Lifestyles After 50 Southwest Edition, August 2021

Page 18

7.women Greekriders letter 17.14. OfMixture a generation 15. Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator 4. 8. SoilExpunge loosener 18.15. Pocket bread Thespian 16. High rating 7. Enthusiastic 5. 9. 1, 2,Refer 3, or 6, to 6 Discharge 19.16. Procrastinator’s word 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. 6.10. HasSpring steady pain Commanded 20.17. Warm lunch 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook and line user 7. Bud holder Dessert choice 11. Embraced Bit of cereal 23.18. Originally 19. Ms. Lee named 10. 8. Part of a 90° 12. Cosmetic Take sock advantage of 24.20. Call a from halt ENE to about 20. Felt indignant 9.11. Yrbk. section case item 21. Knickknack 13. Put German article 25. Feudal Nemesis 22. subjects 12. underground 10. Remember Gives a hoot 21. High Bradley schooler 28.22. Rhythm 24. Change direction Beauty’s movie partner 11.13. General 23. Musical numbers 22. Start of faith 25. Final course 32.25. Cuts Article 12.21. Embankment Everybody ANSWER TO #5149 ANSWER TOhalo #5138 26. Bar 25. Cat “...__ by your outfit 34.26. Lament 13.23. Some wearers: abbr. Picture border TO 29. an electrician’s job ANSWER that #5128 you are...” Praying figures 35. Does Beeconstructor colony 19.26. Dazzling display 30. Of __;me!” no longer a minor apossessions meal 27. Winding roads 37.28. “Ah, F A V O R 21.25. S Had B O L D French Rang 31. Jetta or Taurus Keep __ on; 28. Rough 24.26. Cockney residences 38.31. Character in A Othello Carnival attractions O E 33. Moray seeker watch carefully 25.29. Of flying: pref. Part of summer 39.32. West Point student Polo, for one M O N 37. Cheese-producing Taj Mahal’s city Croaker Henpecker 30. Fellow 40.34. Out of __; behavingregion 26.27. E through 39.36. __inappropriately over; helped Bride’s item 27.28. Annoyed Cutlass or Alero 31. Sea duck a difficult period Flamingo or heron 28.29. Corn bread love __ acid 33. Certain messages 41.37.Word with stick or roll 41.38. Plunge 32. Cut into small 29. Dickens or Churchill Tajwho Mahal’s city D 34. Fictional king pieces 42. One acts 42.39. Seasons 30.34. Challenges In __ of Become firm 36. Miles, e.g. like another C 44.40. Surrenders 32.35. Pornography Always Care for fruit trees 39. Tosses 43. Lets O 33.36. Piece of jewelry 46.41. Poet’s contraction France’s Coty Singer TomCJones’ 43. Public 44. Ardent Evaluate 35.38. Deep, widedisturbance cut 47. Sermon topic birthplace I 45. Sight and taste 46.42. Pillages 37.40. Parched 49. Fascination Bargains Underhandedness 47. Existing on a 48.44. DoPastor’s a hairdresser’s job 38.43. River incrackers Switzerland 51. Rejected with disdain territory Not flat 49.45. Follower of 7 word Down 40.45. Word with 54. Lotion ingredient Connecting Like asurface hill oror colony 50.code Fourth page of 51.46. Building Panaceas 55. Force intosite an C H 48. Bach Wagner 41.50. Hospital section a wall hanging Bakery emission 52.47.Admirable people awkward position Like more expensive A I who 43.52. Sahara sights Poetup of old Preposition 56.50. Gives influence others hamburger S 44.51. Ship’s officersite amount With-it 60. Asia’s __and Mountains 53. Insignificant Dandruff 58.51. William Sean O 46.52. Magna __ concern People whoTwork 61. Tract of wasteland Salk’s 54. Complaint 61.54. Reddish-brown animal 47.53. Cain’s in atodarkroom 63. spend rupees Europe/Asia boundary topop a dermatologist 62. Place Tack 48.54. Name for a Frenchman Novel by Melville, 64. Light, rhythmic tune Nest 55. Hot spot 63.57. Gladden 49.56. Cameo-shaped forfoe short 65. Pro’s Periods 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64.58. “__Comparison: Wonderful Life” 50.57. __ Conception Parks abbr. 66. Lacks Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. 57. Did in Myers Stephen A. Williams, Zephyrhills 65.59.Slave ofofold 52. Insignificant amount Field expertise 67. Flower 58. Disencumbers 58. Item in a desk drawer 66.60. Chihuahua children 53. Yeats or Keats Assess 68. Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert 55.59. Son-gun connection Allen and Tillis 69.61. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady 56.60. Eur.Girl’s nationnickname 68.62.Worry Church feature 57. Assn. 63. Pesky one

