t the chair man exten ded cong ratul ation s to the club. Desp ite lowe r gates and extra expe nses, the club came throu gh with a bette r balan ce than in the prev ious seaso n,
· , tiv itie s wa s be .mg h t tha . wh ich show~clclt aTh e t slcle of lts ac mo st iml)or~ant ;sp~~ t wa s no t a o· cre dit bal we ll c_ontro e h.owever . Th e bu~lcl~ng o a s~; ong pla yin g !in anc wl on~, ·o im po rta anc e wa s no s ted tha nt as bUllclmg up a ell las t sea son , t the clu b be ga n w ob sid e It wa s no vio us. On . Th e ·conlcl t s l"e ep •t up . lcl rea son bwal1'v no t bu ~ . · ene cl up . s \YOU ha ve to e the pla yin g Sl. cl e thlno· ,.,. l t cl- -P atr on , Mr . W . Th e fol low ing offi cer s rere e ec e · ·1 . . re: icl ent , Mr . ~ · A. Be nn ett ; vic e-p res lc en ts ' H. M oy es' P J F Wh itc om·be , D.1 · E · F. Fo ok es; ho n. Me ssr s . T. S. onWes,. L~v . c Sm art ; ell· ho n. secret ary , M .. r. G. · auc,.t tl or, Mr . L . . na ' U · Me ssr s. · F. Be rcle leg ate s to Ta r a 1lkiH Ru gb y mo n, tai W. Br ow n; clu b cap l n Mr . D. tra ncl , R. G. Ho we . ' b 'coaches, . . \ Do ile . 'ic e-c lub cap tam Mr . E. G. Fo cle n; c u , l H Ma ste rs; sel ect ors , club J • 'G F t cl anc . MeRsrs. · · Bc rtr an ancl Mr . 11. W. Bl· owh n. de leg ate o ': al ins tru ccap tai n, ~:ub .~~~~~1ion , Olcl Boy~ _Asp C. 0 'N Mr . S . Fo ok es; 1~ ~~~~utive comtor s, Mes~:a~: . .. R G. Hoeil l an cl D · Bo?t~ ' H. L. Th om pwe ll, J. Ga lbr mt h, mi ttee, Me ssr s. · son K. Fo ok es ancl J. H . Bo on . . ' nao . ior tea m ma <'"'·ers. wa s lef t 'rh e RelectlOn of tl1e jun . in the hanc1s of the exe cu tlv e. . ex tenclecl to S . . f the clu b we le Th e cong:ratulatlOn 1 cl S o. wh o bro l<e tll e Ne A Bl a.ck, a sen ior me mb er: nt Do mi nio n atb w _zea an . let lc cba mqu art er- ml'l e recorc1 at tl1e l ecc pio nsh ips in Aucklanc1. ll sub -co mm itte e wa s On the pro po Ra l o-1' Mr ~ IIo w:~ o~~ the yo un ge r 01Gc1 . ·t ne mb ers Ll'Ol11 < ·et UJ1 to en l lR . ,... R D'n "'le r . R s .• Br ya . l b. ' R. . 1L N evl llc, . . 't nt, Bo·' s. Me ssr s. G cl the com.mi tte e. ,,,e re ap , po m e IIo w el1. ano ·R · rac e ·'
. b the an nu al A suc ces stu l seasoPnl ," ras r evl ewecl y O~lt ll Hi gh Sc ho ol 01 cl B ~y s' . Ne w b :sm me etm g ot the Se tem be r 19. T 1Je pa tro n of tlle en ' Cricl-:et Clu b on c~ ot ab ou t ,.,. . A. A. Bc nn rtt , ppr. : 1 cl oYC'l' an att<.>nclan ef; IC e 1Yl1 .
