PENDAHULUAN Pengembangan kewirausahaan merupakan salah satu keharusan dalam kondisi ketenagakerjaan Indonesia saat ini. Badan Pusat Statistik (2017) merilis bahwa tingkat pengangguran mencapai 5,50% pada bulan Agustus 2017, menunjukkan bahwa dunia kerja mempunyai daya tampung tenaga kerja yang relatif terbatas. Hal ini berdampak pada tidak semua angkatan kerja yang mencapai 125.443.748 jiwa dapat diserap seluruhnya. Oleh karena itu pengembangan wirausaha menjadi salah satu alternatif penyerapan tenaga kerja. Tidak hanya itu, penciptaan wirausaha baru juga akan memberikan percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Data Badan Pusat Statistik memperlihatkan, pasca krisis ekonomi tahun 1997-1998 jumlah UMKM tidak berkurang, justru meningkat terus, bahkan mampu menyerap 85 juta hingga 107 juta tenaga kerja sampai tahun 2012. Pada tahun itu, jumlah pengusaha di Indonesia sebanyak 56.539.560 unit. Dari jumlah tersebut, Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) sebanyak 56.534.592 unit atau 99,99%. Sisanya, sekitar 0,01% atau 4.968 unit adalah Usaha Besar (Bank Indonesia, 2015). Adaptasi adalah kunci dari ketahanan bisnis yang maksimal. Dalam beberapa jurnal, terdapat istilah creative disruption, yaitu sebuah konsep yang menjelaskan bahwa teknologi “lama” akan terganti dengan teknologi yang lebih “baru”. Pola ini membuat tuntutan untuk terus menjadi “kreatif” dan “inovatif” menjadi sebuah pilihan yang tidak tergantikan. Termasuk dalam memahami pola bisnis yang terjadi di Indonesia, dengan adanya fenomena pertumbuhan start-up, e-Commerce, dan media sosial, masyarakat harus beradaptasi supaya tidak mengalami disrupsi dan ketertinggalan dalam mengejar kecepatan zaman. Perguruan tinggi diyakini dapat membantu menghasilkan generasi “Entrepreneur” dengan berbagai upaya untuk memotivasi lulusannya menjadi pencipta lapangan kerja (Job Creator) bukan mencari kerja (Job Seeker). 1
Pertemuan tersebut sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden nomor 27 tahun 2013 dan Peraturan Menteri Koperasi dan UKM nomor 11 tahun 2014 tentang Norma Standar, Prosedur dan Kriteria (NSPK) terkait penyelenggaraan inkubator usaha. Artinya, selain perlu meningkatkan jumlah tenaga ahli atau pendamping pada inkubator bisnis perguruan tinggi, juga masih diperlukan pertambahan lembaga pendamping itu. Pembinaan kewirausahaan mahasiswa juga diharapkan dapat menghasilkan wirausaha muda berbasis keilmuan sehingga menaikkan rasio wirausaha nasional diatas 2 % sebagaimana negara-negara maju. Tingkat pengangguran terbuka di Indonesia pada tahun 2015 yang cukup tinggi (1.008.660 orang) dengan jumlah pengangguran 6,40% berasal dari lulusan S1 dan 7,54% lulusan D3 secara tidak langsung dapat terselesaikan. Pembinaan kewirausahaan juga diharapkan dapat mengubah pola pikir lulusan perguruan tinggi dari pencari kerja (job seeker) menjadi pencipta lapangan pekerjaan (job creator). Keberhasilan berbagai kewirausahaan yang ada di kalangan Mahasiswa/i perguruan tinggi ini dilihat dari tiga indikator, yaitu jumlah Mahasiswa/i yang berhasil menjalankan usaha (sebagai wirausaha), terbentuknya modal pendidikan kewirausahaan di perguruan tinggi, dan terbentuknya lembaga pengembangan pendidikan kewirausahaan yang tangguh dan mandiri yang mengkoordinasikan berbagai kegiatan terkait kewirausahaan di perguruan tinggi. Oleh sebab itu, dalam rangka berperan membangun ekosistem wirausaha muda di Indonesia LSPR Jakarta membentuk LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies. LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies adalah suatu wadah agar dapat memotivasi Mahasiswa/i LSPR untuk menjadi wirausaha sejak bangku kuliah terutama dalam bidang pengembangan industri kreatif. Membangun perusahaan rintisan seperti perusahaan pada umumnya membutuhkan kemampuan teknis dan non-teknis yang wajib dimiliki oleh mahasiswa/i sebagai bekal untuk menjadi seorang wirausaha dalam ruang lingkup nasional dan internasional. 2
TUJUAN 1. Mendorong generasi muda Indonesia untuk berwirausaha, sehingga dapat mengurangi ketergantungan pada ketersediaan lapangan kerja. Dengan meningkatnya angka kewirausahaan, tingkat kesejahteraan bagi lingkungan sekitar pun akan meningkat. Hal ini tentu dapat mendorong roda perekonomian Indonesia. 2. Sebagai fasilitator yang dapat menyediakan informasi dan parameter tingkat keberhasilan dan pertumbuhan bisnis para pengusaha muda LSPR (mahasiswa aktif/alumni) yang berdasarkan (Omzet, Jumlah Cabang, Kualitas Produk, dll.). 3. LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies dapat menjadi seperti Lembaga Training Ground, dengan hasil akhir sebagai bahan : Non-Thesis Project yang dapat dijadikan karya ilmiah mahasiswa/i LSPR yang dapat memiliki nilai tambah dan prospek bisnis yang menjanjikan serta dapat direalisasikan secara profesional. 4. LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies memiliki peran penting dalam mengarahkan mahasiswa agar memiliki pemikiran yang kreatif sebagai seorang wirausaha, agar kelak ketika sudah lulus dapat bersaing, bertahan dan berkarir menjadi “Self-Employed” dan “Creative Entrepreneur” yang hebat, handal dan profesional.
Menjadi Learning Support Centre di lingkungan LSPR - Jakarta yang dapat membentuk, menciptakan, dan membekali para lulusan LSPR - Jakarta untuk menjadi wirausahawa mandiri, self-employed yang kreatif dan inovatif berbasis industri kreatif.
Menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan untuk menunjang percepatan penyerapan lulusan LSPR - Jakarta di dunia kerja dan dunia industri, dengan cara :
1. Pembinaan Mahasiswa/i yang memiliki usaha di bidang industri kreatif. 2. Konsultasi bisnis dan advokasi. Dalam bidang hukum, strategi keuangan, kontrak, perjanjian, dan lain-lain dalam bidang kreatif atau bidang lainnya. Bimbingan dalam bidang etika dan kepribadian. 3. Menyelenggarakan talkshow, seminar, workshop, in-house training, camp dan simulasi. 4. Memberikan bimbingan langsung, entrepreneurial skill training.
