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t.t. pitman, ?:;o?ini£TOS. . :ubU^bc<l at the or^ee or tbe Bally New; :ry Satarday mornia;? cad contain ace ::onof thebesisi&tierin ttseDaily.inelud .-Editorial Discissions on the topics of the „-li, Literary Miscellanies, and a complete ': cooprebensivo^huiniiiary ofthe Howa rd and g-enerah Termo $2.C0 a year. ^bacribera wishing their ad dresa changed i please stale where they have received • sa^sr hereto Core.
ocaat as vji&2? the cl-i ns many hcaatifni trees end <lo^cnr^ eh:m33, thozi'o now-in c.- ncgl'iCtcd ecnditica., ati'l '""^■ds wcrhii th-.U it;". LJ: DG C i i i i*- f .'♦.l.c.-l ,-,-• ,.
^aiio/", rr*r»i a^cuJd bs tilied and tha cur- U . 3 i t i - . ^ j . i . - i — i . w face ancothed. al! cf "which car. bo ao- v.'G-*"*—-J* pO-i' iL..... ecs'^shed. at email ezr^anse. T'-iis cio-ne theiicr;-o«lo:i3 the usbroksa ssyf&sa should be left for ^jj. i* «■ VJ.i'-*'- fc *-—' *~ * picnics, games and summer gatherings, each as interest ail classes. There is beiii^ formed ia rcos for foot ball and perhaps eves base population and t ■.?£ USE OF MONEY IN ELECT A ball, if rightly treated, and no better ia favor as *«Teii nes.c>. IONS. place for these sports can be found- As ^aoreased attention is called in these is trail Mows Newport h remarkably y3 to the iinprcps? rise of money is dsstitato in this respect 9 as ^8 have no ; KXTEX8I01 ations. The sebjeet is always unvvei- public playground fo? the children This paper h me and would bo gladly avoided by the and no places for pt&biic: resort :"7S7>aiDor9 if e^ch a cenrse were at all a n y w h e r e i a t h e c i t y. , T h e r e improvement bot distent with fair dealing towards the is not a seat by the side cf any of our sidewalk of L-oat ■blie. The Daily News has often given avcDties v/here the stranger or the city important thorc 'easa to the *'boodle" politicians, both pedestrian can sit down and rest while and has plead in os© who give the money and those who waifcilng about cur beautiful and attract not another city have tolerated gt; valve it, by reference to current facts ive localities.' We > feave several little Ehoda Island polities, where the evi! parks in . the jnore cGsapaet pq?Lk>a of year9 and yet so been no earnest t tains as folly as,if not snore ihan,In any the city and they serve a good purpose ier state. In mm® instances the out do not meet tbe wants of the masses. things right in ti The time Iies n oodlers" have feebly attempted to read We shall be glad to see Morton park well to leave Lot: th© papers which prove ''independent" fitted for and used W out own people for their dictation out of the party, though whom it was designed by the distin seek another a?.)j far as we know the honest politicians guished giver. The samraer people, landing. Eis H« fitly culled atkn a of orate another rs?nd. who ride in carriages, have no especiat We are glad to note a protest against occasion to use it and ell attempts to fil of Marlboro' sU\rrent methods in that sterling Kepab- it for them ^111 bo failures, rehile many the baaln at- it-/. ? :?-n Bheet, the Boston Journal, full as citizens do need its advantages and, if a matter that fih-;.; voet and as emphatic ao has been on? opportunity offers, v/iil not fail to im result Is reach!:■•.!.. doubt of the c rn. I a an able editorial'that paper prove them. Colony people, \ rikes out for reforra and objects to the There 5g little room for scientific en- through wbleb ti ":ee£hi3 of rich rc.an for hi<2h ofxiciai ginsaring in Morten park, if it be intend :itIOQ3 eimply bec:iU.':s they will keep ed for the people, who will be attracted that corporatio?.! j-iaancial barrel or. tn.p. ; The' Journal ' to -it as a common centre. Almost anj' thereby. Tha c: ccrib-33 current poilt5.cr3 aa 'jzhethodo ekisan who afcorsoiates the- situation, o f t e r r i t o r y and li it« act to i \ ' ■ * ■ \ hich are pushed by a small army of witra Z7zi?ll imm cf ooney, a??.de from v/iil be an .^ndi-~ i-odlsro.who e^oh Srst a man who wi.U the c^neatlcn of fencing, can mr.h-3 it whet a pii.-sar/cv, ay •>; i.. :od freely and then enlist for the cam- it eb.on.ld be for practical parposca. ar^..^. ..mi-.t.TOgcs vuuA.t.■i^tu:_t:^ ed. V/e t-:h;\li ■'.132, not with a 'view of giving the when the City t. KHO&K IJSLAJND POLITICS. 'Mo the best man that is attainable, but Tho Prohibitory' party- is n~js.ll but the Old Ooionv r 'Xh the solo obieci of patting tttono7 ea.TCTj.i-i.-:-
""«"« . AUU UU, UUCU, OICIU'
ly up d United suuoa .bonds which disability.
o not »t due, and which the holders 111 not II exoopt at an enormous prof13u jia proceaa in uot ouly wasteful; is al.- .bHolutely dangerous, for under ir na ial banking system, the beat the \ Id, these bonds are made the •aia. o auk' note circulation. If the •nds a called in, bank circulation must curt: d, aud in that way the aahie mlts . to acarcity of money will come out a 1 the piling up of gold and ver ii ie Treasury, and the people will surel. >a made to suffer. But v it is all this to the men who get e ap& advantages of the protective stem : 1 who will continue to riot in <altb,%a matter what may become of a com^ m herd ? They will still cry
t forces to be levied for their perial t eflt and, after using what is . ededf \'Oquip and maintain the politi cs wi support their pretensions, will re en^jh left and to spare. And ao, a in d X- bound, these petitioners will >r pre -^' ^ = A C ^ W I D AT B E X P L A I N S . A>. G-irge W. Gould, the Prohibition idida^x^r governor, who was sharply :icise^y Chaplain Phillips at the Law I Ord meeting in this^ity last week, i beeL ioved to writers letter of exHe says:— natio 111 pr 'shed^or other stories to the eft that Uave knowingly let any place thei gal sale of intoxicating liquors, for ai illegal purpoae, are false and dloua. ) n ' t l lay following my nomination I i told ere were stories in circulation t the) were clubrooma in the Arnold ok w re liquor drinking was going Oc veatigation I found one tenant I turr his key over to another party I olai -id ho had nothing to do with plao Au he had no authority to sab I c ered Mm to get the key of the m an leliver it tip to me at once, l not; wa* left by me under the door moth room, as I could not get in, thet a pant to call at the office, lie } raises on MoNeal lane were 3d in fovember, 1887, by one Mo aoug) tor the purpose, aa he stated no, c lanufaotnring cigars and doing axclt aly cigar business by himself, I w i t l z permission to sub-let. Ie as &a me there has been no violalaw during his tenancy. If he lOft i sold inor illegally, it is an express laiiot ' the conditions of bis lease. orel :ng tho place to him I was as8d,b; sxy reapeotable and responaiparti that he waa a man of truth i ther vould be no risk in taking him item , and that he would do as he
ren. Do not let the fact that, according to the figures of the upe iker quoted above, there will be only 6,400,000,000 negroaa and 13,200,000,000 whites—in all, 19,600,000,000—of people in the United States at that time disturb you. Wno cares for a little deficit of 3,168,000,000 ? Great is statistics! Of course, other denominations are deluding themselves. They think that tbey are increasing; but as we are going to include the whole population, and several thousand millions more, they must cease to exist 1 The only trouble ia that, if some of them continue to grow as at present, the multiplication table will wipe us out in the same way.**
In view of the great and important work of building sewers, the city has been alow in laying out and improving Morton park. It is well not to be in haste in matters of this kind, but the time has oome when something should be done with the property so generously given to the oity for public purposes, and we are glad to know that the Oity Coun cil is disposed to move in the matter with out unnecessary delay. It is easy to see that this is the critical time in the history of Morton park. Not a tree should have been cut nor other HIGH OR LO W LICENSE. Rev. D. A. Jordan has an article in a change made until the plan is fuily agreed upon and understood'by the workmen. Providence local paper against what is It must be confessed that the work al known as "high license", and, in fact, ready done is not full of promise for tho against any license at all for the sale of success of tho enterprise. The effort to alcoholio liquors. As to the charge that improve Spring street on the eastern side Rhode Island ia now given over to free of the park has simply made a bad matter trade in liquors, ho aaya:—"The curious worse, as far as the street ia concerned, spectacle is presented of a state where and it has not added to the beauty of the respectable newspapers contend that we have practically free rum, and the liquor situation from within. None but the very best and most artis dealers in the same state anxious to secure tic landscape gardeners, ahoald be em licenses for the sake (one would suppose) ployed in laying out and fitting up the of paying the state a portion of their prof park. The work done noor ia for genera its, which, under the assumption that xre tions to oome and it should be done well. have free rum, would all go into their or/n pockets.*' As to the "lnin^ that "high By this we do not mean to, cay that should be elaborate and costly. An artist license** will reduce the sales of liquor in Morton park will very likely require and thus benefit the public, he says: "All licenses of necessity act as stimu less than will be demanded by an un lants to the traffic. If a man sells.with, fledged tyro. There is no occasion for a out a license and can live on one thousand large outlay in this locality. The chief dollars a year, and save a little money, he work to be done is to preserve and utilize may be content with that If he payB a to the best advantage what wo have in license of one, two or ten hundred dol lars, he has a very emphatic induce hand. ment to sell liquors enough to got The park is too small to make much his one thousand dollars to Hve upon,plns provision for driveways aud carriages. It the amount paid for license; and the will never be the resort of our summer higher the license fee the more power ful the incentive .to seiL But it is residents, for it is of too limited dimen a rgued that under high license sions. It should be, as it must be, a park fewer saloons are found. If this be for the people. The centre tshould re chanted it does by no means follow that main unbroken for games and sports, less liquor is drunk, or that tho liquor for picnics and excursions, and carriage drunk is less mischievous. If legislation is to be in the interest of the people, pro drives should be kept near the borders, hibition should obtain. If legislation be if provided at all, and the higher lands to favor the manufacturers and Tenders of along each aide will afford a splendid op intoxicants as against society, then liquor should be free. High hcenso dis portunity for witnessing games, while selling criminates in favor of the wealthy liquor the rocks and knolls give ample room for seller as against tho poor. It is a sort of small gatherings such as should be pro caste legislation, which ought not to ob vided for in every coianituiiity, for such tain.** as are not able to ea joy more costly rec TJS E N OMINA TJONS. reation. The danger ia that we shall do The Republican convention, which met too much for the parkt rather than too in Providence Thuraday,r&tified thetickci little. which had been prepared and annon-*— *' MiM yi un ■ ng*«wy-mi waft"?
