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Steven D. Alston INTVW by Rosalie Abatayo
Steven Alston, a Born Again believer, has always been deeply involved with the church since his teens. He found his faith grew even more after he was honorably discharged as a disabled war veteran. As a believer, he had always wondered whether humans are souls or spirits. Read on as he shares to NRM the answers he found from his extensive research and reflection, leading to his writing his new book, The Eikons of God. NRM: What changes did the pandemic bring in your everyday life? Are these changes welcome and for the better? STEVEN ALSTON: The worldwide Covid-19 pandemic has taken its toll on many of us in various ways. For me, it provided a great learning opportunity and a new method for measuring the quality of my own decision making. We were all forced to go into lockdown, shelter in place and answer to the demands of a new normal. I embraced this change in several ways; one in particular was by taking the time and opportunity to re-assess the validity of all my current projects and pursuits; The biggest question became: Were all projects and pursuits leading to a desired and meaningful end? Well, after the reassessment I found that some were and some weren’t. So, I learned something very important. So important that I keep it at the forefront of my mind; whenever making decisions about what I choose to undertake and get involved in. My time and energy are two of the most valuable possessions that I have to offer. And these possessions should only be applied to good investments that lead to vital returns for myself and others. NRM: The present pandemic somehow worked to affect everyone’s faith differently—some wavered while others strengthened. From your perspective, how did the challenges affect your faith and those of the people around you? SA: I am a Christian Believer and my faith is completely and totally in God regarding all aspects of life. I find that my faith and the faith of those in my Christian Community increased in strength. The COVID-19 pandemic was a Biblical prediction that came to pass. Matthew 24:7 is part of a passage called “Olivet Discourse” where Jesus the Son of God, states that in the last days “…there will be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers’ places.” Famines-In February of 2020 Swarms of locusts threatened at least 5 Countries with severe famine. Pestilences-March of 2020 the World Health
Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the world’s population. Earthquakes- March 2020 two weeks after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, a 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck near Boise Idaho. These types of signs not only happened in 2020 but in the exact order that Jesus predicted; leading to the end of the world as we know it. All major events predicted in the Bible that have already come to pass, obviously didn’t mean that the world would end shortly after these events took place; but they did serve as a clear sign that the end is approaching. The signs Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24, were not only predicted to happen but to happen more frequently and closer together as time goes on. According to the Bible, pestilences like COVID-19 weren’t the first virus to become a pandemic and won’t be the last. I am completely convinced that the Bible is a God inspired inerrant book of truth; Therefore, when COVID-19 invaded our world my faith and the faith of those around me grew stronger. Christian Believers who are well-informed, should never be surprised or become fearful about these types of prophetic occurrences mentioned in the Bible. We may not know the when and the where of these predictions but we do know the what and the why. NRM: Your work in The Eikons of God is very thought-provoking and deep in terms of reflecting on one’s faith and life. How did you arrive at the book’s central question of whether humans are souls or spirits? SA: For years I accepted what I was told from certain religious leaders about my spiritual identity until a few years ago. I decided to research the question of Soul vs Spirit: Which one is the real you? And record my answer in the book, The Eikons of God. Eikon is the Greek word for image. As I began my research, I decided not to use any other books or commentaries; I’m not against using commentaries, I use them from time to time but I have come to learn that the best commentary on the Bible is the Bible. I started in Genesis 1:26 (KJV) which states, “And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion…” I noticed that the scripture didn’t say “…after our likeness; spirit soul and body or soul, spirit and body.” Instead, it reads, “…after our likeness and let them have dominion…” Although this verse discusses the word image and likeness, it doesn’t really answer my question because it doesn’t mention whether we are souls or spirits. So, as I began to study other
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passages, especially the writings of Paul, I could not find one verse that specifically states that we are either spirits or souls. Here’s another example: If we take Hebrews 4:12 out of context we can use this verse to support the belief that we are spirits with souls who live in bodies, because the verse states, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” But if we keep the verse in context, the Author is simply making reference to the power of God’s word as it relates to true belief in him. In this fourth chapter of Hebrews as a continuation from chapter 3, the Author points the Jews to God’s promise of offering rest to those who believe. He further discusses; Just because the gospel is preached it doesn’t mean that it is received by faith. Unbelief caused Israel not to enter Canaan after Egypt. So for those who claim to be believers in the spiritual things of God but don’t live according to the Bible, the inspired word of God has the power to reveal what is truly happening in and between the soul and spirit realm as well as the body. So even in this passage where the Author names the three parts, soul, spirit, and body, he isn’t making a claim as to which one is our true identity. But through further research and much prayer, I found the answer. NRM: How do you want The Eikons of God to affect the lives of your readers? SA: I want my readers to see themselves the way God sees them. I also want them to develop their understanding of God’s thought process and specific purpose for creating us the way he did. NRM: The people who read your book may be curious to prove or disprove the points that you raised in The Eikons of God. What would you advise them to do to satisfy their inquiry themselves? SA: Research, Research, Research! I would like for my readers to do research and challenge the information written in my book. This can accomplish three wonderful things: 1. Increase the readers’ knowledge 2. Increases my knowledge 3. Confirm what we both already know.