Rathcoole & Saggart News

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fis must be paid by Christmas

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26TH Nov. 2012 P.o. Box 3430, TAllAgHT, DuBlIN 24 Tel: 451 3822 email: info@newsgroup.ie web: www.newsgroup.ie

Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, Féin Social Sinn Protection spokesperson has confronted Minister Joan Burton over a decision to instruct the Family Income Support section of the department to only process applications received on or after November 5th. The effect of this is that applications coming in now will be processed before the applications of families who have already been waiting for five and six months. Deputy Ó Snodaigh said every effort must be made to ensure all

applicants are processed and paid before Christmas. He said that “Due to the failure of the government to properly resource the Department of Social Protection, application processing times have become inexcusably long across a range of social welfare schemes. This leaves families in desperate situations. It forces them to go into arrears on their household bills and leaves them at risk of energy disconnections, eviction and at the mercy of money-lenders. It is

leaving families hungry as evidenced by the rise in food poverty. Family Income Support is one such scheme in which a growing back-log of applications has been building up over the last six months in particular. “These processing times are also a source of embarrassment for the government. And I suspect it is this embarrassment coupled with a desire to defer as many back-payments as possible until the next budgetary cycle that has prompted the minister to make a grossly unfair and

cynical decision. “I understand that the minister, along with senior officials, has taken a decision to instruct the Family Income Support section of the department to only process applications received on or after November 5th. The effect of this is that applications coming in now will be processed before the applications of families who have already been waiting for five and six months. The new applications may be processed immediately while those unfortunate

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GreyhOuNd illeGal waste stOraGe aGaiN hiGhliGhts disaster Of privatisatiON

Dublin Sinn Féin Cllr. Mícheál Mac Donncha, commenting on the news that greyhoud Waste has been found, for the third time this year, to have illegally stored waste on a farm, stated that “greyhound Waste has been found illegally storing waste on two farms in County Kildare during the summer and now again on another farm in County Dublin. This is the company to which Dublin City Council management sold the waste collection service for Dublin City last January, despite several votes by the elected councillors against such a

move. “Now 7,000 tonnes of waste collected by greyhound has been found illegally stored on three farms during the course of 2012. once again this highlights the disaster of waste privatisation, with waste collection and disposal in the City of Dublin now in the hands of a company with a bad environmental record. “Citizens are paying more not only for a poorer service but also for one which cannot be trusted to dispose of waste safely and legally.”

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fis must be paid by Christmas.......frOm paGe 1

enough to have made their application earlier will be left waiting. “I understand that most of the families caught up in the pre-November 5th back log will not receive any payment at all before Christmas. “over 7,000 families with almost 16,000 children are caught up

in this backlog. What are these families to do? What are they to do for Christmas? What are they to do with the growing arrears on their household bills? “The average applicant who is waiting since June will by now be owed €3,500 in back payments. If they are

waiting until left January, this will have risen to €4,700. Many families will have no option but to borrow these sums from money lenders and the cost of these loans will be many multiples of the money that the department owes them now.”

COuNCillOr urGes CONsumers tO shOp lOCal fOr Christmas

Fine gael Councillor Brian lawlor is asking people in Tallaght to try to do as much of their Christmas shopping locally this Christmas. “given that everyone is watching their money, particularly at this time of year, I would ask people to give our local traders the business where possible,” he said.

“local businesses are feeling the pinch more than ever and any support given to them would benefit the whole area,” he added. “The ripple effect of supporting our local traders is greater then you might imagine. Some of the benefits to shopping local include: · Stimulating the local economy: local businesses are more likely to utilise other local services and suppliers. So the money you invest is re-invested in other businesses.

· Creating and maintaining jobs in our town: Small local businesses are the largest employers in Ireland. The less people that have long distances to commute to work, the better for the economy and the environment. · local business owners invest in the community. · Competition and diversity results in greater consumer choice.

“We have wonderful stores in Tallaght, with traders who are to be admired for their resilience and innovation. Nobody wants to see anymore store or business closures. So given this is a time of year where we will all spend money on presents for others, whatever the budget, please give some thought about using your euros to the best advantage for everyone,” Councillor lawlor concluded.

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CONCerN reGardiNG bOGus Charity COlleCtOrs

Éamonn Councillor Walsh (Tallaght Central) (FF) South Dublin County Council has expressed his concern regarding bogus charity collectors in the Tallaght Central area recently.

Walsh said that ‘During the course of the Children’s referendum campaign I noticed outside one of the churches in the Dublin West area South someone collecting for a charity based in limerick. He had with him what seemed a legitimate laminated permit with the charity’s name on it

however when I made further enquiries to the gardaí later on they confirmed that though the charity organisation was genuine they had appointed no collectors in Dublin that weekend.’ Walsh says ‘It would appear that the permit was photocopied and used fraudulently’. Walsh continued ‘this is a good time for charity collections and it is to be hoped that people will respond as well as they can to Christmas appeals, however Door to Door collections should be viewed with suspicion; charities you have never heard of

should be ignored and those involving charities from abroad and outside Dublin be viewed should cautiously. Many of the company and registered numbers of the unheard of charities are made up’ Walsh says street begging should not be entertained.He also added ‘though bucket collections are used during Christmas and are a source of funding for many charities people should check that the collection is authorised; donations online or direct debit to recognised charities are probably the best way to go this Christmas’.

‘Charity fraud is a most cynical act and an abuse of people’s goodwill and kindness; these swindlers target pensioners and vulnerable people many of whom are on incomes. This low illegal activity deprives the genuine charity concerned of much needed funds and is something that everyone should be aware of this Christmas.’

Walsh concluded ‘Any suspicious activity should contact Crumlin at 01 6666200 or Tallaght garda Station on 01 6666000’.


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Founded in 2002 lemongrass Citywest offers a wonderful fusion of only the best Pan Asian cuisine in one fantastic south Dublin location. They are located on the grounds of the magnificent Citywest Hotel, Conference, leisure and golf resort. The food at lemongrass is freshly prepared by their talented Asian Chefs to ensure the highest quality and taste experience. lemongrass’s traditional form of culinary preparation means that no preservatives or artificial colours are involved in the preparation of their dishes, only pure food with pure

taste and pure colour. lemongrass are happy to boast a wide variety of both vegetarian and gluten free menu options to cater to all customers without compromising the truly delectable cuisine which is served at lemongrass Citywest The restaurant is split levelled and divided into several appealing areas for either a romantic meal for two or a private party in one of their stylish booths. The main restaurant offers well spaced tables good lighting and simple minimalistic table settings, providing just the right setting for food that is well executed and exquisitely presented.

