Rathcoole Saggart News 20th Sep

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20th September 2021

LONG TERM LEASING IS SHORT SIGHTED TD for Dublin Mid-West Mark Ward has called SDCC implementation of Government policy of providing 25-year leases instead of traditional social housing as short sighted, not cost effective and unfair. In the last 5 weeks SDCC have advertised 56 long term leases on their choice based letting scheme.

Deputy Ward said “This Government has learned nothing from the past. They continue to rely on the private market to provide solutions to public housing. It is this ideology that has

created the housing crisis that we find ourselves in. “In the last 5 weeks South Dublin County Council have advertised 56 long term lease properties. These are available to workers and families who have often spent well over 10 years waiting to secure a home from the Council. “Investment firms have been buying up homes on the private market and then leasing them back to the Council for 25 years.

This is not a good use of public money. A home that the investment firm

bought for say €250k could cost the Council €450k over the lifetime of the lease. The council are also responsible for the maintenance and tenant management of the property, which adds additional costs.

“At the end of the 25 year lease the home reverts back to the investor firm so it retains its assets and the Council still has responsibility to house the tenant. “This strategy of investment firms buying up homes and then leasing them back to the Council is also another barrier

stopping first time buyers obtaining a home for their family. “Its absurd and wrong that a lot of the homes that SDCC advertised were originally Council houses to begin with. They were sold to the original tenant at a discount and are now being leased by the very council who used to own these homes.

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“This is just bonkers. “We are also aware that people had been renting some of these homes through the HAP scheme. Their homes were sold to the investor firms, who subsequently sent a notice to quit to the tenant and forced the tenant to find alternative accommodation or even into homelessness. “These tenants who are on the Council list for social housing, have been forced out of their homes by an investment firm who then lease the homes to the Council to provide a home for someone on the social housing list. “South Dublin County Council’s implementation of Government policy of providing 25-year leases instead of traditional social housing is short sighted, not cost effective and unfair.

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THOSE WHO WANT TO LIVE IN ONE-OFF HOUSING HAVE BEEN ABANDONED BY OUR COUNCIL Cllr Shirley O’Hara has said one-off housing plays a small but important role in accommodating our growing population in rural areas like Rathcoole, Newcastle, Saggart and Brittas. Cllr O’Hara said that shockingly, only five one-off rural houses were granted planning permission by South Dublin County Council since the current Development Plan came into force in 2016. Cllr. O’Hara said the fact that the new County Development Plan is

currently being drafted represented a real opportunity to change this. She said she felt totally let down by politicians from Fianna Fail, Sinn Fein, Labour and the Green Party who voted against her proposal which would have loosened restrictions for people who want to build a home on a rural family plot or on a rural site near where they grew up. Cllr O’Hara explained, “I recently tabled a motion that would have allowed easier planning approvals

Published by: Newsgroup, Unit 3 Floor 2 St. Dominics Shopping Centre, St. Dominics Road, Tallaght, Dublin, D24 HK49. Titles: Tallaght News, Clondalkin News, Lucan News and Rathcoole & Saggart News Distributed by: Local Post Co. Contact Details: Website www.newsgroup.ie

Printed by: Meath Chronicle Email: info@newsgroup.ie

Founder: John Russell Advertising: Anthony Russell anthony@newsgroup.ie Administration: Sarah Brooks admin@newsgroup.ie

for people in rural South Dublin who are from the area and are looking to build near family and stay in the locality.

There is a similar rule in place in Kildare County Council to allow this, but unfortunately my motion was voted down by local Councillors from other parties. Nationally, Fine Gael in Government has committed to revitalising rural communities and has acknowledged the role that one-off housing plays in doing that, but I do think that the people of Rathcoole, Newcastle, Saggart and Brittas have been let down by Councillors who voted not to make it easier for them to qualify as a candidate for planning permission. “As it stands, the applicant, the site and the plans have to qualify in order to be given planning approval to build a home in a rural

location. I absolutely agree that the site must be right, that proposed homes are held to high environmental standards with percolation, effluent disposal, sight lines and house design all being taken into account; but I fundamentally disagree with how tight the restrictions are on who gets to build in a rural area.

The rules are way too prescriptive and that isn’t fair to young people from areas like Redgap or Athgoe, Slade or Slievthoul, who want to build a home on a family plot or who want to move closer to their parents to take care of them as they grow older. “National figures show that around 85% of all one-off housing planning permissions are granted each year but that is far from the case in South Dublin County Council. In the last 5 years only 5 people got planning

permission for a one-off rural home. That simply doesn’t add up,” said Cllr. Shirley O’Hara. “One off housing is a small aspect of the current national housing supply but there will always be demand for this development with a design and planning framework in place which is sustainable, well managed and well regulated. “South Dublin County Council is an independent Planning Authority and all local authorities continue to adjudicate on planning matters in relation to new housing within their jurisdiction, in line with their statutory housing policy. But it’s the public representatives, your Councillors, who get to make the County Development Plan which is the framework for those decisions. I am so disappointed that Fianna Fail, Sinn Fein and Labour Councillors voted

against my proposal which would have made it easier for young couples and families with connections to our rural areas raise families of their own here,” continued Cllr. Shirley O’Hara. “I won’t be giving up on this though and I do intend to get in touch with Minister Peter Burke to seek that the new Rural Housing Planning Guidelines allow for the development of homes in rural areas in South Dublin while highlighting the need to manage certain areas around cities and towns in order to avoid overdevelopment in those areas. Minister Burke expects to receive these guidelines shortly, with a draft going out to public consultation later this year. I would urge people in rural South Dublin to make their views known in order to inform an integral part of our housing policy,” concluded Cllr. Shirley O’Hara.



