Lifestyles After 50 Lake Edition, September 2021

Page 18

language— 3. 7. Double-reed Greek letter 17. 9. OfMass a generation 15. Stratford-on-__ 6. Of Creator now bread and forever 4. a 100-member 8. Enthusiastic Expunge 18. Pocket 16.14. High rating 7. Clothe house 9. Refer 19. Procrastinator’s word 17.15. Burstyn 8. Steep 6th day of Lent: abbr. Own or Pompeo 5. slides 10. Springand 20.16. Warm lunch 18. Spain’s 9. Promise Hook line user Type Juan of acidCarlos I 6. 11. Embraced Bit of cereal 23.17. Originally 19. Ms. Lee named 10. Seemingly endless period 7. Word with when or for 12. Takestation advantage of 24.18. Call aPaso halt school, to about 20. Felt 11. Cosmetic case item Elindignant familiarly 8. Train 13. German article 25.19. Nemesis 22. Feudal subjects 12. Put underground Relative positions 9. More extensive 21. Oriental High schooler 28.20. Rhythm 24. Change direction 13. Beauty’s movie partner Strikingly important 10. nurse 22. Metal Start container 25. course 32. Final Cutsdiscovery 21. Article of faith 11. TO ANSWER TO #5150 #5138 26. Bar 25. Indelible Cat 23. “...__ by your outfit Classic Father’s Day giftANSWER 34.23. Lament 12. substance TO ACROSS 29. Does an numeral electrician’s job ANSWER that #5128 youfigures are...” Italian 26. Denials Praying 13. 35.24. Bee colony ACROSS 1.Commotions Bargain-hunt 30. Of __;me!” no longer a minor Presidential 25. Had a meal greeting 27. Winding roads 37.25. “Ah, Fnickname A V O R 21. S Romantic B O L D 1.ACROSS 5. Fog __;once 31. Jetta or Taurus Opposes 26. Keep __ on; 22. 1.Alumna, Make clench 28. Pressed Rough 38.28. Character in A Othello O E 5. 9. Read __; recite one’s hand More serious 33. Moray seeker 25. Get even for watch carefully 9. Mass language— 29. Part of summer 39.32. West Point student M O N 14. Novel setting 6. now Family member Levels 37. Cheese-producing 26. with egg or drum 27. Taj Mahal’s city and forever 30. Word Fellow 40.34. Out of __; behavingregion 10.Clothe Baby’s 15. Of thespot U.S.A. E through Pinnacle 27. In __; wrong 39.35. __inappropriately over; helped 14. 28. Bride’s item 31. Sea duck 14. Country home 16.Own Rent long-term 37.a difficult Lacrimalperiod drop 28. 29. Flamingo or heron 33. Movies Certain love messages 15. 41. Word 15.Type Stratford-on-__ Of a 16.17. of generation acid “Thewith Kingstick __” or roll 29. Become 41.38. Plunge 32. Cut into embarrassed small pieces D 16. High ratingbread 34. Fictional king 42. One who acts Pocket 17.18.Seemingly endless period Bitter 30. 42.39. Seasons 34. Apiece In __ of 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 36. Miles, e.g. like another word Cduplicity of 18.19.El Procrastinator’s Paso school, familiarly Aware of the 31. 44.40. Surrenders 35. Discard Always 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 39. France’s Tosses Warm positions lunch 43.41. Lets 19.20.Relative Mythological 33. of reparation Cqueen O 46. Poet’s contraction 36. Acts Coty 19. Ms. Lee 20.23.Strikingly important Originally named 43. Claw Public disturbance 44.42. Evaluate Chiang Mai resident 34. 