't. ov
New K'arm To t a tertu visit Jthto
«n gave a *o'h Hull ft orehes • dancing,
d VW
V/L abstinence d Father tn. • Boston, >•««>, wnich are to be offered for™. , c< I on Thursday i„ p^ ThTL Kan on o the class at the Rogers High School >nth. Mr. Tilton entertained the members of the wa lerly das, and older graduates at the school l>uiM Newport, Sv rs. K joIs'h, us Va n d S ' , h t o # r r e p o r t e d t h " M r. C o r n e l l ng Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. TUton received Ci t has on in the I m o T l , ° ? e K d $ l - m ' m t 0 T t h e c o l for j «y yearn, tht; giicsLs,among were Mr.of and UeHeld Hon. John whom H. Coxxcna the Mrn.Litschool pi i n< i >. w) has conboard, Rev. Messrs. Emerson and Stevens Hi*: rful Parents of the members of the class and the rb.i strong and -, is i iear rela teachers of Uie school. Each class from 1874 B u . , greatly to the m a c e to 1889 had its representative among the Hard ■id. Wolfe . ah* giving it more of the appearance of a park t n a n I t h a s e v e r h a d b e f o r e . T h e c i t y guests and a very enjoyable evening was o f t passqd In renewing old acquaintances, reviv of i Abfi^onco So- contractor for tho care of public parks is «tovM mfferora, ing pleasant memories of tho school day life clearing up tho rocks and brush and giving and making friends among the later graduates. r h . i as £ M r / J ^ V. N o l a n the park a further improved appearance. Refreshments were served by Dlckerson. In a -rycNie union —Mr. A. P. Baker 1h making arrangements —Brigadier General DeBlols has issued gen tho to have a patrol on Bailey's beach in stormy eral order No. 3 regarding the"encampment rail. i ■ on . ^tra ar' mining and, weather, and a whaleboat in tho surf during of the stato militia at Camp Ladd,, Oakland SU«:1 bathing hour* tn pleasant weather. This Beach, commencing Monday, July 15. A de Thr met l>cach Is having an unexpectedly large num tail of a: non-com missioned officer and four ml I lowever, ber of bathers this season, many who hod not It privates Is ordered from each company to re previously used the beach hiring houses. The port at the encampment on Monday evening nu'ii undny patrol at Easton's beach has proved &> satia-' for fatigue duty, tho detachment from Com cai- •) Inend ay factory as to suggest one at this beach. pany B of Newport to take tho boat for for .a e afcX^rgth on —Mr. Benjamin T. Tiltoo of the senior class Rocky Point, disembark, march to the rail she \ I Sut^y school of Harvard Unlvorslty has been unanimously road station and take the train for Providence not elected captain of the Harvard crew for next for camp. On Tuesday company B will take only d ov. at Com'year. Mr. Tilton Is son of Mr. Frederic W. the boat for Rocky Point to meet the remain S o l ( a lad, Tllton, a native of Newport and a graduate der of the brigade at camp. All troops will the j say< d r o v ng. The of tho Rogers High School In the class of 1885. wear undress uniforms, with canteens dress prov l l r d t •o when He rowed on his freshman crow and on the uniforms, knapsacks, haversacks, etc., to be VOt) hig*i sent to camp by rail. university crews for the past two years. 1 the >norary '—The annual meeting of the American c o n i —One thousand permits to enter sewers >n Miss D.LI. have been given out by the street department Institute,of Instruction, of which Mr. George tlvc 1 c many since it began. issuing permits for that A. Littlcfiold is, president, will be held at soil;: SPTh ort \ extend p u r p o s e . T h i s s h o w s a l a r g e r n u m b e r Bethlehem, N. II., beginning next Tuesday for i of connections than is generally supposed to and continuing through the week'. The pro nue 2 ' street the > exist, for many were connected, especially in gram includes the Temple Quartette and Hue. i x>n v •o very the central part of the city,before the permits Hadlcy'sMaplewood orchestra for the musical teacl ,nnd to were regularly numbered. numbers, and Professor J. W. Churchill and Mr. l i g h i TL< were rovidod —Lieutenant Richard Rush arrived on Leland F. Powers for the dramatic readings. fort!) Wednesday to command United 8tates* ship Among the speakers, thirty or more in num rcnic t arrived gg*h Juniata on her trip to the Portsmouth navy ber, are President Andrews of Brown Univer r's d< .rtment yard, where she will be examined and re sity, President Bartlett of Dartmouth College, by the comifi oodwin paired. A detachment of thirty men has al- Professor Small of Colby University, Profess igl. d to le ship bo arrived to take the ship to Portsmouth. or William North Rice of Wealeyan, Senator p o w u The Juniata will take a draft of one hundred Blair, Commissioner 8tockwell, 8tate Super f o r o ; W nesday and fifty boys to training ship Portsmouth for intendent Patterson of New Hampshire, Super intendent McAlister of Philadelphia, Super ages c a Den- the summer cruise. rnia, Chat i land, >regon. —Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lawton entertained a intendent Seaver of Boston, Dr. William T. c o m i i In' N port a large party of friends at Whetstone, between Harris and Superintendent Bland *of Jersey and In the First and Second beache^Thnsrday. The C i t y. A m o n g t h o s e w h o a r e g o i n g f r o m
tiont Z ^ e7Cnln* 0t the *"*«»-
>n in Great British are bushels to and if trade companies, to the ad>mmeree ia , and all ree must neoinsertion. t it ia "an any good*9 uibly illusthquake iq a. Mayor e has, been « to almost e ever had rerybody is Taction was and Boston ft recuperaexoited the world. York, New idthedeadts oars with I Lighting nstats of an ng directly which sopWagner and *niesheve >trectswith made last ■plying the xy appasauning slop dot better . The old, ii of date, lag net i hie. Baioelyable o*t one, el acwee other wide two
the Anarchists, bnt it doesn't make much difference in these days what that slippery politician has to say on any subject.
James' City Engineer Bent ley has prepared ton. It is said that Punch and Judy origi. plana for the improvement of Morton ] nated in China and dates farther back in Park, which was presented to the city by w i l l * the ages than do the best jokes of an Hon. Levi P. Morton, some two years Americ ] ago. The park is situated on the corner ordinary minstrel show.. of Brenton street and Ooggeehall avenue, rived a will eta It is a mistake to suppose that an inde adjoining and overlooking the polo lot on pendent newspaper, in order to maintain the east. It contains about thirteen and its consistency, must be neutral either in one-half acres and comprises several Applets place JS politics or religion. rocky ledges, a large level open in the The Irish World, heretofore a Henry centre and a small pond, and is quite leaving to the 1 George paper, has oome out against him thickly wooded with excellent trees. Mr. on account of bis attitude against the Bentley proposes to retain the park, in rea a great measure, as Nature has has Romish church. dent th made it, the improvements being land. Another New York daily toper is an such as to make it more available. One } nounced. It is to be caliedNammon, main driveway is proposed, starting from Europe thus catering to the hrgesT constituency and pe the centre of tbe Brenton-street side, i n t b e c o u n t r y. / T ^ S France, turning slightly to the weetward up the ] First the Richmond loses^rtewry gun hill, behind the rocks known as . Dead recover and now an anchor and ninewvffsthoms Head hill, whence an unobstructed view June. of chain. We wonder what wfllgo over can be obtained of the polo grounds, the wisequ board next? °* lower pert of the city, the harbor and the body. J country to the westward and southward; Eight inches of snow in torendi thence following along this ledge to the lettersa frost in the Sduthern s extreme .southerly limit of the park; receive* forcibly of the near approac t h e n d o w n t h e h i l l i n F l i g h t theglol The President wishes Oberly, of the curves around the south side of the 1 civil service commission, wouKtalk leas sail for pond, turning towards the north and steamer or amy things more to the point i\ •act to ^he other entrance on tbe and he Politics are lively in the western par. south end of the Coggeahall-avenue front raneani Another road, running somewhat north* of the state. V^ 1 of the s westerly and southeasterly, conneots the The Pawtoeket Times two entrances in a more direct line. Foot of State Markoe, Wsrren O. Arnold for paths will be built, one entering the perk phia fas at the northwest corner, affording a con Treauurj Judge Bradley, and insists venient entrance from Thames «treet,and paign ia not run by Boss .JU satellites. The Times says, however, another at the corner of CoggeehaO ave Monitor that "certain followers and admirers of nue and Brenton street, convenient for Washing the eft-boss are pursuing a line of policy those persons from Spring street but look the nevj the* wffi secure the soooass of Judge a n d B e Q e v n e a v e n u e . O t h e r inreceq; Bradley and the defeat of Mr. Arnold f o o t - p a t h s f o l l o w t h e c a r r i a g e simply because their idea of party fealty drives and still others ran across the park king of 4 and genuine KepnMicsnism is that it is in various directions. The carriage drive boy. H nowned; only what will advene* their own per follow the natural contour of the land biseoopl sonal and privatee. adrantag If the Be- and wffl require bnt little grading and simple a nsjftHoanf of Pewtaeket, true to their foondation work. The road connecting •••••»S» party, will vote for Arnold, and then j tho two entrains wffl b* across low hud, not to e m
?UMK> ucau*
ts cars with I Lighting naists of an ing directly which supWagner and Mtnies have »tracts with made last Trying the ry appara-
xrunin me Bouinern states remind us forcibly of the near approach of winter The President wishes Oberly, of the civil service commission, would t^llr less or say things more to the point
- T- — — — — — ~ t . ~ 0 M w u g M H O I C U ^ C
extreme southerly limit of the park; then down the hill in Flight curves around the south side of the pond, turning towards the north and cast to the other entrance on the Politics are lively in the western par. south end of the Coggeahall-avenue front of the state. Another road, running somewhat north westerly and southeasterly, connects the The Pawtucket Times warmly supports two entrances in a more direct line. Foot Warren 0. Arnold for Congress against paths win be built, one entering the park Judge Bradley, and insists that the cam- at the northwest corner, affording a con Ipaign is not run by Boss Brayton and his venient entrance from Thames street,and emieltitee. Hie Times says, however, another at the corner of CoggeshaO ave ining ship that "certain followers and admirers of nue and Brenton street, convenient for dof better the ex-boss are pursuing a line of policy The old; that win secure the saoeess of Judge those persons from Spring street and BeBevne avenue. Other t of date, Bradley and the defeat of Mr. Arnold foot-paths follow the carriage rig service, simply because their idea of party fealty drives and still others run across the park sanely able and genuine Republicanism fc that it is in various directions. The oarriage drive ind seldom only what will advance their own per rat one; at sonal and privatee. advantag If the Re follow the natural contour of the land andwiB require but little grading and publicans of Pawtucket, true to their foundation work. The road connecting ovide two party,will vote for Arnold, and then! the two eatra&eeswffl be across kw bod n squelch these swekers that are draining and wffl require rock foundation. It la tbe life-bloodfront that organisation only estimated that the drives will not cost to fatten upon it and sweH up their own more than $3,000. It fe proposed to dirty anwbnlssnsnaiiiSB.Iliaj wffl deserve fcsdgethopood.vwniehis watt of thosnaaJvea, theh dfced feet hi diameter. thsk conncry." That ie ism - curves taste la n open which can easily be far base ban and o0*r eforhv^ 1)b£ area grove near the CViga,aahsl1 aiumc of averrstrimctiveapot for to laatie the trees, except
letters i receivei the glo 1
sail for steamei and he ranean
ofthe i of Stab Markoe phia fai Treasui
DonneUy*s aeon wrote it win also - wrote the » St Paul aadauthenher. Somett delay. graph Oomic discovery which proh shell dethe highest graph componsolidates to be spebring every ive lines, the lotton Seed in stronger The stock roed down d men ate ation. ington that divided on ition in the ly that the
NITROGLYCERINE FI&ED FROM/tare. Everything proposed can probably A RE GUNS. be completed within an appropriation of Ever since tbe discovery of Bitro-gty- fo\000. The plans have been considered fftM cerine in 1847, the bandBag ofit has been by the committee on public property and attended with many serious accidents, win, it is understood, be favorably re tt k so sensitive that even a alight shock ported to the City Council at an early SlOTJ iattebie to explode it £dr this reason it meeting and work be begun next spring of Etih in season to have everything completed has always been considered too danger of his* ous for mechanical and other purposes; by the opening of the summer season. prints stfll this was always to be regret- krHE HALL-REDFORD WEDDING. Waahb Slate fa ted, an it possessed great power ~ The chapel of the United Congrega as an explosive, it,! by some, ^ m tional Church was filled to overflowing hokitfc being rated as the most powerful 80 to dars 1 render this liquid ineenaible to shock and Thursday evening on the occasion of the Grant* Are, and still have it retain all its prop marriage of Miss Ida E.,elder daughter of who d< erties of force when exploded by means ex-Oouneilman Noah Redford, to Mr. expens salt of certain agents which are held secret Henry Hall, ojf Brooklyn. The chapel the todrav by the inventor, was a discovery that was very prettily decorated with autumn undersi must prove of great value in more ways loaves, holly berries and late autumn should flower*, the pulpit front being com noeau< than in warfare alone. A The inventor is a citixen of the Uuited pletely hidden from view by leaves icy. tion o 8tatea, although born a few miles south and the branches of holly,. and large assenie of Moscow twenty-seven years ago. His bouquets of chrysanthemums and Washbi invention is the result of great persever dahlias placed in various posi to Mr. ai ance on his part, he, at one time, having tions on either side. At seven most iaation fired sheUs made into two compartments. o'clock the ^ride, dressed in a terra appoint Into one he put nitric acid and into the cott* iiwiilHug ilnaa, with hat to match, decline other glycerine, intending that a mixture entered the chapel on the arm. of her Secrets France of the two fluids, caused by the rotation father, preceded by ihe ushers, Messrs. in the < of the shell on its course, would make L. EL Carr, W. W. Cottreil, T. M. Sea- secret c nitro-glyoerine which would explode by bury, Jr., and Philip Simmons. The came f r concussion on impact with a solid body. wedding party was met at the altar by Nitro-glyoerine was formed, but in so the groom and Rev. Mr. Emerson, who small a quantity that the explosion was performed the services. At the conclu Govern I not in proportion to the size of the shell. sion an infoimal reception was held and This idea was soon abandoned and Mr. many present availed themselves of the Ausn Smolianinoff hit upon this idea, which he privilege to offer their congratulations Ross re< is now following and which he has worked and good wishes for the voyage I county across the Atlautic. After a short time 'tliat l^a up to the present state of efficiency. Over bandits three hundred shells had been fired up to the organist, Mr. John Roger*, struck up local offi a wedding march aud the bridal party inn tanoe Thursday, and in no case has prematnre left the chapel for the residence of the tioned. explosion ensued. tbe autl The final experiments were conducted bride's father on Bellevue avenue, where a r e 1 at Rose island and were of a conclusive a number of intimate friends were gath do ev< n a t u r e . Tw o L a r c « c a i i n a n a h a d h u u k n ered. Refreshments were served and the t o r i A
advocates a separate au* ; 'arias and Macedonia. "■A-SCOURGE.
