Dear Ms. Price, My ex and I have been divorced for about five years, and it has been amicable, for the most part. I remarried two years ago and have moved on. After years of concern and worry for his well-being, my ex met a woman this year. I was supportive and happy that he was moving on. The problem is that this woman is 20 years older than my ex, and it is clear that she does not have his best interests as a priority. My daughter says I am not giving his new woman friend a fair chance. I want to be a good hostess and role model for my family during the holidays. What do you think? Ex-Hosted in Gulfport
A Slice of Advice with Ms. Price To submit your questions, email
income, the holidays have been a source of panic for me. Up till now, I have provided boxes of presents for every family member, but this year I have to make a change. I am terrified of letting my family down, but I can’t see how I can continue as I have in the past. Santa-Grandma, Now Retired
Dear “Ex-Hosted,” It is completely natural to have complex feelings about the new woman in your exhusband’s life. Since family is important and being together is the priority for your family, perhaps you can find a therapist to talk through your feelings and to accept that he can not only make his own decisions but that you have no control. Letting him go with love and allowing him to make his own mistakes and live his life will be a positive step for you and your family. -Ms. Price Dear Ms. Price, I am a beyond-blessed mother of five children, grandmother of 12 and a greatgrandmother to two adorable twins. Now that I am officially retired and on a fixed
A SLICE OF ADVICE WITH MS. PRICE Are you in search of advice? We want to help! Send us your situation that requires outside guidance. We want to help anyone looking for advice from an anonymous third party, Ms. Price. Although your submitted material would be published in print and online, our advice column will NOT include your name or email.
For submissions: Send the information (150 words or less) to with a catchy subject line. Submissions must be made before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential publishing in the following issue’s publication. No need to include your name with your submission, and feel free to change the name of any other key people in your situation for complete anonymity. Stories are published on a basis of what space is available.
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 12
Dear “Santa-Grandma,” Bless your heart, Grandma. I can tell from your letter that you would love nothing more than to give as you have in the past, but times change. The first thing I want to emphasize is that you have nothing to be ashamed of. You have given and given, but now the giving is starting to hurt. I would suggest speaking with each child individually and explaining your new situation. I would suggest replacing those toys and ties with experiences. Create new traditions, like Holiday Cookie Baking Day with Grandma or special events like seeing the holiday lights. I have a feeling those special one-on-one moments will shine just as bright in their memories as that present. -Ms. Price
The Early Years of Youth by Carl Norman Johnson The early years of youth I remember so very well. Tho’ they are gone, my memory holds them still. Through middle years, and golden too, passing by with time; I sat and watched them go.
Now, in thinking, a tear arrives, not in sadness, but with joy; that I still remember all with love, with no regret, recalled!
For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to editor@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.