Lifestyles After 50 Southwest Edition, January 2022

Page 18

7. Greek letter

17.10. Of Fisherman’s a generation catch 3. Creator Thailand, once 15. Stratford-on-__ 6. 8. Expungeweapon 18.14. Pocket bread Hipbones 4. Enthusiastic Piercing 16. High rating 7. 9. Refer 19.15. Procrastinator’s word Showsorboldness 5. 6th Worship 17. Burstyn Pompeo 8. day of Lent: abbr. 10. Springand 20.16. Warm lunch Singing voice 6. Hook Grocery containers 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. line user Intimidation 7. Embraced Timetable abbr. 11. Bit of cereal 23.17. Originally 19. Ms. Lee named 10. Meanies 8. Cosmetic Portable shelter: 12. Take advantage of 24.18. Call a halt to about 20. Felt indignant 11. case var. item Evensubjects 9. German city 13. German article 25.19. Nemesis 22. Feudal 12. Put underground Moderates 10. Fighter 21. High schooler 28.20. Rhythm 24. Change direction 13. Beauty’s movie partner 22. Bugs 11. Caught in __; found 22. Start 25. Final course 32.24. Cuts 21. Article of faith Cadiz cheer to be dishonest ANSWER TO #5154 ANSWER TO by #5138 26. Bar 25. Cat 23. 34.25. Lament Punitive 12. “...__ Suffix for your gang outfit or mob ANSWER TO 29. Does an electrician’s that #5128 youfigures are...” 26. Praying 35.26. Bee colony Sewing basket articlejob 13. Turfs 30. Of __; no longer a minor a meal 27. Winding roads 37.29. “Ah, me!” A V O R 25. S Had B O L D Montana, forFone 21. Building wing 31. Jetta or Taurus 26. __ on; 28. Rough Rental agreement 23. Keep Casa rooms 38.30. Character in A Othello O E 33. Moray seeker watch Alert 25. Theater purchase 29. Part of carefully summer 39.34. West Point student M O N 37. Cheese-producing region 27. Mahal’s city 26. Taj Winsome 30. Fellow 40.35. OutFoolish of __; person behaving E through 39. 36. __inappropriately over; helped 28. item Not uniform 27. Bride’s Analyze a sentence 31. Sea duck a difficult period History book 28. Flamingo Preach 29. or heron 33. Certain love messages 41.37. Word with stickdivision or roll Smooth-barked trees 29. Cut Jolt into small pieces 41. 38. Plunge 32. D 34. Fictional king 42. One who acts Equip 31. In Broadcast 42. 40. Seasons 34. __ of 36. Miles, e.g. like another C Organic compounds 32. Always Parisian river 44. 41. Surrenders 35. 39. Tosses Coty 43.43. Lets Miner’s discovery 33. France’s Margins C O 46. Poet’s contraction 36. 43. Public disturbance 44.44. Evaluate Autry or Kelly 35. Sermon Relative, for short 47. Ardent 38. topic I Minute 36. Bargains Singer Bobby 45. Sight and taste 46.45. Pillages 49. Fascination 40. forerunners 38. Not Utah’s __ on Canyon 47. Existing a 48.46. DoEsses’ a hairdresser’s job 51. Rejected with disdain 43. crackers Underworld National Park flat 49.47. Follower of 7 Down 54. Lotion ingredient 45. Like asurface hill Item insite a fall centerpiece 39. Time periods: abbr. 50. Fourth of 51.48. Building 55. Force into an C H 48. Bach orpage Wagner 50. Prefix for content 42. Made into law a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who awkward position 50. Like more expensive A I or function 44. Noble 52. Preposition 56. 51. Gives up __; influence others hamburger S Twenty one-fifth 46. U. S. president 60. Asia’s __and Mountains 53. Insignificant amount 51. Dandruff site 58.54. William Sean Mariners 47. Yokohama yes T O 61. Tract of wasteland 52. 54. Complaint 61.58. Reddish-brown animal News article, for short 49. Salk’s Like barconcern beer 63. Place to spend 53. boundary to a dermatologist 62.59. Tack Sharp growth rupees 50. Europe/Asia Macho 64. Light, rhythmic 54. Help, when tune 51. Nest Lazarus, 55. Hot spotfor one 63.61. Gladden 65. foeshouldn’t 56. you 52. Periods River in Spain 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64. Pro’s “__ Wonderful Life” 66. Lacks Gaelic language 53. Conception Go higher 57. Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. 57. Did in Myers 65.62. Slave of old Bill Graham, Plant City Of the sense of hearing 54. Disencumbers Fem. titles 67. Flower 58. 58. Item in a desk drawer 66.63. Chihuahua children Goose egg 55. Brat’s Double-reed 68. 64. Schnozzola 59. talk 59. Mr. Whitney 67.65. Late actor Bert Three-__ sloth 56. Lennon’s Split 69. Meadow covering 62. lady 60. Girl’s nickname