EKSTERNAL: 1. 2. 3.
Penyelenggaraan pameran, peluncuran produk, promosi acara, kompetisi, dan lain-lain. Bekerja sama dengan asosiasi terkait, koperasi, badan pemerintah yang terkait dengan bidang kreatif dan bidang lainnya. Berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam proyek swasta maupun pemerintah.
BIDANG INDUSTRI KREATIF Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies 1. Periklanan (Advertising): Kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan jasa periklanan (komunikasi satu arah dengan menggunakan medium
tertentu). Meliputi proses kreasi, produksi dan distribusi dari iklan yang dihasilkan, misalnya riset pasar, perencanaan komunikasi iklan, iklan luar ruang, produksi material iklan, promosi, kampanye relasi publik. Selain itu, tampilan iklan di media cetak (surat kabar, majalah) dan elektronik (televisi dan radio), pemasangan berbagai poster dan gambar, penyebaran selebaran, pamflet, edaran, brosur dan reklame sejenis, distribusi dan delivery advertising materials atau samples, serta penyewaan kolom untuk iklan.
Kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan dengan desain bangunan secara menyeluruh baik dari level makro (town planning, urban design, landscape architecture) sampai level mikro (detail konstruksi). Misalnya arsitektur taman, perencanaan kota, perencanaan biaya konstruksi, konservasi bangunan warisan, pengawasan konstruksi, perencanaan kota, konsultasi kegiatan teknik dan rekayasa seperti bangunan sipil dan rekayasa mekanika dan elektrikal.
Kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan barang-barang asli, unik dan langka serta memiliki nilai estetika seni yang tinggi melalui lelang, galeri, toko, pasar swalayan, dan Internet, meliputi barang-barang musik, percetakan, kerajinan, otomotif, dan film.
Kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan dengan kreasi, produksi dan distribusi produk yang dibuat dihasilkan oleh tenaga pengrajin yang berawal dari desain awal sampai proses penyelesaian produknya. Antara lain meliputi barang kerajinan yang terbuat dari batu berharga, serat alam maupun buatan, kulit, rotan, bambu, kayu, logam (emas, perak, tembaga, perunggu, besi) kayu, kaca, perselin, kain, marmer, tanah liat, dan kapur. Produk kerajinan pada umumnya hanya diproduksi dalam jumlah yang relatif kecil (bukan produksi massal).
Kegiatan kreatif yang terkait dengan kreasi desain grafis, desain interior, desain produk, desain industri, konsultasi identitas perusahaan dan jasa riset pemasaran serta produksi kemasan dan jasa pengepakan.
Kegiatan kreatif yang terkait dengan kreasi desain pakaian, desain alas kaki, dan desain aksesoris mode lainnya, produksi pakaian mode dan aksesorisnya, konsultasi lini produk fesyen, serta distribusi produk fesyen.
kegiatan kreatif yang terkait dengan kreasi produksi video, film, dan jasa fotografi, serta distribusi rekaman video dan film. Termasuk di dalamnya penulisan naskah, pengisi suara film, sinematografi, sinetron, dan eksibisi film.
2. Arsitektur:
3. Pasar Barang Seni:
4. Kerajinan (Craft):
5. Desain:
6. Fesyen (Fashion):
7. Video, Film dan Fotografi:
8. Permainan Interaktif (Game):
Kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan dengan kreasi, produksi, dan distribusi permainan komputer dan video yang bersifat hiburan, ketangkasan, dan pendidikan. Subsektor permainan interaktif bukan didominasi sebagai hiburan semata-mata tetapi juga sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran atau pendidikan.
9. Musik:
Kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan dengan kreasi/komposisi, pertunjukan, reproduksi, dan distribusi dari rekaman suara.
Kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan dengan usaha pengembangan konten, produksi pertunjukan. Misalnya, pertunjukan balet, tarian tradisional, tarian kontemporer, drama, musik tradisional, musik teater, opera, termasuk tur musik etnik, desain dan pembuatan busana pertunjukan, tata panggung, dan tata pencahayaan.
Kegiatan kreatif yang terkait dengan penulisan konten dan penerbitan buku, jurnal, koran, majalah, tabloid, dan konten digital serta kegiatan kantor berita dan pencari berita. Sub-sektor ini juga mencakup penerbitan perangko, materai, uang kertas, blanko cek, giro, surat andil, obligasi surat saham, surat berharga lainnya, paspor, tiket pesawat terbang, dan terbitan khusus lainnya. Juga mencakup penerbitan foto-foto, grafir (engraving) dan kartu pos, formulir, poster, reproduksi, percetakan lukisan, dan barang cetakan lainnya, termasuk rekaman mikro film.
Kegiatan kreatif yang terkait dengan pengembangan teknologi informasi termasuk jasa layanan komputer, pengolahan data, pengembangan database, pengembangan piranti lunak, integrasi sistem, desain dan analisis sistem, desain arsitektur piranti lunak, desain prasarana piranti lunak dan piranti keras, serta desain portal termasuk perawatannya.
Kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan dengan usaha kreasi, produksi dan pengemasan acara televisi (seperti permainan, kuis, reality show, infotainment, dan lainnya), penyiaran, dan transmisi konten acara televisi dan radio, termasuk kegiatan station relay (pemancar kembali) siaran radio dan televisi.
Kegiatan kreatif terkait dengan usaha inovatif yang menawarkan penemuan ilmu dan teknologi serta penerapan ilmu dan pengetahuan tersebut untuk perbaikan produk dan kreasi produk baru, proses baru, material baru, alat baru, metode baru, dan teknologi baru yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pasar. Termasuk yang berkaitan dengan humaniora seperti penelitian dan pengembangan bahasa, sastra, dan seni serta jasa konsultasi bisnis dan manajemen.
