Lifestyles After 50 Sarasota Edition, July 2022

Page 17

5. 5. Hide preparers 15. Old Greek marketplace __ L. Jackson 7. Greek letter 17. Stratford-on-__ Of a generation 15. 6. 6. Creator 16. Event usually held in May Marble 8. Expunge 18. Pocket bread 16. 17. High rating 7. 7. Enthusiastic Incline Vanished 9. 6th Refer 19.18. Procrastinator’s word 17. Burstyn or skillfully Pompeo 8. dayGreek of Lent: abbr. Handle 8. Late tycoon 10. Spring 20.20. Warm lunch 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook and line user R-V center 9. Exhaust 11. Embraced Bit of cereal 23.21. Originally named 19. Ms. Lee used 10. Word to Lymphatic organof 12.10. Take advantage 24. Felt Calldescribe a halt toa about 20. indignant 11. Cosmetic baby 11. Algeriancase port item 13. Put German article 25.22. Nemesis 22. Feudal subjects 12. underground Actress Zellweger 12. Musical symbol 21. Beauty’s High schooler 28.23. Rhythm 24. Change direction 13. movie partner Free-for-all 13. Pintail duck 22. Start 25. Final course 32.25. Cuts 21.19. Article of faith Item on a death Incited ANSWER TO #5138 26. 25.21. Cat 23. “...__ by your outfit 34. Bar Lament certificate __ in; wearing ANSWER TO #5128 TO #5160 29. Does an electrician’s job ANSWER that youfigures are...” 26.24. Praying 35.26. Bee colony Handbook Franc replacer 30. Of __; no longer aOminor a meal 27. Winding roads 37.28. “Ah, me!” FM A V R O A LR 25. FS25. LHad O W Tsea EB SOT L D Current styles Russian 31. Jetta or Taurus 28. Rough 38.31. Character Othello Eats likein__A A G E N A 26. A 26. OKeep N E__ on; A L O EO E Vertical pole 33. Moray seeker watch 29. Part of carefully summer 39.32. West Point student Sandwich necessity 27. Have __ to pick C R O O N T R A N S P I R EO N M 37. Cheese-producing region 27. Taj Mahal’s city 30.28. Fellow 40.34. OutList-shortening of __; behaving PrefixP forEgraph Eabbr. S C L 28. A NBride’s S T S EY through 39. __inappropriately over; helped item 31. Seaorduck 36. Mediocre a difficult period or L Flamingo S L communication I love D heron 33. Certain messages 41.37. Word with stick or roll P E A 29. Warbling sound 29. Train mishap 41. Plunge 32. Cut into small pieces S T A R R Y E N I D C P A D 34. Fictional king 38. 8100 square feet, for 42. One who acts 30. Large beer mug 42. Seasons 34. In __ of A V E S 32. TMiles, E R e.g. E edge R U N aanother baseballCEdiamond 36. like Teacup’s 44. Surrenders 35. Always Trinitrotoluene, 39. Tosses E S S R 36. E 33. HFrance’s E S from A L S 43.39. Lets __ A of;Rfree CD ORfamiliarly 46. Poet’s contraction Coty 40. Veiled one 43. Public disturbance 44. Ardent Evaluate 35. Fires G E R L O N E R A S S E 47. 38. Sermon topic I Bilbao’s location 45. Sight 46.41. Pillages Playing 49. Fascination E S T O D 40. O 37. RBargains Rand A card Staste H E R highly 47. Existing Cathedral 48.42. DoRespect a hairdresser’s job A P E 43. 51. Rejected with disdain Not crackers R 38. C A S on H aprojection Sinks 39. Animal flat surface 49.44. Follower of 7 Down 54. Lotion ingredient 45. Like a hill S H A M E E L M S L A S Loftinto bundle Keep 50.41. Fourth of 51.45. Building site 55. Force an C H 48. Bach orpage Wagner Abutton E who R O S P 50. A 43. CLike E E Lexpensive E C T Everybody’s From that place a wall hanging 52.46. Admirable people awkward position more A I Cityup on the Rhone T I E R A 52. G 44. RPreposition A TradeT I A R A 56. 47. Gives influence others hamburger S Naked E R S E L 51. O 46. UDandruff TMother-of-pearl Ssite I amount D E S 60. Asia’s __and Mountains 53. Insignificant 58.50. William Sean T O to Was Highest point 61. Tract of introduced wasteland 52. Salk’s concern 54.47. Complaint 61.51. Reddish-brown animal Neutralize Charles VIIboundary 63. Place to spend rupees 53.48. Europe/Asia to a dermatologist 62.54. Tack Give up Henry II 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. 55. Nest Hotand spot 63.57. Gladden desire 65. Pro’s foe 56. Periods 56.49. __Strong PM; 2100 hours 64.58. “__Hodgepodge Wonderful Life” category: abbr.E. Curtis, 66. Lacks 50. Worms, often 57. Conception Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. Myers N. Ft. 57. Did in Myers 65. SlaveWilliam of old 59. Wavy fabric 67. Advantage 58. Disencumbers 58.52. Item in a desk drawer 66. Flower Chihuahua children “Bus Stop” playwright 68. 60. Schnozzola Abound 59. Brat’s talk 59.53. Mr. Whitney 67.61. Late actor Bert This: Sp. 69. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady bird 55. Earthbound 60. Girl’s nickname 68.62. Worry State 56. Nonsense 63. 3Knickknack 57. One hundred 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 two 12 13


