Lifestyles After 50 Sarasota Edition, March 2022

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Springtime Wellness and Reinvention With sp r ingtime comes an urge to reinvent ourselves. Most of us feel this at the beginning of J a nuary and take action to change our lifestyles for the better. Then come sp r ing, we need another push to e k ep up with the p o sitive changes we’ve imp l emented (or given up).

Walki ng for ju st 30 minutes every day can help improve and strengthen your cardiovascular system and boost your endurance for daily physical activities. Start with a distance you’re most comfortable with, even if it’s ju st a qu ick 5-minute dog walk. You’ll build up your endurance and stamina in no time!

Sp r ing is an op p o rtunity for rebirth in every sense. Those with green thumbs shake the ENJOY A PICNIC IN THE PARK Believe : it frost and dust off their gardening tools or not, ju st a few minutes outside in the to dive back into yielding another crop of sun can help melt away stress and anxiety. flowers, vegetables and even herbs. We can Sunshine time can also strengthen your look ahead to summer and dream up ideas immune system and bones thanks to the of how best to spend the days drunk on concentrated natural vitamin D. Pack some sunshine and the company of those we holdsandwiches, cheese, fresh fruit or even take most dear. We’ve pushed through winter your morning coffee to go and share some and can look forward to the rest of the time with your significant other or friends. year— w ho doesn’t love summer, fall and Nothing beats qu ality time in the fresh air. then the holiday season? EAT LOCAL IN-SEASON CROPS: The best If you’re look i ng for a way to reinvent or part of spring and summer is the in-season exp l ore other facets of yourself, March is produce. Florida’s in-season crops during a great month to start. Take some time to March include strawberries (go to the connect with any Irish heritage you may Florida Strawberry Festival for the best have by celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. Or, ones!), grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, learn a bit more about women’s history for broccoli, collard greens, lettuce, spinach National Women’s History Month. Try your and other leafy greens, pep ers, tomatoes, hand at p o etry in honor of World Poetry Daypo tatoes, corn, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, on March 21, then submit it for our monthlycucumbers, eggpl ant, mushrooms, radishes, Creative Corner! There’s no shortage of snap beans and squ ash. Make salads, ways in which you can explore new avenuescasseroles or enjoy these crops fresh for for yourself this month. maximum benefits. Below are a few ways that you can refocus No matter how you spend this month, take on your health and wellness this month: care of yourself. We’ll see you in April!


YOU R FEET ARE MADE FOR WALKIN’: I k n ow we regularly encourage exercise and movement, but it’s for a good reason. Rebecca Fending, Editor a great March an Have d

i l! we'll see you in Apr

Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 33, Issue 3

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Lifestyles After 50 • March 2022 • 3

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