THURSDAY, May 23, 2013
Vol. 41, No. 21
Broader Scope for Planners
What’s Inside
By Tom Shevlin
10 21 4- 5 24 15 13 17 6 5 12 22 9 27 23 19 24
It's Never Too Late
At the Aquidneck Island Adult Learning Center in Middletown, 83-year old Alma Gilmore works with teacher Jim Kenney on one of her final lessons. In 1947, a bout of epilepsy kept Gilmore from returning to Rogers High School for her junior and senior years. This June, 66 years later, she is set to walk across the stage of the Rogers auditorium to receive her diploma. Since January, Gilmore has worked to complete four courses in English, history, mathematics and computers. “This is a miracle,” Gilmore says with a smile. “I’ve wanted to do this forever. I’m so excited.” (Photo by Meg O’Neil)
Planning for a Healthier City By Ross Cann
In 2010, the Newport City Council pledged to make the city a “Complete Streets” community. Complete Streets is a principle developed by the Smart Growth planning movement, stating that roadways and sidewalks should be designed with “all users in mind— including bicyclists, public transportation, vehicles and riders, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.” This is a part of the larger Smart Growth goal to integrate housing, work and shopping into compact development areas that maximize the efficiency of land use and minimize the amount of vehicular traffic needed to make the community function well. This policy is a complete reversal of the planning approach that has been predominant in the United States from the Second World War to about twenty years ago, in which the primary focus was trying to accommodate the most vehicles, maximize their velocity from one location to another, and create large parking lots to accommodate the vehicles once they had reached destination buildings dedicated to a single use. This planning resulted in suburban sprawl, as zones dedicated to a single use like residential, commercial or office space became larger and therefore more physically separated from one another. This means that people spend more time commuting from one zone to another. The development of America’s Cup Boulevard is one example of a project where the needs of vehicular traffic were accommodated with little concern
Participants at "Bike to Work Day," May 17. (Photo by Ross Cann) or thought to the negative impact the project would have on the pedestrian connection of residential neighborhoods to their historic waterfront. Fortunately, many communities that were developed long before World War II used traditional principles that integrated many uses into mixed-use zones where people could walk from their homes to stores or even live above their shops. This traditional style of designing cities and towns is often (and ironically) called “New Urbanism” after a group that sought to revive these time-honored planning principles. This approach has regained prominence and acceptance in the past twenty years, but
it still has an uphill climb to repair and replace fifty years of ill-conceived suburban development. One of the central elements of Complete Streets is to accommodate bicyclists. The Newport City Council has made a resolution to be the first certified “Bicycle Friendly” community in the state of Rhode Island, which is one of only two states that do not currently have such a community. As part of this larger goal, the City of Newport has recently created a “Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission.” This group has built upon the work of Bari George and Bike Newport, a nonprofit group that provides advocacy to bicyclists within the community. Among the activities Free Local News Matters
that they have arranged is Bike to Work Day, held May 17 this year, when many people took the occasion to leave their cars at home and commute (and participate in an after work ride) on their bicycles. The Bike Newport group has also arranged the restriping of roadways to make them safer for bicycles after the death of a bicyclist on Memorial Boulevard last year. The group is organizing the first annual Elliot Kaminitz Father’s Day Bike Ride on June 16 in his memory. Recently, GrowSmart Rhode Island and the Coalition for Transportation Choices (CTC) sponsored a statewide workshop for planners and commissioners from across Rhode Island to hear from Mark Fenton, the host of public television’s “America’s Walking,” and from Michael Lewis, the director of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation. The sponsoring groups reaffirmed their support of “Complete Streets,” the use of roundabouts to support pedestrian safety, and observed that the explosion of obesity among Americans is partly caused by a lack of walking. It also emphasized that urban design should not only work to design streets that are safe for all users but also to help create ones where people will enjoy walking, biking, shopping, working and living. Newport has always been such a place, and with the efforts of the new Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission and the implementation of the Complete Streets principles into future roadway projects, the future of our community can be even brighter still—for everyone!
Members of Newport's Planning Board and the newly formed North End Planning Commission this week began laying the groundwork for future development in the city. On Monday, City Manager Jane Howington discussed with the Planning Board a wide variety of city projects that are in various stages of development. As she sees it, the board has a unique opportunity to expand its role from deciding such practical matters as subdivisions and change-of-use applications, to guiding large-scale projects such as Lower Thames Street, the future use of the former Navy Hospital property, and relocating the Gateway Visitor Center. Other issues that could be addressed by the board include updating the city's Comprehensive Plan, fostering economic develop-
See NEW APPROACH on page 7
Members Spar Over Budget By Meg O’Neil The Newport schools’ Liaison Subcommittee, which is made up of members of the Newport School Committee and the City Council, met on Tuesday, May 21, to discuss the school budget for Fiscal Year 2013-14. Both groups have indicated a desire to improve their working relationship, but the meeting was tense at times. On Tuesday, attention centered around the school department's proposed budget. The school department currently faces a $1.2-$1.5 million shortfall. City councilor Naomi Neville questioned whether the idea of sharing services between the city and schools as a cost-saving measure had been discussed at the school’s budget workshops. The answer was “no.” For over a year, the City Council has suggested that the school department’s Finance and Property Management offices be absorbed by the city as a means to save money for schools without impacting educational services. More recently, the city suggested that Human Resources also be merged with the city. Both parties have said they
See BUDGET on page 7
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Page 2 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
Engineering Challenge at Thompson Middle School The cafeteria at Thompson Middle School became a science lab last week, as eighth grade students took part in an edible car racing contest on May 17. The goal of the “Engineering Challenge” was for students of Candace Lewia and Barbara Walton-Faria’s science classes to build a model car made entirely of edible items found inside their home that would successfully travel on wheels down a four foot ramp in the shortest amount of time. There were four rules: Cars had to be built entirely of edible food items; skewers and toothpicks were allowed to help attach items together; entries had to look like vehicles; and entries were required to have at least two axles and at least three wheels. Popular items used to construct the cars were bagels, cookies, pretzels, cucumbers, and rice krispie treats.
Twin brothers Michael and James Garvey raced their car made with an eggplant body, rice cake wheels, and pretzel stick axles. (Photo by Meg O’Neil)
(Photos by Jen Carter)
Homecoming Party for Heather Abbott
Online media sites Newport Patch and Newport Buzz held a homecoming party on May 19 for Heather Abbott, a Newport resident who was severely injured in the Boston Marathon bombing last month. Hundreds of friends, community members, and lawmakers turned out to show their support for Abbott at Rosecliff Mansion for the event. Governor Lincoln Chafee, Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Jack Reed, Congressmen Jim Langevin and David Cicilline, Attorney General Peter Kilmartin, New England Patriots player Matt Chatham, and Newport Vice Mayor Naomi Neville were in attendance. During a brief ceremony, the city of Newport declared May 19, 2013 to be “Heather Abbott Day.” Monies raised from the homecoming party will go towards Abbott’s Recovery Fund, which can be found online at
Jay Sullivan looks on as Barry Meunier tries to sink a putt at the "A Wish Come True" tournament.(Photos by Jen Carter)
Peter Barry hosts the 7th annual Barry Automotive Charity Golf Classic, benefiting "A Wish Come True," at the Green Valley Country Club.
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 3
‘Wellness’ Groups Could Pay Fees By Jonathan Clancy At its regular meeting on Monday, May 20, the Middletown Town Council began talks to amend the town code regarding fee schedules for private use of outdoor public places such as Second Beach, Third Beach, Dunlap-Wheeler Berkeley-Peckham, and the Wyatt Road Complex. According to an existing ordinance, the town requires residents and nonprofit groups pay a fee of $100 per day for a special use permit during the peak season of June 1 – Sept. 30, and $50 during the off-season. Non-resident and commercial groups pay $200 a day during the peak season and $100 a day during the off-season. The amended ordinance would add a fee of $25 per day for wellness and sport camps. A second reading of the revised ordinance is scheduled for June 3. Town Administrator Shawn Brown said that a special event permit is required to reserve town property when the activity deprives the public from enjoying the area. Brown said that many wellness groups overrun certain properties such as the beaches, which can present overcrowding problems during busy months of the year. Requiring the permit allows the town to ensure that the area is prepared for the group activity, and to prevent double booking. The permits allow the town to set the criteria as to when and where a commercial group can hold an
exercise class. Brown said that the fees would apply only to groups that charge for their services. Exercise clubs were not the only types of users discussed. “We have people that pull a permit to have a wedding on the beach,” Brown said. “Then we have people that just pull up, unload, say ‘I do’ and pile back in the car again. I want it to be equitable for everyone.” Also on the matter of fees, Councilor Robert Sylvia criticized what he said is the council’s tendency to waive permit and other fees for nonprofit groups. Councilor Theresa Santos agreed and suggested lowering the fees so as not to be prohibitive to a nonprofit group. Santos recommended reducing the current $100 fee to $50 for nonprofits. Brown said that the town is considering changing its fee schedule and advised the council to continue waiving fees as they deem appropriate until the revised fee schedule is presented at the next council meeting. Also at Monday’s meeting, the council voted unanimously to support a proposed statewide resolution to restore the full jurisdiction of the Ethics Commission over the state General Assembly. Joint resolutions S-0337 and H-5498 would allow voters of Rhode Island to make this decision on an election ballot next year. The council also voted to allow Brown to seek an exception from the Aquidneck Land Trust to allow the Middletown Youth Soccer Club to construct a pavilion at the Wyatt
Road Soccer Fields. The Land Trust holds a conservation easement on the property, which limits development to a single structure with a footprint of less than 1,500 square feet. Currently there is one structure on the property, which measures 24’ x 24’, or 576 square feet. If approved, the soccer club would fund and manage the $25,000 project. The structure would measure 30’ x 20’ or 600 square feet and would be used to provide shade and protection from inclement weather. Prior to the regular meeting, the council continued its scheduled budget talks. The Middletown Fire Department requested a 2 percent increase in salary costs overall. Councilor Paul Rodrigues questioned the $376,523 of overtime dollars. Middletown Fire Chief Ron Doire said that Middletown has a young department, which has had to use family leave time for pregnancies, resulting in the use of overtime for other employees. Doire also noted that the majority of sick time taken was during the winter flu season. Brown told the council, “This is as bare bones as we can get.” The Middletown Police Department requested a $201,458 (4 percent overall) increase for fiscal year 2014, due mainly to rising salary and health care costs, according to Police Chief Anthony Pesare who cited the average age of members of his department as a reason.
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NTW - May 23, 2013
School Group Wants to Send Positive Message By Meg O’Neil A longstanding subcommittee, formed to increase community outreach and public relations with Newport Public Schools, discussed future plans during a meeting Monday, May 20. Comprised of school committee members Rebecca Bolan, Jo Eva Gaines, and Sandra Flowers, as well as Cranston Calvert principal Jen Booth, Director of Grants Jackie Naspo, and Newport Public Education Foundation secretary and parent Lynn Ceglie, the subcommittee worked on ways to share information with the community. Keeping the district website updated with photographs, as well as using radio broadcasts and public access television shows were a few of the ideas considered. One highlight discussed was the district’s “Year in Review” which listed the accomplishments of students in Newport schools in the 2011-2012 school year. (The list is printed in its entirety on’s Education Blog). While it was heralded by the Newport School Committee, the review didn’t capture the attention of everyone in Newport. “I would say that 90 percent of
what was featured in that review was never known by the community at large,” Gaines said. “The schools get enough bad press, and the good news does not get out.” In order to try to change that, the subcommittee said it was the responsibility of school principals to release information on school events and accomplishments to the public. “We need to change the culture of isolated schools,” said Booth. After scheduling a recent event at Cranston Calvert Elementary, Booth admits she did not check to see if any other schools had events scheduled for the same evening. “Some of the schools are simply better at getting their information out than others,” said Ceglie. Rebecca Bolan said the creation of a master district-wide calendar could not only help announce meetings and events at all schools, but would also limit the amount of overlapping events – an occurrence that happens too often according to the group. “It upsets parents when they have to get split up between two events,” she said. In an increasingly paperless world, schools have shifted to automated services that send news and information home to parents.
A district-wide email and phone service known as “list-serve” sends information to parents, teachers, and administrators, but even that poses a problem for some. “Those who don’t have internet access don’t get the information,” said Bolan. She said that roughly one third of Newport families do not have access to the Internet and computers. In addition, one quarter of family phone numbers provided to the district are not valid. Other families have complained that the list-serve sends too many emails that may not directly relate to information pertaining to their child’s grade level or school. Extending beyond families, the group hopes to reach out to the community at large. The first step the subcommittee is making is to meet with the district’s Director of Technology to discuss ways to make the district website more user-friendly. “I want to attract families back to public schools,” Ceglie said. “The website could help with that. We need to inform the public and let people know that Newport Public Schools are worth supporting. I’d like to hear people say, ‘I want my kids to be a part of this community.’”
WHO WE ARE Editor: Lynne Tungett, Ext. 105 News Editor: Tom Shevlin, Ext.106 Advertising Director: Kirby Varacalli, Ext. 103 Advertising Sales: Nila Asciolla, Ext. 102
86 Broadway, Newport, R.I. 02840 401-847-7766 • 401-846-4974 (fax) A publication of Island Communications Copyright 2013
Contributors: Florence Archambault, Pat Blakeley, Ross Sinclair Cann, Jen Carter, Jonathan Clancy, Cynthia Gibson, Katherine Imbrie, Jack Kelly, Patricia Lacouture, Meg O’Neil, Federico Santi, Dorcie Sarantos and Shawna Snyder
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Page 4 Newport This May 23, 2013
Noreen Drexel Honored by NPEF The Newport Public Education Foundation (NPEF) will recognize Noreen Stonor Drexel’s years of service to public education in Newport on Friday, May 31. The presentation and reception will take place at Ochre Court. Mrs. Drexel, who passed away in November, was instrumental in saving the Townsend Building on Broadway, which became Thompson Middle School. In addition, she served as an advisor to the Newport Public Education Foundation and the naming of the Pell School, which is currently under construction, was made possible with her supportive influence. “Mrs. Drexel was an extraordinary advocate of everyone’s efforts for public school education, it is right to edify her generosity and consistent thoughtfulness,” said former NPEF board and current School Committee member Dr. Robert Power. The planners have arranged for students in Rogers High School’s culinary program to prepare the savory hor d’oeurves and domestic cheese and fruit presentations alongside the professionals of Blackstone Catering. The entertainment for “Evening for Education” will be the Rogers High School Jazz Band, members of which opened the 2012 Newport Jazz Festival. Tickets for the event are $40 and are available at They will also be available at the door.
Eat a Rainbow at Redwood Fun, nutritious and delicious eating is the theme at the Redwood Library’s “Eat a Rainbow” event on Saturday, May 25 at 2 p.m. The free event will feature lots of tasty food samplings, stories and seedling party favors. The free event is for youngsters ages 4+ and will be held in the Redwood’s Harrison Room, 50 Bellevue Avenue. No need to register; just drop in and join the family fun. For more information, call 401-847-0292.
Trash Delay The Newport Public Services Department’s Clean City Program reminds residents that there will be no trash or recycling collection on Monday, May 27 due to the observance of Memorial Day. All collections for the week of May 27 will be delayed by one day. Yard waste will be collected during the weeks of June 3 and 17 on residents’ regular collection day.
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Swimming Safety The swim season is starting and its time to be on the guard around water. The following information on water safety is from the United States Lifeguarding Association. Drowning is the third leading cause of accidental death in the United States and the second leading cause of accidental death for persons aged 5 to 44. For children in the one to two year age range, drowning is the leading cause of injury death. In some states, like California, Florida, and Hawaii, drowning is the leading cause of injury death for persons under 15 years of age. It has been found that for every ten children who die by drowning, 140 are treated in emergency rooms, and 36 are admitted for further treatment in hospitals. Males drown at a significantly higher rate than females (about 5 to 1). For boat related drownings, the ratio escalates to about 14 to 1. USLA’s Top Safety Tips; learn to swim, swim near a lifeguard, swim with a buddy, learn rip current safety, enter water feet first, and wear a life jacket.
Open House for New Business Incubator The Newport office of Social Enterprise Greenhouse (SEG) is holding an open house on May 31 from 5 – 7 p.m. to introduce its new social venture incubator. The event will be held at the group’s Newport office located at the Seamen’s Church Institute, 18 Market St. The incubator provides space, business services, and mentoring to highpotential social ventures. The open house will introduce the social ventures participating in the incubator, as well as upcoming social enterprise programs and services. Currently, three social ventures are involved in the program: Bike Newport, an organization working towards improving, encouraging and facilitating bicycling in and around Newport; Ocean State Fresh, which supports the local fishing industry and promotes sustainable seafood; and Sustainable Aquidneck, which is developing sustainable practice initiatives, especially in agriculture. For more information about the May 31 event or about Social Enterprise Greenhouse, contact Kelly Ramirez at or 401-749-7238.