As part of a national strategy to regenerate our city, South Dublin County Council (SDCC) and Dublin City Council (DCC) have come together in joint urban regeneration effort known as the City Edge Project. Located at the western edge of Dublin City Centre in the Naas Road, Ballymount and Park West areas and covering an area of 700 hectares, the City Edge project is set to become one of Europe’s largest urban regeneration projects. An international masterplan team has been selected to carry out a detailed study of the area and to produce an exciting Vision for the future of this part of Dublin. SDCC and DCC want to hear your views on how this signiÿcant part of the City should evolve. A nonstatutory 4-Week Public Consultation will run from the 9th of September 2021 to midnight 6th of October 2021. SDCC and DCC will be hosting live online events that will have two different formats. Firstly, the City Edge International Conference will provide a unique opportunity to discuss and learn about Best Practice approaches to designing and delivering large scale regeneration projects. Hosted by Shane Coleman of Newstalk, the conference will take place over two mornings: • Wednesday 29th September 2021: 9am–11am l (Delivering Regeneration) • Thursday 30th September 2021: 9am–11am l (Placemaking)

Secondly, SDCC and DCC will host two specific events focussed on the City Edge Emerging Concept Plan. This will provide the opportunity to get a further understanding and detail of the project and pose some questions. The presentation will be given on the following dates and times: • •

Wednesday 22nd September 2021: 3pm–4:15pm Thursday 30th September 2021: 7pm–8:15pm

Display information together with details on how to access live on-line events can be viewed at www. cityedge.ie Submissions may be made from Thursday 9th September 2021 to midnight Wednesday 6th of October 2021 via: The submission bu˛on on the www.cityedge.ie website Or In writing to Senior Executive O˝cer, Forward Planning Section, Land Use Planning & Transportation Department, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Submissions will be summarised in a report, which will list the persons or bodies that make submissions. The report will be submi˛ed to the members of SDCC and DCC and will be available to view by members of the public therea˙er. A Personal Data Privacy Statement can be viewed at www.cityedge.ie




The Mayor of South Dublin County Council, Cllr Peter Kavanagh, officially launched the ‘€300K – Have Your Say’ initiative for the Tallaght Central electoral area on Wednesday 8 September 2021. Submissions are now open on the Council’s €300k Have Your Say website and will remain open until the close of business (6.00 pm) on Friday, 8 October 2021. €300k Have Your Say is a participatory budgeting initiative that has been run by South Dublin County Council since 2017. €300k Have Your Say

provides residents with the opportunity to develop project ideas for their local area and then vote on shortlisted proposals to fund winning projects up to the value of €300,000.

During September, three online workshops have been arranged for the Tallaght Central electoral area to facilitate the generation of projects. An external facilitator will coordinate these meetings to help bring out your ideas. All members of the community are encouraged to attend as there are no restrictions on who can submit ideas

and vote. You can find more information and how to sign up for a workshop on the Council’s website.

Participatory budgeting is an innovative democratic process that began in Brazil in 1989 which facilitates citizens in a local community to decide how to spend a portion of a public budget in their area. It gives people direct power to determine spending priorities and to improve their community. South Dublin County Council were the first local authority in the country to introduce participatory budgeting to their area when the Council launched €300k Have Your Say in 2017. To date, over 8,000 people have cast their vote in €300k Have Your Say to fund a project, or projects, of their choice. 477 project ideas have been submitted to the Council for consideration with 60 being put forward to the public vote and 28 being funded. Previous iterations of €300k Have Your Say has seen a new playground built in Waterstown Park, the restoration of King John’s Bridge in Griffeen Park, native apple trees planted throughout Clondalkin and

the launch of a heritage trail app. South Dublin County Council has previously won a Chambers Ireland award in Citizen Engagement for the initiative and been shortlisted for a European Innovation in Politics award in the ‘Democracy’ category. Speaking at the launch, Mayor Kavanagh said, “I am proud to be able to launch €300k Have Your Say for Tallaght Central today. This initiative is about enabling people in the area to have

a greater voice on local priorities that matter most to them. We want to give you the opportunity to send us your ideas and to then vote on what you want to see brought to Tallaght Central. €300k Have Your Say is entirely in your hands. Get involved, go to a workshop or simply get in touch with your project idea!” Councillor Teresa Costello, current Chair of the Tallaght Central electoral

area committee, said, “This is a fantastic opportunity for the people of Tallaght Central to have their say in how this extra funding can be used to benefit our communities. I encourage everyone to log on to the €300k Have Your Say website and send us their ideas for Tallaght Central. I can’t wait to see them.”

For more information see www.sdcc.ie




On the 13th September, elected members of South Dublin County Council approved the development of 620 new homes on council-owned lands at Killinarden, Tallaght. The proposal follows a competitive tender process for a fully integrated mixed tenure development of social, affordable and private dwellings. The residential development is heavily weighted towards the provision of affordable purchase homes, with

60% of the development projected to sell for an average of €250,000 or less per home. A further 20% of the development will be delivered as social housing. The development commencement is subject to receiving full planning permission. South Dublin County Council will enter into a development agreement with the Arden Team DAC to deliver the homes. The Arden design team, comprising Sisk Living

and Kelland Homes and Ó Cualann Cohousing Alliance, will deliver ‘The Foothills, Killinarden’ development over several phases, with 278 homes estimated to be completed by 2024, 217 homes in 2025 and the final 125 homes in 2026. A community/sports facility, creche, new public open space, and wetlands infrastructure, as well as essential community amenities, will be provided to create a new sustainable neighbourhood. The demand for affordable purchase

homes in the Killinarden area was highlighted through South Dublin County Council’s Affordable Homes Portal. Launched in 2019 following the allocation of €18 million to the Council by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage through the government’s Serviced Sites Fund. 2,700 people expressed an interest through the portal in purchasing an affordable home in Killinarden. Councillor Peter Kavanagh, Mayor of South Dublin County, said, “This mixed tenure development which will provide 620 new homes, reflects the Council’s commitment to providing homes for families and building new communities. I am particularly happy to see such an emphasis on providing affordable and social homes in this development and I look forward to the ground being broken on site.” Daniel McLoughlin, Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council, added that “the delivery of

affordable housing is a significant element of the Killinarden development and our housing strategy. Addressing issues of housing affordability that exist for low-to-middle income households is a key

element of South Dublin County Council’s efforts to tackle the housing crisis. This initiative is a crucial element of our plans to deliver over 4500 social and affordable homes over 5 years”

