Lifestyles After 50 Suncoast Edition, March 2022

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17. 15. 18. 16. 19. 17. 20. 18. 23. 19. 24. 20. 25. 22. 28. 24. 25. 32. 26. 34. 29. 35. 30. 37. 31. 38. 33. 39. 37. 40. 39.

7. Greek letter

3. Wall climber Of aRound: generation 10. abbr. Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator 4. 14. Type of acid 8. Involve Expunge Pocket bread High rating 7. Enthusiastic 5. case 15. Stack 9. Handyman’s Refer Procrastinator’s word Burstyn or Pompeo 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. 6. Boxes 16. River in Europe 10. Springand line user Warm lunch Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook 7. Conway and others 17. With 54named Across, one 11. Bit of cereal Originally Ms. Lee 10. Embraced 8. Beverage of many in a burrito 12. Take advantage of Call a halt to Felt indignant about 11. Cosmetic item 9. Pronounce acase verdict 18. Prayerful response 13. Met German article Nemesis Feudal subjects 12. Put underground 10. together 19. Cube root of 729 21. Numskull High schooler Rhythm Change direction 13. Beauty’s movie partner 11. 20. Thieves 22. Frenchman’s Start#5156 Final course 12. income CutsLumps 21. Article of faith 22. of turf ANSWER TO ANSWER TO ingredient #5138 13. Bar 24. Dwight David and 25. Salad Cat 23. “...__ by your outfit Lament TO 21. a counting others Does an electrician’s job ANSWER thatof#5128 you are...” 26. Start Praying figures Bee colony rhyme 25. Removes Of __; no longer a minor a meal 27. Winding roads “Ah, me!” F A V O R 25. S Had B O L D 23. __ du Vent 26. Bluish fish Jetta or Taurus 26. __ on; 28. Keep Rough Character in A Othello O E 25. Blood supplier 29. Italian-born actress Moray seeker watch carefully 29. Capts.’ Part ofsuperiors summer West Point student 26. M O N 30. Actor Vigoda Cheese-producing region 27. Taj Mahal’s city 30. Border Fellow Out Powerful of __; behaving 27. upon 31. giant E through __ over; helped 28. Bride’s item 31. Sea duck inappropriately 28. Make over 33. Middle period card a difficult 29. Flamingo or heron 33. Household Certain love messages 29. gods Word withThomas’ stick or roll 37. Danny Plunge 32. intoRome small of old D patron saint 34. Cut Fictional king pieces One who acts Seasons 34. In __ of 32. water;e.g. dog-paddle 39. 36. __ Miles, likeSlip-up another C Surrenders 35. Always 34. Conceited 41. Social outing 39. Tosses Lets C O Poet’s contraction 36. France’s ending Coty 35. Miniature 42. Pebble 43. Sermon Public disturbance Evaluate Ardent 38. topic 36. Famous Loch 44. Uncanny I 45. Traps Sight and taste Pillages Fascination 40. Bargains 38. 46. Common contraction 47. Asian Existing on a Do a hairdresser’s job Rejected with disdain 40. staples 43. Not crackers 47. Long stories flat asurface Follower of 7 Down 43. Polishes off Lotion ingredient 49. Duplicates 45. Like hill 50. Passes Fourth of 45. Building 51. Given Force intosite an C H 48. Bach orpage Wagner 48. Go-__; dynamo 54. See 17 position Across a wall hanging Admirable people awkward 50. Like more expensive A I who 50. buckle my 55.influence Meal 52. “__, Preposition Gives up others hamburger S shoe...” site amount 56. Nervous excitement Asia’s __and Mountains 53. Dandruff Insignificant 51. William Sean T O 51. Persona non __ 60. Culture base Tract of wasteland 52. concern 54. Salk’s Complaint Reddish-brown animal 52. Former Treasury 61. Fruit-flavored drink Place to spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary to a dermatologist Tack Secretary Donald __ 63. Spirited horse Light, rhythmic tune 54. Nest 55. Estranged Hot spot Gladden 53. 64. Biblical weed Pro’s foe 56. Periods 56. Military __ PM;awakener 2100 hours “__ Corrupt Wonderful Life” 54. 65. Lacks 57. Conception Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. Myers 57. Make Did ina tiny 56. cut Slave of old Ward, Fort Myers 66. Name onEarl TV’s “Dallas” Flower 58. Disencumbers 57. 67. Red stingers 58. “No, ItemHans” in a desk drawer Chihuahua children Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk 58. herdsman 68. crime 59. Swiss Mr. Whitney LateHeinous actor Bert Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady 59. 69. Late singer turned 60. Nervous Girl’s nickname


