Lifestyles After 50 Media Kit 2020

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Media Kit

FLORIDA’S LARGEST, MOST READ 50+ PUBLICATION from Ocala to Naples with over 274,000 total readership. 3.5 readers per copy with an average pick-up rate of 95%, above industry standard

Advertise in print, web, or face-to-face at Lifestyles After 50 Fun Fest marketing events throughout the year.

Six Monthly Editions to Choose From:

LA50 Fun Fest marketing events in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Sarasota, Bradenton, Sun City Center, Brandon, and Dunedin,

The Most Effective Way to Target Florida’s 50+ Consumer Lifestyles After 50 is distributed monthly, without waste, to over Over 2,700 locations with a circulation of over 80,000 in 11 Florida Counties – Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Lee, Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte, Lake, Marion, Sumter, and Collier counties.

Distributed to Pharmacies, Department/Grocery Stores, Outlet Stores, Retirement Living Communities, 55+ Manufactured Home Parks, Restaurants, Recreation Centers, Hospitals, Doctor’s Offices, Hearing Aid Centers, Libraries, various Medical Facilities and more!

Over 43,000 unique monthly viewers on

Included in this distribution are Senior Management and Purchasing Teams at several of these locations.

Ta m p a B a y : R e a c h e s over 71,000 seniors in Hillsborough & East Pasco Counties, including New Tampa, Tampa, Brandon, SENIORS Town & Country, Sun City Center and Zephyrhills. Over 660 retail distribution areas and 20,565 seasonal circulation.

Sunc o a st: Reaches over 67,000 seniors in Pinellas and West Pasco Counties, including St. Petersburg, Largo, Clearwater, New SENIORS Port Richey and Holiday. Over 595 retail distribution areas and 19,335 seasonal circulation.

Sou thwe st: Reaches over 52,000 seniors in Lee, Charlotte and Northern Collier County, including Ft. SENIORS Myers, Cape Coral, Bonita Springs, Naples, Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte. Over 710 retail distribution areas and 15,080 seasonal circulation.

Sar a so ta : Reaches over 49,000 seniors in Manatee and Sarasota Counties, including Sarasota, Bradenton, and Venice. Over 450 distribution areas and 14,200 seasonal circulation.

Lake /Marion / SUM TER : Reaches over 24,000 seniors in Lake, Marion and Sumter SENIORS Counties, including Mount Dora, Eustis, Tavares, Ocala, Leesburg, and The Villages and Wildwood. Over 295 distribution areas and 6,970 seasonal circulation.

N ap les: Reaches over 7,900 seniors in Collier County, including 3,000 mailed copies in zip codes 34102, 34103, and 34110. 1,400 single copies in Bonita Springs and Naples.




67K 49K





IN REACHING THE 50 AND OVER MARKET HOME BUYIN G - While real estate agents transform their sales practices to become more appealing to millennials, the 50+ market is still buying more homes than any other generation. According to a Builder Online report, people over 50 will buy more than 50% of all new homes from now until 2030.

CAR BUYIN G - According to research by the National Automobile Dealers Association the average age of people buying new cars is 51.7 year of age. AARP found in 2013 that 66% of all new car purchases came from 50+ and cited in this report by the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute people aged 55 to 64 will buy a majority of cars.

REA L ESTATE - Boomers will fuel household growth over the next 20 years due to significant wealth and high ownership rates. 52-61 age group make up 16% of recent buyers and 62 to 70 age groups make up 14% of recent buyers.

BUYIN G POWER O F THE 50+ MARKE T Spending of people aged 50+ is expected to increase by 58% to $4.74 trillion while spending by the 24-50 age group will only increase 24%. Baby Boomers will inherit $11.6 trillion in the next 20 years and own 80% of all money in savings and loan associations. Nielsen estimates that in 2017 nearly 50% of the U.S. adult population will be age 50 and older and will control about 70% of the country’s disposable income.