ChildreN’s play area fOr hermitaGe park sOuGht

Cllr. William lavelle, local councillor for lucan has reiterated his call for installation of a children’s play area at Hermitage Park, at a safe location suitable to local residents.

At the June 2012 County Council meeting councillors approved a proposed new Play Policy. In response to this lavelle called for installation of a children’s play area at Hermitage Park. lavelle has now tabled a motion for the next lucan Area Committee meeting “requesting the Manager to prepare plans for installation of a new children’s play area at Hermitage Park; and to seek funding for installation in 2013."

“We all know that play is vitally important for children’s development, health and wellbeing. lucan’s existing playgrounds at griffeen valley Park and Adamstown are incredibly popular. But given that lucan now has a population similar to Waterford City, I believe we deserve additional playground provision. To ensure a good geographical dispersal of playgrounds I believe that Hermitage Park, in particular the newer part of the park between Ballyowen lane & Mount Andrew estate would make an appropriate location for a new playground to service the large population in the east lucan and Ballyowen area.” lavelle concluded

The food at Lemongrass is freshly prepared by their talented Asian Chefs to ensure the highest quality and taste experience.


health refOrms pave way fOr uNiversal health iNsuraNCe

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The labour Party Cllr for Dublin Mid West, Cllr Breeda Bonner has said the publication of ‘Future Health: A Strategic Framework for Reform of the Health Service 2012-2015’, demonstrates the commitment of labour in government to provide universal Health Insurance.

“The report which was published on Thursday the main outlines healthcare reforms that will take place over the coming years, and it is particularly useful that timelines have been given for each of these reforms to take place. necessary “These reforms all pave the way for the introduction of


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universal Health Insurance in 2016. “Among the reforms to take place are social care reforms. Social care involves the care of some of our most vulnerable citizens, including older people, those with disabilities, people with mental health issues and those in palliative care. This is why it is so important that we deliver services that cater to the needs of all these people in need, and I am pleased to see plans to create more patient-centred care. “Reforms will also take place in the area of primary care, with the eventual delivery of Primary Care Teams and Centres throughout the country. These centres will offer a range of

services including gPs, nurses and physiotherapists, all operating from the same building. legislation will also be published soon which will see the introduction of free gP-care, introduced on a phased basis, beginning with those with chronic diseases.

“The delivery of universal Health Insurance will radically reform our health service, ensuring that the same level of care is provided to all our citizens, and I would like to commend both Minister Kathleen lynch and Minister White for their commitment in delivering radical reforms in our health service.”

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welCOme tO klip

– the knocklyon local initiative project which is part of the knocklyon Network and supported by the dodder valley enterprise board. We are a growing non-profit voluntary organization which aims to provide support to jobseekers, local business and service providers within Knocklyon and the surrounding areas. our website www.klip.ie is available for businesses as a means of advertising their products and services. For more information on advertising with us please visit the Business Section on our website. We are conscious of the current economic challenges encountered by the local business community, and so we are providing support and help by offering business networking opportunities, mentoring and training courses where appropriate. We are also encouraging jobseekers to visit the website for job vacancies and if they wish, they can provide us with their details which can be viewed by prospective local employers who have employment opportunities.

our aim is to make the KlIP website user friendly and community oriented by providing local news items and information including activities on clubs and societies in the area. We have many talented people living and working in Knocklyon and the surrounding areas and as such www.klip.ie may be used as a means of facilitating the pooling of these resources within the area to help it become a vibrant, strong community working together. A positive outlook is beneficial to everyone. We are always looking for more volunteers, so if you would like to know more about becoming involved, please email us at admin@knocklyonnetwork.com. We plan to have a Christmas Newsletter on our website very soon so that we can instill some festive cheer reaching out to all ages.

For more information on Knocklyon local Initiative Project please visit us at www.klip.ie

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tallaGht shOrtlisted fOr aCCess City award 2013


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South Dublin County Council is delighted to announce that Tallaght has been included in the final shortlist of seven cities for the Access City Award 2013.

The Access City Award is an innovative competition between european cities which was launched in 2010 to promote accessibility in the urban environment. The Access City Award is open to all eu cities / urban areas of over 50,000 inhabitants. The Award recognises and celebrates cities that are dedicated to providing an accessible environment for all, and for disabled people in particular. The Award is part of the eu’s wider effort to create a barrier-free europe. In line with the united Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, accessibility is one of the pillars of the

european union’s Disability Strategy 2012-2020 which aims at creating a barrier-free europe for all. Tallaght is the main ‘County Town’ for South Dublin County. Its’ growth from a village of 2,500 people in the mid 1960’s to the present day population of approximately 83,152 (Census 2011), has made Tallaght one of Ireland’s major urban centres. Tallaght displays a high level of accessibility both within its’ built facilities i.e. Tallaght Stadium, the County library and County Hall, and across its’ external urban environment i.e. Sean Walsh Park Accessible Recycling and Sensory garden and the Tallaght Zip. Speaking about the nomination Mayor Cathal King said “I am

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delighted that Tallaght has been shortlisted for the Access City Award 2013. To be included in the final seven, out of 99 cities is quite an achievement and a wonderful testament to the strong commitment to access and inclusion that exists within South Dublin County”.

South Dublin County Council has a proven track record in promoting accessibility through both the provision of accessible infrastructure, and through the delivery of inclusive, accessible examples services. include:

the Jobot’s Access All Areas, and online video access guides web resources; the establishment of the South Dublin County Disability Advisory / Consultative Panel; provision of a significant range of

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assistive technologies and resources in alternative formats across the South Dublin library Network. Their award winning Digital Books Service has significantly improved access for library members in general, but most significantly for many disabled members. and a considerable programme of access works undertaken across the County since 2005 (including the significant access improvements to Tallaght Stadium and Camac valley Caravan and Camping Park).

The awards ceremony takes place in Brussels on Monday the 3rd December, International Day of Disabled Persons. The awards will be presented by Ms. viviane Reding, vice-President of the european Commission.

let’s spread mOre suNshiNe fOr lauralyNN!