10. Seni Pertunjukan (Showbiz):
11. Penerbitan dan Percetakan:
12. Layanan Komputer dan Piranti Lunak (Software):
13. Televisi dan Radio (Broadcasting):
14. Riset dan Pengembangan (R&D):
STRUKTUR ORGANISASI LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies Advisory Team
Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani Dr. Andre Ikhsano
Core Team
Head of Unit Project Coordinator Secretary General Secretary Officers
Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, M.Si Mr. Imannuel Hutagalung Mrs. Yuliana Riana
: Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, M.Si : Mr. Resiyaman Patrick Oratmangun, SE. BAIB. MIB. : Mrs. Dewi Aris : Ms. Putri Eka Riana : Komunitas Wirausaha Muda LSPR
Supporting Team
Public Relations, Event & Sponsorship : Corporate Reputation Department Legal Advisor : Mr. Rafiudin Akil Finance and Banking : Mr. Melvin Hendriks LSPR CAPRS : Mrs. Yuliana Riana
PROGRAM & KEGIATAN LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies Programme 2018 – 2020 1. Inkubasi LSPR CACS (Incubator Coaching Clinic) For Students : Deskripsi Program: Inkubasi bisnis LSPR CACS merupakan lembaga atau unit pendukung dari LSPR yang menyediakan dan memberikan beberapa program kepada mhahasiswa/i yang dirancang untuk membimbing, membina dan mempercepat tingkat keberhasilan pengembangan bisnis, khususnya dibidang industri kreatif melalui rangkaian program mentoring, permodalan yang diikuti oleh dukungan kemitraan lintas bidang. Tujuannya adalah untuk merealisasikan berbagai ide kreatif menjadi suatu bentuk rintisan usaha yang memiliki potensi menjadi bisnis yang berdampak positif, profitable dengan manajemen keuangan yang tepat dan menjadi perusahaan yang berkesinambungan, hingga akhirnya membantu memperkuat ekosistem pengembangan usaha bidang industri kreatif di Indonesia. Program inkubasi LSPR CACS diperuntukan bagi mahasiswa/I LSPR yang memiliki potensi ide bisnis, khususnya dibidang industri kreatif. Proses inkubasi berjalan selama 1 tahun untuk 1 angkatan (batch). Periode pembinaan (inkubasi) bisnis) LSPR CACS dilakukan 1 angkatan pertahun, hal ini dikarenakan jadwal kuliah dan aktivitas lain mahasiswa/I LSPR. Tahap inkubasi bisnis LSPR CACS dilakukan melalui 6 tahap, diantaranya 4. Hackaton 7. Incubation 1. Initiaton (Seminar) 5. Bootcamp 1 2. Workshop 1 6. Bootcamp 2 3. Workshop 2 7
Secara umum inkubator LSPR CACS dibentuk dengan tujuan : 1. Mengembangkan usaha baru dan usaha kecil mahasiswa/I LSPR agar dapat menjadi usaha mandiri, sehingga berhasil menghadapi persaingan dalam ruang lingkup nasional ataupun global. 2. Mempromosikan dan memperkuat semangat berwirausaha dikalangan mahasiswa/I LSPR dengan menghadirkan jaringan mentor professional yang ahli diberbagai bidang dan melibatkan berbagai elemen seperti perusahaan swasta dan pemerintah yang diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi pada sistem ekonomi pasar Indonesia. 3. Proses alih teknologi dan proses komersialisasi hasil hasil penelitian pengembangan bisnis dan teknologi dalam bidang industri kreatif dari para tenaga ahli, inventor dan peneliti di perguruan tinggi. 4. Membuka alternatif peluang melalui pengembangan perusahaan baru, khususnya dibidang industri kreatif. No 1.
LSPR CACS Incubation - Batch 1 ( Batch 19 - 21) Socialization 4 Juni - 5 Juli 2018
2. Initiation (Seminar) 6 Juli 2018 3. Registration 9 Juli 2018 – 20 Juli 2018 4. Selection 23 Juli 2018 – 10 Agustus 2018 5. Workshop 1 12 Oktober 2018 6. Workshop 2 19 Oktober 2018 7. Hackathon 2 November 2018 8. Bootcamp 1 9 November 2018 9. Bootcamp 2 10 November 2018 10. Incubation Desember 2018 - Januari, Februari, Maret 2019
No 1.
LSPR CACS Incubation - Batch 2 ( Batch 20 - 22) Socialization 3 Juni 2019 – 27 Juni 2019
2. Initiation (Seminar) 28 Juni 2019 3. Registration 1 Juli 2019 – 12 Juli 2019 4. Selection 15 Juli 2019 – 26 Juli 2019 5. Workshop 1 11 Oktober 2019 6. Workshop 2 18 Oktober 2019 7. Hackathon 1 November 2019 8. Bootcamp 1 8 November 2019 9. Bootcamp 2 9 November 2019 10. Incubation Desember 2019 – Januari, Februari, Maret 2020
2. LSPR Family Business Mentorship Programme Deskripsi Program : LSPR Family Business Mentorship Program merupakan sebuah program yang diselenggarakan khusus bagi para mahasiswa/i LSPR sebagai penerus bisnis keluarga agar mereka bisa melanjutkan bisnis keluarga yang telah dibangun oleh orangtua sebagai generasi pembangun bisnis. Selain itu, program ini bertujuan untuk membantu orangtua dan mahasiswa/I dalam memberikan informasi yang relevan serta pembekalan yang diberikan oleh berbagai mentor yang ahli dibidang pengembangan bisnis keluarga. Kesuksesan menjalankan bisnis keluarga adalah sesuatu yang mutlak. Bisnis yang dibangun orangtua sebagai generasi pertama dengan segala keterbatasan, mampu membuat bisnis tumbuh besar. Hampir semua wirausaha yang mendirikan bisnis berharap bahwa bisnis mereka kelak akan diteruskan oleh putera puteri mereka. LSPR memahami situasi ini dengan merancang program pembekalan yang ditujukan kepada mahasiswa/i yang ingin meneruskan bisnis yang dibangun oleh orangtuanya. Tujuan dari program’ Family Bussiness Mentorship Program’adalah memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa/I sebagai generasi kedua dan selanjutnya dapat menjaga bahkan meningkatkan kesuksesan bisnis orangtuanya dengan bekal pendidikan yang baik. Format dari program ini berupa pelatihan dan pemberian materi yang dilakukan selama 5 hari dengan format sebagai berikut : 1. Seminar /Talkshow 2. Workshop 3. Mentorship 4. Scale - Up Clinic
LSPR Family Business Mentorship Program (Start on 27 August 2018 – 31 August 2018)
LSPR Family Business Mentorship Program (Start on 11 March 2019 – 15 March 2019)
a. Entrepreneur Mindset b. Entrepreneur Soft Skill c. Next - Generation Planning (Education, Decision-Making & Planning, Market Research & Promotion, Online Marketing Strategy)
Senin, 27 Agustus 2018
a. Entrepreneur Mindset b. Entrepreneur Soft Skill c. Next - Generation Planning (Education, Decision-Making & Planning, Market Research & Promotion, Online Marketing Strategy)
Senin, 11 Maret 2019
a. Culture & Responsibility (Mission Statement, Impact Measurement & Family Values) b. Balancing Risk (Assets Management, Technology Risks, Family Security Stratey, Legal & Partnership) c. Future Management Structure (Family mission statement, Long-term planning and Family Balancing & Defining the priorities)
Selasa, 28 Agustus 2018
