Lifestyles After 50 Suncoast Edition, July 2021

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7. Greek letter 17. 9. OfComplete a generation 15. Stratford-on-__ accompaniment 6. Creator 14. Left Bank companion 8. Expunge assistants 18. Pocket 4. Enthusiastic Attorneys’ 16.15. High 7. In rating thebread center of 9. Refer 19.16. Procrastinator’s word 5. 6th Said farewell 17. Burstyn 8. day of Lent: abbr. Swiftlyor Pompeo 10. Springand line 20.17. Warm lunch 6. Hook Singer/actor Eduser 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos __ up; entered on I 9. 11. Bit of cereal 23. Ms. Originally named 7. Embraced Blood giver’s donation 19. aLee cash register 10. 12. Take advantage of 24.18. Call a Nevada halt to about 8. Cosmetic Idolize __, 20. Felt indignant 11. case item 9. Put Oil transport 13. German article 25.19. Nemesis Put asubjects stop to 22. Feudal 12. underground 10. Beauty’s Mayberry resident 21. High schooler Pool maneuver 28.20. Rhythm 24. Change direction 13. movie partner 11. Article Compulsory payment Spike, for one 22. Start of faith 25. Final course 32.23. Cuts 21. 12. TO Playing card ANSWER TO#5148 #5138 Period lasting trois moisANSWER 26. Bar 25. Cat 23. “...__ by your outfit 34.24. Lament 13. __ on;#5128 tempted TO Commercials 29. Does an electrician’s job ANSWER that you are...” 26. Praying figures 35.25. Bee colony 21. Dispatched Ramble 30. Of __;me!” no longer a minor a meal 27. Winding roads 37.28. “Ah, F A V O R 25. S Had B O L D 22. Furry __ swimmer Enjoy one’s RV 31. Jetta or Taurus 26. 28. Keep Rough on; 38.32. Character in A Othello O E 25. Get even for 34. Restrict 33. Moray seeker watch 29. Part of carefully summer 39.35. West Point student 26. One who won’t M O N Not taped 37. 27. Mahal’s city 30. Taj Fellow 40. Cheese-producing Out of __; behavingregion accept item the truth Nota E through 39.37. __inappropriately over;__ helped 28. Bride’s 31. Sea duck 27. Flamingo Nodded offor heron 38.a difficult Sour substance period 29. 33. Certain love messages 41. Word withfood stickforor roll 28. One millionth Provide 41.39. Plunge 32. Cut into small D 34. Fictional king pieces 42. Onea banquet who acts of a meter 42. Seasons 34. In __ of 36. Miles, e.g.arrival 29. Ellis Island like another Make a littleCcut 44.40. Surrenders 35. Always 30. Verve 39. Tosses Coty Encourage 43.41. Lets C O 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s 31. Baptisms & weddings Unique individual 43. Public disturbance 44.42. Evaluate 47. Ardent 38. topic I 33. Sermon Positive response Synonym specialist 45. Sight and taste 46.43. Pillages 49. Fascination 40. Bargains 34. Magna cum back 47. Existing on __ a 48.44. DoOfa the hairdresser’s job 51. Rejected with disdain 43. Not crackers 36. __ Miles Assortment flat asurface 49.46. Follower of 7 Down 54. Lotion ingredient 45. Like hill 39. Plum or orange Wind direction: abbr. 50. Fourth page of 51.48. Building 55. Force intosite an C H 48. Wagner 43. Bach 78 andor45 49. Uno y uno a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who awkward position 50. more expensive A I 45. Like Decorates 51. Australian bird 52. Preposition 56.52. Gives up Washingtoninfluence others hamburger 47. In a humble way S Of the 60. __ Mountains 53. Insignificant 51. Dandruff site amount 58. Asia’s William and Sean 50. Sandal part Idaho-Oregon area T O 61. Tract of wasteland 52. 54. Complaint 61.58. Reddish-brown animal 52. Salk’s __ tideconcern Kitchen appliance 63. Place to spend rupees 53. boundary to acharacter dermatologist 62.61. Tack 53. Europe/Asia Main Stink 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. 55. Hot spot by degrees 54. Nest Withdraw 63.62. Gladden Tribe member 65. Pro’s foe 56. 55. Periods Times 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64.63. “__SriWonderful Life” Lankan, for one 66. Lacks 57. 56. Conception Tear Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. Sea of in old the former L. USSR 57. Did in Myers Janet Clayton, Tampa 65.64. Slave 67. Flower 58. 57. Disencumbers Close Mauna Loa emission 58. Item in a desk drawer 66.65. Chihuahua children 68.66. 59. talk 58. Brat’s Loony Trickles 59. Mr. Whitney 67. Schnozzola Late actor Bert 69.67. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s ladyabbr. 59. UN member: Animal with a mane 60. Girl’s nickname 68. Worry 60. One dozen togas 68. River in Europe


Last Month’s Answers

Enter To Win!

