Lifestyles After 50 Sarasota Edition, September 2020

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SARASOTA EDITION ~ SEPTEMBER 2020 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989

Serving Manatee & Sarasota Coun�es NATIONAL AWARD-WINNING MAGAZINE

FREE - Take One Home! VOLUME 31 ISSUE 9

Grandparents Day

Read about favorite memories and how you can keep yourself healthy for the sake of your grandkids

Hurricane Preparedness

Are you prepared for a hurricane? Use the FDEM checklist inside to keep safe this season


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Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 2

Priceless Memories It seems that for most people, memories of their grandparents are some of the dearest that they keep. From the nostalgia of Grandma’s cooking to the stories Grandpa recites from his wild youth, it’s no wonder that grandparents have a day devoted to their appreciation. My most comforting memories involve family, specifically time spent with my grandparents. When I was younger, I would spend a weekend here and there at their house. My grandma would pick me up on a Friday from my parents’ house and we would go to our local Meijer. I would “help” her do the grocery shopping for the week. Most notably, the trip consisted of the ingredients for our family’s big Sunday dinner and Fudgsicles for my grandpa. I would then get to help make dinner for the next two nights alongside Grandma by assuming the role of prep chef and Salad Maker. The next day, both grandparents and I would go “fun shopping”, usually a trip to the local shopping mall for clothes and the obligatory stop in Yankee Candle for Grandma, much to Grandpa’s disapproval: “Do you really need more candles?” Afterwards, we would return home, make dinner and settle in for a movie or two. One weekend, we watched a horror movie much to my grandma’s, well, horror. She and I both watched the entirety of the film through the slits between our fingers, leaned on each other for support and swore, “Never again!” as the credits rolled and Grandpa chuckled. Sunday was a much more relaxing day. My grandma

was preoccupied with slaving over dinner for the whole that night, so my grandpa would take me for a ride in his truck. He would pick a CD from his extensive music collection and we would listen, sing and laugh as we drove the back-country roads. He would explain why he loved the certain song, album or artist and proceed to play his picks in descending order of favoritism. Back then, what he played for me was Aerosmith, Annie Lenox or my personal favorite, Electric Light Orchestra, but within more recent years, he’s shown me his psychedelic rock favorites on vinyl. It’s probably better he kept me away from Iron Butterfly, Fever Tree or The Electric Prunes until I could fully appreciate them as an adult. I wouldn’t trade these memories for the world. They come back to me in bursts when I hear an ELO song or when I visit their house as an adult and smell Grandma’s homemade spaghetti and meatballs; her kitchen triumph that anointed her as an “honorary member of the Italian community”, according to my grandpa. This September, Grandparents Day falls on Sunday, September 13. No matter your title, whether Grandma and Grandpa, Nana and Papa, Mimi and Pops, this day is for you. On behalf of grandkids everywhere, thank you for the time and precious memories over the years. Irreplaceable and wonderful, we hold you close.


Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 31, Issue 9 Publisher Debbie Hansen Editor Rebecca Fending Website Editor Allie Shaw Distribution 813-336-8247 Questions/Customer Service 813-336-8247 Press Releases Advertising Sales Patricia Hincher: 813-580-1879 Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 Mervyn Hollander 330-720-6772 Fred Gericke: 727-542-4466 Virginia LaPlante: 813-336-8247 x10167

To learn more, call 813-336-8247 Lifestyles After 50 P.O. Box 638 Seffner, Florida 33583 (Fax) 813-331-2634

Rebecca Fending, Editor

Have a magnificent September and we'll see you in October!

Attention Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles After 50 do not necessarily re ect the opinion of the Editor or the staff. Lifestyles After 50 endeavors to accept reliable advertising; however, we cannot be held responsible by the public for advertising claims. Lifestyles After 50 reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisement. Our advertising deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month. Magazines are out by the 10th of each month. All rights reserved. As a reader of Lifestyles After 50, you are creating an established relationship with our advertisers. You may be contacted by email, telephone or mail as allowed by law.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 3


At least two weeks supply of medication, medical supplies used regularly and a list of allergies List of the style, serial number, and manufacturer information of required medical devices


Do not use candles and be sure to have enough batteries


Battery operated or hand cranked radio, a NOAA weather radio


Banks and ATMs may not be available after a storm

Pet Care Items

Pet food and water Proper identification Medical records/ microchip info A carrier or cage Muzzle and leash

Water and food bowls Medications Supplies for your service animal


Include seasonal or rain gear and sturdy shoes or boots.

Special Needs Items

Be sure to include specialty items for infants, small children, the elderly, and those family members with a disability.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 4

First Aid

First Aid Manual

Sterile adhesive bandages of different sizes Sterile gauze pads Hypoallergenic adhesive tape Triangular bandages



Sewing needle

Moistened towellettes Antiseptic Thermometer

Tube of petroleum jelly

Safety pins Soap

Latex gloves Sunscreen

Aspirin or other pain reliever Anti-diarrheal medicine Antacid

Laxative Cotton balls Q-tips

Food and Water


Enough for at least seven (7) days, nonperishable packaged or canned food and beverages, snack foods, juices, baby food, and any special dietary items

Important Documents Insurance cards

Medical records Bank numbers

Credit card numbers

Copy of social security card Copies of birth and/or marriage certificates

Other personal documents Set of car, house, and office keys Service animal I.D., veterinary records, and proof of ownership

Information about where you receive medication, the name of the drug, and dosage Copy of will

*Items should be kept in a water proof container


Keep your motor vehicle tanks filled with gasoline

Phone Numbers

Maintain a list of important phone numbers including:

Non-electric can opener

county emergency management office, evacuation sites, doctors, banks, schools, veterinarian, a number for out of town contact, friends & family


COVID-19 Supplies

Water (1 gallon per person)

Hand sanitizer

Paper plates Plastic cups Utensils

Face masks Disinfectant wipes


The Florida Orchestra goes inside Beethoven Symphony No. 7 By KELLY SMITH As the coronavirus pandemic continues, The Florida Orchestra is making changes to its fall season to maximize safety. “I could not be more proud of our musicians and staff who have kept the music playing in our TFO at Home series online, but we are determined to bring you LIVE performances,” said TFO President & CEO Mark Cantrell. “At the same time, the health and safety of everyone is absolutely our top priority.”


