Lifestyles After 50 Lake Edition, August 2022

Page 6

CREATIVE CORNER “Summer’s Storm” by Sandi Jean G.

It wasn’t like this earlier it wasn’t peaceful, wasn’t calm but thunder cracked and lightning lit the skies so very loud and strong! Intense were many bolts of brilliance closing around me as I drove should I be pulling over now? should I not be so bold? Well bold was I as I continued to drive on my scary, hairy way barreling through the stormy streets that mid-afternoon one summer’s day I wondered would I make it home? Would I survive this rocky ride? then suddenly the switch had flipped and all was quiet, calm and bright! For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to editor@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.

Lifestyles After 50 • August 2022 • 6

SANTANA AND EARTH, WIND AND FIRE “MIRACULOUS SUPERNATURAL TOUR” AT MIDFLORIDA CREDIT UNION AMPHITHEATRE Delivered with a level of passion and soul equal to the legendary sonic charge of his guitar, the sound of Carlos Santana is one of the world’s best-known musical signatures. For more than four decades, Carlos has been the visionary force behind artistry that transcends musical genres and generational, cultural and geographical boundaries. During the 1970s, a new brand of pop music was born thanks to Earth, Wind & Fire – one that was steeped in African and African-American styles – particularly jazz and R&B but appealed to a broader cross-section of the listening public. When: August 27 at 7 pm Where: MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre At The Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa, FL; 4802 US-301, Tampa Cost: $30 for general admission

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