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha






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1. Make40__; clench ACROSS ACROSS43one’s hand 1. Bargain-hunt 1. Cereal dish 41 42 5. Fog6. 43Family member 5. Family member spot 44 45 46 4710. Baby’s 9. Read __; recite 14. Country home 9. 47 Complete 44 45 46 14. Novel setting Stratford-on-__ 14. Left companion 48 49 50 5115. Bank 15. Of theHigh U.S.A. ratingof 15. 51 In16. the center 48 49 50 16. Rent long-term 57 17. Burstyn or55 Pompeo 16. Swiftly 52 53 54 5658 57 17. aup; generation Spain’s Juanon Carlos I 17. Of __18. entered 52 53 54 55 56 57 18. Pocket 63 Ms.bread Lee 58 59 60 61 62 a19. cash register 19. 20.Nevada Felt indignantword about 18. Procrastinator’s __, 58 63 59 60 6164 62 20. lunch 22.aFeudal subjects 65to 19. Warm Put stop 24. Change direction 23. named 20. Originally Pool maneuver 63 66 6467 65 25. aFinal 24. halt to 23. Call Spike, for68course one 26. Barlasting trois mois 25. 24. Nemesis Period 66 67 29. Does68an electrician’s job 28. 25. Rhythm Commercials 30. Of __; no longer a minor 32. 28. Cuts Ramble 31. Jetta or Taurus 34. 32. Lament Enjoy one’s RV 33. colony Moray seeker 35. 34. Bee Restrict 37. Cheese-producing region Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 37. me!” 35. “Ah, Not taped 39. __ over; helped through 37. Character Nota __ in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the 20th of the month will a difficult period 38. West Sour substance 39. Point student win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 39. Out Provide food for 40. __; behaving 42.of Seasons P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 ainappropriately banquet 44. Surrenders 40. Word Make a little cut or roll with stick 46. Poet’s contraction I want information on: Insurance 41. Personal Health 41. One Encourage 42. acts 47. who Ardent Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 42. Unique individual like 49. another Fascination 43. Lets Synonym specialist Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Home Improvements 43. 51. Rejected with disdain 44. Evaluate Of54.theLotion backingredient 44. Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 46. Pillages Assortment 55. Force into an 46. 48. Do Wind direction: abbr. awkward position 48. a hairdresser’s job 49. Follower Uno uno 56. yGives 49. ofup7 Down Name 51. Australian bird 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 51. Building site 52. Admirable Of61.theTract Washingtonofpeople wasteland 52. who Address Idaho-Oregon area 63. Place to spend rupees influence others 64. Light, rhythmic tune 58. Kitchen appliance 58. William and Sean 65. Pro’s foe 61. Stink 61. Reddish-brown animal 66. Lacks 62. Tribe member 62. Tack 67.Lankan, Flower for one 63. Sri Gladden City State63. Zip 68. in Schnozzola 64. Sea the former USSR 64. Life” 69.Wonderful Meadow covering 65. “__ Mauna Loa emission 65. of old 66. Slave Trickles Age Phone 66. children 1 2 3 4a mane 5 6 7 67. Chihuahua Animal with 67. actor Bert 68. Late River in Europe 14 15 68. Worry E-mail 38



We may disagree on a number of things, but my husband and I are in accord when it comes to dogs. We love them and can’t live without them. Over the years there’s been a succession of large dogs with whom we’ve shared our lives. But not our bed. Enter Sam, a 17-pound rough coat Russell Terrier. To equal the size of one of our Labradors would require five Sams.

#5129 37 CROSSWORD PUZZLE #5149 #5139the lights, I would place young Sam in his cozy crate, where he, and 37 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS we, would be safe for the night. When Sam got a bit older, and I could CROSSWORD PUZZLE 40



Three’s A Crowd

At first it was just for a few minutes. When we were ready to turn out




trust him not to consume it, I bought him a bed. For a while we held to the same routine. Cuddle for a while, then into his own sleeping accommodation. This was working just fine. Until it wasn’t. The visits in our bed got gradually longer. When we removed the sleeping Sam into his own bed, he would awaken, give us his most forlorn stare, accompanied by a muted, but very pathetic whine. We disagree about which of us was the first to give in. I know it was him. Nevertheless Sam now spends the entire night sleeping above the ground!





Having a small dog for the first time is a different experience. It’s like having a puppy that never grows larger. If you know how it is with puppies, then you understand the temptation to snuggle, and how that snuggling can extend until bedtime.