#5139 #5154 #5129

DOWNDOWN ACROSS ACROSS 1. Tabbies and tigers 1. Bargain-hunt Commandment word 1. Heavenly Mlles. 1. ACROSS DOWN 2. Musical instrument 6. Fog Carry 2. Nag 5. 1. Make __; clench 1. State 3. Do one’s civic duty 10. Mythological ship 3. cabinet Not just tacit 9. Read __; recite one’s hand 2. 4. Office Jolie youngest 14. Over member 4. Gabor’s Mom, dad, or madam 14. Novel setting 6. Family 3. Misfortunes 5. Check casher 15. Sad article, for short 10. Baby’s 15. Of thespot U.S.A. 4. Coat5.partTake place 6. Burial places 16. In __ of; as a 14. Country home 5. Hide6.preparers Friend at the école 16. Rent long-term 7. Acting award substitute for 15. Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator 7. Greek letter 17. Of a generation 8. Sit up? 17. Utter 16. High ratingbread 7. Enthusiastic 8. abbr. Expunge 18. Pocket 9. Latin 18. Villain 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 8. 6th day Lent: abbr. 9. of Refer 19. Procrastinator’s Open-eyed 20. Notice Juan Carlos Iword 10. 18. Spain’s 9. Hook and line user 10. Spring 20. Warm lunch 11. Iranian dollar 21. Part of the ear 19. Ms. Lee 10. Embraced 11. Bit of cereal 23. Originally named 12. __ Kelly 23. Gardner and others 20. Felt indignant about 11. Cosmetic case item 12. Take advantage of 24. Call a subjects halt to 13. Pitcher’s delights 24. Ink containers 22. Feudal 12. Put underground 13. German article 19. Responds 25. Nemesis 25. State: Fr. 24. Change direction 13. Beauty’s movie partner 22. Ten tenschooler 21.over 27. Stickcourse 28. Rhythm 25. Final 21. Article ofHigh faith 24. Hammer part 30. Voting alliance 22.byStart 32. Cuts 26. Bar 23. “...__ your outfit 25. Most famous 31. Wee,aninelectrician’s Scotland job Cat 34. Lament 29. Does that are...” Tennessean 26. Three-__ sloth 34. Pulitzer-winning James 25. Had 26. Praying figures 30. Of __; colony no longer a minor 35. Bee a meal 27. Basketball 35. Secure 31. Jetta orme!” Taurus 26. Keep on; player 27.__Winding roads 37. “Ah, 28. Meanies 36. Tic follower 33. Moray seekerin Othello watch carefully 28. Rough 38. Character When we have the grandkids visiting us, the youngest, Tyler has always had to 29. Red card 37. City inPoint the Great 37. Cheese-producing region 27. Taj Mahal’s 29. Partcityof summer 39. West student 30. Ape oritem man Lake abbr. 39. __ over; helped through 28. Bride’s bring “Baby” from home in order to get to sleep at night. It’s so important that if 30. Fellow 40. Out of State: __; behaving 31. Fence mount 41. Suffix forperiod a difficult 29. Flamingo or heron 31. Sea duck inappropriately 32. City inforgot Georgia ballad or auction 41. Plunge 32. Cut into small pieces he and was left home, we’d have to go back to retrieve it. Likewise, if it 33. Certain love it messages 41. Word or roll 33. Was 42. Uncle with Ben’sstick products 42. Seasons 34. In __ ofsore 34. Fictional king 42. One who acts 35. Hurries got left at our house, we’d have to take it to the boys’ home. 44. Surrenders 43. Lily variety 35. Always 36. ways Miles, like of another 38. Slow speaking 46. Poet’s contraction 44. Last first? 36. France’s Coty ofe.g. 39. 43. Lets 47. Ardent 39. LatvianTosses capital 38. Sermon topic 45. Elderly 43. Public disturbance 44. Evaluate 49. Fascination What “Baby?” 40. Word withisroom or soulI thought you’d never ask. “Baby” is not even a toy replica of 40. Bargains 46. Be at 68.66. Worry Commonplace; dull 57. Holy mlles. 