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North Port to Seek Development Options for Park Surrounding Warm Mineral Springs Park
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Funding for the first phase of Warm Mineral Springs development has been earmarked, and now, North Port city commissioners are interested in seeing how the development of the other phases at the 83-acre park may unfold. According to the Herald Tribune, City Commissioner Barbara Langdon brought the prospect up at Tuesday’s meeting, with the thought that the city can get a sense of amenities such as a restaurant or a museum that could generate revenue on 61.4 acres of park land that surround the 21.6-acre Warm Mineral Springs activity center. Phase One deals mostly with the restoration of three Sarasota School of Architecture buildings at the activity center, reconstruction of the parking lot, and extension of city and water sewer to the site. In June, the commission agreed to dedicate $9.36 million in sales tax revenue and park impact feeds to pay for Phase One. In 2019, Kimley-Horn & Associates and Sweet Sparkman architects presents a draft master plan for much of that acreage that calls for walking trails, a canopy boardwalk, and two lookout towers, as well as a 3,200-square-foot pavilion, shopping area, covered spaces, three restrooms, and a historic village. Langdon said that she hoped more detailed plans would attract some companies that would be willing to partner with the city. Meanwhile, the city’s commitment to Phase One would show potential partners North Port’s interest. “I think it would be wise to do two things in parallel,” she said, referring to the restoration of the springs and development of a plan for the additional acres. Commissioner Debbie McDowell, who was at first reticent to commit to fleshing out the additional phases of Warm Mineral Springs’ development, noted that Kimley-Horn had been told it may be brought back to flesh out the rest of the plan. Langdon noted that she hoped maybe the planner would submit some free “pretty pictures, in anticipation of getting called in.” “They’ve gotten a lot of money from us and potentially they can get other design projects,” Langdon said. She also said that her urgency was driven by the fact that she has talked to people contemplating running for the City Commission in the next two election cycles who would really rather see the city sell Warm Mineral Springs and be done with it. Mayor Jill Luke, an active user of the park, said, “keeping that potential of what that treasure can bring is something worthy of keeping forward.”
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CREATIVE CORNER Are you an aspiring writer, poet or artist? Or maybe you want to try your hand at any of the above? We want to share your art! Read directions on how to submit your work below:
For submissions: Send your short story or poem (150 words or less) or a photo of your artwork to Rebecca.Fending@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at Please include which Florida city you currently live in and your name. Artwork must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential news for the following issue’s publication. Artwork is published on a basis of what space is available.
Lifestyles After 50 • September 2021 • 23