TFO is hopeful it can do both by making these changes and more: • TFO will push back the start of the season about one month to the end of October. • To allow for extra spacing on stage, Music Director Michael Francis is changing the repertoire to use fewer musicians. An updated schedule of concerts will be announced in September. • Concerts will be slightly shorter, about 75 minutes, with no intermission. • The audience will be small to allow for spaced seating. • For the first time, The Florida Orchestra will offer live video streams of select concerts to ensure everyone can experience the music. However, everything is subject to change depending on the virus. TFO is working with its established venues and CDC guidelines to implement safety measures, and it is exploring outdoor and alternate venues as necessary. More details will be provided about one month before the season begins. “The music of The Florida Orchestra is courage, hope, joy, grief – everything people are feeling in this pandemic,” Cantrell said. “As long as it is safe to do so, we will find a way to perform because we know music helps people cope. It reminds us of the deeper meaning in our lives. It has been the heart and soul of this orchestra and the Tampa Bay community for more than 52 years.” If you go: Florida Orchestra Coffee Concert tickets are $24-$42, with concerts at the Mahaffey Theater in St. Petersburg and Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater. Tampa Bay Times Masterworks and Raymond James Pops series tickets are $18-$48. Tickets at and 727.892.3337 or 1.800.662.7286.

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Online collection of videos, radio broadcasts and virtual learning The coronavirus has canceled concerts, but The Florida Orchestra is keeping the music going with TFO at Home. Find musician performance videos, concert preview videos by Music Director Michael Francis, TFO rebroadcasts on, virtual learning tips and blog posts. All in one place. TFO-Lifestyles-Suncoast-July.indd 1

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Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 5

Grandparents Eating Smart BY: JAN LARRAINE COX

We all have our favorite foods and would like to concentrate more on eating them. But as we age, it is even more important to save room for a variety of foods from all food groups to deliver the nutrients we need to stay healthy and energetic.

Beans are a high nutrient, high fiber, low-calorie food and are effective in the diet as a weight loss tool. They offer plenty of protein, fiber, folate, iron, potassium and magnesium: the ideal starch for people who are diabetic or pre-diabetic.

Animal products should compose 10 percent of the plate at most, and avoid the “deadly white” foods such as white bread and white rice because these cause a spike in insulin, which is very detrimental to your system and makes you tired.

Onions are beneficial to the cardiovascular and immune systems and have been linked to slowing tumor growth. When preparing, chop finely before heating, which releases more of the disease fighting organosulfur compounds.

The more balance and variety the better in an older diet: a cornucopia of color from a myriad of fruits and vegetables will supply what the aging body needs to thrive. Focus on “GBOMBS”: greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds/nuts.

Mushrooms are a superfood: they have immune boosting properties and are believed to protect against infections and cancers. Their fiber and potassium levels contribute to healthy blood pressure levels and good cardiovascular health. Notably, just one mushroom per day is thought to be linked to a 64 percent decrease in breast cancer risk.

As a bonus, the low-calorie micronutrients in such a diet not only keep you from gaining weight, but also can prevent diseases like cardiovascular, diabetes and cancer because they help repair cell walls. Greens are the most micronutrient dense. Concentrate on kale, romaine, collards and have a large salad each day. Easily blend your own dressing from a nut butter or tofu base, balsamic vinegar and a spritz of lemon juice with ginger or any herbs you enjoy. Then top your salad creation with a beautiful mixture of other vegetables, either cooked or raw. Collard greens are the most concentrated in calcium of all greens: good for bones! They are a dark green leafy cruciferous vegetable that provides special protection against all common types of cancer. They have also been called our real-life fountain of youth as they slow aging. Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 6

Berries look pretty and have high health benefits. Buying them frozen saves money and means they are not sprayed with fungicide before going to market. Berry flavonoids have anti-cancer properties, preventing DNA damage and promoting DNA repair; they are also thought to improve the ability of the arteries to dilate, helping to lower blood pressure. The final category of GBOMBS concludes with seeds and nuts. Ground flax seeds for example are valuable for lowering blood pressure and reducing cancer cells in tumors. Nuts are strongly connected with living longer, preventing heart disease, and helping with weight loss and maintenance. For any questions directly for the author, you may contact Jan at jlarraine@


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BY: REBECCA FENDING License pending.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 7


“Supergram”, that’s what my grandkids used to call me. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because I was the first one down the slide at the water park. Or maybe it’s because I went on that ball ride that shoots you straight up in the air with my six-year-old grandson. Of course, the attendant on the ride asked the usually questions: “How old are you?” he asked my grandson and, “Hey Herb, should I let this kid on the ride, he’s yelling and screaming and this lady is dragging him on the ground.” I used to say when my children were little that there were two times of the day I enjoyed most. The first was when they got up in the morning, running and jumping and full of life, and the second was when they went to bed at night, then it was my time to run and jump. Still works for my grandkids. My grandkids are grown now, but I remember when they were little. They would spend one night every weekend ever since my granddaughter was 18 months old. In those days, she was an only child and I could devote all my time (and energy) to her. She never wanted to get dressed so we made a game (I use the word loosely) of it. I would chase her and when I caught her I would (try to) put a piece of clothing on her. Then she would escape, it would come off and we would start all over again. When she was about four years old, she played this game where she would go into one of my kitchen cabinets and close the door and stay for a while. I eventually gave her a flashlight, some snacks and a toy. I really liked that game. My grandson is two years younger than my granddaughter. We would play house games when they came over. By that I mean my bed, which Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 8

is king-size, became a floating spaceship. Or it was a safe place when monsters surrounded us in my bedroom. That used to work so well until they realized that they can also spot monsters. I did get a lot of exercise though since they always spotted more monsters then I did. When they were younger, we all slept in the bed. Each of them fighting for who was going to sleep next to Gram. I used to pray my granddaughter would win but she never did. My grandson would end up with his legs across my face. I had to learn to sleep defensively. When we went to bed, I had to have the room completely dark or I could not sleep. My grandson was not very fond of this. But since we were all together, he adjusted. However, one morning he woke up about 3 am, sat straight up in bed and yelled “I can’t thee, I can’t thee”. He had a lisp when he was little. The drama one week was Shark Boy (my grandson) had to get two of his baby teeth pulled. We call him that because his new teeth grow in while his baby teeth refuse to come out. He is the only kid that has been given rock candy for his health. He thinks some kids in a third world county are waiting for his teeth so they can eat their supper. You can’t believe how imaginative you can get when a kid refuses to close his mouth and has drool dripping down his chin. I spoke with my daughter who said he had to speak with me to let me know how everything went. I get on the phone: “Hey you poor thing, you had to have your teeth pulled?” “Yep.” “Are you doing OK?” “Yep.” I’m glad he had to tell me how everything went. You have to remember not to ask open ended questions when you speak to a six-year-old.