Last Month’s Answers 41.

41. 42. 42. 44. 43. 46. 44. 47. 46. 49. 48. 51. 49. 54. 51. 55.

Enter To Win! 52.

56. 60. 58. 61. 61. 63. 62. 64. 63. 65. 64. 66. 65. 67. 66. 68. 67. 69.

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha


68. Worry

62. Gardner, for one









2 3

3 4 4










16 16



19 19









30 31









35 38




6 7 6 7 14 15 2.1.Neglect State DOWN 1 143.2. 2 Wall 3 climber 4 5 15 6 Office cabinet 1. Heavenly Mlles. 18 17 Misfortunes 174.3.Involve 18 Nag 14 2. Handyman’s 15 4. Coat part tacitcase 20 5.3. 21 Not just 206.5.Boxes Hide preparers 21 17 4. Mom, dad, or madam 18 24 and others Creator 7.6.Conway 5. Take place 24 7.Beverage Enthusiastic 8. 21 école 6. Friend atLent: the 2620 9. 27 28 day of 29 8.Pronounce 6th abbr. a verdict 26 7. 27Greek 28 29 letter 10. Met together 23 31 57 30 8. Expunge 32 11. 30 Numskull 31 32 9. Frenchman’s Refer caseincome 11. Cosmetic item 12. 28 29 38 30 37 39 10. Spring 12.Salad Put underground 13. ingredient 37 38 39









