NNS to Christen Delaware Oct. 20 10 l 8 l 2018
Newport News Shipbuilding will christen Delaware (SSN 791) at 10 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 20. The ceremony was originally scheduled to take place in September, but was postponed due to Hurricane Florence. The new date was mutually decided on by Newport News Shipbuilding, the Navy and Ship’s Sponsor Dr. Jill Biden in an effort to hold the event as soon as possible and minimize impacts to the submarine’s construction schedule.
A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding
“We realize the new date conflicts with the American Heart Association’s Peninsula Heart Walk,” said Dave Bolcar, vice president of Virginia-Class Submarine Construction. “Typically, we try our best to ensure events do not overlap. However, in this circumstance, we had a small window of time to reschedule and ensure the ship... CONTINUED ON PG 3
Shawn Harrison, left, and Kevin Leiton use Newport News Shipbuilding's wind tunnel. Photo by Ashley Cowan
Wind Tunnel Supports Decades of Innovation It is common knowledge that wind tunnels are a major feature at NASA Langley in Hampton, but shipbuilders may be surprised to find out Newport News Shipbuilding is home to a wind tunnel of its own. Wind tunnels are used to measure and observe aerodynamic characteristics as air passes over a given body during testing. They also can predict the reaction of fluids such as water, which make them valuable tools for modern-day shipbuilding. NNS’ wind tunnel is relatively small at 4 feet tall, 10 feet wide and 20 feet long. It is at least five decades old and was originally used to ensure the flow of smoke from steam ships would not obscure the view of the bridge as the wind blew from various directions. First housed in an engineering lab that stood where Dorothy now rests, the wind tunnel was relocated in the 1960s to its current home in Bldg. 16. It was used prominently to perform testing for the Double Eagle tanker design and for Seawolf-class submarines. Today, NNS’ wind tunnel continues to play an important role at the company. It is being used to develop and test new designs with the aid of additive manufacturing technologies to quickly build accurate scale models. Current testing involves the Newport News Experimental Model (NNEMO), which has been used as an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) for testing NNS undersea technologies. CONTINUED ON PG 3
Shipbuilder Honored at National Conference Dede Dolkar, a material process engineer at Newport News Shipbuilding, received a Promising Professional award during the 2018 Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) National Conference and STEM Career Fair, held last week in Schaumburg, Illinois. Dolkar was recognized as an early career professional who demonstrates tremendous potential for future contributions to the fields of science and engineering. Founded in 2007, SASE works to help Asian heritage scientific and engineering professionals achieve their full potential. The society’s achievement awards recognize Asian and Pacific Islander American students and professionals for work in their respective fields.
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10 | 8 | 2018 required in the planning and execution of delivering products and services. “Our QMS allows us to consistently provide ships and services that meet the Navy’s requirements, addresses any risks and opportunities in our work, increases efficiency and improves the Navy’s satisfaction with us,” said Ron Murray, vice president of Quality.
Vice President of Quality Ron Murray, left, speaks with Jared Smiddy, center, and Bryan Benoit. Photo by John Whalen
NNS Observing National Quality Month Newport News Shipbuilding is observing National Quality Month in October. It provides an opportunity to focus on the importance of quality in NNS’ day-to-day operations. NNS’ Quality Management System (QMS) is the set of policies, procedures and processes
The QMS is defined in Standard Shipyard Procedure Q-1000 - Quality Manual. It explains the basic elements and requirements for the design, construction and repair of naval and commercial ships, ship systems, ship components, services and industrial products. It also details the management team’s responsibility and commitment to the QMS and aligns with the company’s quality policy to deliver products and services that meet customer requirements and to continuously strive to improve first-time quality through continual improvement techniques. Implementing an effective QMS allows NNS to focus on safely increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of our work by delivering quality products and services and strengthening relationships with the Navy.
