Your New Best Friend is Waiting
“My Car Won’t Start” by John M. Alexander My car won’t start But, seeing I’m smart And handsome and College degreed I’m sure that I’ll know In a few minutes or so Just what it is It might need.
Be the One to Change a Cat’s Life! 2542 17th St • Sarasota, FL 34234 • 941-366-2404
For submissions: Send your short story or poem (150 words or less) or a photo of your artwork to Rebecca.Fending@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at Please include which Florida city you currently live in and your name. Artwork must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential news for the following issue’s publication. Artwork is published on a basis of what space is available.
Lifestyles After 50 • November 2021 • 12
Upholstery and rugs And wires and plugs Are all in condition First rate.
The differential seems sound And appropriately round. The frimulator’s fine I can tell.
But, the damn thing won’t start. And, though I’m obviously quite smart I’m beginning to think I’m an ass
Transmission’s okay (I keep it that way.) And the starter and coils Are both swell.
After hours of probing And testing and groping . . . . I think I forgot To get gas.
Through my precognition The electronic ignition For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to editor@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.
CREATIVE CORNER Are you an aspiring writer, poet or artist? Or maybe you want to try your hand at any of the above? We want to share your art! Read directions on how to submit your work below:
Is plugged in and Works just great.
PMC 1823