Lifestyles After 50 Sarasota Edition, November 2021

Page 18

7. Greekupon letter Of aChicago generation 3. 6. Perched 10. __ Stratford-on-__ Creator 8. Expunge Pocket bread 4. Wrote back 14. Bear High rating 7. Enthusiastic 9. Refer Procrastinator’s word 5. 8. Pickling solution 15. Carnival attractions Burstyn or Pompeo 6th day of Lent: abbr. 10. Spring Warm lunch 6. 9.Piece of and jewelry 16. Shape Spain’s Juan Carlos I Hook line user 7.10. Commercials 11. Bit of cereal 17. Leaning Originally Ms. Lee named Embraced 8.11. Word withadvantage zoocase or bee 18. diagram 12. Take of CallTiny a halt to about Felt indignant Cosmetic item 9.13. compound 19. First-century German article Nemesis Feudal subjectsemperor 12.Organic Put underground 10.21. Approval 20. Youngdirection plant High schooler Rhythm Change 13. Beauty’s movie partner 11. Part of the eye 22. Peon 22. Start Final course Cuts 21. Article of faith 12. Nag’s home 24. Ending for graph or social ANSWER TO ANSWER TO #5152 #5138 Bar 25. Cat “...__ by your outfit Lament 13.23. Opening 25. Rudely brief TO ACROSS Does an electrician’s job ANSWER that #5128 you are...” Praying figures BeeQuenches colony 21.26. Common contraction 26. ACROSS 1. Bargain-hunt Of __; no longer a minor Had a meal 27. Winding roads ACROSS “Ah, me!” A V O R 23.25. S B O L D 1. Queried 29. Jungle gymFpiece Permanent mark 5. Fog __; clench Jetta or Taurus Keep __ on; 1. Important Make 28. Rough 25.26. Twisted Character Othello 30. Units of in speed foot pedal A O E 5.9. Read __; recite one’s hand Moray seeker watch carefully 26.29. Great quantity 34. OafPoint student Part of summer West Chicago __ M O N 10. 14. Novel member setting 6. Bear Family Cheese-producing Taj Mahal’s city Strange 35. backwards 14. 30. Fellow OutNot of __; behavingregion 27.27. 10. Baby’s 15. Of thespot U.S.A. E __inappropriately over; Bride’s item 28.28. Trunk 36. Hang helped on to through 15. Carnival attractions 31. Sea duck 14. Shape Country home 16. Rent long-term a difficult period 29.29. Wraparound 16. Flamingo or heron 37. Lung contents 33. Certain love messages 17. 41. Word with stick or roll 15. Stratford-on-__ Of a generation 17. Leaning accessory 41. 38. Plunge Blew one’sDown horn 32. into small 16. High ratingbread 34. Cut Fictional king pieces 42. Seasons OneTruth: whoChin. acts 18. Pocket 18. Tiny diagram 31.34.Cowboy movie 42. 40. In __ of 17. Burstyn or Pompeo word 36. Miles, e.g. like another 19. Procrastinator’s C 19. First-century emperor 32. Three-tiered papal crown 41. Yen 44. Surrenders 35. Always 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 39. Tosses 20. Warm lunch 43. Lets 20. Young plant 33. Pig’s feature 43. Piece of chicken C O 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty 19. Ms. Lee 22. Peon 23. Originally named 43. Public disturbance 44. 44. Evaluate 35.38. Italian numeral South American nation 47. Ardent 20. Felt indignant about Sermon topic I 24. Ending for 24. Call a subjects haltgraph to or social 36.40. Non-premium 45. Sight and taste Night noise 46. 