Stealth Phone - How a Cell Phone or Recorder Becomes a Stealth Cell Phone Software turns your cell phone into a stealth phone
A stealth phone is simply a listening device that either has recorder abilities on its own, or one that becomes a spy phone through software installation. Option #1: Get an Electronic Listening Device This is an actual recording device in the form of a spy pen that records audio & video, a body-worn microphone that can pick up sounds within a few hundred yards, or an amplifier that enhances sound strength and can be carried in the pocket. This is the original form of “stealth spying” and is still quite effective in certain situations. Option #2: Install a stealth phone software like SpyBubble The cool thing about this method is that it lets you convert your existing cell phone into a stealth phone.
Stealth Phone - How a Cell Phone or Recorder Becomes a Stealth Cell Phone
You don't have to buy expensive hardware, change your handset or tinker with cryptic electronics.  As long as you have a GSM phone (or a smartphone like iPhone, BlackBerry, Android) a stealth software recorder can be installed in it.  It takes just a few minutes to convert a plain vanilla cell phone into a feature-rich spy phone. You also get GPS tracking in the bargain.
Source Website: Find out how to convert your cell phone into a stealth phone
Stealth Phone - How a Cell Phone or Recorder Becomes a Stealth Cell Phone