47. Ardent 20. Felt indignant about 38. Sermon topic I discovery 24. Call a subjects halt to 45. Half Sight and taste 46.43. Pillages Indignation 36. of MMVI 22. Feudal 49. Fascination 40. Bargains 23.25. Father’s Nemesis request 47. Rose Existing on a 39. perfume 24.Classic Change directionDay gift 48.44. DoBreakfast a hairdresser’s job 51. Rejected with disdain 43. Not crackers 24.28. Italian numeral Rhythm 25. Final course 46. Covered wagon driver 43. Premed. course flat surface 49. Follower of 7 Down 54. Lotion ingredient 45. Like a hill 25.32. nickname Cuts 26.Presidential Bar Fabray, to 45. __ 50. Real Fourth of C H 51.48. Building 55. Force intosite anfriends 48. Bach orpage Wagner 28.34. Opposes Lament 29. Does an electrician’s job 49. Lack firmness 47. a wall hanging 52. Admirable people awkward position 50. Rest Like more expensive 32.35. A I who 30.More Of __;serious no longer a minor Bee colony Ian’supchapeau 50. __ Brooks 52. Preposition 56.51. Gives 34. Levels influence others hamburger 31. Jetta Taurus S 37. “Ah,orme!” Tidied 52. or site Pollux 35.38. 60. Asia’s __and Mountains 53. Castor Insignificant amount 51. Dandruff 58.52. William Sean 33.Pinnacle Moray seekerin Othello Character 58. Ravioli, for one T O 53. Bill with Cleveland’s 37.37.Lacrimal drop 61. Tract of wasteland region 52. concern 54. Salk’s Complaint 61.61. Reddish-brown animal 39. Cheese-producing West Point student Actor’s concern picture Kinghelped __” through 39.“The __ over; 63. Place to spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary 38.40. to a dermatologist 62.62. Tack Out of __; behaving Emperor who 54. Elmer’s product 39. Bitter a difficult period 64. rhythmic tune 54. Nest 55. Verne’s Hot spot inappropriately 63. Light, Gladden fiddled around 55. captain 40.41.Aware Plungeof the duplicity of 65. Pro’s foe 56. Periods 41. Word with queen stick or roll 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64.63. “__Give Wonderful Life” first aid to 56. Of an age 41.42.Mythological Seasons 66. Lacks 57. Conception One who acts Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. 57. Did inofMyers Laurel Mullen, Sarasota 65.64. Slave of old 42.42. Mai resident Expedition 44.Chiang Surrenders 57. Shout 67. Flower 58. like another 58. Disencumbers Item in a desk drawer 43.46.Indignation Poet’s contraction 66.65. Chihuahua IRS agentchildren accomplishment 68.66. 59. Brat’s Lets 47.Breakfast Ardent 44.43. request 59. Parts Mr. Whitney Alarm 67. Schnozzola Late actor Bert 58. oftalk qts. 69.67. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady Evaluate 49.Covered Fascination 46.44. wagon driver Cultivates 59. 60. Circle Girl’spart nickname 68. Worry Pillages 51.Fabray, Rejected disdain 48.46. to with friends 68. Part of a shoe 60. Mar or mer 54. Lotion 48. Do a ingredient hairdresser’s job 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 49. Lack firmness 55.Ian’s Force into an Follower of 7 Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 51.49. chapeau awkward position 52.51.Tidied Building site 14 15 16 56.Ravioli, Gives up 14 15 16 58.52. for one Admirable people who Asia’s __ Mountains 61.60.Actor’s concern influence others 17 17 1818 19 61.Emperor Tract of wasteland 19 62.58. Williamwho and Sean 63.fiddled Place toaround spend rupees 61. Reddish-brown animal 20 20 21 21 22 64.Give Light, rhythmic 22 63.62. first aid totune Tack 65.Expedition Pro’s foe 64.63. Gladden 23 23 24 66.IRS Lacks 24 2525 2626 2727 65.64. “__agent Wonderful Life” 67. Flower 66.65.Alarm Slave of old 68. Schnozzola 28 29 30 31 32 33 28 29 30 31 32 33 67. Cultivates 66. Chihuahua children 68. Part of a shoe 36 37 67. Late actor Bert 34 34 3535 36 37 5 66 77 1 168. 2 2 Worry 3 3 44 5 ACROSS


Last Month’s Answers

Enter To Win!