#5139 The Summer of Road Trips: #5150 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Power Puzzle CROSSWORD PUZZLE

Last Month’s Answers

Enter To Win!

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha




















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1. Make40__; clench ACROSS ACROSS hand Lively party 41 one’s 1. 1.Bargain-hunt 6. 43Family member 41 42 Goes without food 5. 5.Fog 10. Baby’s spot 42 43 Sticks 9.10.44 Read __; recite 14. Country home 44 45 46 Mixture 14.14.47 Novel setting 15. Stratford-on-__ 45 46 Thespian 15.15.Of16. theHigh U.S.A. rating 48 49 50 Discharge 16.16.51 Rent long-term 17. Burstyn or5157 Pompeo 47 48 49 50 5258 53 Commanded 17.17.Of18. a generation Spain’s Juan Carlos I 18. Dessert choice 52 53 54 55 56 57 18. Pocket 19. 63 Ms.bread Lee 54 55 56 57 90° Felt from ENE word 19.20.Procrastinator’s 20. indignant about Knickknack 58 59 60 61 62 subjects 20.21.Warm lunch 22. Feudal 58 59 Gives a60named hoot 24. Change direction 23.22.Originally Musical numbers 63 61 65 25. course 24.23.Call aFinal halt to 62 64 63 25. 26. Everybody Bar 25. Nemesis 26. 29. Picture border 66 67 Does68 an electrician’s job 28. Rhythm constructor 30. Of __; no longer a minor 32.28.Cuts Rang 31. Jetta or Taurus 34.31.Lament Carnival 33. Morayattractions seeker 35.32.Bee colony Polo, for one answers 37. Cheese-producing region Send your answers for a drawing. First correct 37.34.“Ah, me!” Henpecker 39. __ over; helped through in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the 20th of the month will 36.Character Cutlass or Alero a difficult period 39.37.West Point student __ acid win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 40.38.Out __; behaving Tajof Mahal’s city 42. Seasons P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 39. inappropriately Become firm 44. Surrenders with stick or roll Care forPersonal fruit trees 46. Poet’s contraction I want information on: Insurance 41.40.Word Health 42.41.One who actsJones’ 47. Ardent Singer Tom Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financiallike & Fitness another 49. Fascination birthplace Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Homewith Improvements 43.42.Lets 51. Rejected disdain Underhandedness 54. Lotion ingredient 44. Evaluate 44. Pastor’s territory Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 55. Force into word an 46.45.Pillages Connecting awkward position 48.46.DoPanaceas a hairdresser’s job 56. Givesof up7 Down Bakery emission 49.47.Follower Name 60. Asia’s __ Mountains Poet ofsite old 51.50.Building 61. Tract ofpeople wasteland With-it 52.51.Admirable who Address 63. Place to spend 54. influence People who workrupees others 64. Light, rhythmic tune in a darkroom 58. William and Sean 65. Pro’s Novel byfoe Melville, 61.57.Reddish-brown animal 66. Lacks for short 62. Tack 67. Flower Comparison: abbr. City State63.58.Gladden Zip 68. Schnozzola Field of expertise 64.59.“__ Wonderful Life” 69. Meadow covering Assess 65.60.Slave of old Allen and children Tillis Age Phone 66.61.Chihuahua 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 62. Church 67. Late actorfeature Bert 63.14Pesky one 15 68. Worry E-mail 39