HOME IMPRO VEMEN T - According to the Joint Center for Housing Studies expenditures by homeowners age 55 and over are expected to grow by 33% by 2025, accounting for more than three-quarters of total gains over the decade.

PETS - Boomers spend $30 billion on pets annually and they will continue to spend more than any other age group. Lifestyles After 50 P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 Ed Graves 731-267-1532 General Information:

TRAVEL - AARP estimates Baby Boomers spend more than $120 billion annually on leisure travel. In Tampa Bay 48% of the 50+ market purchased airline tickets in the past 12 months, 53% spent at least one night in a hotel room last 12 months and 45% took at least one trip last 12 months. AARP reports that Baby Boomers aged 50+ are active travelers, anticipating four or fi e trips in the next year. Phone Numbers: Main Office: 813-336-8247 Fax: 813-331-2634

Editorial: Senior Events: Ed Graves 813-336-8247 or 731-267-1532

Joe Gess 813-817-9855

Around Town Listing:

Reach Over 274,000 50+ Consumers Every Month in Florida’s Largest Senior Publication! Over 80,000 circulation

6 Month ly Editi ons! Lake/Marion/Sumter

Reach 24,395 Seniors/6,970 seasonal circulation

Naples (Collier)

Reach 7,900 Seniors/4,400 seasonal circulation/ 3,000 mailed/1,400 single copy

Suncoast (Pinellas & West Pasco)

Reach 67,670 Seniors/19,335 seasonal circulation

Tampa Bay (Hillsborough & East Pasco) Reach 71,975 Seniors/20,565 seasonal circulation Sarasota/Manatee

Reach 49,715 Seniors/14,205 seasonal circulation

Southwest (Lee & Charlotte)

LA50 follows the I-75 corridor

Reach 52,780 Seniors/15,080 seasonal circulation Seasonal circulation October - April

Reasons why Lifestyles After 50 should be part of your marketing plan... • Florida’s most read 50+ publication for 30 years • Over 2,700 distribution points in 11 counties • Targeted affluent environment from Ocala to Naples • Over 274,000 readers; 3.5 readers per copy • Advertise in print, web, or face-to-face at Lifestyles After 50 marketing events • Average pick-up rate is 95%, above industry standard • Award-winning editorial • Award-winning website • Graphic and creative services available • Monthly publication = greater advertising impact...30 days of exposure • Strong relationship to our readers and communities •’s FREE!

Call 813-336-8247 For Your Local Advertising Representative Today! Fax 813-331-2634 •