210 Thames Street Newport 847-2273
Ballet Audition The next audition for Rhode Island’s ballet theatre will be on Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the studio of RI Ballet Arts Academy, 7728 Post Rd., North Kingstown. Serious dance students, ages 9 - 18, who would like to excel in dance performance are encouraged to audition. (The audition fee is $15). Call 401-847-5301 and leave your name and phone number to register. For more information, visit
Starring Matthew McConaughey & Reese Witherspoon Thursday May 23 3:30 pm Friday May 24 6:45 pm Saturday May 25 7:00 9:30pm Sunday May 26 1:45 7:00 pm Monday May 27 7:00 pm Tuesday May 28 7:00 pm Wednesday May 29 7:00 pm Thursday May 30 7:00 pm
All Cluny School students in Grade 3 through Grade 8 completed annual achievement testing in the fall of 2012 with very strong results overall. Cluny students are given TerraNova Standardized Tests, developed by CTB/McGraw Hill, and taken by millions of Kindergarten through Grade 12 students across the country at parochial and other schools. By comparing all student scores, a TerraNova national norm is established. Test results are compared to the national norm to indicate the progress that students at different grade levels are making across the various subject areas. In nearly all subject areas across all Cluny grade levels tested, the grades’ average scores for Cluny students were significantly above the TerraNova national norm. Of special note were the exceptional scores in Math, Science, Reading, Language (English) and Social Studies achieved by Cluny Grade 7 and Grade 8 students. For example, the Grade 7 Total Math score was 50% higher than the TerraNova national norm and the Grade 8 Total Math score was 52% above. In Science, the Grade 7 score was 44% above the national norm, and the Grade 8 score was 50% above norm. Grade 7 and Grade 8 language arts and social studies test scores were even higher versus the national norm. For more information about the Cluny test scores by grade or subject area, please contact the principal, Miss Erin Finn at 401-847-6043. Cluny School is an independent pre-school through Grade 8 Catholic School, located at 75 Brenton Road, Newport. The coeducational school, which welcomes students of all faiths and nationalities, was founded in 1957 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, and is Newport’s only Catholic elementary school. For more information about Cluny School please call 401-847-2850 or visit
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For What It’s Worth Mr. Santi: We love reading your article every week! Enclosed is a photo of a side table we purchase many years ago. The inlaid wood shows birds and a pond. What can you tell us about it? — Michael R. Michael: It may be a little hard to see, but your table should have an inlaid signature “ Galle” This firm was especially known for its art glass production but they also made ceramics and furniture. Your table is probably the outer part of a nest of tables with one or two smaller ones included. As is, if the inlay is in good condition, its value is between $1,000.00 and $1,500. – Federico Santi, partner, Drawing Room (The Drawing Room offers free appraisals by appointment. Call 841-5060 to make an appointment.) Do you have a treasured item and want to know “what it’s worth?” Send an image, as hi-res as possible, directly to Santi at: or 152 Spring St., Newport
General Assembly Highlights For more information on any of these items visit n Veteran education assistance The House bill sponsored by Rep. Marvin L. Abney (D-Dist. 73, Newport, Middletown) calls for the establishment of veteran-friendly educational programs that allow service personnel returning from duty to pursue their education in an accelerated manner through programs that acknowledge a veteran/student’s military training and coursework. The Senate approved the legislation which is part of the “Pave the Rhode Back Home” package of bills introduced to help veterans and their families. n Specialty license plates The Senate approved legislation to establish an expiration date for specialty license plates that fail to achieve the mandated minimum number of pre-paid orders within five years of the enactment authorizing the plates. Most specialty plates authorized for sale are required to reach a minimum pre-paid order of 900 before they are produced.
n Regional water authority Legislation was introduced to create the Ocean State Regional Water Authority, which would be authorized to acquire and maintain water systems currently operated by local water supply systems throughout the statelighting. n Renewable energy strategy The Senate passed a bill to strengthen ties between the state’s renewable energy plan and its economic development strategy. The legislation would make changes to the Rhode Island Energy Efficiency and Resources Management Council in order to support forward movement in the realm of green jobs and renewable resources. n Task force for the artsy The Senate unanimously approved a resolution sponsored by Senate President M. Teresa Paiva Weed requesting that the governor create a “State of the Arts” Planning Task Force.
Local General Assembly officials: Sen. Louis P. DiPalma (D-Dist. 12, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Tiverton); President of the Senate, M. Teresa Paiva Weed (D-Dist. 13, Newport, Middletown); Rep. Marvin Abney (D-Dist. 73, Middletown, Newport); Rep. Deborah Ruggiero (D-Dist. 74, Jamestown, Middletown) Rep. Peter F. Martin (D-Dist. 75, Newport), Rep. Linda Dill Finn (D-Dist. 72, Newport, Middletown, Portsmouth)
Nursing Scholarship The Michele Gizzi Nursing Scholarship is a competitive scholarship fund open to permanent residents of Aquidneck Island who have been accepted into an accredited school of nursing. Applications are sought for a $1,000 nursing scholarship to a deserving recipient for the purpose of study toward an Associate Degree, Diploma, or Bachelor’s Degree in nursing at a National League of Nursing accredited school of nursing. Applicants must complete the application form, submit proof of matriculation in a post secondary school, and provide a copy of acceptance letter for freshman applicants or an official copy of course registration or schedule for the fall semester for sophomores, juniors, and seniors in a National League of Nursing accredited school of nursing. To obtain a copy of the application, visit Deadline for applications is June 30.
Opening Receptions The Magic of Colored Pencil is featured this month at Spring Bull Gallery in conjunction with the New England Colored Pencil Society. Starting with an opening reception on Saturday, June 1 from 5-7 p.m. to which the public is invited. The Magic of Colored Pencil runs through Sunday, June 30. For additional information on this exhibition, future gallery events or member artists call the gallery at 849-9166 or visit www. An opening reception will also be held at DeBlois Gallery to meet the gallery members and to join them in celebrating their success in fostering contemporary art in Newport for the past 29 years. The reception will be held on Saturday, June 1 from 5-7 pm. at DeBlois Gallery, 138 Bellevue Ave. For more information, visit the website at or call 847-9977.
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May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 5
NEWS BRIEFS Newport Police Department responded to 549 calls. Of those, 96 were motor vehicle related; there were 68 motor vehicle violations issued and 28 accident reports, 2 private tows were called in and 2 bicycle violations issued.
The police also responded to 30 home/business alarm calls, 5 suicide calls, 13 incidents of vandalism, 16 noise complaints, and 19 animal complaints. Officers responded to 1 call about fireworks on Burnside Ave. on Sunday and 1 call reporting “prostitution in progress.” There were 20 school security checks (Underwood-4, Rogers-4, Triplett-4, Coggeshall-3, Cranston-Calvert-2, Thompson-1, Dr. Martin Luther King Center-1, Cluny School-1) and officers held 6 DARE classes. They recorded 4 instances of assisting other agencies, 8 restaurant checks on Wed. from 12:18am - 12:54am. and 8 instances of assisting other police departments. Police were also called to the discovery of a dead body. In addition, 21 arrests were made for the following violations: n 4 arrests were made for larceny n 3 arrests were made for disorderly conduct n 2 arrests were made for outstanding bench warrants n 2 arrests were made for domesti simple assault n 2 arrests were made for driving with a suspended or revoked license n 1 arrest was made for simple assault n 1 arrest was made for domestic threats n 1 arrest was made for vandalism n 1 arrest was made for felony assault n 1 arrest was made for possession of drugs with intent to manufacture or deliver n 1 arrest was made for public urination n 1 arrest was made for embezzlement n 1 arrest was made for DUI
Copper Thief Arrested
Specific situations fire apparatus was used for include: 1 - Brush / grass fire 1- Search for person in water 1 - Flammable gas condition 2 - Vehicle accidents 1 - Lock out 1 - Gas leak (natural or LPG) 2 - False calls 3 - Assist public calls 12 - Fire alarm sounding - no fire 15 - Fire alarm malfunction - no fire 48 - Engine assist on EMS call In the category of fire prevention, the department performed 7 life safety / site inspections, and 6 fire system plan reviews and did 8 tent inspections / plan review. Fire Prevention Message: For other than one- and two-family dwellings, no hibachi, gas-fired grill, charcoal grill, or other similar devices used for cooking, heating, or any other purpose, shall be used or kindled on any balcony or under any overhanging portion or within 10 ft. of any structure. Electric ranges, grills, or similar electrical apparatus shall be permitted (RI Fire Code). —Information provided by FM Wayne Clark, ADSFM
Treasures at Redwood The Redwood Library has four special items on display through May in the Harrison Room. These pieces were highlighted in a recent “Treasures of the Redwood” salon and are normally held in the vault. Rarely seen volumes on display are: a first edition Uncle Tom’s Cabin, with tipped in, handwritten letter by author Harriet Beecher Stowe; the superb Flemish Book of Hours, circa 1440, illuminated by the socalled “Masters of the Gold Scrolls”; the historic Biblia Latina, circa 1487, which suffered of a stolen page that was eventually returned to the Redwood in 1880 and reunited with the original manuscript; and illustrations in a French sailor’s journal, written over a period of two voyages. Members and visitors are invited to stop by and see these treasures during the normal Redwood Library hours: Monday - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: 9:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m.; Thursday: 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.; and Sunday: 1-5 p.m.
The Aquidneck island Double Dutch League will hold several fundraising events to help send the local champions to compete at the national level. Newport’s own Double Dutch Sharks - Destiny Gotay, Anyssa Blanc, Adrieanna Matoes and Ja’Nya Pierce - will represent the state of Rhode Island at the World Invitational Double Dutch Tournament in Sumter, S.C. in mid June. The group will hold a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, May 25 at the Tender Loving Care Learning Center, 38 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd., 5-7:30 p.m. The cost is $7 for adults and $5 for children and includes spaghetti, salad and dessert. Contact Donna Matthews at 401-8472793. The Boys and Girls Club will host a Zumba fundraiser on Saturday, June 1 at the Central Club House, 95 Church St., 1:30-3 p.m. Have fun, exercise, and support the Sharks for $10. Jamestown Golf Course will be the site of the DD Shark Golf Tournament on Sunday, June 2. The 9-hole scramble is $65 per golfer and tee times begin at 10 a.m. Registration deadline is May 29. Contact Ray Malone at 401-293-5944 to register.
A Spectacle of Music
Heart & Sole Walk
The Spectacle of Toleration, the 350th anniversary celebration of the 1663 King Charles II Charter, continues on Sunday, May 26 with The Spectacle of Music at the Colony House in Washington Square. Four live performances of colonial era music will showcase military songs, maritime shanties, and Sephardic and Native American music. The Ministers of Apollo will present the Orange County Militia Drum and Fife Band performing military music of the American Revolution at 1 p.m. The Mother Earth Singers will demonstrate Native American drum and singing at 2 p.m., courtesy of the Dighton Intertribal Council. Gerard Edery, hailed as “a master of Sephardic song” by The New York Times, and violinist Meg Okura, will perform at 3 p.m., tracing the surprising and exotic musical synergies between Christians, Arabs and Jews from Medieval Spain to the present. At 4 p.m., Dr. Stuart Frank, Senior Curator at the New Bedford Whaling Museum, and Mary Malloy will sing 18th and 19th century ballads and songs. Performances are free, but donations are welcome. For more information, visit spectacleoftoleration. org.
The Potter League for Animals is holding their 24th annual Heart & Sole Walk for the Animals on Sunday, June 2, at Glen Park in Portsmouth. All proceeds from the event will directly benefit the shelter animals. Check-in starts at 10 a.m. and the walk begins at noon. Morning festivities include a smart and fit pet challenge course, obedience training demonstrations, a dog obstacle course, a children’s scavenger hunt and face painting, and the infamous pet contests. Walkers can visit the Healthy Pet Marketplace where pet care professionals will be on hand to discuss acupuncture and massage therapy for pets, veterinary care, pet nutrition, training, healthy pet treats, Canine Good Citizen certification and adoption information. Participants are encouraged to collect pledges and earn great prizes at the same time. Those who raise $100 will receive a free lunch and limited-edition Walk Tee Shirt. ($50 for kids) People can participate with or without their dogs, walk in honor or memory of their cats or other favorite pet, or form a “pack” with friends or family members.” Teams from schools, clubs, or businesses are welcome. Registration is available online at, by mail or in person at the Potter League.
For more information on supporting the trip, contact Malone at 401-293-5944.
Roger Williams: The Wall between Church and State The Redwood Library will celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Rhode Island Colonial Charter with a seminar focusing on the ideas of Roger Williams. The Library will host a series of speakers on Saturday, June 1 beginning at 1:30 pm, followed by optional cocktails and dinner at the Viking Hotel at 6 p.m. Speakers include Rockwell Stenstrud, Stephen Clark, Ted Widmer, and Keith Stokes. Seminar tickets are $20 for members, $25 for nonmembers. Tickets for cocktails and dinner at the Viking are $100. Contact Mary Spotts at 401-847-0292, ext. 115 for reservations.
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The Newport Police have arrested a 25 year old local man in connection with the theft of copper downspouts from at least 16 Newport homes. The investigation, which was led by Detective Sergeant Robert Silveria and Detective Joseph Leonardo, began in mid-April after the police received reports of stolen copper downspouts from several Newport neighborhoods. During this time, detectives learned that the individual made several trips up to Mid-City Scrap Iron and Salvage Company in Westport Mass, scrapping over 600 pounds of folded and compressed copper downspouts. After weeks of surveillance and investigation, Officer Stephen Carrig observed a male wearing a black hooded sweatshirt walking in the area of Eustis Avenue and Old Beach Road in the early morning hours of May 20. The suspect was questioned and later confessed to stealing the copper downspouts off all of the 16 houses that the Newport Police were investigating. He was arraigned at Newport 2nd Division Court on 16 counts of Larceny and 1 count of vandalism.
During the period from Monday, May 13 through Sunday, May 19 the Newport Fire Department responded to a total of 122 calls. Of those, 62 were emergency medical calls, resulting in 49 patients being transported to the hospital. Additionally, 9 patients refused aid once EMS had arrived. Fire apparatus was used for 122 responses: • Station 1 - Headquarters/Rescue 1 and 3 responded to 55 calls • Station 1 - Engine 1 and 6 responded to 46 calls • Station 2 - Old Fort Road Rescue 2 responded to 21 calls • Station 2 - Old Fort Road Engine 2 responded to 5 calls • Station 5 - Touro Street/Engine 5 and 3 responded to 39 calls
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Newport Police Log Newport Fire During the period from Monday, Incident Run Report May 13 to Monday, May 20, the
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Page 6 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
Focus on the Future
t can seem hard at times to keep up with all of the aspirations coming out of City Hall. From various road and streetscape improvements to more amorphous goals like spurring economic development and making the city more "user-friendly," Newport has quite a broad set of ambitions. Which is why we're happy to see a renewed focus on public planning. Over the last few years, the city's planning functions have been undergoing a slow and sometimes frustrating reorganization. During a budget meeting earlier this spring, City Manager Jane Howington acknowledged that the department – which perhaps had once been overstaffed – had been stripped to the point where the city's ability to plan and implement certain projects had been eroded. Things now seem to be moving in the right direction. Later this month, City Council members are expected to approve a plan to redesign the city's planning office into a department charged not with planning, but rather "Civic Investment." Two groups that are expected to play key roles in bringing ideas into reality – the city's Planning Board and the newly constituted North End Planning Commission – have also taken some notable steps this week. As we report in this issue, both groups met this week with a common aim: to help city leaders chart a better course for Newport's future. The Planning Board, which has been relegated to a kind of constant stasis of application hearings and procedural approvals, is being re-engaged. Howington says she wants their expertise and input. They can do much more than simply reviewing private development projects as they arise. Likewise, the new North End Planning Commission is also being asked for their input. Here again, the city is hoping to glean some industry and community expertise in finally pursuing a meaningful redevelopment of the city's North End. Members of the group plan on meeting four times before presenting recommendations to the council. As Newporters are well aware, we've had plenty of studies and analyses conducted over the years. Finally, the city seems to know where it wants to go. Now, it's just a matter of getting there.
Save Wilbur Street Trees To the Editor: Last year a parcel of land was sold to an out of town developer on Wilbur Street off of Eustis Avenue. The developer is attempting to obtain the necessary permits to build a house on the land next to historical cemetery # NT 20. The City of Newport is granting the developer permission to cut down 10 very large trees, destroy a wooded area and build a paved road to access the lot to be built on. The proposed plan by the developer is once the road is built, to plant 8 sugar maple saplings along the north boundary, hardly a suitable replacement for trees of this size and age. The condemned trees
Municipal Boards
NEWPORT Zoning Board: Meets every fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers Members: Marvin Abney Lynn Ceglie Martin Cohen Michael Martin Rebecca McSweeney – Chair Mary Joan Hoene Seiter – Alt.
(all have removal notices stapled on them) absorb a huge amount of runoff rain water, a deterrent for erosion, and are a home for some of the wildlife in the area. Wooded areas such as this are in short supply due to issues like this. Trees need to be preserved, and these are healthy beautiful trees. We would greatly appreciate your support in saving this wooded area. There will be a hearing on Tuesday, May 28th, 7pm at Newport City Hall. Situations like this can occur in any community and it’s up to us to preserve nature. Please feel free to respond.
Planning Board: Meets every third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers Members: James Dring – Chair Corey Bobba Timothy Burns Deborah Melino-Wender Mary Moniz – Vice-Chair Melissa Pattavina Richard Rudd Kim Salerno
Lynne Tungett, Publisher & Editor Tom Shevlin, Associate Publisher & News Editor Letters Policy Newport This Week encourages all citizens to comment publicly on the events and times in which we live. We will print any letter sent to us, adhering to guidelines for taste, accuracy, fairness, and public interest. Letters must be signed by the author and must include a telephone number and street address. Letters are limited to 500 words. Direct letters to: Newport This Week, 86 Broadway, Newport, 02840. Letters may also be sent via email to, Attention: Editorial. Corrections: We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy, fairness and ethical responsibility. If you feel we have not met those standards, please notify us.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Common Sense Needed at Ann St. Pier To the Editor: The weather is getting better and the boating season is here. It is obvious by the numerous editorials in the local papers about Ann St. Pier and the Armory Building. There are many good ideas coming from all involved about this subject. Some people want to extend Ann St. Pier 300 ft. to accommodate vessels up to 40 ft. in the narrow channel. I think this is a bad idea. Last summer I was a Newport Harbor Master’s assistant at the Maritime Center and at Ann St. Pier.