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DOWN ACROSS DOWNHeavenly Mlles. ACROSS 1. Bargain-hunt ACROSS DOWN1. 1.Cutting 1. 2. Nag remark 5. Fog __;dish 1. Cereal Make clench 1. State 2. 3.“The 5. member NotRubáiyát” just tacit poet 9. Family Read __; recite one’s hand 2. Office cabinet 3. 4.Dinner 9.6. Complete Mom, dad, or madam 14. Novel member setting Family 3. Misfortunes accompaniment 14. Bank companion 10. Left Baby’s spot 15. Of the U.S.A. 4. Coat5.partTake place 4. 6.preparers Attorneys’ 15. In the center of 14. Country home 5. Hide Friend atassistants the école 16. Rent long-term 5. Said farewell 16. Swiftly 15. Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator 7. Greek letter 17. Of a generation 6. Singer/actor Ed 17. up; entered on 16. __ High rating 7. Enthusiastic 8.Blood Expunge 18. Pocket bread giver’s a cashorregister 17. Burstyn Pompeo word 8. 6th of Lent: abbr. donation Refer 19. Procrastinator’s 8. 9.Idolize 18. Nevada 18. __, Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook and line user 10. Spring 20. Warm lunch 9. Oil transport 19. stop to 19. Put Ms. a Lee 10. Embraced Bit of cereal 23. Originally named 10.11.Mayberry resident 20. maneuver 20. Pool Felt indignant about 11. Cosmetic case item Take advantage of 24. Call a halt to 11.12. Compulsory payment 23. for one 22. Spike, Feudal subjects 12. Put underground 13. German article 25. Nemesis 12. Playing 24. lasting 24. Period Change directiontrois mois 13. Beauty’s moviecard partner schooler 28. Rhythm 13.21.__ on; 25. Commercials Final course 25. 21. Article ofHigh faith tempted 32. Cuts 21.22.Dispatched 26. Ramble Bar 28. 23. “...__ byStart your outfit Cat 34. Lament 22. Furry swimmer 29. Enjoy Does anone’s electrician’s that are...” 32. RV job Praying figures 30. Restrict Of __; colony no longer a minor 25.26. even for 35. Bee 25. Had aGet meal 34. 31. Not Jetta orme!” Taurus 26.27.One 26. Keep __Winding on;who won’t roads 37. “Ah,taped 35. 33. Nota Moray seekerin Othello watch carefully the truth 28. accept Rough 37. __ 38. Character 37. Sour Cheese-producing region 27. Taj Mahal’s 27.29. Nodded 38. Partcityofoffsummer 39. Westsubstance Point student 39. Provide __ over; helped through 28. Bride’s item 28.30.One millionth 39. foodbehaving for Fellow 40. Out of __; difficult period 29. Flamingo heron aormeter aa inappropriately banquet 31. ofSea duck 41. Make Plungea little cut 32. Cut into small pieces 29.33. Ellis Island arrival 40. Certain love messages 41. Word with stick or roll 42. Seasons 34. In __ of 30. Verve 41. Encourage 34. Fictional king 42. One who acts 44. Surrenders 35. Always 31. Baptisms & weddings 42. Unique individual 36. Miles, e.g. like another 46. Synonym Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty response 33.39.Positive 43. specialist Tosses 43. Lets 47. Ardent 38. Sermon topic 34. Magna cum __ 44. Of the back 43. Public disturbance 44. Evaluate 49. Fascination 40. Bargains 36. __ Miles 46. Assortment 45. Sight and taste 46. Pillageswith disdain 51. Rejected 43. Not 39. crackers Plum or orange 48. Wind direction: abbr. 54. Lotion 48. Do a ingredient hairdresser’s job 45. Like a78 hillExisting 43.47. and 45 on a 49. Uno y uno 55. Force into an 48. Bach or Wagner flat surface 49. Follower of 7 Down 45. Decorates 51. Australian bird awkward position 50. Like expensive page 51. Of Building site 47.50.more In Fourth a humble wayof 52. theupWashington56. Gives hamburger a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who 50. Sandal part Idaho-Oregon area 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 51. Dandruff site influence others 52.52.__Preposition tide 58. appliance 61. Kitchen Tract of wasteland 52. Salk’s concern 53.Main Insignificant amount 58. William and Sean 53. character 61. Stink 63. Place to spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary 54.Withdraw Complaint 61. Reddish-brown animal 54. by degrees 62. Tribe member 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. Nest to a dermatologist 62. Tack 55. Times 63. Lankan, for one 65. Sri Pro’s foe 56. Periods Hot spot 56.55.Tear 63. Gladden 64. Sea in the former USSR 66. Lacks 57. Conception 57.56.Close __ PM; 2100 hours 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 65. Loa emission 67. Mauna Flower 58. Disencumbers 58.57.Loony Did in 66. 