A Reading Rainbow For quite some time, I have had this theory that if you could list all of the magazines that a person has read regularly from childhood and on, you could see how that person developed into the kind of person they have ultimately become. As an example, here is a sample, based upon my own reading lineage, with a few extras thrown in here and there: My Weekly Reader, Jr. Scholastic, Boy’s Life, Batman comic books, Blackhawk comic books, Mad Magazine, Playboy, Penthouse, The Navy Times, Stars and Stripes, The LA Free Press, The Realist, The Watchtower, Awake! and AARP Magazine. I would have to add two more to my own listing. Just like the young Steven King, I could hardly wait for each month’s issue of “Famous Monsters of Filmland” (1958-1983) to hit the newsstands. In addition to that, I would add “Hit Parader”, which contained all of the lyrics to the top songs of the day, as well as short bios or news tidbits about the popular performers at that time. Until “Hit Parader” came along, one had to scramble with paper and pencil whenever a favorite song came on the radio, and write as many of the lyrics as you could until the next time you heard it played (unless, of course, you actually owned the record.) One time, The Joy of My life was in the car with her dad. Her song came on and she began writing frantically, after which she shoved her materials into the glove compartment and explained to her dad what she had been doing. Several weeks later, she and both parents were traveling somewhere. Keep in mind, both of my in-laws had very volatile temperaments. As they rode along, my Mother-in-law began casually shuffling through the contents of the glove compartment and came across Joy’s paperwork. She read it to herself, and suddenly shoved it in her husband’s face. “What is THIS!” she bellowed angrily. “I don’t have the foggiest idea,” he fumbled. Fortunately, Joy jumped in “THERE it is! I’d forgotten where I left it!” Her timely explanation very may have well prevented World War III. The note said “Meet me at midnight Mary, same place we always go. Meet me at midnight Mary, but don’t let anyone know, don’t let anyone know. Mike Wright has always contended that the best/funniest stories are the true ones. If you have any you’d like to share, you can reach him at

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 9

Thoroughly Modern Grandma Did you know that the Sunday after Labor Day is National Grandparents Day? That this was decreed by Congress in 1978 and then-president Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation? That was 39 years ago, but I lived in ignorance of this calendared event until just the other day. And I reluctantly admit to being a grandparent for 25 of those 39 years. Of course, I was quite young when it happened, when our oldest presented us with a baby girl. When said baby girl was three, I delighted in hearing her call me "Grandma." Now that she's 25, I sweetly request that, as honored as I am to be her nana, she refrain from addressing me as such in public places. It took another nine years, but we were eventually blessed with four more grandkids, now ages 10 through 16. I don't yet have a problem with any of them yelling "Grandma" in a crowded movie theater, but as soon as the 16-year-old grows one more inch and starts using eye liner, I shall look around quizzically and pretend not to notice that she's referring to me. Love them all as I do, I must admit that my grandparenting may fall a bit short. I don't bake cookies, or bake anything for that matter, I attend only one out of three Little League games, and have avoided extensive babysitting gigs by moving to Florida. Besides, I spend a considerable amount of time writing these essays instead of imparting wisdom to the next generation. But there is something that I have passed on to my young crew, at least to the four out of five who are female. They have inherited my shopping gene. Over the years, for birthdays and back-to-school, we've spent quality time browsing through racks. I have delighted in watching my young granddaughters defining their own sense of style and individuality. I was known as the "Shopping Grandma," the one who'd drive them to their favorite retail establishment and patiently look on as they assessed the inventory, tried on their selections, and ask me for an opinion. We'd return home and they'd proudly model for their parents, who occasionally frowned because a skirt was too short. But, hey, Grandma was entitled to be the spoiler. So, it's September again, and back-to-school time. But sadly, no more shopping sprees. They're older now and prefer shopping with their friends. So, it's cash or gift cards for their favorite stores, while Grandma stays homes and considers learning how to bake cookies. I must admit I miss our ritual. But now that I've discovered Grandparents Day, perhaps they'd like to take me shopping?

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 10

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The Summer of Love BY RANDAL C. HILL

In the now-fabled summer of 1967, San Francisco’s HaightAshbury neighborhood temporarily morphed into a community of societal dropouts, college students, teenage runaways, vagrants and hustlers. Often clad in Army surplus and thriftstore outfits, many had come to share a collective spirit of togetherness and love. Oh yes. And plenty of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll, as well.

The Haight (as it was nicknamed) became a social Eden. The epicenter of “cool”. A cultural utopia. Those who took up residence there tended to be disillusioned teens and young adults who often railed against a corrupt government, rampant consumerism and an overseas war that was claiming 100 lives each week. Armed with compassion, idealism and lots of flowers, up to 100,000 folks staked a claim in the Bay Area that summer.

their beautiful coastal city. Irritated residents proclaimed that the area simply couldn’t adequately absorb such an influx of people, that the infrastructure and resources would become strained to the breaking point. Finally, much of the “coolness” factor evaporated when bus tours of the Haight brought gawking tourists, each of whom was handed a printout that explained such hippie slang words as teenybopper, weed and trip.

The original “peace and love” crowd eventually fled the Haight when the neighborhood began to show the effects of overcrowding, unsanitary conditions and crime. As much

For a while, money seemed to no longer be much of a relevant issue. An overall attitude of sharing and community had blossomed among many young San Franciscans by the mid-1960s. This led to, among other things, the establishment of a Free Store (nobody paid for donated food and clothing) and a Free Clinic (staffed by kindhearted volunteer doctors and nurses). In January 1967, the “Human Be-In” saw 30,000 people gather at Golden Gate Park to witness exHarvard professor Timothy Leary first offer his his now-legendary command of “Turn on, tune in, drop out” amid Hindu chants and throbbing rock music.

June brought the Monterey Pop Festival (dubbed the Monterey Pot Festival by some drug-oriented wags). John Phillips of the Mamas and Papas had created pal Scott McKenzie’s millionselling hit “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair).” This, of course, only added to the allure of a must-visit destination for those anxious to answer the Bay Area’s clarion call. But the days of this edenic world were numbered. The tsunami of young people heading for San Francisco alarmed the police force there, many of whom were upset and determined to keep the invading army of motley vagabonds from overwhelming

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 12

as anything else, though, it was an influx of hard drugs that hastened the area’s fall.

But the primary elements of the Summer of Love have never died. James Rado and Gerome Ragni, two young men who had witnessed the Human Be-In, felt so inspired by what they experienced that they created the groundbreaking musical drama “Hair”. Its success guaranteed that at least the unique spirit of 1967 would endure far beyond that turbulent summer.