Rates & Specs

All Rates Are Net & Non-Commissionable

LA50 FULL RUN - All 6 Monthly Editions - Over 274,000 Readers

SIZE FULL 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8

OPEN $6,800 $5,100 $4,100 $2,100 $1,400

3X $5,400 $4,400 $3,300 $1,900 $1,100

6X $4,800 $3,600 $2,900 $1,700 $900

12X $4,000 $3,000 $2,500 $1,400 $700

LA50 - 3 Monthly Editions

SIZE FULL 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8

OPEN $4,400 $3,250 $2,400 $1,400 $900

3X $3,300 $2,800 $2,100 $1,200 $650

6X $2,800 $2,300 $1,650 $900 $525

12X $2,100 $1,800 $1,200 $650 $400

LA50 - 1 Monthly Edition

SIZE FULL 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8

OPEN $1,700 $1,350 $950 $600 $350

3X $1,300 $1,050 $750 $400 $250

6X $1,100 $900 $650 $350 $200

12X $900 $700 $550 $300 $150

LA50 - N aples Monthly Edition

SIZE FULL 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8

OPEN $1,350 $1,100 $750 $500 $300

3X $1,050 $850 $600 $350 $200

6X $900 $700 $525 $300 $170

• • • • Receive 15% Discount for Each Additional Edition • • • •

12X $700 $575 $450 $250 $125

LA50 - Online D igital Rates & Specs

Banner Top Banner Bottom Rectangle Top Rectangle Bottom Small Rectangle Top

$300 / month $200 / month $150 / month $150 / month $50 / month

728 x 90 728 x 90 300 x 250 300 x 250 230 x 90

INSERTS: Single Sheet $36/ M (minimum 25,000) Pre-printed. Multi-page and frequency rates upon request. DEADLINES: Space: 19th of preceding month / Material: 22nd of preceding month Deadlines may vary month to month based on holidays. ACCEPTED AD SUBMISSION FORMATS: 300 dpi PDF, CMYK, 100% Black type, with fonts embedded.

Ad Sizes - All Editions FULL 10.25” x 10.98” 1/4 Square 5.04” x 5.33” 3/4 Horiz. 10.25” x 8.21” 1/4 Horiz. 10.25” x 2.58” 3/4 Vert. 7.65” x 10.98” 1/4 Vert. 2.44” x 10.98” 1/2 Horiz. 10.25” x 5.33” 1/8 Horiz. 5.04” x 2.58” 1/2 Vert. 5.04” x 10.98” 1/8 Vert. 2.44” x 5.33” Double truck: 21.5” x 10.98” (includes 1” gutter)

Front Page Sticky Notes Program Front page notes adhere to the front page of Lifestyles After 50 making your advertising message front and center of attention. • Receive the highest possible visibility with front page placement. • Put your message and offers in consumers’ hands to increase sales for your business. • Zone your message by each of our six editions. • Expect customers to remove and redeem immediately.

Print, Application and Delivery Rates Print, Application & Delivery Quantities Spot or 4 color process rates 25,000 $70 cpm 50,000+ $65 cpm The investment above also includes your front page sticky note to appear on our website for the entire month - Ad size 300 x 250 Single or two-sided note. Multiple colors available on front, black only on back. Must run one complete edition with a minimum of 25,000 quantity. Run out quantity can run in any edition. Deadlines: Space: 20 days prior to pub date Ad material: 15 days prior to pub date

of adults 79% took action with a sticky note

• 62% Removed and Saved • 58% Used to compare Prices • 52% Saved Until Visited a Store • 48% Saved until Needed to Purchase • 45% Showed to Family Members or Friends • 40% Used to Make Unplanned Purchases • 41% Took to Store Source: How America Shops and Spends 2016

Contact Your Account Executive Today at 813-336-8247 Fax 813-331-2634

6 Monthl y Editions !



Reach 24,395 Seniors/6,970 seasonal circulation

Naples (Collier)

Reach 7,900 Seniors/4,400 seasonal circulation/ 3,000 mailed/1,400 single copy

Suncoast (Pinellas & West Pasco)


Reach 67,670 Seniors/19,335 seasonal circulation

Tampa Bay (Hillsborough & East Pasco) Reach 71,975 Seniors/20,565 seasonal circulation Sarasota/Manatee

Reach 49,715 Seniors/14,205 seasonal circulation

Southwest (Lee & Charlotte) Reach 52,780 Seniors/15,080 seasonal circulation Seasonal circulation October - April

3.125” x 3.125” orange line represents bleeding art area (All artwork needs to come out to this line if image or color goes BACK to the edge of the dieline.) 3” x 3” with .125 corner radius green line represents die (Or final trim si e.) 2.875” x 2.875” blue line represents non-bleeding art area (This indicates safety area. No text or images that are not part NON-PRINTABLE NON-PRINTABLE of the bleed should extend past this line.) ADHESIVE ADHESIVE AREA Reference lines do not print. AREA 7/8 x 2 7/8 (.875 x 2.875)



7/8 x 2 7/8 (.875 x 2.875)

1 1/4 x 2 7/8 (1.25 x 2.875)

NON-PRINTABLE ADHESIVE AREA 7/8 x 2 7/8 (.875 x 2.875)


7/8 x 2 7/8 (.875 x 2.875)

1 1/4 x 2 7/8 (1.25 x 2.875)

LA50 follows the I-75 corridor

Specifications: Live size: 2.875” wide x 2.875” deep Bleed size: 3.125” wide x 3.125” deep Trim size: 3” wide x 3” deep


Florida’s Largest Senior Publication

Front Page Ad

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Trusted Legal Advice & Serv best interests. Let us represent your ry • civil litigation family law • personal inju

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Medicare Experts representing most companies. We can help!