Hispanic Heritage Month: Natasha Coston Newport News Shipbuilding is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, Sept. 15-Oct. 15. As part of NNS’ company-wide Inclusion and Diversity campaign, four employees are featured on posters recognizing the month. Articles about these shipbuilders will be published in Currents, the NNS to Go app, MyNNS and on social media each week. Several years ago, Natasha Coston (X64) took advice from a colleague and joined an employee resource group not specific to her ethnicity. As a result, Coston will always have a special connection to Hispanic Heritage Month. “It was once of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received and acted on,” she said. “Hispanics and African Americans are alike in many ways including being a representative culture of the minority. ERGs allow us to highlight the culture in a way that is welcoming to all people and gains access into what makes each culture unique.” As a member of Hispanic Outreach Leadership Alliance (HOLA), Coston has had an opportunity to learn about Latino and Hispanic countries, cultures and traditions. “What I find most intriguing is the history behind the different Hispanic dances,” she said. “As a fitness instructor, it piqued my interest to dive deeper into the culture and participate in learning dances such as the Bachata. I encourage all shipbuilders to look beyond their own heritage and celebrate the differences that make each culture unique.” Coston is an Apprentice School and Old Dominion University graduate and is currently a production planner in the Pipe Department. “Inclusion and diversity is so important in a company as big as ours,” she said. “We must ensure we are creating an environment where all voices can be heard – a culture where everyone feels both wanted and included.”
View Coston's poster on MyNNS or the NNS to Go app. Shipbuilders interested in sharing their story as part of NNS' Inclusion and Diversity campaign, should visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/id-campaign-2018.
10 | 8 | 2018
Apprentice Athletes Making a Difference he Apprentice School football team is reaching out to make a difference T in communities – locally and internationally. Community Outreach In Newport News, the team is partnering with the Boys & Girls Club on Adams Drive. In August, Apprentice football players held a scrimmage at the facility – inviting children to watch them practice – and participated in National Night Out festivities. Head coach John Davis (O22) hopes children in the community will look up to Apprentice School athletes as aspirational figures. "It's important to develop those relationships locally, even though they may not necessarily directly benefit us," Davis said. "This is a labor of love. We felt it was important to extend an olive branch and make sure that young girls and young guys understand that we've got a lot of people who have come out of the same situations they're coming out of." The team is hosting a group of participants from the Boys & Girls Club during its homecoming game against Southern Virginia University on Oct. 13. Davis invites shipbuilders to contact him at 688-0849 if there are opportunities for the team to volunteer in the community – particularly during the offseason. "I want people to think about our guys if there are outreach opportunities for positive young male role models," he said. "We have some guys who have great stories." Apprentice School Impact in Haiti Upperclassmen on The Apprentice School football team are fitted with custom knee braces that help prevent catastrophic knee injuries. Since they are customized, the braces would often go unused once players finish their football careers. But now the used braces are getting a second life in
Wind Tunnel Supports Decades of Innovation CONTINUED FROM PG 1
“I was excited to see our wind tunnel in use again,” said Dave Conley, manager of Laboratory Services (O31). “It has served the shipyard well for many decades and continues to help our engineering staff make good design decisions.” The wind tunnel allows shipbuilders to analyze NNEMO body profiles with respect to aerodynamics, stability control and turbulence to ensure design validity and quantitative correlations between air and water prior to final development and implementation. “The hands on work supplemented by working in the NNS wind tunnel has allowed me to obtain a wide breadth of knowledge in aero and hydrodynamics. I am fortunate to be part of the effort to further our goals in future undersea technologies,” said Engineer Kevin Leiton.
Apprentice School offensive linemen Keon Odom (X42), left, and Kekoa Haina-Scott (X31) pack used knee braces for shipment to Haiti.
the Caribbean nation of Haiti. "They're just beginning to start a lot of football programs in Haiti," Davis said. "We felt like it would be good to donate those items and give them an opportunity to have some things that would be considered luxuries." The Apprentice School Student Association supported the donation by paying the costs associated with international shipping. Guidance provided by International Trade Compliance Analyst Holly Bell (O17) and Import Export Administrator Kelley Flees (O55) also was instrumental in making the donation possible.
NNS to Christen Delaware Oct. 20 CONTINUED FROM PG 1
...could still be launched as planned. As shipbuilders, it’s our responsibility to ensure Delaware remains on track for delivery to the Navy as scheduled – our country and our fellow Americans are counting on us.” The Communications Division and the Virginia-Class Submarine Program are currently in the process of contacting employees originally selected to receive tickets to the event to give them an opportunity to attend the Oct. 20 ceremony. The event will now take place indoors and is expected to be smaller than originally planned. As a result, NNS does not anticipate distributing additional tickets to employees not designated as previous ticketholders. The ceremony will broadcast live via the Huntington Ingalls Industries’ Facebook page. Additional details will be communicated closer to the event. As a reminder, the Southside Heart Walk will take place at Mt. Trashmore in Virginia Beach on Saturday, Nov. 3. Shipbuilders interested in participating should visit www.HamptonRoadsHeartWalk.org or contact Amy McDonald (X71) at 688-6489.