500 NEW JOBS FOR BALDONNELL Local Fine Gael T.D., Emer Higgins has welcomed confirmation that Amazon is creating 500 jobs in Baldonnell. “Amazon has long been rumoured to be opening their first warehouse in Ireland, right here in Baldonnell. It was great to get confirmation that construction has officially started on a 650,000 square foot warehouse, which is due to open in Spring of next year. The ‘fulfilment centre’ as Amazon calls it, will create 500 new jobs for our area. Amazon will be recruiting for everything from IT and HR specialists through to logistics staff,” said Deputy Emer Higgins who represents Dublin Mid West. “Amazon already has two successful operations in our local area – a data centre in Tallaght and a delivery station in Greenogue. The Greenogue facility opened recently and employs 25 people. This latest investment will bring to 5,000 the number of staff employed in Ireland by the end of next year,” added Deputy Emer Higgins. These new jobs have also been welcomed by local Councillor, Shirley O’Hara, who said, “It’s great to see multinational corporations investing in our local area. Baldonnell is a thriving business park and 500 new jobs will be a real boost to the local economy.”




The first edition of the Irish Cancer Society’s ‘Your Health Matters’ roadshow met with unprecedented demand in Tallaght recently with over 2,000 people engaged and 200 health checks taking place across two days.

The ‘Your Health Matters’ roadshow gives the public the opportunity to get a free health check and have a conversation with a nurse about any health issues they may be having. The roadshow is being rolled out for the first time as the Society is concerned that some people have not yet sought medical advice for symptoms of cancer due to pandemic. Demand for the free walkin consultations, which includes a blood pressure check, body mass index (BMI) and carbon monoxide (CO) reading has been

so high that the Society is increasing capacity to facilitate additional interest at the coming events. Speaking at the ‘Your Health Matters’ roadshow today, Irish Cancer Society’s Director of Advocacy, Rachel Morrogh said, ”The extraordinary engagement and interest in the ‘Your Health Matters’ roadshow shows a real appetite from the general public to look after their health. People have been coming to us with a variety of questions about niggling health issues, most of which are unlikely to be cancer but they feel relieved to have chatted with a nurse, who can refer them on for further help if there is cause for concern. Others have more general questions and concerns regarding cancer treatments and screening. “The Irish Cancer Society is

extremely concerned about the impact of the pandemic on cancer in Ireland. We know that some people have put off presenting to their GPs with health concerns that are unexplained, unusual or persistent, so we are delighted to have the opportunity to offer these free health checks across Dublin over the coming weeks. “We are urging people to avail of these free health checks and discuss any concerns they may have with one of our nurses, because early detection of cancer leads to better treatment options and ultimately saves lives”. Anyone with concerns or questions about cancer, or who wants to learn more about support services available in their area can contact the Irish Cancer Society Support Line on Freephone 1800 200 700.

TUH ROLLOUT SEPSIS TROLLEYS Monday the 13th of September marked #WorldSepsisDay. Tallaght University Hospital would like to acknowledge the support of the Adelaide Health Foundation in placing four dedicated Sepsis Trolleys in the Emergency Department and some wards in the Hospital. Sepsis is a life threatening illness that is preventable if people know the signs and symptoms, once in hospital the quicker you receive treatment for Sepsis the better. The completion of the Sepsis Six* within one hour is essential. The introduction of the mobile Sepsis trolleys will improve the management of Sepsis and help with the completion of the Sepsis Six bundle within the required one hour timeframe which will improve patient outcomes. Take blood cultures, check full blood count and lactate, IV fluids, IV antibiotics, monitor urine output and give oxygen

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Vicky Meighan, ED Consultant, Dr. Catherine Wall, Consultant Nephrologist & Director of Quality Safety & Risk Management and Niamh Gavin, Chief Executive of the Adelaide Health Foundation. Credit to TUH Medical Photography






Cavan Developments have just launched the latest phase of New Large 3 & 4 Bedroom Concrete Built Homes at Kilheale Manor in Kill Village. Nestled away nicely between Rathcoole and Naas, Kill is an idyllic village, located just 15 minutes drive from the Red Cow roundabout. A new large modern primary school is open in the village itself and caters for both boys and girls, while secondary schools are easily accessible with private bus operators servicing both Rathcoole & Naas schools also. These New Homes are designed with the

modern purchaser in mind, big spacious 3 and 4 bedroom homes with exquisite features such as fitted kitchens & Island unit*, tastefully fitted out bathrooms and master bedrooms with Walk in Wardrobe and En-suite leave a lot to be desired. While the full brick fronts and large attic spaces along with the renowned Cavan Developments finish give that emphasis of quality and prestige throughout. All houses are “A” rated with Photo Voltaic panels coming as standard reducing your overall energy bills

considerably. They are also wired for EV car charge point and alarm with a glance to the future and security in mind. The upstairs Bathroom & En-Suite floors and wet areas are tiled with quality porcelain ceramic tiles as standard while the modern wardrobes and kitchen units also come as standard. The heated towel rail and shower doors in En-Suite are also a feature while the Bathroom comes fully fitted with toilets, wash hand basin and towel rail just to add the finishing touch. It is also important to mention that

these homes are not subject to Management Fees which will be a relief to the majority of prospective purchasers. Cavan Developments homes are built with reducing maintenance in mind, with full brick fronts and dry dashed external walls, PVC Fascia and soffit and Superior Sound Proofing being an integral part of Cavan Developments build which is emphasised more than anywhere else on the party wall. Cavan Developments is an Award winning builder that have a tradition for quality and expertise and are building new homes for over 40 years. Kill is a clean, friendly, traditional, country village situated on the N7 and

just fifteen minutes from the Red Cow and M50. Commuting to Dublin couldn’t be easier by car or bus and the train at Sallins and Luas at Citywest

are very short drives also. *Island unit are with 3 & 4 Bedroom Semi Detached only. Prices starting from €395,000