a. Culture & Responsibility (Mission Statement, Impact Measurement & Family Values) b. Balancing Risk (Assets Management, Technology Risks, Family Security Stratey, Legal & Partnership) c. Future Management Structure (Family mission statement, Long-term planning and Family Balancing & Defining the priorities)
Selasa, 12 Maret 2019
a. Sustaining Growth and Profitability (Family Strategic Plan, Sourced vs Outsourced and Vendors Policy) b. Managing and Retaining Talent (Human Resource, Recruiting and Retention Programme, Technology and HR Function)
Rabu, 29 Agustus 2018
a. Sustaining Growth and Profitability (Family Strategic Plan, Sourced vs Outsourced and Vendors Policy) b. Managing and Retaining Talent (Human Resource, Recruiting and Retention Programme, Technology and HR Function)
Rabu, 13 Maret 2019
a. Effective Tax Management: Intellentual Property & Tax (Preserving and optimizing tax benefits, family office’s tax planning and compliance function) b. Managing Capital (Business Financial Plan, Defining Capital Agenda, investment strategy, Maintaining Family Wealth)
Kamis, 30 Agustus 2018
a. Effective Tax Management: Intellentual Property & Tax (Preserving and optimizing tax benefits, family office’s tax planning and compliance function) b. Managing Capital (Business Financial Plan, Defining Capital Agenda, investment strategy, Maintaining Family Wealth)
Kamis. 14 Maret 2019
a. Networking & Relationship Building b. Execution and Business Implementation
Jumat, 31 Agustus 2018
a. Networking & Relationship Building b. Execution and Business Implementation
Jumat, 15 Maret 2019
3. Alumni LSPR Entrepreneurship Community Deskripsi Program : LSPR CACS akan membuka dan memperkuat jaringan alumni LSPR yang telah sukses menjadi wirausaha lintas bidang. Peran dari mereka terutama untuk menjadi mentor dan pembina wirausaha bagi adik mahasiswa serta dilibatkan dalam berbagai program pengembangan bisnis, terutama dalam bidang industri kreatif. Bentuk kegiatan dari “ Alumni LSPR Entrepreneurship Community’ diantaranya : 1. Seminar & Talkshop 2. Bazaar /Festival 3. Competition 4. Alumni Sharing Session 9
4. Media Publication & Program Activities Deskripsi Program : LSPR CACS mendukung program TV, kanal Youttube, Koran/Majalah dan Radio yang mengundang sosok pengusaha sukses yang telah berhasil membangun bisnis untuk menjadi inspirasi bagi mahasiswa/i LSPR. Berbagai kanal media akan dihadirkan kepada seluruh civitas LSPR dan publik mengenai perkembangan dunia usaha dari sosok pengusaha dari mahasiswa/i LSPR atau pihak publik yang menginspirasi dalam bidang industri kreatif. 1. Entrepreneur Diaries (TV) 2. Radio/TV
LSPR CACS (Academic – Based Activities) :
1. Mendukung dan memfasilitas konsentrasi “Entrepreneurship in Business Communications” 2. Mempersiapkan Mahasiswa/I LSPR untuk Program Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Indonesia / Kompetisi Bisnis Mahasiswa Indonesia (BELMAWA – RISTEKDIKTI)
LSPR (Community – Based Activities): 1.
Pembentukan Komunitas Creativepreneurship Mahasiswa LSPR. Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Kewirausahaan LSPR. Unit Bisnis Mahasiswa memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa/I LSPR Jakarta untuk mengembangkan softskill terutama dalam bidang kewirausahaan dan diharapkan dapat membentuk wirausaha muda yang sukses. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang diadakan Unit Bisnis Mahasiswa yaitu: • Seminar Entrepreneurship • Workshop Kewirausahaan • Festival Wirausaha LSPR Creativepreneur • Pelatihan Mahasiswa Magang
2. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Membentuk Jaringan Mentor Wirausaha LSPR (Profesional, Alumni dan Pemerintah) LSPR CACS (Partnership – Based Activities): Kerjasama dengan pemerintah Kerjasama dengan organisasi atau komunitas Kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak pemberi dana Kerjasama dengan media
LSPR CACS (Program Based Activities): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Coaching Clinic berdasarkan bidang usaha yang meliputi bidang industri makanan dan minuman, jasa dan perdagangan, industri kreatif, industri berbasis teknologi, produksi/budidaya Kunjungan lokasi industri kreatif (Edutrip) Seminar dan Talkshow kewirausahaan Pameran dan Bazaar produk kewirausahaan Menjalankan program inkubasi ‘LSPR Trailblazers’ Menjalankan program ‘Family Business Mentorship’ & mendukung ‘Entrepreneurship Diaries’
LSPR (Administrative – Based Activities):
1. Pengumpulan Database Wirausaha Mahasiswa/I LSPR dengan status aktif dan Alumni 2. Mengangkat Profile Wirausaha LSPR untuk program TV / RADIO/LSPR Apps 3. Mengelola akun media sosial LSPR Creativepreneur
General Topics :
1. Entrepreneur Mindset 2. Canvas Model Analysis 3. Market Research & Promotion (Marketing & Selling) 4. Entrepreneur Soft Skill 5. Business Financial Plan 6. Online Marketing Strategy 7. Intellectual Property & Tax 8. Execution and Business Implementation 9. Networking & Relationship Building 10. Human Resources 11. Legal & Partnership 12. Professional Business Presentation Skill (Effective Communication)
Kategori LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Entrepreneur Sociopreneur Technopreneur Self – Employed Family Business
Stakeholder LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies: 1. Mahasiswa/I LSPR Semester 1 & 2 2. Mahasiswa/I LSPR ‘Entrepreneur in Business Communication’ 3. Alumi LSPR yang memiliki bisnis dan sukses sebagai wirausaha 4. ASEAN 5. Media 6. Founder Institute 7. Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi Republik Indonesia (KOMINFO) 8. Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia (KEMENLU RI) 9. Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM RI 10. Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (BEKRAF) 11. Angel Investment Network 12. Coworking Space Indonesia 13. HIPMI PT (Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia – Perguruan Tinggi) 14. KIBAR 15. Google For Entrepreneur (Indonesia) 16. Facebook Indonesia
17. Microsoft Indonesia 18. Kaskus Network 19. Tech In Asia 20. Daily 21. Bukalapak 22. Indofood 23. Telkomsel 24. GOJEK 25. Bluebird Group 26. MRA Group 27. ISMAYA Group 28. Bank BTPN (Jenius) 29. Angel Investment Network Indonesia (ANGIN) 30. PLUS (Platform Usaha Sosial) 31. TeknoVentura 32. PT Astra International 33. Bank Negara Indonesia 34. Bank Rakyat Indonesia 35. Bank Mandiri 36. CIMB Niaga
Mentors: LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies Adrian Agus
Ari Juliano Gema
Co Founder & CEO PT Puyo Indonesia Kreasi
Deputi Fasilitasi Hak Kekayaan Intelektual & Regulasi
Afifudin Suhaeli Kalla
Augustine Merriska
Agung Laksamana
Borrys Hasian
Ketua Umum HIPMI Jaya
Public Relations Expert ; Chairman PERHUMAS Indonesia.
