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Crops sustain storm damage

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Community Calendar Wednesday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Kiwanis Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 7 p.m. Alva Moose Lodge men’s meeting is held every Wednesday. Thursday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is

open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Rotary Club meets at Champs Restaurant. Noon Wood County Women Democrats will meet at Gambino’s for a dutch treat lunch. The women will clean up the highway after lunch. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 5:30 p.m. Alva Weight Watchers meet at College Hill Church of Christ. 7 p.m. The Alva Elks Lodge meets

the first and third Thursday of each month except July & August when they meet only the 3rd Thursday. Meeting 8 p.m. during daylight saving time. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at 1027 8th (Wesley House) in Alva every Monday and Thursday. Friday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030.

High winds, hail cause damage to crops/property around stateline area By Yvonne Miller Monday, the wheat crop in the Hardtner and Kiowa, Kan., and Burlington area looked like it could be one of the best in years – plush and green blades already headed out from nice weather and ample rainfall. Then came the pounding hail and high, straight-line winds reportedly gusting up to 100 mph Monday in midevening. The first hail storm hit Kiowa around 7:30, turning green lawns white with pieces of the frozen stuff averaging dime to nickel size. Then the second wave of hail arrived within the hour, pelting the ground with some chunks as big as golf balls. The National Weather Service re-

ported hail in Kiowa at 1.75 inches and west of Hardtner at 1.25 inches. One result was broken windshields and dented vehicles.

Not all wheat fields were affected, but some fields were definitely damaged. See Damage Page 22

This hail damage at the Justin and Megan Janda’s residence southeast of Kiowa is an example of the wrath Mother Nature took on the stateline area Monday evening with hail and high winds.

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Glen Elliott Named 2012 District #2 Superintendent of the Year Glen Elliott, Superintendent of Burlington Public Schools, has been named 2012 District #2 Superintendent of the Year by the Oklahoma Association of School Administrators (OASA). Elliott is one of 20 superintendents in Oklahoma selected for this prestigious honor, Steven Crawford, Executive Director of OASA/ CCOSA, has announced. Superintendent Elliott, along with the other 19 superintendent finalists from across the state, will be honored at the OASA awards banquet on Wednesday evening, June 6, during the Annual Summer Conference hosted by the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Ad-

ministration (CCOSA). The conference will be held June 6-8 at the Meridian Convention Center in Oklahoma City. “We congratulate Superintendent Elliott for being selected by his colleagues for his service and accomplishments in the profession.” Steven Crawford stated. This superintendent has been chosen for his significant impact on education at the school district level, leadership skills, involvement in professional activities, and his active role in the community,” Crawford added. Elliott has been superintendent of Burlington Public Schools since 1991. As superintendent, he serves as the edu-

cational and instructional leader for the school district. His district duties include supervision, hiring, and financial management. Elliott is a member of several professional organizations including Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration, Oklahoma Association of School Administrators, American Association of School Administrators, Oklahoma Association of School Business Officials and Organization of Rural Oklahoma Schools. He is a member of the Burlington Lions Club and the Burlington Education Foundation. The superintendent has spent his entire educational career in Oklahoma. Other positions he has held are superintendent of Davenport Public Schools (1986 to 1991), and vocational agricultural teacher at Alva Public Schools and Freedom Public Schools. He began his teaching career in 1973 in Waynoka Public Schools. The 20 District Oklahoma Superintendents of the Year are now eligible for the 2012 Oklahoma Superintendent of the Year competition. The selection of the state winner will be announced at the summer conference at the first general session on June 7. The Oklahoma Association of School Administrators is under the umbrella of the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration. CCOSA is an incorporated, not-for-profit organization serving over 2700 superintendents, assistant superintendents, principals, and central office administrators.

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Lynn Says

Scary situation for college graduates and jobs By Lynn L. Martin Last week, a story circulated in the media that half of all college graduates won’t be able to find jobs in their majors and another sizeable portion will be under-employed. I’m not exactly sure when our nation crossed over to creating lots of unemployable youth. I think it happened about the same time parents started defending their lazy students, instead of siding with the teacher at school. My dad always told me, “If you get in trouble at school, you’ll be in trouble at home.” If at a parent-teacher conference, the teacher told my parents I needed to spend more time on my spelling words, you can bet your last dollar I had to spend more time on spelling words. Today, more often than not, the parent will side with the student against the teacher when school work isn’t being done well. My school-teaching daughter has described that many parents don’t even

bother to show up for parent-teacher conferences. As a result, the parents don’t get any hints at some corrective direction which might help their child become a more effective adult. It’s unfair to paint ALL youth with the same black brush, but in the last couple of years, in either of our businesses, we rarely have been able to hire someone who shows up for work five days in a row. There is always a reason, “My cousin is sick.” Or, “I’ve got to go to my grandmother’s birthday party.” I hear other bosses say the same thing in a different way, “We can’t find anybody who wants to work. They want a paycheck but they don’t want to work.” The best conclusion to this article is from a blog called the Jones view: As adults, we all get to make choices and live with the consequences. Some people decide not to work and then try to escape the consequences by looking to others for support! They do this by asking for money at the supermarket, applying for government welfare programs, or just living off the generosity of others. When people don’t work, they are not contributing to society. This puts a burden on responsible

working adults who end up paying for them in the long run. These people are living off the labor of others. I recently discovered a blog where someone was asking for “milk and diaper money.” They even had a link to Pay-Pal on their site. Well-meaning people are giving them money – too bad. I can think of other troubling situations like husbands who make their wives support them or wives who stay home and play when their husbands are slaving away. I also am troubled by people who depend on frivolous lawsuits, bogus insurance claims, or other scams for their income. These people put a lot of energy into figuring out how to not work. Wouldn’t it just be better if they put that same energy into finding a job and keeping it? Don’t get me wrong, I believe in being charitable – in fact, we all have a responsibility to help others in need. It feels good to help a family that is really struggling, or someone with health issues, or the elderly, etc. Sometimes people just end up in difficult circumstances and need help – I completely understand this. With all of that said, I believe that we are actually doing harm by helping those who choose not to work. We are enabling them, the same way we can enable an alcoholic or a drug user. I’m not talking about homeless people, those who are disabled, the elderly, or special needs people. I’m talking about normal people who are lazy and just don’t want to work. These are able bodied people who want others to pay their way and are very good at figuring out ways to work the system.