5 5

1. Make40__; clench 6. Name ACROSS 45 in lights 46 hand 10. Round:one’s abbr. 1. Bargain-hunt 6. 43Family 14. Type of50acidmember 41 4248 47 5. 49Fog 10. Baby’s spot 15. Stack 9. Read __; recite 14. Country home 16. 47 River in Europe 44 51 52 53 45 46 5414. Novel setting 15. Stratford-on-__ 17. With 54 Across, one 15. Of the U.S.A. 16.many High rating 56 58 59 of in 57 a burrito 48 55 49 50 16. 51 Rent long-term 58 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 18. Prayerful response 17. Of a generation 60 61 62 63 Spain’s 18. 19. Cube root ofJuan 729Carlos I 52 53 54 18. 19. 63 Ms.bread Lee 55 56 20. Pocket Thieves 64 65 66 19. word 20. Felt about 22. Procrastinator’s Lumps ofindignant turf 58 59 60 61 62 20. lunch 22. Feudal subjects 24. Warm Dwight David and 67 68 69 11. Bit of 24. Change direction 23. Originally named 13.Start Beauty’s partner of cereal a movie counting 423421. 43 44 35 others 63 64 25. aFinal course 42 43 44 12. Take advantage of 21. Article faith 24. halt65 to rhymeof 25. Call Removes 26. Bar 23.__ “...__ your outfit 47 48 39 13. German article 25. du by Vent 3823. 26. Nemesis Bluish fish 47 are...” 48 66 67 29. Does68anactress electrician’s job that you 21. Blood High schooler 28. 25. supplier 29. Rhythm Italian-born 51 52 53 30. OfVigoda __; no longer a minor 4126. 25.Capts.’ Had a meal 22. Start 32. superiors 42 30. Cuts Actor 51 52 53 31. Jetta or Taurus 26.Border 25. Cat upon 34. 27. 31. Lament Powerful giant 55 56 33. colony Moray seeker 4428. 45 26. Make Praying overfigures 35. 55 56 33. Bee Middle card 37. Cheese-producing region 29. 27.Household Taj Mahal’sroads city Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers gods 27. Winding 37. “Ah, me!” 37. Danny Thomas’ 60 61 62 39. __ over; helped through 486028. Bride’s item 49 61 62 50 of old Rome Rough patron saint in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the Character 20th the month will 28. aof difficult period 29.__ Flamingo or heron 64 65 32. water; dog-paddle 29. Part of summer 39. West Slip-up 39. Point student win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 6432. Cut into 52 65 small pieces 34. Conceited 41. Out Social outing 30. Fellow 40. __; behaving 42.of Seasons 34. In __ of 67 35. 68 P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 Miniature ending 42. Pebble 31.59 Always Sea duck inappropriately 68 44. Surrenders 586735. 60 61 36. Famous 44. Word Uncanny 33. CertainLoch love messages with stick or roll 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty I want information on: Insurance 41. Personal Health 38. Traps 46. One Common contraction Fictional king 42. acts 47. who Ardent 38. Sermon topic 63 34. 64 40. Asian Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 47. Long stories 36. Miles,staples e.g. like 49. another Fascination 40. Bargains 43. Polishes off 49. Lets Duplicates Tosses Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Homewith Improvements 43. 51. Rejected disdain 66 39. 67 43. Not crackers 45. 51. Evaluate Given 43. Public 54. Lotion ingredient 44. 45.Passes Like a hilldisturbance Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 48. dynamo 54. Pillages See Across 55. 17 Force into an 48.Go-__; Bach Wagner 45. Sightorand taste 46. 50. buckle mya 55. Do Meal awkward position 50.“__, Like more on expensive 47. Existing 48. a hairdresser’s job shoe...” 56. Follower Nervous excitement 56. Givesof up7 Down hamburger flat surface 49. Name 51. non __ 60. Culture base 60. Asia’s 51.Persona Dandruff site 50. Fourth page of 51. Building site__ Mountains 52. Former Treasury 61. Fruit-flavored drink 61. Tract of wasteland 52. Salk’s concern a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who Secretary Donald __ 63. Spirited horse Address 63. Place to spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary 52. Estranged Preposition influence others 53. 64. Biblical weed 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. Nest 53. Insignificant amount 58. William and Sean 54. awakener 65. Corrupt 65. Pro’s foe 56.Military Periods 54. Complaint 61. animal 56. a tiny cut 66. Reddish-brown Name on TV’s “Dallas” 66. Lacks 57.Make Conception to a dermatologist 62. Tack 57. Hans” 67. Red 67. stingers Flower 58.“No, Disencumbers 55. Hot spot City State63. Zipcrime 58. herdsman 68. Gladden Heinous 68. Schnozzola 59.Swiss Brat’s talk 56. __ PM; 64. Life” 59. 69.Wonderful Meadowturned covering 69. “__ Late singer 62.Nervous Lennon’s 2100 lady hours 57. Gardner, Did in for one 65. Slave of old 62. politician Age Phone 66. Chihuahua children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 858. 9 Item in10a desk 11 12drawer 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 59. Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert 14 15 16 60. Girl’s nickname 68. Worry E-mail 14 15 16 38