Pictured at the launch of Spread a little Sunshine for lauralynn were Star of the Today show, Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh and elizabeth o’ Reilly, Weee Ireland. This charity campaign with a difference encourages everyone to recycle waste batteries and raise funds for lauralynn at the same time. Recycling your batteries is free and easy to do, just look out for the blue Weee Ireland battery boxes in your local retail store or civic amenity site and ‘donate’ your unwanted batteries… log on to www.recyclefree.ie for further details. (Pic Maxwells)

rOGue liNe paiNtiNG

Cllr Trevor gilligan PC, Fianna Fáil is warning people about rogue traders. He said “The National Roads Authority is warning of rogue line Painting traders targeting schools, churches, shops, business and community

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in Ireland. groups Several reports have been received from various organisations that have been approached by a door-to-door trader offering cut-price line painting on roads outside buildings or in

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car parks.” “I advise schools, churches, shops, business and community groups in the area to be aware that if you are approached, you should contact South Dublin County Council or the gardaí immediately”

síOlta plaque fOr dOmiNiC’s COmmuNity CeNtre 10

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The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, T.D. unveiled a Síolta plaque at Dominic’s Community Centre (Young explorer’s Pre-school) in Tallaght which it received in recognition of the quality of the services it delivers for pre-school and school-going children of the area. Síolta is a Department of education and Skills quality framework for all services working with children aged up to six years in the early

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Care and Childhood education sector in Ireland. Minister Burton congratulated all involved in achieving the Síolta plaque for Dominic’s Community Centre saying: “I am delighted to unveil this plaque which reflects the efforts and achievements of the staff involved in delivering a quality service for the very young and school going children living in St. Dominic’s parish in Tallaght.

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It is the combined dedication of everyone involved which results in the recognition of the Síolta award.” Community Dominic’s Centre employs a staff of 31, of which there are 17 Community employment participants, 1 (Ce) supervisor and 3 Tús workers. Their work involves providing children with a quality preschool education which enables them to explore their world by interacting with each other, with adults and with the wider community. The children receive quality experiences through play that meet the Aistear Curriculum guided by the Síolta standards and endorsed by the Department of education and Skills. Commenting on how the Department of Social Protection supports the work of Dominic’s Community Centre, Minister Burton said: “I am also very pleased that people are gaining this most worthwhile work experience through schemes operated by my Department which includes Community

employment and Tús. It is a credit to the leadership of Dominic’s Community Centre that, in the past year, the scheme has a rate into progression employment of over 40%.” The Community employment Preschool which moved to Dominic’s Community Centre in April 2009 provides pre-school education for 2½ to 5 year old children, two sessions per day, 5 days a week. It also provides afterschool care for children from 5 – 12 years, 5 days a week catering for over 50 children per day, including children with special needs. Community Dominic’s Centre has developed a mentoring programme for all childcare workers whereby they have the opportunity to learn the skills of an ‘early Years educator’ in a practical way, with on the job work experience certified training. Participants gain qualifications at FeTAC level 4, 5 and 6. There are opportunities for the Community employment Participants to work in study groups and support each other so that they are

better equipped to progress to employment or further education. Minister Burton concluded her visit to Dominic’s Community Centre by again

paying tribute to the staff saying: “I congratulate all of you on your achievements in delivering such a quality childcare service and I wish you continued success with your programme of work.”

GOverNmeNt shOuld eNable Credit uNiON tO iNvest iN eCONOmiC GrOwth

Speaking at the Dáil on the Credit union Bill, Peadar Tóibín TD, Sinn Féin spokesperson for jobs, enterprise and innovation said: “The Credit union Bill, as presented by the government, is an opportunity to support and enhance the credit union movement.

I believe that the majority of the proposals in the legislation, as developed by the Commission on Credit unions are good and sensible. However, I would welcome the inclusion of a number of other matters into the legislation, which I believe will make the bill stronger. The bill is silent on enabling

the credit union movement to use resources to invest in socially progressive schemes that will provide a return for members and deliver for the community. The credit union movement has in excess of €13 billion in assets. A fraction of this could and should be put to work investing in communities, creating jobs and delivering change. Surely it is better to borrow from the credit union movement than continue to pay extortionate rates to private banks and bondholders. I would hope that the minister will include a provision in the legislation that will enable this process.”

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it ONly takes ONe GOOd idea Your FREE Local Newspaper

Dublin post-primary students are invited to enter a nationwide search for oNe gooD IDeA The doors open for Dublin post-primary students to

start working on their one good Idea project to improve awareness levels of climate change and energy efficiency in Ireland. by the organised

Sustainable energy Authority of Ireland (SeAI) and supported by the Better energy programme and the Department of environment, Community

Older vOiCes fOr ChaNGe

and local government, the aim of the project is to increase students’ understanding of energy efficiency and climate change by encouraging them to take individual and collective responsibility for tackling these important issues, as well as highlighting how one good idea can make a big difference to our pockets, ourselves and our planet.

Post primary schools from all over Dublin are invited to follow in the footsteps of last year’s winners, team “generation green” from Presentation Secondary School, Thurles who devised an innovative awareness campaign on the topic of

renewable energy in local businesses. The winning teams will be awarded with thousands of euros worth of fantastic prizes to both the students and the schools at a national final to be held in April 2013.

The one good Idea project allows groups of students to work in teams to research, design and implement a campaign to promote energy efficiency and improve climate change awareness to one of three target audiences: their peers, adults and the wider community or primary school children. Students can use events, drama, art, music, film, photography or writing to bring their idea to

life and ensure the message reaches their audience in the most effective way. They can design their campaign around a number of topics relating to energy efficiency and Climate Change. There is plenty of support available from SeAI including a project pack, a website full of ideas and resources, on line workshops and mentoring from the one good Idea team, who are on hand to help progress the campaigns.

To enter the one good Idea log onto project www.seai.ie/onegoodidea, email onegoodidea@realyouth.ie or call 01 5224830

Clondalkin area committee votes against access to fonthill road from alpine/ashwood estates

Students from St. Kevins joined up with the older voices for Change group (Clondalkin, Palmerstown, lucan and Newcastle) to adopt the older & Bolder 'Make Home Work' Charter at the launch of "older voices for Change" in the Clarion Hotel, liffey valley.

The 'Make Home Work' Charter names the importance of supports and services to ensure people can age well at home. The Charter sets out the eight principles of the 'Make Home Work' campaign. older & Bolder is calling on groups of all kinds and sizes

in Dublin to adopt the charter. For further information, please contact older & Bolder at 01 8783623. For further information on older voices for Change, please contact Ann Troy at CPlN Area Partnership on 01 4508748.

