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What You Need To Know About ERA Prop-1 Living In A Queer ERA"

Have you heard about Prop 1, the NYS Equal Rights Amendment?
What is Prop 1?
A Statewide Ballot Measure to amend the NYS Constitution It will appear on the back of New Yorker’s ballots for the General Election in November, 2024.
What is a ballot measure?
A ballot measure is a law, issue, or question that appears on a statewide or local ballot for voters of that jurisdiction to decide.
What will Prop 1 do?
Prop 1 will close loopholes in the state constitution to further protect abortion, LGBTQ+ rights and more. The current NYS Constitution only prohibits discrimination on the basis of race & religion.
Here is the exact language of Prop 1:
“This proposal would protect against unequal treatment based on ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnancy. It also protects against unequal treatment based on reproductive healthcare and autonomy.”
A “YES” vote puts these protections in the New York State Constitution. A “NO” vote leaves these protections out of the State Constitution.
Have you heard about Prop 1, the NYS Equal Rights Amendment? (Cont)
Don’t we already have protections against discrimination for LGBTQ+ people in New York?
Yes, by statue, New York’s Human Rights Law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and more.
Why do we need Prop 1?
Since the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, 22 states have implemented abortion bans. Notwithstanding, 25 states have banned gender-affirming care for trans youth. New York is not one of these states. However, we know that our reality can change at any moment. Leadership in Albany can change. Laws can be overturned. We have seen the anti-trans movement gain ground in places like Nassau County, with the recent anti-trans sports ban in county-run facilities.
We must guarantee our rights and protections - enshrining them into the state constitution is one way to do that.

Opponents of Proposition 1, the state’s Equal Rights Amendment up for a vote this November, sound like a broken record of misinformation. The latest display of harmful rhetoric was in the commentary “Proposal 1 on N.Y. ballot based on a lie,” Sept. 9, in which the writer repeats baseless claims that Prop 1 will threaten parental authority over trans youth as it relates to gender-affirming medical care.
Such assertions deflect our attention from what’s really at stake this election season: protecting our democracy and making sure that decisions about our bodies are not decided for us by politicians. New Yorkers have an opportunity to vote in favor of amending the state constitution by prohibiting discrimination based on national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnancy status, the last of which is crucial for bodily autonomy in the wake of the Dobbs decision.
The fear-mongering obsession with trans youth and surgeries mischaracterizes gender-affirming care as extreme, ignoring the lifesaving aspect supported by every major medical association in the United States. Furthermore, minors cannot receive gender-affirming surgeries in New York without the consent of their parents or legal guardian.
Anti-trans talking heads claim their rallying cries protect children. Instead, the hateful rhetoric exacerbates disproportionate rates of violence and mental health challenges LGBTQ youth face. Prop 1 would alleviate these inequities and ensure that those of us who have historically been on the receiving end of discrimination will be protected.
To truly protect all New Yorkers’ rights, the choice is clear: vote yes on Prop 1.
Elisa Crespo, NYC Executive Director
NEW Pride Agenda
Published Sept. 24, 2024
Ballot initiatives like Prop-1 are on the back of the ballot. Don't forget to flip it over and make your voice count by voting “YES” on Prop-1.
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), or Prop-1 is a crucial ballot initiative aimed at strengthening legal protections for LGBTQ+ New Yorkers. This amendment will ensure that discrimination based on sex, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity, is expressly prohibited under New York’s Constitution. Voting "YES" on Prop-1 provides an opportunity to establish lasting protections and promote equity for our community, ensuring that these rights are safeguarded for generations to come. This is not just a vote for equality; it is a vote for justice and for the recognition of our full humanity, affirming the dignity and worth of every individual.
October15,2024:LaunchoftheNYSQueerVoting Guide(NPAresource).
October26,2024:VoterRegistrationDeadline(online, bymailpostmarkedbythisdate,orin-person).
November4,2024:-LastDaytoRequestmailballot in-person.
November5,2024:ElectionDay.LastDaytosubmit mailballot.