AN NU AL RE PO RT . Th e an nu al rep ort sta ted tha t the pa st alt ho ug h by no me an s sea son , a suc ces sfu l one as far as pe rfo rm anc es we re co nc ern ed , wa the clu b tea ms acq uit s ne ve rth ele ss a ha pp y on e ancl ted the ms elv es qu ite fav ou rab ly. 'l'h ree tea ms we re en ter ed in the loc al com pet itio ns, a sen ior , sen ior "B ," an d jun 'l'a ran ak i Cr ick et As soc ior . Th e dec isi on of the No rth iat ion to ret ain on ly fou r tea ms in the sen ior gracle pre clu de d the hig h ho pes the clu b ha d of fie ldi ng tw o sen ior tea ms , wi th the res ult tha t the me mbe rsh ip sho we d a dec lin e i.n the act ua l nu mb er me mb ers as co mp are d of wi th the pre vio us sea son pla yin g . Th e tow n sen ior co mp eti tio n waR wo n by the Ne w Pl~r mouth Clu b, wi th Old Bo ys sec on d, an d the op po rtu nit~r waR tak en of co ng rat ula tin g the vic tor s on the ir ach iev em ent . Th e sam e "B " gm de , an d to tha clu b wa s suc ces sfu l in the sen ior t ex ten de d. Th e mo st suc tea m also co ng rat ula tio ns we re ces sfu l of the clu b tea ms wa s the jun ior gra de tea m, wh ich co nte ste d the fin ''W hit tle '' Cu p wi th Ce al for the ntr al, bu t the lat ter we ful aft er an int ere sti re successng gam e. CenturieR in suc ces siv e ma tch es we re cre dit ed to tw o me mb ers of the jun T. Wa lla ce an d II. L . 'fh om son , an d the pe rfo ior tea m, the se yo un g pla ye rs we rm an ces of re mo st en co ura gin g. also Rc01·ed a ce ntu ry D. Pa pp s ag ain st W est ern Pa rk. At the Sc ho ol jub ile e las t Ea ste r a ma tch waR pla be tw een Ol d Bo ys of ye d the Sc ho ol an d the Sc ho ol fir st eleYen an d wa s won by Sc ho ol on th e fir st inn ing s. Th e clu b du rin g the Re aso n ma d e a nu mb er of tri ps int o the co un try , wh ere mo st en joy ab le gam es we re pla ye d. It wa s reg ret tab le arr an ge a sui tab le da tha t ow ing to be ing un ab le to te the an nu al ma tch Ha we ra Ol d Bo ys Clu wi th the b wa ho pe d tha t a ma tch wo s ab an do ne d las t ye ar. It wa s uld be arr an ge d for the sea son . en sui ng W hil st the sea son ha d pro ve d a try ing on e co mm itte e the y cou ld, for the n ev ReaRon wi th sat isf act ion ert h elesR, loo k ba ck on the pa st . anc e of 17/ 3 the co mm Co mm enc ing wi th a cre dit bal itte e ha d d evo ted itR tow ard s th e eRt ab lis hm en erg ies en t ot the fin anc es of a sou nd bas is. Wi th thi the clu b on s ob jec t in vie w a co mp eti tio n wa s
h eld, which result ed in £36/ 5/ - being added to the club's financeR. 'l'he whole of the gear and equipm ent had been overha uled and supple mente d, so that memb ers could be aRsurecl of first-c lass mater ial for the ensuin g season . In s. this connec tion the clnb was deeply ind ebted to Mei'lsr n. Kirwi J. and nch Goldfi J.J. R. IIatTis , 'l'h e comm ittee had also invel'ltigated the requir eg mentA of incorp o1·atio n with the view of incorp oratin t he club. The. statem ent of receip ts and expend iture showe d that receip ts totalle d £69/ 4/ 8, the princi pal item being £36/ 6/ 6 from a club compe tition, and membe rs' subscr iptions £30. Expen diture totalle d £48/ 11/ 2, the princi pal t item beings £28/ 8/ 2 for gear, North Taran aki Cricke fees tion capita £5, t wicke ice (pract 7/ £19/ ARsociation . £9, affiliat ion feeR £2/ 2/ -, !'lhort-paid g1'01md fees £3/15/ -) with red compa as ~/6, £20/1 of e balanc Th e1·e was a cred it 1.7/ 3 at tlle beginn ing of the year, and assetR tota ll ed £-4-1/ !'i/-, and liabili ties were nil. In mo ving t he adopti on of the report and balanc esll eet M l'. Benne tt Ra id that althou gh they had won none of the three compe titions , the club bad been runner s-up in all three. Howev er, the main thing had be(m to get the clnb sp irit and that had been achieved, and he hoped that th e same spirit would contin ue. The seaRon was one to be proud of. From a balanc e of 17/ 3 the club's finances had grown to over £30. The liabili ties were nil, and althou gh t he assets were heavil y writte n down they were still over . £40. It was a positio n of which any club might be proud and season sful succes most the on them ed atulat He congr hoped that in the comin g season they would go one step furthe r in each grade. Th e report and balanc e-shee t were then carried . 'l'he follow ing new memb ers were elected : Messrs . E. G. Hamil ton, S . Wolfe , P. Sisson , N. Gilber t, K. Harnis h, man. Tuffer y and B. Berry FOUN DATI ON MEMB ER RESIG NS. One of the found ation memb<us of the club, Mr. D. F . 0 . Saxton , tender ed his resign ation. He wrote that he could not give the time to practi ce and felt that he was
keeping another player out.
