2 minute read
Virus Transformation Wrapped Up
Lynn White
You tell me that you know my name when for centuries I’ve been anonymous in my comings and goings. You think you’ve unmasked me now you’ve given me a name. Well, it won’t help you. Named or unnamed I’ll spread just the same, never fear!! Ha ha!! History writes its own jokes. You’ll see. But if you were right, I would be the only one unmasked, such is the irony of history where, hidden behind the mask identities may easily be mistaken. So, as I float away in the damp miasma I’ll tell you my name, reveal it without fear if you keep it secret, Fear. Or fear not, if you keep my secret.

Lynn White
It was a tradition almost a right of passage across generations of young people. Come the summer they climbed up the rocks right to the top of the waterfall. Then they jumped feeling the falling water beneath them, shrieking with excitement as they hit the cool pool, feet first, a long way below.
It was a tradition across generations of young people and no one could remember an accident. But in a risk averse age They knew that the past was no guide to the future, so They put up a fence for safety’s sake.

So now the fence must be climbed with precarious teetering along the top. If only They knew but They don’t. They may marvel at the bright squirrels as they run along the fence and up the rocks and gaze in wonder at the multi coloured birds flaunting their glistening wet teeshirt feathers as they feel the falling water beneath them. They don’t recognise any of them.
There’s usually a way if you look hard enough.
Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She was shortlisted in the Theatre Cloud ‘War Poetry for Today’ competition and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a Rhysling Award. Her poetry has appeared in many publications including: Apogee, Firewords, Peach Velvet, Gyroscope Review and So It Goes. Find Lynn at: https://lynnwhitepoetry. blogspot.com and Lynn White Poetry - Facebook.


Lynn White
Usually I walk alone through the woods but today I have a friend, perhaps imaginary, I’m not sure, but certainly friendly, a foxy friend, no less, to bring colour to this time of cold with the darkness closing in wrapping me in a long dark cloak completely covering me so no one can see only my foxy friend, perhaps unreal, and the birds flying free. If they are real one day I’ll join them.