Program Director in PLUS
Design Lead, GrabFood, Southeast Asia at Grab
Agustinus Lee Martin
Danang Rizki Ginanjar
Akhyari Hananto
Daniel Oscar Baskoro
Director Novel Journal ; Founder & Creative Director SlingShot
Founder & CEO Good News From Indonesia
Andreas Pasolympia Happiness Coach ; People Development & Communication Enthusiasts
Komisaris Utama INDI Group & Staff Khusus Menteri BAPPENAS
Innovation Project Assistant - Pulse Lab Jakarta
Dea Salsabilla
CEO PT Urfarm Teknologi Indonesia
Antonny Liem
Dian Martin
MCM Group (Merah Cipta Media)
Founder & Owner, Pendiri Sekolah Pintar
dr. Irzan Nurman
Enda Nasution
Business & Leadership Coach ; Founder & Director FitSkin Clinic
Digital Expert & Co Founder
Evan Sebastian
Head of Project and Product Incubation (SMB Division) GO-JEK INDONESIA
Faldo Maldini
Founder & CEO Baba Rafi Enterprise
Heni Sri Sundani
Social Entrepreneurs (30 Under 30 Asia) ; Founder Gerakan Anak Petani Cerdas (Smart Farmer Kids in Action & AgroEdu Jampang Community
Fanbul Prabowo
Kemal Mochtar
Kesuma Kurniadi
Goris Mustaqim
Martin Anugrah
Gregorius Jonathan M. Tampubolon
Maya Arvini
community enthusiast, a digital wizard, and a youth aggregator
Professional Radio & TV Broadcaster
CEO Yayasan Asgar Muda Foundation
Compliance Supervisor, OJK - Founder of Lawble, Founder of Stockastic, Co-Founder of Nam Watches Co, Founder of Katacerita, and Author of Jejak Langkah Anak Desa
Gunawan Susanto
President Director of PT IBM Indonesia
Gustav Aulia
Founder & CEO ; Lecturer LSPR Jakarta
Hanifa Ambadar
Founder & CEO at Female Daily Network
Hendy Setiono
Professional Radio Broadcaster & Announcer
Owner of Chiel (Emerging Brand Shoes from Indonesia)
Owner CAMEO Production & Professional Digital Content Creator
Associate Director – Head of Business Unit, Gunung Sewu Group ; Author, Career First ; Professional Coach Certified
Miftah Sabri
CEO Selasar Indonesia
Mohamad Ario Adimas Vice President of Marketing at Loket | GO-JEK Group
Muhammad Fikri
Head of Community Management & Partnership at PT
Muhammad Yukka H. Co-Founder BRODO Footwear in Jakarta Indonesia ( PT Brodo Ganesha Indonesia).
Tasya Syarief
News Anchor RCTI
Nadya Saib
Tyovan Ari Widagdo
Nina Nugroho
Vania Santoso
Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Wangsa Jelita
Modest Fashion Designer For Active Muslima & Founder Active Muslima Community
CEO Bahaso ; Forbes Asia 30 Under 30
XL Future Leaders Facilitator & Co Founder / Creative Director HeyStartic
Octa Ramayana
Head of Incubation Program at KIBAR; Project Coordinator Gerakan 1000 Startup Indonesia ; LSPR Lecturer
Yoris Sebastian
CEO OMG Consulting & CEO Inspigo
Panji Aziz Pratama
David Christian
Samira Shihab
Ferro Ferizka
Founder & CEO Isbanban Foundation
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Tinkerlust
Chief of Sales, Marketing and Impact/ Co-founder EVOWARE
Senior Program Manager Microsoft Corporations
Sarita Sutedja
Head of Promotion at CRP Group (PT Citarasa Prima Indonesia Berjaya) ; Co Founder Warunk Upnormal
Sigit Kusumawijaya
Principal Architect & Director of *sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner*
Sunil Tolani
Co-founder of Seputar UKM and CEO of Calibreworks
Briano Kawenang Content Creator
Leobert Sundriyo
Entrepreneur, Business Developer, Candidate student Master of Innovation, Creativity and Leadership Cass Business School
Helga Angelina
Social entrepreneur passionate about health, wellness, environment, spirituality, & community building 14
FOREWORD Entrepreneurship development is one of the leading movement in increasing the current employment condition in Indonesia. Indonesia’s Central Agency of Statistics (2017) stated that unemployment rate reaches 5.50% in August 2017, indicating that the business industry has a relatively limited workforce. This affects not all the 125,443,748 labour population. Therefore, the development of entrepreneurship is one of the alternative to increase labour force in Indonesia. Not only that, the creation of new entrepreneurs will assist in accelerating the national economic growth. Data from the Central Agency of Statistics shows that after the economic crisis of 1997 – 1998, the number of micro, small, and medium enterprises has been increasing, absorbing 85 to 107 million labour force until 2012. In that year, the number of enterprises in Indonesia reached 56,539,560 units. Of such amount, micro, small, and medium enterprise entrepreneurs amount to 56,534,592, in percentage terms 99.9 percent. The remaining 0.1 percent (4,968 units) composed of large enterprises (Bank Indonesia, 2015). Adaptation is the key to maximum business resilience. In several journals, there is the term creative disruption, a concept that explains that “old” technology will be replaced by more “new” technology. This pattern demands an entity to be more creative and innovative and see it as a irreplaceable choice. This understanding is also to be applied in Indonesia, seen by the growth of start-ups, e-Commerce, and social media, the community must adapt so as not to experience disruption and lag in the fast-paced era. Higher Education Institutions are believed to assist in generating a generation of Entrepreneurs through strategic programs to motivate their graduates to become job creators instead of becoming job seekers. Such program is in accordance with Indonesia’s President Regulation number 27 of 2013 and Regulation of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SME number 11 of 2014 on Standard Norms, Procedures and Criteria 1
(NSPK) related to business incubation. That is, in addition to the need to increase the number or experts and mentors in incubation programs from Higher Education Institutions, there is also the need to increase the Incubation bodies. Student entrepreneurship development is also expected to produce young entrepreneurs based from education, where the ratio of national entrepreneurs is above 2 percent, like those of developed countries. The open unemployment rate in Indonesia in 2015 is quite high (1,008,660 people) with 6.40 percent unemployment coming from Undergraduate Graduates and 7.54 percent from Diploma programs. The success of entrepreneurship programs among higher education institutions is at least seen by three factors, namely the number of students who successfully run businesses (as entrepreneurs), the establishment of entrepreneurship programs and education in higher institutions, and the establishment of a strong and independent education-based entrepreneurship development institute that coordinates entrepreneurial related activities with higher institutions. In order to contribute in building a young entrepreneurship ecosystem in Indonesia, LSPR – Jakarta established LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies. LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies is a place to motivate LSPR students to become entrepreneurs starting during their academic years, especially in the field of creative industry development (Creative Entrepreneurships). The presence of LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies is expected to provide a breath of fresh air in the development of a national creative industry and support the Government so that creative works of Indonesia go global.
