Lifestyles After 50 Lake Edition, December 2021

Page 6

Timeisisis Time 7 Time almostup! up! almost almost up! Time is 7 7 7 Time is almost up! almost Timeup! is Make your Medicare Advantage plan decision now—December 7th is your last day to enroll.





If you haven’t chosen a plan yet, the Value (PPO) plan may be DECEMBER just what

Make your Medicare Advantage plan Make youryour Medicare Advantage plan Make been Medicare Advantage plan you need: you’ve waiting for with all the benefits decision now—December is your decision now—December 7th7th is7th your decision now—December is your Visit an in-network doctor at no $0 enroll. plan lastto day enroll. last day last day totopremium enroll. additional cost in 46 states Make $0 copay for comprehensive and preventive dental services

your Medicare Advantage plan As low as $0 PCP Copay you chosen a plan yet, the Value (PPO) plan may may be just what youhaven’t haven’t chosen adecision plan yet, the Value (PPO) plan may be just what If youIfIfhaven’t chosen a plan yet, the Value (PPO) plan be just what now—December 7th is your DECEMBER Freedom to see for providers both inyou’ve been waiting for with all benefits youneed: need:need: you’ve been waiting for with allbenefits benefits you you’ve been waiting with all thethe you last day tothe enroll. and out-of-network and NO referral Make your Medicare Advantage plan Earn up to $170 in HealthyBlue Rewards


almostTime up! is needed to see a specialist

Make your Medicare DECEMBER plan decision Advantage now—December 7thM is your EDICARE last day to enroll.


Visit an in-network doctor doctor decision now—December 7th is your Visit an in-network anVisit in-network doctoratatno no at no $0 plan premium plan premium $0 plan$0premium additional cost in 46 states additional in 46 states additional cost in cost 46 states lastSo, day to enroll. If you haven’t chosen aDon’t planwait, yet, the if you’re still looking for 2022 call Value today. (PPO) plan may be just what $0 copay for comprehensive and

Medicare let a you’ve licensedbeen local waitingAsfor with benefits low as $0 all PCPthe Copay 1-877-532-0312 $0 copay for comprehensive $0 copay forcoverage comprehensive preventive dental servicesand and as $0 PCP Copay As lowAs as low $0 PCP Copay preventive dental preventive dental servicesservices A&B Insurance and Financial Florida Blue Medicare agent help you


you need:

almost up!

Make your Medicare Advantage plan If you haven’t a planboth yet, plan may be just what Visit an in-network doctor at no Freedom chosen to see providers in- the Value (PPO) find the plan that fits your lifestyle and $0 plan premium and out-of-network and NO referral Earn up to $170 in HealthyBlue Rewards Freedom to see providers both inFreedom to see providers both inadditional cost in 46 states you’ve been waiting for with all the benefitsEarn youupEarn need: needed to see a specialist and out-of-network and NO referral healthcare coverage needs. and out-of-network and NO referral up toin$170 in HealthyBlue Rewards to $170 HealthyBlue Rewards decision now—December 7th is your see a specialist neededneeded to see atospecialist $0 copay for comprehensive and Advantage Make your Medicare Visit an in-network doctor at noAsplan low as $0 PCP Copay premium last day tolooking enroll. preventive dental services So,$0if plan you’re still for 2022 Don’t wait, additional cost in 46 call statestoday.

All benefits are not available on all plans. Florida Blue is a PPO Plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Florida Blue depends on contract renewal. Health coverage is offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., DBA Florida Blue, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. A&B Insurance and Financial is an authorized, independent agent for Florida Blue and Florida Blue Medicare. Out-of network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Florida Blue Medicare members, except in emergency situations. Please calFreedom l our customer seto rvicesee numbeproviders r or see your Evideboth nce of Coinverage for more information, including the cost-sharing$0 thatcopay applies to ofor ut-of-ncomprehensive etwork services. We compland y with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and out-of-network and NO referral up A&B Insurance age, disability, or sex. For more information visit © 2021 Blue Cross and BluAs e Shielow ld of Flas orida$0 , Inc.,PCP DBA Floand rCopay ida BFinancial lue. All rights reservEarn ed. preventive needed to see a Y0011_FBM 1067 2021_M dental services