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Ten Additional Shuttles Added to NNXPRESS App In June, Newport News Shipbuilding launched NNXPRESS, a new app designed to locate company shuttles and taxis in real time. Through the app, employees can view a map of NNS shuttle routes and pinpoint the exact location of specific shuttles during operational hours. When the app first launched, only full-time shuttles and taxis were visible within the app. Recently, 10 additional GPS devices were installed on internal shuttles and buses. These vehicles are now visible within the app. As a reminder, NNXPRESS is available for free download in both the Google Play and Apple app stores. Instructions on how to download NNXPRESS for Android and Apple devices are available on MyNNS. Employees should send NNXPRESS feedback to ParkingSolutions@hii-nns.com.
10 | 8 | 2018
West Avenue Garage: Additional Parking Additional parking within the West Avenue Garage is now available for use by Newport News Shipbuilding employees. Spaces numbered 70 through 114 located along the south wall of the first floor of the garage are designated as NNS parking. These spaces have temporary signage installed on the fencing indicating the NNS designated parking area; permanent signage will be added in the near future. When parking on the first floor, employees should ensure they are parking only in these spaces and they are displaying a valid NNS hangtag. As a reminder, employees can continue parking on the fourth deck in designated spaces, the ramp leading to the fifth deck and the entire fifth deck of this garage. The external shuttle picks up at the 31st Street Gate and will transport employees to the 50th Street Gate, where they can use the shipyard’s internal shuttle to get to the North Yard. This garage is located on West Avenue between 30th and 31st streets. For questions regarding parking, contact Steve White (X44) at 688-4543. For questions regarding shuttle services, contact Heather Criner (O45) at 380-7362.
Parking Enforcement on Warwick Boulevard Effective immediately, Newport News Shipbuilding is strictly enforcing parking regulations at its properties along Warwick Boulevard, specifically in company-owned grassed lots located in the 46th Street block east of Warwick. Recently, drivers have been illegally parking in these lots, which are not designated for parking. Employees should pay close attention to signage in the area and ensure their vehicle is compliant. Illegally parked vehicles will be towed. Sarah Tabb’s mother is one of the strongest women she has ever known. Her mother, Annette, was diagnosed with scoliosis as a teen, a condition involving curvature of the spine, and is currently battling fibromyalgia, a disorder that affects nerves and muscles causing fatigue and amplified pain.
Disability Awareness Month: Sarah Tabb Newport News Shipbuilding is recognizing Disability Awareness Month in October. As part of NNS’ company-wide Inclusion and Diversity campaign, four employees are featured on posters recognizing the month. Articles about these shipbuilders will be published in Currents, the NNS to Go app, MyNNS and on social media each week.
As a result, Disability Awareness Month holds a special place in her heart. “As the daughter of someone who is battling a disability, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges my mother has had to overcome,” Tabb said. “Her disorder is invisible to most, but causes constant pain and fatigue daily, which makes it hard for her to accomplish various tasks. Even though you may not see someone’s disability, have a big heart. You never know what someone is battling behind the scenes. A rainstorm is no big deal to most, but a fibromyalgia flare-up triggered by a storm could mean a week’s worth of pain for her.” She says her family has learned to cope. “We’ve had to learn different love languages, emotional triggers and how to react to different tolerances within the
family dynamics, so we can be supportive of each other,” she said. “It’s hard to see someone you love in pain, but it’s taught us how to love and respect each other better.” Tabb admires the strength her mother has displayed over the years. “She’s always positive and has a smile on her face despite whatever pain she may be experiencing. My advice to others in similar situations is to surround yourself with people who are supportive and those you love,” she said. “Have hope in tomorrow, but give yourself grace.” A production planner and scheduler in the Virginia-Class Submarine Program, Tabb has worked at Newport News Shipbuilding for nine months. “I’m absolutely proud to work for a company who values inclusion and diversity. What makes a culture strong is having a healthy respect for the diversity among us. We can’t build great ships without great people, and great people include those with disabilities.” View Tabb's poster on MyNNS or the NNS to Go app. Shipbuilders interested in sharing their story as part of NNS' Inclusion and Diversity campaign, should visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/id-campaign-2018.
10 | 8 | 2018
NNS to Disable Unused Computers and Mobile Devices
Due to a high volume of patients, there is a shortage of flu shots for the Take an Hour events throughout Newport News Shipbuilding and the flu shot clinics at the HII Family Health Center. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration releases batches of flu shots that are then distributed to various medical offices and providers throughout flu season. QuadMed, which operates Take an Hour and the health center, should receive a new shipment of flu shots in mid-October.