813-831-8363 |

1111 N Westshore Blvd. — #215 — Tampa, FL 33607

Lifestyles After 50, Florida’s Largest, Most Read 50+ Publication is offering a prominent ad position on the front cover of all five editions.

Here are the following net and non-commissionable rates for the front-page full color strip ad and the monthly banner top digital ad:

An advertiser can buy a 10.25” wide x 2” deep full color strip ad on the front cover positioned at the bottom of the front page for any one, two, three, four, five or all six editions of Lifestyles After 50.

Over 274,000 Readers Full run – All 6 Monthly Editions OPEN 3x 6x $2,400 $2,100 $1,850

12x $1,550

The prices also include a 728 x 90 monthly banner top digital ad (valued at $300/month) to run throughout the pages of our website.

3 Monthly Editions OPEN 3x $1,700 $1,400

6x $1,050

12x $750

1 Monthly Edition 3x OPEN $750 $475

6x $400

12x $350

Deadlines: Space: 19th of preceding month Material: 22nd of preceding month

Contact Your Account Executive Today At 813-336-8247

to Set Up This Exciting and Effective Program to Drive Incremental Business to Your Company

Fax 813-331-2634

Ad format: 300 dpi PDF, CMYK, 100% Black type, with fonts embedded. Digital format: PDF, CMYK, TIFF, JPEG, HTML formats accepted. Include a URL so the message or special offer can be directed to your web site or social media pages of your choosing. 2019 Averages 43,420 unique visitors per month 40,983 average monthly page views Facebook Statistics 26,419 total views 14,943 uniques 90% engagement rate



Social Media & Digital Packages

per month for a twelve-month (12x) contract



per month for a six-month (6x) contract



per month for a three-month (3x) contract

All rates are net.

Advertisers you will receive: • A 30 -60 second video

Your video, with a brief synopsis if you choose, would appear on the home page of

• Your ad to appear on our website every month

We can customize your ad message or use an existing print or digital ad (300px x250px). Your Ad will appear on our website every month and can be changed from month to month if necessary. Your Ad will appear in Lifestyles After 50 monthly newsletter and will contain active URL links to your website or social media page. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for your ad to appear on our website. Advertisers will receive an email when ad goes live.


Once the email is sent, it is automatically posted on all “Lifestyles After 50” Social Media pages (FACEBOOK, TWITTER, PINETREST, YOU TUBE) When the consumer clicks on your “Ad” from any of our Social Media pages, they will be automatically directed to YOUR Website or any of YOUR Social Media page(s) of your choosing.

• Monthly email blast

Our monthly email blast goes out to nearly 16,000 email subscribers to receive our monthly updates. Our newsletter contains up-to-date information on places to live, travel, events, contests, coupons, gifts, healthcare and more. We will include your AD MESSAGE on our monthly newsletter email blast, OR if you choose, we can email your AD MESSAGE to a specific ge graphical area of your choosing.

Contact Your Account Executive Today At 813-336-8247

to Set Up This Exciting and Effective Program to Drive Incremental Business to Your Company

Fax 813-331-2634

Florida’s Largest Senior Publication

813-336-8247 Preprint RATES Number of Pages 1x 3-5x Quantity: 25,000 based on cpm Single Sheet $36 $34 4 to 8 $38 $36 10 to 20 $40 $38 24+* $44 $42 Quantity: 50,000+ Single Sheet 4 to 8 10 to 20 24+*

$28 $34 $38 $42

6-9x 9x+ $32 $34 $36 $40

$30 $32 $34 $38

$27 $25 $23 $32 $30 $28 $36 $34 $32 $40 $38 $36

Must buy one complete zone or county totalling a minimum quantity of 25,000+ *Subject to Publisher’s approval. Price may be adjusted depending on weight and format.