decision now—December 7th is your




So, if you’re still looking for 2022 Don’t call today. So, ifMedicare you’re still looking 2022 Don’t wait,wait, call today. coverage letfor a licensed local 1-877-532-0312 last day to enroll. Medicare coverage letagent a licensed local Medicare coverage let a licensed local Florida Blue Medicare help you 1-877-532-0312 to $170 in HealthyBlue Rewards 1-877-532-0312 A&B Insurance and Financial A&B Insurance and Financial find the plan that fits agent your lifestyle and you Florida Blue Medicare agent help Florida Blue Medicare help you Freedom to see providers both in- a plan yet, If you haven’t chosen the Value (PPO) plan may be just what

healthcare coverage needs. find the plan thatyour fits your lifestyle and Earn find the plan that fits lifestyle and haven’t and out-of-network and NO referral up to 2022 $170 in HealthyBlue Ifyou’re you chosen plan yet, theRewards Value (PPO) plan be just what So, ifTickets still Sale looking Don’t wait, callmay today. On Dec.for 9thaat 8 am • needed to see a specialist healthcare coverage needs. for with all the benefits you need: healthcare coverage needs. you’ve been waiting All benefits are not available on all plans. Florida Blue iMedicare s a PPO Playou’ve n with a Mecoverage dicarebeen contract. Enrowaiting llet lment ia n Fllicensed orida Bfor lue depwith endslocal on coall ntract rthe enewal. Hbenefits ealth cover1-877-532-0312 age is you need: offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., DBA Florida Blue, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. A&B Insurance and Financial is an authorized, independent agent for FloridFlorida a Blue and FloridaBlue Blue MediMedicare care. Out-of network/noagent n-contracted phelp roviders areyou under no obligation to treat FA&B lorida Insurance and Financial lalulrebeeM cllaeepnots.innFaleolooking nO aaswePiPcthaOllaPoM rosneetdrrvaiicccate.renEunArtists enienroyFolloDon’t umrrieEdnvaitdBienlnuFceelodorefidwait, oncorem nt , fiiactvsaaryou’re aeilraembnelem otobanevras,illeapxbstill lm lripedlragneBsnl.ucFyelsoiisrtiuadaaPtioPBfor lus.ePPlialsen2022 luarnecduwiscittaohrm cm oronbltlermar on ceotrnAppearing . sEtthe enmntrodarscetoirnneftoday. nwtaartailo.cH .vgH verage ian s in-network doctor at no All benefitsBASo, nnoeedtif eaecM pCaeonvBedlursaegoednefcoporcall etrehaaeglethiscoVisit iltuhFelao,prapindliacIanBbdlluee$0 replan aInl ctdiveLiiplcrein gpremium hdsetsenlatowLfsictahenendsBedleouenoofCttrdhoiesscsBriam tahhneideblad i&gcBien,Iannsdu cr.i,pdlDayBwBAthe luniednaCBtrelouosens Sand BsliuAsesosfoSrchaiciaeetl,idoconAl.osVisit rance and in-network doctor at no offered bycoBoffsleut-rseehdCarrbionysgsBthalunatedaCpBprlouliseessSatohniodeuldBt-oluof-efnFeSlthowrioeidrlkdas, oeIrnfvcFic.l,eosDr.iBdWAae,find FcIolnom peF,eednanedthat Ars,o&ncBaitaiIotninosanul.roaArnan plan fits your lifestyle a g e , d i s a b i l i t y , o r s e x . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t fl o r i d a b l u e . c o m / n d n o t i c e . © 2 0 2 1 B l u e C r o s s a n d B l u e S h i e l d o f F l o r i d a , I n c . , D B A F l o r i d a B l u e . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . cost in 46 states oecoverage intdaegpentdfeonrpremium tFallet olruFelicensed loarnidaFBlolruiedaanBdluFellocal oMrieddaicBalruee. O Muetd-oicfanret.wOourtk-o/nf onne-tcw at Florida Financial isFMedicare ainnaanucitahloirsizaenda, uinthd$0 priezendd,eplan ogreidnat fBa oonrtkra/nctoend-cpornotvriadcetersdaprerouvniddeerrs naoreoubnlidgeartinoon otobltirgeatioFnlotroidtareadditional 1-877-532-0312 1M _eFem BdM 7ex2ec0m ibcea1r0es6, m l oeurrcoverage sebrveirceornsuneeds. oartieoinn,fionrcmluadtionng, tihnecludicost ng the in 46 states Blue MediYcBa0lur0ee1m e2pb1te_irnMs,eemxceerpgtenincyem siteuragteionncsy.sPitluehealthcare astieoncasl.lPoluear sceusctaolm sceursvtiocemneur m em e byoeur roEr vsiedeeynoceuroEf vCidoevenrcaegoef fCoor vmeorargeeinfoforrmadditional oourtk-osfe-nrveitcweos.rkWseercvoim cagent eps.lyWweitchom leicrabl cleivFilerdigehratslSoundstage: claivwilsriagnhdtsdloaA&B wnos tadnidsInsurance al origin3, - 13, 2022 cost-sharincFlorida gotsht-asthapripnlgietshtaotBlue oauptp-loief-snetotw appplhelp lyicwabitlheaFpepdyou cdriomniontadteisocnrim tand hienabtaesFinancial iosnotfhreacbea,scioslofr,rnacaeti,ocnoalol ro,rnigaitnio, nMar. Medicare