Newport News Shipbuilding will begin automatically disabling unused computers and mobile devices on Oct. 15.
The Take an Hour biometric health screening events are still going on as scheduled. When the new shipment of flu shots arrives, BeWell for Life will notify employees and revisit Take an Hour locations so employees can receive a flu shot. Employees who planned on attending a flu shot clinic at the health center should email HIIWellness@quadmedical.com or call 327-4200 or for updates on rescheduled clinics. To schedule a Take an Hour health screening and view the schedule, visit the BeWell for Life webpage on MyNNS.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Everyone must work together to improve cybersecurity. It is not just the responsibility of governments, companies, groups or individuals. Visit the Cybersecurity (T51) website on MyNNS for more information and to sign up for events at Newport News Shipbuilding, including FBI Lunch and Learns and a tour of the Cyber Network Defense Center.
Computers that are not regularly connected to the NNSCorp – the company's network – do not receive patches and can introduce vulnerabilities to the network. Any computer that has not connected to the NNS network for more than 90 days will be automatically disabled and rendered unable to join the NNSCorp domain. Users may submit a RequestIT to have a disabled computer reimaged so that it can be used. Excess computers can be returned to IT by submitting a RequestIT. Smartphones and tablets that have not logged into the Knox Workspace for more than 60 days are not being used to good value. In addition, it's an indication that they may have been lost or stolen. As a result, these devices will be remotely wiped and cellular service canceled after 60 days. Flip phones and hotspots that have not been used in 60 days will also have cellular service canceled. For questions, contact the Service Desk at 688-HELP.
Accounts Payable Announces New Invoice Process
Virginia Musical Theatre Tickets Available
Accounts Payable will no longer accept hardcopy memorandum requests for payment (non-purchase order invoices) effective Oct. 15. Instead, vendors should submit non-purchase order invoices to invoices@hii-nns.com.
Newport News Shipbuilding is sponsoring the Virginia Musical Theatre’s 2018–2019 season.
This requirement is only for non-purchase order invoices where the vendor provides an invoice and applies to both Newport News Shipbuilding and Huntington Ingalls Industries invoices. Requests for payment and reimbursements that do not have a vendor’s invoice will continue being paid through the legacy N119 process. Vendors must include the email address of their NNS/HII point of contact on electronically submitted invoices so they can be routed correctly for approval, otherwise they will be rejected. These requirements apply to invoices received by Accounts Payable beginning Oct. 15, regardless of the date submitted. LX Training is available on the new system. The course title is Accounts Payable Automated Solutions Training and the offering ID is BUAC-MATR-NNWBT-00108680. Shipbuilders can also view the training videos independently on MyNNS.
As part of the sponsorship, tickets to see "La Cage aux Folles" are available for 8 p.m., Oct. 12; 2 p.m. matinee, Oct. 13; 8 p.m., Oct. 13; and 2:30 p.m. matinee, Oct. 14. Employees interested in tickets should complete the ticket request form on the NNS to Go app, including the date and time of the show they would like to attend. Two tickets will be awarded to requesters on a first come, first served basis. NNS to Go is available for free download in the Google Play and Apple app stores by searching “Newport News Shipbuilding.” Employees selected to receive tickets will be notified by the Communications Division via email with instructions on how to pick up tickets. NNS employees also can purchase tickets with a $20 discount. Call 340-5446 for tickets and more information. Look for future productions of "Seussical the Musical" in December, "Mary Poppins" in March and "Sister Act" in April.
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10 | 8 | 2018
Chesapeake Regional Healthcare’s mobile mammography unit will be onsite every Monday in October at the HII Family Health Center to offer free annual screening mammograms for Newport News Shipbuilding employees. Screenings are offered to women age 40 and older. The unit will be available from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Oct. 8 and 22. It will be available from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Oct. 15 and 29. To schedule a mammogram, call 312-6400 or visit www.chesapeakemammo.com.
OCTOBER 8 & 12
Newport News Shipbuilding Contracts and Pricing Division will host Submarine Cost Estimating Info Sessions from 2:30 until 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 8 and from 7:30 until 8:30 a.m. on Oct. 12 in the Supplemental Modular Outfitting Facility (Second Floor Conference Room). The Contracts and Pricing team will present information about their work, discuss their role in the shipbuilding process and share career opportunities in cost estimating. To apply for a position in cost estimating, visit buildyourcareer.com and search for positions in the "Current Employees" portal.