Recipe: One-Pan Chicken and Apples BY: REBECCA FENDING

Nothing says fall more than fresh, warm apples and apple cider. When combined with the moist meat of chicken thighs, it’s sure to please anyone at your dinner table. Not only is this recipe full of fresh yet warming flavors and only seven ingredients, but it only uses one pan, so there’s a minimal number of dishes to clean a�erwards. Kind of the best of both worlds, right? Ingredients: • Olive oil

• Salt and pepper

• 8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs

• ½ cup apple cider

• 2-3 teaspoons dijon mustard

• 2-3 fresh apples, sliced

• Fresh rosemary

To Make: Heat oil in skillet on medium high heat. Season chicken thighs with salt and pepper. Cook meat thoroughly, then remove from pan and keep warm on a plate. Drain skillet of juices. Whisk together apple cider and Dijon in a separate bowl. Add a small amount of oil over medium high heat. Add apple slices and a pinch of salt and pepper, and a dash of fresh rosemary. Cook un�l apples are tender and golden. Place chicken thighs back to the skillet, pour cider-Dijon mixture over thighs and cook un�l liquid is reduced by half. Top with any addi�onal seasoning (salt, pepper, rosemary & etc.) and serve!


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Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 13

Gardening—Adding Years to Your Life and Enhancing Your Days


Dr. Dan Bue�ner, author and longevity expert, has spent years circling the globe studying similari�es among centenarians (people who live to be 100 and older) to determine the quali�es that led them to lead longer, healthier, and happier lives. Not surprising, most ate a plant-based diet, had strong social support networks, and exercised regularly, but unexpectedly, Bue�ner found that most gardened well into their old age which seemed to add years to their lives. Once you develop a green thumb, you’ll appreciate the efforts of others who take gardening to a whole new level and you’ll gain new-found apprecia�on for the people who cherish and showcase their gardens. For example, Jackie Kennedy’s Rose Garden on the White House grounds is currently undergoing a massive renova�on to make it handicapped accessible and be expanded with 200 rose bushes planted in pastel colors to make it feel more open and sunnier than before. Marjorie Merriweather Post, one of the world’s wealthiest women and the original owner of Mar-A-Lago and her Hillwood Estate in Washington, DC, where she’s buried in her own lush gardens, was so influenced by her own mother who gardened that now, visitors from around the world put Hillwood on their list of best

gardens to visit when they come to the states. Fortunately for garden lovers everywhere, a new book wri�en by Hillwood’s long-�me and well-regarded Execu�ve Director Kate Markert and published by Rizzoli was just released to glowing reviews. En�tled “A Garden for All Seasons, Marjorie Merriweather Post’s Hillwood” celebrates this historic home and gardens and highlights plants that thrive each season. Lavishly illustrated and with a foreword wri�en by designer Charlo�e Moss, this book is the first to be wri�en about the history and design of the estate’s grounds. My personal on-site favorite is the Lunar Lawn where Ms. Post threw dazzling garden par�es but when I desire calm and serenity, I visit the Japanese garden with its stream and pagoda or sit next to Mrs. Post ‘s obelisk and reflect on her many contribu�ons and gardening skills. This book will be my holiday present for fellow gardeners to be inspired by one of the best. And we’ll appreciate the hours spent in nature, the exercise we’re ge�ng while lessening our stress, the fact that we’re adding years to our lives and s�ll being inspired by others who have truly made gardening an art form.

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Movie Preview – The Glorias BY RANDAL C. HILL

“The truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off.” -Gloria Steinem

Kiera Armstrong, The Glorias

At last. A worthy biopic on the life of one of the primary movers and shakers of the women’s liberation movement. Premiering in January 2020 at the Sundance Film Festival, Julie Taynor’s “The Glorias” received three standing ovations at the prestigious gathering. Later, “Ms” magazine co-founder Gloria Steinem enthused, “Telling my story in Julie Taynor’s genius movie carries my hope that we all have a right to tell our stories.”

The film showcases four stages in the icon’s life. Young Ryan Kiera Armstrong portrays Gloria as a child growing up in provincial 1940s Ohio. Lula Wilson is Gloria as a teenager, and Alicia Vikander plays Steinem as a young woman. Finally, the incomparable Julianne Moore brings us Gloria Steinem as a mature activist and celebrity spokeswoman of the 1970s and beyond. On each leg of the story’s journey, Taynor offers vivid details of Gloria’s life. Timothy Hutton portrays Steinem’s happy-go-lucky father, Leo, who helps to hold the family together—Gloria has an older sister—while homemaker mother

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Ruth is trapped in a spiral of depression and anxiety. Steinem learns that her mother once wrote a newspaper column but had to hide the fact that she was a woman by writing under a pseudonym.

Gloria becomes a writer herself and lands a plum job with the “New York Times”. But her editor insists that she compose only fluffy fashion pieces when not busy brewing the office coffee. Steinem quits after her boss invites her to a hotel room. Her next stop is at “Show” magazine, where in 1963 she goes undercover as a Playboy bunny and later writes “A Bunny’s Tale” about the wretched conditions that women who work there must endure.

To draw attention away from her good looks, the strikingly attractive Gloria adopts a parted-in-the-middle hairstyle and tinted aviator glasses. However, this isn’t always successful: On one TV talk show, the leering host comments on Gloria’s “sex object” looks, then asks her why she’s not married.

She becomes a “name” after she covers an important abortion speak-out in 1969 for “New York Magazine”. Steinem then graduates to speaking engagements and connects with other women—of all races and classes—involved in the feminist movement. In the story, we are also privy to the down-and-dirty backroom politics of the nascent movement. Based upon Steinem’s 2015 book “My Life on the Road” and scripted by Taynor and playwright Sarah Ruhl, “The Glorias” releases in September.

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Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 15




I recently had a conversation with an attorney I know fairly well regarding real estate law and the subject of deeds came up. I learned from this attorney that she always prepares her deeds using “letter” size paper, not “legal” size - the size traditionally favored by attorneys for deeds and contracts and for many other legal documents as well. I posited that the deeds she prepares must almost always require at least two pages instead of just one. She agreed. Though some might view this as a trifling matter, I suggested to her that the use of letter size paper instead of the traditional legal size created an unnecessary burden for her clients since it cost more to record two pages, with no real benefit to the client and she retorted: “but it’s only $8.50 more”. I guess that amount of money didn’t seem like much to her, but I bet she has many clients who would much prefer to keep this completely unnecessary extra cost in their pocket. If you hire an attorney to prepare a deed for you, insist that the deed be prepared on legal size paper and save a little money. Mr. Mumbauer, a 5th generation Floridian, has maintained a law practice in Brandon, Florida since 1980 with emphasis on estate planning. Mr. Mumbauer takes special pride in representing the senior community by maintaining a sensitive and practical approach to problem solving. Mr. Mumbauer is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the Elder Law Section of the Florida Bar. Mr. Mumbauer is also a Mentor in probate law and has been qualified by the Second District Court of Appeal in Florida as an expert witness in matters involving the drafting of Wills. Mr. Mumbauer’s Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating among judges and lawyers for Legal Ability is High to Very High and his General Recommendation Rating is Very High. Please note: Mr. Mumbauer’s articles outline general principles of law and are they are not intended to apply to individual circumstances.