In a statement from Cllr Trevor gilligan PC, Fianna Fáil, the Cllr said “Following on from a vote regarding the highly anticipated cycle and walking route at Alpine and Ashwood estates, South Dublin Council rejected plans to build a cycle track from the Bawnogue shops out onto the Fonthill road. Plans are to go ahead for a cycle track from the canal onto the Bawnogue road. Initially the cycle track was to go through Ashwood estate, which several residents were against. I am disappointed that a number of Cllrs voted against the proposals however, such is the price of democracy.” “It may be possible in the future to open up the access at the Fonthill road as many children attend Clonburris NS from Bawnogue. I would like to thank all the residents from all estates to take time to submit to the proposals. The proposals will go ahead to the next full council meeting in December”

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GOverNmeNt must prOteCt reNt supplemeNt reCipieNts Your FREE Local Newspaper

Dublin South West TD, Seán Crowe, has called on the government to protect families receiving a rent supplement, or it will directly lead to more people losing a roof over their heads. Crowe’s comments follow the release of a report from Focus

Ireland on the rent supplement scheme. Deputy Crowe said: “People are increasingly struggling under the government’s austerity policies and many are already at risk of losing their home. In the past years rent three supplements have been

cut by an average of 28%. Any further cuts in the rent supplement scheme will literally force people out of their accommodation. “The current government’s policies of cut-throat austerity have already pushed many families and

households to the brink of homelessness. If the upcoming Budget fails to protect people struggling on low incomes or dependent on welfare, there will be a massive increase in the number of households that are at risk of losing their accommodation. This

Minister for Justice, equality and Defence, Alan Shatter, T.D., is to publish a consultation document before the end of the year on his plans for bringing the Charities Act into force. This legislation was enacted in 2009 in order to strengthen the regulation of charities and increase their transparency and accountability to those that fund them

although it hasn’t yet been implemented owing to the anticipated cost of setting up a charities regulator, which the Act requires Keating said "I believe there is a major potential problem with charities and its a pity we cannot afford to have a full regularity body in place to protect the generosity of people. I have also

called for the publication of salaries of the Ceo's and other senior staff of Charities. We have 8000 registered. We need confidence in best practice, good governance and strong accountability and transparency across the sector." "I have called for the setting up of a Charities Regulatory Authority in line with the

legislation, the statutory registration of charities and granting of charitable status; and the types of information that a Charities Regulatory Authority might require from registered charities each year. There are 8000 registered charities and I believe they need supervision by the state" concluded Keating

keatiNG welCOmes CONsultatiON prOCess ON briNGiNG the Charities aCt iNtO fOrCe

will apply to people renting or paying mortgages. “From my work in my own constituency I know first-hand how people are much struggling at the moment, and how fearful people are that any cuts in rent supplements in the upcoming Budget will force them into homelessness or hostel accommodation. Homeless groups are confirming this. Focus

Ireland has said that there is continued rising demand for support this year and its prevention services recorded an 18% rise over a 12 month period from 2011 to 2012. “The government has cut and cut again from the most vulnerable and this cannot continue. “I am calling on the government to assure people that rent supplement will not be cut in the upcoming

Budget, to reverse previous cuts to the scheme, and to put in place measures which make it easier for people to source accommodation that will accept rent supplement at a reasonable rate. “This should include direct dealings by the State with landlords to secure value for money, and equally important, good quality accommodation for tenants.”

NOveNas NOveNas NOveNas

Unfailing prayer to Saint anthony “Blessed be God in His Angels and His Saints” Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for god and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. o gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy whisper my petition into the ears of of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Publish when request is granted m.m. holy Spirit you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who give me the Divine gift to forgive and forget and forget all evil against me and that in all instances in my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all the things as you confirm once again that I never want to be seperated from you in eternal glory.

Thank you for your Mercy toward me and mine. The prayer must be said for 3 consecutive days and the request will be granted. The prayer must be published after the favor is granted. m.m.

miracle prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. c.l.

miracle prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. b.b.

pleaSe note: if you wish to have your novena published please make a donation to our selected charity. Send a postal order or cheque made payable to Solas centre (ncbi) and send, along with your novena to: newsgroup, po box 3430, tallaght, Dublin 24. if you require any further information call us on 01 4519000.

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time tO iNtrOduCe maNdatOry ‘traffiC liGht’ labelliNG fOr fOOd Your FREE Local Newspaper

Fine gael Senator, Catherine Noone, has called for Ireland to legislate for mandatory ‘traffic light’ packaging on food sold here. under the traffic light packaging guidelines green represents healthy, red signifies unhealthy and orange

and yellow are between the two.


“There is no question that, as the Food Advisory Committee in the uK reported, people are being misled by relatively meaningless descriptions on food labels. ‘Traditional’,

‘original’ and even ‘diet’ are generic terms that can be conjured at the whim of a marketing department’s imagination. “The traffic light initiative provides concise, clear information for the consumer. It makes

sense for a number of reasons: firstly, people are familiar with it as many supermarket own-brands already use it, secondly the uK will be introducing such mandatory packaging in 2013, so it gives our food exporters an advantage as Irish

The Legal Column

except in certain DefineD circUmStanceS. The Act is clear. every effort must be made to secure the Family Home. Inevitably, that will involve the writing down of the debt to affordable levels. The restructure can include changes in the amount, split mortgages, term extensions and changes in the interest rates. In short, the Act mandates the parties to be inventive in coming to a long term financial restructuring, allowing the Borrower to remain in their home and meet those debts they can reasonably afford.

In the last edition, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24 (Telephone 01-4599506 email legal@scally.ie) discussed the proposed new Insolvency Legislation and Debt Settlement Arrangements. In this edition, we will deal with Personal Insolvency Arrangements (PIA) and how it might help people trying to cope with high levels of debt.