OBJECTIVE 1. Encourage the young generation of Indonesia to be entrepreneurs, thus reducing the dependence on the availability of employment. With the increasing numbers in the field of entrepreneurship, the welfare level of the surrounding environment will increase. This certainty can boost the Indonesian economy. 2. As a facilitator who can provide information and parameters of success rate and business growth of young LSPR entrepreneurs (active students / alumni) based on profit, branches, product quality, etc. 3. LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies act as a training ground institution where the final results may be considered as Non-Thesis Projects and be used as research works of students that have added values and business prospects and are professionally realized. 4. LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies have an important role in directing students to think creatively as entrepreneurs, so when they graduate they could compete, survive and become professional and successful creative entrepreneurs.
Being a learning support centre in LSPR – Jakarta that is able to form, create, and equip the graduates to become creative and innovative entrepreneurs.
Organizing strategic activities to in support of accelerating the absorption of LSPR – Jakarta graduates in the business sector and the industry, these include :
INTERNAL: 1. 2. 3.
Guidance for students who have businesses in the creative industry. Business consultation and advocacy in the field of financial strategy, law, contract, agreements, etc. Also in the creative and non-creative industries. Guidance in ethics and manners. Providing direct guidance and training in entrepreneurial skills.
EXTERNAL: 1. 2. 3.
Organizing exhibitions, product launches, event promotions, competitions, etc. Working closely with related associations, cooperatives, government agencies related with the creative industry. Actively participate in private and government projects.
CREATIVE INDUSTRY SECTORS Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies 1. Advertising:
Creative activities related to advertising services (one-way communication using a certain medium). Includes the creation, production and distribution of the resulting ads, such as market research, advertising communication planning, outdoor advertising, production of advertising materials, promotions, public relations campaigns. In addition, the display of advertisements in printed media (newspapers, magazines) and electronics (television and radio), the installation of various posters and pictures, leaflets, pamphlets, circulars, brochures and similar advertisements, distribution and delivery of advertising materials or samples, columns for ads.
2. Architecture:
Creative activities related to building design thoroughly from macro level (town planning, urban design, landscape architecture) to micro level (details of construction). For example, garden architecture, urban planning, construction cost planning, conservation of heritage buildings, construction supervision, urban planning, consulting of engineering and engineering activities such as civil buildings and mechanical and electrical engineering.
3. Artistic Markets:
Creative activities related to the trade of authentic, unique and rare items and high aesthetic value of art through auctions, galleries, shops, supermarkets and the internet, including musical goods, printing, handicrafts, automobile, and film.
4. Craft:
Creative activities related to the creation, production and distribution of products made by craftsmen who started from the initial design until the completion of the product. These include handicrafts made of precious stones, natural or artificial fibres, leather, rattan, bamboo, wood, metal (gold, silver, copper, bronze, iron) wood, glass, porcelain, cloth, marble, clay, and chalk. Handicraft products are generally only produced in relatively small quantities (not mass production).
5. Design:
Creative activities related to the creation of graphic design, interior design, product design, industrial design, corporate identity consulting and marketing research services as well as packaging production and packing services.
6. Fashion:
Creative activities related to the creation of clothing design, footwear design, and other fashion accessories design, fashion clothing production and accessories, fashion product line consultancy, and fashion product distribution.
7. Video, Film and Photography:
Creative activities related to the creation of video production, film, and photography services, as well as the distribution of video and film footage. These include script writing, movie dubbing, cinematography, soap operas, and film exhibitions.
8. Interactive Games:
Creative activities related to the creation, production, and distribution of computer games and videos of entertainment, dexterity and education. The interactive game subsector is not dominated solely as entertainment but also as a learning or educational tool.
9. Music:
Creative activities related to the creation / composition, performance, reproduction, and distribution of sound recordings.
10. Performing Arts (Showbiz):
Creative activities related to content development business, show production. For example, (ballet shows, traditional dances, contemporary dance, drama, traditional music, theatre music, opera, including ethnic music tours), the design and manufacture of the show, stage and lighting.
11. Publishing and Printing: Creative activities related to the writing of content and publishing of books, journals, newspapers,
magazines, tabloids, and digital content as well as the activities of news agencies and news searchers. This sub-sector also includes the issuance of stamps, stamp duty, banknotes, check forms, checking accounts, letters of share, stock certificates, other securities, passports, airline tickets, and other special publications. Also includes the publication of photographs, engraving and postcards, forms, posters, reproductions, painting printing, and other printed materials, including microphone films.
12. Computer and Software Services: Creative activities related to the development of information technology including computer services,
data processing, database development, software development, system integration, system design and analysis, software architecture design, infrastructure design tools software and hardware, as well as portal design including maintenance.
13. Television & Radio (Broadcasting): Creative activities related to the creation, production and packaging of television shows (such as
games, quizzes, reality shows, infotainment, etc.), broadcasting and transmitting television and radio show content, including station activities relay of radio and television broadcast.