To register your interest, e-mail sales@cavandev.ie or

phone Cavan Developments on 045 878108. visit cavandevelopments.com Or our sales agents MMWard Auctioneers 045 856640





MIDLAND ANIMAL CARE THIS SEPTEMBER GET BEHIND ENABLE IRELAND’S LIFE WITH NO LIMITS CAMPAIGN APPOINTED FOR DOG SHELTER SERVICES South Dublin County Council has appointed Midland Animal Care Limited to provide Dog Shelter services commencing 1 October 2021. The new pound facility is located at Hollygrove Kennels, Lyons Road, Newcastle, Co. Dublin. Midland Animal Care Ltd. will also provide dog shelter services at the facility for Dun Laoghaire Rathdown and Fingal County Councils. Dog Warden services for South Dublin County will continue to be provided by the Council’s two fulltime Dog Wardens. Midland Animal Care Ltd. was established in 2014 to deliver dog shelter services for City and County Councils. The company currently provides this service for Meath, Roscommon, Carlow, Kilkenny, and Clare County Councils. All Midland Animal Care staff members working with dogs on behalf of South Dublin County Council will be trained to veterinary nurse standard or equivalent. The company currently has working arrangements with four registered veterinary practices for the provision of veterinary and animal welfare services. They also proactively work with 15 rescue organisations across Ireland to rehome dogs. The Council looks forward to working with the company to deliver effective, welfare driven dog shelter services for the County.

Enable Ireland’s annual ‘Life With No Limits’ campaign takes place during the month of September. The campaign provides a platform for children and adults with disabilities using Enable Ireland services to share their life experiences while raising much-needed funds to support the charity’s work.

Like many charities, Enable Ireland has been significantly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and this year more than ever, the charity is relying on the public’s support for their vital therapy and support services. The public can support Enable Ireland’s services for over 9,400 children and adults with disabilities by purchasing Life With No Limits merchandise from Enable Ireland’s 23 charity shops nationwide or by donating online at www. enableireland.ie. One of this year’s Life with No Limits Champions is Laura Dempsey. Laura is

a visually impaired singer, songwriter and author. During the pandemic Laura used technology to record and release her own original songs and wrote her autobiography “All about me by Miss Laura D.” Laura attends Enable Ireland Adult Services. Laura says, “Over the last year I have done so much, not physically, but virtually.

In the virtual world, I have no limits. It’s been such a positive experience. I’ve learned lots of new skills and technologies. It has given me a lot of confidence”. You can download music from Laura Dempsey from any digital music platform, including Spotify and iTunes and read more about Laura’s story on www.enableireland.ie/ nolimits. Support the ‘Enable Ireland Life with No Limits’ campaign this September and help raise vital funds for disability services. Life with No Limits merchandise is on sale in Enable Ireland

charity shops nationwide. You can also support Enable Ireland this September by donating a bag of quality clothing or household items into any TK Maxx store nationwide as part of their Give Up Clothes For Good

campaign. Or Text ENABLE to 50300 to donate €4. Text costs €4. Enable Ireland will receive a minimum of €3.60. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 076 6805278.

2 Carrigmore Meadows, Citywest Asking price €420,000

651A Whitechurch Road, Rathfarnham

13 Carrigmore Manor, Citywest Asking price €295,000

25 Old Bawn Way, Tallaght, D24 Asking price €340,000

Asking price €695,000

PRSA Licence 004197

Village Square, Old Bawn Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Ph: 01 9125500 Email: info@byrnemalone.ie








South Dublin County Council are trialling a new food & craft market which started on the 4th September and will run into October in Corkagh Park, Clondalkin. The market takes place each Saturday, between 11am-5pm. Held just beside the playground entrance, parking is available from the St John’s estate side or

the Naas road / N7 side. Markets and traders will be tailored for the community as well as the space, everything that will go into Corkagh is going in for a reason. There will be approximately 35 stalls. Crafts will be handmade or hand finished. All food vendors need all the relevant certs and

Pictured above, Cllr Gilligan and his daughter Chloe

insurance. Traders need to have their own equipment too, gazebos/tables etc. Local Councillor Trevor Gilligan and his family were in attendance on the opening weekend. Gillgan said “Corkagh Park was buzzing with excitement. As regular visitors of the park, we haven’t seen it so busy. The car park was full. There were visitors from everywhere, not just Clondalkin”. But Gilligan is still not happy. He wants more. He’s calling for a second market at the N7 side of Corkagh park. “There are 2 car parks at each end of the park so why not utilise them. Corkagh is huge, we have the space. Each car park is limited, which in turn, limits the number of stalls to about 35. Corkagh park is in a great location, located just off the N7 / Naas Road, so there is scope for huge footfall here for anyone travelling on the N7” stated Gilligan.

Lucey Transport Logistics has positions for:

Voice Pickers In our warehouse located at Newcastle off the N7 at J4.

Full Time Opportunity to work in an exciting and fast paced environment. We are also hiring for a range of other warehouse positions.