ig- Humbert, accom-
- War" and tho Minister J Palernid to-day on a ■■Q cholera infected dia-
•: ca 100 new cases of choiie disease were report•4 and 2 doaths In #er■J deaths Jn Parma, and •■•r points in Italy. '.'hero vref e 592 now\ Jcdths from tho disease jujrhout Spain. Four an Roquo, Province of itinues to soread. '-BIGN TOPICS. • College of tho Propand tho Fopo has ap3 and docroos of tho Tloro. Tho Bishops of Ino Will loavo immodlroqulslto formal Pon••al, and Dr. O'Cohhcll • o acta et lUcrtla to BnU jber,
'Chd Tagblatt to-day airland Is',about to code The Possession of this boon a thorn In Prlnco >mnta havo many times etwoon tho two powora so lontf aa England rothat - tonorally her taew bolIoVod colonial posi roturn for tho cession yOsread nt thG oponin* Ho says that tho bill •-111 brinff Austria to a ?; that tho forolsrn re-ood, and that thero 14 >owors to maintain tho i Ity which is Universally hipt. 20.—tho Setiato s. navo bossed a bill lor : slavery In Brazil, . r. August BelmODt's ii Northeirn Paclflo seoi been successful, a syn; takon the issuo. ■■■.burno'a now dramatic" nrlathias. liAJStKttfQ LAWS. ■
VtU 20, via Galveston. :My "placed an inspector oJE Mexico and B6utti - 'ill be squired, tinder
a-» n. j_jjlx^v o <
pending trouble between Texas' cattle 4rivera and tho citizens of New-Mexico reached hero to day. Upward; of 100,000 cattlo are reported hold In quarantine betweon Midland and Toyah. Tho grass is eaten baro for, n distance 'crt l00 miles east and west, and several conflicts, with loss of life, have occurred. TboUtock men Bay that tho qu?rriSti?0 obstructions havowhich been interposed by a. JNew-Moxican syndicate, has-taken un the most valuable gxazinc- land in that Territory through collusion with tho Government officers, by whioh flctltioU3 names wore crlVon In for homestead privileges, Tho merits of tho oaso will bo laid beforo tho Government at Washing ton, but it Is feared they cannot bo reached in timo to provont a g-onoral conflict, Texas atock men bellovo that a purpose of the syndicate Is to force the salo of Tolas cattlo at half their1 value as tho only alternative to escaping starvu' tlon. 2/7 /n^ : ■ ' I' 7 fi Y T I 4JPIJSSENT TO NEWPORT. Newport, IL I., Sept, 20.—I,cvi V. Morton, cx-Mlnistor to Franco, tho owner of a One Summer rcsldonco here, intends to present the city with land for a public park. Tho lot con-, tains between 12 and 13 acres, and Is knoWn as tho "Izard" lot. It is nt tho corner of Brenton nod fco-rtfeshnll avenues, and adjoins tho proundfl or tho aWestchostor Club. Tho lot commands jrrand viowPolo of tho harbor on the West nnd tho Atlantic on tho east, and is1 tbo moat ploturosquo spot In tho city prober!. Mr. Alfred Bmith, tho millionaire roal estate | agent, will undertake "tho expense or layln/rjout what ho hopos will bo known m Mor ton Park. Mr. Bmith Intends to rivo a larjro amourit toward purchasing tho adjoining polo jrrounflfl, to be Inoludod'Jn tho Dark. Tho value of Mr.iMortoni gift Is from $50,000" to $00,000, and Mr. Smith will probably g-iveas much more, A BREWERY BURNED. New-Have^, Conn., Sppi 20,—At 10:45 o'clooit to-nleht tho larjro brewery of Sohlolppmann & Bpltllor in Fair Haven, was discovered oh lire. Two alarms Woro fiounded, but within an hour It WOd reported, that tho brewery Would be a total Joes* Tho building and outfit are vaJuod at $/5,000; lnsuranco unknown. While on tho Way to tho fire, Enjrlno No. 4 wm overturned and three men, Engineer Kllsha Rood, Privet*. William. Jaokson, and 8tekor Samuol Nash wero* thrown to tho jr/round.. Jaokson escaped With slight hurts, but Reed and Nash were serloujriy injured. -- aew ■ • • =**■
I MR. DATtfS 80U8E nOBtiRb. The roalderjo^ of Emu B. Dat«^ Prmideut of the Jersey City Board of Finande, wal ransackeji by .burglars yesterday aftet-floon, and silverware and otner articles. In all of the valu? of $600, were taken away. , ——■—:—' t^umx I i i 1 i i
ttc w top II*
Wtd ejiVJerij* **3r*e in\a! r^' t*itWu*ln«^ aa*^**^t* *$r*er;*fck th* boUota then dxawa B*\*ajtaat. ay
fc t.wvW'P-l&ch
sriea on ftoata I l»tO fh« OO -
A to AIL The 4« purpose ef iair;^i the park' &rt*d til rovfh •tire owner out * U; the plpfc*. ia^hhSjr-.'bttt'Beware, hutTenia. * •and, crawl :-|#;%kr)Dtt^ed, ^^S^eetiSia;-; &-lite:^iitajgRor^
and 2 ocat* tor Oiir <?bl£fcFnB.?\ Touto very nwpecuttJijr. . . SPENCFR IJ0RDK>1. Treasurer. Mr. Cb.ile?C3bw4 was- ievea «vewkJ* coniing: TbH l<HLt&r, wltflp written asicl/ in *b# Vo <^Ua ppuatry. H* cam©, with >ir .Buth, a.. ttdaa^aary., Who l» npw In Boston. Mr. ltrterwi iif ibc -Vail Rrrcr b'.c^h.orr. u CfcilepXbrae un<jkr*u^a7 anA epeaka tSg ahwrin the i«FrefrT"'#f Mr. Nwmtti, s^s. acefng <{he difflcultlefc in coaudtLioif w&a (iU&f-ota or Uvo seven <jr.U>e». There, wa» a >eri<j>SNof meeting* during Stafford p«od, h*d aeleoted iv,^ .ap<3 ihc week In rhe interf.at of he*e two <>b- much larger watershe-J for h's bsutft <rf J«ci4,. the ohajpisl and the icbool, which auppltea.* 'n fact, it U * qut>«\iiHi if b« wiji coat -ISJoa >' *nd . ^:0<% r eapestJvely. wouid bare viaed Stafford pond if It wer» The Mwtnig waa held la Toura;;; Chapel, free, on account of the qainiUy or w&ter Tuesday ptgbi, :whrh Rev. John Tufe-tpld ft supplies. the people abmit tbe cnakc god. whJehhi* M O VING T H E "iJ A NI) ST A NI *. ' fa-ther "and fcc; her worahip Mr. J-ebn Chtletnbwtf m:o&e at the Union Congre | -Wednesday-night, Thtxaa F.-ercc. .far • \ Cantraotor Thcinas Morn. ri«n*ovi«-U tb^ gational Church. Wednesday night, aud I band stand frrzn Morton Park to th* Mail teW tow hi* *p>epte-»re. treated by ;thos«; who come seeking wealth. Thursday ; on Wasaingt&h aq.uare. The stand .waa'" : placed on a low■'«%. ir made for the pur-* night another, meetingWaa held in. tbe i pesei and early Wednesday waa carted pat, Shiloh Baptist Church. ;^ r : ol Morion Park. To Co this rcqu.lr«:-:l sktlContributions; far -thesw wpniiy object* | *ul woriri for fae-tuius, in order to do up... may be aWt io Mr.., J&ri ^S. Coggeshali. eaihier of iite Union 'KattonaJ bank; or to j^'jimasft lb i'ha trtres in the park, r^ulrwl Hv^f^iUui^drivlns audj tjbe ty[iajs ;t^e^ . ;Reyi, Hy-;^? ■Jeter.. Jt&^^'^^;-\:'«^^:^ fv'^f '"SM'eroaff.'' bouses.'' They.w^W v^.
