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Contributor’s Corner (Fiction): Morpheus K
Morpheus K
NRM: During these trying times, how are you holding up? What’s a day in the life for you?
Morpheus K: To be frank, I have survived these times. It’s a daily repetition of holding onto the things that feel human, but I like to think I’m making the best of it. My daily life is something of a chaotic mess framed with routine, but typically I can be found up and writing most mornings at Starbucks and preparing myself mentally for a day of classes and work. I tend to unwind with tea and reading or anime, but it’s very much taken day-to-day. I never know what will come next, but that’s just part of the fun.
NRM: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
MK: I’m a caffeine addict with perhaps too much brain space. I enjoy writing like breathing, and I strive to find any way I can to twist the status quo or challenge perception, even my own. I consider myself something of a fun person, and I like to learn so I’m always trying to pick up something new in my free moments. I’ve been lucky enough to attend a private college for my BA in English and plan to graduate soon with the intent to work as an overseas missionary teaching English. I look forward to the life experience to gain from it as experience always benefits a writer, and I have a strong love of learning about other cultures.
NRM: What does “Earworm” aim to say?
MK: “Earworm” was written in the heat of an emotional debate with myself, and I believe that at the time I intended for the story to speak to those who also struggle with those inner conflicts of the mind. I wanted to give katharsis to a moment perhaps we all know too well when our thoughts overwhelm us. I suppose if I have to choose one message it would be that sometimes we must shut up even our inner demons and say “Enough.”
NRM: What does ‘vulnerability’ mean to you? How do you exercise self-love?
MK: Vulnerability is giving up control—control of someone’s opinions of you, of your own physicality, your own emotions, etc. It’s a baring of the self that requires trust at its core. I think sometimes to love and care for ourselves we must first be vulnerable to ourselves. We have to see our flaws, decide that which we must change, that which we must accept, and do so without judgment. We have to trust ourselves, and others.
I personally would say I practice more self-care than selflove, though, but perhaps my vision is colored since self-love feels like an arrogant term in my mind. Regardless, I tend to exercise care for myself in the ways I schedule my time and listen to the needs of my mind, especially in college when mental stressors take a deep toll. This can come in many forms, but I find the best way to combat stress is with reading and relaxing, scheduling time to be apart from the world, to pray, to meditate, etc. It’s not easy, but it’s something I aim for.
NRM: How do you deal with criticism?
MK: I was raised with a mindset towards understanding that criticism is—for the most part—a chance to learn. Even when given maliciously, I take all criticism as an opportunity to reassess, learn, and move forward.
NRM: What gives you the most joy?
MK: I take joy in many things. Ranking them would be difficult, but my faith has always brought me great joy. It lifts me up when I feel low and reminds me I am not alone. It bolsters my spirit so I can move forward, and reminds me of all that I have been blessed with. It’s what fills the hole in my heart that people, things, even sometimes words cannot fill, and it pushes me to work my hardest and use my gifts and talents to their fullest.