45. Pillages 22. Feudal 49. Fascination Bargains 25. Rudely brief 25. Nemesis gasoline: abbr. of victory 47. Existing on a 24. Change direction 48. 46. Do Symbol a hairdresser’s job 51. Rejected with disdain 43. Not crackers 26. 28. Rhythm 38. Bakery purchase Unitingredient of of purity for gold 25. Quenches Final course flat a surface 49. 47. Follower 7 Down 54. Lotion 45. Like hill 29. 32. Cuts gym piece 39. Whiz’s forerunner 26. Jungle Bar 48. Slackened 50. Bach Fourth page of 51. Force Building 55. intosite an C H 48. or Wagner 30. Units of 34. Lament 29. Does an speed electrician’s job 42. European nation Supportive of a wall hanging 52. 50. Admirable people awkward position 34. Like more expensive A I who 30. Oaf Of __; colony no longer a minor 35. Bee 44.50.Political divisions 51. Burn slowly, 35. Not backwards 52. Preposition 56. Gives up influence others hamburger 31. Jetta Taurus S 37. “Ah,orme!” 46. Pertaining to spring without a flame 36. on to 60. Asia’s __and Mountains 53. Insignificant Dandruff site amount 58. 54. William Sean 33. Hang Moray seeker 47.51. Business orgs. 38. Character in Othello Ulcerates T O 37. Lung contents 61. Tract of wasteland 37. Cheese-producing region Salk’s concern 54. Complaint 61. 58. Reddish-brown 49.52. River in Paris 39. West Point student O’Hara home animal 38. Blew one’s own horn 39. __ over; helped through 63. Place to cents’ spendworth rupees Europe/Asia boundary to a dermatologist 62. 59. Tack 50.53.Foul-smelling Two 40. Out of __; behaving 40. Truth: Chin. a difficult period 64. Light, rhythmic Nest 51.54. Pierce 55. Hot spot Copy: abbr. tune inappropriately 63. 61. Gladden 41. 41. Yen Plunge 65. Pro’s foeor AldaLife” Periods 52.56. Macho 41. Word stick or roll 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64. 62. “__Ladd Wonderful 43. Piece ofwith chicken 42. Seasons 66. Lacks 53.57. Algerian Conception One ofold The Judds 42. One who acts nation Jacqueline F.Scheib, O’Keffe, Ft. Myers 44. American 57. Did inseaport 65. 63. Slave of Brenda Marie Fort Myers 44. South Surrenders 54.58. Become enraged 67. Flower Actress Samms Disencumbers like noise another 58. Item in a desk drawer 45. 46. Night Poet’s contraction 66. 64. Chihuahua children 55.59.Acting award Curve 68. 65. Schnozzola Brat’s talk 46. 43. Lets of victory 47. Symbol Ardent 59. Mr. Whitney 67. 66. LateAssisted, actor Bert 56.62.Borders cockney-style 47. Unit of purity for gold 69. Meadow covering Lennon’s lady 44. Evaluate 49. Fascination Girl’s ASAP nickname 68. 67. Worry 57.60. Doctor’s Respiratory or 48. 46. Pillageswith disdain 51. Slackened Rejected 60. Burst 50. of circulatory: abbr. 54. Supportive Lotion 48. Do a ingredient hairdresser’s job 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 51. slowly, 55. Burn Force into an 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 49. Follower of 7 Down without a flame awkward position 51. Building site 14 15 16 54. 