57 Mr. V. S. Prud en said that Mr. Saxt on had been a valu ed mem ber of the club and he mov ed that the resig nation be acce pted with regr et and that the tion of Mr. Sax ton 's services be plac ed club 's appr ecia on the minu tes. Mr. J. W. Moorheacl supp orte d Mr. P~路u den and said that the loss was a grea t one to the club gene rally . Officers were elec ted as follows for the ensu ing year : Patr on, A. A. Ben nett , Esq .; pres iden t, Mr. A. J. Pap ps; vice -pre side nts, Messrs. W. H. Moyes, G. W. Palm er, E. 'l'. Pett y, D. F. C. Saxt on, R. Doile and Dr. E . F. Foo kes; club capt ain, Mr. V. S. Prud en; hon. trea sure r, Mr. R. Har ris; hon. secr etar y, Mr. G. Sau nder s; man agem ent com mitt ee, Messrs. C. Stev ens, S. F. Fook es, J. Devine, A. Pett y, L. Goldfinch, H. Wal ker, and the sureI' and club capt ain ex officio; hon. secr etar y, trea audi tor, Mr. K. Foo kes; dele gate s to Nor th 'l'ara naki Cric ket Asso ciati on, Messrs. H. W. Brow n, S. Fook es, F. J. Egg leto n; dele gate to Old Boy s' Asso ciati on, Mr. H. W. BTown; sele ction com mitt ee, left to the man agem ent com mitt ee to appo int a selec tor to wor k in conj unct ion with the team capt ains . A form al reso lutio n was pass ed inco rpor atin g the club as the New Plym outh High School Old Boy s' Cric ket Club, and the cons titut ion and rule s was adop ted. The club colo urs were fixed the same as thos e of the New Plym outh High Scho ol Old Boy s' Asso ciation. They all knew wha t an ener getic secr etar y Mr. Moorhead had been, said the chai rma n in mov ing a reso lutio n of appr ecia tion of the services of Mr. Moo larg ely resp onsi ble for the excellen t finan rhea d. He was cial posi tion in whic h the club at pres ent foun d itsel f. The mee ting term inat ed with vote s of than ks to the chai rma n and the pres s. OLD BOY S' ASSOCIATION.
AUC KLA ND BRA NCH MEE 'l'S. THE RE- UNI ON DIN NER . 'l'he annu al mee ting of the Bran ch was held on July 21, whe n the follo wing officers were elec ted for the year : '
Patron, W. H. Moyes; president, E . Boulton; vice-presidents, H. Calder, N. Kyle; committee, C. Putt, .A. Osborne, G. MacDiarmid , H. Brown and B. Bell; hon. secretary, D. C. 0 'Halloran; hon. treasurer, G. Hagger; hon. auditor, R. Murray. The annual re-union dinner was held at the .Ambassadors' Hotel on Saturday, August 27. .About forty-five Old Boys attended and a most enjoyable time was had by all. 'l'hey had with them Mr. Moyes and Mr. Gordon Fraser, who both went up from New Plymouth specially to attend the function. Canon Strong and two masters, Messl·s. Dobson and Wilson, were also present. The .Auckland Grammar, King's College and Nelson College Old Boys' .Associations were represented by the three presidents, Messrs. Billington, Erson and Dr. Pettit. The following· Ol<L Boys were present :-Gordon Frase1; (18971900), L. B. Horrocks (1897-1899), N . .A. Kyle (19041906), A. H. Osborne (1904-1908), J. 0. Mander (19101912), C. Putt (1911-1914), W. H. J enkinson (1912-1914), J. J. K. 'l'erry (1912-1917), H. C. Newell (1913-1920), Surrey S. Alleman (1915-1920), Owen W. Bayly (19151917), E. Boulton (1915-1918), Gor·don S. Bayly (19171925), David Penman (1917 -191.8), Harry Mason (19191923), '1' . Mcivor (1919-1923), W. A. Brodie (1921-1926), D. C. 0 'Halloran (1921-1924), G. Hagger (1923-1926), G. Murray (1922-1924), S. Wybourne (1922-1925), G. C. MacDiarmid (1923-1926) ,A. G. 'Ab bott (1924-1927), G. W. Johnson (1923-1924), H. M. Brown (1924-1927), Mark · Clmrton (1924-1926), A. E. Bell (1925-1928) , Paul. Chur-. ton (1925-1928), C. Cave (1926-1931), P. S. Bowie (19271930), B. O'Halloran (1927-1930), E. D. Sloman (19271929), A. W. Wylde-Brow ne (1927-1930), L. N. Astley. (1928-1930), F. G. Snedden (1928-1930), .A. Chambers (1929-1930), J. Connett (1929-1931). .Apologies were received for the ab.senci of Guy Roger, L. and K . 0 'Halloran and M. Bre.e. 'l'oasts honoured were :-'l'he King; '' 'l'he School,'' E. Boulton-M r. M oyes; "'l'he Masters," J. J. K. TerryMr. Wilson; "The Parent Body," . 0. Bayly-Gor don • Fraser; ''Kindred Association s,'' C. Cave-Mr. Billington, Mr. Erson and Dr. Pettit; ".Absent Old Boys," C. Putt-N. A. Kyle; "The President," Mr. Moyes-E. Boulton. 'l'he dinner concluded with the singing of Auld Lang Syne.