During the 318 hours of my employment I had numerous conversations with city officials, Newport Onshore and 41° North residents and most important–the boating public. I also have a reasonable amount of maritime knowledge, including that of a commercial fisherman for over 30 years, and captain of my own vessel. My analysis of all this input tells me that extending Ann St. Pier more than 75 ft. would be a mistake. Not only would this hinder vessel navigation, but most of this area has been used for dingy traf-
fic, coming from the inner harbor. What is needed is more dingy docks, some minor dredging, and a small extension of the existing dock for larger boats. That’s it. The City of Newport also has a new dock at Long Wharf and Perrotti Park. It was hardly used last summer. More signage and advertising is needed there. There is more room to navigate, and a great place for larger vessels, that also is common sense. Thomas Stolarz Jamestown
Council Backs New Plan for Cliff Walk By Tom Shevlin City Council members on Wednesday voted to endorse a revised plan to repair sections of the Cliff Walk damaged during Superstorm Sandy. The project, which is necessary in order to reopen the famed coastal trail, was put on hold after an onslaught of community opposition and negative media attention washed over the original plan proposed by state transportation officials. At issue was the state’s proposal to construct a series of temporary jetties to allow repair crews to access the Walk from the water side. The jetties became a flash point with local surfers and environmental advocates, who argued that they could permanently alter the natural ecosystem and fabled point break at the end of Ruggles Avenue.
After a pair of public meetings with state and local officials, a new design that omits jetties was proposed by state transportation engineers. This time, it received the approval of local surfers. Also approving the revised design was the city's Cliff Walk Commission and the nonprofit group Clean Ocean Access. Originally calling for various "slope protection measures, repairs to structural walls, drainage, walkway and safety improvements, and landscaping," the project to repair the walk stretches from Ruggles Avenue to Bailey's Beach. In most areas, repairs to concrete and stone masonry retaining walls could be carried out with minimal intrusion. However, in three locations – at Ruggles Avenue, Marine Beach, and north of Ledge Road – the Department of Transportation initially proposed the placement
Ann Street Pier to Reopen After undergoing a complete rebuild, the Ann Street Pier will open for business this weekend to small craft and overnight dockage. The pier, which is located adjacent to the city's Maritime Center, had been in need of repair for some time. Earlier this winter, the wooden pilings and decking was ripped down and a new, fully accessible pier was built in its place. The project was funded through
a grant obtained through the state's Department of Environmental Management and was distinct from a more ambitious proposal to expand the facility that recently received approval from state regulators. That design has raised the ire of some neighbors and is currently on hold pending the outcome of a court challenge lodged by abutting property owners.
of permanent fill known as armory stone below the mean high water mark. Those measures have also been scaled back. At Ruggles, the armor stone buffer would have extended 20 feet out from the Cliff Walk. Under the new plans, the stone would extend less than 10 feet from the sidewalk. Under a resolution passed by the council on Wednesday, the city endorsed the revised plans, and commended the state transportation agency for "engaging the community in the development of this project." On a related note, councilors also approved a bid award for a pair of restroom facilities at the area along Cliff Walk known as 40 Steps. The project, which has long been a goal of city councilors, is expected to be complete by the end of the summer season.
Your opinion counts. Use it! Send your letters to
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 7
BUDGET CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 support consolidation, but little progress has been made to achieve that goal. “We have tried to make the point many times that there are possible savings to the school budget by looking at these departments,” Neville said. “But last week, you went straight to cuts in education – very disappointing.” Two teaching positions were cut out of the budget: a physical education teacher and a part-time science teacher, both at Rogers High School. The elimination of the science teacher sparked anger from teachers and parents because doing so eliminates several collegeaccredited Advanced Placement science courses for next year. Councilor Justin McLaughlin said the city estimates it could have saved the school department $500,000 by transferring non-educational functions to the city. “I do not like to hear that you’re going to cut AP courses when we offered to absorb some of those costs,” he said. Superintendent John Ambrogi said he has long been a proponent of shared Finance services and even proposed a model to City Manager Jane Howington that would allow for the city’s finance director Laura Sitrin to share her hours and salary between City Hall and the school department. The model is similar to that of the town of Westerly. Howington has said in the past that Ambrogi’s proposal was not a formal presentation, but was simply said in passing. Ambrogi said, however, that the model would only be as efficient as the person in charge: “Laura Sitrin is great. But if she were to leave tomorrow, the next person may not be so great. You never know." Ambrogi also explained that he had been tasked by the Newport School Committee to explore sharing services with Middletown Schools – a move that did not sit well with members of the city council. “I find that odd,” Neville said. “The message is clear that you do not want to work with the city [of Newport].” School Committee vice-chairwoman Jo Eva Gaines said the two groups need to examine job de-
scriptions to see where consolidation efforts can be made – an idea that both sides agreed with. Ambrogi suggested that the school committee hire someone to examine the cost effectiveness of sharing the finance and property services: “This is a bell that you can’t unring. Once you’ve given these services to the city, you’re not going to get them back.” As tensions between the groups rose, school committee chairman Charles Shoemaker said the public entities have not accomplished much during the Liaison Subcommittee sessions. “It’s clear we’ve had these same conversations and they aren’t going anywhere … We’ve got to get out of the rhetoric.” Shoemaker said he and Howington have met on several occasions and had had constructive conversations that he would like to see continue. Howington said the only thing lacking from her meetings with Shoemaker has been a general time frame of when consolidation efforts could begin. Gaines said, “If we are going to consolidate, we need to look at what each office does. We haven’t done that – and until we do that and have answers, I don’t see how we can expect it to be successful. The last thing we need to do is merge and work out the kinks after the decision is made. We need to work out kinks before we do any of that.” The Newport School Committee will hold a budget workshop session on Friday, May 24 at 2 p.m. to finalize the budget before the joint session with the City Council on Thursday, May 30 at 4:30 p.m. in room 924 of the Newport Area Career & Technical Center. In other news during the Liaison Subcommittee meeting: –Ambrogi suggested that because all school district contracts are available to the public on the school’s website, that the city should follow suit, calling the move “transparency in government.” –School Committee member Rebecca Bolan showed pictures of the condition of the track at Rogers High School. According to Bolan and others who inspected the track, it is need of major repair and
NEW APPROACH CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 ment, and improving public spaces. Howington said that in recent months the Planning Board has been in a "reactionary mode" – responding to permit applications and working on a long-awaited update to the Comprehensive Plan. At the board’s meeting last month, she asked if they were interested in having what she described as a "broader conversation" about such projects as the Broadway Streetscape Improvement Project, improving the Lower Thames Street corridor, preparing for the relocation of the Pell Bridge interchange, and redeveloping the Armory. At Monday’s meeting, the City Manager presented board members with a brightly colored chart featuring 35 different priority areas that the city is currently considering. She said she’d like to encourage a more active role by the board in the community planning process. Howington's move to broaden the vision of the board continues a years-long effort to reorganize the city's planning and zoning departments. Also playing a role in that broad reorganization effort is Paul Carroll, the city's new economic develop-
ment director, who under Howington's budget would be responsible for overseeing the former city planning department under the new name, Civic Investment. Carroll is also involved with another group: the North End Planning Commission, which began setting the tone for its mission during its inaugural meeting on Tuesday. The commission, which was formed earlier this year to help plan for several large-scale developments in the North End, is expected to play an even more central part than city planners in shaping the city’s role in major projects such as the redevelopment of the former Navy Hospital site and Pell Bridge realignment. Comprised of business owners, city staff, and real estate experts, the group is expected to work with representatives from the Aquidneck Island Reuse Planning Authority (AIRPA) to secure the development rights to the former Navy Hospital. But it could also help to plan other developments in the North End, including those stemming from an effort to classify the neighborhood as a designated enterprise zone with the aim of luring businesses to the area.
resurfacing. The condition of the track is to the point where there will be no home track and field meets at Rogers due to the possibility of injury. “Other schools said they won’t come here anymore to compete because it’s so unsafe,” Bolan said. Howington said the track has been listed for a grant that would be match-funded by 2015. –Ambrogi said that roof repairs and a new HVAC system to the Newport Area Career & Technical Center have been completed, but that an additional $575,000 worth of repair upgrades remain. “I was hoping we’d be able to do it this year, but it’ll have to be done incrementally over the next several years,” he said. –Shoemaker discussed the estimated $230,000 needed to repair the roof at Sullivan-Triplett School on Broadway. “Sooner or later, whether we continue to use the building or transfer it to the city, somebody has got to fix that roof,” he said.” Committee member Gaines said she would like to see the school district keep the Triplett School for their use. At the state level, the Rhode Island Department of Education is looking for pilot locations to hold a universal pre-k program. “Triplett would be an ideal place for a pre-k program,” she said. “If universal pre-k comes to Newport in the next five years, we would have that building as a place to house the program and become an early childhood center.” –The City Manager said she had been tasked by the City Council to explore all city properties and find out whether the city was receiving revenues from them. One finding showed that First Student, the school bus company used in Newport, has been storing buses at the city yard and has not been paying rent to do so. “Not only are they using city property [cost-free], but we’re going to need that space as we start planning for the north end revitalization,” she said. The Liaison Subcommittee will meet again on June 18 at 11 a.m. in City Hall.
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Page 8 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
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Marines run in formation behind Sgt. Raya and the unit’s guidon bearer.
Marines Answer Call to Join in ‘Relay’ By Jack Kelly Few jobs in modern America garner the immediate recognition and respect that the title of United States Marine does. That was evident last Friday, when a volunteer team of 35 Marines from the Marine Detachment at Newport Naval Base arrived at the Gaudet Middle School grounds to participate in the “Relay for Life of Aquidneck.” Marine Corps Sgt. Ernesto Raya said, “We believe in giving back to the community, and all of us feel that this is a very worthy cause.” Kerry Seibert, chairperson for the Relay, had invited the Marines to participate, but even she was overwhelmed by their response. The Marines formed a two-rank platoon formation next to the track and awaited orders to move out. When the Survivor’s Lap conclud-
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Marine Honor Guard during the Luminaria Lap. (Photos by Jack Kelly)
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ed, Sgt. Raya marched his Marines onto the track where they quickly broke into a double-time run. Calling cadence and sounding off, they impressed everyone present. They completed four laps of the track, or one mile, as a unit and then broke into five-person teams that would continue to run the track for the duration of the evening hours. Each team would hand off the unit’s guidon to the next team as they completed their laps. As the Marines ran, a spectator who described himself as a Marine Vietnam veteran commented, “When the chips are down and you need a little hope, who do you send in? The Marines!” The younger Marines played football and Frisbee with children and young adults who were also participating in the Relay. In the dance laps, they performed the Harlem Shuffle, Macarena, Chicken Dance and the Cotton-eyed Joe, as well as the Limbo Lap. During the solemn Luminaria Lap, five Marines formed an Honor Guard at the south end of the track in respect for the victims of cancer. During the hilarious Misster Relay Lap, two of the Marines joined in the spirit of fun by competing in cocktail dresses, complete with high heels. Their appearance brought gales of laughter from the assembled crowd. Seibert said: “They threw themselves into the event and were very inspirational. They made a lot of friends and created wonderful memories for all of us. They even helped with cleanup. Sgt. Raya told me that he will form a team for next year and fundraise in advance of the Relay.”
Twenty-eight nonprofit organizations across Newport County received grants from the Rhode Island Foundation totaling more than $187,000. The Newport County Fund supports organizations engaged in enriching arts and culture, community and economic development, education, environment, health, and human services throughout Jamestown, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth, and Tiverton. The annual small grants program provides support of up to $10,000 per nonprofit. The first and only Foundationestablished fund with a geographic focus, the Fund’s mission is to improve the lives of Newport County residents. Since it was established in 2002, NCF has awarded more than $2.5 million to programs and projects that sustain and strengthen the six Newport County communities. The recipients of the 2013 NCF grants are: Boys & Girls Club of Newport County, $10,000 The Boys & Girls Club of Newport County will use this grant for College Bound and SAT preparation programs to engage members in exploring post-secondary educational options, provide test-specific training, and assist them throughout the application process. Community Music Works, $10,000 The Newport String Project is a new initiative that will offer a professional string music season and violin and viola lessons to fifteen to twenty-five students in grades 1-3 in the economically challenged areas of Newport. East Bay Community Action Program, $10,000 Funding helps support East Bay Family Health in its effort to employ a patient-centered model of care at its newly constructed, state-of-theart facility in Newport. Friends of Ballard Park, $5,000 This funding will help expand education programming that inspires Newport County citizens to learn in an outdoor environment, contributing to academic progress and healthy living. The programming reaches more than 700 youth of Newport County. Friends of Little Compton Wellness Center, Inc, $9,966 The Little Compton Wellness Center Behavioral Health Initiative seeks to address the behavioral health needs of Little Compton residents by offering affordable and accessible mental health counseling within the community. Island Moving Company, $10,000 This grant supports a new model for arts integration, using creative movement to incorporate art into the curriculum in Newport County public schools. Jamestown Arts Center, $5,000 This grant supports the Heifetz Institute Classical Collaboration, a pilot program to bring some of the world’s best and brightest young string musicians to the Jamestown Arts Center for workshops, concerts, and outreach events. Jamestown Community Piano, $3,179 These funds will support the seventh season of the Jamestown Community Piano Association Concert Series, which is free and open to the public. Jamestown Historical Society, $2,025 Several public exhibits are planned featuring Jamestown's historic documents, including displays
See GRANTS on page 25
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 9
Naval Community Briefs 'Great Decisions' Seminar The Newport Council for International Visitors will host the next seminar in the Great Decisions series on Tuesday, May 28 with Capt. Thomas R. Fedyszyn, Ph.D, presenting on “NATO: Crisis? What Crisis.” The seminar will be held at the Newport Public Library (Program Room), at 300 Spring St. at 6:30 p.m. Capt. Fedyszyn serves as Chair of the Europe-Russia Studies Group at the U.S. Naval War College and is an internationally recognized expert on maritime strategy, NATO and the Russian navy. He will discuss the growth and evolution of NATO, its ongoing commitment in Afghanistan and its changing mission in the face of present-day challenges. The series, sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association, examines critical issues in the world today and all are invited to be part of the discussion. The lectures are free but seating is limited. Reserve at For more information on the Great Decisions series, call Bob Sleiertin at 401-847-5196.
SEA Graduation The U.S. Navy Senior Enlisted Academy graduated 58 students in ceremonies at the Officers’ Club on Thursday, May 23. Fleet Master Chief April Beldo addressed the class, comprised of students from the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, Turkish navy, Croatian navy, Romanian army, and New Zealand navy. During their six-week program, the class was challenged to excel in the areas of professional writing, communication skills, public speaking, leadership, organizational behavior, team building, and physical conditioning. They also attended lectures discussing topics at the fleet, national security, regional studies, and strategic critical thinking levels. This training is essential for those seeking top leadership positions, and graduates fill leadership roles across the globe.
Base Road Work Road paving will begin around Navy Federal Credit Union on Tuesday, May 28. Overnight repairs will also be made to Defense Highway between Gates 17 and 11 on May 28 beginning at 6 p.m.
Marina Rentals The Navy Marina is now open for the season and MWR is offering powerboat, sailboat, and kayak rentals. Call 401-841-3283 for more information.
Sailing Lessons The Navy Marina offers twoweek sail training sessions for personnel with base access. Students learn “rules of the road” during the first week, and the second week is spent on the water learning to sail a Rhodes 19. Classes begin every two weeks and run Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings. Powerboat training is also available. Visit or call 401841-3283 for information.
Disaster Preparedness Workshop The Fleet and Family Support Center will hold a workshop on Disaster Preparedness for Families on Tuesday, June 11, 1 to 2 p.m. at the Center, building 1260. Having an emergency preparedness plan it saves lives, property, and time in exigent circumstances. Call 401-841-2283 to register.
Auto Safety Reminders Drivers on the Naval Station are reminded that cell phone use is strictly prohibited while operating a vehicle on the base. Motorists are also urged to obey posted speed limits and yield to personnel in crosswalks at all times. Base police will ticket offenders.
Weekend Vet Clinic The Army Veterinary Treatment Facility’s Clinic at Leisure Bay (bldg.1255), will be open Saturday, June 1, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. for pets of active duty members and retirees. For more information, call the Vet Clinic at 860694-4291.
Military Appreciation Night The Newport Council of the Navy League of the United States will host its annual Military Appreciation Night dinner on Wednesday, June 5 at the Atlantic Beach Club. The event is open to the public and servicemembers and will honor the contributions of Navy, Marine, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine personnel. Rear Adm. Mary E. Landry, U.S. Coast Guard (ret.), the director of Incident Management and Preparedness at Coast Guard Headquarters, will be the guest speaker. During her active duty career, Landry served as commanding officer of the Marine Safety Office in Providence and oversaw the federal response to the Buzzards Bay oil spill in southeastern Massachusetts. Following that, as the commander of the Eighth Coast Guard District and commander of Task Force 189.8, she was responsible for operations covering 26 states and served as the federal on-scene coordinator in the Deepwater Hori-
zon oil spill. In her current position, Landry is responsible for establishing, developing, and implementing all hazard incident management goals, strategies, policies, and doctrine to meet Coast Guard responsibilities in incident preparedness and response. Local businesses are invited to host members of the military community in recognition of their many sacrifices in service. Sponsorship opportunities are available at two levels. The Sponsor full table is $500 and includes eight company seats and two military guests. The Patron half table has four company seats and one military guest for $250. Individual tickets are $40. For ticketing and sponsorship opportunities, contact Patrick Burke at 401-8644028 or milappnight2013@gmail. com. The attire for the evening is informal: coat and tie. Cocktail hour begins at 5:30 p.m.; dinner is at 6:30 p.m.
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Page 10 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
CALENDAR Thursday May 23
Eight Bells Lecture The Eight Bells Lecture Series presents author Chuck Veit on “Raising Missouri,” Naval War College Museum, 12 p.m., free and open to the public but advance reservations required, limited seating, 401-8412101. “If It’s Thursday, It Must Be Shakespeare” Informal group meets weekly to give interpretive readings of Shakespeare’s works, Redwood Library, 50 Bellevue Ave., 5 p.m., 401847-0292,
Shakespeare in Middletown Fans gather weekly to read and enjoy works of the Bard, Middletown Public Library, 700 West Main Rd., 5 p.m.