56. Ulcerates Gives up 14 15 16 52. Admirable people who 58. O’Hara home 60. Asia’s __ Mountains influence others 17 17 1818 19 19 59. worth 61. Two Tractcents’ of wasteland 58. Copy: William and Sean 61. abbr. 63. Place to spend rupees 61. Reddish-brown 22 20 20 2121 22 23 62. or Alda tune animal 64. Ladd Light, rhythmic 62. Tack 63. offoe The Judds 65. One Pro’s 63. Gladden 25 23 24 24 25 26 27 64. Samms 66. Actress Lacks 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 67. Curve Flower 65. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 65. Slave of cockney-style old 68. Assisted, Schnozzola 66. 28 29 30 31 32 33 66. Respiratory Chihuahuaorchildren 67. 34 35 36 67. Late actor Bert circulatory: abbr. 34 35 36 37 5 66 77 1 168. 2 2 Worry 3 3 44 5 ACROSS 40 37 38 39 1. Make __; clench 38 39 40 1. State DOWN ACROSS DOWN ACROSS 14 2 15 6 3 cabinet 4 141 15 5 one’s 2.Train Office 41 42 43 44 hand 1.1. depots: abbr. Permanent mark Heavenly Mlles. 1. 1.Bargain-hunt 6. 43Family member 3. Misfortunes 41 42 17 18 2. Cold drink 5. Important foot pedal 5. Fog 1714 2. Nag 18 15 45 46 47 Baby’s__ 10. spot 4.Perched Coat partupon 3.3. Chicago Not just tacit 9.10.Read __; recite Country home 20 5. Hide preparers 21 44 45 46 47 14. Bear 2017 4.4.Wrote 21 or madam Mom,back dad, 14.14. setting 48 49 50Novel 15. Stratford-on-__ 6.Pickling Creator solution 18 5.5. Carnival attractions Take place 15.15.Of16. theHigh U.S.A. 24 rating 7. Enthusiastic 24 25 of jewelry Shape 48 51 52 53 49 50 20 6.6.Piece 21 école Friend the 16.16.51 Rent long-term 54 55 56 5857 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 8.Commercials 6th day ofatLent: abbr. 7.7. Leaning 26 27Greek 28 29 letter 17.17.Of18. a generation Spain’s Juan Carlos I 26 8. 27 Word 28 with zoo or bee 29 Tiny diagram 23 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61Lee 55 8. Expunge 18.18.Pocket 19. 63 Ms.bread 30 31 32 9. Organic compound 19. First-century emperor 9. Refer 19. Procrastinator’s 34 11. Cosmetic case item 35 20. Felt indignantword about 28Approval 29 30 10. Young 63 61 64plant 58 6259 60 62 subjects 10. Spring 20.20.Warm lunch 22. Feudal 12. Put underground 37 38 eye 39 11. Part of the 22. Peon 37 38 11. Bit of cereal 24. Change direction 23. Originally named 13. Beauty’s movie partner 35 34 66 64 67for graph or social 12. Nag’s home Ending 63 65 25. course 42 43 44 12. Take of advantage of 21. Article faith 24.24.Call aFinal halt65 to 41 13. Opening 42 43 25. 26. Rudely Bar brief 23. “...__ by your outfit 39 13. German article 25. Nemesis 3821. Common contraction 26. Quenches 47 48 66 67 29. Does68an electrician’s job 45 21. High that you are...” schooler 28. Rhythm 46 23.25.Queried 29. 30. Jungle gym piece a minor Of __; no longer Had Starta meal 32.30.Cuts 415122. 42 52 53 25.26.Twisted Units of or speed 31. Jetta Taurus 48 49 25.Great Cat quantity 34.34.Lament 26. Oaf 33. colony Moray seeker 445526. Praying figures 45 35.35.Bee 56 NotCheese-producing backwards 37. region 51 27. 27. Taj city 52 Strange 53 Mahal’sroads Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 27. Winding 37.36.“Ah, me!” Trunk Hang to helped through 4828. 39. __ on over; 28. Bride’s 60 61 62 50 28. Roughitem 49 59 in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the 20th the month will58 29. 