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Marian Finucane bursaries to support women in education A new bursary fund in memory of Marian Finucane is to help women restart their education with the aim of improving well-being and helping access employment. The bursary fund at the largest community education service in the country will assist women across Ireland by providing financial support to access further education.

Speaking at the launch of the Marian Finucane Bursary Fund, John Clarke husband of the late broadcaster

said: “There is a simple basic truth – if you educate a woman, you educate a family: If you educate a man, he gets a job. This has been proven time and time again. There are a group of women, who through social circumstances, haven’t availed of, or perhaps avoided due to social reasons, the right to be educated. Marian was passionate about education and particularly the education of women – education for (1) selfrespect and (2) education

for its knock-on effect in their families. Our aim is to assist these women to get back into education, principally for their own self-respect – the upside of this is that they will help the children to stay in education and break the vicious circle of apathy, indifference, and social ostracism.”

The Community Foundation for Ireland is one of the first supporters of the fund with a donation of €10,000 in recognition of Marian’s commitment to philanthropy being matched with a further €10,000 from a private donor. Chief Executive, Denise Charlton added: “Marian was a champion for equality. As a feminist she broke new ground ending the silence over issues like contraception, abortion, rape and women’s employment. No history of equal rights in Ireland is complete without acknowledging the role

Marian played in opening up national conversations on women’s lives, women’s bodies, women’s health, women’s choices and women’s voices. The Community Foundation for Ireland was proud to have Marian as an ally and a regular in hosting our annual Philanthropy of the Year Awards. The awards will return in 2022 but we believe the Marian Finucane Fund could not wait. At a time when many families are under severe pressure because of unemployment it is important to respond to this immediate need.” Heydi Foster, CEO of An Cosán, concluded: “An Cosán is committed to eradicating poverty and lifting up communities through education, and in order to do that we know that women must be empowered, that is why they are at the centre of our One Generation Solution. We are so thankful

to John and the Community Foundation for Ireland for supporting our learners with this fund. Marian was a true pioneer and leader, and we can’t wait to see our women follow her inspiring path, and with the

support of this fund become change makers for their families, communities and for Ireland.” Donations to the Marian Finucane Bursary Fund can be made at www.ancosan.ie

FREE AND 90% FUNDED COURSES AT GRIFFITH COLLEGE Established in 1974, Griffith College is Ireland’s largest independent third level institution with campuses in Dublin, Cork and Limerick. The college has gained an award winning reputation nationally and internationally over the past almost half-century. Griffith is currently enrolling on the following FREE and 90% funded courses as part of the Government’s July Stimulus and Springboard+ initiatives: Certificate in Digital Technologies and Project Management for Business. Certificate in Administration and Digital Skills. Introduction to Finance for Non Financial Managers. Certificate in Business Management. Certificate in Web, Interaction and UX Design. Certificate in Business in Pensions, Insurance, and Investment. Certificate in Digital Sales Transformation. And Certificate in Music Production for Games This is a fantastic opportunity to up-skill in these exciting disciplines. For more information, to make an application or to find out more about our upcoming open evenings visit Griffith.ie.



Adamstown Community College

Enrolment 2022/23

Adamstown Community College welcomes 6th class students who have not yet enrolled for 1st year in September 2022. Online enrolment is from Friday the 1st of October to Friday 22nd of October.

Please visit our website for the online enrolment from, a virtual tour of the school and subject choice information

Website: www.adamstowncc.ie Tel: 01 654 0348

Tallaght Community School

ENROLMENT FOR 1ST YEAR 2022 Starts Monday 4th October. Closing date for applications is Friday 22nd October

Application forms are available from the school by post, email or can be downloaded from our website. Siblings can collect from our office.

Team will be available in the school reception to support the admissions process on Monday 4th and Monday 11th October.

Balrothery Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24

Call us on: 01 4515566 Visit us at tallaghtcs.ie

For information on our open night webinar which takes place on Monday September 27th from 7 - 8pm




LOCAL STUDENTS WIN PRIZES IN TEXACO CHILDREN’S ART COMPETITION WHY IS A FURTHER EDUCATION COURSE AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR MY CAREER? Do you want to upskill, reskill or move into a new career area? Then a Further Education course might just be the perfect option for you. So, what is a Further Education (FE) course? FE courses are typically one year in duration. They allow students progress onto study at Higher Education (Universities and Institutes of Technology) or directly into employment. In this week’s column we are going to focus on how FE courses facilitate students to move directly into the labour market. Many FE courses provide the qualification that is required if you wish to work in a particular sector or industry. For example if you want to work as a Healthcare Assistant in a hospital, the required qualification is a QQI Level 5 award in Healthcare. The same is true for Childcare, where the required qualification to work in a creche or as a Special Needs Assistant is the QQI level 5 award in Early Childhood Care and Education. The majority of Further Education courses lead to a QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) award, which is a nationally and internationally recognised qualification. As well as QQI, some FE Colleges offer awards by other awarding bodies such as CompTia. If you complete a CompTia Cybersecurity Analyst course for instance, you possess the industry recognised qualification to obtain employment in this rapidly growing sector. Throughout a FE course, students will gain specific essential skills which will benefit them in their prospective careers, increasing their employability and transition to the world of work. For instance, Nursing students will be adept at taking blood pressure readings and client care. Software students will have experience in web design and programming. Engineering students will have spent the year studying specific core modules such as Electronics and Mechanics in a specialised workshop. Office Skills students will be experience in using Microsoft Office. The transferable skills gained while completing a Further Education course ensure that students are well equipped for the world of work on completion of their programme. Work Experience is a core aspect of Further Education courses. As part of this module, students complete a work placement in their vocational area. The skills and networking gained during work experience can provide valuable opportunities for employment in the future. In fact many students on courses such as Medical Secretary obtain offers of employment from their current employer while on work placement. Communications is a key module on Further Education courses. This module covers the skills needed for jobs searching, CV writing and interviews. Making presentations and peer collaboration are important elements of many jobs. Students will gain valuable experience in all of these areas that they can bring to their future employment. Further Education courses can be offered on a full- or parttime basis and are available in a diverse range of areas including Art, Business, Computing, Childcare, Engineering, Healthcare, Nursing, Science and Social Care. There really is a FE course to suit every single person’s requirements. Are you interested in pursuing a Further Education course? If so, you can find out information at www.qualifax.ie or by going directly to the website of the FE college you are interested in. However please be advised that most courses start in September and if you wish to be considered for a place at your local FE College, you need to apply without delay.