65. Slave of old 68. Trickles Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk 59.58.UNItem member: abbr.drawer 67. with a mane in a desk 66. Animal Chihuahua children 62. Lennon’s lady 60.59.One togas 68. in Europe Mr.dozen Whitney 67. River Late actor Bert 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 60. 10 11 nickname 12 13 Girl’s 1 68.2 Worry 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. State DOWN 15 6 16 9 11414 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 DOWN 16 2. Office cabinet 1. Heavenly Mlles.15 1.3. Cutting remark 18 Misfortunes 17 2. 19 Nag Rubáiyát” poet 14 15 17 2. 1916 4. “The Coat part tacit 18 3. Not just 203. 22 23 5. Dinner Hide preparers 21 Mom, dad, 21 or madam 17 18 19 20 4. 22 accompaniment 6. Creator 5. Take place 24 25 4. assistants 7. Attorneys’ Enthusiastic 20 6. Friend 23 21 école 22 24 25 26 27 the 5.8. Said farewell 6th day ofatLent: abbr. 26 7. 27Greek 28 29 letterEd 6.28Singer/actor 29 30 31 33 23 24 32 25 26 27 8. Blood Expunge 7. giver’s donation 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 9. Idolize Refer case Cosmetic item 8. 34 11. 35 36 37 28 29 30 31 32 33 10. Spring 12. Put underground 9. Oil transport 37 38 39 40 41 11. Bit of cereal 13. Beauty’s movie partner 10. Mayberry resident 38 39 40 34 35 36 37 42 43 payment 44 45 46 12. Take of advantage of 21. Compulsory Article faith 11. 4112. 43 23. Playing “...__ by your outfit42 13. German article card 38 39 40 47 are...” 48 49 50 thaton; you 21. __ High schooler 13. tempted 44 22. 45 46 47 25. Dispatched Had a meal Start 21. 4151 42 43 53 54 26.52Furry 25. Cat swimmer 22. 48 49 50 51 4455 46 47 26. Get Praying 25. evenfigures for45 56 57 58 59 27. One Taj Mahal’s city 26. who won’t 27. Winding 52 roads 53 54 55 56 57 28. Bride’s 486028. 49 61 62 50 63 51 acceptitem the truth Rough 29. Flamingo or heron 27. Nodded off 58 29.59 Part 60 of summer 61 62 6432. Cut into 52 65 small pieces 53 54 66 55 56 57 28. One millionth 30. Fellow 34. In __ of 63 31. 64 65 of a duck meter 68 Sea 67 69 58 35. 59 Always 60 61 62 29. Island arrival 33. Ellis Certain love messages 66 36. France’s Coty 67 68 30. Verve 34. Fictional king 63 38. Sermon topic 64 65 31. 36. Miles, e.g.& weddings 40. Baptisms Bargains Positive response 39. Tosses 66 33. 67 68 43. Not crackers 34. cum __ 43. Public 45. Magna Like a hilldisturbance 36. Miles 48. __ Bach orand Wagner 45. Sight taste 39. or orange 50. Plum Like more expensive 47. Existing on a 43. 78 and 45 hamburger flat surface 45. Decorates 51. Dandruff site 50. Fourth page of 47. humble way 52. In Salk’s concern aawall hanging 50. part boundary 53. Sandal Europe/Asia 52. Preposition 52. tide 54. __ Nest 53. Insignificant amount 53. character 56. Main Periods 54. Complaint 54. 57. Withdraw Conception by degrees to a dermatologist 55. 58. Times Disencumbers 55. Hot spot 59. Tear Brat’s talk 56. 56. __ PM; 2100 62. Close Lennon’s lady hours 57. 57. Loony Did in 58. Itemmember: in10a desk 858. 9UN 11 abbr. 12drawer 13 59. 59. One Mr. Whitney 60. dozen togas 16 60. Girl’s nickname






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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 •1718 20

You recall the old saying, Qui cum canibus concumbunt cum publicibus? Of course, you do. But you remember it as: Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas. Fortunately, this isn’t the case with Sam. But I do wake up with an occasional stiff neck, cramped leg, or a cold tush because the dog has requisitioned my share of the blanket. So, we shall remain cozy but crowded. Anyway, who wants to fold kingsized sheets!

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Sleeping has become an entirely new experience. At first, Sam was polite, and would curl up at the foot of the bed. But gradually, he was sleeping between us. And when he dreams he’s an Alpha dog, he crawls to the top of the pillows and sleeps above our heads.



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