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha





1. Make __; clench 1. State DOWN ACROSS ACROSS 40 3 cabinet 4 141 14DOWN 15 5 15 6 one’s hand 2.2 Office 1. Heavenly 1.1.Bargain-hunt Commotions 41 42 43 1. Jordanian Mlles. or Saudi 6. 43Family member 3. Misfortunes 41 42 17 18 Nag 5.5.Fog Alumna, 2. Active 1714 2. 18 15 10. Baby’sonce spot 4. Coat partone 3. Not just tacit 9.9.47 Read __; recite 44 45 46 Mass language— 3. Double-reed 14. Country home 20 5. Hide preparers 21 44 45 46 2017 4. Mom, 21 or madam dad, 14. 47 Novel setting 18 nowStratford-on-__ and forever Of a 100-member 15. 6. Creator 48 49 50 5. Take place 15. OfClothe the U.S.A. 14.51 house 24 16. High rating 7. Enthusiastic 23 at the 48 49 50 20 6. 21 école Friend 15.51 Own 16. Rent long-term 5. Steep slides 58 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. 52 53 54 55 56 57 26 7. 28 29 letter 16.OfType of acid 17. a generation 6. 27Greek Promise 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 28 29 30 31 23 when or 52 53 54 55 56period 57 17.Pocket Seemingly 8. 7. Expunge Word with for 18. 19. 63 Ms.bread Lee endless 30 31 32 58 59 60 61 62 18. El Paso school, familiarly 8. Cosmetic Train station 9. Refer 19. Procrastinator’s 20. Felt indignantword about 11. case item 35 30 34 29 58 59 60 61 62 19.Warm Relative positions 9.28 Put More extensive 10. Spring 20. lunch 22. Feudal subjects 12. underground 37 38 39 63 64 65 20.Originally Strikingly important 10. Bit Oriental nurse39 38 11. of cereal 24. Change direction 23. named 34 13. Beauty’s movie partner 35 63 64 65 discovery 11. Metal of container 25. 42 43 44 12. Take advantage of 21. Article faith 24. Call aFinal halt68course to 66 67 42 23.Nemesis Classic 12. Indelible substance 26. Bar Father’s Day gift 4138 13. 23. “...__ by your outfit German article 25. 39 47 48 66 67 68an electrician’s job 24.Rhythm Italian numeral 29. Does 13. High Denials that you are...” 21. schooler 28. 46 25.Cuts Presidential 30. Of __; no nickname longer a minor 4441 22. 21. Romantic 25. Had a meal45greeting Start 32. 42 51 52 53 31. Jetta or Taurus 28.Lament Opposes 26. Cat 22. Pressed 25. 34. 48 49 50 33. colony Moray seeker 32.Bee More serious 25. Praying Get evenfigures for45 445526. 35. 56 37. Cheese-producing region 27. Taj Mahal’s city 34. Levels 26. Word with egg or drum53 Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 52 27. Winding roads 37. “Ah, me!” 39. __ over; helped through 486027. 28. Bride’s item 49 61 62 50 35.Character Pinnacle In __; wrong Rough in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the 20th the month will 28. aof difficult period 29. Flamingo or heron 61 37.West Lacrimal drop 28. Movies 58 29. 