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Warcraft Cataclysm Pet – Shale Spider is the New Hunter Pet in Warcraft Cataclysm http://cataclysm.ellsed.com
Along with talent trees and newly redesigned zones, coming up in Warcraft Cataclysm is a new kind of hunter pet – the Shale Spiders!
Shale spiders are exotic pets of the Tenacity talent tree. You can find them between levels 82-85 in Deepholm, Twilight Highlands and The Stonecore. And true to the new customizations available in Cataclysm, they also have different colors – green, pink, purple and yellow.
Except for the pink shale spider called ‘Rock Borer’ (level 82, The Stonecore) all other spider pets can be
Warcraft Cataclysm Pet – Shale Spider is the New Hunter Pet in Warcraft Cataclysm
tamed by your hunter character. Shale Spiders feed on a diet of fish and meat and their basic ability is to bite. Their exotic ability is called Embrace of the Shale Spider.
For more, visit: Warcraft Cataclysm – Complete Guide to Pets & Leveling Up Rating
Warcraft Cataclysm Pet – Shale Spider is the New Hunter Pet in Warcraft Cataclysm