Readers are reminded to read the article in the last edition to fully understand this proposed new legislation and how it might help them. personal insolvency arrangements

A Personal Insolvency Arrangement (PIA) applies to secured and unsecured debt and includes loans secured on properties by mortgage. This is the innovative aspect of the legislation and is principally designed to create an environment whereby deals are done which do not involve vacating the Family Home. Again, the idea behind the PIA is that a Debtor will approach Creditors, both secured and non-secured, with a proposal. That proposal can be in any format and can involve elements similar to the DSA. It will be done through a PIP who will have conducted a full financial analysis on the Debtor. The ultimate aim of the PIA is that within 6 years, the Debtor would have returned to solvency and the key to the PIA is that the Debtor would retain ownership of the Family Home. A Personal Insolvency Arrangement cannot inVolVe the DiSpoSal or Sale of a family home,

The PIA should last for no longer than 6 years and should result in the ultimate solvency of the Debtor. The Act provides a non-exhaustive list of the types of arrangements considered and includes: a) That the Debtor pay interest for a period not exceeding the time of the arrangement; b) That the term of the loan be extended;

c) That payments be deferred for a period not exceeding the time of the arrangement; d) e)

Interest rate alteration; Debt for equity swap;

f) Debt write-off subject to recovery in the event of future sale of assets; g)


products can be easily shifted to the uK and thirdly it will benefit consumers as they can make healthier choices at a glance. “lidl are also due to roll out this packaging in its Irish outlets in 2014, bringing to six the number of

Capitalisation of arrears; Debt reduction;

In many case, a PIA will involve a combination of secured and unsecured debt and will therefore have elements of a DSA.

what happens if creditors refuse to cooperate?

Anybody is entitled to propose a DSA or PIA once they meet the criteria of insolvency. However, Creditors can reject the proposal. In most cases, there will be one or maybe two major Creditors who, because of the size of the debts, will have an effective veto power. If the Creditors reject the proposal, the Insolvency Process is at an end. The Debtor can then

apply for bankruptcy and be debt free in 3 years.

if we assume the Debtor does not apply for bankruptcy then what happens?

Creditors are then entitled to pursue Judgment and or gain possession of the secured assets and/or apply to bankrupt the Debtor but in each case, it will require application to the Court. To begin with where a Creditor unreasonably refuses a proposal for a PIA or DSA, the Court can arguably frustrate an application by the Creditor to bankrupt the Debtor. The new laws provide that before adjudicating a Debtor bankrupt on foot of a petition presented by a Creditor, a Court is required to consider the assets and liabilities of the Debtor and assess whether it may be appropriate to adjourn proceedings to allow the Debtor to enter into such arrangements as is specified by the Court in adjourning the hearing. This power given the Court might well be understood to mean that the Court will, in effect, be able to indirectly force a settlement arrangement and/or Personal Insolvency arrangement and to refuse bankruptcy if the Creditors unreasonably refuse to accept proposals. Furthermore, there will be legal costs implications for Creditors who have unreasonably refused to accept proposals made in connection with a proposal for a DSA or PIA. In other words, they may have to pay their own costs, in which case the process of bankruptcy becomes an expensive one for the Creditor and potentially hugely expensive if the proceedings are to be adjourned again and again, with banks having little or nothing to show for it in the end. But, most importantly, the Debtor is now entitled, once the Creditors veto the proposals, to apply to bankrupt himself. once bankrupt, the Debtor will emerge from the process Debt free after three yearS and Creditors who veto proposals face getting far less than under a DSA or PIA and, in many cases, they will get nothing at all. During the period of Bankruptcy, the Debtor will, in many cases, be able to retain their Family Home. As a matter of law, a Family Home cannot be disposed of under

that supermarkets currently engage in some form of traffic light labelling of their own accord – it’s common sense for the retailers: it means they can produce and export very similar packaging in Ireland and the uK, while also allowing their

customers to choose healthy items in a more convenient way. “We are in a long-term battle to ensure that our nation is eating more healthily, and I believe this is a simple, effective method of changing habits for the better.”

by Romaine Scally Bankruptcy unless a Court agrees.

is a court going to agree to the sale of family home where the creditor had unreasonably refused a pia?

Furthermore, the Debtor is entitled to retain what are described as “reasonable living expenses”. These will, in many cases, mean that there is nothing left for the Creditor. So, on a day-to-day basis, life goes on normally for the Debtor. The difference of course is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This is the key to the legislation. Currently, as it now stands, Debtors have no cards to play. They can go into Bankruptcy but they may never emerge. under the new legislation, they will emerge debt free in a maximum of three years. In the meantime, most can simply get on with their lives. Any stigma associated with Bankruptcy has long since gone.

you might ask, what happens if the creditor vetoes the bankruptcy proposal and then seeks possession of the family home?

If a Creditor seeks to repossess a Family Home, having refused a fair and reasonable offer of a PIA, there should be consequences. It must be ordered that the Court should adjourn to allow further proposals or adaptations of proposals. All this will come at a big cost to the Banks which may impose some level of common sense.

In short, the new legislation provides great hope for Borrowers. It provides for a benign Bankruptcy regime and includes the Court in the mix so that the Banks will no longer be free to dictate the terms of the Bankruptcy. once the message goes out to the Banks that the objectives of the Act will be meet, they will begin to accept and implement the arrangements that are necessary and the process of personal recovery for many borrowers can begin.

romaine sCally & Co, soliCitors operate a FREE LEGAL ADVICE CLINIC on the second Wednesd ay of every month from 2.00pm until 6.00p m at in Main Street, Tallaght, their offices Dublin 24. NEXT CLINIC: WED. 12TH DEC. No Appointment is ne We look forward to answ cessary. ering your legal queries in person.

romaine scally is the principal in the firm of romaine sCally and Company soliCitors main street tallaght, dublin 24 tel 4599506 faX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie

lOOkiNG after yOur prOperty

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‘We HAve SeeN a sharp increase in enquiries from concerned home owners and business people looking to protect their families and property’, says Managing Director of Hi-Tech Security Kevin gavin. “We are also working closely with “at –risk” individuals associated with industries such as jewellers, banks and post offices who would appear to be specifically targeted in recent months. Statistics have shown in the 12 months up to the end of the first quarter of 2012 there were 25,904 burglaries and 77,828 thefts and related offences such as handling stolen goods: an increase of 8.3 per cent over the previous year. The onset of recession carries with it the growing threat of burglary and theft: something we are seeing as evident these days especially with 3.2 per


cent increase in burglaries in the this quarter of 2011 culminating in a total of 27,494 reported burglary offences for 2011.