TEAM OF LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies Advisory Team
Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani Dr. Andre Ikhsano
Core Team
Head of Unit Project Coordinator Secretary General Secretary Officers
Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, M.Si Mr. Imannuel Hutagalung Mrs. Yuliana Riana
: Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, M.Si : Mr. Resiyaman Patrick Oratmangun, SE. BAIB. MIB. : Mrs. Dewi Aris : Ms. Putri Eka Riana : Komunitas Wirausaha Muda LSPR
Supporting Team
Public Relations, Event & Sponsorship : Corporate Reputation Department Legal Advisor : Mr. Rafiudin Akil Finance and Banking : Mr. Melvin Hendriks LSPR CAPRS : Mrs. Yuliana Riana
PROGRAMMES & ACTIVITIES LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies Programme 2018 – 2020 1. LSPR CACS Incubation (Incubator Coaching Clinic) For Students : Programme Description: LSPR CACS Incubation is a LSPR Support Centre that provide strategic programs designed for LSPR students, allowing for guiding, fostering, and accelerating the success rate of business development, especially in the creative industry through a series of mentorship programs, capital support from cross-business sectors. The objective is to take into realization the creative ideas as positive, profitable, and sustainable business potentials, and be capable to strengthen the creative industry ecosystem in Indonesia. LSPR CACS Incubation program is scheduled for one year, per batch. The Business Incubation is constructed into seven stages; they include: 1. Initiaton (Seminar) 2. Workshop 1 3. Workshop 2 4. Hackaton 5. Bootcamp 1 6. Bootcamp 2 7. Incubation
LSPR CACS Incubation is formed with the aim of: 1. Developing new business ideas and small businesses from LSPR students in order to become independent and face national and international competitions. 2. Promote and strengthen the entrepreneurial spirts to LSPR students by presenting a network of professional experts as mentors from prospective fields of expertise, including private and public sectors, that have great expectations in contributing to the market economy of Indonesia. 3. The results from the process of technological transfer and process of commercialization in business and technological developments in the creative industry through experts, inventors, and Higher Institution’s researchers. Creating opportunities through the development of new businesses, especially in the creative industry. No
LSPR CACS Incubation - Batch 1 ( Batch 19 - 21) Socialization 4 June - 5 July 2018
LSPR CACS Incubation - Batch 2 ( Batch 20 - 22) 1. 1. Socialization 3 June 2019 – 27 June 2019 2. Initiation (Seminar) 6 July 2018 2. Initiation (Seminar) 28 June 2019 3. Registration 9 July 2018 – 20 July 2018 3. Registration 1 July 2019 – 12 July 2019 4. Selection 23 July 2018 – 10 August 2018 4. Selection 15 July 2019 – 26 July 2019 5. Workshop 1 12 October 2018 5. Workshop 1 11 October 2019 6. Workshop 2 19 October 2018 6. Workshop 2 18 October 2019 7. Hackathon 2 November 2018 7. Hackathon 1 November 2019 8. Bootcamp 1 9 November 2018 8. Bootcamp 1 8 November 2019 9. Bootcamp 2 10 November 2018 9. Bootcamp 2 9 November 2019 10. Incubation December 2018 - January, 10. Incubation December 2019 – January, February, March 2019 February, March 2020
2. LSPR Family Business Mentorship Programme Programme Description: LSPR CACS Family Business Mentorship is a program catered to LSPR students in the hopes of shaping them as successors to their family businesses. In addition, the program aims to assist parents and students through mentorship supervision from experts in family business development. The success of running a family business takes an absolute advantage. Businesses built by the first generation of families have faced great limitations, yet overtime these businesses are able to strive and compete. A majority of entrepreneurs who set up businesses hope that later each business could be passed down to their next generation of families. LSPR understand well of such situation and do so by designing a mentorship program aimed at students who want to continue the family business. The objective is to provide students an education in the importance of family business and the ways of excelling the family business success. The Family Business Mentorship is constructed for a three-day session with the following stages: 1. Seminar and Talk Show 2. Workshop 3. Mentorship 4. Scale-Up Clinic
LSPR Family Business Mentorship Program (Start on 27 August 2018 – 31 August 2018)
LSPR Family Business Mentorship Program (Start on 11 March 2019 – 15 March 2019)
a. Entrepreneur Mindset b. Entrepreneur Soft Skill c. Next - Generation Planning (Education, Decision-Making & Planning, Market Research & Promotion, Online Marketing Strategy)
Monday, 27 August 2018
a. Entrepreneur Mindset b. Entrepreneur Soft Skill c. Next - Generation Planning (Education, Decision-Making & Planning, Market Research & Promotion, Online Marketing Strategy)
Monday, 11 March 2019
a. Culture & Responsibility (Mission Statement, Impact Measurement & Family Values) b. Balancing Risk (Assets Management, Technology Risks, Family Security Stratey, Legal & Partnership) c. Future Management Structure (Family mission statement, Long-term planning and Family Balancing & Defining the priorities)
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
a. Culture & Responsibility (Mission Statement, Impact Measurement & Family Values) b. Balancing Risk (Assets Management, Technology Risks, Family Security Stratey, Legal & Partnership) c. Future Management Structure (Family mission statement, Long-term planning and Family Balancing & Defining the priorities)
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
a. Sustaining Growth and Profitability (Family Strategic Plan, Sourced vs Outsourced and Vendors Policy) b. Managing and Retaining Talent (Human Resource, Recruiting and Retention Programme, Technology and HR Function)
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
a. Sustaining Growth and Profitability (Family Strategic Plan, Sourced vs Outsourced and Vendors Policy) b. Managing and Retaining Talent (Human Resource, Recruiting and Retention Programme, Technology and HR Function)
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
a. Effective Tax Management: Intellentual Property & Tax (Preserving and optimizing tax benefits, family office’s tax planning and compliance function) b. Managing Capital (Business Financial Plan, Defining Capital Agenda, investment strategy, Maintaining Family Wealth)
Thuesday, 30 August 2018
a. Effective Tax Management: Intellentual Property & Tax (Preserving and optimizing tax benefits, family office’s tax planning and compliance function) b. Managing Capital (Business Financial Plan, Defining Capital Agenda, investment strategy, Maintaining Family Wealth)
Thuesday. 14 March 2019
a. Networking & Relationship Building b. Execution and Business Implementation
Friday, 31 August 2018
a. Networking & Relationship Building b. Execution and Business Implementation
Friday, 15 March 2019
3. Alumni LSPR Entrepreneurship Community Programme Description: LSPR CACS will open and strengthen the alumni network of LSPR who have successfully become entrepreneurs across the business and creative industries. Their primary role in LSPR CACS is to become mentors and entrepreneurial coaches for fellow LSPR students, as well as to be involved in strategic business development programs focused on the creative industry. The Alumni LSPR Entrepreneurship Community activities include: 1. Seminar and Talk Show 2. Bazaar and Festival 3. Competition 4. Alumni Sharing Session 9
4. Media Publication & Program Activities Programme Description: LSPR CACS support TV programs, YouTube channels, Newspapers / Magazines, and Radio that invite successful entrepreneurs who have succeeded in building businesses and be inspirations for LSPR Students. Various media channels corresponding to the business development of entrepreneurs from the LSPR Community and the public will be presented to LSPR. 1. Entrepreneur Diaries (TV) 2. Radio/TV
LSPR CACS (Academic – Based Activities) :
1. Support and facilitate the concentration of Entrepreneurship in Business Communications. 2. Preparing LSPR Students for Indonesian Students Entrepreneurship Program / Indonesian Students Business Competition (BELMAWA – RISTEKDIKTI)
LSPR (Community – Based Activities): 1. 2. 3. 4.
Government Communities and organizations Investors Media
LSPR CACS (Program Based Activities): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Coaching clinic on business fields of food and beverage industry, services and trade, creative industry, technology-based industry, production and cultivation. Creative industry site visit (Edutrip). Seminars and Entrepreneurial Talk Shows. Exhibitions and bazaars of entrepreneurial products and services. LSPR Trailblazers Incubation. Family Business Mentorship and The Entrepreneur Diaries.