43 39


1. Desire strongly 1. Bargain-hunt ACROSS 6. Name in lights 5. Fog __; clench 1. Make 10. Round: abbr. 9. Read __; recite one’sof hand 14. Type acid 14. Novel member setting 6. Stack Family 15. 10. River Baby’s 15. Of theinspot U.S.A. 16. Europe 14. With Country home 16. Rent54 long-term 17. Across, one 15. Stratford-on-__ 17. Of generation of a many in a burrito 16. Prayerful High ratingbread 18. Pocket response 17. Burstyn or 19. Cube Procrastinator’s root Pompeo of 729 word 18. Thieves Spain’s Juan Carlos I 20. Warm lunch 19. Ms. Lee 22. Lumps of turf 23. Originally named 20. Dwight Felt indignant about 24. David 24. Call a subjects halt to and 22. Feudal others 25. Nemesis 24. Removes Change direction 25. 28. Rhythm 25. Bluish Final course 26. 32. Cuts fish 26. Italian-born Bar 29. actress 34. Lament 29. Does an electrician’s job 30. Actor Vigoda 30. Of __; colony no longer a minor 35. Bee 31. Powerful giant 31. Jetta Taurus 37. “Ah,orme!” 33. Middle card 33. Moray seekerin Othello 38. Character 37. Danny Thomas’ 37. Cheese-producing region 39. West Point patron saint student 39. __ over; helped through 40. Out of __; behaving 39. Slip-up a difficult period inappropriately 41. Social outing 41. Plunge 42. Pebble 41. Word with stick or roll 42. Seasons 44. Uncanny 42. One who acts 44. Surrenders 46. Common contraction like another 46. Poet’s contraction 47. Long 43. Lets stories 47. Ardent 49. 44. Evaluate 49. Duplicates Fascination 51. 46. Pillageswith disdain 51. Given Rejected 54. Across 54. See Lotion ingredient 48. Do a17 hairdresser’s job 55. Meal 55. Force into an 49. Follower of 7 Down 56. Nervous excitement awkward position 51. Building site 60. 56. Culture Gives up basepeople who 52. Admirable 61. Fruit-flavored drink 60. Asia’s __ Mountains influence others 63. horse 61. Spirited Tract of wasteland 58. William and Sean 64. weed rupees 63. Biblical Place to spend 61. Reddish-brown 65. 64. Corrupt Light, rhythmic tune animal 62. Tackfoe 66. on TV’s “Dallas” 65. Name Pro’s 67. stingers 63. Gladden 66. Red Lacks 68. crime Life” 64. “__ Wonderful 67. Heinous Flower 69. singer turned 65. Slave of old 68. Late Schnozzola politician children 66. Chihuahua