Last Month’s Answers

Enter To Win!

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha




1 14 14 17 17 20 20



3 173







7 8 9 187 8

15 20




It’s not that I haven’t had time to write anything; I have. It’s just that the needle on my energy tank is pointing to empty. I am totally exhausted.




16 9








16 As caregiver for my wife, I’ve gone above and beyond taking 19 16 19 measures: washing my hands raw, masking inside our 22 preventative 23 19 22 home, changing and laundering all sheets, blankets and pillowcases; 22 25spraying antiseptic throughout, and staying at the opposite ends of the she in the bed. 24house, me in 25 the 26 recliner, 27 29 30 34



34 35 In spite of everything, she home tested positive three days ago, then 41 36 37 38at the again walk-in the next morning. 45 46






49 54

46 46

50 Unlike me, she was given a new twice-a-day medication called Paxlovid 43 and only 5 days of quarantine: a classic example of the old Double 47 57 58rearing 59 Standard its ugly head, once again!



63 51




We had both planned on re-testing post-quarantines again but were 57 54 66 55 56 57 told it60 would be a waste of time because once you get it, it can show 69 62 positive for three or more months afterward. 63


I’ve not shaved all this time but will do so tonight at her insistence. 68 There was a time this much facial hair looked rather “cool,” dare I say “sexy.” Now, I look like an old street wino who sneaks sips out of a paper bag or a grizzled cowpoke sitting by the campfire after herding cattle for weeks. “More beans, Mr. Taggart?” July is “Regular Health Exam Month” Mike urges you to get your exams, as well as vaccines if you haven’t already, and to not determine your health and well-being by opinionated misguided individuals or groups. Use the brains and common sense you were born with and live to laugh another day.


Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 17

19 22


22 31



23 27

I’m sitting at my keyboard, staring at a blank screen. My deadline is peering at me over the wall like Killroy, but he’s tapping his wristwatch.