59 60 Part of summer 39. Point student win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 64 65 32. Cut into 52 small pieces 38. “The King __” 29. Become embarrassed 30. Fellow 40. Out of __; behaving 42. 33583 Seasons 34. In __ of 63 30. 64 39. FL Bitter Apiece P.O. Box 638, Seffner, 31. Sea duck inappropriately 67 68 44. Surrenders 35.59 Always 60 61 40. Aware of the duplicity of 58 31. Discard 33. Certain love messages 41. Word with stick or roll 66 67 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty I want information on: Insurance Personal Health 41. Mythological queen 33. Acts of reparation 34. Fictional king 42. One who acts 47. Ardent 38. Sermon 63 34. 64 42. Chiang Mai resident Claw topic Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 36. Miles, e.g. 49. another Fascination 40. Bargains 43. like Indignation 36. Half of MMVI Tosses Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Home Improvements 43. Lets 51. Rejected with disdain 66 39. 67 43. Not crackers 44. Breakfast request 39. Rose perfume 43. Public 54. Lotion ingredient 44. 45. Like a hilldisturbance Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 46.Evaluate Covered wagon driver 43. Premed. course 55. Force into an 48. Bach Wagner 45. Sight and taste 46. 48.Pillages Fabray, to friends 45. Real or__ awkward position 50. Like more on expensive 47. Existing a 48. a hairdresser’s job 49.Do Lack firmness 47. Rest 56. Givesofup7 Down hamburger flat surface 49. Name 51.Follower Ian’s chapeau 50. __ Brooks 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 51. Dandruff site 50. Fourth page of 51. site 52.Building Tidied 52. Castorconcern or Pollux 61. Tract ofpeople wasteland 52. Salk’s a wall 52. who 58.Admirable Ravioli, for one 53. Bill withhanging Cleveland’s Address 63. Place to spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary 52. Preposition influence others 61. Actor’s picture 64. Light,concern rhythmic tune 54. Nest 53. Insignificant amount 58. andwho Sean 62.William Emperor 54. Elmer’s product 65. Pro’s foe 56. Periods 54. Complaint 61. Reddish-brown animal fiddled around 55. Verne’s captain 66. Lacks 57. Conception dermatologist 62. 63.Tack Give first aid to 56. Oftoana age 67. Flower 58. Disencumbers 55. Hot spot City State63. Zip 64.Gladden Expedition 57. Shout of 68. Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk 56. __ PM; 2100 64. Life” 65.“__ IRS agent covering accomplishment 69.Wonderful Meadow 62. Lennon’s lady hours 57. in of qts. 65. of old 66.Slave Alarm 58. Did Parts Age Phone 67.Chihuahua 66. children 59. 9 Item Circleinpart 1Cultivates 2 3 4 5 6 7 858. 10a desk 11 12drawer 13 59. 68.Late Partactor of a shoe 67. Bert 60. Mr. Mar Whitney or mer 39