da/nbdluneo.tciocem. /©©e2C0r2os1sBalnude loufeFSlohriedlad, oInfcF.,loDrBidAaThe BAluFel.oBoys age, disabialigtye,,odrisaebxi.lFitoyr, omrosreex.inFfoorrmoatrieoinnvfoisrim t flaotiroidnavbisluitefl.coorim F, IlnoOak rci.d, D aRidge Arildl raigBhlutser.eAslel rvigehdt.s reserved.Plant City, FL Thu. Mar. 3, 3:30 $0 copay for comprehensive and $25 As low as $0 PCP Copay B0M 67plan 2021_Mthat fits your lifestyle and Y0011_FBYfind M01001617_F2the 211_0M All benefits are not availablepreventive on all plans. Floriddental a Blue is a services PPO Plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Florida Blue depends on contract renewal. Health coverage is offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., DBA Florida Blue, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. A&B Insurance and healthcare coverage needs. Financial is an authorized, independent agent for Florida Blue and Florida Blue Medicare. Out-of network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Florida Blue Medicare members, exFreedom cept in emergento cy sitsee uationsproviders . Please call our cuboth stomer sinervice number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to and out-of-nout-of-network etwork services. We compand ly with NO applicareferral ble Federal civil rights laws and do not diEarn scriminatup e on tto he b$170 asis of racein , coHealthyBlue lor, national origin, Rewards ilitPyl,aonBoys rw seixth. FaoM r medoirceairnefocorm araticotn. EvnisroitllflmoreindBoyz aibnluIIFelMen .croidma/Bnlduneodtiecpe.e© 2s0o2n1cBolnuteraCctroressnaenwdalB. H lueeaSltHome hhieclodvFree orfaFgloeriisda, Inc., DBA Florida BlLauren ue. All Daigle rights reserved. Chicks With Hits All benefits are not avLady ailabAle on all plans. Florida Blaugeei,sdThe aisPaPbBeach O n t t o n d e needed to seeFri.aMar.specialist 4, 7:30 Sat. Mar. 5, 3:30 Featuring Terri Clark, Pam Tillis and Suzy Bogguss 3, 7:30 Fri. Mar. 4, 3:30 Sat. Mar. 5, 7:30 offered by Blue CThu. rossMar. a n d B l u e S h i e l d o f F l o r i d a , I n c . , D B A F l o r i d a B l u e , a n I n d e p e n d e n t L i c e n s e e o f t h e B l u e C r o s s a n d B l u e S h i e l d A s s o c i a t i o n . A & B I n s u r a n c e a n d Y 0 0 1 1 _ F B M 1 0 6 7 2 0 2 1 _ M $35 $25 $40 Sun. Mar. 6, 3:30 $25 $50 $35 Financial is an authorized, independent agent for Florida Blue and Florida Blue Medicare. Out-of network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Florida Blue Medicare members, except in emergency situations. Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services. We comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. For more information visit © 2021 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., DBA Florida Blue. All rights reserved. Y0011_FBM1067 2021_M