Hi-Tech Security has seen too many instances of people not using their security systems where fitted or not having them in proper working order. Kevin gavin continues: “There are a number of ways to deter a burglar from entering your home or premises.” You can log on to www.hitechsecurity.ie to find some hints and tips. you can contact hi-tech Security on 01-4580185 087- 565261 083-3556609 or info@hitechsecurity.ie for a free security consultation and advice on how to better secure your home or business.

OpeN 7 days a week!

whitestOwN way, tallaGht, dubliN 24 tel: 01 45 98 946

friday 30th NOv. €5 biNGO fOr siNGle bOOk with a €6,000 pay Out ( OptiONal flyer ON sale fOr €11 )

we have extra phd maChiNes available

the GreeN aNGel irish skiNCare beauty & wellbeing from irish Coastal waters


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The green Angel Irish Skincare brand was founded in 2003 by husband and wife team Mary and Chris Mitchell. They saw a gap in the market and an opportunity to develop a new Irish skin care range. All the products in the range contain Natural Irish Seaweed & essential oils and manufactured here in Ireland.

even in these challenging times green Angel have recently recruited new staff members to keep up with the demand as the product is growing fast and gaining momentum on the Irish beauty scene.

Miss Ireland, Holly Carpenter is the new face of Green Angel Skin Care

Miriam O’Shea Slimming World Firhouse

Victory Centre Firhouse Road Dublin 24 Times: Tuesday Mornings 9.30am & 11.30pm Tuesday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 087 9703016

Tracy Slimming World Clondalkin

The Green Isle Hotel, Newlands Cross Dublin 22 Times: Monday Mornings 9.30am & 11.30am Monday Evenings 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 085 7125138

Suzanne Slimming World Tallaght (Kingswood)

Kingswood Community Centre Kingswood Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Thursday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 086 3054814

Mary has just recently signed Former Miss Ireland Holly Carpenter as the new face of green Angel Skin Care. Mary says ‘It was important for me to choose the right person to endorse our brand. I had met Holly on a number of occasions and she was already a devoted fan of green

Angel. She has a timeless beauty which I felt would fit perfect with our brand’

As well as being an innovative business woman Mary is also a full time mum to two beautiful children aged 15 and 9. Mary say,’ As every woman in business knows, it can be difficult trying to juggle a demanding fulltime business and also be a mother. I find myself at Billie Barry with my young daughter and then an hour later I’m walking into an important business meeting. It’s all about trying to find a balance between the two. Sometimes there is very little time left over for myself, but at the moment I wouldn’t have it any other way.

opened an account with the award winning retail outlet Avoca.

Seaweed is very popular at the moment and with all its therapeutic benefits has amazing effects on the skin. The Natural essential oils and Plant extracts are carefully chosen for their individual healing and therapeutic properties. Their products are both luxurious and natural using only the finest of Their ingredients. products have a holistic approach which leaves your whole body and revitalized


green Angel products are available online or in all good pharmacies. For a list of stockist log onto www.greenangel.com

green Angel Manufacture: Seaweed & essentail oil Based Products Skin Care Products Hair Care Products A Body Range Travel Cushion

Drigate Address: Products, unit l9 greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole Co. Dublin

Mary & Chris have come a long way from starting green Angel on their kitchen table to where the brand is today. The product is now stocked in over 500 pharmacies nationwide and has recently

Pauline Slimming World Plaza

Plaza Hotel, Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Thursdays 5:30pm and 7:30pm Telephone 085 770 4751

Helena Slimming World Citywest

City West Hotel, Saggart, Co.Dublin Times: Mondays 5:30pm and 7:30pm Telephone 085 8260528

Mary Mitchell co-founder of The Green Angel Irish Skincare brand

Gardai & COuNCil seize 78 hOrses frOm laNds at NewCastle rOad

Cllr. William lavelle, local councillor for lucan, has twelcomed a joint operation by gardai by South Dublin County Council which resulted in the seizure of 78 horses from lands at Newcastle, between the 12th lock and the Polly Hops. The gardai and Council were supported by the staff of a horse pound in urlingford, Co. Kilkenny to where the animals were taken. only one of the horses was legally chipped and registered as required by the Control of Horse Act. This information was provided to Cllr. lavelle in a briefing by lucan gardai. Cllr. lavelle stated: “I

welcome this joint operation and I wish to thank both gardai and the Council for responding to my concerns about horses being kept illegally on these lands. Many of these horses were being ill-treated and ridden in a dangerous fashion along Newcastle Road and in the nearby Finnstown estate. This is the third time that the council has seized horses from these lands at my request, but this has been by far the largest operation to date.” “This operation was aimed at improving community safety and addressing animal welfare concerns.”

Breathnach’s eile


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different brands available

kids stOCkiNG free Christmas tree Christmas fillers deCOratiONs with deCOratiONs frOm €2.00 every €20 speNt frOm €2.00 Breathnach’s eile, st. dominic shopping centre, millbrook lawns, tallaght, dublin 24

every seCONd day sOmeONe dies frOm radON-iNduCed luNG CaNCer


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Some 250,000 men, women and children are currently living in homes with high levels of cancer causing radon gas which is resulting in 200 lung cancer deaths each year according to the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII). “1 in 14 Irish homes have high radon levels. In the vast majority of these homes the occupants are unaware that they are living with such a serious health

risk and because they are unaware of the problem, they can’t protect themselves,” according to Dr Ann Mcgarry, Chief executive of the RPII. “one person every two days dies from a radon induced lung cancer. over the past decade up to 2000 people in this country have died from this preventable health problem. The starting point is for people to test their home for radon and where high levels are

found, to reduce those levels. Radon is only a problem if it is ignored,” Dr Mcgarry said. The RPII ran a comprehensive information campaign in Wexford to raise awareness of the gas and to encourage people to test their homes. In the past two years the RPII has undertaken six of these campaigns in Sligo, Carlow, Waterford, galway, South Tipperary and Kerry –

Why not ask Santa for a new career?

all high radon counties. Radon has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a part of the World Health organisation, as a group 1 carcinogen. This places radon in the same group of carcinogens as asbestos and tobacco smoke as a cause of lung cancer. Ireland has some of the highest radon levels in homes found in europe. Based on current knowledge, it is that in estimated Ireland, for the population as a whole, a lifetime exposure (i.e. 70 years) to radon in the home at the

national Reference level carries a risk of about 1 in 50 of contracting fatal lung cancer. This is approximately twice the risk of death in a road accident. Testing your home for radon gas is easy. The test involves two radon detectors being placed in your home, one in a bedroom and a second in a living room for a three-month period. The detectors are sent and returned by post for analysis. A number of service providers provide a radon measurement service. cost of a The measurement is around

€50 depending on which service provider is chosen and includes postage. If radon reduction is required there are two straightforward methods commonly used. If a moderate radon level is found, improving indoor ventilation may be sufficient and the cost of this is relatively low. If higher levels are found, a fan assisted sump can be installed which can reduce radon levels by over 90%. The sump can be installed in a day by a contractor with little disruption to the home. The typical cost of this work is

€1,100 with the fan costing approximately €90 per year to run. An interactive map is available on the RPII’s website (www.rpii.ie) so that anyone can search for their address or nearest town to see whether their home or workplace is in a High Radon Area. They can find out what they need to know about radon – what it is, why it is a problem and how they can have a measurement made. Information can also be obtained by phoning the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland on Freefone 1800 300 600.