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Award-winning writer to speak in Waynoka On Saturday, May 5, Tom Averill, who recently received the Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center’s “Best Western Fiction for 2011” award for his novel, “rode”, will be speaking at the Waynoka Depot, 1386 Cleveland. The Waynoka Historical Society is hosting the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum-on-MainStreet exhibit, Key Ingredients, for six weeks, with special programming on Saturdays. Tom Averill is writer-in-residence and Professor of English at Washburn University of Topeka, where he teaches courses in Creative Writing and in Kansas Literature, Folklore and Film. His eight books include three novels: Rode (University of New Mexico Press, 2011), The Slow Air of Ewan MacPherson (BlueHen/Berkley, 2003) and Secrets of the Tsil Cafe (BlueHen/ Penguin Putnam, 2001), reprinted by UNM Press in 2012). Secrets, a culinary coming of age, features 26 recipes developed by the author to high-

light the foodstuffs of the New World, before contact with Europe. The novel was a finalist in the International Association of Culinary Professionals Literary Food Writing category. Averill has a B.A. and an M.A. in English from the University of Kansas, and an M.F.A. in fiction writing from the University of Iowa. He has written extensively about food, including the novel Secrets of the Tsil Cafe, and has participated in two university faculty colloquiua on Food Studies, and has taught two courses on Food, Culture and Literature at Washburn University. For his website, see: http://www. His books will be available for purchase. The Smithsonian exhibit tells the story of 500 years of the history of food in the United States with stories and artifacts. One of the artifacts is a replica of Abraham Lincoln’s White House china. The exhibit also features local food history, with photographs of the Harvey House and Harvey Girls,

Railways Ice Plant, Santa Fe Stockyards, many local cafes and grocery stores, and local cook books. The exhibit is open Tuesdays through Saturdays, 12:30 p.m. till 4:30 p.m. The Waynoka Historical Society is the sponsor of the exhibit in Waynoka. Funding assistance is provided by the Oklahoma Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Arts. For further information, contact Marilyn Toellner, 580-824-0795, or Sandie Olson, 580-824-5871. There is no charge for admission.

Tom Averill, writer-in-residence at Washburn University, will be the featured speaker this week at the Smithsonian Museum-on-Main-Street exhibit in Waynoka.

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ist Church of Kiowa. He was a 60 year church choir member. He was a loyal South Barber Sports and Activities Fan and a fan of any activities involving his children, grandchildren or great grandchildren. He was a 16 year South Barber School board member and a 36 year board member of the Hometown Market. He received the State FFA Degree, was a past member of the National FFA Chorus and was an Honorary South Barber FFA Recipient. He was a Borderline Theatre Supporter and Participant, a past member of the American Angus Association and, finally, a member of the “Die Hard Cubs” Fan Club. Survivors are Beverly, his wife of 58 years; five children, Bert Michael “Mick” and wife, Robbie of Kiowa, Kansas, Brice Fredrick “Fred” and wife, Mary Ann of Kiowa, Kansas, Barbara Lynn Walz and husband, Steve of Kiowa, Kansas, Belinda Kay Hitchcock and husband, Rick of Kiowa, Kansas, Brent Daniel Cohoe “Dan” Gillig and wife, Angela of Pratt, Kansas, thirteen grandchildren, Abby Humphrey (Trent), Mikala Gillig, Melissa Rector (Tim), Candace Ruff (Todd), Rebecca Ballard (Cole), Miranda Allen (Stephen), Jonathan Walz (Tori), Berton Walz (Ann), Angela Allison (Kevin), Wreath Hitchcock, Caleb Gillig, Ethan Gillig, Bailey Gillig; seventeen great-grandchildren, Lynnon Humphrey, Sterling, Easton, Hudson, and Cambridge Rector, Morgan, Mallorie, and Mollie Ruff, Cord Ballard, Gavin, Arrington, and Delaney Alle, Fiona Walz, Dylan and Adrienne Allison, Logan and Lauren Hitchcock. Memorials may be made to Southwind Hospice, South Barber Scholarship Fund or United Methodist Church and sent to Lanman Funeral Home P.O. Box 42 Kiowa, KS. 67070. Visitation will be Monday, April 30 from 1-5 p.m. and Tuesday, May 2 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

James was born November 27, 1922 in Wichita, Kansas, the son of Charles and Leona Harvey Herrington. He lived near Cherokee all his life, except for 3 1/2 years he served in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He attended grade school at Lincoln Center and graduated from Lambert High School in 1941. He and Velma M. Pettit were married January 27, 1945 at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Enid. They established their home near Cherokee where they farmed and ranched for 70 years. James joined the Yewed Methodist Church in 1935 and attended there until the church closed. He joined the Prairie Valley Methodist Church in 1972. Surviving are a son, James E. Herrington, Jr. and his wife, Gypsy L. of Amarillo, Texas, a grandson, Chad B. Herrington of Phoenix, Arizona, a granddaughter, Danette Sigmon and husband Doug of Glendale, Arizona, one great-grandson, Dustin Sigmon of Glendale, Arizona, two great-granddaughters, Hana Herrington of Amarillo, Texas, and Allison Sigmon of Glendale, Arizona, a step-granddaughter, Allison Bohrer and husband Martin of Amarillo, Texas, two step-great granddaughters, Britani Bohrer of Denton, Texas, and Bailey Bohrer of Amarillo, Texas, a step-great grandson, Brayden Bohrer of Amarillo, Texas, a sister-inlaw, Barbara Herrington of Ellsworth, Maine, four nephews, Chuck Herrington and wife Eileen of N.H., David Herrington and wife, Denise, Donald Herrington and wife, Tatyana and Mark Herrington and wife Lisa all of Maine; and one niece, Melody Myers and husband Larry of Ponca City. He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Velma in 2005, a brother, Raymond Herrington and one nephew, Marlin Gunther. Memorials may be given in his memory to American Cancer Society of Garfield County through Goodwin Funeral Home.

Obituaries REGINALD (DENNY) DIEL Reginald “Denny’ Diel, 85, passed away April 25, 2012 in Alva. A private family interment will be held at a later date in the Short Springs Cemetery. Arrangements are under the Goodwin Funeral Home of Cherokee. Denny was born April 19, 1927 in Ingersol, Oklahoma, to Dan and Emma Diel. The family moved to a farm west of Ingersol along Highway 64. He graduated from Cherokee High School and was drafted in WWII. Upon completion of his tour of duty, he returned to the Ingersol area to farm. Denny and Wilma Wert were married in 1948 and moved to the Diel Farm. There they raised Paula and Reggie. In 1974 they moved to a farm southwest of Burlington. Denny and Paige Moore were married in 1975 and resided on the Burlington farm until 2009 when they moved to the Ingersol area. He is survived by his daughter, Paula and grandson, Justin, son, Reggie and his wife Kay and granddaughter, Daree and three great-grandsons, Elisa and a great granddaughter; two nephews, a niece; two great-nieces, a great-nephew and his wife Paige. He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife Wilma, two brothers, two sisters and two nephews. Memorial may be made to Oklahoma Medical Research through Goodwin Funeral Home. BERT (BERTIE) LEE GILLIG KIOWA, Kan. – Bert (Bertie) Lee Gillig was born in Emporia, Kansas on January 1, 1935, son of Albert Gillig and Arlena Vannaman Gillig. He passed away Friday, April 27, 2012 in his home. Funeral service will be Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. at the United Methodist Church in Kiowa. Burial will follow in the Riverview Cemetery. Arrangements are by Lanman Funeral Home, Inc. of Kiowa. Condolences may be shared with the family at He was a 1953 graduate from Kiowa High School. He married Beverly Cohoe July 12, 1953. He was preceded in death by his parents. He attended the United Method-

JAMES ELWIN HERRINGTON SR. Funeral services for James Elwin Herrington, Sr., 89, were Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 2 p.m. at Goodwin Funeral Home Chapel with Reverend Cleo Brown officiating. Burial was in Cherokee Municipal Cemetery under the direction of Goodwin Funeral Home of Cherokee.