$0 copay for comprehensive and preventive dental services

As low as $0 PCP Copay

Freedom to see providers both inand out-of-network and NO referral Earn up to $170 in HealthyBlue Rewards So, if you’re still looking for 2022 Don’t wait, call today. needed to see a specialist Medicare coverage let a licensed localJake Owen 1-877-532-0312 John Anderson Kenzie Wheeler Ricky Nelson Remembered Lee Greenwood The Drifters, Cornell Gunter’s Coasters Tesla Sammy Hagar & The Circle Zach Williams & The Platters A&B Insurance and Financial Florida Blue Medicare agent help youVisit or call 813-754-1996 and get your tickets for the best seats available! So, if you’re still looking today. find thefor plan2022 that fits your lifestyle and Don’t wait, call healthcare coverage local needs. let Nelly a licensed GeneMedicare Watson Cole Swindell coverage Bobby Bones Sun. Mar. 6, 7:30 $40

Mon. Mar. 7, 3:30 $25

Mon. Mar. 7, 7:30 $20

Starring Matthew & Gunnar Nelson Tue. Mar. 8, 3:30 $20

Wed. Mar. 9, 3:30 $25

Tue. Mar. 8, 7:30 $25

Wed. Mar. 9, 7:30 $40

Thu. Mar. 10, 3:30

Thu. Mar. 10, 7:30 $35


Home of OUR

Fri. Mar. 11, 3:30 $20

Fri. Mar. 11, 7:30 $45

& The Raging Idiots

Sat. Mar. 12, 3:30


Sat. Mar. 12, 7:30 $40

The Bellamy Brothers Sun. Mar. 13, 3:30 $20

Sam Hunt

Sun. Mar. 13, 7:30 $55

Florida Blue Medicare agent help you



A&B Insurance and Financial subject • T-Mobile • ZYN • Alessi Bakeries • AMSCOTAll•bAstin enefitsFarms are not •avCandyland ailable on allWarehouse plans. Florida•BlGlobal ue is a PPFrequency O Plan withLiving a Medic•arCircle e contraKct•. ELocal nrollmeFord nt in Dealers Florida Bl•ueO’Reilly dependsAuto on conParts tract re•nGrove eware al. H eEquipment alth to cochange verageService is offe•reNetterfield’s d by Blue CrosConcessions s and Blue Shi• eldVerizon of FloridWireless a, Inc., DB•A Badcock Florida BluHome e, an InFurniture dependent&More L i c e n s e e o f t h e B l u e C r o s s a n d B l u e S h i e l d A s s o c i a t i o n . A & B I n s u r a n c e a n d • Stingray Chevrolet • Uncommon USA • Good Health Saunas • Dakin Dairy Farms • Krazy Kup FinanciaEverywhere! l is an authorize•d,Master indepenSpas dent a•geWyndham nt for FloridaDestinations Blue and Florid•a TRUFFOIRE Blue Medicare•. ODR ut-oBROWN’S f network/noCBD n-con•traEntenmann’s cted providers a•rePortillo’s under no o•blThe igatioBank n to trof eatTampa Florida • Russell’s Western Wear • DIRECTV • Images Concert dates and times

find the plan thatBlufits e Medicayour re members, elifestyle xcept in emergency sitand uations. Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services. We comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. For more information visit © 2021 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., DBA Florida Blue. All rights reserved. healthcare coverage 1067 2021_M Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 6Y0011_FBMneeds.

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