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Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 16

43309 US Hwy 19 N Tarpon Springs, FL 34689

14. 17. 15. 18. 16. 19. 17. 20. 18. 23. 19. 24. 20. 25. 22. 28. 24. 25. 32. 26. 34. 29. 35. 30. 37. 31. 38. 33. 39. 37. 40. 39.

Country home 5. Hide preparers 7. Greek letter Of a generation Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator 8. Enthusiastic Expunge Pocket bread High rating 7. 9. 6th Refer Procrastinator’s word Burstyn or Pompeo 8. day of Lent: abbr. 10. Springand line user Warm lunch Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook 11. Embraced Bit of cereal Originally Ms. Lee named 10. 12. Cosmetic Take advantage of Callindignant a halt to about Felt 11. case item 13. Put German article Nemesis Feudal subjects 12. underground 21. Beauty’s High schooler Rhythm direction Change 13. movie partner 22. Article Start of faith Final Cuts course 21. ANSWER TO by #5138 Bar 25. “...__ Cat 23. your outfit Lament TO Does an electrician’s job ANSWER that #5128 youfigures are...” 26. Praying Bee colony Of __;me!” no longer a minor a meal 27. Winding roads “Ah, F A V O R 25. S Had B O L D Jetta or Taurus 26. __ on; 28. Keep Rough Character in A Othello O E Moray seeker watch 29. Part of carefully summer West Point student M O N Cheese-producing region 27. Taj Mahal’s city 30. Fellow Out of __; behaving E through __inappropriately over; helped 28. item 31. Bride’s Sea duck a difficult period 29. or heron 33. Flamingo Certain love messages Word with stick or roll Plunge 32. into small D 34. Cut Fictional king pieces One who acts Seasons 34. In __ of 36. Miles, e.g. like another C Surrenders 35. Always 39. Tosses Lets C O Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty 43. Sermon Public disturbance Evaluate Ardent 38. topic I 45. Bargains Sight and taste Pillages Fascination 40. 47. Not Existing on a Do a hairdresser’s job Rejected with disdain 43. crackers flat asurface Follower of 7 Down Lotion ingredient 45. Like hill 50. Bach Fourth of Building Force intosite an C H 48. orpage Wagner a wall hanging Admirable people awkward position 50. Like more expensive A I who 52. Preposition Gives up others influence hamburger S Asia’s Mountains 53. Dandruff Insignificant 51. site amount William__and Sean T O Tract of wasteland 52. concern 54. Salk’s Complaint Reddish-brown animal Place 53. Europe/Asia boundary to a dermatologist Tack to spend rupees Light, rhythmic tune 54. 55. Nest Hot spot Gladden Pro’s foe 56. 56. Periods __ PM; 2100 hours “__ Wonderful Life” Lacks 57. Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. 57. Conception Did in Myers Slave of old Flower 58. 58. Disencumbers Item in a desk drawer Chihuahua children Schnozzola 59. talk 59. Brat’s Mr. Whitney Late actor Bert Meadow covering 62. lady 60. Lennon’s Girl’s nickname


Last Month’s Answers 41.

41. 42. 42. 44. 43. 46. 44. 47. 46. 49. 48. 51. 49. 54. 51. 55.

Enter To Win! 52.

56. 60. 58. 61. 61. 63. 62. 64. 63. 65. 64. 66. 65. 67. 66. 68. 67. 69.

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha


68. Worry

























23 28










1. State DOWN 1 14 2. 2 3 cabinet 4 5 15 6 1. Office Heavenly Mlles. 3. 17 2.


Misfortunes 18 Nag 15 Coat part tacit Not just Hide preparers 21 Mom, dad, or madam 18 Creator Take place 24 Enthusiastic 21 école Friend the 6th day ofatLent: abbr.

4. 3. 20 5. 17 4. 6. 5. 7. 20 6. 8. 26 7. 27Greek 28 29 letter 23 8. Expunge 30 31 32 9. Cosmetic Refer case item 11. 28 29 30 10. Spring 12. Put underground 37 38 39 11. Bit of cereal 34 13. Beauty’s movie partner 35 42 43 44 12. Take of advantage of 21. Article faith 23. “...__ by your outfit 39 German article 38 13. 47 48 that you are...” 21. High schooler 25. Had Starta meal 415122. 42 52 53 26. Cat 25. 445526. Praying figures 45 56 27. Taj Mahal’sroads city 27. Winding 28. Bride’s item 486028. Rough 49 61 62 50 29. Flamingo or heron 29. Part of summer 6432. Cut into 52 65 small pieces 30. Fellow 34. In __ of 31.59 Always Sea duck 68 586735. 60 61 33. Certain Coty love messages 36. France’s Fictional king 38. Sermon topic 63 34. 64 36. Miles, e.g. 40. Bargains Tosses 66 39. 67 43. Not crackers 43. Public 45. Like a hilldisturbance 48. Bach Wagner 45. Sightorand taste 50. Like more on expensive 47. Existing a hamburger flat surface 51. Dandruff site of 50. Fourth page 52. Salk’s concern a wall hanging 53. Europe/Asia 52. Prepositionboundary 54. Nest 53. Insignificant amount 56. Periods 54. Complaint 57. Conception to a dermatologist 58. Disencumbers 55. Hot spot 59. Brat’s talk 56. __ PM; 2100 62. Lennon’s lady hours 57. Did in 858. 9 Item in10a desk 11 12drawer 13 59. Mr. Whitney 16 60. Girl’s nickname


1 14









8 22






Let the energy experts at Tampa Electric show you how 9 10 11 12 13 to save on energy costs. 16 When 19 you participate in our free Home Energy Audit, one of our energy analysts will visit your home and 22 you can save valuable energy. 24identify areas 25 26 where 27 16



22 25











Visit to schedule your free Home Energy Audit today or call 813-275-3909. 47 You can also learn more at one of the Lifestyles A�er 50 51 Stop at our table on Wednesday, March 25th, 2020 at Virtual55Fun Events. These events are online with 54 56 Fest 57 the Lifestyles After 50 Fun Fest to be held at the: plenty 62 of prizes to be given away and starts at 9:30AM. Brandon Recreation Center Details can be found online at 65 502 E. Sadie St. Brandon, FL 68 h�p://lifestylesa� 9AM-1PM Bring this ad and receive a free energy-saving kit, made available through Tampa Electric’s Energy Education Outreach program.

49 54


32 33 You’ll also learn about our other energy-saving programs 36including 37 Energy Planner, Ductwork and more. 40










Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 17

22 31


Mr. Whitney 11 nickname 12 13 60. 10 Girl’s



21 30











18 26

19 10

Save your energy and focus on the important things in life.