:a'iraola^ferini^ b*l&ii^at;;;tBV- ^ o n i d V C r o ^ ^ i
Phowever, Anally apc^mpUahecl. "tiwUKa">?"'.. | before a guy wke atljiched to.a iree «£», Tbl3 was cf itself -a Rood'&**£■• ' f h r o fcr l r etho p ircV. fot a tr<?o wlrh a w!:v ^tt*
y'^iem^ *ti*&^ ta in a good" condkio* ^ tad 43 rogrfeai Jit- wfuH ^ i f ^ ^ fi o r - t w e n t y d t p J g J ' e a w. - ^ F o r. ^ ' B a n , - 1 l i f e . ^•tf/XJ*. -#*' ?*"- v'*:\* " . ^ : W; ^ a ^ r ^ ^ | p f n % ^ v v ^ f t e r t h o . ; s t a n d w u s a i f ^ y - . - o i r . M p n « » . l a ^ i n o ^ . . 'peimittrd:i' Va^^oae^l^^^^^. 1 ;avenue i:L :*ai "lefL untli" -ubortly .aHe* ^*
, a t ^ ^ n 4 a c ^ t | p | ^ t i w > ^ 0 Tticbed 8 r sand' thesiandwassUrtedupTh* w«^'-»?:»ln. A ■io^*e';beeB'^iilpH'# ragin^ctt;; tfcr;i#ir^^^
_ _Jiaa-:«t ln«; • ai?4jfip---a^i
jhiireet. On top *a«a man.with rubber stages [to feud Off electric wlr^s thvt niig&. >?' a p ^ r o a e S : i ^ . : ] d W ^ r o a ^ v . 1I encountered, while a lineman followed iixturnmrt iojfo any wire cutting thai ini^^ ':..'■ JatdJeal- S^niip>V^^v^ . wat probably;jdtte:^i»|t^^^. | ? i e ; - i ^ l i ^ . v ; v : W ^ l e i ^ ^ . e r e ^ y e r r f ! ■; . i^ro^>^oa^a"-'1hev' unwla'Wyrlb6fcina^o«c^a;;S*6cje3e^ ^rea^hth^';the; Mill [jflQ?,} :MS^i*J^^.^^>1t:« • Viroiley^; v* V rf;;,;^ c;: •E^^^4a^^'-^«i3 •■iniet- :'lt;^wai^a;-^«^^:-Jf|^s^^^||":"ttLcpbW^ ■ pa««ed•',:' A^aln * 1 -. '3Mftfa^•^|^a'r^:vit-^:;^^' *■ • clo«« -: $1H ^^^ ^^0i0^tt0ot^i ,:,■ bii t:^iisWt xha t. :aiiip;.-^i-:-> ■ oa^^^Mbif/iiin■tactile at f^Va^^< ^W^l^iiSvfejose/i'btjrt^-'was;^noit ^tjoUgiirejii;^:: 1 "a^fW^^^aliib:-=tae'''.ca*aV.vW6h^^a;'^-:.:.': „J*j£&^;Jitix**£ ■*op|^oWta-<:-^4'^P"^:>'. ^toj^,^a fcajt waa caHed xaxl J ..,^'f>,:.
^fi«, isi a tenter J.: Fittfl aer,. haytng
^h^'-%iTe€l1:fle"biViincht''tdr^e Is at Vor?i
ilif^c drills and ;ir<- a< <j oil tin;,' ilhin-
s i - l v r - , i n a i n a n m r t < > w i n p r. i i s i ' I i ^ i n
nety-Five Still Active ami Deter mined to Remain "Young." William Kludder observed -tif'th annh orsarv of hisbirlh IK'S' ml roeoived eop^raf nlalhms I'rum of friends upon having reaehed . jrood old age nml pivsi'rvcM liis and faeidties to a remarkable deAhvays in excellent li<-;iI-f4t. he is
I n c i d e n t a l l y, , i . t m i j r h i I " " 1 r e m a r k e d llial it is more diMlenlf fnf visitors to ;:ei to I lh' island than ii once was. Thi- i> !t<>iai]v,' it has lu-eTi Oniml that sumc <rf lln-ist* ' \\-lm g<> over take advantage of i he desire of j^fio lnr s to obtain eigarettes and"* tobacco, and supply litem.
»»rI<->*- ;U considerable, pecuniary f>r<^ir to the visitor. The 1k>vs are strictly .pro hibited- from usiug cigarettes or tobnevo in any form, as those are consid kotons and active, going about the ered pri-juriicial to thur health, and a every day with wiJy Hie assist- Ih»,v e.night using either is severely pun f- a en no, which ho us<\s hut little ished; still, many of them will fake big upport. He still retains his facul- ehaoces if they can get the prohibited \cept a slight deafness; his mind articles. It is for"this reason thar-groa^ f arid his memory excellent and oare is used to k(>ep off »the island any calls with marked distinctness who would enable the boys to break the of many years ago in iwttionnl and' rules. \ ffaw&. lie a?t frSbn-t"^fj--lHW; present TO PBOTEGT WORTON PAKK. kHiith and Irks fc>ng life ^ii'sys■3 tttode of living-, and''sAijr& wNpro-., Qpnsiderable interaa| ^ ^ing :taken in so real a» n 4 *y cmn 9*? ail tl ttrS^o la ii j-tiie-xneetiipff-pi; tiie Gi^^^B^f ife la ^ven-; in terj^t i u pnidle evc^n*^m "Itwig ; ipir bjF ife,nip^.jifljd:^^;^|^^ & a v At-'the re^iit state eW$|&ri W ftionfor ilk ^peningfiol"^ le ^ ;tfte earliest. voters, asHje liail |^oid; polo'^rx>o.hd^^o|^^|^ Ofj ^^e^;';ni«|iy;year>.^:(. .j;/:-: |iko^6n-.iMi^.'v:;<^S^o^
^|^|»^':]^gt^, ^;M jy l|$*^
Saijjpsou'8 Squadron inenta In '"innsniiii'a t in \a vy I >• part ii lent la n I \v S'.i'.ailron,- \t \ Adjiilril Sampson \\ ship.-, nn.tor hi in in. i 'i'lie admiral, it is s; disf.-ynt-s at which carried on botW(ven ^
'•neil, ami a munbor be eondlleied with f
During the Hxfsi ra n go men ts in the not always of the there was notieeabh enee -iti -ships' in sij?i ion is bold by a far| can .nayai officers, tl wag 'gjfetetn i« nt>l<$ a dvocate^ axe tteard of the >Brrtish «en \ i»y{uh(\m^omMs ^ n ^igrW^Kr ":;:bnf; 1 b ;^c«ti • c^>e*a*i oii^: ?&p.'JJ$fS£&
^ t | 0 4 B p f c h & v ^ | n i ^ ^ 4 ^ w ^ ^ .jig gli^Jliil^rt^i ~Wm
JC1V \A} Ul-O
CooitnUaary-John II. Btacy.
liu»ix>otor vt rurle Practice—Wlluaoj I). Sayer. h In thia Ateisum burgeon—Charles M. CobAttAUtani l'») uiaaior-- 6iLaa li. ll&xArd. _-*r U Jw.Hi Lb benrcaiu*- I, tul^ard F. Cooper, i, Oscar E Peatxnly; .i, Albert A Stacy,-I, lioorgxj tt. e^ dorusta KUurg, .\ Tbotuaa b. Tlltcy. During the oveutog a chowder prepared by Ihj oi t>oe« Ordnance tJcrgraut I-awton was (verved In the WttJ wcl1 ^baaemcut of the armory. « ration io During tho evening Colonel Barker road fbicr* and ' Ueuteuant Abbott report of the recent in H. lVrry : spection of the company. It was intended rlcnds. for the company only and not for publication, al Church ! but thta much can be said of it, that the mom ' tbe Holy bere of tbe command were vevy much pleased tht? even- j after hearing tbe letter read. 1 give tbe ; A committee was appoluted to report upon
«r here f?R0 la cfeargtwj I M P R O V E M K N T 6 AT
Tbe work qo Morton Park Lb being rapidly
&'^*mmmm:** ** ***** x
r,<» J V*'
• lurtzus wbe
! oera being
j Fust eba poabed by ftttperintendem iiugbe*, and the i mortal d*y oW marah aecUoo at tbe t*MXih cod will aooc | Kev Bop* j rvaea pexrf < be leveled eff and aowed wtth graws 6ce*l Th.lt> | that ooca*: aectioaof tho pork ^boat tixo elxe of tb« Hail oc ; nataber of Washington aquarc, baa rmvw be/ortj received j ccaaeterkx wfcicb in t attention from tho oily. it baa been cleared, ! dopertmee &ub-Bo4led and partly aowed down, and len- i a* to the o pro Yea tbe appearaaoe of tbe park greaUy. » their re«pt Among i The urinal has been moved back under aotnc parttBeo-t willow trees near tbe fence, a walk baa bee© ley of Uu( built from Cofggeah&u avenue to I>ead Head among U> bill, and tbe border of shrubbery continued Wa r r e n * Post, No 2
along the fence. The work thus far done ia in accord wltb the plans made by Mr. OUn: the coat and advisability of an excursion to Bible, Lbe j stead, which provide* for atlll further oroaw Book." ! Washington at tbe time of tbe next Inaugura mentation oX the ground*. The new walk to J at 12:15, | tion. Dead Head bill is to be later continued over the hill to meet the one running up tbe north COLLI3ION ON THAME8 STREET. erly slope, and another walk will be laid along imQftbe j ^y llli&m Pearl of Providence, who has a the easterly side of the hill. t h d y M r s . summer house near the beach, and his wife, OLD FOLK*1 CONCEKT. tbatSdis- had a narrow escape on Thames streetat noon The choir and members of the Union Con l t l e r, t h e Tuesday. Maurice Lawton, with a heavy he Ames wagon, ran into the horse and buggy, upset gregaticnal Cbnrch gave a rcry enjoyable old ting both and throwing out Mr. and Mr*. folks* conceit tn the church Tuesday evening. iiDjrman- Pearl. The boggy was completely de The audience ©ompteteJx, fined the aodUtorinm, molished and the horse and harness were and it seemed to be the general impression lie TMhrV also Injured. Mr. Pearl was badly braised, that the concert was one of the best, if not the best, etec giten in the church. The wilJ^oon but Mrs. Pearl escaped Injury. The buggy members of the chorus, tweaty-focr belonged to A. Stewart <fe Son, bat the horse was the property of Mr. Pearl A large in number, wnere .dressed in crowd gathered. A law suit, it is said, will be many years on* of style, and tbe effect Ye r y p w t t y. Ttosinjih^ the excel hi b r o u g h t , • effect of th« costasaes; U included a progmsa BUILDING INTENTIONS. ofseiwieen1^^^^ psaao solo by Tbe following intention* to bofld bays been Miss Ruiii Chsnr >ni two wefi rendered rend^^^i^iR^I^^- by Wrst Miss wm*t ftfed with the city clerk* Bocttmi," ny raina Mhfcdtaoni;:*" By W. James, tor a small store room for Uk^'5'A2n«i»oo^ 'Of Prortdeoce. The Mrs. Mary James, on Mio^itetoa avenue. By Gfeason 6 Peckham, wb^ a house, 23 Unique '' "''~>v~''"^ "'' " " by » met, with an addition, on Kortfi port avenue, for Nelson Duby. By P. J. Pagan, for a by 80 feet, on Carey street, for. Finn. atd fcyDartdP. Albro,to try Ctuh, With sheds 1» Joan M^yiOe, tor
, ooair*d«a i
WESTER] Tbe tow rng Wedne stroction owned mad
mttting tht which tho difficaH to awarded t agreed to system iac This acti* prectrrftatei TOfcers, is t aspedai to or re-consk works ayatt that the ^ot prompud t who was m Water We ■heOSf^BS" USD too
" . h i . » u f l o r, „ g i ^ • « l , " - B e i p » i M i , | . ^
1^1 **C *«" ^L^°M' J«\V> '
*«ooDd, aad
^^l aid oouui ao am
ft' .cooq1 fWl __».