37.Character Lungaof contents 60 difficult period 29.Wraparound Flamingo or heron 29. Part of summer 39.38.West Point student accessory Blew one’s own horn win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 6432. Cut 65 into 52 small pieces 30. Fellow 40.40.Out ofSeasons __; behaving 62 31. Truth: Chin. 42. 34.Cowboy In __ of movie63 P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 31. Sea duck papal 67 68 crown 41. inappropriately YenSurrenders 44. 35.59Three-tiered Always 5832. 60 61 65 33. Certain love 66 with stick or roll 33.36.Pig’s feature 46. Poet’s contraction Piece ofPersonal chicken France’s Coty messages I want information on: Insurance 41.43.Word Health 34. Fictional king 42.44.One who acts numeral 47. Ardent 38.Italian Sermon topic South American nation 6335. 64 Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 36. Miles, e.g. another 49. Fascination 36. 40.Non-premium Bargains 45. like Night noise Tosses Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Home Improvements 43.46.Lets 51. Rejected with disdain 66 39. 67 43. Not crackersabbr. gasoline: Symbol of victory 43. Public disturbance 54. ingredient 44.47.Evaluate 45.Bakery Like a hill 38. purchase UnitLotion of purity for gold Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 55. Force into an 48.Whiz’s Bach Wagner 45. Sightorand taste 46.48.Pillages 39. forerunner Slackened awkwardofposition 50.European Like more on expensive 47. Existing a 42. nation 48.50.DoSupportive a hairdresser’s job 56. Gives hamburger flat surface 44. Political divisions 49.51.Follower ofup7 Down Burn slowly, Name 60. Asia’s Mountains 51.Pertaining Dandruff site 46. to spring 50. Fourth page of without a__flame 51. Building site 61. Tract ofpeople wasteland Salk’s concern 47.52.Business orgs. a wall hanging Ulcerates 52.54.Admirable who Address 63. Place to spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary 49. in Paris 58. influence O’Hara home 52.River Preposition others 64. rhythmic tune 54.Foul-smelling Nest 50. TwoLight, cents’ worth 53. Insignificant amount 58.59.William and Sean 65. Pro’s foe 56. Periods 51. Copy: abbr. animal 54.Pierce Complaint 61.61.Reddish-brown 66. Lacks Conception 52.57.Macho Ladd or Alda to a dermatologist 62.62.Tack 67. Flower 58. Disencumbers 53. Algerian seaport OneZip of The Judds 55. Hot spot City State63.63.Gladden 68. Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk 54. Become Actress Samms 56. __ PM; enraged 2100 64.64.“__ Life” 69.Wonderful Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady hours 55. Curve 57.Acting Did inaward 65.65.Slave of old Age Phone 56. Borders Assisted, cockney-style 66.66.Chihuahua children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 858. 9 Item in10a desk 11 12drawer 13 57. ASAP Respiratory 59.Doctor’s Mr. Whitney 67.67.Late actor Bertor 60. Burst circulatory: abbr. 14 15 16 60. Girl’s nickname 68. Worry E-mail 17. 15. 18. 16. 19. 17. 20. 18. 23. 19. 24. 20. 25. 22. 28. 24. 25. 32. 26. 34. 29. 35. 30. 37. 31. 38. 33. 39. 37. 40. 39.