Mary Mc Mahon Further Education Co-ordinator Greenhills Community College

Six South Dublin students were amongst 29 young artists from the county to have won top prizes in this year’s 67th Texaco Children’s Art Competition, the results of which were delayed until now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

They were Róisín Doody (11) from St. Finian’s National School, Newcastle; Pranay Seetharaman (7) from Citywest Educate Together National School, Saggart; April Houghton (8) from St. Andrew’s National School, Lucan and Megan Bell (14), Naomi O’Toole Ward (15)

and Zamakonke Mthanbeni (14), all pupils at St. Michael’s Special School, Chapelizod. All were winners of Special Merit Awards for artworks that Final Adjudicator, Professor Declan McGonagle said: “demonstrated high levels of skill and imagination”. The Texaco Children’s Art Competition is popularly regarded as the longestrunning sponsorship in the history of arts sponsoring in Ireland, with an unbroken history that dates back to the very first Competition held in 1955. This year,

as has been the case throughout its life, it has been a platform on which young artists from Dublin and counties throughout Ireland have had their talents recognised and their creativity commended. From September 14 to

October 2, Drogheda’s Highlanes Municipal Art Gallery is hosting an exhibition of the top 126 winning paintings in this year’s Competition. Admission is free and further information is available at www.highlanes.ie







The deadline for the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2022 is fast approaching! BT Ireland, organiser of the BTYSTE, is reminding students that the deadline for project entries is Monday 27th September at 5pm. Project entry fees have been waived and qualifying projects will showcase at the virtual exhibition from 12th-14th January 2022. Students can submit a one-page proposal in any one of four categories: technology; social and behavioural sciences; biological and ecological sciences; and chemical, physical and mathematical sciences. Pic Credit: Fennell Photography




As details of their schools’ Leaving Certificate grades have finally arrived, students are feeling that they have got a raw deal by the system designed to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. The vast majority of students (53,680 from 60,000+) opted for a combination of exam results and accredited grades. Grades awarded to candidates this year are significantly higher than last year and even more so from 2019, pre covid. With CAO points for many courses increasing substantially as a result, many students have been left feeling frustrated and bewildered. So what are the options now? Rather than taking their CAO second or third choices, students should consider taking the year out, doing a further education course in their area of interest and then applying next year through the CAO system. The result of this would be as follows according to Gabriel Allen, Deputy Principal of Bray Institute of Further Education: 1. The leaving certificate results will probably fall back to levels of previous years (10% less) giving this year’s leaving certificate students an advantage. 2. CAO points required for courses should, in the same way, drop back to 2019 (Pre Covid) norms. 3. By doing a PLC course in their area of interest, students will be more University ready for their course, and will be au fait with the assessment system in use in universities. 4. By doing a PLC level six course offers students the opportunity to apply

for advanced entry the second year of honours degree course a number of Institutes Technologies.

to an in of

5. Students will not lose out on the “University Experience”. University life is meant to be fun! The transitional phase from secondary school to starting a degree can be one of the most exciting times for many students who are eager to break away from their tight-knit group of secondary school friends and immerse themselves in the university culture.

• Acting • Dance • TV & Film (Moving Image) • Music Production • Music Performance • Graphic Design

As Gabriel Allen explained, “These seven courses will allow graduating students to proceed to the final year of an honours Degree Programme in Ireland or Britain if that is their

ultimate ambition.” Bray Institute will offer a number of new courses in September ‘20: • Brewing & Distilling • Techniques • Equine Studies • Applied Ecology Biodiversity Studies


• Traditional Irish & Folk Music Performance – Higher National Diploma

• Barista, Pastry & Baking

All of the above courses will offer progression routes to higher education. Allen assured that there are also many opportunities for mature students to study and progress at BIFE. “All courses have valuable certification and offer progression routes to Higher Education, yet you don’t

need CAO points to study at Bray Institute.”

Applications for September 2021 Courses are now open. Apply on-line at www.bife.ie or call the Institute any day during office hours on 01-2829668 for further information

Allen added, “The huge range of courses available at BIFE offers learners fabulous opportunities, not only for those looking for additional skills or hoping to go directly into employment, but also for those who might want to defer their place at University or IT for the year so as to complete a further education course, whether it be related to their University choice or one of the fabulous niche courses on offer at Bray Institute such as Music Production, 3D Game Design, DJ Techniques, TV, Science Pre-University, Brewing & Distilling, Equine Studies, Furniture Design, Animal Care, Dance, Acting and much more.” Over the past few years, graduates of BIFE have achieved honours degrees across a wide range of programmes, opening up a myriad of career opportunities from graphic design to performing arts to psychology. This year BIFE will offer Higher National Diplomas in the following: • Fine Art - Art Practice

TO ADVERTISE IN OUR EDUCATION FEATURE, CONTACT SIOBHAN TODAY! Phone: 01 451 9000 or Email: siobhan@newsgroup.ie www.newsgroup.ie

Firhouse Community College Admissions School Year 2022/2023

Enrolment for incoming 1st Years 2022/2023 opens on Fri. 1st Oct and closes on Fri. 22nd Oct

All applications are submitted online through the school website from the 1st of October only. Due to COVID- 19 restrictions our open Evening will not go ahead this year but we will have a virtual Open Evening before the end of the month. Email: firhousecc@ddletb.ie Website: www.firhousecommunitycollege.ie





BILL TO ESTABLISH GENDER QUOTAS ON COMPANY BOARDS WILL ADDRESS UNDERREPRESENTATION OF WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP ROLES A new bill to establish a 40% quota for female representation on company boards will address the underrepresentation of women in leadership roles and have a positive outcome for businesses, according to TD Emer Higgins. Deputy Higgins recently submitted her Private Members Bill to the Dáil which seeks to legislate for gender balance on company boards. This measure has already been adopted by several European countries and was recommended by the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality earlier this year.