59 On the Sunday afternoon about 35 Old Boys visited Canon Strong at St. John's College, where they had afternoon tea, followed by a service in the historic chapel built by Bishop Selwyn.
PERSONAL NOTES. J. D. Anderson is assistant-gr ound engineer at the New Plymouth aerodrome. M. Boyle is on the staff of W. T. Hookham, New Plymouth. D. I. Cameron is working on his father's farm at Sentry .Hill. N. J. Gilbert is on the staff of a New Plymouth grocer. K. A. Hamilton is in the office of Duff and Wynyard. A. Hunter has joined the staff of Newton King, Ltd. ' New Plymouth. . R. _S. J ones is continuing his studies at .Auckland Umvers1ty. A. J ensen iF> on his father's farm at Midhirst. I. Laurence is working in Auckland.
D. A. Smith is completing his B.A. degree at Auckland University College. T. L. Tremlett is working in his father's business in New Plymouth. R. W. Wilson is farming at Urenui.
Mm·ray Hicks is with a local wireless firm. A. J. Bruen is on the office staff of the Taranaki Daily News. R. M. Rogers is with L. A. Nolan and Coy. J. G. Elmes is at Masters, Ltd., New Plymouth. E. W . Henderson is working in the law office of L. M. Moss. Bruce Reid is on the staff of Newton King, Ltd. New ' . Plymouth.
Les . Murray is in the publishing department at the Daily News, New Plymouth.
Since the last Magazine several boys have taken up journalism. These include P. P. Molloy and Doug. Whitcombe, who have joined the Taranaki Herald, and I. N. Menzies, vvho recently commenced at the Taranaki Daily News. Tom W ebster Is m the office of the Sun Insurance Company. Clem Cave Is studying at the Auckland University College. J. Cooper is an engineering apprentice at the Hutt railway workshops.
We beg to acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of the following contemporaries since last issue:-
M. Ewart and T. Frethey are farming at Tikorangi. Jim Harper is at a wireless school in Wellington. J . Law, who was for some time purser on the Niagara, has now joined the Tainui in the same capacity. A. J. Darby is in his father's business in New Plymouth. Ivan Des Forges is at Avery's war~hous e, New Plymouth. . , D. F. C. Saxton and C. Lash have r ecently bf) come ... 路 proud fathers. J. M. Templer is at prPsent assistant curate af Cam- 路 bridge.
New Zealand.-Recorder (Christchurch Training College), Southlandian (Southland B.H.S.), Auckland Grammar School Chronicle, Manuka (Auckland Training College), New Plymouth Girls' H.S. Magazine, Canterbury Agricultural College Magazine, Scindian (Napier B.H.S.), "Canta" (Canterbury University College), Otago B.H.S. Magazine, King's Collegian (Auckland), Wang.anni Collegian, Christchurch B.H.S. Magazine, Christ's College Register, Nelsonian, Waitakian, Palmerstonian, Timaruvian, Dannevirke H.S. Magazine, Marlburian (Marlborongh College, Blenheim), Ashburtonian. England.-Cliftonia n (3) (Clifton College), Mill Hill School Magazine (3), Marlburian (2) (Marlborough College), Reptonian (Repton), Meteor (3) (Rugby),, The City of London School Magazine. Scotland.-Aberdee n Grammar School Magazine, F ettesian (2) (Fettes College, Edinburgh), Watsonian (George Watson's College, Edinburgh), Glasgow Acaclemy Chronicle. W ales.-Swansea Grammar School Magazine. Canacla.-College Times (Upper Canada College, Toronto), Fort William College Magazine (Fort William). Australia.-Melbur ian (Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne), The Log (Hobart High School).