45. Sight and taste 46. Pillages 51. Rejected with disdain 43. Not crackers 46. Small island 48. Poet’s contraction 67. Knight and Kennedy 60. Spanish gold a baby. It’s just 47. 54. Lotion ingredient 48. Do hairdresser’s job 47. 45. Like a hillExisting on a the head attached to the middle of a square piece of cloth. But Goodies 49. Thinametal cable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 55. Force intosite an 48. Bach flat surface 48. Rib or Wagner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 49. Follower of 7 Down 50. Tower whatever its form, it had always provided comfort for the little guy. I questioned awkward 50. Like more expensive __50. up; became informed Fourth page of 53. Building Item keptposition afloat by wind 49. 51. site 14 15 16 56. Gives up with 14 15 16 hamburger cries 54. Go public a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who 50. Sheep his obsession with this thing until I remembered “Rosy Nose.” 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 51. Dandruff site way 51. In52. a skillful 57. Scrapes Preposition influence others 17 17 1818 19 19 61. Tract wasteland 52. Salk’s concern 52. __53. muffins 60. Whiteof non-Mexican, Insignificant amount 58. William and Sean 63. Place spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary 53. Joint to a to Mexican 54. 61. Reddish-brown We Complaint interrupt this column to bring you “A Short History of Teddy Bears”: Everyone 22 20 20 2121 22 23 64. Light, rhythmic tune animal 54. 54. Nest Opposedtoto, hillbilly-style 62. Cry of woe a dermatologist 62. Tackfoe 65. Pro’s 56. Periods 55. Troubles 63. Eucalyptus, for one knows 55. Hot they spot were named after Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, but do you know 63. Gladden 25 23 24 24 25 26 27 66. Lacks 57. Conception 56. Popular flower 64. Coin toss call 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 67. Flower 58. Disencumbers 58. Common contraction 65. “Auld Lang __” why? 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 57. talk Did in 65. Slave of old 68. Schnozzola 59. Brat’s 28 29 30 31 32 33 59. Crude metal 66. Tiny beginning 58. Item 66. 62. Lennon’s lady in a desk drawer 61. Argyll refusal 67. Chihuahua In a __; sort children of 34 35 36 59. Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert 34 35 36 37 In9 1902, President Roosevelt joined a bear-hunting expedition in Mississippi. 11 78 13 33 4 4 5 5 6 67 98 60. 10 11 10 12 1113 12 DOWN Girl’s nickname 68. 22 Worry ACROSS 40 37 38 39 ACROSS 1. Tabbies and tigers 1. 1. Commandment Make40__; clench word 38 39 1. State While he declared the behavior of the other hunters “unsportsmanlike" 14DOWN 15 16 ACROSS 16 9 hunting, 1 14 3 cabinet 4 5 15 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 2. 2.2Musical instrument 6. Carry one’s 41 42 43 44 hand 1. Office Heavenly Mlles. 1. Bargain-hunt 3. Do one’s civic duty 18 18 10. Mythological ship after 17 41 42 17 3. Misfortunes 1919he refused to kill a bear they had captured. As news of this spread, many Nag 5. Fog6. 43Family member 14 4.2.Jolie 15 16 Gabor’s 14.10. Over 45 46 47 Baby’s spot 4. Coat part tacityoungest 3. Not just 9. 15. Read __; recite 5. 