18 21 28 21


11 12 13 19 10 11 12 13


24 26



15 18

23 30 26



1. Heavenly Mlles. DOWN DOWN Nag 1. State 1. 2. Little kids Not just 2. Office cabinet 2. 3. Miner’s entrytacit 4. Mom, dad,once or madam 3. Misfortunes 3. Ann & Abby, 4. Coat partTake place 4. 5. Discarded piece 5. Hide preparers Friend at the école 5. 6. __ L. Jackson 6. Creator Greek letter 6. 7. Marble 7. Enthusiastic 7. 8. Vanished Expunge 8. 6th of Lent: abbr. 8. day Late Greek tycoon 9. Refer 9. Hook and line user 9.10. Exhaust Spring 10. 10. Embraced Lymphatic organ 11. Bit of cereal 11. 11. Cosmetic case item Algerian 12. Take port advantage of 12. 12. Put underground Musical symbol 13. German article 13. 13. Beauty’s movie Pintail duckpartner 21. High schooler 21. 19. Article of faith Incited 22. Start 23. 21. “...__ byin; your outfit __ wearing 25. that youCat are...” 24. Franc replacer 26. Praying 25. 25. Had a meal Russian seafigures 26. 26. Keep __Winding on; poleroads 27. Vertical watch carefully 28. Rough 27. Have __ to pick 27. 28. Taj29. Mahal’s city Part ofgraph summer Prefix for 28. Bride’s item 30.orFellow communication 29. 29. Flamingo or heron Train mishap 31. Sea duck 32. 30. Cut33. into small pieces Large beer mug Certain love messages 34. 32. In __Teacup’s of edge 34. Fictional king 35. 33. Always __ of; free e.g. from 36. Miles, 36. 35. France’s Coty Fires 39. Tosses 38. 37. Sermon topiccard Playing 43. Public disturbance 40. 38. Bargains Cathedral projection Sight and taste 43. 39. Not45. crackers Animal 47. 45. Like a hillExisting on a 41. Keep 48. Bach or Wagner flat surface 43. From that place 50. Like more expensive Fourth page of 44.50. Trade hamburger a wall hanging 46. Mother-of-pearl 51. Dandruff site Preposition 47.52. Highest point 52. Salk’s concern Insignificant amount 48.53. Charles VII 53. Europe/Asia boundary 54.and Complaint Henry II 54. Nest to desire a dermatologist Strong 56. 49. Periods Worms, often 55. Hot spot 57. 50. Conception Advantage 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 58. 52. Disencumbers Abound 57. Did in 59. 53. Brat’s talk Earthbound 58. Item desk drawer 62. 55. Lennon’s lady in abird 56.59. Nonsense Mr. Whitney One hundred 8 957.60. 10 11 nickname 12 two 13 Girl’s

A week ago yesterday, I tested positive for Covid after which I drove straight to the walk-in clinic so they could confirm for me that it was a “false positive.” The nurse practitioner came back and reported that I tested negative for Flu A and Flu B but positive for Covid-19. He assigned me a 10-day quarantine but gave me no medications, so I took all the advice and recommendations of friends, neighbors and relatives. My next-door neighbor (former nurse) gave me her remaining unexpired Z-Pack, from when she and her husband went #5129 through this. My new regime included additional vitamins C, D, zinc #5139 #5161and onions (sandwiches), drinking more water than usual, and sitting additional Vitamin D. 8 9 in the 10 sun 11 for 12 13