dOftlld1 \
„o<U*n IW <*>oW ^
eecond, and Both a Idea rery one apobln pitched 11 supported, lopea manw Newport* ed Parker of d be appari victory to Dbln made a the specta-
Medical aid could ao aotnmg but«neip aneviate bis suffering, though at 11 ret the. aurgeon hoped to save hia life. Daniel Burns, an old man -of- war' a quar er master, was struck by more than twonty-QYe distinct piece* of flying material, aud had a9 many wound3 oo his abdomea aud logs, none of which are serious. Carl Kennell, landsman, and John Kuhweln, se&oian gunner,wounded oy splinters in the back,and Y. Nellson,struck In the face, were kept in tha hospital, Nellson will probably lose an eye. Ail are doing well today. Mate R. T. Robinson, struck over the eye; John Steel and M . F. Sullivan,
6 7 8ft 0 0 0 1—4 THE MOKTUN PARK U A I E WAY. 0 0 0 0-5 rrora—Hopes, Tbe new gateway for Morton Park was amenta, 15;by r. (Tnipire— placed in posi'.lonou Baurd.y. It is not nearly so impressive in appearance as the rieman, 3b.; pabtic had expected ii wwuld be, and will L; Nolan, 3d; compare very unfavorably whb the elaborate Lenta, p. Mr, S.S.; Chea- gates aud posts with whci Mr. V,*ndsrbUt, ker% l.f.;To- M r . O o e t e t , M r . V a n A l e u a n d i,3b.;Ca*h- other cottagers have adorned tb> en trances to their respective dwellings. 5T (ED One sarcastic citizen was heard to remark that if the lettering wore replaced by ray^pnb at the words "Lager Beer garden" the gateway >urned to the would look all right. It consists of two parllscoveredat allel balf-etrcles of iron, connected by rlvn b e r s ^ t h e etted Iron lattice work. Over the centre of ist. Scarcely the area, in gilt, is the follow! g inscription: 1886. > the flames Morton Faik. >oy outside. Gift of Hon. Levi c\ Morton. t& ground When the path about thw entrance is graded irtments, It and a suitable curbing set, the gateway will are minutes look much better than it did to those who ye are^com- sa w U Satnrday. aawmeat but the premises ^V half EX^VERKOBWKTMORK-B INJURIES. There now remains bnt little doubt of the the toll recovery of ex-€k>veroor George Peabody the chimneys W e t m o r e f r o m t h e d e i i g e r r r o * • The stabtea, right hnmerns and dislocation of the ebonl-
r hat AH the dab pot Into a the trophies
aw* fcBOwed fSnJ90&ffldch
a of PMte.
d^r. Charles MoBamey, •» stetod by Dr. W. ML Polk, succeeded Saturday in reducing the ^Woeation and setting the broken bone. The operations were jKwnlhttiJ dentate, and Mr Wetmore^ many iriands who called at the Hotel Savoy during the is usrnoon were 6V ngbted to know that tbes^r-^oosaadsfgnauy aswesa6MwAs^4tftek>toaaB.( Mr. Wetmore e*»e to Hew Tork especially to antw^ to ^necessary operations fot retrtnrteghte right arm. T&er* bad been some talk at first of the possibility of wnpotAtteg the ana, bat thai was soon dlemteaeoV Dr.
large number of friends, to tic (> lumba'fl Cemetery. Tbe bearera were Mes&ra. W. J. Christmas, M. Ii. ball and P. M. Shea, from tbe Legion, and M. F. tthea. F. J. Hughes and Daniel Dillon, from Court Friendship. There were a number of noral pieces at both funerals. The funeral of tbe third victim, Michael O*Reagan was held Thursday from St. Mary's Church, and the laterment was at Fall River. Newport Council, Catholic Be nevolent Legion, of which tbe deceased was a member, attended. normal position or dangerous resultB might follow. Thereupon Mr. Wetmore arranged to journey to New York. He stood the trip very well, and Dr. Polk, who has been his family phyaiclan for several years, decided on Fri day that the patient would soon be ready tor the operation. Dr. Polk's specialty Is abdominal surgery. He therefore called in Dr. MeBurney to work upon the Injured shoulder. At noon every thing was ready. First Mr. Wetmore was put under the influence of anaesthetics. Then Dr. MeBurney removed a large splinter of bone from tbe fractured part of tbe humerus, two and a half inches above the shoul der joint. This done, the next step was to re duce the dislocation—In other words, to set the shoulder j Mnt that had been thrown out. This was nard to do on account ofthe lapse of fourteen days between the time of the dislocation and the re Suction. Now came the joining of the fractured hnmerns. It was a difficult break, bnt skill and patience joined the parted bone. The pieces were wired together. Antiseptics in profusion in sured the safety of every step in the opera tions, which lasted almost an hour. Mr. Wetmore rallied splendidly from the anaesthesia and shock. Da. MeBurney and Polk soon left him* He was feeling more comfortable than be has at any time since the accident.—[New York Herald. IMPROVEMENTS AT NARRAGANSETT PARK. Narragansett Park,the site of Rhode Island's state fair, has this year been tin scene of ex tensive improvements. Since hut autumn over sixteen thousand feet of roof space has been built, connecting all the exhibition bufidmgs and making one ofthe largest roof spaces for exhibition pniposes in tms coun try. The association as* been admitted Into membership tn tha Awertuaa Kennel. Ctnh, and this feme hi making a special effort to Immense the kennel Interests. A new bond ing 18© by ^ feeVhas been erected and vsiB be used espcn^atlyte the bench enow to b© held tn enoneetten with the state ntfer m &sp»
Richards, tbe agent, will be found in the Superintendent Healey. Mr. Peirce baa been room daily from 10 to 11 a. m., where he will connected'with the Providence police force up also give attention to his professional busi for ten, years. Tbe board also fixed tbe sal COi w< ness. ary of the.* principal of the State Normal —All lovers of good music will be pleased School at $3,600 per annum, in accordance to'hear of the arrival of Mr. Harry Brown with-the agreement at the time of Mr. LittleTurpin at the Ocean House where he will re field's acceptance of the position.The resigna main during the season. Mr. Turpin is the tion of Miss Elizabeth Hammett of this city, young baritone who was the great success at as assistant at the State Normal School, was Bar Harbor \&e\ season where he delighted so received and accepted. Miss Hammett will many audiences with his artistic singing. As take a special course of study at Smith Col he has letters to many of tbe most representa lege during the coming year. tive people here he no doubt will soon be —Tbe second of the Casino dances took heard. place Monday night.The attendance,consider —The Edison Light Company is to run a ing the unexpected rainstorm, was fully as heavy tension current to the foot of Cogges- large as could be expected. Tbe night was hall or Bellevue avenue, to supply light for cool and the few who danced enjoyed the Mr. F. W. Vanderbilt's cottage on Rough music and passed a very pleasant evening. Point. It is understood that others of the Among those present were:—Mr. James J. summer residents intend to put in the electric Van Alen, Mrs. E. M. Padeiford, Miss Wil light. Among these is Mr. Goelet, who will son, Miss Wetmore, Miss Post, Mr. T. H. light his new house with a special plant, Howard, Mr. J. N. Howard, Mr. John Whiplocated in or near his stable. pie, Miss Cushing, Mr. T. F. Cushing, Mr. W. —Professor Frederic R. Honey, who is a B. Duncau, Jr., Mr. Alfred R. Conklin, Mr. brother of ex-Lieutenant Governor Honey of John C. Furman, Mr. C. N. Fay, Mr. Joseph this city, has received an appointment at Hunt, Mr. J. D. R. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Trinity College, Hartford. He will enter S, Miller, Mr. J. S. Tooker, Miss Tooker, Mr. upon his new duties in September, im Grafton Cushing, Miss Dresser, Miss Hunt mediately after the long vacation. Professor and Miss Hargous. —Morton Park has already become a famous Honey is still an officer of Yale University, and will resume his bi-weekly lectures in the rendezvous for children and babies,and every >me, with ^a\party of Yale School of the Fine Arts in January. pleasant afternoon there may be seen a score a NewBedfordTarrived i pleasant sail. The --The ladies of the Second Baptist Church or more of baby carriages with hosts of chil ad of New \ tedford, gave a pleasing entertainment at the Young dren of older growth about th« park. Tbe the boat, sec& krfcanied Men's Christian Association Hall Thursday seats on the east side of the rocks under the evening. The Peek sisters! in costume, took a shade of the trees are the favorite spots for rt Mondaythy Certified prominent part, their portion of the program those in charge of the children. The park is : Lancey Ktoap ^asap- being followed by a duet by Mr. Hammett a very pleasant place and the people of New is appointed, adminls- and Miss Barlow, vocal selections by Miss port are beginning to fully enjoy the benefits Mary Eliza^th^Sulli- Peters and Miss Gladding, readings by Miss of this resort/ which the city has obtained lliam BakerwasJ>re- Harvey and piano duets by Miss Bailey and through the liberality of Vice President Mor Miss Peters and by Miss Bailey and Miss ton. The city authorities will, before another txl. "*^> . summer,complete the system of subsoil drainlis for Lorillaro>6pen- Stoddard. ace and make it better still for the people's —The Bricklayers' Union *of Boston have alidon H ill have been sent word to the union bricklayers of this pleasure ground. Every day the base ball on the walls of the hastened. The stone city that a strike on labor principles is on in diamond is occupied by some game, and quite om the house site, hav- that city, and asking that no one go to work often a game of cricket can be seen, as it is from this city. Just at present there are a played by a number of Englishmen from ili. number of bricklayers Idle in town, but in a among the summer population. The electric imett, son of Mr.' and few days, when the brickwork on the new St. cars daily take large numbers to and from the iett, leaves early next .,-where he will enter Joseph's school begins, probably all will find park. —The members of the Pacific ball club,who of the Pennsylvania work. It Is understood that all the men em havo for some time felt the need of a new uni ployed by Mr. Butler on the Grosvenor houses a complete course in on Halidon Hill are on a strike. form, their present one beiug uearly worn out kud management, —The hunting season opens Monday after and really suitable ouly for practice, have ope made her second n Fall River Monday, noon at 5 o'clock, the meet being assigned started a subscription paper to procure the ;1 leaving at ti o'clock, for1 the One Mile Comer. The subsequent uniforms awl are making satisfactory prog s brought. This is tbe meets are as follows:—August 1, South Ports- ress. These young men have given con •mrstons for this mouth, month postofflce; August 4, Indian avenue; siderable time to practice, working hard to lying at Fort Adams pint of a knife and ist below the heart. t hospital. ?tlst Church of Provar Peerless Thursday d at 5, after enjoy. They came from ley had dinner. of8t. John's Semlly ordained at the }ross by Archbishop A. Dowling of this the deaoonship. island is the heaviest harvested as fast as to the big crop of this farmers have a large • from lastJrear. C. NobleQnd Mr. one hufiB0lr photoad sailor^Jnonument )n the Ps^tjmioutb,the summer resSftuit. smouth, Commander n her summer-cruise tow of tug Cohasset tination will probably jstown, to/Plymouth,