The Irish Dental Association has called on the government to ensure that a percentage of any revenue raised through a proposed 'sugar tax' on soft drinks should go towards an oral healthcare programme. The IDA said that due to the negative effect which the consumption of soft drinks have on dental health and the cutbacks which the country's two main dental schemes have suffered, it was logical that a proportion of any monies raised should be allocated to dental health. The IDA said the

Medical Card and the PRSI schemes had led to a huge improvement in the dental health of the nation and both schemes needed to be restored to their former status as a matter of urgency. However dentist and food scientist Dr Michael Crowe of the IDA, said the issue was complex and that overall the Association was not persuaded of the merits of such a tax in tackling obesity levels. "The national consumption data for these products do not show a correlation between increased

consumption of soft drinks and indices of obesity. From a dental perspective it is clear that a reduction in the frequency and volume of intake of any sugary drink or food may help in reducing the risk of dental caries. As sugar sweetened beverages are poor in nutrients, recommendations to limit their intake would generally appear to be important for the promotion of good nutrition. What is clear is that we need to reduce our consumption of all sugary drinks.. So reducing consumption is not the issue, finding the best way to achieve

that is. given that 60% of the population do not consume SSB any measure aimed at taxing this food group would potentially target a minority of the population. The introduction of such a tax would also have a disproportionate effect on lower income households. But Dr Crowe said any evidence-based measure that would help to reduce the frequency and volume of consumption of high sugar content drinks or foods would be welcome from a dental health point of view.

deNtists say aNy reveNue frOm prOpOsed 'suGar tax' ON driNks shOuld GO tO deNtal Care




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simple burGlary preveNtiON tips

more than one in eVery two break-inS iS throUgh a front or back Door

Burglary statistics compiled over the past few years enable us to forecast that during the next four weeks more that one thousand two hundred (1200) burglaries are likely to occur in the greater Dublin area. It is also possible to forecast that in more than six hundred of these incidents, the burglar will likely gain entry through a front or back entrance door.

The entrance door was originally created many centuries ago to provide security and to keep the weather at bay. With increasing fuel costs the onus in recent decades has been on rendering these doors thermally efficient. While this has been an excellent development and helped us save on fuel bills, unfortunately during the same period most door manufacturers have lost sight of the need to ensure that the door is strong enough to keep intruders out. Therefore, while we have gained much in terms of thermal efficiency the reality is that during the past twenty years most front and back entrance doors (particularly upvc doors) installed in Ireland, are not strong enough

to stop an aggressive burglar.

The good news is that we are now beginning to see some door manufacturers acting responsibly and starting to produce doors where security is given the consideration it deserves. At Burglarybusters we are extremely conscious of our customers’ security needs and have now available a Zentry Composite Security Door that takes account of this really important factor. This door is a lot stronger than the upvc door as it contains a glass Reinforced Polymer skin that absorbs high impact, contains security locks with unique covers and also strong security handles. The door contains laminated glass of 8mm thickness to withstand manual attack and compliments the security provided by the other components outlined above. My advice this week is to those who are purchasing an entrance door: Keep an ear out for the guy attempting to sell you a door with security features that contain glazing that he describes as hardened glass. What you must understand is that the term hardened glass is a misnomer and does not mean the glass is any stronger than normal glass -- in fact hardened glass is not a

By Ciarán O’Connell

security glass at all, but a safety glass that breaks into small pieces when attacked. For security purposes, as I have explained above, the best type of glass to use to improve the security provided by your doors and windows is laminated glass. I am available on the phone and email to answer any questions you might like to ask about Home Security and will carry out a free-of-charge security survey of your home or business. Also, should you wish for me to attend and speak about home security at your upcoming community meeting or get-togethers, I would be quite willing to do so. Ciarán o’Connell, Director Burglarybusters unit 17 Western Parkway Business Centre lower Ballymount Rd Dublin 12 Phone: 01-4600016/0862444938 email: info@burglarybusters.ie W: www.burglarybusters.ie www.securitycertifieddoors.ie

ciarán o’connell is a residential Security consultant and also a trained mental health counsellor.

A Zentry Composite Security Door.

ChildhOOd develOpmeNt iNitiative repOrt - a GOOd News stOry!


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Dublin South West TD, Seán Crowe, has welcomed the launch of the Tallaght based Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) report and believes that the positive work and additional supports CDI offer need to be replicated in communities that are being held back by disadvantage, right across the State. Deputy Sean Crowe said: "I want to welcome and support the call from the Tallaght-based Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) for the establishment of an early intervention speech and language therapy service in disadvantaged areas. "The evidence based CDI report shows that early intervention services helps reduce disadvantage in pre-school children before they begin their formal education. "The report bases its findings on a pilot early intervention scheme that has vastly improved educational outcomes for children in Tallaght West since 2007 and was independently evaluated by the Centre for Social and educational Research at Dublin Institute of Technology. "This ground-breaking service has provided therapeutic support to 157 children. The children were identified as struggling to cope with educational matters and falling behind their classmates in terms of educational development. "of the 157 children involved in the study, 18 per cent were discharged as their skills had improved to a normal standard after a period of support. If it wasn’t for the therapeutic support of CDI these children would probably still be struggling to cope and remain behind their peers.