Serving Breakfast & Lunch Daily 7:30 am - 2:30 pm This Week’s Specials: Hot Lunch: Shepherd’s Pie (ground lamb, beef, gravy, peas, carrots, mashed potatoes), with a side of grilled tomatoes, and a warm roll - $7
Featured Sandwich: California chicken wrap (marinated chicken breast, wrapped with lettuce, sliced avocado, and mango salsa). Served with a side of pasta salad - $6
“We are not just for sailors.”
Lobster salad roll served with a side of chips or pasta salad - $11.95
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Open House at Grass Courts International Tennis Hall of Fame, 194 Bellevue Ave., hosts free clinics, 5:30-7:30 p.m., wear sneakers, refreshments, reservations required, contact 401-846-0642 or VNA at O’Brien’s Fundraiser for Visiting Nurse Services of Newport and Bristol Counties, O’Brien’s Pub, 501 Thames St., 5:30-7:30 p.m., $30, heavy hors d’oeuvres, bagpipe salute. Meet Your Maker Workshop FabNewport hosts builders, fabbers, makers, designers to discuss projects, bring laptops, Empire Tea & Coffee, 22 Broadway, 6-9 p.m., newportFILM Green Screen “The Last Ocean,” on the Ross Sea, Antarctica, screens at Newport Casino Theatre, 9 Freebody St., reception 6 p.m., film 7 p.m., $20, Armchair Travel to Ecuador Merrilee Zellner discusses recent travels to Ecuador, Newport Public Library, 7 p.m., 401-847-8720 x103.
Reservations 849-2900
May 24
Newport’s Best Harbor View at the Ann Street Pier
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359 Thames St. • Newport
Business After Hours Join the Chamber of Commerce’s monthly after hours gathering at Fort Adams State Park, 5-7 p.m., members $5, non-members $25, 401-847-1608 or
Whitehorne Museum The Samuel Whitehorne House is home to some of the best examples of 18th century Newport and Rhode Island furniture, 416 Thames St., tours run ThursdayMonday, guided tours at 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., self-guided 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Computer Workshop Introduction to Google Tools, Newport Public Library, 10:30 a.m., register at 401-847-8720 x208. NMAI Opens for Season The National Museum of American Illustration debuts its summer exhibit, “The American Muse,” an homage to women of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, 492 Bellevue Ave., Thursday-Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.,
Newport Rotary Charity Polo Match Horses will thunder and divots will fly this weekend at the annual Newport Rotary Charity Polo Match at Portsmouth’s Glen Farm on Saturday, May 25. Local teams will go head to head to raise money for charity and sharpen their skills before the official competitive season gets underway on June 1. The match will take place at Glen Farm, 715 East Main Road, Portsmouth. The first chukka begins at 5 p.m. and gates open at 4 p.m. Tailgating is available on a first come-first serve basis. Admission is $10, and children under age 12 are free. For more information, visit
Open House at Grass Courts 5:30-7:30 See Thursday, May 23 for details. Improv Comedy Interactive comedy with the Bit Players, Firehouse Theater, 4 Equality Park Place, 8 p.m., 401-8493473,
Saturday May 25
Aquidneck Growers’ Market Locally grown food and other products, music, hot lunch items, St. Mary’s Parish Hall, 324 East Main Rd., Portsmouth, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 401-848-0099. Fort Adams Daily Tours Guided tours of the historic fort depart every hour on the hour, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Golden to Gilded Walking Tour Explore the social history and architecture of Newport from the Golden Colonial Era to the Gilded Age, Museum of Newport History, Brick Market, 127 Thames Street, 10:30 a.m., 401-841-8770. Atlantic Cup Race In-shore racing leg of the Atlantic Cup, start/finish line off Fort Adams, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., Historic Site Tours Tours of the Colony House, Great Friends Meeting House, Seventh Day Baptist Meeting House and Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House depart from Museum of Newport History at Brick Market, 127 Thames St., 11 a.m.-3 p.m., call to reserve, 401-841-8770. Eat a Rainbow Children’s fun program on healthy eating, Redwood Library, 50 Bellevue Ave., 2 p.m., ages 4+, free, 401-847-0292, Newport Rotary Polo Charity Match Preseason benefit for Rotary charities, Glen Farm, East Main Rd., Portsmouth, 5 p.m., Sunset Music Series Toots and the Maytals open the summer series with a combination of soul, reggae, rock, and ska, The Ravers, Anders Osborne, Newport Yachting Center, America’s Cup
Ave., gates open at 4 p.m., Murder Mystery Join the Marley Bridges Theatre Co. for “Newport Nuptials,” interactive murder mystery at the Newport Art Museum set in the 1920s, 76 Bellevue Ave., 7 p.m., Improv Comedy 8 and 10 p.m. See Friday, May 24 for details. Doo Wop Revue at Grand The Corvettes Doo Wop Revue plays free oldies concert at Newport Grand, 150 Adm. Kalbfus Hwy., 9 p.m., 18+, 401-849-5100, Zemel Choir Concert Choral music performance of traditional Sephardic, Askenazai, Yiddish and Israeli Jewish cultures by a mixed-voice Jewish choir from London, Touro Synagogue, 85 Touro St., 9 p.m., $10 seating is limited and advance ticketing suggested, 401-846-2125.
Sunday May 26
Bird Walk Jay Manning leads free guided bird walks at the Norman Bird Sanctuary, 583 Third Beach Road, Middletown, 8 a.m., no registration necessary, bring binoculars, 401-846-2577, Gardening Help URI Master Gardeners offer basic soil analysis and answer gardening questions at Prescott Farm, 2009 West Main Road, Portsmouth, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., free, Fort Adams Tours Guided tours of the historic fort depart every hour on the hour, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Discover Colonial Newport Walking Tour Hear stories of revolution and the struggle for religious liberty, departs from the Museum of Newport History at Brick Market, 127 Thames St., 10:30 a.m., 401-8418770.
See CALENDAR on page 14
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 11
Herb Garden is a Must Have By Cynthia Gibson There is nothing like an herb garden in summer. Herbs are used in medicine, for fragrance, as well as in cooking. Whether planted in a formal setting or in a simple terra cotta strawberry pot, the reward is the same – the pungency of fresh herbs. The culinary herbs are the herbs we love to eat during the summer. What would a tomato salad or pizza Margherita be without fresh Italian basil? Who can live without fresh dill finely chopped and sprinkled over Scottish smoked salmon? Thyme flavors everything from soups to salads. Rosemary gives grilled lamb chops that Mediterranean touch. Sage is superb when placed under the skin of chicken with a dab of butter. The flavor of the sage leaf permeates the meat of the chicken and keeps it moist as well. Parsley, be it Flat Italian or Curly, is indispensible in salads and is a tasty and pretty garnish. Marjoram is a more rarified herb. It is harvested in early fall and is used in Coq au Vin. And what good is iced tea without fresh mint? These are the eight basic culinary herbs. There are many types of basil, some with purple leaves, such as Black Opal. There is also Lemon basil that is delicious chopped and sprinkled over pasta tossed in olive oil, Parmesan cheese, and freshly grated pepper. For those who like things spicy, there is Thai basil, which tastes of of curry. Greek, Lime, Spicy Sabre, and Round Midnight are all varieties of basil. Plant at least two types in your garden or pot, as basil is a most versatile herb. Rosemary is not only good with lamb or any type of roast, it is also good for your hair. This herb is also an antiseptic. You can make an infusion of Rosemary and drink it after a filling meal to help your digestion. Rosemary is a key ingredient in many anti-aging products.
Purple leaf basil. Sage comes in several flavors as well. There is mild, medium, or pungent Berggarten sage and Pineapple sage. It really has the fragrance of pineapple! Sage or “salvia,” which means to save, is a must in your herb garden. For a simple summer supper of Tagliatelli Alfredo, add a teaspoon of finely chopped sage on top for a tasty garnish. For fragrance in your garden, a quick touch of lavender can transport you right to Provence. The leaves are filled with essence of lavender, and the flower buds dry in the fall to make excellent potpourri, or small sachets for your bureaus and closets. Lavender is very easy to grow on Aquidneck Island. You can purchase a onegallon tuffet of lavender for approximately $16. After the bloom, cut off the stems of lavender to dry. A smaller second crop of flowers will appear. Cut those off to dry as well. Then wait until the beginning of November, and on a pleasant day, go out into your garden, and prune your lavender plants into individual small round tuffets. If you do not, they will become leggy.
Lavender also comes in white and pink colors, and in double and single varieties as well. One of the most pungent lavenders you can buy is a variety known as Grosso. It is really a “Lavandin.” The lavenders grown for making soap and fragrance are really Lavandin – a cross between spike and true lavender. The lavandin species are sterile and must be grown from cuttings. Anise Hyssop is another fragrant herb with purple flowers. There is the unmistakable fragrance of licorice in the air when Anise Hyssop is in bloom. You must like licorice to like this herb. Artemisia, or wormwood, has a fragrant leaf. It is not grown for its flowers, which look like small, yellow, covered buttons. The leaves of the different types of Artemisia have a distinct musty smell – a fragrance not everyone likes but that the perfume industry demands. It is time to start cleaning your pots for your potted gardens this summer. Save a few in which to plant fresh herbs. You will be glad you did.
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Cynthia Gibson is a gardener, food writer and painter. She gardens and tends her miniature orchard in Newport.
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Page 12 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
Evening of Irish Music Blends Harp, Bagpipes, Food and Fun Music by harpist Mary King, bagpiper Amy Burnes, and singersongwriter Robbie O’Connell of Bristol highlighted a festive evening fundraiser for the Museum of Newport Irish History. The event was held at Ochre Court for the benefit of the museum, which was founded in 1996 to document the impact that Irish immigrants have had on Newport’s history and culture. Located at 648 Thames St., the museum opens for the season Saturday, May 25. Hours are Thurs.Sun. noon to 5 p.m.
Stephen and Christine Sullivan Photos by Jen Carter
Paula Weafer, Elise Daglis, and Peg Armstrong Murray
John Twomey and Rick Oneill
Kevin Doyle, Teresa Doyle, and Carolyn Booth
Deborah Miller, Deanna Casey, Paula Silvia, and Sandy Gallagher
Cherie and Paul Sanders
Harpest – Mary King
If your organization has an upcoming gala fundraiser and you would like event coverage in advance or would like to have post-event exposure with photographs call Newport This Week at 847-7766, x 105 or email
STEADY MIND. STRONG BODY. INSPIRED LIFE. Early morning, noon and evening classes daily.
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justsophisticated in... cozy lightweight cashmere! casual, timeless designs ... luxurious fabrics, cashmere, silks, ...along with other linen & cotton bamboo, pima cotton.... summer must haves! Hours latest styles for Mon - Thur 10-6pm Fri- Sat 10-7pm men & women Sunday 11 to 5pm
Chef Q&A: Zinno-Slagle at One Eighty
Friday, May 24th Sunday, June 2nd 10am - 5pm daily
One Eighty’s Susan Zinno-Slagle kneads the night’s pizza dough. (Photo by Jonathan Clancy) feel special when they eat it. We did it for Restaurant Week, and I believe we are going to keep it on the menu. We change up the dessert menu often. Right now, I’ve got lemon mousse, bread pudding, and I love to make these chocolate peanut butter spring rolls with caramel sauce. It’s a chocolate peanut butter mousse inside a flour spring roll. At home I’ll cook hearty stuff like chicken stew and lasagna to have around the house if I know I’ll be at work. I also like to grill. There’s less clean-up that way. My mom was an excellent cook and still is. I love her chicken and dumplings. It’s hearty, warm, and delicious. For entertaining at home, I usually cook homemade grilled pizzas with grilled shrimp, chips and dip, cheese plates, and pâté. I don’t really use cookbooks, but I will reference the old Betty Crocker cookbook for basic stuff like how to make a biscuit. I’m really not good at following recipes, so I’m a terrible baker. My most amazing food experi-
ence was at Kittichai on Thompson Street in Soho. It was the coolest, funkiest place, and the food was outstanding. It had an Asian flair. The whole crispy fish there was one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. Every time I go to New York City I make a point to eat there. My guilty pleasure is pizza. If I’m getting it from a pizza joint, I’ll order plain cheese, or loaded meat, or spinach and ricotta with garlic. We like A1 Pizza and Mama Leone’s. At home, I make a great tuna tartare pizza. I’m going to bring it to 180 this summer. My favorite night to work here is Thursday, because I get to crank out pizza all night, and we have live music beginning at 8:30 p.m.; I couldn’t be happier. I don’t really like sweets. I’d rather a cheese plate for dessert over a piece of cake. If I could cook for anyone living or dead it would be Bruce Springsteen. I would make him a tuna tartare pizza, followed by my “bang bang chicken,” which is fried chicken with collard greens and Indian curry sauce.
In a large saucepan, sweat the ginger and onions in oil on medium heat until tender but not brown. Add wine and whisk in curry powder. Add coconut milk and bring to slow simmer, not rapid boil, until reduced by one quarter. Whisk in soy, black vinegar and garlic-chili sauce and simmer until flavors meld, about 10 minutes. Serve with chicken, fish or vegetables. It’s even better the next day.
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Indian Curry Sauce 1 can coconut milk 2 tbsp. grated fresh ginger 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion 2 tbsp. olive oil 1/8 cup black vinegar 1/8 cup soy sauce 2 tbsp. garlic-chili sauce 1 tbsp. Indian curry powder 1 cup white wine
Amelie Michel
French Tablecloth Warehouse Sale
By Jonathan Clancy One Eighty, located on Broadway in Newport, offers flavorful food at a friendly price, like $5 pasta or $2 tacos on Tuesdays, $5 pizza on Thursdays, and $5 martinis every day. Chef Susan Zinno-Slagle is new to the restaurant, but she’s no stranger to the neighborhood. The former chef/owner of Spark, ZinnoSlagle, 47, has been bringing her flair to pub fare since she took over as head chef at One Eighty in February. I studied journalism at Northeastern University, and worked as a reporter for the Boston Globe after graduation. I wrote anything from general assignments to humaninterest stories to murders. It was very tough work. This was back before cell phones, so when I worked the four to midnight shift, I just went out in a company car, solo. I had some hairy experiences. My pet peeve is making sure that every plate looks perfect before it goes out. The visual is the first thing that hits people. Of course it has to taste good, but if it looks sloppy, your first thought is not going to be pleasant. I like the plates to look clean and beautiful. The most surprising change I’ve seen in this industry is how much the price of food has risen over the past couple of years. Also, people are looking for that farmto-table thing right now, and I’m a supporter of that. I’m going to be getting some things from my friends at Sustainable Aquidneck and Peckham Farm this summer. In the kitchen I can’t go without a Cuisinart and a paring knife. You can’t use a big chef’s knife for a potato. My style is fun food, lots of small plates and entrées. I want to keep it modern, but also keep the price point down. We expanded the burger menu. Thursday is $5 pizza night. There are thirteen choices, and it’s become popular. My motto has always been: “fresh products, fresh ideas.” I make a really good homemade veggie black bean burger. I’m nothing close to a vegetarian, but the burgers are very tasty. Vegetarians are people, too. My favorite variation of a classic recipe is my Veggie Wellington. I layer sweet potatoes, eggplant, roasted red peppers, spinach, and mushrooms, wrap that all in puff pastry and simmer it with a little pesto cream sauce. Vegetarians
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 13
100% Grass-Fed Beef Pastured Poultry 333 Wapping Road Portsmouth, RI Store Hours Friday 1-5 Freezer Boxes Available Aquidneck Growers Market Wednesday - Newport Saturday -Middletown
Special pizza & drink combos:
Large pizza + 2 drinks $24.95 Large pizza + 4 drinks $36.95 Includes any 3 toppings, and drinks can be anything offered in the store, including frozen drinks, espresso drinks, and any alcoholic beverage, from beer and wine to espresso martinis
COUPON 50% OFF any grilled panini. Good Friday or Saturday after 5 p.m. 796 Aquidneck Ave., Middletown, RI 842-0008 •
Custom House Coffee Middletown, RI
Page 14 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
Your Gateway to Adventure Coming Late June—NEW 436 ft Zip line!
Continued from page 10
Atlantic Cup Race In-shore racing leg of the Atlantic Cup, start/finish line off Fort Adams, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., Historic Site Tours 11 a.m.-3 p.m. See Saturday, May 25 for details.
Challenge yourself, explore, play, or relax. Fort Adams is Newport’s adventure learning destination. Open daily starting
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What’s here? Mysterious underground tunnels... * Soaring architectural spaces * Guided & self guided tours * Daily activities * Bay Walk * Fort Adams is the Largest Coastal Fortress in North America 401-841-0707
FORTADAMS. Asparagus
Picked Fresh Daily We have Lots of Picnic Goodies! Farm & Market Cafe Oprn Daily: 8am - 7pm
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Free Concert
Doo wop revue Saturday, May 25 9 p.m.
Corvettes Doo Wop Revue
Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Full Bar
Rose Island Opens for Season
Spectacle of Music Live performance of colonial era Sephardic and Native American music, military song and maritime shanties, Colony House, Washington Square, 1-5 p.m., free, Open Mic Sunday Open mic at Custom House Coffee, 600 Clock Tower Square, Portsmouth, 2-5 p.m., featured performers 3-3:45 p.m.
Rose Island will open for the season this weekend, welcoming guests to the island that’s “a mile offshore and a century in the past.” Visitors are invited to tour the lighthouse museum, grounds and picnic areas daily between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. through the summer. Island access is through the Jamestown-Newport Ferry. For more information, call 401-847-4242 or visit Newport History, Brick Market, 127 Thames Street, 10:30 a.m., 401841-8770. Pre-K Storytime Storytime for preschoolers at the Redwood Library, 50 Bellevue Ave., 10:30 a.m., public welcome, free, drop in.