The Dublin Mid-West TD said: “Women in leadership roles are champions for diversity and inclusion and set a positive example for other women starting out in their careers. But frustratingly, women remain underrepresented in senior leadership and decision-making roles in business. “Statistics show the Covid-19 pandemic affected working women more than working men. We need to ensure that the economic recovery is balanced, and I believe now

is the time for meaningful action when it comes to women in business. “The Irish Corporate Governance (Gender Balance) Bill 2021, which I have worked on in collaboration with the National Women’s Council of Ireland, will require companies to report annually on their gender balance at boardroom level. It will make provisions for gender balance on the boards and governing councils of designated companies, corporations, undertakings, charities and bodies in Ireland with a small level of exceptions, such as for companies with less than twenty employees.

“It sets a target for reaching female representation of at least 33% on Irish boards within the first year of enactment, rising to 40% after three years. Where a company fails to meet the gender balance quota without a credible explanation, they may become liable for an application to the High Court for an order directing that the corporate body comply with the Act. “This Bill will bring Ireland in line with some of our EU neighbours

that have already adopted legislative quotas on company boards. France has a 40% gender quota for women on company boards, Italy requires at least 1/3 of either gender to comprise their boards. Germany has a 30% quota for supervisory boards and plans to introduce a 30% mandatory quota for 70 of its largest firms. “Women accounted for just 22.4% of board members of Irish listed companies as of September 2020, while 19% of Irish listed companies had no female directors, according to a recent report from NWCI. “While information is available on the gender balance of State boards and some listed companies, there are no comprehensive statistics measuring the full picture in companies across Ireland. Significantly, this piece of legislation will provide for the reporting and measuring of gender balance at boardroom level for all Irish companies with employees of 50 or more people. “Experience from other countries has demonstrated that legislation, rather than

approaches such as targetsetting, recommendations or mentoring, is the most effective way to improve the representation of women on boards. “Quotas are not a magic bullet that will stamp out gender inequality overnight, but they will accelerate the pace of change and build upon the efforts of agencies like Balance for Better Business and the 30% Club that have been doing fantastic work in driving

companies and state boards to achieve gender parity.

with a more gender diverse board.

“By increasing the number of women in leadership positions, companies broaden their talent pool and ensure that women with the requisite experience can have a meaningful say in the decision-making process. This can lead to trickle-down benefits for women at all levels and for the company itself, which performs better financially

“Our boardrooms must be a better reflection of society today and we all have a role in breaking down unconscious biases and reinforced stereotypes that exist. “It is my ambition that both men and women should have equal opportunity to not just get their foot in the door, but to earn a seat at the boardroom table,” Deputy Higgins concluded.

Fine Gael TD Emer Higgins and Orla O’Connor, Director of the National Women’s Council of Ireland, (NWCI), pictured at the launch of the Irish Corporate Governance (Gender Balance) Bill 2021. The bill was produced by Deputy Higgins in cooperation with the NWCI. Pic Credit: Karen Morgan



FROM LOCKDOWN PROJECT TO LICENSED RADIO Local former pirate station gets the go ahead to broadcast across Ireland

Freedom FM is to make a return to Dublin’s FM band this week, over 18 years since its last radio broadcast. And this time they are extending their reach to Cork, Limerick and Galway cities.

from a garden shed in the Dublin suburb of Templeogue. Transmissions from the shed continued until the vast majority of pirate radio stations in Dublin were forced off air in May 2003.

The former pirate station, who commenced an online service as part of a lockdown project last year, will broadcast on FM for thirty days with a temporary license granted by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI). Programmes are due to commence on Saturday the 18th September and will continue until Sunday the 17th of October.

“Like many people last year during the extended lockdowns I found I had more time on my hands than I wanted. I suggested to Paul Kavanagh and Ralph McGarry, who co-founded the original station with me in 1995, we bring Freedom FM back as an online station’, said Sean Power, the main driver behind the station. “We launched in August 2020 with over 20 of the original DJs playing music from the 90s and noughties. The relaunch

Freedom FM first appeared in March 1995 broadcasting

was all about reliving your youth for people who grew up during those two decades.” “Many of the DJs began broadcasting on the pirate station in their teens. Now in their late thirties, and early forties, and scattered across the globe, it was like getting the band back together. We’ve had so much fun over the past 12 months”. The station has been able to use modern technology to allow DJs broadcast from studios in their own homes, from anywhere around the world, with shows coming from as far afield as Vancouver, New York, and Sydney, as well as closer to home in Dublin, Meath, Kildare, Louth, Galway and Limerick.

Paul Kavanagh, Sean Power The success of the online version encouraged the trio to consider returning to the FM band, but this time with a license. And with a bit of exuberance, they decided to push the boat out and apply to broadcast to Cork, Limerick and Galway cities too. An application was

Live At Tallaght Stadium

Jerry Fish brought live music back to ‘Live At The Stadium’ recently. Pic Credit: Johanne Grace

with BAI contract, Ralph McGarry Freedom FM submitted to the BAI in May, 105.2FM in Dublin, and on and contracts were signed different frequencies in in September. the other broadcast areas. The station is no longer Freedom FM will be reliving broadcasting from amongst the 90s and noughties with the lawnmower, flower pots a mixture of Pop, R‘nB, and paint pots in the garden Dance and Rock music as shed in Templeogue, but well as specialist music has developed a custom shows around the clock on built studio in Dublin 12.