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Some of the beautiful yellow canola fields, about 10 days away from harvest, were twisted by the wind and hail. “Some fields looked like someone took a weed-eater to them,” Mark Yazel said. A cattle buyer, the landowner operates a feed yard three and a half miles east of Kiowa and three and a half miles south. His daughter Megan Janda and her husband Justin and their child live near the feed yard. The hail knocked holes in siding and broke windows in their home. Windows were also broken at the feed yard. Part of Yazel’s large feed yard sign, secured with steel pipes in the ground, blew across the road. Yazel and many others said while they had property damage they are just thankful nobody was hurt and said it could have been so much worse. Steve Inslee, manager of Kiowa’s O.K. Grain Cooperative said that Kiowa had 2.2 inches of rain Monday night. He heard some of the worst damage to wheat

fields was near the old port of entry west of Kiowa, about halfway to Hardtner. Farmers gathered at Yur Place in Hardtner Tuesday morning said that area saw about three inches of rain and “lots of damage to wheat fields.” Ron Molz of Chieftain Oil confirmed that in the old port area he had empty oil well disposal tanks blown across the road. Each weighs about 12,000 pounds, he said. Those blew from his property on the east side of Highway 281 across the highway to the west, landing in a wheat field. More damage happened south of Kiowa, closer to Burlington. From the correction line on Highway 8 south of Kiowa just east is the home of Greg and Cheryl Thurman. Greg said they had window and siding damage to their house. Going about a half mile further east and a half mile south is Joe and Millie Frieden’s farm. Their daughter Janice Bahr confirmed that a couple of their old

wooden sheds were destroyed. Thankfully, the Frieden’s home was not, Janice said. “We’re not sure if it was a mini twister or high winds,” Janice said. The folks at the Burlington Co-op said tree limbs were everywhere after the storm. “It sounded horrible for a while,” Rose Dotson said. Burlington Co-op agronomist Steve Clark drove around looking at crops Tuesday morning. “I saw slight hail damage and substantial wind damage,” Clark said. The wind laid some of the wheat over, but Clark said some of it will again stand. “It’s never good for wheat to take such a beating,” he said. However, Clark added, “We still have potential for a very good to excellent crop in many fields.” There is most likely more damage to personal property in the area – the abovementioned are just some of the specific cases told to the Newsgram.

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More E911 steps taken by commissioners By Roger McKenzie Alfalfa County Commissioners took action Monday to move along the establishment of an E-911 phone system in the county. The actions move monies generated by land line and wireless

phone tariffs to the city, which will be operating the new system when it is in place. A resolution declaring the week of May 6-12 as OHCE Week was approved. Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE) provides continuing education to county residents in all aspects of home and community life. The organization works with the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service to help build stronger families and communities in Oklahoma. Approval for the county clerk to ad-

vertise for a new backhoe for District 3 was given. The move, similar to last week’s approval, will allow the county to compare prices on new and used backhoes. A pipeline to be constructed in District 1 was responsible for one of the District’s two road crossing permits, which will yield $6,500 in fees to the district. About a dozen road crossings are covered by the road permit which was issued to Plains Pipeline, LP of Houston, Texas. The pipeline will travel from north of Burlington and pass in between Byron and Amorita and end about 1.5 miles east of Byron on Latimer Road. In routine business, the commissioners approved minutes of their previous meeting, as well as payroll warrants and maintenance and operations warrants.

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Barber County Real Estate Transactions Start in Book 135, page 455 Real Estate Transfers Gertie Willms to Dana Nichols: the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 32, Range 12, and Lots one and two in Section 19, Township 32, Range 11, except as described; warranty deed. Dana Jacobs, fka Dana Nichols and Lloyd Jacobs to David and Winona McNamar: The East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 32, Range 11, EXCEPT two tracks of land as described; qui claim deed\ Dana Jacobs, fka Dana Nichols and Lloyd Jacobs to Darral and Winona McNamar: (1) Lots one through 10, inclusive, in Lake’s Second Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge, Kan. except as described; and (2) the East 63 feet of Lot

8, on Stolp Avenue in Stolp’s Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge; quit claim deed. Darral McNamar and Winona McNamar to Darral McNamar and Winona McNamar, Trustees or their successors in trust, of the Darral and Winona McNamar Revocable Living Trust, dated June 29, 2011: (1) Lots one through 10, inclusive, in Lake’s Second Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge, Kan. except as described; and (2) the East 63 feet of Lot 8, on Stolp Avenue in Stolp’s Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge; (3) the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 32, Range 12, and Lots one and two in Section 19, Township 32, Range 11, except as described; (4) an undivided one-half interest in the following: the East Half of the North-

west Quarter of Section 7, Township 32 South, Range 11 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, except as described; (5) the East |Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 32 South, Range 11 West of the 6th Principle Meridian, except as described; quit claim deed. Medicine Lodge Community Health Foundations to Barber County: a tract of land as described in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 32 South, Range 12 West of the 6th Principal Meridian; warranty deed. Robert John Lookingbill and Sherry D. Lookingbill Harvest Land & Minerals Propco, LLC (Austin, Tex.): seven tracks of land as follows: (1) in Section See Real

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Alfalfa County Sheriff’s Log April 23, 2012 10:36 a.m. suspicious person on roadside park W of Byron, someone from prison mows the roadside park and someone is sleeping there, was not sure to bother the person or not, unit is going to check on person, advised no one in tent, checked area, unable to locate anyone, ODOT was advised. 5:20 p.m. cattle out 1 ½ E of McWillie, OHP advised 4 calves on the S side of the road, called possible owner, left message, advised cattle in. 9:00 p.m. speeder on Hwy 11 out of Kiowa, advised a blue dodge Dakota headed for Burlington, has passed several vehicles, respondent had to hit his brakes and swerve to keep from getting hit, vehicle doing over 90 mph and driving recklessly, advised CPD the pickup would be coming into Cherokee, just passed the CPD with another traffic stop. April 24, 2012 5:17 p.m. possible break in at 700 block of W Broadway in Aline, a window is smashed in, unit advised. 7:50 p.m. unwanted person at 300 block of Central in Carmen, respondent advised an individual is sitting out in front of his house and would like to have him removed, advised subject is driving a green Ford 1 ton, unit advised he talked to respondent, can’t find the subject in town.