DOWN 1. Heavenly Mlles. 2. Nag 1. State 3. cabinet Not just tacit 2. Office 4. Mom, dad, or madam 3. Misfortunes 4. Coat5.partTake place 5. Hide6.preparers Friend at the école 6. Creator 7. Greek letter 7. Enthusiastic 8. Expunge 8. 6th day Lent: abbr. 9. of Refer 9. Hook line user 10.and Spring 10. Embraced 11. Bit of cereal 11. Cosmetic case item 12. Take advantage of 12. Put underground 13. German article 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21. ofHigh 21. Article faith schooler 22.byStart 23. “...__ your outfit 25.youCat that are...” 26. Praying figures 25. Had a meal 26. Keep on; 27.__Winding roads watch 28. carefully Rough 27. Taj29. Mahal’s Partcityof summer 28. Bride’s 30. item Fellow 29. Flamingo or heron 31. Sea duck 32. Cut33. into Certain small pieces love messages 34. In __ of 34. Fictional king 35. Always 36. Miles, 36. France’s Coty e.g. 39. Tosses 38. Sermon topic 43. Public disturbance 40. Bargains Sight and taste 43. Not45. crackers 47. 45. Like a hillExisting on a 48. Bach or Wagner flat surface 50. Like expensive 50.more Fourth page of hamburger a wall hanging 51. Dandruff site 52. Preposition 52. Salk’s 53. concern Insignificant amount 53. Europe/Asia boundary 54. Complaint 54. Nest to a dermatologist 56. Periods 55. Hot spot 57. Conception 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 58. Disencumbers 57. talk Did in 59. Brat’s 58. Item 62. Lennon’s lady in a desk drawer




1. Make40__; clench ACROSS one’s hand 1. Bargain-hunt 41 42 5. Fog6. 43Family member 10. Baby’s spot 9. Read __; recite 14. Country home 44 45 46 14. 47 Novel setting 15. Stratford-on-__ 15. Of16. theHigh U.S.A. rating 48 49 50 16. 51 Rent long-term 58 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 17. Of18. a generation Spain’s Juan Carlos I 52 53 54 18. Pocket 19. 63 Ms.bread Lee 55 56 57 19. Procrastinator’s 20. Felt indignantword about 58 59 60 61 62 subjects 20. Warm lunch 22. Feudal 24. Change direction 23. Originally named 63 64 25. aFinal course 24. Call halt65 to 26. Bar 25. Nemesis 66 67 29. Does68an electrician’s job 28. Rhythm 30. Of __; no longer a minor 32. Cuts 31. Jetta or Taurus 34. Lament 33. colony Moray seeker 35. Bee 37. Cheese-producing region Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 37. “Ah, me!” 39. __ over; helped through in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the Character 20th of the month will a difficult period 39. West Point student win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 40. Out __; behaving 42.of Seasons P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 inappropriately 44. Surrenders with stick or roll 46. Poet’s contraction I want information on: Insurance 41. Word Personal Health 42. One acts 47. who Ardent Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financiallike & Fitness 49. another Fascination Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Homewith Improvements 43. Lets 51. Rejected disdain 54. Lotion ingredient 44. Evaluate Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 55. Force into an 46. Pillages awkward position 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 56. Givesofup7 Down 49. Follower Name 60. Asia’s 51. Building site__ Mountains 61. Tract ofpeople wasteland 52. Admirable who Address 63. Place to spend rupees influence others 64. Light, rhythmic tune 58. William and Sean 65. Pro’s foe 61. Reddish-brown animal 66. Lacks 62. Tack 67. Flower City State63. Gladden Zip 68. Schnozzola 64. “__ Life” 69.Wonderful Meadow covering 65. Slave of old Age Phone 66. Chihuahua children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 67. Late actor Bert 14 15 68. Worry E-mail 38


ACROSS 1. Bargain-hunt ACROSS 5. Fog __; clench 1. Make 9. Read __; recite one’s hand 14. Novel member setting 6. Family 10. Baby’s 15. Of thespot U.S.A. 14. Country home 16. Rent long-term 15. Stratford-on-__ 17. Of a generation 16. High ratingbread 18. Pocket 17. Burstyn or Pompeo word 19. Procrastinator’s 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 20. Warm lunch 19. Ms. Lee 23. Originally named 20. Felt indignant about 24. Call a subjects halt to 22. Feudal 25. Nemesis 24. Change direction 28. Rhythm 25. Final course 32. Cuts 26. Bar 34. Lament 29. Does an electrician’s job 30. Of __; colony no longer a minor 35. Bee 31. Jetta Taurus 37. “Ah,orme!” 33. Moray seekerin Othello 38. Character 37. Cheese-producing region 39. West Point student 39. __ over; helped through 40. Out of __; behaving a difficult period inappropriately 41. Plunge 41. Word with stick or roll 42. Seasons 42. One who acts 44. Surrenders like another 46. Poet’s contraction 43. Lets 47. Ardent 44. Evaluate 49. Fascination 46. Pillageswith disdain 51. Rejected 54. Lotion 48. Do a ingredient hairdresser’s job 55. Force into an 49. Follower of 7 Down awkward 51. Building position site 56. Gives up 52. Admirable people who 60. Asia’s __ Mountains influence others 61. Tract of wasteland 58. William and Sean 63. Place to spend rupees 61. Reddish-brown 64. Light, rhythmic tune animal 62. Tackfoe 65. Pro’s 63. Gladden 66. Lacks 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 67. Flower 65. Slave of old 68. Schnozzola 66. Chihuahua children 67. Late actor Bert 168. 2 Worry 3 4 5 6 7












TREASURES THRIFT SHOP: GRAND REOPENING AUG. 24 Treasures Thrift Shop Benefiting Tidewell Hospice will reopen Monday, Aug. 24 after a five-month coronavirus hiatus. You’ll find the great used furniture, books and household goods, but with new protocols to keep you safe. • Limit of 20 customers in the store at one time • Masks and temperature checks mandatory • No clothing sales or fitting-room access until Aug. 31 We can’t wait to see you again and show you everything we have to offer.