Monday May 27
Crunchy & Sweet
Scenic Train Rides Enjoy a narrated ten-mile scenic ride along Narragansett Bay, Old Colony Railway Depot, 19 America’s Cup Ave., 11:45 a.m. and 2 p.m.,
Memorial Day Rogues and Scoundrels Tour Learn why this colony was sometimes known as “Rogue’s Island” as you stroll through Newport, Museum of Newport History, Brick Market, 127 Thames Street, 10:30 a.m., 401-841-8770. Whitehorne Museum The Samuel Whitehorne House is home to some of the best examples of 18th century Newport and Rhode Island furniture, 416 Thames St., tours run ThursdayMonday, guided tours at 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., self-guided 11 a.m.-3 p.m.,
Tuesday May 28
Sailing Home for Alzheimer’s Benefit Award-winning Blues musician Paul Geremia with Peter Warburton, Cafè 200, 5-8 p.m., donation $20 per couple. Tickets available at Gioni Originals (next to HandyLunch), at Cafè 200, and at the door . Chamber’s Awards Breakfast Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Excellence in Business Awards Breakfast, Ochre Court, 100 Ochre Point Ave., 8 a.m., register at 401847-1608 or newportchamber. com. Road to Independence Walking Tour Learn about riots and rebellion as you stroll through the heart of colonial Newport, Museum of
Geezers at Empire Join acoustic folk musicians at Empire Tea & Coffee, 22 Broadway, 7:30 p.m., 401-619-1388.
Wednesday May 29
Fort Adams Tours Guided tours of the historic fort depart every hour on the hour, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Hearth and Home Exhibit Newport Historical Society’s exhibit, “Hearth and Home,” examines how Newporters kept warm two centuries ago, Museum of Newport History, 127 Thames St., through May 31, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.,
Thursday May 30
Whitehorne Museum The Samuel Whitehorne House is home to some of the best examples of 18th century Newport and Rhode Island furniture, 416 Thames St., tours run ThursdayMonday, guided tours at 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., self-guided 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Illustration Museum The National Museum of American Illustration offers “The American Muse,” 492 Bellevue Ave., Thursday-Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.,
“If It’s Thursday, It Must Be Shakespeare” Informal group meets weekly to give interpretive readings of Shakespeare’s works, Redwood Library, 50 Bellevue Ave., 5 p.m., 401847-0292, Shakespeare in Middletown Fans gather weekly to read and enjoy works of the Bard, Middletown Public Library, 700 West Main Rd., 5 p.m.
Friday May 31
Computer Workshop Intermediate Excel, Newport Public Library, 10:30 a.m., register at 401-847-8720 x208. Opening Reception Newport Art Museum hosts members’ reception honoring summer exhibition, “NetWorks 2011/2012,” artists, 76 Bellevue Ave., 5-7 p.m., members free, non-members $10. NPEF Honors Mrs. Drexel Newport Public Education Foundation honors the late Noreen Stonor Drexel’s years of service to public education, Ochre Court, 100 Ochre Point Ave., 6 p.m., tickets $40 available at and at the door.
Saturday June 1
Growers’ Market Opens Aquidneck Growers’ Market, local produce and products, 909 East Main Rd. (Newport Vineyards), Middletown, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., IYRS Graduation and Launch Day International Yacht Restoration School students launch and showcase their restored boats, public welcome, 449 Thames St., 10 a.m.,
See CALENDAR on page 16
Family Style Dining Baked • Grilled • Fried • Boiled
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As seen on Food Network’s Minutes from Downtown Newport
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives!
963 Aquidneck Ave. 963 Aquidneck Ave • Middletown(Minutes • 401-846-9620 • from Downtown
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 15
McConaughey is Down on His Luck in ‘Mud’ By Patricia Lacouture
Tye Sheridan, Jacob Lofland and Matthew McConaughey star in “Mud”. trusted uncle for advice. Mud is a most unlikely source of advice on courtship. His unshaven face has gone way beyond the fiveo’clock shadow. His hair is greasy and unkempt. In addition, he’s superstitious, as evidenced by nails he has hammered into the soles of his boots. They’re shaped like crosses, and their function, he explains, is “to ward off evil spirits.” Mud killed the man who had taken up with his girlfriend, Juniper (Reese Witherspoon). In the process, he caused Juniper to have a miscarriage. Now, a posse of vigilantes is tracking him, and his life is worth less than the tattered old boat. The scenery isn’t what a lot of people would call pretty, but director Jeff Nichols (“Shotgun Stories” and “Take Shelter”) clearly has an affection for this area that he once
called home. Spaces that were too crowded for heavy camera equipment were filmed with a Steadicam, while the rest of the movie was shot on 35mm Kodak film, resulting in great depth of field and crispness of colors. Due to this camera technique, a place where many of the houses are shacks and where dead trees poke up from sandy soil looks like a kind of paradise. McConaughey shines in this role, and Ellis’s coming-of-age story serves as counterpoint to the life of disorder that Mud has lived. Patricia Lacouture teaches film studies at Salve Regina University . She completed her graduate studies in film at Boston University.
Murder Mystery at the Newport Art Museum Dedication of Queen Anne Square Friday, May 31 at 10 a.m.
May 24 - 26 th
Step back in time to 1925 for a night of mystery and mayhem at “Newport Nuptials,” the new interactive murder mystery at the Newport Art Museum on Saturday, May 25, at 7 p.m. The Marley Bridges Theatre Company portrays notables plucked from the City-bythe-Sea’s glorious past in this fastpaced night of whodunit fun. Prohibition is in full swing, but at the wedding of high society
newlyweds Hermann Oelrichs Jr. and Dorothy “Dumpy” Haydel, the champagne flows freely and rumors fly. Love may be patient and kind, but all is not as it seems. When one guest meets an unexpected demise, others are asked to search the museum for clues, interrogate suspects and solve the crime. Tickets are $30 adults, $15 youth. Visit for ticketing.
204 Bellevue Ave • 19 Bowen’s Wharf Newport - 401.846.3090
In “Mud,” Matthew McConaughey plays a drifter who has embraced the nickname Mud. His hideaway is discovered by two small-town boys who have been hunting for a boat, rumored to be lodged in a treetop. The boys, Ellis (Tye Sheridan) and Neckbone (Jacob Lofland), could have walked out of the pages of one of Mark Twain’s stories with their impoverished lives, hunger for exploration and an appreciation for the tiny patch of Arkansas that is their home. They wonder what lies beyond the twisting waterways, tiny islands and river that, as one character put it, is liable to wash up a lot of trash—some worth keeping, and some that you wish the river would keep. While it weaves its tale of young adolescents yearning for adventure, “Mud” explores life in a part of the world whose time is running short. The Arkansas state planners want to gentrify this patch of Southeast Arkansas. When anyone moves out of a house boat, such as that inhabited by Ellis and his parents, state authorities demolish the house boat to make way for “economic growth.” Ellis falls in love for the first time, and he becomes increasingly fascinated by what it means to be a man. The definition of manhood in an isolated pocket of America is a major theme of the movie. Ellis ventures to the island that has entangled the mysterious boat (which becomes more of a find once he and Neckbone meet Mud). But, as his awkward attempts at dating a girl leave him brokenhearted, he looks to Mud and to a
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Spring Festivities at Vanderbilt Grace Join us this weekend when our Roof-Deck opens for the season… Until then, enjoy the last days of spring over lunch and cocktails in our back garden
Movie Nights on the Roof-Deck are Back Invoke memories of cinemas heyday with our Movie Night and lose yourself in the Golden Age of Films. $18 per person including our extra special homemade truffle popcorn, with food and cocktails available for purchase. 8:30pm every Wednesday!
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Starting June 5th: The Great Gatsby Summer Wine Series Our Wine Dinner Series in Muse kicks off on June 13th at 6pm. Join us for a celebration of Rosé wines from around the world! $115 pp.
Afternoon Tea on Weekends Indulge in a quintessentially English afternoon tea accompanied by delicate finger sandwiches, warm crumpets and scones topped with fresh double cream and zingy lemon curd. Saturday and Sunday 2pm-4pm, $18 pp or $29 pp with a refreshing Bellini.
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Includes Gratuity, Glass of Champagne & 30 min. session in Infared Sauna Valid Monday - Friday only through May 31, 2013. Cannot be combined with any other discounts/offers.
Page 16 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
Continued from page 14
Sen. Whitehouse Author Visit Senator Sheldon Whitehouse discusses his book “On Virtues: Quotations and Insight to Live a Full, Honorable and Truly American Life,” Newport Public Library, Program Room, 11 a.m., seating open at 10:30 a.m. Golden to Gilded Walking Tour 10 a.m. See Saturday, May 25 for details. Rogues and Scoundrels Walking Tour 10:30 a.m. See Monday, May 27 for details. Saturday Book Group Discuss “Mr. Mr. Penumbra’s 24Hour Bookstore,” by Robin Sloan, Portsmouth Free Public Library, 2658 East Main Rd., 11 a.m., 401683-9457. Historic Site Tours 11 a.m.-3 p.m. See Saturday, May 25 for details.
159 West Main Road, Middletown 847-9818 Caprese Prosciutto
Citterio Prosciutto topped with fresh-sliced tomatoes, fresh buffalo mozzarella, fresh basil and balsamic vinaigrette Italian bread $8.99
THE DELI Fresh Sliced Deli & Salad Sandwiches $5.99 Featuring fine deli meats and cheeses from the Deli’s kitchen Boars Head, Dietz & Watson and imported Meats
Featured Sandwiches Steak Tip Sandwich
House-marinated tips w/melted American cheese on a torpedo $8.99
Big 13
Soppressata, pepperoni, copicola, proscuitto w.fontina cheese, lettuce, olive oil on foccacia $10.99
Chicken Cordon Bleu
Chicken cutlet, ham, swiss, spinach, balsamic blue cheese dressing on kaiser $8.99
Butcher Shop Featuring Custom Cuts 66 Broadway, Newport • 846-2222
Great Chowder Cook-Off Enjoy all-you-can-eat samples of various traditional and exotic chowders from across the country at this annual rite of spring, Newport Yachting Center, 12-6 p.m., Roger Williams: The Wall between Church and State The Redwood Library will celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Rhode Island Colonial Charter with a seminar on ideals of Roger Williams, 50 Bellevue Ave., 1:30 p.m., members $20, non-members $25, reserve at 401-847-0292 x115. Polo Season Begins USA takes on Barbados, Glen Farm, East Main Rd., Portsmouth, 5 p.m., Ballard Park Fundraiser A benefit for Friends of Ballard Park, Edgehill, 21 Beacon Hill Rd., 6 - 8 p.m., Accidental Sisters Concert at Jamestown Arts Center, 18 Valley St., 7:30 p.m.,
Every Monday 4-9pm
Pizza Challenge
The Time You Call In Is The Price You Pay! Call at 4:02 large cheese pizza is $4.02 Call at 6:15 large cheese pizza is $6.15
Every Wednesday
½ off 12
All Large Pizzas
+Tax on all Including Pasta Entrees Specialty Pizzas
*5 Pizza Limit
Everyday Special
The Pogs at Grand The Pogs play free concert of 90’s cover music at Newport Grand, 150 Adm. Kalbfus Hwy., 9 p.m., 18+, 401-849-5100, newportgrand. com.
Sunday June 2
Heart & Sole Walk Walk Glen Park with your pet to
A “living tree” poses at the 2012 Friends of Ballard Park Fundraiser.
Protecting the Park Tickets are now on sale for Friends of Ballard Park’s Annual Fundraiser, which will be held Saturday, June 1 from 6 to 8pm. The event is hosted by Carol and Les Ballard at their Newport home, Edgehill. The evening will include jazz music by the Ben Shaw Quartet, a silent auction, hors d’oeuvres by McGrath Clambakes, Inc. and wines served from Ballard’s collection. Proceeds from the evening will help to fund field trips for local school children and free public events like outdoor movie screenings and concerts held at Ballard Park. Tickets are $125 per person and may be purchased at the door (although reservations are recommended). To receive an invitation, email or call 401-619-3377. Friends of Ballard Park is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting, maintaining and promoting Newport’s only nature preserve. Cultural events and educational programming help to promote stewardship of the park and decrease negative park activities.
benefit the Potter League. Glen Park, East Main Rd., Portsmouth, gates open at 10 a.m., walk at noon, lunch, children’s activities, dog agility events, register online, 401-846-0592. Discover Colonial Newport Walking Tour 10:30 a.m. See Sunday, May 26 for details. Scenic Train Rides Enjoy a narrated ten-mile scenic ride along Narragansett Bay, Old Colony Railway Depot, 19 Amer-
Cannot be combined with any other offer -for limited time only
ica’s Cup Ave., 11:45 a.m. and 2 p.m., Family Climb and Adventure Day Climbing tower and high ropes course open to kids ages 6+, Newport County YMCA, Valley Rd., Middletown, 1-4 p.m., bounce house, members $5, non-members $10, pre-register in the main office at the YMCA or walk in, contact or 401847-9200 x113 for more info. Wind Energy Then and Now Begin at the windmill at Prescott Farm, 2009 West Main Rd., then visit the wind turbine at Portsmouth Abbey, 2 p.m., johnnycakes, free,
‘Y’ Adventure Day 150 Connell Hwy. (At the Grand Casino Rotary) Newport 847-7272 • r e s ta u r a n t
The Montaup Grille, Located at Montaup Country Club, is
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Special Breakfast Buffet Sunday, May 26th • 9am- Noon $8.95 • Children Under 12 $4.95
This Week’s Specials
Prime Rib $12.95 Fish & Chips w/Cup of Chowder $8.95 & more
Open Sat - Wed 7am-9pm, Thurs & Fri ‘til 10 500 Anthony Rd, Portsmouth • 683-0955
B a r
Ba r n
Sunday Brunch! Sundays from 11am ‘til 3pm
Brunch, Lunch, Specialty Cocktails
It’s TIKI Season! events/private parties: contact sue lamond at 646-391-4935 1 40 Broadway
4 01 . 8 4 7. 2 6 2 0
Now Open
Serving Our Great Dinners-To-Go! Lightly Battered Fish-n-Chips Dinners
And Fresh, Local Live Lobsters Too! 17 Connell Highway NEWPORT
The Newport County YMCA is having its first Family Climb and Adventure Day on Sunday, June 2, from 1 – 4 p.m. The YMCA is opening the climbing tower and high ropes course for anyone ages 6+. There will also be a bounce house and slip-nslide. (Weather permitting) Preregister in the main office at the YMCA. Walk-ins are also welcome the day of. For more information contact Josh Anderson, Outdoor Leadership Center Director,, 847-9200 ext. 113, or Zach Allen, Outdoor Leadership Center Coordinator, zacha@
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 17
24 23
There are many fine restaurants and eateries in the area. We hope this map helps you find one that suits your taste.
20 19
3 1
6 7 8
17 18
Map Legend
For more information about these restaurants, please see their display ads found on the pages of this week’s edition of Newport This Week. 1) Ben’s Chili Dogs, 158 Broadway, Newport 2) Norey’s, 156 Broadway, Newport 3) Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, Newport 4) Salvation Cafe, 140 Broadway, Newport 5) PJ2Go, 88 Broadway, Newport 6) The Deli, 66 Broadway, Newport 7) Pour Judgement, 32 Broadway, Newport 8) One Eighty Bar & Grille, 10 Broadway, Newport 9) Rhumbline, 62 Bridge St., Newport 10) Pineapple’s On the Bay/Hyatt Regency, Newport 11) Busker’s Irish Pub, 178 Thames St., Newport 12) Aloha Cafe, 18 Market Square, Newport 13) The Wharf Pub, 31 Bowen’s Wharf, Newport 14) Diego’s, 11 Bowen’s Wharf, Newport 15) Clarke Cooke House, Bannisters Wharf, Newport 16) The Port Grille & Raw Bar, 359 Thames St, Newport 17) O’Brien’s Pub, 501 Thames St., Newport 18) Thai Cuisine, 517 Thames St., Newport 19) One Bellevue, Hotel Viking, Newport 20) La Forge Casino Restaurant, 186 Bellevue Ave., Npt. 21) Canfield House, 5 Memorial Blvd., Npt. 22) Easton’s Beach Snack Bar, 175 Memorial Blvd., Npt. 23) Flo’s Clam Shack, 44 Wave Ave., Middletown 24) Atlantic Grille, 91 Aquidneck Ave., Middletown
Other Area Restaurants & Dining Options Not Within Map Area
Newport Grand 150 Admiral Kalbfus Rd. Newport Anthony’s Seafood 963 Aquidneck Ave. Middletown Coddington Brewing Company 210 Coddington Hwy. Middletown Rhea’s Inn & Restaurant 120 West Main Rd. Middletown
Celebrating Our 33rd Year in Business
International House of Pancakes 159 W. Main Rd. Middletown Sweet Berry Farm 915 Mitchell’s Lane Middletown The Montaup Grille 500 Anthony Rd. Portsmouth
Open Daily for Lunch and Dinner at 11:30am
Indoors: Weekly Entertainment & Food Specials Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday Nights Outdoors: Family & Pet Friendly Outdoor Patio Open Daily (Weather Permitting)
Wi-Fi and Parking Available
“Best Kept Kept Secret Secret in in Town” Town” “Best
Breakfast 7 days 8am-1pm Eggs Benedict, Belgian Waffles and more!
Lobster Dinner LOBSTER DINNER Includes Salad, Vegetable, Potato and Bread
$20. $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 We Now Offer
Mon. Thurs. Includes Salad, Vegetable,00 Potato andthru Bread.
Mon. thruSun. Thurs. Fri. thru
Fri. thru Sun.
D FOR TBeef WO AllINNER Natural Hereford
Now on Tap • Black Lager • Irish Red Ale
bar meets grill
& Organic *Chicken $30.00
Lunch & Dinner Everyday .
Breakfast FISH N’ CHIPS
Take Home a “Growler” of Beer!
Includes Bottle of Wine
*Served Monday thru Thursday Only.