. . . , , . , . . . . , „ n m v u i H M I I f l l C V. i\ humous id secure a picture of his" father, 'anything* ^ it ii good result's. and lor twenty-live years lias Ix-cn engaged ident brielly and apprcciutingly responded. |: h':&'i the • <.\ w.xs appreciated. Though in the search for (inc. To this cud he Tbe evening was a .successful termination of >gtoan excellent commandant posi \«r s»tvc under anyone who Ii;ls corresponded with relatives of his a successful year's study. lltt«:« ommander lliggmsoij in look- lather in Knglaud, Ireland ami France, IMPROVEMENTS AT MORTON PARK. th»; \ and at last found a brother of his Welfare as a lather would. Pina William (Jilpin, living in Lille, of the services all joined in lather, The committee on parks and public proper 1' ranee, and at. the head of a large establish «weet live and Rye," the (.},0jr ment engaged in the manufacture of engines, ty evidently intends to make Morton Park UHIKI the chorus., .sung pianissimo, r rom a sou of this uncle Air. (Jilpin received one in reality as well as in name. The first (lias. a let-tor the other day, and his great delight step this year was the leveling of the centre head casing effect. peculiar emotion may be imagined as he «• boys from tho .Jamestown and Th lound in the letter a half dozen card photo for a base ball diamond. The numerous holes npshirc, uuder Schoolmaster graphs or the father whom he had never seen, left by the "French system of drainage" aud will •1, at I ended high mass at.. St. and upon whose features he had never looked the long ridge by the main sewer disappeared, bote' i Father Coyle had'sonie pleas- before, although lie had grown to man several trees in the centre were cut down and and hood and middle life. Mr. (Jilpiu values iv t" I hem, especially to Those those photographs above many earthlv pos the result was such an improvement that the to ki g away, mid reminded them to sessions, and is encouraged to prosecute with committee kept right on. Thirty-six settees, plies »ful to the teachings they had renewed vigor his search for a picture of his similar to those in the other parks, have dotl which he has never possessed, aud station. 'After the mass seven- j mother, has ilius far been unable to tind. although he been distributed throughout the grounds, cour if boj* were called into the I litis long been searching for one, as for that of among the trees,and are very well patrouized. Th i behalf of Mrs. Joseph Uani his father. Mr. tiilpin's experience is cer A number of benches, originally placed on lie in unique, and seems almost like a ro the .CoggeshaU avenue sidewalk, will be thert y was given a volume, suitably tainly mance.-" An a testimonial from that lady moved into the park, aud will increase the 'illK XEVV MII.ITIA TNJF<>RMj>. Oceo Te * t i n t h e l a d s ' a n d seating capacity. at tlieir .exemplary couduct As it was quite desirable to have a back ing:The state commission appointed to pur 'Cplfs. This was. in contiuua.- chase uniforms for the brigade Rhode Island stop for the ball players,: a very tasteful-look (i. C entation to tho thirty-tive boys militia tnot.in tlu>State House in Providence ing fence, about forty feet long and Gve feet wife; Boat, •>wu and Portsmouth drafts Monday afternoon, that the officers of the high, partly lattice and partly ciose boards, iams aysago-by Mrs. Hanigan.Kai h brigade might have opportunity to express was placed behind the catcher's position.This ur<l work.»aud is well worthy" their opinions aud prefererffce as to uni has been painted green, and is quite orna ringt sou, isal it will doubtless reccjve. forms. Besides the mcmbtiAtJVuhe commis mental, and in no way objectionable. Miss Mr. Hughes, who has tine care of the park, Harv sion there were present wBle^naster tum H.I. OK HONObT oral 1 >enuis, Brigadier tJentVaUihodes, Major has begun laying out pkth.?, one extending J. C : are the names of apfferentjirt?? with natural windings ifroni the corner of delpl Station who have been trails- Sirauss.Capt ains Easterbr<x>faQ?r«w*n,Blount, CoggeshaU avenue and Brenton street to the and wife, Sweeney, llaekett and GrW I.ieuten-. \g ship Jamestown-ami.-while ant Ely. and Captain Rittmah of the top of Dead Head hill, j The other will run dou; r had a report against them Have signal corps. There were also present two from the entrance by the] polo lot to the lower Harr The list represents twentysergeants from the V. S. AQfaery stationed corner on CoggeshaU avenue, following as H. H L's/out of seventy-eight who at Fort Adams, who explaiuOTMhe luited nearly as possible the present worn path.These Clun I, or 'M per cent. The longV. States regulation uniform, b$hOTtftigue and paths are five feet widej and covered with J. Balti ne of these Inns has bee'fat dress, both of which they had forSJuspoctiou. gravel make the place l<|>ok more as if some L. C. cht months, anil the shortest. The militia officers present expressed their one cared for it. The long path, where it Russ< crosses the base ball field, will probably not Cron< views, and'generally they were iuj^vor of the J. K. Barron. neap< be gravelled. j I'nited States uniform, slightl *". A,T. Chase. modified as Baroi In addition to these improvements, which Ii. J. UutTy. ti> trimming. Stripes on Went trousers W. Oe tin ere. ii. y. have, with the cutting of the grass, already for all ranks, fatigue t plain, W. Farreli. changed the appearance of the place, wife, N-. Neuereux. dress coat without belt st minus greatly J F. HeufiVssey the committee will at onta transfer the drink er, M shoulder ornaments, met 11 I). Heuifortfon. roval. A. K. Kiu*, As between \vhite and blue facing and piping, ing fountain, which the neighbors have ob -M. J. Murphy. the latter obtained greater choice. *The ma jected to, from Denniston street to the park, 1> Murphy, It ^ aud it is proposed to erect a neat band stand. .1. K.Seely. jority also dtk'lared in favor ot^he\helmet C. T. J. Wesley. rather than -for tbe shako. Oajahwbts for The latter is to be of iron, and Mr. Fludder is C. C. Williams. t he fatigue cap should be solid *uE^ allowed^ preparing plans for the !committee to work with t anum t o s w i n g . F o r t h e c a v a n s L a n d on. yl'uR KAlDS. battery drivers it was suggested that The line of the two sewers and that portion the ar \s are determined to stop the leggi us in addition l>e provided "to save wear of uniforms.- As to make, material betterand of the base ball field that; was lowest are, and the t Hior. and made a ten-strike heavier should be provided, aud blouses cut moria followed by an early morning to tit tighter about the body, with loose will remain this year, j bare of turf,!but by ice of skirls. Buttons also, aceordiug to the officers, next summer, if the park continues to re servie •e. liiled ^ith policemen, was should be different. The present oues were ceive as good care as the| prtsseut contract or by tht of certain- composition and could not be r. The curtains were drawn cleaned except by dippinar. In reply to a is giviug it, the place will be one of which no reai.lir ie, out.iide of the authorities, question of Chairman MeManus that if citizen need feel ashamed. Mayor Coggeahall has beeu a frequent were a the appropriation proved insufficient up t o u n i f o r m t h e b r i g a d e , w a s visitor at the park, and is more than pleased o'ehv! Bight raid [was confjued to there any portion of the uniforms that might at the work done, as be felt the value of Yioe day h» ie blow* were struck siniub be discarded hufavor or any other? answer ing,l^ lie kfepers of the place* were was that? no two companies' uniforms were of President Morton's gift hail too long'remained umler Home protest.* wen- made but. similar wear, and it was suggested by Captain unreeognixed by the city, because a few dol dt»nt at dug, iht* ofllcers were rour* Itrown that in the event of sacrifi'ee to t>e lars were not spent to improve it. memtv mude, but a certain iiiiiiiIht of uniforms lw>
.*».. xvuct txuxj cuier | nisneu Dy x aaaen & uo. Mrs. u. H. Baldwin tained at dinner. and Mr. James A. Burden also entertained through a window re—The board of aldermen held a special at dinner, and Mrs. John Lee Carroll and ception. His hea at meeting last Friday to make a preliminary Mrs. William II. Osgood entertained lad lea at Joseph Hanson, a canvass of the votiug lists for the municipal luncheon, hasty retreat. W Station his hair > nd election. Other meetings will be held on —On Thursday evening last Mr. Thomas at Augusts* and 30 and on September 6 to S. Tllley, son of Deputy Sheriff \V. L. Tilley, Hanson will be ai Hanson hired the c omplete tbe canvass. was married to Miss Sarab West, youngest Hit —Among the cottagers entertaining Satur daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William B. West, sbaw was his hou day were Mrs. Kobert Goelet, Mrs. David and Sunday night Mr. Charles C. Stevens,Jr.] fact, the legal a* King, Mrs..Henry G. Marquand,Mr. J. Town- was married to Miss M. Amelia West, second changed and Balsi right to make a f< at send Burden, Mrs. William GroaVeuor, Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. West. The cere —The Illustrate of VViliiam Astor, Mrs. A. Augustus Low and mony iu each instance was performed by has. illustrations • Mrs. George B. DeForrest. Rev. Dr. Gilliat. ■ee iOgdeu Goelet an —Mr. L. A. Wolcott of Caton, Steubeu —Colonel Dal ton E. Young occupied a seat <Js county, N. Y., has been in Newport on a near Governor Davis on tbe reviewing stand j Friday, August 1, short visit to Mr. and Mrs. William U.,.West- with President Harrison iu Boston' Tuesday jVolunteer.Tho cui lis cott. Mr. Christopher Lewis of the same and on tbe platform at the meeting in Me f«fc Company of Ne ial town has also .been visiting Mr. Westeott and chanics' Hall in the evening. William S. handsome in desijt schooner prize is Mr. and Mrs. George F. Crandall. Bailey was on General Alger's staff in the or —Rev. H. N. Jeter has gone to the Baptist Grand Army parade and Edward O. Kiggs on jjshaped vase, tw at camp meeting at Cottage City to remain over the staff of Colonel T. A. Barton, in com weighing one hun j r . Sunday. His pulpit at the Shiloh Baptist mand of the Rhode Island division of the jis elaborately cha.« sloop prize is a P« Church will be supplied 'by Hev, J. M. (J. S o u s o f V e t e r a n s . < ill Scott of Kansas City, who will also conduct] (decoration is that —The New Hampshire and E. R. Goodthe mission services at Jamestown. . {the figures chased .p. ridge nines played four innings at the island ocean. The word be -'Mr. Henry G.Marquand and Professor Al ground Saturday,, the score standing 5 to H a lan Marquand arrived Wednesday night from for the Goodridge nine, when game was called jupou ^he neck. T se. New York, having come from Europe in the to let the Independents aud the boys' nine bly iMHbr than tl a yeV«\aluable t ■li record-breaking steamer Teutonic. Mr. Adrian play; The latter won 23 to 16. The Good ng Iselin, Mrs. G. S. Bowdoin and Miss Bowdoin ridge nine had arranged to play at 1.30, but Amebian also has i t . were also passengers on tbe Teutonic. were-uot allowed to„ go to the island on the jofilee^tt the Nt o—Two large dragloads of young people station launch, as other nines have done, so Ithe lateNheorge Le< the deck Of the Ele. n. wont to Redwood farm.inPortstnoutb, Wednes arrived too late to play a full game. —The local Gran .b. day evening, upon invitation of Mr. Edward —Messrs. Lynen & Suilivau, who received ek Hay ward, where ,the evening was spent iu the contract for building the band staud at [Veterans left Mon by dauciug and other pleasurable amusements. Morton Park, have the work so far advanced train>*S\seveu ca la—The Spring House at Block Island has that the staud will probably be completed iat Boston. Charh bered r* men; < done a large business this yea?; Th;e house Saturday night. The frame is of iron piping, Post filled up the earliest of any on tbe island, and and above the floor will be a 2}4 foot iron comma Gre for several weeks guests have been turned 'Ml bered rail, with posts so arrauged that, if necessary, JW away for lack of rooms. The Spring House Camp, they can be extended to form a support for is well kept, and its situation is delightful. of Captt an awning. The stand is 18 feet across, oc ^V numt S. —Miss Leary gave a charming musicale at tagonal in shape, and the floor will stand well iu- her cottage on Mill street Thursday. Mauy sever up from the ground. on of the leading cottagers' were present and dies w—The lawn tennis tournament of the Elmline refreshments were served by Pinard. The wood club of Providence was finished Wednes fcr train, n T. artists were Mr. Bjorksten and Mile. De Yere. contingent about day, Chace defeating Hubbard, the former brief-street parade, —Mr. J. W. Corning, Mrs;CharlesCondert, •al champion, aud securing the honor of. repre life playing the t be Miss A. W. Condert, Miss Torrant aud Mr. senting the club at the national tournament Henry II. Cook of New York are at, the here the last week iu August. Chace will the old soldiers. T River to take on tin Oueau House. « Mr. Cook is owner of a play at Narragausett Pier next week and ge cottage at the lower end of Bellevue avenue. Messrs. Hubbard, Manchester and Fowler of city, and arrived iu :m The Cook cottage bas (not been opened this the Elmwood will also play at the Pier aud additiou to those > train quite a mimlx season. . j i perhaps in the national tournament. —Mr. W. H. Crandsll was quite severely train Monday morn o-» -The old No. 3 hand engine, Daniel U. ins injured by being thrown from a wagon near i:is tho Gas Works a few days ago. A sudden Boone, which has for several years been REAL Ei move of the horse threw him and Mr. Charles standing at Fort Adams, has been purchased A. Prescott Ba by Mr. J. B, Bachellerand hmir».n n.^ ti».