Size Requirements: 11” x 11” maximum 7” x 5” minimum Size across the fold/spine of the product 2% spoilage recommended Page Requirements: 64-page maximum Single Sheet on 50# paper or .005” minimum Reservation: Arrival of Preprints:

20 days prior to insertion date 7 days prior to insertion date

Delivery Requirements: Shipments should be delivered F.O.B. destination (Prepaid) to the Tampa Bay Times Shipping and Receiving department. Receiving Hours: 8 AM - 4 PM Monday - Friday Delivery Address: The Tampa Bay Times 1301 34th St. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33713 Contact: Tom Maxfield Phone: 727-322-6909

If you have any problems meeting these deadlines, please contact your Lifestyles After 50 sales representative.

Preprint Specs Bill of Lading/Skid Tags:

• Our name: Lifestyles After 50 • Name of Advertiser • Insert Run Date • Total number of inserts shipped • Number of inserts on each pallet • Name of printer and phone number

Boxes need to have:

• Our name: Lifestyles After 50 • Name of Advertiser • Insert Run Date • Number of inserts on each box • Number of total inserts

Packaging Requirements:

The following specifi ations should be used to ensure your inserts are usable condition when received • Inserts must be suitable for machine insertion with individual bundles, not tied or banded • All inserts must be stacked on pallets in consistent bundles and be well jogged. • Please avoid curling the inserts when wrapping skids. •Cardboard or suitable sheets should be placed between layers. • Pallets must have the clearance to accommodate a forklift or pallet jack. • A skid tag must be displayed with a sample of the product on the two opposite sides of the skid. • Do not double stack pallets on the truck.

Special Web Directory Packages • Average sessions per month = 44,158 • Unique visitors per month = 43,420 • Average page views per month = 40,983 • Engagement rate = 90% (the number of people a post reached who then liked, commented, shared or clicked on your post)



per month for twelve-months (12x)





per month for six-months (6x)

per month for three-months (3x)

Add your business to our new Web Directory. Your company name and website link will be published in all editions of Lifestyles After 50 and on our website:

Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication

Contact your Account Executive today at 813-336-8247 to Drive Incremental Business to Your Company Fax 813-331-2634


Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989


your custom insert all for



o ne lo w price !

drops in for a “conversation” BREAST CANCER Aw a r e n e s s Celebs on the Battlefront Happy Grandparents Day Sunday, October 8th

Time for Medicare Open Enrollment National Award-Winning Magazine

Cost Per 1,000 Printed & Delivered All rates are net and non-commissionable.

FULL SIZE 8.5 X 11

HALF SIZE 5.5 X 8.5

One T wo T hree FOUR FIVE Editi on Editi ons Editi ons Editi ons Editi ons

One T wo T hree FOUR FIVE Editi on Editi ons Editi ons Editi ons Editi ons


Live Area: 5” x 8”

$60 $58 $56 $54 $52 $62 $64 $58 $56 $54

$54 $50 $48 $46 $44 $56 $52 $50 $48 $46


Live area: 7.5” x 10.5”

$64 $62 $60 $58 $56 $66 $64 $62 $60 $58

All rates are CPM.

All rates are CPM.

All rates are CPM. Florida’s Largest Senior Publication

$58 $54 $52 $50 $48 $60 $56 $54 $52 $50 All rates are CPM.

Camera ready ad material: 20 days prior to insertion date Reservation: 20 days prior to insertion date All custom inserts are printed on 70# white offset paper. Minimum quantity is one full editon, minimum 25,000 pieces. Color choice limited to process color.

PO Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 •


• Fax: 813-331-2634 •

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