ACROSS 1. Bargain-hunt ACROSS ACROSS 5. Fog __; lunch, 1. 1. Mexican Make clench perhaps 9. Stories Read __; recite 5. one’s hand 14. Novel member setting 10. 6. Offspring Family 14. 10. Stench Baby’s 15. Of thespot U.S.A. 14. Old Country home 15. Greek marketplace 16. Rent long-term 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. Event usually held in May 17. Of a generation 16. Incline High ratingbread 17. 18. Pocket 17. Handle Burstyn or Pompeo word 18. skillfully 19. Procrastinator’s 18. R-V Spain’s Juan Carlos I 20. center 20. Warm lunch 19. Word Ms. Lee 21. used to 23. Originally named 20. Felt indignant about describe a baby 24. Call a subjects halt to 22. Actress Feudal 22. Zellweger 25. Nemesis 24. Free-for-all Change direction 23. 28. Rhythm 25. Item Final course 25. on a death 32. Cuts 26. Bar certificate 34. Lament 29. Handbook Does an electrician’s job 26. 30. Current Of __; colony nostyles longer a minor 35. Bee 28. 31. Eats Jetta orme!” Taurus 37. “Ah,like 31. __ 33. Sandwich Moray seeker 32. necessity 38. Character in Othello 37. List-shortening Cheese-producing region 34. abbr. 39. West Point student 39. __ over; helped through 36. Mediocre 40. Out of __; behaving a difficult period 37. Warbling sound inappropriately 41. 8100 Plunge 38. square feet, for 41. Word with stick or roll 42. Seasons a baseball diamond 42. One who acts 44. Surrenders 39. Trinitrotoluene, familiarly like another 46. Veiled Poet’s contraction 40. one 43. Lets 47. Ardent 41. Bilbao’s location 44. Evaluate 49. Respect Fascination 42. highly 46. Pillageswith disdain 51. Sinks Rejected 44. 54. Lotion ingredient 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 45. Loft bundle 55. Everybody’s Force into an 49. Follower ofbutton 7 Down 46. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 awkward 51. City Building site 47. on theposition Rhone 14 15 16 56. Naked Gives up 52. Admirable people who 50. 14 15 16 60. Asia’s __ Mountains influence others 51. Was introduced to 17 18 19 61. Neutralize Tract of wasteland 54. 58. William and Sean 17 18 19 63. Place to spend rupees 57. Give up 61. Reddish-brown 20 21 22 64. Light, rhythmic tune animal 58. Hodgepodge 62. Tackfoe 20 21 22 65. Pro’s category: 63. Gladden abbr. 23 24 25 26 27 66. Lacks 59. Wavy fabric 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 67. Flower 23 24 25 60. “Bus Stop” playwright 65. Slave of old 68. Schnozzola 28 29 30 31 32 33 61. This: Sp. 66. Chihuahua children 26 27 28 29 30 62. State 67. Late actor Bert 34 35 36 37 63. Knickknack 1 3 4 5 6 7 68. 2 Worry 31 32 33 34 35 ACROSS 1 2 1. 3State4 5 6 7 1. Make __; clench 38 39 40 ACROSS DOWN DOWN ACROSS 1 14 2. 2 Office 3 cabinet 4 5 15 6 36 37 38handperhaps one’s 1. Bargain-hunt Mexican lunch, 1. Little kids Mlles. Heavenly 1. 14 15 6. 43Family member 5. Fog Stories 41 42 17 3. Misfortunes 18 Nag entry 5. 14 2. Miner’s 15 39 40 10. 41 Baby’s spot 4. Ann Coat part 10. Offspring 3. Abby, 17 18 Not &just tacitonce 9. Read __; recite 14. Country home 20 21 5. Hide preparers 14. Stench 44 45 46 4. Discarded Mom, dad,piece or madam 14. 47 Novel setting 17 4. 18 Stratford-on-__ 42 43 4415.Greek 6. __ Creator 15. Of Old marketplace 20 21 5. L. Jackson 5. Take place 15. theHigh U.S.A. 24 16. rating 7. Enthusiastic 16. 51 Event long-term usually held in May Marble 48 49 50 20 6. 21 école 6. Friend at the 16. Rent 58 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 8. 23 6th day 24 of Lent: abbr. 45 46 17. Incline 26 7. 28 29 7.27Vanished Greek letter 17. Of18. a generation Spain’s Juan Carlos I 18. Handle skillfully55 56 57 8. Late Greek 23 tycoon 52 53 54 18. Pocket bread 26 278. Expunge 63 19. Ms. Lee 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 20. R-V center 30 9. Exhaust 31 32 9. Cosmetic Refer case 19. Procrastinator’s word 20. Felt indignant about 11. item 21. Word used 28Lymphatic 29 organ 32 3033 58 59 60 61 62to 31 10. 10. Spring 20. Warm lunch 22. Feudal subjects 12. Put underground 37 38 39 54 55 56 57 describe a baby 11. Algerian port 11. Bit of cereal 24. Change direction 23. named 13. Beauty’s movie partner 35 22. Originally Actress Zellweger 36 34 12. Musical symbol 37 63 64 65 25. aFinal course 42 43 44 12. Take advantage of 21. Article of faith 24. Call halt to 58 59 60 23. Free-for-all 13. Pintail duck 26. Bar 23. “...