The Magazine Committee has for sale some copies of the Jubilee Number of the Magazine. These may be obtained from the Business Manager at one shilling per copy.
to The Busin ess Mana ger, Mr. Shrim pton, wishe s since ed receiv ns riptio subsc ing follow the ackno wledg e your last issue. If your subsc riptio n has been paid and ger Mana ess name does not appea r, please notify the Busin t, Ewar M. '32; y, Radle at once :-L. A. Brew er, '31- '32; G. · haw, Brads C. R. '32; nt, '32; G. Murd och, '32; J. S. Tarra '32; , enson Steph P. ; '33 '32, '32; J. V eale, '32; D. Budd er, K. Calve rt, '32; E. R. Honeyfield, '32; A. E. Wash '32; r, Garne L. H. '32; sk, Kerri S. '32; tier, '31- '32; S. Cot MitW. Liley, '32; C. J ohnson, '31- '37; R. Allen, '32; V. D. J. '32; y, chinson, '31-'3 2; H. Grayl ing, '32; D. Ashle GrayS. '32; ton, Deigh Willis , '32; L. Horro cks, '32; F. Bellling, '32,; G. Frase r, '32; M. Lobb, '31- '32- '33; N. B. C. '32; rville, Some D. '32; ay, ring·er, '31- '32; J. D. Mack A. '32; d, iarmi MacD N. D. '32; , borne Os Hoski n, '32; A. R. G. Cham bers, '32; D. Maciv er, '32; N. P. Leala nd, '32; C. M. '32; rcl, Webb , '31- '32; V. McM urray , '32; I. Aylwa L. J. '32; ants, Lyson s, '31- '32; S. I. Sadle r, '32; B. Pleas R. Mand er, '31- '33; R. Engli sh, '32; E. Calve rt, '32; '32; , Tribe M. '32; '31l, Court , '32- '33; N. MacDiarmic C. J. Leach , '31- '32; J. Brugh , '32; A. H. Belliss, '32; Miss 2; '31-'3 , Johns B. '32; son, Thom Little , '32; W. S. A. E. Harpe r, '33; J. Brodi e, '31-'3 2; G: Barkl a, '32; R. S. '32; Grant , '32-'3 3; D. A. Fox, '32; T.•A. Snow don, '32; '31art, Stew Tait, '31- '32; R. M. Dol by, '32-36; R. er, D. Ward , '31- '32; C. Strom bom, '32- '33; E. A. Brook F. ; '31-32 , ker Knuc '32; H. Demp sey, '31- '32; A. G. '33; Old, J. K '32; '31, Evans Clark e, '32; Archd eacon '32; C. B. Mills, '32; J. Ande rson, '31- '32; R. Grei:rer, '31A. . '32; s, Fooke W. N. '32; , Miles C. P. F. V. Marin e, '32; W. E. Marfe ll, '31-'3 2; H . Rumb all, '32; F. M. White , '32; 2; McCallum, '32; D. McCa llum, '32; J ..M. Temp lar, '30-'3 This '32. , Silver D 'A. J ackson, '32; J. Law, '32- '34; R. list was made comp lete up to Decem ber 3, 1932.
. New Plymouth Boys ' H"Igh School [ESTAB LISHED 1882).
Fees (per term )Tuition Preparatory Board
£4, reducible to £3 lOs. if paid within 30 days , £4 £4 lOs. £19 £2·1,
Weekly } Boarders
£18 lOs.
.. £17
Dinner for Day Boys, £3 Music (including practice fee)-S eniors , £3 3s. Juniors, £2 12s. 6d. Boxing, I 0/Dancing (Winter term only) 151-
Subscriptions (per term )Game s-Upp er School, Lower School, Library Magazine Tennis
4/2/1/6 I/1/-
given to N.B. -In cases of removal, six weeks' notice must be half a /or liable are s parent the ~ecrelary, otherwise terms fee.
School Terr?JsThe school year is divided into three terms of thirteen weeks each. The terms this year are as follows :First Term -February 2nd to May 6th. Second Term -May 24th to August I9th. Third T erm-S eptem ber I3th to December I6th.
?f•£u l!llumoutq TARANAKI HERALD AND