April 25, 2012 10:10 a.m. welfare check in Carmen, respondent requested check on his daughter, she has not been to school for 3 days, gave possible places she might be, spoke with individual that she lives with, he advised she has been sick. 11:35 a.m. bailer fire 5 W 2 S of Carmen, request Aline FD to respond, sent page to AFD for mutual aid for Carmen, respondent advised there is an injury, they P.O.V. him to Share, fire is in middle of road, when they get the fire out, they will remove the bailer, advised fire is out, checking on something, bailer is destroyed. 4:31 p.m. minor accident 6 W of Ingersol, OHP is on scene already, advised unit. 4:55 p.m. possible stolen pickup, respondent advised he thinks his soon to be ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend have stolen his pickup, unit advised he spoke to respondent, he wants to wait before filing a report, he gave his ex permission to drive his pickup. 6:10 p.m. possible minor accident 1 mile n of Aline on Hwy 8, advised a semi blew a front tire and is on the side of the road, advised units, semi had a wrecker coming to pick him up. 8:28 p.m. welfare check behind the R Store in Nescatunga, respondent advised the people that live there have a baby

crying in the back yard and no one is doing anything about it, would like someone to come check it out, unit advised. April 26, 2012 1:09 a.m. medical call to Nescatunga, advised individual is having problems breathing, requested Nescatunga Rescue and ambulance to the residence, paged Nescatunga, advised CPD request ambulance. 4:55 a.m. medical alarm in Carmen, Monitoring Co advised medical alarm pendant has been activated, unknown directions for address given, advised they won’t need the rescue or ambulance. 7:07 a.m. not opened, advised that the Carmen Jiffy Trip is not open yet, ACSO tried to call Cherokee Jiffy Trip, rang 30 times, called individual and he advised he will call supervisor of the Carmen store. 9:03 a.m. stranded individual, respondent advised she stopped at Helena Jiffy Trip and got gas, drove a ways and vehicle died, was pulled back to Jiffy Trip, need a ride home to Cherokee, unit enroute. 2:37 p.m. minor accident on bridge just E of 58/64 Jct, advised 2 semis met on the bridge, OHP was advised. 7:48 p.m. gun safe in Aline, Blaine Co advised a man that lived in Blaine See Sheriff Page 54

Alfalfa County Real Estate Transactions Start Book 678, page 558 Real Estate Transfers Treva Ann Arnold and Tom Arnold to Steven Trent Littlefield, Trustee of the Steven Trent Littlefield Revocable Trust dated July 1, 2002: the Northwest Quarter and that part of the Northeast Quarter as described, all in Section 16, Township 27 North, Range 11 WIM; quit claim deed. Charles A. Brownson to the State of Oklahoma, acting through the Department of Transportation of the State of Oklahoma: a tract of land as described lying in part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 27 North, Range 10 WIM; warranty deed. Kenneth L. Fellers, as Trustee of the Kenneth L. Fellers Revocable Trust dated Feb. 23, 1998, to Carolyn Sue Fell-

ers Trustee of the Carolyn Sue Fellers (in a family transfer): (1) the Southwest Quarter of /Section 23, Township 28 North, Range 12 WIM; (2) the Northwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 29 North, Range 11 WIM; less a tract as described; (3) the East Half of Section 1, Township 27 North, Range 11 WIM—less and except a tract of land as described; warranty deed. Mortgages Brad Hendrick and Wendy R. Hendrick to Central National Bank and Trust Company of Enid: the Southwest Quarter of Section 25; Township 29 North, Range 9 WIM; $130,000. Ryan Lynn Norton, aka Ryan Norton, to the Bank of Kremlin (Kremlin, OK): (1) the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Township

24 North, Range 11 WIM; (2) the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 24 North, Range 11 WIM; (3) the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 25 North, Range 11 WIM; (4) Lots 3, 4, and 5, and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 24 North, Range 10 WIM; (5) the Northwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 24, Range 11 WIM; two notes in the total amount of $410,000. George William Emmert II and Wendy Marie Emmert to BOKF, NA dba Bank of Oklahoma: (1) a track of land as described in the Northeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 11 WIM; and a tract of land as described in the Northeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 11 WIM; $114,253.

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Alfalfa County Court Filings According to the affidavits and petitions on file, the following individuals have been charged. An individual is innocent of any charges listed below until proven guilty in a court of law. All information is a matter of public record and may be obtained by anyone during regular hours at the Alfalfa County Courthouse. The Alva Review-Courier will not intentionally alter or delete any of this information. If it appears in the courthouse public records, it will appear in this newspaper. Divorce Filings Robert Louis Hoy Sr. vs. Twila Marlene Hoy: Divorce. Marriage Filings Billy Lee Ross Jr., 43, Alva and Gina M. Keitel, 41, Alva: Marriage License. Protective Order Filings Cathy J. Labrue vs. Cassandra Nichole Bisel. Traffic Filings Calvin Berry Rich, 45, Woodward: (1) Operate overwidth vehicle ($211.50); (2) Operating a CMV w/out proper lettering requirements ($211.50). Quinton Arthur Arndt, 38, Watonga: Transporting open container of beer ($316). Jay Bradley Myers, 35, Dacoma: Operating a motor vehicle at a speed not rea-

sonable or proper ($256.50). Blake Matthew Kidder, 22, Youngsville, LA: Operating a M/V w/out a valid driver’s license ($256.50). Eder Daniel Zuloaga-Gonzalez, 26, Shreveport, LA: (1) Operating a M/V w/ out a valid driver’s license ($256.50); (2) Operating a motor vehicle with defective equipment ($211.50). Oscar Alejandro Romero, 39, Los Lunas, NM: Operating a M/V w/out a valid driver’s license ($256.50). Douglas Lee Shire, 58, Medford: Operating a M/V w/out a valid driver’s license ($256.50). James Robert Peters, 51, Angelton, TX: Failure to carry insurance verification (state dismissed w/out fine or costs). Mohealdeen Z. Ahmmad, 41, Buffalo: Operating a M/V w/out a valid driver’s license ($256.50). Tony Nicholes McEntyre, 31, Rio Vista, TX: Transporting open container of alcohol ($316). Douglas Lee Shire, 58, Medford: Operate vehicle on which all taxes due to state have not been paid ($211.50). The following individuals received a citation for speeding: Erekia Nuruhussen Besher, 45, Richardson, TX: 1-10 over ($188.50);