5.Check casher21 21 22 across the country featured political cartoons starring “Teddy” and 20 23 Sad article, for short 14. Country home 20 22 newspapers 23 Hide preparers 44 45 46 47 Mom,places dad, or madam 14. 16. setting 17 6.4.Burial 18 19 48 49 50Novel 15. In Stratford-on-__ __ of; as a 6. Creator 5. Take place 15. Of16. the U.S.A. 24 25 26 24 25 “the bear." High rating for 7. 7.Acting award Enthusiastic substitute 48 51 52 53 49 50 51 20 6. Friend at the 21 école 22 16. 17. Rent long-term 54 55 56 5857 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 8. 8.Sit6thup? day of Lent: abbr. Utter 26 7.28 27Greek 28 29 30 27 29 31 32 33 letter 17. 18. Of18. aVillain generation Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Latin abbr. 23 24 Meanwhile, a25Brooklyn 26 27 shop owner saw one of the cartoons and had an idea. He 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61Lee 55 8.Open-eyed Expunge 18. 20. Pocket 63 19. Ms.bread 10. Notice 30 31 32 35 33 34 35 3636 34 9.Iranian Referdollar 19. 21. Procrastinator’s word 20. Feltofindignant about 11. Cosmetic case item 11. Part the ear 28 29 30 31 32 his wife 33 created plush, stuffed bears and placed them in the front window of 63 61 6462 58 6259 60 and 10. Spring 20. 23. Warm lunch 22. Feudal subjects 12.__Put underground 12. Kelly 37 38 40 41 Gardner and others 37 38 39 39 40 11. Bit of cereal 24. Change direction 23. 24. Originally named 13.Pitcher’s Beauty’s movie partner 35 13. delights Ink containers 34 36 37 66 64 67 their shop. 63 65 25. course 42 43 42 44 45 46 43 12. Take of advantage of 21.Responds Article faith 24. 25. Call aFinal halt65 to 41 19. State: Fr. 26. Bar 23.Ten “...__ by your outfit 39 13. German article 25. 27. Nemesis 22. over ten Stick 38 40 47 are...” 48 49 66 67 4421.Hammer 46 5047 29. Does68 an electrician’s job 24. that you High schooler 28. 30. Rhythm part 45 Voting alliance With permission from Roosevelt, the shop owners named the bears “Teddy 30. Of __; longer a minor 41 25. Had 22. Starta meal Tennessean 32. 31. Cuts 42 43 25. Wee, in no Scotland 51 Most 52 53 famous 54 48 49 31. Jetta or Taurus 26.Three-__ 25. Cat 34. 34. Lament sloth Pulitzer-winning James 26. bears.” They were an instant success. Ladies and children carried the bears with 33. colony Moray seeker 44 45 46 47 26.Basketball figures 35. 35. Bee 55 56 53 57 58 5459 55 27. player Secure 51Praying 52 56 37. Cheese-producing region 5027. 27.Meanies Taj Mahal’sroads city Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers Winding 37. 36. “Ah, me!” them in public. President Roosevelt even used the teddy bear as his mascot 28. Tic follower 39. __ over; helped through 486028. Bride’s item 49 61 62 50 51 63 28. Rough 57 58 59 60 61 card Character in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the37. 20th the month will 29.29.Red Cityaof in the Great difficult period Flamingo or heron when he ran for re-election. 29.Ape Part summer 30. orofman 39. West Point student Lake State: abbr. win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 6432. Cut into 52 65 63 small pieces 53 54 66 55 56 57 62 64 31. Fence mount 30. Fellow Suffix 40. 41. Out ofSeasons __;for behaving 42. 