M..I. ferry, vice president of tho Narrugausett Electric Lighting Company ami president ofthe National Electric Lighting Association; li. C. Mms of the Armlngton ^ ^i.tus Engine -Company; R, W. t'omstock of the Rhode Islaud Horseshoe (omr&ny, ami R. S. llovviaud of the Proviiteuee Journal. ■ The i>eople of Newport take especial pride iu seeing others following their IcaVl in this etatter. Although we are >ometinick told that the oppoaitiou to our local road wasibosed upou tbe fact that the company uh's jeleotrioity instead of horses, it is well understood that >5Uch is not the faet. The decision of the su preme court has settled nearly., if not qjuite. all the questions that were in dispute, so that other cities in the state know just how to pro ceed, and, as we have before predicted, 'they will all adopt the new power, which! ha* everywhere proved a success.
X \
shot out of the tbe ground. T frame and the mous to cause inch thick. Th absolute proof are settling an of such an eno matter of cons missioner Pen about it whei glass did not most eraphath
77/A* ICE FAMISH. There will be no ice famine this year. The last cold simp closed the rivers and lakes to the north of us and opened the way for laying in additional supplies. Coder the circum stances it is no wonder that every opportunity was improved. Immense quantities were stored from I*ake Champlain and all through northern New England, though very little was put up in the towns and cities near the seashore. From Boston southward and westward to New York the bulk of what Is to It is said i be used next summer will have to be brought committee on a considerable distance, and much of it from Maine and the regions beyond. There will be the Seuate's p no lack of a supply for Newport, as our local expenditure o company has provided for the emergency and battleships. will U' able to supply all that is needed. It the views of t3 looked at one time as if it might be iinpossi: ported in fav< ble to buy ice. and as none has t>een cut from tion of $45,01 . s ' M u R ' TO N PA R K , j | number of n The Boston Rreord says:—"F.vejry section the Hudson for the supply of New York and committee is of tbe city ought tol»e provided with a play Brooklyn, where 3,000,000 tons are usually siotvd, there will be lively competition every p l a n o f ground for children to be used exclusively by ships as a them. We have parks enough, but Miry are where, to tbe great joy of the harvesters. to undertake of but little benefit to tbe boys and| girls who or four at tht HIjtrK ISLAND 'ELEVTIuN. go to school." This is'correct, and the re The jieoplc of the Sea-girt Isle have experi mony given mark-will apply to Newport, as w«|ll as Bos builders, sue ton. As is well known we ha\je uo play enced the joys of auother election. The choice and others, t; grounds of t#is character, though. Mor of Hon. John G. Sheffield as a member of the; high speed, a ton . Park omld easily be made an lower branch of t be Geueral Assembly having; committee h< attract i ve and pleasant resort. For some rea Wen declared of no value, because of cor ; The commit! son toe city father* appear to hesitate about ruption at the polls, a special election was; held Wednesday to fill the vaeaney,and the ex-! propriation 1 doing anything with a definite jpurpbft? in ciiemeut very naturally ran high. The returns provisions fc fittingbuilt up this parkand for tbe people*! jence use. about They 1I " have a neat appropriate The Keput | show that Mr. Sheffield received 161 votes,' Mr. J. T. Dodge, 147 and Mr, A. B. Dickens,: dence Mond it, and have then teft it*to grew u\\ to weeds • and tall grass. The impression seems 10 pre ,*VJ. Of the whole number cast thirteen were eral Assemb vail that a large stftn of money will be required "thrown out for one cause or another,so that,if Sidney Srai the reasons are not deemed sufficient, there Dyer, Jr., A tq tit the grounds as they should be. but this - is altogether a mistake. A large, appropriation is a jKWsibility of another row providing Nichols, Stil would-be much more likely to sj^il than, to the parties concerned are disposed to B. Mason, J fan the emigre to a name. The Providence improve the 'park. It is al beautiful Journal declares Mr. Sheffield elected, but it ton, John M John A. Jet toeaijou aud should be cleaned and kept pretdoes not so appear on the face of the returns, is the 1888 ti - ty much as it is for the use of the children of as no one received a majority of the votes ions:—Gene tie city. There shouldybe no carriage drives east. It will make but little difference to the William H.C within it* borders aftd very- few gravelled walks. But above all u should rJe fitted for people of Block Island,as tbe time for the re* W. Persons, use the coming summer. It is searU' *r*dita-1 *** ***** is at hand and the triumph of Coates, resi bie for M*e eitylo accept such a property and either party is short. This is the first election nomination] held in Rhode Island under the new ballot law. Briggs is ao not improve and use it for the purposes for has identifi* which it was given Out of respect to Vice New York still maintains its supremacy as movement. President Morton something should be done the leader in foreign commerce,the total value who has no at an early d a y. I of foreign imports at ths place during the fiscal Mr. Aleu year ending June 30, 18S9, being #479,496,135, THE FA VLTS OF yE\Yft>RT. the Greeley while the aggregate at all other ports in the A correspondent writes to inquire about been eelecti luited States was only $^4,<566\eOO, making tbe filters supposed to have t*eij put \n, by As we the total for the whole country fT74,0*H,TS&. ory ofthe h
.he pub- j .nic? thej :ity the Plies day F :om the sta ig that :ided to Bal of the ride T H E PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AT MORTON PARK. teacher T h i s s t r u c t u r e , l o c a t e d u n d e r t h o h U l a m i d t f e t ^ i « ^ ^ J ^ ^ \ti 1 iddition, taing or rtd- thin* ,ome twined H was to be, it had been planned top c U nea^ the fcfta Friday, ■ r Morton avenue. wlW It would have-been more ««*ol, bilt lb .schools Commission yielded to faroteal*. and chataed the location. -- ■ g j i ■ ■ ■ =g ■ . ■ - —i MB __Z^! calendar trk no vacation " THE FIRST REHEARSAL beuiunirviT with ^ames between &&&# tcr and Thayer Friday afternoon at 4.30 t e r gone a , t A q u i d n e c k p a r k , w h i l e ^ m - d a y tioi ituatlon. t o v i s i t Oratorio Society to Give "The morning Co^eshaU U to play CMggt fcfy ai Vernon at 10 o clock and I otter •A'. as, » at w i l l m e e t - C o a a i i r f c i o n o f t . t h e « lpw Holy Land'' as Parfof r times. H e l d a t U . S a m r ^ y ^ l e r n ^ a t ^ e r - Ho ected to Program. n.on Murnford will play Clarke at - A r t enforced o'clock. ,, Wi coming The rules adopted follow: 1 The Oratorio Society's first rehears addition I the nity has al for the season of liMG-17 was held i deaths oeauwi Mondav evening: It* . the usual place, a sclioof team tfhist be siamcd hy the ! in; ! the e health |the pirs,. prc.sbvterian Sunday School ind " J X o r c i u n e » h M l c o ' n r i r t ' o r oushout [F00ftli With an. attendance wnlch of [promised well for a successful year. oth t decide , 1c was for the chorus only, and thetftkt .1 in at- fact that the menders .were out in sucti • t a r t i n g t n j * * «■• * « • - . t h < , r e . f _ in r j r h t i t n uinV.ers.. iu spite i»T counter-attrac- sance arid, failing lo a$>i>e.ai, the team 'her twinging murt hibve been gratifying to erec win award the safli' ind i d d i d Mr. Baxter, who after a years refit Ho ready '•.'•' P?ai ■ ,;vr. io age arid ell- t o once mere wielded the haton. Many 4 Protests re mirrVbus, • ««« f.w-s were before him as . ne
fi'l^"" ««««.<5.n.nr,'^ -me n^n^^pef
led i <lttnU, found ) (Mlj lie hen • th*; n Ms urn " day,
j relatives of hi* viand and France, brother of his living in Lille, fa large establlshtjfucnin- or engines. Mr. (Jilpin received 1 IH.m great delight jl.lon i Ih; Imagined ux he erahdozen curd photoher \vi n he had never seen, ft'utm lie had never looked Ii lie d grown to man'Ho Ii Mr. (HIplu valued is ubo many earthlv |>osncour. U to prosecute with 8 scan 'or a picture of his m has . ver possessed, and i tinah o HnU, although hi* irehlni «r one, as fop that of < J ilj.i experience Ih ecrnd ,m.'« • alinoHl like a roMl Id
imlssUO iipjioliitcd to purjrthevNgado JUiihIc Island • Slate^u.se in Providence on, thVthe oAkera of the ave o ortunlty to express ind Pyrenees as to unlthe mi jAwrn of the eommlspresei ^Miartermastcr Oenadicr < icral Rhodes, Major Pastes N(>oks, Brown, Blount, e t t i - . A ( J r a y, L l e u t c u Capta^ Rltttimn of tho mtv <0\kttIj,° 1'rcncnt two h e V. A r t i l l e r y s t a t i o n e d who plained the 1'nltcd unlhjA^ lK>th fatigue and ieh Uu^Nmd for Inspection, •en* p^^nt expressed their illy th were in favor of tho niforn lightly modified as Strip- on the trousers fat- e jacket plain, mt b e strap s a n d m i n u s »nts, t their approval. »and i e facing and piping, •dgriM'.-r choice. The mae*l In • .'or of the helmet the s:. <o. Ornaments for liould : solid and allowed •'or e cavalry' . and It " • h suggested that m l>c ] vided to save wear to uib , material better and e prov • d, and blouses cut ,bout •• body, with loose lao, a< rdlug to the officers, nt. T preseut oues were positW and could not be >y dlj ; ik. In reply to a ulrmai McManus that if i o n o v e d i n s u f fi c i e n t tht brigade, was loftb n I forms tliat might avor ■ any other ? answer comp; c.«* uniforms were of lit wt uggested by Captain he ev i of sacrifice to be atn m» -er of nnlforma be u g w i c o m p l e t e u u l f o n n fl •t. A ' Informal talk the
a successful year's .study. l M l M t O \ T. M E > F r e " AT M O R T O N PA R K . The committee on park* amfpubiic proper ty evidently intends to make Morton Park one In reality as well as in name. The first »t«'P this year was the leveling of the centre for a base ball diamond. The numerous holes left by tho "French Hyslem of drainage" and the long ridge"by the main.sewer disappeared, ■several trees In the centre were cut down and the result was such an Improvement that the eommlttee kept right on. Thirty-six settee*, similar to those In the other parks, have been distributed throughout the grounds, among the trees.aml arc wry well patronized! A number of benches, originally placed on Die .CoggeshaU avenue sidewalk, will be moved Into the park, and will increase the
piJSILUMI Ol IIOIIM*Klf}N-rt IUI Miuc u n .M l ,„ „ , „
titled ,and the kitchen will be presided over by the well-known chef, Joe Rurk, for years with Pinard in New York. Henry Ockula will, as usual, have charge, of the bell boys; Alfred (!laser will In- watchman and Patrick Mullane head porter. Tho arrangements for the orchestra will interest many who do not patronize the hotel, except to hear the evening concerts, and these as well as the guests will l>e pleased to know that Professor.). Mullaly, Who sup
iriK wii. J wa sin for