Thomas Harold Looper, 24, Deer Creek: 1-10 over ($188.50); Mario Alberto Mu-Noz, 21, Saginaw, TX: 11-14 over ($226.50); Lance Russell Hinnergardt, 41, Winona, KS: 1-10 over ($188.50); Charles Wayne Allen, 45, Durant: 1-10 over ($188.50); Gage Allen Marlatt, 20, Sharon: 1-10 over ($188.50); Blake Matthew Kidder, 22, Youngsville, LA: 1-10 over ($188.50); Travis Wayne Waldron, 19, Woodward: 1-10 over ($188.50); Kenneth Dwayne McCauley Jr., 26, Stigler: 11-14 over ($226.50); Derek Tyler Nelson, 23, Gainesville, TX: 1-10 over ($188.50); James Ennis Dunham, 54, Dewar: 16-20 over ($241.50); Albert Lee Campbell, 38, Saint Joe, AR: 1-10 over ($188.50); Bryan Scott Gore, 45, Taloga: 1-10 over ($188.50); Harold Cole Means, 21, Shady Point: 16-20 over ($241.50); Dempsey Lee Roten, 73, Capron: 16-20 over ($241.50); Derrick Scott Casey, 30, Lookeba: 16-20 over ($241.50). The following individuals received a citation for failure to wear seatbelt ($20 fine): Roger Wade Schimmel, 51, Lookeba; Oscar Alejandro Romero, 39, Los Lunas, NM; Caleb Antonio Urchison, 26, Vilonia, AR; James Dean Schumacher, 51, Geary; Joey Dale Shelton, 20, Lamont.

Barber County Court Filings Criminal Filings Max M. Rickard, 1978, Pratt: Giving a worthless check; Value <$1,000. Ronnie Eugene Domnick, 1970, Wichita: 2 counts of Theft of property or services; Value less than $1,000. Dylan Russell Molz, 1992, Kiowa: (1) Possession of certain hallucinogenic drugs; (2) Use/possess w/intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body; (3) Driving on right side of roadway required. Civil Filings Frederick W. Gallup et al vs. Cheyenne Exploration LLC: Money judgment in an amount more than $75,000. Michael McGrath vs. Kansas Department of Revenue: Petition for review of administrative action suspending plaintiff’s driving privileges under the Kansas implied consent law. Craig Pratt vs. Kansas Department of Revenue: Petition for review of administrative action suspending plaintiff’s

driving privileges under the Kansas implied consent law. Danny R. Lukins et al vs. Mary Dell Pendley et al: Quiet title. Limited Civil Filings Whites Foodliner vs. Lucky J. Keller: Indebtedness for an amount more than $500. Domestic Relations Filings Chelsie Seigworth vs. Tristan Seigworth: Protection from abuse. Tonja Carlson-Willms vs. Dan Willms: Protection from abuse. Dan Willsm vs. Tonja L. Willms: Divorce. Marriage Filings Alan Wade Hardwick, 49, Drummond, OK and Cheryl Renee Arredondo, 47, Drummond, OK. Traffic Filings Preston K. A. McCormick, 22, Duncan, OK: Failure to wear seatbelt ($10). The following individuals were cited for speeding:

Dalton Ray Cope, 20, Medicine Lodge: 77 in 65 ($155); Kendra K. Keimig, 30, Isabel: 78 in 55 ($230). Hanna B. Marlette, 22, Aubery, CA: 77 in 65 ($155). Keith P. Minor, 43, Austin, TX: 76 in 65 ($149). Jacqueline D. Riley, 50, Wichita: 76 in 65 ($149). Darin D. Alexander, 37, Hardtner: 74 in 55 ($197). Clifton T. Cherry, 34, Enid, OK: 75 in 65 ($143). Ray L. Lowe, 49, Ennis, TX: 77 in 65 ($155). Preston K. A. McCormick, 22, Duncan, OK: 77 in 65 ($155). Robert L. Montgomery, 28, Bokoshe, OK: 85 in 65 ($203). Carla M. Ryan, 42, Larned: 55 in 45 ($143). Juan C. Tamez-Munoz, 23, Hutchinson: 76 in 65 ($143).

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Co and moved to Aline, when he got to Aline, several things were gone out of his gun safe, Hawaiian paper money, rock money, gold bar & a $100 silver certificate, Blaine Co knew they would have to take the report but they wanted to know if one of our officers could go take fingerprints out of the inside of the safe, respondent did not want anything done tonight, they mentioned about some guns but not much information, advised unit. 9:30 p.m. black steer dead in road S of RR tracks on Hwy 8, truck driver called and advised steer was dead in the middle of the hwy, advised possible owner and asked if he would check and see if it was his cattle, unit advised he went all the way to county line, nothing found and no evidence of one being hit. April 27, 2012 7:05 a.m. keys locked in car at Jet Landing, unit advised and enroute. 12:02 p.m. civil standby at 400 block of N 5th in Carmen, respondent advised they are getting a divorce and requested an officer to standby while she gets her kids and clothes, unit advised and enroute. 12:19 p.m. civil matter on N 3rd in Carmen, respondent advised her sister tore up the trailer that she owns, respondent advised her to stay out of the house until someone can take pictures and see how much damage is done, this is just a FYI in case they call back for help. 2:02 p.m. major accident at 58/45 Jct 1 E of Helena, OHP & Helena Ambu-

lance was advised, roadway is partially blocked, Life advised individual called and wanted HFD there, will page them out. 2:50 p.m. alarm going off E of Byron, advised unit, correct directions are N of Latimer Rd on CR 670, alarm company advised key holder enroute, unit advised, request put directions in alarm company file. 3:32 p.m. medical call to Helena, medical signal from 200 block of W 5th, individual is having trouble breathing, a neighbor is with her and will make sure the door is unlocked, advised Life requested Helena Amb. 9:30 p.m. suspicious vehicle near Goltry, respondent is at a drilling site about 6-7 W of Carrier, they are getting ready to move the rig, a red dodge extended cab backed up to the site and tried to load bits into the truck, told him they were supposed to be there, respondent advised them they were not supposed to be there and they left, tag was bent down so he couldn’t read it, 2 occupants, 1 25-30 yoa the other maybe 18 or 19, advised unit enroute, advised Major & Garfield Co, will be looking around. 11:21 p.m. medical call to Mulberry Lane in Nescatunga, respondent advised he needs help, his feet and left arm are swelled up, paged NFD advised CPD, NFD rolling with 3 persons 2 rigs, NFD relieved ambulance taking respondent to Share Medical. April 28, 2012 5:35 a.m. stolen property in Carmen, respondent said her purse and personal belongings had been stolen, she was going to sit at Jiffy Trip in Carmen and wait for an officer, unit enroute, advised purse was not stolen, it was left in the pickup. 10:37 a.m. black cow out ½ W of 58/64 Jct, advised possible owner, they will check. 11:14 a.m. cattle out 1 ½ E on Cemetery Rd, advised owner, they will check. 1:57 p.m. brown calf with white face out 1 N of Carmen turn, advised possible owner, he will check. 3:36 p.m. 8 wheel crane stole gas from Loves in Alva, Woods Co advised crane stole gas and tore pump up, headed on Hwy 64 towards Cherokee, advised unit & OHP, advised they caught him in Woods Co, Loves employee called and