Daily 8am-1pm 11am-3pm for $7.00 Belgian Waffles, Eggs Benedict 120 WestMarys Main & Rd, Middletown Bloody Mimosas, too! Open 7 Days 8am-9pm • Restaurant
401.841.5560 • Inn 401.841.0808
120 West Main Rd., Middletown Open 7 Days 8am-9pm • Restaurant 401.841.5560 • inn 401.841.0808
Gift Certificates Free Parking 210 Coddington Hwy. Middletown
Open nightly 5pm -1am ~ Dinner till 10pm Sunday Brunch starting at 11am featuring live blues, jazz and much more.
La Forge Casino Restaurant Dine in our Casino Courtyard
• Al Fresco Dining • Breakfast - Sun 9-12 • Lunch & Dinner Daily 401.847.0418
186 Bellevue Ave.
111 Broadway, Newport • 401 619 2552 •
Page 18 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
Thursday, May 23
SPLASH @ One Eighty–Video DJ, 9-10, no cover
Fifth Element–DJ Maddog
LIVE MUSIC • Never A Cover! Thursday, May 23
Friday, May 24
The Gentlemen Explorers, Big Cat Blues-Upstairs 8:30pm Amato & Dave featuring Fri & Sat Dancing Downstairs Will Houlihan at 9pm wth Video Music DJ 9pm ** SUNDAY Brunch - 10am ** Live Music 4:30pm - Los Duderinos
Newport Blues Cafe–Felix Brown, 9:30 p.m.
The Port-Alger Mitchell, 2-6 p.m. and McMurphy’s 8 p.m.-midnight
Newport Grand Cocktail Lounge–Trivia Challenge, 8 p.m.
Rhino Bar–Get Lucky
The Chanler–Dick Lupino, Yvonne Monnett, Dan Moretti, 6-10 p.m.
LaForge Casino Restaurant–Dave Manuel on Piano, 7-11 p.m.
THURSDAY: $5 Pizza Night - Live Music 9pm Try Our New Homemade Vegetarian Menu Items: Veggie Pizzas, Black Bean Burgers, or “Veggie Wellington”
Middletown VFW – Karaoke, DJ Papa John, 8:30 p.m.
New Menu Available This Weekend!
Narragansett Cafe –New York Minute, 9:30 p.m.
Newport Blues Cafe–Sugarbabies, 9:30 p.m.
Newport Grand Cocktail Lounge– Matty B, 9 p.m.
The Port - D.J. Curfew, 9 p.m.-midnight
Hyatt Five 33 Lounge–Dave Manuel, 4-6 p.m.
Rhino Bar–Glory Dayz
Jimmy’s Saloon–The Ubiquitones, 10 p.m.-1a.m.
Saturday, May 25
Featuring Rhumbline’s
Fifth Element–The Ubiquitones, noon Hyatt Hotel – Dick Lupino, Dennis Cook, Jordan Nunes, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Narragansett Cafe –Robin Soares & Friends-Blues, 4-7 p.m.; Detroit Breakdown, 9:30 p.m.-1a.m. O’Brien’s Pub – Karaoke, 9:30 p.m. One Eighty–Los Duderinos, 4 p .m. One Pelham East–The Vudu Sister, 6-9 p.m. The Port- Diesel, 2-6 p.m., and McMurphy’s, 8 p.m.-midnight
Monday, May 27 Rhino Bar–DJ Chris Grey and Metal Night in Tusk
LaForge Casino Restaurant–Dave Manuel on Piano, 7-11 p.m.
Tuesday, May 28
Middletown VFW – Karaoke, DJ Papa John, 8:30 p.m.
Fastnet–”Blue Monday”
Newport Blues Cafe–Flock of Assholes
The Wharf Pub–Acoustic Open Mic, 7 -10 p.m.
Narragansett Cafe –Nasty Habits, 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 29
Fifth Element–Gary Gramolini & the Grinders, 10 p.m.
Newport Grand Cocktail Lounge– Mondo Soul, 9 p.m.
Rhino Bar–Latin NIght in Tusk
Greenvale Vineyard–Shawnn Monteiro,
Newport Grand Event Center–The Corvettes, Doo Wop Revue, 9 p.m.
Clarke Cooke House–Honky Tonk Knights, D J Jackie Henderson in the Boom Boom Room, 9 p.m.
A Beautiful Night in the Neighborhood
Fastnet Pub – Traditional Irish Music, 6-10 p.m.
The Nashville-based Americana band Sarah and the Tall Boys will return to Norey’s on Wednesday, May 29 at 8:30 p.m., bringing their country/ soul sound from the deep South. The group has shared the stage with legendary singers like Bonnie Raitt, Stevie Wonder, Alison Krauss, and many more. Mike Renzi, Dave Zinno, 1-4 p.m.
SPLASH @ One Eighty– Video DJ, 9-10, no cover
Clarke Cooke House – Bobby Ferreira, 12:30-3:30 p.m.
Music Night at Norey’s
One Eighty–Big Cat Blues, 8:30 p.m.
Rhumbline–Ron Sanfilippo, 6:30 p.m.
The Chanler–Dick Lupino, Dan Moretti, Paul Nagel, 6-10 p.m.
Friday, May 24
TUESDAY: $5 Pasta Night WEDNESDAY: $2 Taco Night – $12 Margarita Pitchers
10 Broadway, Newport • 849-6676 • Closed Monday
Sunday, May 26
One Eighty–Gentlemen Explorers
Fifth Element–The Ubiquitones,10 p.m.-1a.m.
Stay tuned for our Folk Fest - Jazz Fest Live Music Bookings
Rhumbline–Rod Luther, 6:30 p.m.
Narragansett Cafe–Becky Chace, 8-11
Norey’s –Sarah & The Tall Boys, 8 p.m. Sardella’s –Dick Lupino, Johnny Souza, Greg Wardson, 7:30-10 p.m.
Pan Fried Native Flounder with a Jalapeno-Corn Coulis, a Chorizo Risotto, and Sauteed Spinach Live Jazz with Lois Vaughan Fri. & Sat. 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm Dinner 5:00 pm Tuesday thru Sunday & Sunday Brunch 10 am -2 pm
The 48th Gaspee Days
Fireside Dining 62 Bridge Street, Newport 401.849.3999
Now Open for our 77th Season
Flo ...She’s Got The Crabs !
Thurs: All-U-Can-Do Crab Fri: Thick-Cut Prime Rib
from 5 ’til 8 .......... ’til it’s gone .........
$17.95 $ 9.95
Flo’s Clam Shack
“famous for clams since 1936” Topside Raw Bar Thurs & Fri 4pm ‘til Whenever! The Clam Shack
Thurs-Sun 11am ‘til 9pm
Permission to use artwork from Stephanie Concannon © 2010
May 25, 26 & 27
Sat & Sun 11am ‘til Whenever!
Aquidneck Avenue • Middletown • 847-8141
Saturday & Sunday 10am - 5pm • Monday 10am-4:30pm
Narragansett Parkway, Warwick
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Arts and Crafts Festival May 25, 26, & 27
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Narragansett Parkway Food • Games Live Entertainment Gaspee Raffle
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Aspray Boat House Pawtuxet Park, Warwick Entry Fee: $5.00 (Proof of Age Required)
For directions or information on the Gaspee Days Arts and Crafts Festival call
(401) 781-1772
Follow us on
or go to
at Gaspee Days
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 19
Islander and Viking Boys Both Mercifully Beat on Diamonds By Kirby Varacalli Visiting teams feasted on two local high school baseball teams this past week, and the size of the meal was the same; a lot was the same: The Prout School beat Rogers 11-0 at Cardines on Monday evening, May 20, and the following afternoon a powerful North Kingstown nine rang up the same shutout number on Middletown. Both contests came to an end after only five innings when the 10-run mercy rule was invoked. Both contests began on high notes, with Senior Night celebrations for the home teams. The Division I-South leading Skippers from North Kingstown (14-2) slugged 14 hits en route to their victory over the Islanders (610), who only managed 4 of their own. It was a tougher loss for the Vikings. It wasn’t necessarily because the Prout Crusaders (11-4 in Divi-
sion II-South) piled up 13 hits off Rogers’ pitchers; it was that Prout had all the hits in the game. The Crusaders’ sophomore starting pitcher, Patrick Quarters, tossed a no-hitter against the Vikings (only 1-13 in Division II-South this season), and if not for a fifth-inning walk allowed before the game was mercifully called, Quarters would have thrown a perfect game in the abbreviated affair. Rogers, out of the playoffs, finishes their regular season on the road versus Mount Hope on Friday, May 24 in a 4 p.m. start at Guiteras Field. Middletown, with hopes of still making the playoffs, has two regular season games remaining. They face Pilgrim in Warwick on Thursday, May 23 at 4 p.m. before their regular season finale against intra-island rival Portsmouth on Saturday, May 25 with the first pitch at 2 p.m.
Photos by Michael J Conley
The closest the Islanders came to scoring against North Kingstown was on this play, that saw senior Justin Sellar, #2, gets tagged out at home plate.
Crusader sophomore Patrick Quarters gets mobbed by his teammates after no-hitting the Vikings. Quarters struck out 10 and walked only one in Prout’s 11-0 win.
Middletown’s senior shortstop, Mark Powell (left) tries to complete the double play against the Skippers. Prout’s Patrick Quarters shows good form as he delivers a pitch against Rogers.
Volunteers Needed Want to volunteer this summer at one of the oldest ballparks in the country? The Newport Gulls organization is holding its annual Volunteer Information Meeting at the Newport County YMCA at 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 30. Both new and returning volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend in order to receive information about the upcoming season and receive their volunteer polo shirts. The Gulls are looking for anyone interested in volunteering in the following areas: grounds crew; ticket booth; souvenir shop; and security. The volunteers, along with host families, fans and sponsors are the backbone of the Newport Gulls - an all-volunteer organization that appreciates the time and effort that volunteers donate over the course of the summer. All Gulls volunteers will be honored on the field as a part of the pre-game ceremony on Volunteer Appreciation Night on Wednesday, July 31. Interested and returning volunteers who are unable to attend the information session, or have any questions, should contact Newport Gulls Director of Baseball Operations George Bissell at 529-1617.
A Pub That Specializes in Serving High Quality Food at Affordable Prices
849-GRUB Call Ahead M-F 7-9, SATURDAY 8-9, SUNDAY 8-3
GOOD FOOD. good Prices. FAST.
Page 20 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
Host Families Wanted
Tennis Hall of Fame Earns Top Honors The International Tennis Hall of Fame & Museum has achieved accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), which is the highest professional achievement in the museum industry. AAM Accreditation indicates that the accredited museum is operating at the highest level of museum professional standards and that it demonstrates a commitment to excellence in all that it does: governance, collections stewardship, public programs, financial stability, and continued institutional improvement. Of the nation’s 17,500 museums, only 6 percent have ever received the honor. The International Tennis Hall of Fame & Museum is the first
sports hall of fame to be honored. It is the second sports museum (American Museum of Fly Fishing) and the second hall of fame (Country Music Hall of Fame) to achieve this distinction. In Rhode Island, the International Tennis Hall of Fame & Museum is the sixth museum to be accredited, joining in the esteemed company with the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design; Newport Art Museum and Art Association; Preservation Society of Newport County; Rhode Island Historical Society; and Slater Mill Historic Site. The International Tennis Hall of Fame & Museum is one of just 65 sites that are both National Historic Landmarks and AAM Accredited
Upcoming games: Friday, May 24 at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, May 25 at noon & 3 p.m. Monday, May 27 at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 29 at 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 31 at 6:30 p.m.
Sunset League The George Connelly Sunset League is the oldest continuous amateur baseball league in the United States. Spectators are welcome, games are free at Cardines field.
Team Standings Wins Newport 3 Town Dock 2 Brothers Oven 2 Westcott Properties 2 RR Construction 1 Mudville 1 RR Legion 1
Losses 1 1 1 1 2 3 3
museums. In celebration of this honor, the International Tennis Hall of Fame & Museum will be hosting an Open House Day on Saturday, May 25 for all Rhode Island residents, offering free admission for the local community to explore the unique cultural attraction in their own backyards. Rhode Island residents simply need to show valid proof of residency at the entrance for free admission. For information on the International Tennis Hall of Fame & Museum and its programs, call 401849-3990 or visit online atwww.
The Newport Gulls are looking for new host families to take a player into their home for the 2013 summer season. The host family program is the foundation on which the Newport Gulls “family” is built. Host families have opened their homes to players who have come from all over the country for the summer in hopes of chasing their dreams of becoming Major League Baseball players. The relationships that are forged between the players and their hosts are memorable and last a lifetime. In addition to the rewards of forming a life-long relationship with a player, the Newport Gulls thank their host families with a very special free Host Family Package. The package includes: a season pass for each family member, team photo in season, a Gulls T-shirt for each family member, an invitation to selected Newport Gulls special events, free registration to Newport Gulls summer camp and host family and team parent weekend festivities, and on-field recognition at the Gulls final home game with their player for Host Family Appreciation Night, Thursday, Aug. 1. If your family is interested in be-
coming a host family for the 2013 summer season, email General Manager Chuck Paiva at for more information or call 401-849-4982. Since moving to Newport in 2001, the Gulls have captured the New England Collegiate Baseball League championship, the Fay Vincent Sr. Cup, an NECBL-record five times. In 2012, the Gulls were named the No. 1 summer collegiate team in the country by Perfect Game USA in Perfect Game’s Top 50 final rankings, capping a recordbreaking season by Newport and marking the first time ever that an NECBL franchise has been ranked No. 1 nationally. The Gulls, which attract more than 50,000 fans annually to historic Cardines Field in Newport, recruit players from the top college baseball programs in the country. To date they have sent six alumni to Major League Baseball teams and over 150 players to professional baseball teams ranging from Independent leagues to Triple-A. For more information, visit www., and follow the team on Facebook and Twitter @ NewportGulls.
Rethink Recycling Think before you throw!
There is so much more you can recycle. Don’t worry about the #’s or triangles. Recycle ALL plastic containers 2 gallons or smaller. Learn the do's and don'ts at
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 21
Zemel Choir Concert
The Salvation Army’s women’s group will hold a yard sale at the Army headquarters at 51 Memorial Blvd. on Saturday, May 25, 9 a.m. - noon. Proceeds will support programming efforts.
Congregation Jeshuat Israel at Touro Synagogue will host a benefit concert by the Zemel Choir of London on Saturday, May 25 at 9 p.m. in the synagogue immediately following Havdalah services. The concert is part of Touro’s celebration of the 250th anniversary of the synagogue’s dedication. The Zemel Choir is a world renowned mixed-voice Jewish choir, and their repertoire embraces the traditional Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Yiddish, and Israeli Jewish cultures. Tickets for the concert are $10 and all proceeds will be donated to the Louis and Goldie Chester Full Plate Kosher Food Pantry and the Newport Community Meal Program. Advance ticketing is recommended; call Susan Woythaler at 401-846-2125.
New Community Garden Gardeners or those who just love working outdoors are invited to help build one of Aquidneck Island’s newest community gardens at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church on East Main Road in Portsmouth on Saturdays, from 9-11 a.m. The project will continue over several Saturdays and all are welcome to assist. One-time and ongoing help is welcome. Centering Prayer service at 11 a.m.
Trinity Strawberry Festival Trinity Church will host a Strawberry Festival fundraiser on Saturday, June 15, on the Trinity lawn, Queen Anne Square, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The day will feature homemade strawberry shortcake, food, arts and craft activities, vendors and music.
Community Meals and Fellowship Area churches and organizations work together to provide nutritious meals in a caring environment for members of the community. Upcoming meals include:
Thursday, May 23
7:30 a.m.–MLK Center 20 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd. 5 p.m.– CrossPoint 14 Rhode Island Ave.
Friday, May 24
7:30 a.m.–MLK Center 20 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd. 5 p.m. –Salvation Army 51 Memorial Blvd.
Saturday, May 25
4:30 p.m. Community Baptist 50 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd.
Sunday, May 26
4 p.m. –Salvation Army 51 Memorial Blvd.
Monday, May 27
Memorial Day 11:30 p.m.–St. Joseph’s R.C. 5 Mann Ave. 5 p.m.– Trinity Church 141 Spring St.
Tuesday, May 28
7:30 a.m.–MLK Center 20 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd. 5 p.m.– United Baptist (food by St.Peter’s Lutheran) 30 Spring St.
Wednesday, May 29
7:30 a.m.–MLK Center 20 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd. 5 p.m. United Baptist 30 Spring St. Thursday, May 30 7:30 a.m.–MLK Center 20 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd. 5 p.m.– St. Paul’s Methodist (by St. Augustin’s) 12 Marlborough St. Friday, May 31 7:30 a.m.– MLK Center 5 p.m.–Salvation Army 51 Memorial Blvd.
Fight Hunger Dinner and Auction The Salvation Army will host their second annual Fight Hunger Dinner and Auction fundraiser on Tuesday, June 4 to support hunger programs in our area. Monies raised will help fund the Army’s food pantry and the summer food backpack program. When kids or parents come to the food pantry, they will receive a bag that is filled with healthy kid-friendly food that can be refilled throughout the summer months. John Ambrogi, Superintendent of Newport Public Schools, is the honorary chair of the event. The evening begins at 6 p.m. at the Salvation Army, 51 Memorial Blvd. Tickets are $10 and a family of three or more is $25. Call 401-846-3234 to reserve.
St. Barnabas Dance The St. Barnabas Festival will hold its kickoff dinner dance on Saturday, June 1 from 6 to 10 p.m. in the Church Hall, 1697 East Main Rd., Portsmouth. Tickets are $17.50 and may be purchased by calling Mary Silveira at 401-683-0752.
ASA Summer Camp All Saints Academy’s summer camp will be held June 25 – Aug. 12 with flexible days and times. The camp runs from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for ages 4-11 and is open to the public with full, part and half day rates available. All Saints Academy is located at 915 West Main Rd., Middletown. Visit or call 401-848-4300 for more information.