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CREATIVE CORNER “God” By: Alan Fisher

Whenever you doubt that God exists Look in the mirror and touch your face When you try to hold your breath for long The lungs will soon replace We’re awesomely made to work just fine We are aspects of the Divine It’s as close as hands and feet This one heart, one mind We are love, we are perfect We are the life within This is the Garden here on earth Let go, let God, give in

For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to editor@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 18


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The of the the game gameisistotofillfillallallthe the The object object of Last Month’s Winner is numbers. blank with the the correct numbers. blank squares squares with correct

Nichole Veesaert, Beach Carol Sands, Port Apollo Charlotte

Each row of of 99 numbers numbersmust mustinclude includeallall Each row digits 1 through 9 in any order. digits 1 through 9 in any order.Goo d od column of 99 numbers numbersmust mustinclude GoEach Each column of Linclude uck! ! k c Lu all digits 1 through 9 in any order. all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by by 3 3 subsection subsection the99byby9 9 Great Prizes! EachWin 3 ofofthe square must include all digits through9.9. New winner selected each month square must include all digits 11through


1 8 4 3 5 6 9

6 7 8 5

2 9

3 7 1 8 5

1 4 7 9 6 2 5 3 8

8 6 5 3 4 1 2 9 7

4 9 3 2 5 7 1 8 6

2 7 1 6 9 8 3 4 5

WORD In the grid below, twenty answers SEARCH can be found that fit the category for Intoday. the grid below, twenty answers can be found fitspace the category for Circle each answer that youthat findfitand list it inthat the provided at that In thetoday. grid below, twenty answers can be found the category today. Circle each answer Circle each answer that you find and list itallinfor the space provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in directions -forwards, you find and list itofinthe the space at the right the grid.inAnswers can be found in all directions – the right grid. provided Answers can beofdiagonally. found all An directions --isforwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and example given to forwards, backwards, horizontally,vertically vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you started. backwards, horizontally, and diagonally. An example get you started. Can youfind find the twenty answers inpuzzle? this puzzle? is given to Can you you twenty answers in thisin get you started. Can findthe the twenty answers this puzzle? Today's Category: Dances T M C Q U A D R

APRIL September





14. Robin Word Search Solution: 15. Sparrow 11. Parrot 1. Bluejay 2. Canary16. 3. Crow

13. Pigeon

6. Egret 7. Hawk 8. Lark 9. Loon 10. Oriole










17. Swallow


18. Swan 15. Sparrow


16. Stork 19. Woodpecker


4. Cuckoo 5. Eagle

12. Penguin Stork


14. Robin

17. Swallow

20. Wren 18. Swan

19. Woodpecker 20. Wren

















1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

















Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583

Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583

# 314



Send your answers along with your name, address, telephone number & email to:

61 12 3 8 5 9 8 3 7 6 4 72 59 44 23 5 9 9 7 1 8 3 5 8 67 16 N B S W A L L O W C M 7E6D95D 8W7 4E 4D2 C1 6R 2O1 3W5 C93 8R8G31F 7L6 2A 3P4 A5 9R 4R6 9O1 T25 2W2B59G 4S3 7S 8N6 G7 1E 1R3 5D9 G48 1D5A67L 9L4 8A#2R314 3 K6 5N 9A2 1X4 H87 9E7D86D 6U1 1G 5C7 W2 4O8P5 4C3 C32 5L 9P48C 2D5 E3 6F9 A4 8O3S7 2C6 V71 3O3S74I 1P2 G6 1J 5 H9 2L 7U9 8A8K64



Good Luck!

Samba ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win.



(Puzzles must be received by the 20th of the month)

Trivia Palooza!

Play & WIN!

Solution#304 #314 Solution

13. Pigeon


6 5 8 7 1 3 4 2 9

: Josephine Jimenez, N. Ft. Myers



3 2 9 4 8 5 6 7 1

WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku muST bE REcEIvEd by ThE 20Th of ThE moNTh.

12. Penguin


7 1 6 8 3 4 9 5 2

Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win.




5 8 4 1 2 9 7 6 3



6 4 2 1

9 3 2 5 7 6 8 1 4




SEARCH Search September Word APRIL WORD Word Search

Solution #303




Solution #313

Last Month’s Answers Sudoku Sudoku requires no arithmetic arithmeticskills. skills. Sudoku requires no

Search Solution: 11. Parrot luejay


# 315 # 305

Sudoku #314 Sudoku #304

4 2 8 7 6 3 9 1 5

QuestIoN: NAtIoNAL grANdPAreNts dAy Is sePtember 13. WhAt Is the offIcIAL soNg ANd offIcIAL fLoWer for thIs NAtIoNAL dAy of observANce? ANsWer: _____________________________________

Answer This Trivia Question To WIN a Prize!

Play each month to be entered in a drawing to win a prize! Deadline for entries: September 25th

Name Address City





Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583

Mary Tursellino, Port Charlotte was last months winner! Last month’s answer: NORAD, Col. Harry Shoup.

The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 19

Seniors getting Together WOMEN SEEKING MEN 4907 - SWF. 59 yo, 5’9”, 160 lbs, smoker, blonde hair, blue eyes. I like fishing, movies, traveling, dancing, good food. Seeks SWM who likes the same.

5419 - HAVE A NICE DAY. SWF, 75 yo, 5’5”, slender, brunette, green eyes, adventurous, love walks, parks, outdoors, healthy food. Am happy, loving, kind. LTR, intimacy? Have photo. Tampa.

5409 - WRETCHED old hagg seeking miserable old troll. If U respond U obviously have a sense of humor & R adventurous. I’m 76, blonde, petite, earthy, easy to B with. Love singing, dancing, biking, cooking, vintage cars & vintage men. Must have a little class & a lot of character.

4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. Former airline stewardess and model, 5’4”, 104 lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in healthcare. Fulbright scholar, eats healthy and exercises. Likes sports and animals. WW. Loves the Lord. Florida.

5422 - VERY PRETTY WWF ISO FF. Long blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim, ND, NS. Fine dining, dancing, theatre, travel. Looking for retired W gentleman, 5’9”, 6575, HWP, SOH. Will speak soon. Send photo & phone. 5436 - TAMPA VETERAN NEEDS COMPANION QUICKLY. SW, 60, looking for healthy, W, 45-65 for LTR. Need compuer operations, applications expert and handy homemaker. Quiet music, parks, swimming, local touring. Veteran literary a plus. Tampa. 5427 - SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST GENTLEMAN. I’m 70s, HWP, NS, ND, like to meet SWM with same interest for LTR. Laid back, no drama. Like animals. Hillsborough & Pasco. 5425 - SINCERE CHRISTIAN WOMAN desires C-man who really loves God and is active, lives a healthy life, helps his neighbor, enjoys nature (including picnics), canoeing and a friend to all animals. I’m all of the above. I’m a W ,etite lady with long hair and chearful. Age 60’s, Age preferred: Mid 50’s and up. I live in Hillsborough County. Please write me, tell me about yourself. 5431 – LONELY WWF, looking for love & companion. Man should be 70 to 80 yrs old. I am financially secure, have a car & condo. I live in N. St. Pete. 5429 - HERE, DURING COVID-19 IN S. FT. MYERS. ISO friendship only with W, widower in early 80’s. SOH, honest, NS. I am W, WW, HWP, attractive & intellgent. Please respond with phone/email. Be safe & well. 5413 - WW ISO BUDDY, FRIEND to pal around with who’s about my age, 80’s, gal or guy with SOH. Good health, financially secure to have fun & enjoy life. No Trumpers or religious zealots please. Let the good times roll.

seeking fit, attractive, female. Very handsome, very fit senior. 5’11”, 175, blue eyes, silver hair. Let’s enjoy life’s pleasures. Dunedin. 5417 - PINELLAS PARK, FUN LOVING SWM, seeking SWW to enjoy sports activities, bridge, dominoes, pinochle and swimming at Mainlands. I’m 88 and very active. Looking for SWW over 70. I’m 6’3”, 235 lbs and a dancer. Pinellas Park.