34. In __ of P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 32. City in Georgia 31. Sea duck or auction inappropriately 67 68 69 44. ballad Surrenders 35. Always 5865 59 60 61 62 you now to our regularly scheduled column: I don’t know how big my 66 67 We return 33. soreCoty Uncle products 33. Certain love messages Word withBen’s stick or roll 46. Poet’s contraction 36.Was France’s I want information on: Insurance 41. 42. Personal Health 35. Lily variety 34. Fictional king 42. 43. One who acts 47. Ardent 38.Hurries Sermon topic 63 64 65 “Rosy Nose” was, but I know, I initially carried the bear around with teddy bear Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial Fitness 38. ways Last of&first? 36. Miles, e.g.of speaking another 49. Fascination 40.Slow Bargains 39. capital Elderly 39. Tosses Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Homewith Improvements 43. 45. Lets 51. Rejected disdain 66 67 68 43.Latvian Not crackers my arms wrapped around it, until I grew bigger. I think I also had to take the bear 40. room or soul BeLotion at Automobiles 43. Public 54. ingredient 44. 46. Evaluate 45.Word Like awith hilldisturbance Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages 46. Poet’s 55. Forcecontraction into an 48.Small Bach orand Wagner 45. Sightisland taste with me when I went to bed, just like Tyler and “Baby.” 46. 48. Pillages 47. metal cable awkward position 50.Goodies Like more on expensive 47. Existing a 48. 49. Do Thin a hairdresser’s job 48. Ribflat Tower 56. Givesofsite up7 Down hamburger surface 49. 50. Follower Name up; became 60. Asia’s Mountains Item kept by wind 49. 51.__Dandruff site ofinformed If my parents were still alive, I would sit them down so I could make my 50. Fourth page 51. 53. Building site__afloat 61. ofpeople wasteland 50.52.Sheep cries Salk’s concern GoTract public with who a wall hanging 52. 54. Admirable Address 63. Place to spend rupees confession: “Mom! Dad! I must tell you something. ‘Rosy Nose’ was female!” A 51. a skillful way 53.InEurope/Asia boundary 57.influence Scrapes 52. Preposition others 64. Light,non-Mexican, rhythmic tune 54.__Nest 52. muffins White 53. Insignificant amount 58. 60. William and Sean few years ago, The Joy of my Life bought me two small stuffed “Rosy Noses” (no 65.toPro’s foe 56.Joint Periods 53. a Mexican 54. Complaint 61. Reddish-brown animal 66. Lacks Conception 54.57.Opposed to, hillbilly-style Cry of woe to a dermatologist 62. 62. Tack pun intended). They live in my office rather than on the bed. My Joy will tolerate 67. Flower 58.Troubles Disencumbers 55. Eucalyptus, for one 55. Hot spot Gladden City State63. 63. Zip 68. Schnozzola 59.Popular Brat’s talk 56. flower 64. Coin toss call 56. __ PM; 2100 hours no such competition. 64. “__ Wonderful Life” Meadow Lennon’s lady 58.62.Common 65.69. “Auld Langcovering __” 57. Did in contraction 65. Slave of old 59. Crude metal 66. Tiny beginning Age Phone drawer 66. Chihuahua children 3 4 5 6 7 858. 9 Item in10a desk 61. Argyll refusal11 12 13 67.1 In2 a __; sort of Mike Wright can often be found at rallies, protesting the use of actors dressed in 59. Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert 14 15 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 60. 8 Girl’s 9 10 11 12 13 nickname 68.1 Worry E-mail

Last Month’s Answers


Enter To Win!

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha




bear costumes rather than hiring real bears.


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