LSPR CACS Administrative-based Activities:
1. Database LSPR Entrepreneurs (Active Students and Alumni), 2. Promote LSPR entrepreneur through Television, Radio, and LSPR Apps. 3. Manage LSPR CACS social media accounts.
General Topics :
1. Entrepreneur Mindset 2. Canvas Model Analysis 3. Market Research & Promotion (Marketing & Selling) 4. Entrepreneur Soft Skill 5. Business Financial Plan 6. Online Marketing Strategy 7. Intellectual Property & Tax 8. Execution and Business Implementation 9. Networking & Relationship Building 10. Human Resources 11. Legal & Partnership 12. Professional Business Presentation Skill (Effective Communication)
Entrepreneurship Categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Entrepreneur Sociopreneur Technopreneur Self – Employed Family Business
1. LSPR Semesters 1 & 2 Students 2. LSPR ‘Entrepreneur in Business Communication’ Students 3. Entrepreneurs that are alumni of LSPR 4. ASEAN 5. Media 6. Founder Institute 7. Ministry of Communication and Informatics – Republic of Indonesia 8. Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Republic of Indonesia 9. Ministry of Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises – Republic of Indonesia 10. Indonesian Creative Economy AGency (BEKRAF) 11. Angel Investment Network 12. Co-working Space Indonesia 13. Association of Indonesia’s Young Entrepreneurs – Higher Education (HIPMI – PT) 14. KIBAR 15. Google for Entrepreneur (Indonesia) 16. Facebook Indonesia
17. Microsoft Indonesia 18. Kaskus Network 19. Tech In Asia 20. Daily 21. Bukalapak 22. Indofood 23. Telkomsel 24. GOJEK 25. Bluebird Group 26. MRA Group 27. ISMAYA Group 28. Bank BTPN (Jenius) 29. Angel Investment Network Indonesia (ANGIN) 30. PLUS (Platform Usaha Sosial) 31. TeknoVentura 32. PT Astra International 33. Bank Negara Indonesia 34. Bank Rakyat Indonesia 35. Bank Mandiri 36. CIMB Niaga
Mentors: LSPR Centre for ASEAN Creativepreneurship Studies Adrian Agus
Ari Juliano Gema
Co Founder & CEO PT Puyo Indonesia Kreasi
Deputi Fasilitasi Hak Kekayaan Intelektual & Regulasi
Afifudin Suhaeli Kalla
Augustine Merriska
Agung Laksamana
Borrys Hasian
Ketua Umum HIPMI Jaya
Public Relations Expert ; Chairman PERHUMAS Indonesia.
Program Director in PLUS
Design Lead, GrabFood, Southeast Asia at Grab
Agustinus Lee Martin
Danang Rizki Ginanjar
Akhyari Hananto
Daniel Oscar Baskoro
Director Novel Journal ; Founder & Creative Director SlingShot
Founder & CEO Good News From Indonesia
Andreas Pasolympia Happiness Coach ; People Development & Communication Enthusiasts
Komisaris Utama INDI Group & Staff Khusus Menteri BAPPENAS
Innovation Project Assistant - Pulse Lab Jakarta
Dea Salsabilla
CEO PT Urfarm Teknologi Indonesia
Antonny Liem
Dian Martin
MCM Group (Merah Cipta Media)
Founder & Owner, Pendiri Sekolah Pintar
dr. Irzan Nurman
Enda Nasution
Business & Leadership Coach ; Founder & Director FitSkin Clinic
Digital Expert & Co Founder
Evan Sebastian
Head of Project and Product Incubation (SMB Division) GO-JEK INDONESIA
Faldo Maldini
Founder & CEO Baba Rafi Enterprise
Heni Sri Sundani
Social Entrepreneurs (30 Under 30 Asia) ; Founder Gerakan Anak Petani Cerdas (Smart Farmer Kids in Action & AgroEdu Jampang Community
Fanbul Prabowo
Kemal Mochtar
Kesuma Kurniadi
Goris Mustaqim
Martin Anugrah
Gregorius Jonathan M. Tampubolon
Maya Arvini
community enthusiast, a digital wizard, and a youth aggregator
Professional Radio & TV Broadcaster
CEO Yayasan Asgar Muda Foundation
Compliance Supervisor, OJK - Founder of Lawble, Founder of Stockastic, Co-Founder of Nam Watches Co, Founder of Katacerita, and Author of Jejak Langkah Anak Desa
Gunawan Susanto
President Director of PT IBM Indonesia
Gustav Aulia
Founder & CEO ; Lecturer LSPR Jakarta
Hanifa Ambadar
Founder & CEO at Female Daily Network
Hendy Setiono
Professional Radio Broadcaster & Announcer
Owner of Chiel (Emerging Brand Shoes from Indonesia)
Owner CAMEO Production & Professional Digital Content Creator
Associate Director – Head of Business Unit, Gunung Sewu Group ; Author, Career First ; Professional Coach Certified
Miftah Sabri
CEO Selasar Indonesia
Mohamad Ario Adimas Vice President of Marketing at Loket | GO-JEK Group
Muhammad Fikri
Head of Community Management & Partnership at PT
Muhammad Yukka H. Co-Founder BRODO Footwear in Jakarta Indonesia ( PT Brodo Ganesha Indonesia).
Tasya Syarief
News Anchor RCTI
Nadya Saib
Tyovan Ari Widagdo
Nina Nugroho
Vania Santoso
Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Wangsa Jelita
Modest Fashion Designer For Active Muslima & Founder Active Muslima Community
CEO Bahaso ; Forbes Asia 30 Under 30
XL Future Leaders Facilitator & Co Founder / Creative Director HeyStartic
Octa Ramayana
Head of Incubation Program at KIBAR; Project Coordinator Gerakan 1000 Startup Indonesia ; LSPR Lecturer
Yoris Sebastian
CEO OMG Consulting & CEO Inspigo
Panji Aziz Pratama
David Christian
Samira Shihab
Ferro Ferizka
Founder & CEO Isbanban Foundation
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Tinkerlust
Chief of Sales, Marketing and Impact/ Co-founder EVOWARE
Senior Program Manager Microsoft Corporations
Sarita Sutedja
Head of Promotion at CRP Group (PT Citarasa Prima Indonesia Berjaya) ; Co Founder Warunk Upnormal
Sigit Kusumawijaya
Principal Architect & Director of *sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner*
Sunil Tolani
Co-founder of Seputar UKM and CEO of Calibreworks
Briano Kawenang Content Creator
Leobert Sundriyo
Entrepreneur, Business Developer, Candidate student Master of Innovation, Creativity and Leadership Cass Business School
Helga Angelina
Social entrepreneur passionate about health, wellness, environment, spirituality, & community building 14