Attend a "Bring Your Own Lunch and Learn" Leadercast Coaching Moment featuring a video with Dr. Henry Cloud from noon until 12:45 p.m. in Bldg. 600-1 (VTC). The video will be followed by a discussion. Cloud is a global leadership expert and best-selling author. He draws on his experience in business, leadership consulting, and his practice as a clinical psychologist, to impart practical, candid and effective advice for improving leadership skills, organizational culture and workplace performance. No charge will be provided. Attendance must be on employee's own time. For more information, contact Sunny Harvat (O25) at 380-4879.
The Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) is hosting a birthday celebration for the U.S. Navy from noon until 12:30 at Applebee's (Bldg. 227). For more information, contact Adam Krininger (X84) at 380-4286.
The In-Service Carrier Program is hosting a cornhole tournament beginning at 3 p.m. at Chihuahua’s Mexican Grill in Newport News to support the 2018 Hampton Roads Heart Walk. It will be a $20 blind-draw tournament. For more information, contact Jared Belcher (X31) at 921-5816.
The Peninsula Engineers Council and ASM will hold a joint society dinner meeting of all engineering societies from 5:00 until 8:30 p.m. at Revolution Golf Grill in Williamsburg. The speakers will be historians John Quarstein and Nathan Vernon Madison. All engineers and guests are welcome. To RSVP and pay for this event, visit the PEC website. Contact Dave Conley (O31) at 688-0250 for more information.
The African American Shipbuilders Association (AASA) is hosting a panel discussion on women's health from 4:30 until 6 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. The panelists will discuss infertility, aneurysms, fitness, diabetes, heart health and more. This is the the second of a three-part health series. A discussion on family health is planned for Oct. 25. The Hispanic Outreach Leadership Alliance (HOLA) Employee Resource Group will host a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. Richard Montañez, PepsiCo's vice president of Multicultural Sales and Community Promotions, will be the keynote speaker. Montañez is recognized as the creator of the Flamin’ Hot line of products, including Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. The event is open to all HII employees. RSVP online or contact Sam Byrne (E14) at 688-2096 or Marisol Liceaga (E83) at 688-2285.
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will host a meeting from 4:30 until 5:30 p.m. at The Apprentice School (Bldg. 1919, Room 247). The event is open to all Newport News Shipbuilding employees and no RSVP is required. The event will provide a forum for employees to learn how to become more effective communicators and leaders. For more information, contact Jason Paquette (E83) at 534-2770.
Hampton Roads Transit recently announced service changes that may impact shipbuilders. The changes, which go into effect Oct. 21, include new routes to Newport News Shipbuilding from Williamsburg and Virginia Beach. For more information and to see specific route changes, visit gohrt.com.
What’s better for your wallet, renting or buying? Find out at a SmartPath class on renting versus homeownership. Classes are offered from noon to 1 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room) and from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. Email BeWell@hii-co.com to register for your preferred class time or ask your foreman to register you. Management-approved PTO/flex is required during scheduled work hours.
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will host a meeting from 4:30 until 5:30 p.m. at The Apprentice School (Bldg. 1919, Room 247). The event is open to all Newport News Shipbuilding employees and no RSVP is required. The event will provide a forum for employees to learn how to become more effective communicators and leaders. For more information, contact Jason Paquette (E83) at 534-2770.
Join fellow shipbuilders at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night Walk from 5 until 9 p.m. at the MacArthur Center Green in Norfolk. The walk supports blood cancer treatment research that saves lives. To donate, visit pages.lightthenight.org/va/hroads18/ huntingtoningallsindustries. For more information, contact Eric Olsen (X22) at 688-1868.
Newport News Shipbuilding has a long legacy of great people building great products for the U.S. Navy to help protect the nation’s freedom. Watch a video on MyNNS to hear from former Vice President of Trades Ray Bagley, one of NNS’ proud retired shipbuilders.
The Mariners Club is hosting its annual fall golf tournament at Kingsmill's River Course. Start the day with a breakfast buffet at 7:30 a.m. Tee-off is at 9:30 a.m. For additional information, see the flier or contact Femi Audifferen (X76) at 688-3843.
Visit www.buildyourcareer.com to search for the latest NNS job openings.