1. Heavenly Mlles. DOWN 2. Neglect 2. Nag 1. State 3. Wall climber 3. cabinet Not just tacit 2. Office 4. Involve By Rebecca Fending 4. Mom, dad, or madam 3. Misfortunes 5. Handyman’s case 5. Take place 4. Coat part 6. Boxes 5. Hide 6.preparers Friend at others theMarch école is National Women’s History Month. Women tend to be month of 7.The Conway and 6. Creator 7. Greek letter 8. Beverage heroes, 7. Enthusiastic 8. Expunge 9.unsung Pronounce a verdicttaken for granted or largely forgotten. However, this month, we 8. 10. 6th day Lent: abbr. Met together 9. of Refer honor and revisit those who deserve to be exalted for their accomplishments. 9. 11. Hook and line user Numskull 10. Spring 10. 12. Embraced Frenchman’s income 11. Bit of cereal 11. 13. Cosmetic case item Mary Bickerdyke Salad ingredient 12. Take advantage of 12. 21. Put Start underground of a counting 13. German article 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21.rhyme High schooler 21. 23. Article Described as an “energetic heroine,” Mary Ann __ ofdufaith Vent 22.byStart 23. 25. “...__ your outfit Blood supplier Bickerdyke set out on the mission of efficiency in caring 25. that youCat are...” 26. Capts.’ superiors 26. Praying figures 25. 27. Had a meal Border upon for wounded Civil War soldiers. A Union volunteer 26. 28. Keep __Winding on;over roads 27. Make physician wrote home about the unsanitary and chaotic watch carefully 28. Rough 29. Household gods 27. Taj29. Mahal’s of summer of Part oldcity Rome military hospitals at Cairo, IL, citizens of Galesburg, 28. 32. Bride’s item 30. Fellowdog-paddle __ water; 29. 34. Flamingo or heron IL, collected $500 worth of supplies, and selected Conceited 31. Sea duck 32. 35. Cut33. into Certain small pieces Miniature ending love messagesBickerdyke to deliver them as she was a botanic 34. 36. In __Famous of Lochking 34. Fictional 35. 38. Always Traps physician by trade. 36. Miles, e.g. 36. 40. France’s Coty Asian staples 39. Tosses 38. 43. Sermon topic Polishes 43. Publicoffdisturbance 40. 45. Bargains She stayed in Cairo as an unofficial nurse and organized the hospitals, Passes Sight and taste 43. 48. Not45. crackers Go-__; dynamo 47. on a S. Grant’s appreciation. When Grant’s army moved down the gaining Ulysses 45. 50. Like a hillExisting “__, buckle my 48. Bach shoe...” or Wagner flat surface Mississippi River, Bickerdyke followed and became the Chief of Nursing. 50. 51. Like more expensive 50. Fourth page Persona non __ of hamburger a wall hanging 52. Former Treasury 51. Dandruff site 52.Secretary Preposition She insisted on scrubbing every surface in sight, forced an improvement on the Donald __ 52. Salk’s concern Insignificant amount 53.53. Estranged 53. Europe/Asia boundary ofawakener care and reported drunken physicians. Though she antagonized male 54. Complaint 54.level Military 54. Nest 56.physicians, Make to a tiny cut a dermatologist staff and soldiers alike, in the name of better patient care, she won 56. Periods 57.55. “No,Hot Hans” spot 57. Conception of her fights. 58.most Swiss herdsman 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 58. Disencumbers 59.57. Nervous Did in 59. Brat’s talk 62.58. Gardner, for one 62. Lennon’sItem lady in a desk drawer Cathay Williams

33 #5157 #5129 CROSSWORD PUZZLE CROSSWORD PUZZLE #5139 59. 67. Late actor Bert DOWN 36ACROSS 37 CROSSWORD 60. 68. Worry 1. PUZZLE Headgear ACROSS 1. Desire strongly



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1 17





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17 Lifestyles After 50 • March 2022 • 18 20 26









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34 35 36 34 25 35 26 36 27

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22 22

Mr.10Whitney 11 12 13 10 11 nickname 12 13 Girl’s 16 16 9 10 11 12 19 19 16 23




25 25

22 24

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34 41

34 35

25 35 36

26 36




Ms. Williams was the real-life version of Mulan. She was a female soldier who enlisted in the army under the pseudonym “William Cathay.” She was the first African-American woman to enlist and the only one documented as having served in the United States Army posing as a man.

32 33 When the Civil War was over, Williams wanted 41 to maintain 45 46 37 her financial independence after being freed from slavery. In 45 46 November 1866, she enlisted as William Cathay in the 38th U.S. Infantry, 49 50 40 49 50 Company A in St. Louis. At that time, only a cursory medical examination was 54 43 54 required, 57and58 she was quickly found to be fit for duty. There were only two 59 46 47 57 58 59 people that knew her true identity– a cousin and a friend, who faithfully kept 63 63 51 secret. her 31






54 66

69 Phoebe Couzins 69



One of the65 first female lawyers in the states, Phoebe Couzins was also the first female appointed as a U.S. Marshal and a well-known suffragist. 68 She explained her motivation for earning a law degree, claiming to be spurred “solely by a desire to open new paths for women.” Phoebe was admitted to the bar associations of Missouri, Arkansas, Utah and Kansas, and the Dakota Territory federal courts. You can learn about more of the incredible women, both past and present, who have forever changed our world for the better at womenshistorymonth. gov. You can also join virtual events and book club meetings that examine iconic women in America’s history. Information and images from

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