"The government needs to take notice of these impressive outcomes, and use the glaringly obvious evidence contained in this report, when planning for the future. “It is a well-established fact that speech and language development can be of huge concern in disadvantaged areas, and if this is not addressed by the time these children start primary school, it will cause lifelong difficulties in their literacy and learning abilities. “As well as the development of dedicated services for disadvantaged communities, the report also recommends that all early years practitioners, teachers, and related professionals, receive appropriate training in speech and language development. "The report also highlights the vitally important roles parents can and do play. educating parents on the need for and value of speech and language therapy is vital to promoting attendance at speech and language services. Services should also be responsible for ensuring that parents are appropriately informed and involved in their child’s therapy process. "one parent at the launch said that her 2 year old son only had a range of about 20 words before he started speech and language therapy, but the slow painstaking work had now transformed him and made a much happier and confident child. "This is a good news story and shows the need for CDI projects to be replicated and rolled out right across the country. The systems identified in this report work and should be used to transform and ignite the huge potential that these young children clearly have."

upCOmiNG Christmas shOws - viCtOry CeNtre, deCember 2012

The luxurious victory Centre on Firhouse Road is hosting a series of Christmas Concerts on the 27th, 28th and 29th December. on the 27th December, Ronan Collins, star and Deejay and brilliant singer, will bring his sell-out National Concert Hall show, Joe Dolan’s Classic Hits, to the victory. The show features Ronan’s 9 piece Big Band and Singers plus all of Joe Dolan’s great hits from the early 60’s right through his career up until his untimely death in 2007.

The 28th December features star of ITv’s hit show Stars in Your eyes, Toni lee, where she performed as Karen Carpenter. Her appearance created a whole new career for Toni touring the world as Karen in the hit show The Carpenter’s greatest love Songs. Toni’s resemblance of Karen Carpenter is uncanny and if you close your eyes you can’t tell the difference between her voice and Karen Carpenter’s. This is a full show with Big Band and Singers.

The 29th December – Sandy Kelly was the star of the long running West end show, “The Patsy Cline Story”. Next year is the 50th Anniversary of Patsy’s death. Sandy is touring the uK with this show in the New Year and the appearance at the victory Centre is the first concert of the anniversary tour schedule. tickets for all shows are €25 from the Victory centre. telephone: (01) 461 0056 website: www.vcc.ie

Ronan Collins

Toni Lee

Sandy Kelly

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The Treetop Restaurant, At The Laurels, Clondalkin Village

Telephone: 01 4573940


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eU wants supervision of oil and gas fracking

MePs have voted in favour of supervisory rules governing shale oil and gas extraction in the eu. Two reports passed at the plenary session of the european Parliament this week called for fracking to be supervised, and for eu governments to exercise caution about allowing the exploitation of unconventional fossil fuels, pending further analysis of whether full-scale regulation is appropriate. MePs said a “robust regulatory regime” was needed for all shale gas activities, including hydraulic fracturing, and that environmentally friendly processes and best available techniques should be used to achieve the highest safety standards. However the Parliament decided to vote down an amendment urging member states not to authorise any new fracking operations in the eu. Indepdent MeP Marian

Harkin, who was among those proposing such a moratorium, said existing legislation is not sufficient to protect eu citizens from the environmental degradation and risks to human and animal health associated with fracking. “While it is strictly up to each member state to legislate for fracking, MePs should have sent a strong signal by discouraging them from doing so while laws remain weak,” she said. Socialist mep defends letter asking taoiseach to legislate for abortion

Socialist MeP Paul Murphy has hit back at criticism over a letter sent to Taoiseach enda Kenny this week calling on the government to allow abortion in Ireland. Mr Murphy and 52 other MePs signed the letter describing the recent death of Savita Halappanavar as a “tragedy which highlights the need for immediate action to introduce legislation for abortion in Ireland”.

He was the only Irish MeP to put his name to the letter, or to take part in a protest at the european Parliament in Strasbourg, one of hundreds across the world which brought Ireland's lack of abortion legislation under the international spotlight. Irish labour MeP Phil Prendergast criticised the letter, although supporting the labour Pary position in favour of legislating for abortion in line with the Supreme Court ruling on the 'x' case. The MeP, who worked as a midwife for many years, accused Mr Murphy of using the “awful tragedy” of Savita's death to pursue an agenda, which she claims ought to be a separate issue. Ms Prendergast also rubbished the claim made by Mr Murphy and others that Savita died because doctors refused to terminate her pregnancy for religous or legal reasons. “I've worked in front line services for years. If someone comes in with an inevitable abortion, the matter is dealt with, usually

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by immediate evacuation of the product of conception. The woman's life is sacrosanct. Staff do not blatantly disregard the life of the mother in favour of an unviable foetus,” she said. Ms Prendergast appealed for a balanced view as to what may have happened to Savita until the full facts are known to the public. However Mr Murphy claimed that the lack of abortion legislation “causes a real threat to women's lives and women's health in Ireland”. He also pointed out that rates of abortion by Irish women are not dramatically different to other countries, but that banning it just shifts the problem to another jurisdiction. His view was echoed by many of the MePs taking part in the protest, some of whom claimed that Ireland's failure to reform the law “smacked of hypocrisy”. uK liberal Democrat MeP Sarah ludford said that although Ireland's abortion laws were not an eu competence, it was “an issue of concern to all

europeans if the rights of fundamental women are being breached”. “It concerns the right to life, and the right for a woman to be treated with respect and dignity – both articles in the european Convention on Human Rights,” said Ms ludford. mep argues for “old-fashioned” banking

Fine gael MeP gay Mitchell has cautioned against the over-automation of banking procedures, claiming it excludes older customers who do not bank online. The former Dublin lord Mayor was speaking in Strasbourg, where MePs voted to introduce eu-wide rules for credit and debit card payments. The resolution approved by the european Parliament also proposed minimum security standards for internet and phone payments, but Mr Mitchell said these technological advances should not come at a detriment to people

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without internet access. “It is reasonable for financial institutions to seek to reduce costs and become more efficient through the use of online and mobile technology, but a personal presence via an over-the-counter service must be retained,” he said. The Fine gael MeP has previously pleaded for the return of old-fashioned banking, where managers have far more direct contact with customers, and can make risk assessments based on their knowledge of their client's business and character. “We are not ready for faceless banking, devoid of contact,” said Mr Mitchell, adding that having banking “on automatic” has been partially responsible for our financial troubles. Mr Mitchell cited an example of a constituent who was sent a stern letter from the bank and fined €5 for having a 70 cent overdraft. “This shouldn't have happened; banks need to show a litte bit more humanity,” he said.




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