5 tips to make your 2021 road trips successful and safe






1. State DOWN DOWN

11414 2. 2 Office 3 cabinet 4 5 15 6 15 1.1.Goes up andMlles. down Heavenly

3.“Ah, Misfortunes 2.2. 17 Nagme!” 14 17 4. Coat part



2 3 4 173 4





18 3.3.Old style Not justfor tacit 21 Hide preparers women riders Mom, dad, or madam 18 21 6.Soil Creator 4.5. loosener Take place 24 25 7. Enthusiastic 2,233, or24 6,the to216école 20 5.6.1,Friend 8.Has 6th steady day ofatLent: 6.7. painabbr. 26 27Greek 28 29 letter holder 267. 27 23 8.Bud Expunge 8.9.Part of a sock 30 31 32 Refer Cosmetic case item 3230 3331 319.11. Yrbk. 28 29 section 10. Spring 12. Put underground 37 38 39 10. Remember Bit of cereal Beauty’s movie partner 36 11. 37 34 35 11.13.General Bradley 42 43 44 12. Take of advantage of 21. Article faith 12. Embankment 39 13. 40 23. “...__ by your outfit 39 German article 38 13. Some halo wearers: abbr. 47 are...” 48 that you 21.Dazzling High schooler 19. display 43 25.42 Had a meal 22. Start 41 42 21. 51 French 53 possessions 54 26.52Cat 25. 24. Cockney45residences 445526. Praying figures 45 46 56 25.27.OfTaj flying: pref. Mahal’s city 27.48 Winding roads 47 49 50 26. Croaker 28. Bride’s 486028. Roughitem 49 61 62 50 27.29.Annoyed Flamingo or heron55 56 54 29. Partbread of summer 28. Corn 6432. Cut into 65 small pieces 52 53 30.Dickens Fellowor 29. Churchill 58 34. In __ of 59 31. Sea duck 30. Challenges 67 68 58 35. 59 Always 60 61 33. Certain Coty love messages 32. 36.Pornography France’s 61 62 34. Fictional king 33. Piece of jewelry 63 38. Sermon topic 64 36. Miles,wide e.g.cut 35. 40.Deep, Bargains 37. Parched 39. Tosses 66 67 43. Not crackers 38. 43. Public disturbance 45.River Like ainhillSwitzerland 40. 48.Word Bach orand Wagner 45. Sightwith taste or colony 50. code Like more expensive 47. Existing on a 41. Hospital section hamburger flat surface 51. Dandruff site 43. Sahara sights 50. Fourth page of Salk’s concern 44.52.Ship’s officer a wall hanging 53.Magna Europe/Asia 46. __ boundary 52. Preposition 54. Nest 47. pop 53.Cain’s Insignificant amount 56.Name Periods 48. for a Frenchman 54. Complaint 57. Conception 49. Cameo-shaped to a dermatologist 58.__Disencumbers 50. Parks 55. Hot spot 59. Brat’s talk amount 52. Insignificant 56. __ PM; 2100 62. Lennon’s lady hours 53. Yeats or Keats 57. Did in 55. Son-gun connection drawer 858. 9 Item in10a desk 56. Eur. nation 11 12 13 59. Mr. Whitney 57. Assn. 16 60. Girl’s nickname 20 5. 17 20 4.