The Changing Table The United Baptist Church of Newport sponsors “The Changing Table,” a diaper bank to help families in our community. Diapers are available at the United Baptist Church, 30 Spring St. For more information, or to make a donation, call the church at 401847-3210 or email
Your opinion counts. Use it! Send us your letters at
Methodist Community Garden Methodist Community Garden manager Linda Wood is looking for volunteers to work in the garden. Dozens of volunteers have been working all spring on the new beds and hoop house in anticipation of a record-breaking growing season, but extra hands are always needed. The farm stand opens in June and donations to the soup kitchens, shelters and pantries will begin in July. Volunteers of all ages are welcome; if interested, call Linda Wood at 401-293-0136. The garden is on Turner Road in Middletown, next to Calvary Methodist Church.
A Night on the Water Historic Ida Lewis Yacht Club will be the scene of “A Night on the Water,” the fifth annual fundraiser for the Episcopal Conference Center, on Saturday, June 8. The festive evening of fun and friendship will run 6-10 p.m. and feature food, music and auctions throughout the evening. Tickets are $50 and must be purchased in advance; no tickets will be sold at the door. Contact Sara Clarke at 401-447-6419 or for tickets or more information.
Kids Care Food Ministry St. Peter’s Lutheran Church will host a Kids Care Food Ministry meal-packaging event at St. George’s School Field House, 372 Purgatory Road, Middletown on Saturday, June 15. Houses of worship from across the island are invited to participate. Kids Care Food Ministry food packages help restore health and improve a child’s mental and physical alertness. Each package provides six nutritionally complete servings at a cost of 25 cents per serving. The goal for the community is to package 70,000 meals at a cost of $17,500, and 190 volunteers are needed to package this quantity. For more information contact Don Jump at or by calling 401-847-2753.
Warm Up Wednesdays All are welcome at Warm Up Wednesdays each week at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 12 Marlborough St. from 1 to 4 p.m. Stop by for friendship, games, reading and refreshments.
Houses of Worship are welcome to send information about upcoming events or to share special messages by emailing
Handbell Concert in Jamestown The Shoreline Ringers, a choir of handbell ringers from southeastern Conn., will perform at Jamestown’s St. Matthew’s Church, 87 Narragansett Ave., on Sunday, June 9 at 4 p.m. The choir rings 5 octaves of handbells and 5½ octaves of hand chimes, displaying a variety of techniques and rhythms in music ranging from classical to popular. Under the direction of Jane Nolan, the group promotes handbell ringing as a musical art form while educating audiences through concert performances. The Shoreline Ringers have per-
formed at the Isaac Stern Auditorium in Carnegie Hall as part of “Christmas Time in the City,” in the “Joy for the Kids Concert” in Hartford, and with the Coast Guard Academy Band. The group’s two CDs, “Shoreline in Springtime” and “Ring in the Holidays,” will be for sale at the concert. The concert is free but a free will offering will be taken, and a reception will follow the concert. For more information, contact St. Matthew’s at 401-423-1762 or visit the Shoreline Ringers website at
St. Columba’s Garden Party Get out your jaunty hats and slip on your summer sandals, St. Columba’s 22nd Annual English Garden Party is just around the corner. The English countrystyle soirée will be held Saturday, June 8, from 1-5 p.m. on the parish grounds at 55 Vaucluse Ave., Middletown. Festivities include the signature Devonshire Cream Tea, Marvelous Martin’s circus acts workshop, a barbershop quartet, children’s tea event, flower and plant sale, baked goods, and a silent auction to support local outreach ministries. Prizes will be awarded for best hats. A highlight of the annual event is the flower festival competition, held inside the chapel. This
year’s theme revolves around a very popular British television program (guess which one?), and guests will be treated to arrangements inspired by both “upstairs” and “downstairs” characters. Party-goers will vote for their favorite centerpiece as “Best in Show,” and each floral will go home with a lucky raffle winner. Admission to the party is free, but Devonshire Cream Tea tickets are $10 for adults (multiple seatings) and the separate children’s tea (2 p.m.) is $5. Tickets to the tea events may be purchased in advance at the church office, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information, visit
St. Columba’s Cranberry Orange Scones Makes 18 Scones
Ingredients 3 cups all purpose flour 1/3 cup sugar 1 Tbsp. finely grated orange peel 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. baking soda 3/4 cup cold unsalted butter cut up in small pieces 3/4 cup dried cranberries 1 cup buttermilk 1 Tbsp. orange extract 1 Tbsp. melted butter coarse sugar Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a large bowl sift together all dry ingredients (flour through baking soda) and stir in orange peel. Using a pastry blender, cut in the butter until the mixture re-
sembles coarse crumbs. Do not over mix. Fold in cranberries. Add buttermilk and extract and stir until the batter holds together in a loose ball. 3. Turn dough out onto a floured board. Knead gently by folding and pressing it together for 10-12 strokes. Very lightly roll the dough into a 10” circle. It should have a depth of 1/2 inch. Cut dough into 2 1/2 inch rounds, brush with melted butter and shake some sugar on top. 4. Bake for 20 minutes or until the bottoms are golden. Cool on the baking sheet for 10 minutes Notes: Feel free to try other dried fruits and flavorings: dried cherries, golden raisins, chopped apricots, vanilla, cinnamon, lemon, cardamom.
Page 22 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
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Avian Influx Continues By Jack Kelly
As this year’s Spring Migration continues, local birders are making many discoveries in the varied habitats across Aquidneck Island, particularly in the Gooseneck Cove salt marshes on Hazard Road in Newport. Over the past four years, the marsh system has been the target of a major restoration project by Save the Bay. Due to years of abuse and neglect, the wetlands had become a festering, odious and unhealthy eyesore. The removal of a non-functioning and detrimental dam, and the addition of two culverts that increased the tidal flow into the marsh system, allowed the wetlands to begin to recover. This tidal flow increase has been advantageous for the reinforcing of existing tidal mudflats and marsh grass areas, as well as the creation of new mudflats. Eventually, these new tidal flats will be planted with marsh grasses which will assist in the long-term health and recovery of this vital wetland system. Each year has seen improvements in water quality, habitat recovery and the populations of fish, crab and other marine life. Save the Bay has reported recent surveys that indicate certain marine and fish species which utilize coastal wetlands as nurseries for their young, have returned to the cove and the marshes. The region also has a rich and diverse population of mammal species. White-tailed deer, coyotes, mink, raccoon, opossum, voles, mice and squirrels inhabit the marsh area or the adjoining woodlands. Deer use the wetlands at low tide to safely traverse their grazing areas. A summer sighting of a doe with her accompanying fawns is a fairly common occurrence. For birders and wildlife enthusiasts, the recovery of Gooseneck Cove has meant the return of many avian species that had abandoned
A local surfer believes he spotted at least one and perhaps two endangered Leatherback Turtles off of Newport’s Easton’s Beach on Monday, May 22. The turtles, which can weigh up to 2,000 pounds, are occasional visitors to Rhode Island waters. About 10 wash up on the state’s beaches each year, according to Skip Graf of the Mystic, Conn. Seal Rescue clinic. In 2011, a 400-pound Leatherback washed up in Narragansett and subsequently died. At about 4 p.m. Monday, Cameron Clark of Middletown was paddling his board across the beach from east to west when he saw a “black figure” in the water about 40 yards away, swimming in the opposite direction. After first thinking it might be a swimmer in a wetsuit, Clark realized it was a huge turtle. “Its head was the size of an elephant seal head. It was swimming
Other observations included an Osprey fishing from the marsh waters, a Red-tailed Hawk circling the perimeter of the wetlands for prey, and a mature Great Horned Owl perched in a tree on the northern edge of the property. As sunset began, a pair of Black-crowned NightHerons and an American Bittern were sighted flying over the marsh on a westerly course. The Gooseneck Cove wetlands and the other marshes of Aquidneck Island are treasure troves of nature’s beauty and mystery. A visit to these special places is well worth the trip. Migration Notes: Miantonomi Park continues to be active with the arrivals and departures of resting and foraging migratory songbirds as they make their way north along the Atlantic Flyway. This pattern will begin to wane this week, but stragglers may be spotted for the next week or so. This weekend is the perfect time to get out and witness the many different species that pass through our region. Jack Kelly, a native Newporter, is a wildlife photographer and nature enthusiast who enjoys sharing his experiences with others.
Leatherback turtle. strongly and submerging gracefully for short periods. It looked at me from 20 yards away. Then I lost sight of it.” Clark and another surfer spotted the turtle again about 25 minutes later at the west end of the beach. “I am convinced that it was the same turtle, because it looked the same and was strong enough of a swimmer to have swum the length of the beach and back again. This time, I noted its back was shiny and
it could easily have been longer than six feet.” According to the species profile for the Leatherback on the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service website fws. gov, “the leatherback is the largest, deepest diving, and most migratory and wide ranging of all sea turtles. The adult leatherback can reach 4 to 8 feet in length and 500 to 2000 pounds in weight. Its shell is composed of a mosaic of small bones covered by firm, rubbery skin with seven longitudinal ridges or keels. The skin is predominantly black with varying degrees of pale spotting; including a notable pink spot on the dorsal surface of the head in adults. A toothlike cusp is located on each side of the gray upper jaw; the lower jaw is hooked anteriorly. The paddle-like clawless limbs are black with white margins and pale spotting.”
Sudoku Puzzle on page 24
Willet (Photo by Rey Larsen)
Turtle Sighted Off Easton’s Beach
Crossword Puzzle on page 24
Spotted Sandpiper (Photo by Bob Weaver) the region in the past. Seasonally nesting wading bird species such as Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Great Blue Herons, Glossy Ibis, Green Herons, American Bitterns and many more, have discovered the cleaner waters and the increased fish and crab populations. Flowering and berry-producing bushes, planted by Rogers High School students in the past three years, are attracting more migratory songbirds during spring and fall migrations. Under the guidance of biology teacher Scott Dickison, students have planted vital marsh grasses that will aid the restoration process. During this year’s migration, the wetlands have witnessed large, mixed flocks of migratory shorebirds resting and restoring their energy reserves. On a recent evening, species sighted included Least Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Spotted Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers, Black-bellied Plovers, Willets and Greater Yellowlegs. The hungry birds foraged for food throughout the grasses of the marsh and across the tidal flats exposed by low tide. These species will continue on their journeys north to Canada, Alaska and Nunavut in the Arctic Circle.
23 Thu 6:45 3.7 24 Fri 7:37 3.9 25 Sat 8:28 4.1 26 Sun 9:21 4.2 27 Mon 10:14 4.2 28 Tue 11:10 4.1 29 Wed 30 Thu 12:33 4.3
PM 7:12 8:03 8:54 9:46 10:41 11:36 12:07 1:04
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5:16 5:16 5:15 5:14 5:14 5:13 5:13 5:12
8:07 8:08 8:09 8:10 8:10 8:11 8:12 8:13
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 23
Conanicut Count The 29th annual Conanicut Island Spring Bird Count was recently held. Volunteers recorded 102 species across Jamestown. “Highlights of the day included a Swainson’s Thrush at the North End, 3 Peregrine Falcon chicks (being fed by an adult) in the nest box under the Newport Bridge, Eastern Bluebirds at Fox Hill Farm, Surf Scoters at Beavertail, a Tennessee Warbler at Taylor’s Point, and an Indigo Bunting at Beavertail. Other sightings included 6 Osprey, 4 Peregrine Falcons, 4 Red-tailed Hawks and 2 Turkey Vultures. In addition there were 14 other warbler species present on the island along with 8 migratory shorebird species,” Candy Powell said. Powell and co-coordinator Evelyn Rhodes welcome any interesting sightings from across Conanicut Island. For a complete copy of the Bird Count- Species List, contact Powell at 401-423-1492, or Rhodes at 401-423-1254. Powell and Rhodes are also the co-coordinators of the Conanicut Island Christmas Bird Count that will be held in early January, 2014. They welcome any birders from across the area who would be interested in being a part of that count.
Hunter Education Course A four-hour hunter education course will be offered at Sachuest Point Wildife Refuge on Wednesdays, June 5, 12, 19 or 26, from 6 – 10 p.m. Rhode Island law states that no license to hunt shall be issued to any person unless that person has held a Rhode Island license in a prior year or unless that person presents a hunter education card issued by Rhode Island or under an equivalent hunter safety program adopted by any other state. This hunter education course entails classroom participation and includes such topics as hunter responsibility, principles of wildlife management, firearms, wildlife laws and identification, game care, specialty hunting, outdoor emergencies and survival, water safety and hypothermia. This course is offered free of charge and pre-registration is required. To register, contact the instructor, Scott Travers at STravers@
Protecting the Plovers The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service needs your help this summer to protect threatened piping plovers, their nests and chicks on Rhode Island beaches. These rare migratory birds have returned to Rhode Island and have spent several weeks establishing territories and beginning to nest on the state’s beaches. The piping plover is a small, stocky, sandy-colored bird resembling a sandpiper, and they have been protected under the federal Endangered Species Act since 1986. Males typically return before the females to set up and defend their area and will start creating prenests, often called scrapes. Scrapes are small depressions in the sand that are sometimes lined with small stones or shell fragments, one of which the female will eventually lay her eggs. This year is especially complex, as the impacts from Hurricane Sandy changed the face of the Rhode Island coastline and beaches for piping plovers. How to help: n Respect all areas fenced or posted for protection of wildlife. n Do not approach or linger near piping plovers or their nests. n Please leave pets at home. Plovers perceive dogs as predators.
RECENT DEATHS Ethel M. (Sargent) Chafton, 78, of Portsmouth, passed away May 13, 2013. She was the wife of the late BMCS Claywell M. Chafton USN. Donations in her memory may be made to the American Diabetes Association, P.O. Box 11454, Alexandria, VA 22312. Caroline D. (Ascher) Conway, 76, of Woolsey Road, Middletown, RI, died on Sunday, May 19, 2013 at Miriam Hospital in Providence, RI. Donations in her memory may be made to the American Heart Association, I State Street, Suite 200, Providence, RI 02908 or to the American Cancer Society, 931 Jefferson Blvd., Suite 3004, Warwick, RI 02886. Michael Francis Gallagher, 67, of Middletown, passed away May 15, 2013. He was the husband of Sandra Irons Gallagher. He served in the U.S. Army and completed a tour of duty in Vietnam. Donations in his memory may be made to Gentiva Hospice, 2374 Post Rd., Suite 206, Warwick, RI 02886. Raymond Gould, 82, of Middletown, passed away May 17, 2013, at Pine Grove Health Center, Pascoag, RI. He was the husband of Dorothy (Chaves) Gould. Donations in his memory may be made to the Middletown Rescue Wagon Fund, 239 Wyatt Rd., Middletown, RI 02842. Lieselotte M. (Altenhofer) Raposa, 80, of Portsmouth, passed away May 17, 2013, at Newport Hospital. She was the wife of the late Manuel Raposa. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, May 23, at 10 a.m. at St. Columba Cemetery Chapel, Brown’s Lane, Middletown. Donations in her memory may be made to the American Heart Association, 1 State St., Suite 200, Providence, RI 02908. Claudette M. Ryan, 77, of Middletown, passed away May 15, 2013. She was the wife of the late Richard J. Ryan. Donations in her memory may be made to Lucy’s Hearth, 913 West Main Rd, Middletown, RI 02842. Catherine V. (Winters) Shea, 92, of Newport, passed away May 20, 2013, at Newport Hospital. She was the wife of the late Cornelius Shea for 58 years. Calling hours will be Friday, May 24, from 8:309:30 a.m. in the Memorial Funeral Home. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held May 24 at 10 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Church. Donations in her memory may be made to St Joseph’s Church, Broadway Newport, RI 02840. Irene Molly (Pemental) Teves, 99, formerly of Middletown, passed away May 16, 2013 at Heatherwood Nursing Home. She was the wife of the late Frank Medeiros Teves, Jr. Donations in her memory may be made to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 2600 Network Blvd. Suite 300, Frisco, TX 75034. Gary Ray Urquhart, 80, formerly of Calais, Maine passed away May 15, 2013 at Newport Hospital Newport. He was in the U.S. Navy for 22 years and served in Vietnam. Donations may be made in his memory to Alzheimer’s Research Clinic at Newport Hospital, 19 Friendship Street, Newport, RI. John T. (Amado) Weiderman, 31 of Newport, passed away May 17, 2013 at Newport Hospital after a long illness. A Low Mass will be held Thursday, May 23 at 11 a.m. at St. John the Evangelist Church, 61 Poplar Street, Newport. Donations in his memory may be made to the Community Baptist Church Food Kitchen, 50 Dr. Marcus F. Wheatland Blvd, Newport, RI 02840.
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Thanks for Walking With Me!
A special thanks to National Premier Sponsor, CVS Caremark. This year, CVS Caremark associates nationwide are supporting the CVS Caremark All Kids CanTM Program to help children with disabilities through Easter Seals’ signature fun, family fitness walks across the country. Presenting Sponsor
Thank you to everyone in our community who walked to make a difference in the lives of people living with disabilities. Your commitment made Easter Seals Rhode Island’s recent Walk With Me event a huge success! To view this year’s walk photos, please visit
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Page 24 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
1. Fiction’s Timberlane 1. Singing Johnny 2. Chow chow chow 5. Winter Palace resident 3. Potter’s purchase 9. One fell ___ 4. Mothering type 14. Balm ingredient 5. Pick’s partner 15. Bring aboard, in a way 6. Whizzing bullet sounds 16. Eyelashes 7. Sphere of expertise 17. Is in motion, but gets 8. Legal matter nowhere 9. Carry all over the place 20. Impresario Hurok 10. Maintain 21. Frat party garment 11. Dairy bar 22. Cast iron and bronze 12. Like service station rags 23. Playful kiss 13. Freebie 24. Brought about 18. Asks unanswerable questions 25. Suppose 19. Pitcher’s chore 28. Sugar unit 23. Like Schwarzenegger 29. Fond du ___ 24. Actress Delta 32. Aviary cry 25. Pungent 33. Wise guy? 26. Excelled 34. Kibbutz dance 27. Lustrous 35. Reacts to a business 28. Auspicious slowdown 29. Around here 38. Black 30. Ridge produced by glaciation 39. Be fond of 40. Related on the mother’s side 31. Celebrated engineer Jones 33. Items in a stock record 41. Algiers title 34. Depend 42. Wee 36. Air pollution, for instance 43. Ed, Jr. of Tinseltown 37. Bullock’s co-star in “Speed” 44. They may be laughing 42. Curtain ornament 45. Peace symbol 43. Infielder’s gaffe 46. Waylay 44. Undemocratic government 49. Idiot box 45. Creator of the Count of Monte 50. Culinary chicken general? Cristo 53. Denies a request, 46. “Up and ___!” emphatically 47. Epitome of stubbornness 56. Cause to beam 48. Hollywood Pitt 57. Catchall term 49. 1984 Peace Nobelist 58. Sloping type (Abbr.) 50. Kind of bag 59. Gold, for one 51. Kind of song or dive 60. Erato, for one 52. Sole 61. Contradict 54. Edge 55. Brought about
It’s FREE, FAST and EASY...