MEN SEEKING WOMEN 5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old woman of character. I am 6’0”, 180 lbs, 60 year old. NS. Children are adults. Free to travel. I am a one woman man. Race is not an issue character is!

5415 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, P, FF, likes cards, walks, cooking, travel, fun.

5393 - SWM, 69, 5’11”, AVG. Hair black, thinning, DAV, honest, sincere, relocated Hudson. Retired Leo. ISO WHF, widow preferred, attractive, sm. butt, NS, ND, handy homemaker, intimacy yes, no baggage, drama. 5428 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, R, TLC, 70’s. Likes sharing many activities together, quiet evenings; be adventurous.

To ReSPonD To An AD: Write a letter to the person you want to contact. Place that letter in a stamped envelope and write the ad # on the bottom left hand side of the envelope. Place your stamped, numbered envelope(s), along with $2 for each letter enclosed, into another envelope and address it to: Lifestyles After 50 Seniors Getting Together P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 CommonLY USeD ABBReViATionS: F-Female, M-Male, S-Single, D-Divorced, WWWidow, A-Asian, B-Black, H-Hispanic, I-Indian, W-White, C-Christian, J-Jewish, YO-Years Old, YY-Years Young, ISO-In Search Of, SOH-Sense Of Humor, SM-Smokes, S-Light Smoker, NSNon Smoker, ND-Non Drinker, SD-Social (Light) Drinker, DR-Drinks, NDrg- No Drugs, LTR-Long Term Relationship, HWP-Height & Weight Proportional, R-Retired, P-Professional, FF-Friendship First, TLC-Tender Loving Care.

5407 - ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to read, go out to eat, movies, laid back, enjoys laughter & is drama free. Look forward to hearing from you. I am a WM, 5’11”, 155 lbs, NS and drama free.

5424 - HI, Lonely guy, WM, 5’8”, 160 lbs, a young mid-seventies, NS, NS, fit, active and adventuresome. Seeks lady, mid-sixties to early seventies, HWP, exercises, possible romance, LTR. Let’s be happy and celebrate life.

To PLACe An AD: Send your ad, stating what edition(s) you would like it placed in, along with a $6 fee for 30 words (25¢ for each additional word, abbreviations not charged) to the Lifestyles After 50 address listed below. Ads received by the 15th of the month will appear in the following issue.

Seniors Getting Together

Personal Ad Placement only $6 per month! Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month prior to placement. MArk The ediTiOn(S) YOu WOuLd Like TO run YOur Ad in: ❍ Tampa Bay & Suncoast (Hillsborough/Pinellas/Pasco) ❍ Lake/Marion/Sumter ❍ Southwest & Sarasota (Lee, Charlotte/Manatee)

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(First 4 Words)

5426 - EASY GOING MAN. I’m 69, 140 lbs, 5’7”, widower, lives alone. Seeking other gentlemen for friendship, to get together and enjoy each other’s company. Will answer alll. 5369 – Looking For Ms Right. Retired New York Attorney, former New York Police Officer, looking for loving relationship with kind and sincere, self-caring lady. 65 – 75. Widow preferred. Clearwater area. 5412 - LOOKING FOR ADVENTEROUS WOMAN. SWM, NS, healthy, retired, enjoys country music, home cooking, day trips to scenic attractions, sun rises, sunsets, movies, walks in the park. For more info, write me. Pinellas County. 5416 - LOOKING FOR COMPANION. SWM

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 20


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We Want Your Community’s News! Send us your community news! We’re looking to share good news that influences your community. From organiza�onal events to honorary people, we want to share your news. For submissions: Send the informa�on (150 words or less) and a photo of the people involved to Rebecca.Fending@ lifestylesa� with the words “Community News” in the subject line.

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Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 21

th 25 e fi Y n rs. fo est v of p r a e ro ll a ter vid ni ina in ma ry g ls ca re

We care for your pet like they’re part of our family!



Covid-19 and Your Pet

For all of us, the emergence of the Covid-19 virus has changed our way of life. We’ve been forced to spend much of our time isolated from other people, worried about human contact. No longer is it acceptable to give someone a hug or handshake. But we all still need love, and for many that love comes from our beloved pets. They are here for us when we need a friend, and we need that now more than ever. In fact, pet adoptions have increased significantly since the pandemic started. But is it safe to have a pet or adopt a new pet in these uncertain times? With so much that is not known about this new virus, many people worry that their pets are at risk, or pets could pose a risk to them. It’s too early in the research of this new disease to have answers to these questions, but this is what is known at this time. Worldwide, millions of people have been diagnosed with SARSCoV-2 or COVID-19, but there have been very few positive tests in companion animals or in the animal world in general. In the handful of positive animal cases, it is believed that they were infected by owners who tested positive for the virus. So it is very important that people who have COVID-19 should avoid contact with all humans, pets and other animals. However there is no evidence that pets can spread the virus to people, even if it gets on their skin or fur. Potential signs of the virus in pets include vomiting, diarrhea,

A Complete Medical, Dental and Surgical Facility Blood Analysis Xrays Lab Work Behavioral Consultation Boarding & Grooming Facilities Reptiles & Birds welcome too!

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Lifestyles After 50 • September 2020 • page 22

respiratory disease, fever and loss of appetite. If the pet is showing any of these signs it is important to bring the pet to see a veterinarian. But if the pet’s owner tested positive for the disease, then someone else should bring the pet to the clinic. For these cases, samples from the nose, throat or rectum can be submitted to a lab for testing of COVID. Routine testing for this virus in pets is not advised. The best advice is to treat pets as you would treat other family members. Try to limit interactions with other people as much as possible. Keep cats inside and walk dogs on a leash at least 6 feet away from other people. Try not to go to the dog park, but if it is a part of your routine, remember to wear your mask. Don’t try to put a mask on your pet because it could produce more harm than good. Try to clean and disinfect anything you bring to the park - toys, dishes and leashes, but not your dog. Remember that it is still important to take your pet to the veterinarian if it is sick or injured or for preventative care and surgery. Your veterinarian and staff are doing everything possible to keep you and your pets safe and healthy during this pandemic crisis.

Boyette Animal Hospital is proud to provide your pets with the highest quality of treatment and care from twelve veterinarians and a devoted staff. To make an appointment, please call (813) 671-3400 or visit us online at


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