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Save your energy and focus on the important things in life. Save your energy and focus on the Let the energy experts at Tampa Electric show you howimportant things to save on energy costs. When you participate in our free Home Energy Audit, one of our energy analysts will visit your home and in life. identify areas where you can save valuable energy. You’ll also learn about our other energy-saving programs including Energy Planner, Ductwork and more. Visit tampaelectric.com/save to schedule your free Let the experts at Tampa Electric show you how to save on energy costs. Home Energy Audit today or call 813-275-3909. When you participate in our free home energy audit,

Stop at our table on Thursday, June 11th 2020 at the one of our energy analysts will visit your home and

Lifestyles After 50 Fun Fest to be held at the: identify areas where you can save valuable energy.

Town N’ Country Senior Center 7606 Paula Dr. Tampa, FL You’ll also learn about other energy-saving programs including Energy Planner, Ductwork, and more. 9AM-1PM Bring this ad and receive a free energy-saving kit, made Visit tampaelectric.com/save or call 813-275-3909 to available through Tampa Electric’s Energy Education schedule your free home energy audit today. Outreach program.

Tampa Bay Heart Walk

The Tampa Bay Heart Walk has always been a terrific way to get moving while socializing with friends, family, and coworkers. But it’s so much more than a walk! Walking in the Heart Walk boosts your heart health AND your mental health and helps thousands of others at the same time. Joining the Heart Walk is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and for others. There is no registration fee, instead, participants are asked to fundraise (no minimum or maximum) and make their own donation to the American Heart Association in order to walk. Donations can be made securely to your personal fundraising page with a credit card, PayPal, Venmo and more. Cash and checks may also be collected. All checks should be made payable to the American Heart Association. Fun fact? You can deposit checks directly through the Heart Walk App!

For more information, visit www2.heart.org. When: Saturday, Nov. 5 at 11:30 am

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