advised of the damage done. 5:38 p.m. dirt bike on road at 300 block of N Central in Carmen, respondent advised dirt bike was riding fast on street, some kids were playing in the yard, was afraid the kids were going to get hit, advised unit, out talking with respondent, talked to individual and advised not to have dirt bike on roadway anymore. April 29, 2012 5:30 a.m. alarm sounding at the First Carmen Bank, unable to contact bank president, advised unit and enroute. 12:25 p.m. medical call to CR 720 & Osage, individual is having chest pains, advised Amorita/Byron Rescue Unit and Cherokee EMS. 7:25 p.m. child not back from visitation at 300 block of N Central in Carmen, respondent advised her ex-husband had their child and was refusing to bring the boy back until he got his SS#, she was not going to give it to him, advised unit to call her, subject called and asked unit to call him, advised child is back in mother’s custody. 8:33 p.m. threatening of a person at 200 block of D St, respondent was advised to call sheriff’s office if they had any more problems with subject, individual came by rent house and yelled cuss words at them, travelling at a high rate of speed, she is pressing charges because subject threatened her. 9:05 p.m. locked out of car 2-3 miles S of state line on Hwy 8, respondent advised he hit a deer and got out to look at his car and locked himself out, it started raining, advised OHP, they advised trooper is enroute to a rollover accident N of Bouse Jct, advised Barber Co, they could not assist, did not have the tools, advised unit of call and he advised Kiowa does have tools, advised Kiowa unit enroute to assist driver. 10:53 p.m. child mother OD, Major Co called and said that a lady that had OD in the hospital, she was from Alfalfa Co and has a little girl at home alone in Aline, wanted to talk to one of our officers, unit advised that the little girl is at the hospital with the mother, unit would check more into it in the morning, hospital called and is wanting to transport the lady to another hospital and needs one of our officers, unit enroute to Enid hospital with female.

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Barber County Sheriff’s Log 04-23-12 Kiowa Ambulance transferred patient from Kiowa Hospital to Wichita. 04-23-12 Deputy English investigated a report of theft in Lake City. 04-24-12 Gary Crosby, Medicine Lodge, driving a 2004 IHC semi Red Rock Road and overturned. Over $1,000 damage, driver taken to Medicine Lodge Hospital with unknown injuries, accident investigated by Deputy Hall aided by Medicine Lodge Ambulance and Medicine Lodge Rural Rescue Squad. 04-24-12 Sharon and Medicine Lodge Rural Volunteer Fire Depart-

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ments responded to a pickup fire near Cedar Hills and Blackmore Roads. 04-24-12 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Main Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital. 04-25-12 Sharon Volunteer Fire Department responded to a bale fire north of Sharon. 04-27-12 Tyler Lynch, Isabel, driving a 1998 Pontiac ran off Golden Rod Road west of Apex Road. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by Deputy English. 04-27-12 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from Sand Plum and

Hawkins Roads to Kiowa Hospital. 04-29-12 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from northeast of Kiowa to Kiowa Hospital. During the week officers received 6 reports of cattle out; 2 reports of horses out; one report of goats out; performed 17 Public Assists; and assisted three other agencies. Arrests: 04-28-12 Gary L. Herd Jr, Medicine Lodge, W/M, 20. Arrest by MLPD. Charges: Disorderly Conduct 2. Minor Possess Alcohol. Released 04-28-12 on $1,000 OR Bond.

Real Estate

6, Township 34 South, Range 13 West, described as Government Lot one; also described as the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the West Half of Government Lot 2, also described as the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; (2) all of Section 1, Township 34 South, Range 14 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, except as noted; (3) All of Section 2, Township 34 South, Range 14 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, except as noted; (4) All of Section 11, Township 24 South, Range 14 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, except as noted; (5) All of the North Half of Section 14, Township 34 South, Range 14 West of the Principal Meridian, except as noted.; (6) All of the North Half of Section 15, Township 34 South, Range 14 West of the Principal Meridian except as noted; and (7) the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 34 South, Range 14 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian; warranty deed. Mortgages Beginning Book 203 Page 452 Thomas R. Lentz & Melinda M. Lentz to American AgCredit: (1) all that portion of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 30 South, Range 15, WPM; (2) a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 31 South, Range 15, WPM; (3) the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast

Quarter of Section 3 and the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 31 South, Range 15, WPM; (4) the North 105 rods of Lots 1 & 2 and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 31 South, Range 15, WPM; (5) the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 31 South, Range 15, WPM, containing 516 acres more or less: $65,800. Kelly George McNett & Bernice Ann McNett to First State Bank & Trust Co of Larned: the East 5 feet of Lot 7 and all of Lots 8 & 9 in Block 7 in Cook, Standiford and Company’s Revised Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge: $141,750. Jack D. Lambert & Jennifer L. Lambert to Western Credit Inc.: (1) Lots 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 30 South, Range 13, WPM; (2) Lots 2 & 6 and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 30 South, Range 13, WPM: $188,835.74. Stephen C. Bryan & Suellen Bryan to Citizens Bank of Kansas: a parcel of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 31 South, Range 12, WPM: $197,853. Kenton Dean Marsh to the United States of America acting through the Farm Service Agency for the United States Department of Agriculture: the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quar-

ter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 32 and the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 31 South, Range 15, WPM, and Lots 3 & 4 and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of Section 4 and Lots 1 & 2 and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter and the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 32 south, Range 15, WPM: 2 notes totalling $250,800. John T. Hern & Julie A. Hern to Napus Federal Credit Union: Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 in Block 14 in Henton’s Addition to the City of Sharon: $135,000. Cecil R. Newman & Kimberly J. Newman to Citizens Bank of Kansas: the South 24 feet 5 inches of the West 54 feet 7 inches of Lot 4 and the North 7 feet of the West 54 feet 7 inches of Lot 5 in Block 1 in Cook, Standiford & Company’s Revised Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge: $12,000. Lee T. Mohler to the United States of America acting through the Farm Service Agency for the United States Department of Agriculture: Surface interest only in and to the Southwest Quarter and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 4 and the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 30 South, Range 13, WPM: 2 notes totalling $269,000. Richard Houlton to The Central National Bank of Alva: a tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 32 South, Range 12, WPM: $468,522.63.