#5139 CROSSWORD PUZZLE #5153 Power Puzzle CROSSWORD PUZZLE #5129


Last Month’s Answers

Enter To Win!

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha


1. Heavenly Mlles. DOWN 1. Train abbr. 2. depots: Nag 1. 2. State Cold drink 3. cabinet Not just tacit 2. Office 3. Perched upon 4. Mom, 3. 4. Misfortunes Wrote back dad, or madam 5.partTake place 4. 5. Coat Pickling solution 5. 6.preparers Friend at the école 6. Hide Piece of jewelry 6. 7. Greek letter 7. Creator Commercials 7. 8. Expunge 8. Enthusiastic Word with zoo or bee 8. day Lent: abbr. 9. of Refer 9. 6th Organic compound 9. Hook and line user 10. Spring 10. Approval 10. 11. Embraced Part theofeye 11. ofBit cereal 11. case item 12. Cosmetic Nag’s home 12. Take advantage of 12. Put underground 13. Opening 13. German article 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21. Common contraction 21. ofHigh 21. Article faith schooler 23. Queried 22.byStart 23. “...__ your outfit 25. Twisted 25.youCat that are...” 26. Great quantity 26. Praying figures 25. Had a meal 27. Strange 26. Keep __Winding on;the holiday 27. roads With season approaching, my thoughts turn to brisket, which I'd 28. watch Trunk 28. carefully Rough 29. Wraparound begun tosummer regard as a cult food. See, last year, when I asked a few friends, "How 27. Taj29. Mahal’s Partcityof accessory 28. Bride’s item 30. Fellow was your holiday? Did your family join you?" The response was consistent: 31. Cowboy movie 29. Flamingo or heron 31. Sea duck 32. Cut Three-tiered papal crown 32. into small pieces "Yes, they did,messages and I made a brisket!" The pride factor was palpable. 33. Certain love 33. InPig’s 34. __ offeature 34. Fictional king 35. Italian numeral 35. Always 36. Miles, 36. France’s Non-premium Something 36. Coty e.g. else I found utterly baffling was that each one who rhapsodized gasoline: 39. Tosses 38. Sermon topic abbr. about this fatty chunk of beef claimed to have the best brisket recipe ever—a 38. Bargains Bakery purchase 43. Public disturbance 40. 39. Not Whiz’s forerunner 45. Sight and taste handed down from Great-Aunt Selma, whose secret ingredient 43. crackers family treasure 42. Like European nation 47. on a 45. a hillExisting 44. Bach Political divisions was grape jelly. Or maybe Coca-Cola? 48. or Wagner flat surface 46. Pertaining to spring 50. Like expensive 50.more Fourth page of 47. Business orgs. hamburger a wall hanging Perhaps 49. Dandruff River insite Paris I couldn't share the culinary enthusiasm of my friends because my 51. 52. Preposition 50. Foul-smelling 52. Salk’s concern 53. Insignificant amount personal relationship with brisket didn't have a good beginning. Let's just say 51. Europe/Asia Pierce 53. boundary 54. Complaint 52. Macho 54. Nestthat brisket and I got off on the wrong hoof. a dermatologist 53. Periods Algeriantoseaport 56. 55. Hotenraged spot 54. Conception Become 57. 56. PM; 2100had hoursmany excellent qualities, but cooking wasn't one of them. 55. Disencumbers Acting My__award mother 58. 57. talk Did in 56. Brat’s Borders 59. Frequently, ondrawer some celebratory occasion, she would set before the family 58. Item in a desk 57. Lennon’s Doctor’s ASAP 62. lady 59. Mr. Whitney 60. Burst a platter containing some gray-brown meat that reminded me of a cooked

Brisket Reconsidered

#5129 CROSSWORD PUZZLE #5139 #5153 CROSSWORD 60. Girl’s nickname CROSSWORD PUZZLE PUZZLE loafer. I announced I couldn't possibly eat this because it was ugly, whereupon,






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Lifestyles After 50 • November172021 • 18 20 26





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12 13 she banished me from the table. 16 9 16





19 16

But was long ago, and childhood trauma notwithstanding, perhaps it 22 23 that 19 was time to discover what all the fuss was about. I began with one of those 25 22 diagrams you sometimes see in meat markets, the one where the cow is 30 31 32 33 24 25 26 27 divided into sections, so it resembles the map of a small country. This is what 33 34 35 36 36 31 32 33 I learned: 40 41 22






Brisket (lower chest) is not flanken (short ribs), and flanken is not brisket. 40 50 And 47 neither of them is pot roast (chuck from the upper chest). Roast beef is 43 50 another matter altogether, coming from the end of the cow we would prefer 47 to57 think 58 59 about. not 55 56 57 45

49 54

46 54

46 44

63 51


61 Brisket is very talented. Brisket in brine turns into corned beef, while 55 56 57 64 corned beef cured morphs into pastrami. And brisket may well be the most 69 62 67 multicultural item on the planet. The French cook it with bacon and cognac; 65 Texans like it barbecued with Tex-Mex spices. Each Eastern European country 68 has its own version, and Asians love it, as well. There are Thai briskets and Korean briskets, and the Chinese like it with ginger.

54 66

And since it has such international appeal, perhaps the next time world leaders hold a summit meeting, someone should serve a brisket. This formerly ugly meat may very well be our best hope for world peace!

Susan's newest book, “How to Complain When There's Nothing to Complain About,” is available at and other online booksellers. Read her blog at Email

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