Job Title
Req Number
Prod Planning & Scheduler 2 Electrical Engineer 3 Experienced Structural Welder Electrical Foreman - Production K48/X31 Corrosion and Materials Engineering Manager 2 Foreman K45/X33D General Foreman K46/X32 X10 Superintendent - Blast and Coat Facility Electrical Foreman - X31/K47 X31 Lead General Foreman Supply Chain Procurement Manager 3 Manager, IT Systems Engineer 3 (Head Digital Technology) Senior Propulsion & Electronic Systems Manager
21412BR 26002BR 25438BR 23746BR 25924BR 26029BR 26274BR 26343BR 26440BR 24975BR 26529BR 24609BR 24624BR
X83 E91 X18 K48 E33 K45 K46 X10 K47 K46 O55 T53 E83
Groton Ballston Spa Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News
Employees are encouraged to use the “Current HII Employees” portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit www.huntingtoningalls.com/careers/refer-a-friend for more information.
2018 Third Quarter
As part of the NNSFORWARD Strategy to Enable Our Workforce, Newport News Shipbuilding is committed to making various quality of life improvements for its employees. Below is an update on current initiatives and a preview of what is to take place over the next quarter.
Next Quarter
• Parking Team is in the process of briefing senior staff on results of the NNS Parking and Transportation Study. Results are expected to be released shipyard-wide in October.
•D evelop plan to reissue all group rider (gold) decals to validate parking privileges.
Initiatives focused on improving and increasing employee parking and company-offered transportation services.
• A final draft of the NNS Parking Policy is complete. The team is working to finalize edits and expects the policy to be posted in Command Media in October. • Hidens: • Successfully labeled sections of the lot to enhance safety and for employee convenience. • Added additional lighting. • Purchased land north of Hidens; NNS plans to improve traffic flow and add a second exit. • Converted the parking lot located at 3212 Washington Ave., at the intersection with 33rd Street, to Aqua decal parking. • Added 10 expectant mother parking spaces in select areas located closest to shipyard entrance gates and/or shuttle stops.
Facility Enhancements Initiatives focused on reclaimed spaces, renovations and facility enhancements.
• Finalizing second “Reclaimed for You” space in Bldg. 4633. The grand opening has been rescheduled to November. • Launched shipyard-wide restroom cleanliness campaign. • Funding to add a projection screen and sound system to “Applebees” (Bldg. 227) has been approved. Work will be executed in November. • Developed comprehensive schedule to perform restroom restorations and deep cleaning.
•P repare land purchased north of Hidens to accommodate a second exit from the parking lot. •H old discussions with the city in regards to adding pedestrian crosswalks and stoplights near Hidens. • I nstall GPS devices on 10 additional company shuttles (internal routes). • Work with Hampton Roads Transit to: •D istribute survey evaluating interest of additional HRT express services. •C ontinue discussions for desired satellite pick-up location(s). • Add new MAX Express Route 972 to service Tidewater Community College, Indian River Park and Ride, NNS and the Newport News Transit Center. The route is scheduled to go into service Oct. 22.
•O pen renovated breakroom in Bldg. 1816. •P ilot a program to install industrial vending machines in facilities and other areas across the shipyard. These machines will allow employees to swipe their badge and receive select consumables (duct tape, paint markers, etc.) and personal protective equipment. •C omplete installation of new portable restroom in the North Yard. • I mplement vendor-managed janitorial supply system to ensure supplies are readily available 24-7.
Next Quarter
Employee Wellbeing
• Held Benefits Fair to showcase various benefits available to all shipbuilders.
•N NS will sponsor the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk: Peninsula Town Center (Oct. 20) and Mount Trashmore (Nov. 3).
Initiatives focused on safety, health, worklife balance and financial wellbeing.
• The fourth “Fun at the Park” event featuring health, fitness and financial wellbeing opportunities took place in September. The Management Development Center and a hearing conservation program representative were also in attendance. • Held three SmartPath financial sessions as well as an event for employees and families to meet the new HII Family Health Center doctor and nurse practitioner. • All employees covered by HII Anthem gained access to the free Solera Diabetes Prevention Program. Additional information and an assessment is available at solera4me.com/hii.
• F ree biometric screenings and flu shots are available (October – November) through the Take an Hour Wellness program. All employees are eligible to participate; visit MyQuadMed.com/hii or call (757) 327-4200 to schedule an appointment. •C hesapeake Regional Healthcare’s mobile mammography unit will be onsite at the Family Health Center every Monday in October to perform free annual screenings. Call (757) 312-6400 or visit www.chesapeakemammo.com to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome. •A pprove and publish the 2019 “Down Weekend” schedule and overtime goals. • F ifth “Fun at the Park” is scheduled for Oct. 17.