Puzzle answer on page 22
Make an appointment & drop off your household toxic chemicals, pesticides and leftover oil-based paints at an upcoming Eco-Depot Event. Saturday, June 1st • 8AM - NOON Central Landfill, 65 Shun Pike, Johnston, RI Visit • 401.942.1430 x241
For a complete list of locations, dates and the types of waste Eco-Depot accepts, please visit Level of difficulty: Challenging HHHH Puzzle answer on page 22
May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 25
GRANTS CONTINUED FROM PG. 8 at Jamestown Town Hall and the Jamestown Philomenian Library. Looking Upwards, Inc., $7,308 This grant will help provide hearing screening services for more than 200 infants and toddlers in Newport County to increase early detection, treatment, and care. Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center, $8,000 This grant supports organizational development for FabNewport, whose mission is “to teach people how to make almost anything.” The Nature Conservancy, $10,000 The Nature Conservancy in Rhode Island is developing a plan for large scale shell recycling in Newport County. These recycled shells will become the building materials for constructed oyster reefs throughout Rhode Island waters. Newport Art Museum, $2,035 Through this grant, Newport Art Museum and Thompson Middle School will launch a collaborative pilot program enabling museum tours and activities for all seventh graders. Newport Community School, $10,000 This grant supports implementation of the organization's full service community school model to include program components related to grade transition at critical stages in a student's academic career. Newport Partnership for Families, $5,400 To address the “summer learning slump,” this initiative ensures all Newport children have access to books, literacy-boosting skills, and enrichment activities during the summer vacation. Norman Bird Sanctuary, $10,000 This grant will enable the Sanctuary to expand programming for students to provide high quality environmental service learning, stewardship-based programs, and offer these programs at low or no cost options for low income residents of Newport County. Prudence Island School Foundation, $2,500 This grant helps support secondary education and summer programming to teens in Rhode Island's last active one-room school house, located on Prudence Island. Rhode Island Black Storytellers $1,500 These funds help support the 16th annual Funda Fest: A Celebration of Black Storytelling in January 2014, a free family storytelling concert at the Martin Luther King Community Center. Rhode Island Mentoring Partnership, $10,000 The Rhode Island Mentoring Partnership will introduce an innovative, collaborative model for mentoring on Aquidneck Island, which will match 65 at-risk youth in Newport and Middletown with caring adult role models. RhodySquash, Inc., $3,000 The organization will fund program expansion, including the recruitment of additional students, transportation costs, supplies, and squash tournament preparation and participation for underprivileged youth.
Riverwood Mental Health Services, $10,000 This grant supports Housing First Newport, an extension of Riverwood’s successful Housing First RI Initiative with goals of ending chronic homelessness in Newport and the entire state. The funding will support rental subsidies and stopgap funds to immediately house those unable to access the shelter system. Saint Peter's Lutheran Church, $3,000 St. Peter's Lutheran Church provides freshly-made, well-balanced meals to the homeless and less fortunate in the Newport area. This grant supports the organization’s ability to meet an increased demand for services. Sakonnet Preservation Association, $5,000 The organization will use this grant to help digitize thousands of pages of original documentation for properties and easements it has conserved since 1972. Social Venture Partners Rhode Island, $10,000 This grant will help defray costs to further develop and execute a set of programs that support social enterprise and micro enterprise development in Newport County. The goals are new venture creation, new training and employment opportunities (particularly for populations with barriers to employment), increased community engagement, and more sustainable nonprofits. St. Clare – Newport, $3,000 These funds will support staff education, training, and development at the newly expanded facility to address the evolving long-term care needs of Newport County. Star Kids Scholarship Program, $1,200 The grant helps support summer camp program costs for up to eight Star Kids – high-risk, low-income children who have a parent with a history of incarceration and/or substance abuse. Turning Around Ministries, Inc., $10,000 This grant supports services provided by Turning Around Ministries to disadvantaged resident in need, primarily those recently released from prison, ex-offenders, and homeless people. Services include housing, clothing, personal development, transportation, education, medical treatment, recovery support, and employment. Washington Square Services Corporation, $10,000 The McKinney Cooperative Shelter will use these funds to support a part-time case manager to work as a liaison between the chronically homeless and the shelter. Affiliated Foundation funds that helped provide support for these grants include the Anne and Peter Damon Fund for Newport County, the Jamestown Community Fund, the Jamestown Fund for the Performing Arts, the Dominick J. Lepore Memorial Fund II, the NSG Education Fund in Memory of Ellen S. Murphy, the James L. Spears Charitable Fund, the Harold B. Werner Fund, and the Wilbur Fund.
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Page 26 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
Relay 2013: An Evening to Remember By Jack Kelly There was a special treat for those arriving for the American Cancer Society’s “Relay For Life of Aquidneck” fundraiser at Gaudet Middle School last Friday evening. Retired Providence police officer and Rhode Island’s Dancing Cop, Tony Lepore, was on Turner Road. Lepore was highly entertaining as he flailed his arms, dropped to the pavement, and safely directed traffic through the intersection and into the parking lot. Lepore, who donated his time to the event, also led the Survivor’s Lap at 6 p.m., and he completed four circuits of the track while performing his familiar traffic cop routine. He was accompanied by a small group of preteen boys who attempted to copy his every move and found out just how strenuous Lepore’s routine can be. The Tiverton Jazz Band delighted the assembled walkers, runners and spectators with an eclectic repertoire of jazz and big band music. Trumpet soloist Rick Price electrified the audience with a brassy, soulful rendition of “God Bless America,” and then related his own story of recovery from kidney cancer. After the Survivor’s Lap, the Northeast Navy Band gave a rousing concert of pop tunes and patriotic music that had feet tapping and some in the audience dancing. Rhonda Duart, DJ for the evening, took over from there and had the walkers and runners moving to a steady beat. Duart also lent her own rich and melodic voice to karaoke recordings as the night progressed.
Event organizer Kerry Seibert credited co-chair Emily Stanley with arranging for the various performers and for setting the schedule for the evening’s entertaining laps. “This is Emily’s third year with us, and she does an incredible job,” Seibert said. The theme for this year’s relay was “Carnival Against Cancer,” and the carnival-style midway that was set up was a hit with young and old alike. The silent Luminaria Lap was especially poignant this year as past Relay team members who lost their own battles with cancer in the past year were remembered. Special themed laps such as the Disco Lap, Dance Lap, Pajama Lap and the Backwards Lap were big hits with participants. However the “Misster” Relay Lap was the biggest hit of the Relay. This beauty contest calls for a male team member to dress in women’s clothing and – wearing heels or flats – make a lap of the track, carrying a purse into which spectators are asked to place donations. “Coco,” a tall and slightly burly platinum blonde, who wore a chiffon evening gown and heels, won the coveted crown. “Coco” represented the team Spalon Strollers, which was participating in its eighth Relay. Although the Relay did not reach its fundraising goal, Seibert was upbeat: “We worked hard and established a good group of teams for next year’s Relay, which we will begin planning in just a few weeks.” Seibert will be back as chairperson again next year. It will be her ninth Relay, and her fifth as chairperson.
The Newport Group
is pleased to announce the newest addition to the team, Caroline Richards. Caroline, a former venture capitalist in both New York and Boston, brings with her vast professional experience in both the corporate and entrepreneurial environments. Long ago she recognized the unique beauty and opportunity Aquidneck Island offers. As a Salve Regina graduate, a military wife and mother of two, Caroline has a strong commitment to the community. Look for Caroline at her featured listing: 72 Prairie Avenue.
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Sunday 12-2 Newport: 64 Prospect Hill St-$559,000
Spacious Historic Hill home tastefully blends old with new. Bright and open 3 story floor plan offers versatile floor plan for entertaining. Private backyard and dynamite in town location!
HOW YOU CAN HELP: To make a donation, view photos from this year’s Relay, or to register a team for next year, visit or contact Kerry Seibert at or by phone at 855-0885. The American Cancer Society offers information and support on-line at or call 800-227-2345.
Relay participants on the Gaudet track. (Photos by Jack Kelly)
Kristel Massarotti of Portsmouth with friends and family.
“Coco” waves to the crowd after being crowned Misster Relay.
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May 23, 2013 Newport This Week Page 27
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Newport Harbor Livings at its Best!
If you have ever dreamed of owning a piece of Newport Harbor here are some great options at great prices.
92 William St, Newport 401.619.4660
18 Memorial Blvd. West, Newport 401.619.5885
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath condo overlooking Newport Harbor and resort style amenities that include pool, tennis, security and tranquil grounds. Now $385,000.
Dockominium to accomodate up to a 40' boat in the heart of Downtown Newport with all new facilities, full time dock master and parking. Scarce Commodity! Only $129,000.
Prefer one street or neighborhood? Search by Map.
Real Estate Transactions: May 10 – May 17 Address
Remember Our Fallen Heroes
1 Atlantic Ave. 65 Prairie Ave. 79 Bliss Mind Rd.
David & Marilyn Henderson Emilie & George Hinman David & Jann Vieu Gloria & Joseph McCarthy David Vonderfecht Jeffrey Hawks
$1,181,075 $1,180,000 $485,000
Middletown We Offer Lots of Choices! Now Leasing 2, 3, & 4 Bedroom Homes in Greene Lane Melville Coddington Cove Hart Field Fort Adams Farragut Field
Now Renting to Military Families, Single Sailors/GEO Bachelors, & General Public
7 Bartlett Rd. 741 East Main Rd. 18 Miller St. 69 Green End Ave., Unit 7 88 Bay Ridge Dr., Unit 10-B 259 Chases Ln. 221 Chases Ln. 25B Wayside Ave.
34 Wimbledon Cir. 102 Pheasant Dr. 11 Candy Ct. 61 Martens Rd. 22 Belmont Dr.
Christine Nolan Highlander Realty LLC Jeffrey & Teena Hiebner Angela Healey Trust Bay Ridge Partners LLC
Shawn & Michelle Mahoney GO Design LLC Andrew Nicoletta Eleanor Bettle Janice Bell
Evelyn Barrett David Shane Louis Alves & Lisa Patenaude Cindy Macioci Michael & Patricia Nunes Seascape Holdings
$210,000 $196,000 $190,000 $134,000 $120,800 $110,000 $83,200 $70,000
Northern Waterfront Assoc. LP Martin & Jessica Crimmins Frederick & Lorraine Cancilliere Mark & Margaret Caron Jack & Dorothy Pimental Dawn & Larry Dimeola David & Amy Kalif Laura Deady April Daquay & Susan Connor Richard Michalek
$730,245 $375,000 $285,000 $275,000 $245,000
Jamestown 17 Intrepid Ln. 15 Buoy St. 3 Swinburne St.
Donna L. Gain Paul & Coralee Enos Sandra St. Hilaire
Stephen & Jennifer Mecca Donna L. Gavin Wendy Jean Mackie
$637,000 $463,333 $269,500
Real Estate Transactions Sponsored by Hogan Associates
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“Architecturally Significant” This 5,200 square-foot residence, in an exclusive estate area, features elegant light-filled interior, ten-foot ceilings, 34’x30’ living room with fireplace, dining & music room with glass doors to the beautiful private grounds, library, office, spacious master suite, 1st floor guest quarters and two-car garage. Short walking distance to New York Yacht Club and Fort Adams, and a short a drive to all Newport destinations, this five-year-old home offers all contemporary conveniences.
“Courtside” 1877 Victorian, designed by distinguished Newport architect Dudley Newton renovated with attention to details. Features large front porch, elegant interior, cozy library, formal dining room, fireplaces, master bedroom with full bath, wonderful French country-style kitchen and beautiful private backyard with waterfall and fish pond. Perfect location, just off desirable Bellevue Avenue; quiet, yet within a short walking distance to restaurants, clubs, museums and Newport harbor.
$ 1,875,000
Page 28 Newport This Week May 23, 2013
Weed Stop
Landscape Fabric
10 Yr. Warranty
*Mfg. Sugg. Retails
Espoma Organic Plant Foods ®
Holly-Tone® 27 lb
Your Choice
4-3-4 for all acid loving plants.
8 lb.
Holly-Tone®, Garden-Tone®, Plant-Tone®, Rose-Tone® Tomato-Tone®
80 Varieties Bob’s Red Mill
% OFF*
Ocean State
The End Of High Prices!
Flour, grains, granolas, gluten free, beans, cereal, flaxseed, oats, soup mixes, baking mixes, & more!
20 OFF %
Liquid Shock 1 Gallon
Powdered Shock
1 Lb
Your Choice
Polar Soda
12 oz cans, 6 Packs choose from 16 flavors
NMMA Certified 880 lb capacity
INTEX® 18’x9’x52” Ultra FrameTM Rectangular Pool
Z Ray I 3 Person Inflatable Boat
•Includes filter, ladder, ground cloth, pool cover, & DVD instructions
3 ply PVC construction, slatted wood floor boards, pump, oars, pressure gauge & storage bag. Compare $699.99
Bestway® 12’x36” Fast SetTM Pool
Oversize Zero Gravity Multi-Position Recliner with Canopy
Zero Gravity Multi-Position Recliner Compare $89
•Includes: filter, ladder, ground cloth, cover, & instructional DVD
Two Person Cotton Rope Hammock
Compare $300
Regency 10’x12’
• Double roof construction • Rust resistant powder coated steel frame • Weather resistant/fire retardant canopy • Mosquito nettings • Ground stakes • Trellis design panels
Linen Capris
rayon/viscose, machine wash.
65 Qt Rolling Party Cooler
Two Person Brazilian Style Cotton Fabric Hammock
5’ Fancy Bamboo Patio Torch
Candle Bucket
Heavy Duty Steel Hammock Stand..... Compare to $100
high count, high quality party goods!
Compare $399.99
Professsional Artist Gazebo 10’x10’ 11' Max peak height Includes: 4 sidewalls, front signage pouch and rolling transport bag.
Air Conditioners
SAVE $150
Your Choice
Portable or Window Unit 12,000 BTU Electronic
Your Choice
•With remote control digital thermostat •Both cool 450-550 sq. ft. room Compare $449
•6 3/4”plates-75 ct •10” plates-40 ct •12 oz hot/cold cups 40 ct •13” napkins-120 ct • 3 pack tablecloths Compare $7.99
1/4 Horsepower 24” Industrial Drum Fan
Hardliner Coolers
9’ Tilting Aluminum Market Umbrella Compare $90
5 Positon Aluminum Chair
Removable hard liner for easy cleaning and thick insulating foam.
Compare $269 30 Pint...................$149 Compare $199
3 colors , 22.8” x 13.7”
Your Choice
Insect Repellents Your Choice
Nationally Advertised Name Brand Ladies & Men’s Sunglasses!
Your Choice
4 lbs
Luxurious Egyptian cotton, heavyweight rung spun cotton, cotton spandex & more. S - 3XL
Garment Dyed Sheeting Shorts
Dept. Store Label Better T’s
Super-soft, cotton sheeting. Drawstring waist - pockets Missy + Plus
Premium cotton. Petite & missy sizes.
Compare $15 & more!
Self-Inflating Highrise Queen Size Air Mattress
Compare $27-$66
with built in pump, 18” off the ground. Compare $106
Premium Outdoor Reversible Rugs 100% Polypropylene Easy to clean!
Bath Sheet........
Compare $20
Values to $50
Wash Cloths ¢ & Fingertips.....75
100% cotton. Sizes 32-42 Compare $30 & more!
Mens Outer Banks Polos
Your Choice
7 $ Bath Towel........ 5 50 Hand Towel......1
dept. store flip flops resort store footwear
Premium Towels
Plain Front or Cargo Shorts
Your Choice
7 lbs........$29.99 15 lbs........$59.99 25 lbs........$79.99
Compare $30-$50
3” Jumbo Tabs Quick Tabs 8 oz Sticks 1” Feeder Tabs
Fabric Woven Beach Bags
•Repel Sportsmen 6.5 oz •Skinsations 7.5 oz
65 Pint Electronic Digital Dehumidifier
Your Choice
1 Gallon Clarifier 1 Gallon Algaecide 1 Quart Iron Out 1 Lb Shock & Swim
Compare $49.99
6 can...............Compare $11............... 7 $ 16 can............Compare $15........... 10 $ 30 can............Compare $24........... 15
SAVE $50
5’x 8’ Rugs
Compare $40
Neutrogena • Australian Gold • Aveeno • Ocean Potion Sensitive Skin Sunscreen Broad Spectrum 4 oz, SPF 30
Age Shield Face Sunblock
3 oz, 90+ SPF Compare $10.49
Your Choice
6 oz, SPF 8, 15 & 30 Compare $9.99
127 Gallon Jumbo Deck Box
Sheer Coverage Suncare
Suncare Sprays & Lotions 3-5 oz, Assorted SPF’s Compare $9.99-$11.99
50 Lbs Black Oil Sunflower Seed
SALE DATES: THURSDAY, MAY 23 THRU WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2013 All Stores Open Thursday-Saturday 8am-10pm; Sunday 9am-8pm; Monday-Wednesday 8am-9pm
50 Count 24”x24”........
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