14 68. Worry















9 10 19 9 10 16


15 20


16 60. Girl’s nickname




15 18


Lifestyles After 50 • September172021 • 18 20 26








16 19





24 31







28 37


24 18 21




30 38


32 39

25 33



32 40


33 41



1. Heavenly Mlles. DOWN 1. Jordanian or Saudi 2. Nag 1. 2.State Active one 3. cabinet Not just tacit 2. 3.Office Double-reed 4. a Mom, dad, or madam 3. 4.Misfortunes Of 100-member 4. Coat5. partTake place house 5. 5.Hide 6.preparers Friend Steep slidesat the école 6. 6.Creator 7. Greek letter Promise 7. 7.Enthusiastic 8. Expunge Word with when or for 8. 8.6thTrain day Lent: abbr. 9. of Refer station 9. Hook and line user 9. 10. MoreSpring extensive 10. Embraced Bit ofnurse cereal 10. 11. Oriental 11. Cosmetic case item advantage of 11. 12. MetalTake container 12. Put underground 12.Beauty’s Indelible substance 13. German article 13. movie partner 13.Article Denials 21. 21. ofHigh faith schooler 21.“...__ Romantic greeting 22. 23. byStart your outfit 22.that Pressed 25. youCat are...” 25.Had Get even for figures 26. Praying 25. a meal 26.Keep Word with eggroads or drum 26. __Winding on; 27. In __; wrong carefully 28. Rough 28.Taj29. Movies 27. Mahal’s Partcityof summer 29.Bride’s Become embarrassed 28. item 30. Fellow 30.Flamingo Apieceor heron 29. 31. Sea duck 31.CutDiscard 32. into Certain small pieces 33. love messages 33.In __ Acts 34. of of reparation 34. Fictional king 34.Always Claw 35. 36. e.g. 36. 36.France’s Half Miles, ofCoty MMVI 39. 38. topic 39.Sermon RoseTosses perfume 43. Public disturbance 40. 43.Bargains Premed. course Sight 43. crackers 45.Not45. Real __ and taste 47. 45. a hillExisting on a 47.Like Rest 48. Wagner flat surface 50.Bach __ orBrooks 50. more expensive 50. Fourth page of 52.Like Castor or Pollux a wall hanging 53. hamburger Bill with Cleveland’s 51. Dandruff site picture 52. Preposition 52. concern 54.Salk’s Elmer’s product amount 53. Insignificant 53. boundary 55.Europe/Asia Verne’s captain 54. Complaint 54. 56.Nest Of an age to a dermatologist 56. 57.Periods Shout of spot 55. Hot 57. Conception accomplishment 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 58. Disencumbers 58. 57. PartsDid of qts. 59. Brat’s talk in 59. 58. Circle part Item 62. Lennon’s lady in a desk drawer 60. 59. Mar Mr. or mer Whitney

Confession of a Couch Potato

I'm all for self-improvement, as long as it doesn't involve exercise. I've become a gym-o-phobe. The mere thought of a sports bra and sneakers can ruin the most perfect day. But perhaps "-phobe" isn't an accurate suffix to explain my condition. I don't fear the gym; I out-andout hate it! This attitude represents a transformation from my former self who was once dedicated to treadmills and StairMasters. Perhaps I took too many steps and am suffering from a case of burn-out. And, although I have succumbed, I'm unable to make peace with my slothfulness. So, heeding the suggestion of motivated friends, I have called into play the following strategies: Scare Tactics: Laziness is hazardous to my health. I'm susceptible to

#5129 osteoporosis, and am being very unkind to my cardiovascular system. #5151 I'm depriving my brain of the super-oxygenating results of the elliptical #5139




26 36




11 nickname 12 60. 910 Girl’s 10 11 1312 13

8 8 9




machine, not to mention the danger of weight gain. But when I learned 10 11 12 13 1616 9 how much bouncing was needed to work off an Oreo cookie, I simply 19 19 16 decided to forego the cookie. 23



25If 26 Bribery: I go27 to the gym, I should reward myself. Now this was an 22 appealing idea actually got me into workout attire. But I got 33 25 26 that 27 34 35 36 sidetracked looking for potential gifts, and before long it was time to 36 37 31 32 33 40 41 go straight home because the dog was starving! 40 36 37



2432 33



40 Trainer: If I hired a personal trainer, I couldn't wriggle out of Personal 50 47 43 my commitment. So, I hired a trainer who came twice a week. She was 51 a 47lovely, 57 58 fit 59 young woman, a perfect role model. By the third week, I 55 56 experienced a57noticeable shift in my attitude. I no longer hated the 51 63 gym;62I hated the trainer. 54 66 55 56 57 43

49 54

46 54



62 Vary 68the Routine: Doing the same thing gets boring. Take various classes.65I looked at the schedule. "Yogalates"? Sounds like a drink at 68 Starbucks. Kick boxing? Too aggressive. "Zumba"? That sounded goofy enough to be fun. I attended a class and as soon as the Latin music started, I got the feeling that everyone but me had been doing this for their entire lives, while I was tripping over my feet trying to keep up. Luckily, the loud music drowned out the sound of the door closing after me as I quietly slipped away.


Susan's newest book, “How to Complain When There's Nothing to Complain About,” is available at and other online book sellers. Read her blog at Email Susan at

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