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TikiFest at Fishermen’s Village

Wanting to celebrate summer the island way? Authentic island music and dance will be presented in various locations at Fishermen’s Village throughout this event. Event admission and parking are free. Enjoy a fun, engaging day at Punta Gorda’s gem, located in Charlotte Harbor. Dine at waterfront restaurants, shop with independently owned boutiques and turn the outing into a getaway! Stay the weekend at the suites located on the second level of Fishermen’s Village. Visit www. FishermensVillage.com or 941-621-6046 for reservations. TIKIFEST HIGHLIGHTS/SCHEDULE: • THE HAWAIIAN BAND OF ORLANDO – Noon, 1 and 2:30 pm, Center Court

• TRADITIONAL HAWAIIAN DANCE BY HULA CONNECTION OF SWFL – 12:30, 2 and 4 pm, first section • FESTIVAL GLITTER AND MATTE TATTOO ARTISTS – Noon to 6 pm, near center court • SPECIALTY VENDORS – Noon to 6 pm, throughout the promenade • STEEL DRUM TROPICAL VIBES BY RAGADY LAPSEY –Noon to 4 pm at Sunset Beach Club • TROP ROCK SINGER BETH TRAVERS – Noon to 4 pm, third section

• PERFORMANCE BY NAPUA POLYNESIAN DANCE TROUPE – 2:30 and 3:30 pm at Center Court • ISLAND MUSIC BY THE RAGADY LAPSEY BAND – 5 to 9 pm at Center Court

• STEEL DRUM MUSIC FEATURING DAVE LAPIO – 5 to 9 pm at Sunset Beach Club

TikiFest at Fishermen’s Village When: August 6, from noon to 9 pm Where: Fishermen’s Village in Punta Gorda

Cost: Free

The Coolest Drink of Summer

By Mark Grevelding

Grocery stores feature an abundance of flavored waters, and social media is abuzz with fancy recipes for summer drinks. Save your money and enjoy a cold glass of water, the healthiest and most refreshing summer beverage of all.


Staying hydrated is crucial for everyone, but it becomes even more important as we age. According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), adults older than 60 are at a higher risk for dehydration due to a natural decline in thirst levels and other reasons.


For the most part, eight glasses of water a day is still good advice, but recent recommendations by the Mayo Clinic reveal that may not be enough for everyone. They list a goal of 15.5 cups of fluids per day for men and 11.5 cups for women. Keep in mind, this metric includes fluids from all beverages and food.


NCOA provides several reasons in an online article. Below are just a few. • Brain performance. Even mild dehydration can impair cognitive function in older adults. • Digestion. Bowel movements can become more irregular as we age. Drinking plenty of water can help your body break down food and keep the digestive process running smoothly. • Joint lubrication. Cartilage in joints contains 80% water. Drinking plenty of water is akin to “oiling” your joints to keep them supple and healthy. A lack of lubrication leads to pain and impaired movement. • Weight loss. Drinking plenty of water along with a high-fiber diet will make you feel fuller and less likely to overeat and snack.


Meeting daily water intake goals is easier said than done. If you refill water bottles as I do, here is a strategy that I use. Try keeping the empty water bottles on the kitchen counter so you can keep track of your water intake during the day. My tendency is to drink less water in the afternoon. However, I get motivated to pick up the pace if I see a dearth of empty bottles on the counter. Whatever strategy you use for hydration, water is always the best choice for a cool summer refreshment. Mark Grevelding is the founder of PoolFit, a fitness app and website that includes over 130 water fitness & in-home workouts suitable for older adults.

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