7 187



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17 Lifestyles After 50 • August 2021 • 18 20



18 22 25





23 27 37


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13 13

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DOWN ACROSS DOWN ACROSS 1. Heavenly Mlles. 1. Bargain-hunt 1. Goes up and down 1. Lively party ACROSS DOWN 2. Nag 5. Fog __; “Ah, me!” 5. Goes without 1. Make clench food 1.2.State 3. cabinet Not just Old style for tacit 9. Sticks Read __; recite one’s hand 10. 2.3.Office women riders 4. Mom, dad, or madam 14. Novel member setting 6. Family 3. It’s Misfortunes Mixture officially summer road trip season, which means it’s time to pack your bags, Soil 5.partloosener Take place 10. Baby’s 15. Of thespot U.S.A. 4.4.Coat Thespian pick a destination on the map and go. According to the U.S. Travel Association, 5. 1, 2, 3, or 6, to 6 14. Country home 5. Hide preparers 6. Friend at the école 16. Discharge Rent long-term Has steady 15. Stratford-on-__ 6.6. Creator Commanded 7. nearly Greek pain letter 17. Of a generation while 9 in 10 American travelers have plans to travel in the next six months, 16. High ratingbread Bud 7.7.Enthusiastic Dessert choice 8. holder Expunge 18. Pocket it won’t be overseas. 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 8. Part of a sock 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. 20. 90° from ENE 9. Refer 19. Procrastinator’s word 18. Spain’s Carlos I 9.9.Hook line user Yrbk. section 21. Knickknack 10.and Spring 20. Warm Juan lunch 19. Ms. Lee 10. Embraced 10. Remember 22. Gives a hoot 11. Bit of cereal 23. Originally named As youTake get ready to pile into your car, there are a few things you should check to 20. Felt indignant about 11. Cosmetic case item 11. General Bradley 23. Musical numbers 12. advantage of 24. Call a subjects halt to 22. Feudal 12. Put underground 12. Embankment 25. Everybody make sure your vehicle is ready to face both the miles and the elements. Automo13. German article 25. Nemesis 24. Change direction 13. partner 13.Beauty’s Some movie halo wearers: abbr. 26. Picture border 21.DIY High schoolerEmily Reeves and ChrisFix recommend these tips before you step 28. Rhythm tive experts 25. Final course 21. Article of faith 19. Dazzling display constructor 22.byStart 32. Cuts 26. Bar 23. “...__ your outfit 21. French possessions 28. Rang on the gas. 25. 34. Lament 29. Does an electrician’s youCat are...” 24. that Cockney residences 31. Carnival attractionsjob 26. Praying 30. Of __; colony no longer a minor 35. Bee 25. aflying: meal 25.Had Of pref.figures 32. Polo, for one 31. Jetta orme!” Taurus 26. Keep __ on; 27. Winding roads 37. “Ah, 26. Croaker Check your oil. Motor oil is the lifeblood of your car—it keeps your engine running 34. Henpecker 33. Moray seekerin Othello 28. carefully Rough 38. Character 27. watch Annoyed 36. Cutlass or Alero 37. Cheese-producing region smoothly and reduces wear and tear caused by the open road. For those driving 27. Taj Mahal’s city 29. Part of summer 39. West student 28. Corn bread 37. __ acidPoint 39. __ over; helped through 28. Bride’s item 30. cars, Fellow 40. Out of __; behaving 29. Dickens or it Churchill older could be the determining factor between keeping your engine intact 38. Taj Mahal’s city a difficult period 29. or heron 31. Sea duck 30.Flamingo Challenges inappropriately 39. Become firm 41. Plunge or a costly trip to the repair 32. Cut into small pieces 32. Pornography 33. Certain love messages shop. Make sure you have the correct level of oil and 41. Wordfor with 40. Care fruitstick treesor roll 34. 42. Seasons In __ of 33. Piece of jewelry that fresh.’s Fictional king 42. One who acts 41. Singer Tom Jones’ 44. Surrenders 35. Always 35. Deep, wide cut 36. Miles, birthplace like another 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty e.g. 37. Parched 42. Underhandedness 39. Tosses 43. Lets 47. Ardent 38. Sermon topic Keep engine cool. Coolant is crucial to keeping your car cool during your 38. River in Switzerland 44. Pastor’s 43. your Public disturbance Evaluateterritory 49. Fascination 40. Bargains 40. Word with and taste 45. Connecting word Sight 46. Pillageswith disdain 51. Rejected 43. trip. Not45. crackers It prevents your engine from overheating and protects it from the extreme code or colony 46. Panaceas 47. on a 54. Lotion 48. Do a ingredient hairdresser’s job 45. Like a hillExisting temperatures that come with operating your vehicle. This includes extended time 41. Hospital section 47. Bakery emission 55. Force into an 48. Bach or Wagner flat surface 49. Follower of 7 Down 43. Sahara sights 50. Poet of old awkward position 50. Like more expensive on hot pavement 50. Fourth page ofor stop-and-go traffic when passing through bigger cities. Also, 51. Building site 44. hamburger Ship’s officer 51. With-it 56. Gives up a wall your hanging 52. Admirable people who 46. using air conditioning, you are putting extra strain on the cooling sysMagna __ 54. People work 60. Asia’s __ who Mountains 51. when Dandruff site 52. Preposition influence others 47. Cain’s pop in a darkroom 61. Tract of wasteland 52. Salk’s concern tem, so making sure it is in good shape is important to keep you cool as well. 53. Insignificant amount 58. William and Sean 48.Europe/Asia Name for boundary a Frenchman 57. Noveltoby Melville, 63. Place spend rupees 53. 54. Complaint 61. Reddish-brown animal 49. Cameo-shaped 64. Light, rhythmic tune for short 54. Nest to a dermatologist 62. Tackfoe 50. __ Parks 65. Pro’s 58. Comparison: abbr. 56. “IPeriods recommend PEAK 10x AniFreeze & Coolant as it not only helps keep your en55. Hot spot 63. Gladden 52.Conception Insignificant amount 66. Lacks 57. 59. Field of expertise gine from overheating 56. __ PM; 2100 hours but also has addictive properties that help keep your coolant 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 53. Yeats or Keats 67. Flower 58. Disencumbers 60. Assess 57. talk Did in 65. Slaveand of old 55. Son-gun connection 68. Schnozzola 59. Brat’s 61. Allen Tillis system healthy,” Reeves said. “Based on extensive research and development, the 58. nation Item 66. Chihuahua children 56.Lennon’s Eur. 62. lady in a desk drawer 62. Church feature product has been developed to ensure it protects from the elements while also 59. Mr. Whitney 57. Assn. 67. Late actor 63. Pesky one Bert 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 60. 10 11 nickname 12 13 residue from previous use.” Girl’s out 1 68.2 Worry 3 4 5 6 7 8flushing 9 10 any 11 12 13