May 2, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Specialty Sandwiches & Soup

Animals and Pets

For Sale

Misty’s Dog Grooming

‘89 Ford 3/4 ton PU with TommyLift. Nice Truck. 580-748-0712

Weekdays, evenings and Sat. Call Misty 580-327-6653 lv msg

For Sale

For Sale

‘09 Hyundai Elantra, loaded, new tires, 80K miles. Call 5806 Registered Angus Bulls. Tested 748-1987 or 580-987-2446 lv Feedlot Bulls weighing 1300message 1400 pounds. These are yearling potential herd buyers that will Business Services produce the added (bonus) you Sondra’s Housecleaning desire. Their ETD numbers predict they are the kind that Residential, Trailers, Bunkhouses. will come easy, grow fast, and Honest, Dependable, References. top the market at harvest. They 20 years experience. Cell 580are semen checked, trick tested, 554-5419. Home 580-626-4779 wormed and ready for your Looking For cows. Call 580-761-0260 Lon Hawkins I will do Babysitting, House Cleaning etc. Call 817-706-2970 Lost Friend for more details Border Collie lost E of Alva. Depot Bar & Grill Answers to Tess. Was wearing Black Collar. 580-732-0167 or Wed-Pork Tenderloin or Minute 580-327-5105 Steaks, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans, Chocolate Automotive Pie. Thurs-Roast Beef Sandwich For Sale with French Dip, Chips, Ice Cream. Fri-Chicken Fry, Mashed ‘06 185 Bayliner, V6, 190 hp, Potatoes, Gravy, Corn, Roll, Wakeboard Tower and Wake Banana Pudding. Open at 11am. Speakers, exc cond. Lake ready. Carry-out avail. 580-327-2212. Must see. $12,700. Call 580Immediate opening for Day Time 596-6152 Lunch Waitress for Wed, Thur For Sale and Fri ‘04 Cadillac CTS. 62K miles. Alva Moose Lodge Cafe 3.6 liter. V6. Silver. Sunroof. will open Sat. May 5 at 11am. Leather. Spoiler. Garage Kept. Congratulations 2012 NWOSU $11,000 obo. 580-829-2014 Grads!


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Alva Moose Lodge


Mom and Pops Nite Out. Fri May 4-Buffet 6pm. Calf Fries and Pulled Pork, sides and desserts. Karaoke starts at 9pm. Sunday Buffet 11am to 1pm

Interior-Exterior improvements. Room additions. Plaster Repair & Painting. Handicap Upgrades. Will also accommodate Farm & Ranch. 580-307-4598 or 620825-4285.

Soapweeds & Cactus

For Your Const Needs

Soapweeds & Cactus in Enid carries a full line of Western, Southwest, Rustic and Lodge Furniture. Just returned from market with new items arriving daily! 122 N. Independence in Downtown Enid. 580-242-2233

From A-Z, New Construction, Roofing, Additions, Remodeling, Siding, Windows, Int/Ext, Painting, All Work Guaranteed. Improve the value of your home. Call 580-732-1028

Professional Upholstery

Computer Plus

with all types of furniture. Over For all computer repair needs. 55 yrs experience. Goltry, OK. Call Adam Swallow at 580580-496-2351 327-4449 or 580-748-2349 or come by 1329 Fair. Will do local New Releases housecalls New on DVD and BluRay this Rock Solid Glass week at Rialto Video; “Joyful Noise,” “Haywire” and “New and Repair. Serving Alva since Year’s Eve ‘06. Residential/commercial glass, screens, replacement Pasture Tree Clearing windows, auto glass, rock chip Save moisture and Grass. Let me repair. Call 580-748-2843 for a clear trees in your pasture. Skid free estimate. We’ll come to you. Steer and Marshall Tree Saw. Ed Busy B Resale Shop Grover. 580-474-2465 or 580542-0298 Sale Sale Sale!!! All shoes are 1/2 price all week. 524 Flynn. MonAnnual Meeting Sat 10am-5pm. 580-327-8030 Ride Alva Meeting at the Moose The Homestead Lodge. Thurs, May 3 at 7pm. Open enrollment May 1-June 30 Fine Retirement Living; close to home. 4 Floor Plans. 4 prices! Conceal & Carry 20 Meals, Utilities, Laundry, One day class (in Cherokee) May Activities, Day Trips. 580-3275th. Call for registration 580- 4080 541-7425. Give the MANN a Call! Installed Roofing Sale Farm news, markets, weather, (Malarkey, Tampko Heritage, sale barns, events, auctions and GAF, Owens Corning, much more. Call today 855-ASKCertainteed). 580-327-4000 or MANN, 855-275-6266. Best of 620-825-4300. Call A1, Save all it is Free


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May 2, 2012

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Breakfast Buffet

Dan’s Pest Control

5am to 9am. 7 days week. Guarantees you a Pest Free home Boulevard Bistro. 503 E Okla or business, at an affordable Blvd price. It is time to get your home treated for Spiders, Scorpions, Pasture Tree Clearing Wasps, Ants, Flies, Bed Bugs & Cedar Tree Removal, Pasture other flying & crawling pests. Tree Clearing, No Stumps, No Dan and Sherry will be servicing Splinters. Brian Collins 580-884- the Alva area May 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 0657 16, 17, 18, 28, 29, 30. 580-7481953 DC Quality Painting Kasie Mae’s Cafe Drywall, Texturing, Minor Carpentry. Interior and Exterior. 412 N. Park in Cleo Springs, OK. Free Estimates. 580-748-2578 1 block west of the Cleo State Dan or 580-748-0935 Alan Bank. Biker & Trucker Nights every Wednesday 9-11pm. Come Beautiful Bathroom enjoy an iced-cold beer! Now and Walk-In Shower Remodels hiring responsible cooks and by A1. 580-327-4000 or 620- waiters! 825-4300 Woodward Pet Food Drive Alva Sewing Center Creature Concerns is sponsoring First Friday Art Walk 5pm-7pm. a pet food drive for animals “Make It-Take It” Serger project. affected by the Woodward 428 Flynn Street. 580-327-3312 tornadoes. Donations of cat and dog food can be dropped Mother’s Day off at the Lite-N-Nite, 1624 Coming soon, Gift Baskets for Okla Blvd through May 5. Mom’s on her Special Day at New 2 U, 1616 Okla Blvd, Alva Don’t Just Change Locks Precision Landscaping change your address! Build Mowing, edging, trimming, your new home when the planting, design, power washing, kids graduate and move out. gutter cleanout, etc. Now WFM Total Construction, accepting new Alva customers. LLC. 580-327-7935. www. 580-748-2841


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Help Wanted

Now Taking Applications

Help Wanted

DXP is seeking a Pump Service Technician to Repair, Fabricate, Install and Remove pumps/rotating equipment in Okla City, OK Qualifications include 3+ years experience with rotating equipment and clear driving record. Apply at or fax resumes to 713-939-1591. EOE M/F/D/V

Vantage Plane Plastics, one of the top producers of plastic replacement part of all types of single and twin engine aircraft, is looking to fill 2 Full-Time positions in production, vacuum forming and cutting. Benefits included. Come by and pick up an application at 3161 College Blvd, Alva, at the south end of the airport

Great Salt Plains Health Center is seeking a Fulltime Receptionist. Medical Experience Preferred. Computer Skills Required. Apply at 405 S Okla. Cherokee, OK Help Wanted $1000 sign on bonus. Exc miles and pay. If you are a flatbed Owner Operator looking for company that will provide you with: competitive rates, excellent loaded miles, great home time, medical insurance, competitive pay, then call Robbin at 866934-Paul (7285) or apply online at www. 1 yr OTR exp required (w/6 mo flatbed exp). Also hiring company drivers Nicholas Services Now hiring Class A Drivers for all shifts. Earn over $1500 weekly. $17-$19.50 Hourly. Excellent Benefits. Over 30 years in Business. Come be a valued member of our growing company that takes pride in our equipment and provides extensive oilfield training. Drug Testing Required. 620-930-7511 Help Wanted Lite-N-Nite. Apply in person. 1624 Okla Blvd