__ by your outfit 13. German article 25. Nemesis 39 39 38 19. Incited 40 25. Item on a death 47 48 66 67 29. Does68an electrician’s job that you are...” 21. High schooler 28. Rhythm 61 62 certificate63 in;a wearing 30. Of __; no longer a minor 41 21. 25. __ Had 42 43meal 22. Start 32. 42 26. Cuts Handbook 51 52 53 replacer 24. Franc 31. Jetta or Taurus 26. Cat 25. 34. 28. Lament Current styles 25. Russian sea 33. colony Moray seeker 45 445526. Praying 45 figures 35. 56 31. Bee Eats __ 26. pole 37. like Cheese-producing region 27. Vertical Taj Mahal’s city Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 27. Winding roads 37. me!” 32. “Ah, Sandwich necessity 27. Have __ to pick 47 48 49 50 39. __ over; helped through 486028. Bride’s item 49 61 62 50 28. Prefix Rough in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the 20th aofdifficult the month 34. Character List-shortening abbr. will 28. for or graph period 29. Flamingo heron 29. Part of summer 39. Point student 54 64 5565 56 36. West Mediocre or communication win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 32. Cut into 52 small pieces 30. Fellow 40. __;sound behaving 37. Out Warbling 29. mishap 42.of Seasons 34. Train In __ of P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 58 67 31. Sea duck 5968 inappropriately 38. 8100 feet, for 44. square Surrenders 35.59Large Always 58 30. 60 beer mug 61 33. Certain Coty love messages diamond Word with stick or roll 32. edge Poet’s contraction 36. Teacup’s France’s I want information on: Insurance 41. Personal Health 61 62 34. Fictional king 39. One Trinitrotoluene, familiarly 42. who acts of; free from 47. Ardent 38. __ Sermon topic 63 33. 64 Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 40. Veiled one 36. Miles, e.g. like 49. another Fascination 35. 40. Fires Bargains 41. Bilbao’s location 39. Tosses Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Home Improvements 43. Lets 51. Rejected with disdain 66 37. 67 card 43. Playing Not crackers 42. Evaluate Respect highly 43. Public 54. Lotion ingredient 44. 45. Cathedral Like a hilldisturbance 38. projection Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 44. Sinks 55. Force into an 48. Animal Bach Wagner 45. Sightorand taste 39. 46. Pillages 45. Do Loftabundle awkward position 50. Keep Like more on expensive 47. Existing a 41. 48. hairdresser’s job 46. Everybody’s button 56. Gives up hamburger 43. From that place flat surface 49. Follower of 7 Down Name 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 47. Building City on the 51. Trade Dandruff site of 44. 50. Fourth page 51. siteRhone 61. Tract ofpeople wasteland 52. Mother-of-pearl Salk’s concern 50. Admirable Naked 46. a wall hanging 52. who Address 63. Place to spend rupees 53. Highest Europe/Asia 51. Was introduced to 47. pointboundary 52. Preposition influence others 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. Charles Nest 54. William Neutralize 48. VII amount 53. Insignificant 58. and Sean 65. Pro’s foe 56. Periods 57. Reddish-brown Give up and Henry II 54. Complaint 61. animal 66. Lacks 57. Conception 58. Tack Hodgepodge 49. Strong to a desire dermatologist 62. 67. Flower 58. Worms, Disencumbers category: abbr. 50. often 55. Hot spot Gladden City State63. Zip 68. Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk 59. Wavy fabric 52. Advantage 56. __ PM; 2100 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 69. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady hours 60. “Bus Stop” playwright 53. 57. Abound Did in 65. Slave of old 61. This: Sp. 55. Earthbound bird Age Phone 66. children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 858. 9 Item in10a desk 11 12drawer 13 62. Chihuahua State 56. Nonsense 59. Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert 63. Knickknack 57. One hundred two 14 15 16 60. Girl’s nickname 68. Worry E-mail



24 28




25 26 30


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