2 minute read
We firmly believe that housing is a fundamental human right, yet LGBTQ+ New Yorkers face disproportionately high rates of homelessness, with the numbers rising each day. In response, we seek partnerships with organizations committed to our cause, aiming to guarantee the effective implementation of the Housing Acts Voucher Program.
1. **Advocacy and Policy Change**: To contribute to and amplify efforts in advocating for policy changes that ensure housing equity and rights for LGBTQ+ individuals.
2. **Community Support and Solidarity**: To show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community and support initiatives that address the unique housing challenges faced by queer individuals, including discrimination and homelessness.
3. **Resource Sharing and Collaboration**: To pool resources, share best practices, and collaborate on initiatives that can more effectively address the housing needs of LGBTQ+ individuals.
4. **Increased Visibility and Impact**: To be part of a collective voice that has a greater impact on public awareness and policy change than individual organizations might have alone
5. **Education and Awareness**: To engage in and promote educational efforts that increase awareness about the specific housing issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community and the importance of inclusive and affirming housing policies.
6. **Networking and Community Building**: To connect with other organizations and individuals dedicated to LGBTQ+ rights, creating a stronger and more unified front in the fight against housing discrimination and inequality.
"5 Tips To Get Involved"
Make sure you view the 2024 Legislative Calendar in Albany to be aware of when you can arrange to meet your elected officials in person, to share what matters to you as a constituent.
Sign up for NPA's Quarterly Organizing newsletter, PERIOD, to be in the know of all things advocacy and organizing related in NYS.
Join our new monthly statewide Advocacy Coalition Calls (ACC), where we dive into the latest issues impacting LGBTQ New Yorkers and plug you into local advocacy opportunities in your area.
Learn who your State Senator and Assembly Members are, so you can know who represents you in Albany.
Attend our upcoming GIRDS Day of Action in Albany on April 9th, 2024