24 28


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16 9

16 10




Kick your tires. Make sure your tires have tread and appropriate air pressure. If 19 19 16 they’re too low it, could create drag, which decreases fuel mileage and can wear 22 23 22 19 the tires out. Also be sure to check the air pressure in your spare. 2522

Keep the bugs29 and rain27 28 24 25 30 26 33 35 36 away. It’s34important to 35 32 33 34 ensure 40 41 you have enough 38 37 36 washer fluid and your 45 46 41 windshield wiper blades are 40 49 50 intact 44 should you drive into 43 a swarm of bugs or a sur46 57 58 59 prise47torrential rainstorm. 51



63 51

“Maintaining clear visibility 54 66 55 56 57 is extremely 60 important 69 62 when driving, whether it 63 65 be keeping your windows clean or being 68 able to see the road through rain,” ChrisFix said. “Keep your eyes on the road by using PEAK’s +32 BugCleaner Windshield Wash or +32 Summer Windshield Wash to help remove bugs and dirt from the glass.” 57

Pack the essentials. Should the worst situation arise and you need an immediate fix, having car care essentials on-hand is a time and money saver. Packing extra washer fluid, coolant, a portable toolbox, tire patching solutions and a first aid kit can help avoid an emergency. While it can be a little costly upfront, a small jump starter kit earns its dividends should you stall out. For additional insights on how to maximize your car’s potential, visit

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