Other Shipyard-Wide Initiatives Initiatives associated with NNSFORWARD Strategy.
• The Future Leader Experience (FLeX) program was launched to prepare employees who are interested in pursuing a path to a first-line leadership position or other positions of increasing responsibility. All NNS employees are eligible. For more information, visit the FLeX MyNNS website or call (757) 380-7810. •O pened new Digital Solutions Café on the first floor of Bldg. 520. Shipbuilders can visit the café to resolve issues with mobile devices or computers. It also serves as a place to showcase new technologies. •H eld first “Newport News Day” on Sept. 21 to celebrate shipbuilding pride. • L aunched new NNS Spear & Gear Store and held two onsite pop-up events. •P iloted a program to provide shipbuilders with additional dining options. The pilot took place at Bldg. 1816 in August and similar pilots are scheduled in various areas of the shipyard in the future. • T he Operations Engagement Champion Program sponsored several expos and tours. Events were focused on trades, however, additional shipyard-wide events are being scheduled for the fourth quarter.
•E xpand “Newport News Day” to include second and third shift. •N NS Spear & Gear will hold four onsite pop-up events in various areas of the shipyard during its “Holiday Tour.” The store features a wid e variety of company-logoed apparel, products and merchandise. Employees can purchase items during onsite events or online at www.nnsSpearAndGear.com
10 | 8 | 2018
AUDIO/VIDEO DJ - 13 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876 Computer Repair - New build, repair, virus removal and operating system installation. $95. + parts. (757) 329-6761
AUTO 2005 GMC Canyon Crew Cab 268K hwy miles. Two WD with bed cover, recent insp., and tires. $2,500. (757) 504-6729 2001 Chevy Silverado LS 4x4 Z71 Green extended cab with fiberglass top and bed rug. 125K miles, 18-inch tires/wheels, extd. warranty. $11K. (757) 541-3561 2010 VW Jetta Wolfsburg Edition - 87K mi. Great condition. New tires, new inspection, sunroof, heated seats, XM radio ready. $7K. (757) 594-5118
Auto cont.
Auto cont.
Real Estate cont.
1997 Jeep Wrangler TJ - 4WD, 66K miles, garaged, 6 cylinder 4.0L, auto, AC, soft top, plus Bimiti & Safari tops. $8,500. (757) 541-3561
2002 Yamaha YZF600R Motorcycle - Blk/sil new tires, fork seals, plugs, air filter. D&d pipe, jetted. $1,500. (757) 553-2931
Timeshare for Sale - Week 22, Floating. 3 bed. Lockout capable (2bd/1bd). 120,000 points unlmtd stay home resort. Negotiable. (757) 508-6750
2004 Toyota Highlander - 153k miles. Call/text for pics. $5,500 OBO. (757) 349-9255
Exhaust - 99-04 Mustang 4.6 Borla atack 2.5" Cat-back system for straight axle. Like new. $700. (757) 553-2931
2000 Honda Accord SE - 185K miles, new tires/drive belts, good cond. Call/ text for pics. $1,700. (757) 869-9169 H-D Motorcycle Windshield - Lightly smoked 10-in. tall "Windsplitter" off a 2014 St. Glide. Should fit any 2014 HD fehring. EC. $90. (757) 672-8256 Motorcycle Seat double (rider motorcycle seat Street or Road (757) 672-8256
- Stock pleather and passenger) for a 2014 HD glide. EC. $150.
1982 Chevy Pickup - 6.2-liter diesel, new tires, not running. $1,000 OBO. (757) 880-5401 1995 Pontiac Firebird V6 - T-tops, 5-speed. New leather seats. 100K miles. $3,000. (757) 329-6761 2005 Ford Mustang V6 - Convertible, 5-speed. Red. 100K miles. Pics avail. $4,000. (757) 329-6761
2000 Chevrolet Silverado - Great daily driver, April inspection, 199,500 miles, newer tires. $2,000. (757) 968-3278
FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Whirpool Washer and Dryer Set Good condition. Works great. Text for pics. $200. (757) 604-8478
REAL ESTATE Buying or Selling a Home - Save money when you buy or sell a home with us. (757) 279-7772 Updated Brick Ranch - Sought-after Churchland area of Portsmouth. $184,900. Text for pics/info. (757) 282-3703
Lots for Sale - Two 1/2 acre lots for sale on tidal canal in Gloucester. Call for more details. (757) 641-4994 Home for Sale - 3 BR/2 BA, 1,300 SF. Many new upgrades: kitchen, lighting, paint, carpet. ColonyPines-NN. $217.9K. Text (757) 897-2570 3BD/1.5 BA House for Rent - Large fenced-in yard, new flooring. Close to 64, ~20 mins to NNS; Pets welcome. $1,150/month. (434) 989-2798 Timeshares for Sale - One or two timesharesfor sale. Text for information. (757) 386-6821
MISCELLANEOUS Hunting Club - Hunting Club in northeast NC accepting new members. Deer w/ Dogs & still. (252) 332-9898
Several Newport News Shipbuilding employees appeared on "The Hampton Roads Show" last week to spread awareness about heart disease and promote the upcoming American Heart Association heart walks.