LEINSTER RUGBY ANNOUNCES CARDIAC RISK IN THE YOUNG AS LATEST CHARITY PARTNER With as many as 80 young people in Ireland estimated to lose their lives each year due to a heart condition they may never knew they had, CRY works hard to raise awareness of these devastating conditions. Established in 2002, CRY facilitates free clinical assessment and management to all families across Ireland, north and south, who have suffered, or are at risk of, a Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD). The charity’s Family Support Programme offers free access to listening volunteers, mentors and bereavement specialists, with its newly launched helpline also offering a listening ear to those impacted by SCD. The charity fundraises to support its specialist Centre for Cardiovascular Risk in Younger Persons Tallaght, Dublin 24, where, since 2007, over 7,000 individuals have been seen. Over 100 individuals

have had pacemaker or defibrillator devices fitted to protect them against sudden cardiac death. Hundreds more have been treated with medications and surgical procedures. Thousands have been found to be unaffected and reassured. Cardiac tests are performed in a single day, with detailed consultations with specialists to explain outcomes and implications.

CRY also raises funds to support research into the causes and prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death, in collaboration with other like-minded bodies. Leinster Rugby has previously worked with CRY and the charity was an official partner of the club in 2015. For the month of September, Leinster Rugby will lend its digital support to CRY and its considerable efforts to raise awareness of these diseases and ultimately, to help save lives. CRY Chairperson Noelle Condon said that

the partnership would serve as “an invaluable boost” to the charity as demand for its services continues to grow. “We are proud to be partnering with Leinster Rugby this month and are especially grateful to BearingPoint, without whom this invaluable opportunity would not have come about. “The specialist medical and support services offered by CRY to families across Ireland are only made possible by the generosity of the families and individuals, businesses and communities who give of their time and talents to fundraise or donate to the charity each year.

helpline service. “As part of our work to help people who have experienced loss through SCD we are now offering a free telephone helpline service,” she said. “Our message is that we are

here to lend a compassionate ear to those who want to talk to someone who has experience of what they are going through. We would encourage those people to pick up the phone, start with hello and let us listen

and try to help.”

To access CRY’s free telephone helpline, call 1800 714 080 or, from the UK/NI 0044 8006 40 62 80. For more information about CRY, visit www.cry.ie

This partnership with Leinster Rugby will bring an invaluable boost to CRY at a time when they are delivering more than ever for families affected by SCD.” Ms Condon explained that funds raised through this partnership with Leinster Rugby will support CRY’s new telephone


St Patricks GAA Club Palmerstown/Chapelizod held a fundraising cycle to assist with the resurfacing of their all-weather pitch. The event raised a whopping €14,000 and took place on the weekend of 4th-5th of September and saw 20 club members cycle 250km over the weekend visiting other St Patricks GAA clubs in Carlow, Wexford and Wicklow. Welcoming home the cyclists, Club Chairman Dave Brady said that this was an example of what a local GAA club should be about by working together to make the

changes we need to grow as a club and continue to serve our community. Due to Covid restrictions, we have had to consider an alternative to our normal fundraising efforts, and this coincided with the beginning of our Club’s 60th anniversary celebrations. Mayor of South Dublin, Cllr Peter Kavanagh was on hand to greet the returning Pilgrim’s and he paid tribute to club members families who hold the fort at home while their partners are involved in club activities. Local Councillor

Mayor Peter Kavanagh with juvenile members of St. Patrick’s GAA club waiting for the Pilgrims’ return.

and club member, Cllr Alan Hayes (Ind) said that after 20 years, our all-weather pitch has seen better days and now needs replacement. There are great ideas and energy here at St.Pat’s of Palmerstown and we hope that working with South Dublin County Council and other organisations, that we will be able to improve the facilities on offer to the whole community. New members are always welcome and our academy and juvenile structures are growing to cater for hundreds of children every week.

St. Patrick’s Pilgrims with Mayor Peter Kavanagh on their return to the clubhouse



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MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. Special mention to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary for great favour witness received. Thanks to St. Therese, St Martin, St Padrio Pio and Holy Angels. P.W MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. Special mention to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary for great favour witness received. G.L

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Prayer for healing Heavenly Father, I call on you right now in a very special way. It is through your power that I was created. Every breath I take, every morning that

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I wake, and every moment of every hour, I live under your power. Father, I ask you now to touch me with that same power. For if you created me from nothing you can certainly recreate me. Fill me with the healing power of your spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in me. Mend what is broken. Root out any damaged cells. Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas. Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection. Let the warmth of your healing pass through my body to make new any unhealthy areas so that my body will function the way you created it to function. And Father, restore me to full health in mind and body so that I may serve you the rest of my life. I ask this through Christ Our Lord Amen.I.B MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. Special mention to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary for great favour witness received. Thanks

to St. Therese, St Martin, St Padrio Pio and Holy Angels. P.W MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. Special mention to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary for great favour witness received. Thanks to St. Therese, St Martin, St Padrio Pio and Holy Angels. F.R MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. Special mention to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary for great favour witness received. Thanks to St. Therese, St Martin, St Padrio Pio and Holy Angels. S.B

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If you would like a Novena published please send a postal order or cheque (Minimum of €10 per prayer) made out to Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice, along with your Novena to: NEWSGROUP, Unit 3 Floor 2 St Dominics Shopping Centre, St Dominics Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. If you require any further information please call 01 45 19 000 or email: info@newsgroup.ie.



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