•♦Ti (to-
plies the music for the Casino, will this year M l : do the same for the Ocean House.ensuring, of tra:
St4:l course, tlrst-class musicians. The Wcsfeni I'nion office in the house will " P Ik; in charge of William M. Martin, who was by uai there the past two seasons. Among those who have taken rooms nt the a r i i Ocean House for the season nre the follow bo< seating capacity. Ah It was quite desirable to have a back ing:—Mrs. .1. Amory Cod man, Miss Codman, b"<> ' stop for the ball players, a very tasteful look (J. C. Fletcher and wife, W. B. Falmouth and in t ing fence, about forty feet long and five feet wife; C. I. (Janier and wife, Alex. 8. 81ade, A t high, partly lattice and partly eio.se Inmrds, Host on; Mrs. <;. H. Allien, Mrs. H. T. Will- " fi . Was placed behind tbe catcher's position.This lams, Miss Mary K. Rowland, II. P. Far- H i has In^n painted green, and is quite orna r i n g t o n a n d w i f e . J o h n H a l r d a m i an. sou, New York; F. F l). Hartley aud wife, Mfcv. mental, and in no way objectionable. Miss Baldwin, R. H. Walton and wife, W. S. W i t ; Mr. Hughes, who .has the can* of the park, Harvey, wife and daughter, Miss (J rent bam, has ls-gun laying out paths, one extending J. ('. l)olman and wife, F. W. dado, Phila at t with natural windings from the corner of delphia; Congressman Charles II. (Jrosvenor nar. a n d f a m i l y , O h i o ; K . N . B e r r y a n d Ru CoggeshaU avenue and Brenton street to the wife, Washington; I,ordand Lady Tuvis, Lon top of Dead Head hill. The other will run don; rrofrssor I). I. Hodgdon and wire, New ar> is n from tho entrance by the polo lot to the lower Haven; F. W. F. (Jrant. Richmond; C. V. and wife, C. B. Olmp, Cincinnati: L. ( O i l corner on CoggeshaU avenue, following as Harrison II. Harmer.C. It. Claverlng, Ht. Paul; F. C. the nearly as possible the present worn path.The.no Olunle. atut family, F. II. WutroiiH, Ht. Ix>uIh; nint paths are five feet wide, ami covered with J.V. F.Jarley and wife. Miss N. II. Jarloy, Noi B a l t i m o r e ' W . I I . P a y n o a n d f a m i l y, gravel make the place look more as if some L. C. Bender and family, Han Francisco; A.ft. writ one cared for It. The long path, where It Russell and wife, St. Paul; H. B. .lones, T. V. mo crosses the base ball Held, will probably not Cronden, Chicago; I. P. James and son, Min in ; neapolis; L. Knowles and wife. Hartford; he gravelled. Baron aud Baroness de la (Jrave, Paris; (). B. ac< ■' Iu addition to these improvements, which H'emple, Mrs. R. C. Wemple, Indianapolis: I la' havo, with the cutting of the grass, already II. V. Crowell and wife, E. B. Andrews ana sin-. greatly changed Die appearance of the place, wife, New Orleans, and Mra.Ooorge B.Fletch M l er, Maiden, Mass. Clai the committee will at once transfer the drink by i BROOKS MEMORIAL SERVICE. ing fountain, which the neighbors have ob by"? jected to, from Dcnniston street to the park, It la now seven years since the death of Iter. Mel and it ia proposed to erect a neat band stand. C. T. Brooks, for bo many years connected l»Ori Of h The latter is to be of Iron, and Mr. Fludder is with the Unitarian Church in this city, and preparing plans for the committee to work annually since then, on the Sunday nearest Itie i on. the anniversary of his death, the children of t«US' Tho line of the two sewers and that portion the ChannliiK Sunday school have held a me of the base ball field that was lowest are, and morial servlop. Sunday tbe memorial serv pati ninu will remain this year, bare of turf, but by- ice of 1890 was held,beginnlng at the morning Lit: next summer, if the park continues to re service with fitting reference to Mr. Brooks low ceive as good care as the preseut contractor by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Cutter. The pulpit, ha* is giving It, the place will be one of which no reading desk and the medallion of Mr.Brooks rela: citizen need feel ashamed. were all perfuaely trimmed with flowers. At 5 boy> Mayor CoggeshaU has been a frequent o'clock in the afternoon, after the heat of the tria! visitor at the park, and Is more than pleased day had been cooled by the approach of even wa: at the work done, as he felt the value of Vice ing, the children and teachers of tbe school, FOI;: President Morton's gift had too long remained under Mayor CoggeshaU, their superinten thei unrecognized by the city, because a few dol dent and Rev.Mr.Cutter,accompanled by many dpi:1 lars were not spent to improve it. members of the congregation, proceeded to flag' YACHTING NOTKS FROM THE WEEK'S the grave of Mr. Brooks, where the Impress- Horn Wc> »\-*«»r;n»r:tt •sfrvlcp tf **!'* ffaTidav school SPOILT.
• tho* Rogers, a piece of silver plate for nymphies portunlty to present their side or the case. and other aquatic plants exhibited by him; The defeat of Mr. Daniel B. Fearing for the eharg Lmd at Us grand show, which occurred this state board of education by Democrats last i» thi month, at Horticultural Hall, Boston, Kob- spring and all other incidents which had wher -rt McLeod, gardener to I). K. Fearing, was caused a frictiou in tbe party were fully dis oehell awarded the society's silver medal for splen cussed. Towards the close there was au evi dent desire to heal all differences, and It was did specimens of orch ard house peaches. a well —Setiator William J. Uuderwood, Kepre- informally decided that the disaffected por edforO sentative William S. Cranston, Colonel Dalton tion of the party would loyally support who •riiian. e. Young, Colonel S. R. Honey, I). B. Fear- ever was nominated for Congress. Uustry ing, M. A. McCortnick, .J. .1. Lynch, L. —Morton Park has proved such an attract ^Jhantlor, T. J. Buckley, P. J. Murphy, E. C. ive place during' the summer that the com York O'Ncll, P. J. Uoyle, ex-Postmaster Brown, mittee on park j and public buildings feel .res fc William Buckley aud William Mumford at- justified in making further improvements to h. Ad tended the banquet given in Providence this popular resort. During the fall the sys amilic Wednesday evening in honor of Hon. W. C. tem of lateral drainage will be exteuded to ■r. p. Breckinridge, Congressman from Ken- the eastern side of the park; the holes In the will f. tucky. sod will be filled in, and tbe base ball diamond •Id war . —Mrs. Ervlng Winslow began a course of will probably be raised and resodded. There jtitlorjOlbsen readings at Miss Tooker's on Monday are several excellent si»ots which could easily n*s l^uioruing, reading from "A Doll's House." be used for tennis courts with a very little ed. ^She read at Mrs. Wllling's Wednesday, levelling, and the park bids fair in a short b l o o n a t M r s . W y s o o g ' s F r i d a y a n d a t time to be the most popular place for recrea iou th Mrs. Auchlncloas'a on Saturday. Mrs. Wina- tion In the city. A great Improvement would on throw's patronesses are Mrs. Fearing, Mrs. be made by tho purchase of and the opening roar/"0 Louis L. Lorlllard, Mrs. R. M. Cushing, Mrs. into the park of the polo lot adjoining on tho lowerr^darner, Mra^g. II. Warren, Mrs. J. J. Wy- west, and the unoccupied land on the south ber 2?^Xsong, Mrs. Auchlncloss, Mrs. Cunningham, would make a pleasure ground worthy of the erkelcJ^Mrs. Willing, Miss Oibbs and Miss Ainory. name. •earth-■ —There was an extraordinary catch of scho< mackerel, late Tuesday afternoon, by the JAMESTOWN. aycrX^hureh Brothers of Tiverton. They seined ^-^0,000 No. 1 mackerel and took them to Tlvmd t-' erton. Later they secured a special car and ?., he took them to Boston,where they were sold for r. RoV twenty cents each. Two other parties secured fllce < 9,000, and these were purchased by Mr. Noah Beetle Thompson. Mackerel of the No. 1 size are rarely caught so near tho shore. The catch of tl represented In money $5,800. The mackerel an Sa are being sold In our markets for twenty-five •c Mr cents each. gh al —Mr.Crosby has closed his office in the main lis ne pavilion at the beach, tbe oue in the east section having been shut up two weeks, and the toent season of 18U0 is thereby brought to a close. brout: For some days the bathing has not been very close numerously patronized and the spectators r>pear j have been equally few. The season at the was t j beach has been, on tho whole, a most successI ful one. There was not as much bathing as iy e last year, but more privato bathhouses were ext t let than formerly and tho season Is probably will In every way as satisfactory to Mr. Crosby, run b who has made many changes for the benefit will of his patrons. , —The board of aldermen on Saturday made trust the official count of the ballots cast on FrtCnowt day for third councilman In the Fourth ward, y moi Several defective ballots were found and City icall- Solicitor rV-ckham decided ♦>*:>?.•- •;' ♦.'•-■--^
Mr. Chase, who has been clerk at the Bay View during tho season, closed his engage ment at that house Friday and has gone to Lynn, where he will enter the electrical ma chine business, In which he has had already considerable experience. The running time of the Conanicut will be changed about the first of October, when the fall time table will be issued. The Jamestown <fc Newport Steam Ferry Company consummated last Saturday,through Mr.Danlel Watson, the purchase of the wharf property lying just south of their present landing/where the Torpedo Station and Fort Adams launches now make landing. The ferry company will probably occupy their present location for a while yet, but will, be fore another season, make Improvements to their new purchase, which can but be appreciated by the patrons of the fer ry. A new sidewalk on the south side will probably be laid, where the old buildings now are, and back and express stands arranged so that upon the arrival of the boat all teams will be kept out of the way of the people leav ing the boat.. This purchase will, with out doubt, result to the great benefit of the com pany, as well as to patrons.
111 4 V 4 V l > l l U I | J M m u , •
true to the cause o of her love for the especially good In captive and Colon* charge of her. Mi known to m the bright p play. She Is petli part of Jenny Bu< spirit that at once Miss Marlowe \va West; Miss x\lina< her part of Mrs. C Arline Atliins was Haver! 11; Frank : chival West, was < dally in the scene, tain Thornton, di Oscar Eagle, as (J dricks,as General 1 Colonel Elllnghan factorily;N. D. Mi a laggard in loyei ceptlon of the par for the audience, few times in whi stage as Lictitcna vorablo impressio least to be ment.lo Sergeant Barkot, \ of character a s o l d i e r, a n d the battle * of capitally done, formance Is com: the handsome bla and upon which j Chester to the bj. stage in a lively n tho panoramic v was very realistic, top very cleverly THE FUNERAL The remains « who was killed on N.Y^on'Saturday ide nee boat Wed n< residence of Mn ceased, on Bun; services were hole o'clock Thursday lowed to the grave It had been expec manner of Mr. Or ceived with the bt cept the official t the cause of death