Help Wanted $1000 sign on bonus. Excellent home time and miles. If you are a flatbed driver looking for a company that will provide you with: Excellent home time, great miles, BCBS medical insurance, 401K, paid vacation, rider program, competitive pay, then call Robbin at 866-934-Paul (7285) or apply online at 1 year OTR experience required (w 6 mo flatbed exp). Also hiring owner operators

Great Part Time Job 11am-2pm. Mon-Fri. Needs outgoing personality for wait staff. Sandwich Shoppe. 530 Flynn, Alva LPN Position Beadles Nursing Home, 916 Noble, has an opening for a full or part-time LPN. Please call 580-327-1274 for an application and interview time. EOE

Help Wanted

Part Time Help Needed

Established Trucking Company seeking Class A CDL Drivers to service the Enid, Ok area. Drug Test Required. Health Insurance provided. Competitive Wages. Haz-Mat a definite plus. Inquire by calling 806-681-2392 and asking for Landon

Maintenance Man for 32 Unit Apt Complex. Need basic knowledge of minor repair and plumbing. May require some evening/weekend work for emergencies. Pay scale subject to level of experience and dependability. Pick up application Mon Fri at 5-6pm 602 Hart, Alva

Job Opportunities Share Medical Center is looking for Hospital Nurse Aides/Unit Clerks, RN’s and LPN’s. Apply in person at 800 Share Drive or call 580-430-3313 Wanted Dirt Work and/or Rock, Gravel, Landscaping. 580748-1407 or 580-748-1931

Help Wanted We are looking for someone to assist and provide supervision to our handicapped adult son. Background check required. If interested please call 620-213-2404 for details Looking to Hire a person that is energetic, a team player and works well with the public. Medical background or LPN preferred. Willing to learn and be flexible. Send Resume to PO Box 180, Alva, OK 73717

Continued on page 62




May 2, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Help Wanted The Smok Shak is now hiring for full time positions - cooks, waitresses, and dishwashers. Must be dependable and hard working. For information, contact 580-596-3584. Help Wanted I’m looking for one good p/t person for seasonal work. Must enjoy outdoor assignments. 580-327-2554 Drillers/Locators Local Boring Company seeking experienced drillers/locators, great pay package, must be able to pass drug test and have a current driver’s license and copy of MVR, experience with Ditch Witch equipment a plus. Please call 405-7615199 Help Wanted Daytime Waitress Wed, Thur and Fri. Depot Bar and Grill. 580-327-7011 or pickup application at 3 N College Farm Supplies For Sale

Garage Sale 929 Church St. Sat 8am-noon Miscellaneous Under Construction Please excuse the mess as we update our theatre and concession area. Be advised we are limited in seating, so come early to guarantee your seating. Thanks, Rialto Theatre For Sale Carat and Half Diamond Engagement Ring. Call for details. 620-339-9585 For Sale Antique Quartersawn Oak Dining Table. New 2 U. 1616 Okla Blvd. 580-327-8233 Important Meeting Cemetery Association Meeting May 6, 2pm at the Fairview Cemetery. For Sale Skuttle Portable Electronic Grain Moisture Tester. Big Propane Bottle. 580-327-8016 or 580-748-0838 Annual Meeting

Gleaner G, Diesel, hydro, air, chopper, low and low hours, choice of headers, $6000 or make offer. 580-431-2545

Union Center Cemetery, Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7pm at Town of Dacoma Office Complex

Garage Sales

New Breakfast Hours

Back Yard Sale

Breakfast Buffet from 5am-9am. All You Can Eat $7.95. Boulevard Bistro. 503 E Okla Blvd

Sat 9am-3pm. 1800 Okla Blvd #206 Medford Citywide Sale Sat May 5 8am-2pm. Maps avail

For Sale

Carport Sale

Halter-broke Sorrel gelding. Make best offer. 580-430-1955 or 580-430-1911.

1027 Choctaw. Fri 3-6pm. Sat 8am-noon

Real Estate

Yard Sale

For Rent

Fri 6-8pm. Sat 9am-? 1124 Barnes Lutheran Rummage Sale Thur and Fri Noon-4pm. Sat 10am-3pm. Lots of Collectibles. Everything different. 212 Maple Yard Sale 1114 Choctaw. Sat May 5 7am-2pm Garage Sale Sat. 9-4 918 Barnes. Table & Chairs, Tool Box-Trinkets, Treadmill, lots of misc.

Brick House in town. 4bdrm, 1bth and 2nd shower. $2000/month. 580-748-2547 Rent to Own


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First Time Home Buyer Program. Zero Down. 100% Financing. E-Z Approval. Free Credit Report. No Money Required. 580-222-8862. visit For Rent Office Space Available. Call 580-327-2030 Rental Needed Soldier and New Wife need house to rent immediately. 580-554-5010 Room For Rent Alva area. Kitchen and Laundry. 580-3706872 For Sale in Freedom ‘94 28x70 Solitaire double wide mobile home, 3 beds, study that could be 4th bed, 2 1/2 baths, ch/a, dishwasher, fireplace. $50,000. Go cart for sale: $225. (405)2011319 or (580)227-0820 House For Sale 2bdrm, 1bth, bsmnt, new roof, new plumbing, newly remodeled bthrm w/Jetted Tub, new CH/A unit. 1325 Lincoln St. Waynoka, OK. Asking $42,000. 580-824-0604 For Rent Normandy Apt, 2 bdrm apt. 405-538-9310 or 405-659-4199 For Sale 30 acres N of Freedom, OK with Highway access. 405-952-7200 For Sale By Owner 323 Okla St., Cleo Springs, OK. 3bdr, 2bth, 1876 sqft plus basement, remodeled kitchen/dining, carport. 580-542-3010 pr 580-542-3009 Farmer’s Please Help! 64 Yr old looking for a hunting lease for deer. Preferably on river system. Will pay top price for good place. 580-554-0999

Totally remodeled. Fully furnished with Oak Fireplace, 2bdrm, large yard in Jet, OK $40,000. 10% down. or $35,000 cash. 712542-0103 or 712-303-9649

on North Sunset. Call 580-327-7890 or 580327-6789

For Sale

House For Sale

3bdrm, 2bth, remodeled 16 x 80 Skyline Mobile Home, extra nice, $19,900. Delivery Available. 580-237-8088

27 Maple St. 4bdrm, 2bth. 2400 sqft. Completely updated. 2 city lots. 405-9904118

Houses For Sale

May 2, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

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