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10 | 8 | 2018
MISCELLANEOUS Heating / AC Service - Quality work at low prices.Tuneup, repair or replace. Licensed & insured w/30 years exp. Same-day service. (757) 525-0259 Home Cleaning - General home cleaning. Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed & insured. (757) 371-3904 Event Designer and Decorator - For all occasions. (757) 508-3585 Affordable Child Care - State licensed, loving home environment & enrolling now in Churchland/Ports. area. (757) 376-3374 Moving Boxes - Some new and some used. Around 40 boxes. $10. (757) 753-0035 Maui Jim Sunglasses - Peahi model sunglasses, polarized, etc. EC. Paid $225, selling for $150. (757) 672-8256
Miscellaneous cont.
Wanted cont.
Hobbies cont.
Bags for Sale - Anne Klein, Jessica Simpson, Tina Knowles, etc. All good cond. $10 each. Text for pics. (757) 746-5615
Women's Tackle Football - Richmond Black Widows Football tryouts 10/6, 11/3, 12/1. No exp. necessary. (757) 320-8011
NFL Tickets - Two Cleveland Browns and Carolina Panthers NFL tickets. 1 p.m., Dec. 9 at First Energy Stadium. (757) 506-6567
Yard Core Aeration - Free Quotes. Quality service at affordable prices. (757) 848-7041
Van Riders - Van coming through Franklin and Suffolk 3rd shift. (757) 653-8664
Umbrella Stroller - Used once, 30 lb. weight limit. Compact & convenient, pink. Call for pics. $10. (757) 690-6999
NNS Commuter Van - Commuter van from Va. Beach to NNS daily, 1st shift. Van leaves from Diamond Springs Rd. Text 'VANRIDE' to (757) 450-6740
Lawn Care - Great work at low prices. Mowing, trimming, bushes & trees. Cleaning flower beds & yard cleanups. (757) 525-0259
WANTED Washer & Dryer - Broken washers & dryers that you are no longer using and taking up space. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100 Wanted - Licensed barbers and braiders needed. (757) 596-9600
BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY 2-stroke Oil - 3/4-gal of West Marine brand 2-stroke outboard motor oil, (non-synthetic). $15. (757) 672-8256
HOBBIES Kentucky Mandolin - KM-620, w/ hard shell case. Excellent condition. Great starter mando. $250 OBO. (757) 292-9640
PETS Pet Crate - Small crate for home and travel, 14" highX21" long. Great for small dog, puppy, cat, etc. EC. $25. (757) 672-8256 Guinea Pig to a Good Home - 8-month -old Guinea pig needs a forever home. Cage, food and supplies included. Text (757) 803-3112 2 Bird Cages - 1 large cage, $150 OBO. 1 medium cage, $80 OBO. Assembled. Call for pics & dimensions. Leave message. (757) 409-8200
IN APPRECIATION Thanks to the Students - Thanks to all who studied guitar w/me because you saw the Currents ad. I still teach. Best wishes. (757) 528-7017
Communications Division to Stop Publishing Classifieds Many shipbuilders have provided feedback to the Communications Division regarding the decision to eliminate Employee Classifieds from Currents. The division is evaluating options to see if there is a technology solution that will help minimize the amount of time it takes to administer the service. Employees who volunteered to take this effort over are appreciated and will be contacted soon to discuss in more detail. For now, Classifieds are discontinued through the end of 2018. Communications will provide additional details at a later date as to whether the service will be reinstated in 2019.
Shipbuilders recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of Bldg. 600. Shipbuilders began moving into the facility in the fall of 1968. Photo by John Whalen
Email communications@hii-nns.com for questions or comments.